Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Mattie Hunter (D), 3rd District - 97th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Mattie Hunter.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB58Mattie HunterPOLICE SHOOTING-DRUG TESTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03898/25/2017
SB282Mattie HunterESTHER GOLAR DAYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03938/25/2017
SB322Mattie HunterLIQUOR SALE-LICENSE-LOCATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00388/4/2017
SB423Mattie HunterLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB542Mattie HunterCOURTS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB696Mattie HunterCD CORR-TRANSFER PSYCH TREATSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1845Mattie HunterDCFS-DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE PGMSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1846Mattie HunterSCH/HEALTH STATS-ASTHMASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02388/18/2017
SB1847Mattie HunterMEDICAID-SICKLE CELL EXEMPTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1848Mattie HunterPROMPT PAYMENT-GRANT AGREEMNTSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1849Mattie HunterCONSENT TO MEDICAL CARE-MINORSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1850Mattie HunterREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2085Mattie HunterEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2654Mattie HunterSCH CD-INFLUENZA VACCINE INFOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09778/19/2018
SB2655Mattie HunterJUV CT-PERMANENCY GOALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09788/19/2018
SB3112Mattie HunterDCFS-FAMILY PRESERVATION SRVCSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3113Mattie HunterSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3114Mattie HunterLIQUOR-SALE NEAR CHURCH/SCHOOLSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3115Mattie HunterTANF-GRANT AMOUNT INCREASESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3116Mattie HunterPODIATRIC PHYSICIANSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10968/26/2018
SB3510Mattie HunterLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3511Mattie HunterCOMMUNITY CARE-HOMEMAKER WAGESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3512Mattie HunterRENT CONTROL ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3513Mattie HunterVEH CD-LICENSE-CHILD SUPPORTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3514Mattie HunterSCH CD-SPECIAL EDU STAFFINGSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR1*Mattie HunterSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted8/29/2017
SR1*Mattie HunterSPECIAL SESSION-CONVENEDSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR1*Mattie HunterSPECIAL SESSION-CONVENEDSResolution Adopted7/27/2017
SR1*Mattie HunterSPECIAL SESSION-CONVENEDSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR1*Mattie HunterSPECIAL SESSION-CONVENEDSResolution Adopted7/26/2017
SR2*Mattie HunterSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted7/26/2017
SR2*Mattie HunterSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR2*Mattie HunterSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted7/27/2017
SR2*Mattie HunterSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR2*Mattie HunterSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted8/29/2017
SR3*Mattie HunterSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR3*Mattie HunterSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted7/27/2017
SR3*Mattie HunterSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR3*Mattie HunterSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted7/26/2017
SR5Mattie HunterSENATE-JOURNALSSResolution Adopted; 058-000-0001/11/2017
SR8Mattie HunterSUGARLESS WEDNESDAYSSResolution Adopted2/8/2017
SR56Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - ZULEIKA HASBROUCKSResolution Adopted1/26/2017
SR283Mattie HunterTAIWAN - FREE TRADESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR324Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - CAROLYN RUSHSResolution Adopted3/30/2017
SR352Mattie HunterALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted5/10/2017
SR379Mattie HunterVIOLENCE PREVENTIONSResolution Adopted6/28/2017
SR537Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - EDDIE WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted5/26/2017
SR1027Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-LEOLA WHITESResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1031Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-CARL E. DAWSONSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1032Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-OLIVIA PATTON HOOKERSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1063Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ELIZABETH BUIRTS LAYSResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1296Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-HERBERT HEDGEMANSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1300Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DR. SHAKOOR-ABDULLAHSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1364Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-WILLIAM COUSINS JR.SResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1396Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DEBORAH TAYLORSResolution Adopted2/8/2018
