| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning the lottery.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Lottery Law is amended by adding | ||||||
5 | Sections 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, and 7.16 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (20 ILCS 1605/7.12 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 7.12. Internet pilot program. The Department shall | ||||||
8 | create a pilot program that allows the purchase of lottery | ||||||
9 | tickets or shares on the Internet and that licenses agents to | ||||||
10 | sell lottery tickets or shares over the Internet. The | ||||||
11 | Department shall adopt rules necessary for the administration | ||||||
12 | of this program. The provisions of this Act and the rules | ||||||
13 | adopted under this Act shall apply to the sale of lottery | ||||||
14 | tickets or shares and to the licensure of Internet agents under | ||||||
15 | this program. | ||||||
16 | (20 ILCS 1605/7.13 new)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 7.13. Licensing of Internet agents; fees. The | ||||||
18 | Department shall issue a license as an agent to sell lottery | ||||||
19 | tickets or shares through the Internet if the applicant meets | ||||||
20 | all of the qualifications specified in this Act and the rules | ||||||
21 | adopted under this Act, except those related to the | ||||||
22 | accessibility of his or her place of business or activity to | ||||||
23 | the public and the ancillary nature of his or her business as a | ||||||
24 | lottery sales agent, provided that the applicant owns and | ||||||
25 | demonstrates that he or she can operate a secure and effective | ||||||
26 | Internet-based system for selling lottery tickets or shares. | ||||||
27 | Each application for a new Internet agent license must be | ||||||
28 | accompanied by a one-time application fee as established by | ||||||
29 | rule and not to exceed $25,000, and each application for | ||||||
30 | renewal of an Internet agent license must be accompanied by a | ||||||
31 | renewal fee as established by rule and not to exceed $12,500. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | In addition to the application fee, the Department may retain | ||||||
2 | outside experts to evaluate the security and effectiveness of | ||||||
3 | each applicant's Internet-based system and may charge | ||||||
4 | applicants a uniform fee to recover the costs of those | ||||||
5 | evaluations. Each Internet agent licensee granted on-line | ||||||
6 | status pursuant to the Department's rules must pay a fee of | ||||||
7 | $500 per month as partial reimbursement for telecommunications | ||||||
8 | charges incurred by the Department in providing access to the | ||||||
9 | Department's Internet lottery system. | ||||||
10 | (20 ILCS 1605/7.14 new)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 7.14. Posting of Internet agent license numbers and | ||||||
12 | notices. Each agent licensed to sell lottery tickets or shares | ||||||
13 | through the Internet shall prominently display his or her | ||||||
14 | license number on his or her Internet site or sites, as well as | ||||||
15 | on any portal to his or her Internet site or sites, and shall | ||||||
16 | appropriately display any notices or statements that are | ||||||
17 | required by this Act or the rules adopted under this Act to | ||||||
18 | appear on the back of lottery tickets or to be posted or made | ||||||
19 | available at a licensed non-Internet agent's place of business. | ||||||
20 | (20 ILCS 1605/7.15 new)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 7.15. Verification of age for Internet program; | ||||||
22 | security for on-line lottery accounts. The Department shall, by | ||||||
23 | rule, establish a procedure to verify that a person is 18 years | ||||||
24 | of age or older before he or she may establish an on-line | ||||||
25 | lottery account and purchase lottery tickets or shares through | ||||||
26 | the Internet program. By rule, the Department shall establish | ||||||
27 | funding procedures for on-line lottery accounts and shall | ||||||
28 | provide a mechanism for each on-line lottery account to have a | ||||||
29 | personal identification number to prevent the unauthorized use | ||||||
30 | of on-line lottery accounts. | ||||||
31 | (20 ILCS 1605/7.16 new)
| ||||||
32 | Sec. 7.16. Residency restrictions; limits on monthly | ||||||
33 | Internet purchases; Internet program games. The Department |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may, by rule, limit the persons authorized to purchase lottery | ||||||
2 | tickets on-line to Illinois residents and may, by rule, set a | ||||||
3 | limitation on the monthly purchases that may be made through | ||||||
4 | any individual lottery account. All Lotto and Mega Million | ||||||
5 | games offered by the Illinois Lottery shall be offered to | ||||||
6 | on-line players, but the Department is authorized to determine | ||||||
7 | which additional lottery games may be offered through the | ||||||
8 | Internet program. | ||||||
9 | Section 10. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by | ||||||
10 | changing Section 28-1 as follows:
| ||||||
11 | (720 ILCS 5/28-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 28-1)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 28-1. Gambling.
