Mission Statement
The Legislative Printing Unit shall provide printing services to members of the General Assembly, legislative committees and commissions and other legislative agencies in accordance with policies established by the Joint Committee on Legislative Support Services and with reasonable rules promulgated by the Legislative Printing Unit. The Printing Unit may also provide emergency printing services to other state agencies subject to the prior approval of the Legislative Printing Board. The Legislative Printing Unit may make and collect reasonable charges for such services and shall pay any amounts so collected into the General Revenue Fund in the State Treasury (par. 1009-2).
During the legislative session, LPU is responsible for the printing of the calendars, senate/house final journals, Legislative Digest and Final Digest. Materials submitted by members for reproduction which are political in content (such as campaign material), or private business items cannot be handled by the Unit.
During the legislative session, LPU is responsible for the printing of a wide range of materials which include newsletters, annual reports, informational books, audits, reports, etc.
We are always at your service. Our location is room 610 in the Stratton Building. We would prefer that you place orders online at https://lpu.ilga.gov:14443/lpurequest. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact Tina Lascody at 217-782-7312.
Create Work RequestONLINE ORDERING
If you have a web browser and online access you will be able to place your order electronically using LPUonline .
This system is very intuitive and easy to use. You can upload sample or original files. If you need help with your order please call 217-782-7312 and ask for Tina Lascody.
Please include the completion date that is needed for your job. Please let us know where your job is to be delivered. Include the name of the General Assembly Member, the Amount and Ink Color. And if there are any special requests please include them in the Special Instructions section.
Completed order form
All linked files (eps, tif, jpg, etc. )
Printer and screen fonts
Composite laser proof
Page Layout - Define page size as the final size (provide correct panel size for the style of fold), 1/8" bleeds.
Type/Rule - avoid using script fonts smaller than 15 point.
Color - Define all ink colors using Pantone Coated reference guide in both graphics and layout program.
Images - Provide halftone images in EPS, JPEG or TIF format (no PICT files), resolutions of 225 to 300 dpi, & create duotones in Adobe Photoshop.