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2    WHEREAS, The United States of America is the greatest
3country in the world; and
4    WHEREAS, The President of the United States holds the most
5powerful office in the world; he or she represents our nation
6and should be an example of the best qualities that America has
7to offer; he or she should always be a champion of American
8values such as democracy, freedom of the press, and truth
9regardless of political party; he or she should be held to the
10highest of professional and personal standards; and
11    WHEREAS, The freedom of an independent press is vital to a
12successful democracy; the president should not refer to the
13media as the enemy of the American people and to critical media
14outlets or stories as fake news; he or she should not bar media
15outlets from press briefings based on their coverage and should
16not accuse the media of inventing sources for published stories
17without any evidence; and
18    WHEREAS, Free and fair elections are the foundation of our
19great democracy; the president should pledge to accept the
20outcome of all elections, not just if he or she wins; he or she
21should not claim that free and fair elections are rigged; he or
22she should not delegitimize democracy by claiming three to five



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1million people voted illegally in a presidential election
2without any supporting evidence, and he or she should not
3repeatedly misrepresent the Electoral College results; and
4    WHEREAS, The United States Constitution enshrines an
5impartial judiciary as a critical check on the power of the
6legislative and executive branches; the president should not
7refer to federal judges as "so-called judges" because they
8disagree with the legality or constitutionality of his or her
9proposals; he or she should not suggest that judges and the
10court system would be responsible for a possible terrorist
11attack because of disagreement over a court ruling; he or she
12should not suggest a judge cannot be impartial due to that
13judges's heritage; and
14    WHEREAS, The president should not lie to or mislead the
15American people; the term "alternative facts" should not be
16repeatedly used by senior staff to the president because
17alternative facts are nothing more than lies; and
18    WHEREAS, The president should not actively push conspiracy
19theories, such as claiming a former president wiretapped him or
20her without evidence, denying that current or former presidents
21are American citizens, falsely claiming that thousands of
22American citizens of a particular religion cheered the terror
23attacks of September 11, 2001, or denying the reality of



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1climate change by claiming it is a hoax perpetrated by the
2Chinese as these theories are beneath the office which he or
3she holds; he or she should not repeatedly lie about the size
4of his or her inauguration crowd, despite evidence to the
5contrary; and
6    WHEREAS, Members of the United States Military put their
7lives on the line every single day to keep us safe and deserve
8nothing but the utmost gratitude for their service; the
9president should not insult former prisoners of war for being
10captured; he or she should not advocate for the use of torture
11or for violations of the Geneva Convention; and
12    WHEREAS, The president should clearly represent the people
13and not have business interests which conflict with his or her
14decisions as president; senior staff to the president should
15not advocate for the purchasing of particular commercial
16products; and
17    WHEREAS, The president should represent all Americans; he
18or she should not mock individuals with disabilities; he or she
19should not brag about grabbing another human being by the
20genitals; he or she should not infer that the majority of
21immigrants are criminals and rapists; he or she should not
22threaten to cut federal funding to a university because of
23protests; he or she should not offer to pay the legal bills of



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1those who assault his or her opponents; he or she should not
2advocate for banning people from the land of the free based on
3their religious beliefs; therefore, be it
6believe in the highest of standards for the President of the
7United States; and be it further
8    RESOLVED, That we will not impede the freedom of religion,
9the freedom of the press, the judiciary, elections, or the
10rights of all Americans; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That we will put our county over political
12affiliations and we will hold current and future presidents, to
13the best of our abilities, accountable when they misrepresent
14their office.