Section 350.1235  Life-Sustaining Treatments


a)         Every facility shall respect the residents' right to make decisions relating to their own medical treatment, including the right to accept, reject, or limit life-sustaining treatment.  Every facility shall establish a policy concerning the implementation of those rights.  This policy shall include:


1)         Implementation of Living Wills or Powers of Attorney for Health Care in accordance with the Living Will Act and the Powers of Attorney for Health Care Law;


2)         The implementation of physician orders limiting resuscitation such as those commonly referred to as "Do Not Resuscitate" orders.  This policy may only prescribe the format, method of documentation and duration of any physician orders limiting resuscitation.  Any orders under this policy shall be honored by the facility. (Section 2-104.2 of the Act);


3)         Procedures for providing life-sustaining treatments available to residents at the facility;


4)         Procedures detailing staff's responsibility with respect to the provision of life-sustaining treatment when a resident has chosen to accept, reject, or limit life-sustaining treatment, or when a resident has not made or has not yet been given the opportunity to make these choices; and


5)         Procedures for educating both direct and indirect care staff in the application of those specific provisions of the policy for which they are responsible.


b)         For the purposes of this Section:


1)         "Agent" means a person acting under a Health Care Power of Attorney in accordance with the Powers of Attorney for Health Care Law.


2)         "Life-sustaining treatment" means any medical treatment, procedure, or intervention that, in the judgment of the attending physician, when applied to a resident, would serve only to prolong the dying process.  Those procedures can include, but are not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), assisted ventilation, renal dialysis, surgical procedures, blood transfusions, and the administration of drugs, antibiotics, and artificial nutrition and hydration. Those procedures do not include performing the Heimlich maneuver or clearing the airway, as indicated.


3)         "Surrogate" means a surrogate decision maker acting in accordance with the Health Care Surrogate Act.


c)         Within 30 days after admission, residents, agents, or surrogates shall be given written information describing the facility's policies required by this Section and shall be given the opportunity to:


1)         Execute a Living Will or Power of Attorney for Health Care in accordance with State law, if they have not already done so; and


2)         Decline consent to any or all of the life-sustaining treatments available at the facility.


d)         Any decision made by a resident, an agent, or a surrogate pursuant to subsection (c) shall be recorded in the resident's medical record.  Any subsequent changes or modifications shall also be recorded in the medical record.


e)         The facility shall honor all decisions made by a resident, an agent, or a surrogate pursuant to subsection (c) and shall not discriminate in providing health care on the basis of the decision, or will transfer care in accordance with the Living Will Act, the Powers of Attorney for Health Care Law, the Health Care Surrogate Act or the Right of Conscience Act.


f)         The resident, agent, or surrogate may change his or her decision regarding life-sustaining treatments by notifying the treating facility of this decision change orally or in writing in accordance with State law.


g)         The physician shall confirm the resident's choice by writing appropriate orders in the patient record or will transfer care in accordance with the Living Will Act, the Powers of Attorney for Health Care Law, the Health Care Surrogate Act or the Right of Conscience Act.


h)         If no choice is made pursuant to subsection (c), and in the absence of any physician's order to the contrary, then the facility's policy with respect to the provision of life-sustaining treatment shall control until and if a decision is made by the resident, agent, or surrogate in accordance with the requirements of the Health Care Surrogate Act.


(Source:  Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 10519, effective June 2, 2022)