Constitution of the State of Illinois



    (a)  Whenever three-fifths of the members elected to each
house of the General Assembly so direct, the question of
whether a Constitutional Convention should be called shall be
submitted to the electors at the general election next
occurring at least six months after such legislative
    (b)  If the question of whether a Convention should be
called is not submitted during any twenty-year period, the
Secretary of State shall submit such question at the general
election in the twentieth year following the last submission.
    (c)  The vote on whether to call a Convention shall be on
a separate ballot. A Convention shall be called if approved
by three-fifths of those voting on the question or a majority
of those voting in the election.
    (d)  The General Assembly, at the session following
approval by the electors, by law shall provide for the
Convention and for the election of two delegates from each
Legislative District; designate the time and place of the
Convention's first meeting which shall be within three months
after the election of delegates; fix and provide for the pay
of delegates and officers; and provide for expenses
necessarily incurred by the Convention.
    (e)  To be eligible to be a delegate a person must meet
the same eligibility requirements as a member of the General
Assembly. Vacancies shall be filled as provided by law.
    (f)  The Convention shall prepare such revision of or
amendments to the Constitution as it deems necessary. Any
proposed revision or amendments approved by a majority of the
delegates elected shall be submitted to the electors in such
manner as the Convention determines, at an election
designated or called by the Convention occurring not less
than two nor more than six months after the Convention's
adjournment. Any revision or amendments proposed by the
Convention shall be published with explanations, as the
Convention provides, at least one month preceding the
    (g)  The vote on the proposed revision or amendments
shall be on a separate ballot. Any proposed revision or
amendments shall become effective, as the Convention
provides, if approved by a majority of those voting on the
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    (a)  Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated in
either house of the General Assembly. Amendments shall be
read in full on three different days in each house and
reproduced before the vote is taken on final passage.
Amendments approved by the vote of three-fifths of the
members elected to each house shall be submitted to the
electors at the general election next occurring at least six
months after such legislative approval, unless withdrawn by a
vote of a majority of the members elected to each house.
    (b)  Amendments proposed by the General Assembly shall be
published with explanations, as provided by law, at least one
month preceding the vote thereon by the electors. The vote on
the proposed amendment or amendments shall be on a separate
ballot. A proposed amendment shall become effective as the
amendment provides if approved by either three-fifths of
those voting on the question or a majority of those voting in
the election.
    (c)  The General Assembly shall not submit proposed
amendments to more than three Articles of the Constitution at
any one election. No amendment shall be proposed or submitted
under this Section from the time a Convention is called until
after the electors have voted on the revision or amendments,
if any, proposed by such Convention.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    Amendments to Article IV of this Constitution may be
proposed by a petition signed by a number of electors equal
in number to at least eight percent of the total votes cast
for candidates for Governor in the preceding gubernatorial
election. Amendments shall be limited to structural and
procedural subjects contained in Article IV. A petition shall
contain the text of the proposed amendment and the date of
the general election at which the proposed amendment is to be
submitted, shall have been signed by the petitioning electors
not more than twenty-four months preceding that general
election and shall be filed with the Secretary of State at
least six months before that general election. The procedure
for determining the validity and sufficiency of a petition
shall be provided by law. If the petition is valid and
sufficient, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the
electors at that general election and shall become effective
if approved by either three-fifths of those voting on the
amendment or a majority of those voting in the election.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    The affirmative vote of three-fifths of the members
elected to each house of the General Assembly shall be
required to request Congress to call a Federal Constitutional
Convention, to ratify a proposed amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, or to call a State
Convention to ratify a proposed amendment to the Constitution
of the United States. The General Assembly shall not take
action on any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the
United States submitted for ratification by legislatures
unless a majority of the members of the General Assembly
shall have been elected after the proposed amendment has been
submitted for ratification. The requirements of this Section
shall govern to the extent that they are not inconsistent
with requirements established by the United States.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)

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