SR1428Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DR. ROSEMARY JACKSONSResolution Adopted2/22/2018
SR1429Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-LERONE BENNETT JR.SResolution Adopted2/22/2018
SR1434Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-STANDARD LEE JR.SResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1435Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JANNIE LEESResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1531Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-C. DOMINGUEZ IIISResolution Adopted4/12/2018
SR1532Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JEROME S. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted4/12/2018
SR1533Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DR. AGNES LATTIMERSResolution Adopted4/12/2018
SR1582Mattie HunterALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted5/9/2018
SR1668Mattie HunterSECOND CHANCE MONTHSResolution Adopted5/25/2018
SR1702Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-WINNIE MANDELASResolution Adopted5/10/2018
SR1713Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JOHN A. THORNTONSResolution Adopted5/10/2018
SR1716Mattie HunterMILITARIZATION OF LOCAL POLICESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR1822Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-BERTHA ANDREWSSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1975Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-FLORIDA SULLIVANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1979Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-KOFI ANNANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2160Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ELLIOTT C. SATINOVERSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SJR10Mattie HunterJOBLESS YOUTH TASK FORCESAdopted Both Houses6/28/2017
HB514La Shawn K. FordCRIM ID-IMMEDIATE SEALINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02828/24/2017
HB736Mary E. FlowersDHS-SMALL BUSINESS GRANT PGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03478/25/2017
HB823La Shawn K. FordBANKS-COMMUNITY REINVESTMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03048/24/2017
HB1594La Shawn K. FordEMPLOYMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-114712/10/2018
HB1805Deb ConroyORGAN DONOR REGISTRY-AGE 16HPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00418/8/2017
HB2369Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-BREASTFEEDINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00298/4/2017
HB2371Emanuel Chris WelchSTATE EMPLOYEES-CYBERSECURITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00408/8/2017
HB2379Sue SchererFISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT ACTHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken9/1/2017
HB2556Emanuel Chris WelchDCFS-DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE PGMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00688/11/2017
HB2589Thaddeus JonesCD CORR-DCFS-AFTERCARE-REVHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05229/22/2017
HB2762William DavisHOSPITAL-DO-NOT-ADMIT LISTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03068/24/2017
HB2987Justin SlaughterPERSONNEL-INTERNSHIPSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01418/18/2017
HB3143Robyn GabelPROMPT PAYMENT-GRANT AGREEMNTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-054911/9/2017
HB3157Sonya M. HarperAGRICULTURE-FOOD DESERTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04939/8/2017
HB3164Juliana StrattonLIQUOR-SALE NEAR CHURCH/SCHOOLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00368/4/2017
HB3168Thaddeus JonesDCFS-INTACT FAMILY SRVCS CASESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01588/18/2017
HB3215Litesa E. WallaceSCH CD-FEMININE HYGIENE PRODCTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01638/18/2017
HB3418Sonya M. HarperURBAN AGRICULTURAL ZONESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-113311/30/2018
HB3437Cynthia SotoSCH CD-SCH CLOSING NOTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01798/18/2017
HB3744Melissa Conyears-ErvinPRO CD-CONSTRUCT MAN-HOURS REQHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3869Litesa E. WallaceSCH CD-IMPLICIT BIAS TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00146/30/2017
HB4234Sonya M. HarperSOCIALLY DISADVANTAGED FARMERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10398/23/2018
HB4796Sara FeigenholtzORDER PROTECT-ADOPTION/FOSTERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06397/27/2018
HB4799Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-PEDESTRIAN&BIKE SAFETYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10568/24/2018
HB5721Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-CHI SCHOOL ACTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09658/19/2018
HJR1*Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses8/13/2017
HJR1*Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses8/13/2017
HJR1*Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses7/27/2017
HJR130Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses5/10/2018
AM990282Mattie HunterAPPOINT - JILL A. MAZRIMSAppointment Confirmed1/12/2017
AM990283Mattie HunterAPPOINT - COREY BROOKSSAppointment Confirmed1/12/2017
AM990292Mattie HunterAPPOINT - ROBERT HORNESAppointment Confirmed1/12/2017
AM990294Mattie HunterAPPOINT - MICHAEL CONLEYSAppointment Confirmed1/12/2017
AM990297Mattie HunterAPPOINT - KATHLEEN BANKHEADSAppointment Confirmed1/12/2017
* indicates a special session bill