| ||||||
13 | (a) A person commits gambling when he:
| ||||||
14 | (1) Plays a game of chance or skill for money or other | ||||||
15 | thing of
value, unless excepted in subsection (b) of this | ||||||
16 | Section; or
| ||||||
17 | (2) Makes a wager upon the result of any game, contest, | ||||||
18 | or any
political nomination, appointment or election; or
| ||||||
19 | (3) Operates, keeps, owns, uses, purchases, exhibits, | ||||||
20 | rents, sells,
bargains for the sale or lease of, | ||||||
21 | manufactures or distributes any
gambling device; or
| ||||||
22 | (4) Contracts to have or give himself or another the | ||||||
23 | option to buy
or sell, or contracts to buy or sell, at a | ||||||
24 | future time, any grain or
other commodity whatsoever, or | ||||||
25 | any stock or security of any company,
where it is at the | ||||||
26 | time of making such contract intended by both parties
| ||||||
27 | thereto that the contract to buy or sell, or the option, | ||||||
28 | whenever
exercised, or the contract resulting therefrom, | ||||||
29 | shall be settled, not by
the receipt or delivery of such | ||||||
30 | property, but by the payment only of
differences in prices | ||||||
31 | thereof; however, the issuance, purchase, sale,
exercise, | ||||||
32 | endorsement or guarantee, by or through a person registered
| ||||||
33 | with the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 8 of the | ||||||
34 | Illinois
Securities Law of 1953, or by or through a person |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exempt from such
registration under said Section 8, of a | ||||||
2 | put, call, or other option to
buy or sell securities which | ||||||
3 | have been registered with the Secretary of
State or which | ||||||
4 | are exempt from such registration under Section 3 of the
| ||||||
5 | Illinois Securities Law of 1953 is not gambling within the | ||||||
6 | meaning of
this paragraph (4); or
| ||||||
7 | (5) Knowingly owns or possesses any book, instrument or | ||||||
8 | apparatus by
means of which bets or wagers have been, or | ||||||
9 | are, recorded or registered,
or knowingly possesses any | ||||||
10 | money which he has received in the course of
a bet or | ||||||
11 | wager; or
| ||||||
12 | (6) Sells pools upon the result of any game or contest | ||||||
13 | of skill or
chance, political nomination, appointment or | ||||||
14 | election; or
| ||||||
15 | (7) Sets up or promotes any lottery or sells, offers to | ||||||
16 | sell or
transfers any ticket or share for any lottery; or
| ||||||
17 | (8) Sets up or promotes any policy game or sells, | ||||||
18 | offers to sell or
knowingly possesses or transfers any | ||||||
19 | policy ticket, slip, record,
document or other similar | ||||||
20 | device; or
| ||||||
21 | (9) Knowingly drafts, prints or publishes any lottery | ||||||
22 | ticket or share,
or any policy ticket, slip, record, | ||||||
23 | document or similar device, except for
such activity | ||||||
24 | related to lotteries, bingo games and raffles authorized by
| ||||||
25 | and conducted in accordance with the laws of Illinois or | ||||||
26 | any other state or
foreign government; or
| ||||||
27 | (10) Knowingly advertises any lottery or policy game, | ||||||
28 | except for such
activity related to lotteries, bingo games | ||||||
29 | and raffles authorized by and
conducted in accordance with | ||||||
30 | the laws of Illinois or any other state; or
| ||||||
31 | (11) Knowingly transmits information as to wagers, | ||||||
32 | betting odds, or
changes in betting odds by telephone, | ||||||
33 | telegraph, radio, semaphore or
similar means; or knowingly | ||||||
34 | installs or maintains equipment for the
transmission or | ||||||
35 | receipt of such information; except that nothing in this
| ||||||
36 | subdivision (11) prohibits transmission or receipt of such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information
for use in news reporting of sporting events or | ||||||
2 | contests; or
| ||||||
3 | (12) Knowingly establishes, maintains, or operates an | ||||||
4 | Internet site that
permits a person to play a game of
| ||||||
5 | chance or skill for money or other thing of value by means | ||||||
6 | of the Internet or
to make a wager upon the
result of any | ||||||
7 | game, contest, political nomination, appointment, or
| ||||||
8 | election by means of the Internet.
| ||||||
9 | (b) Participants in any of the following activities shall | ||||||
10 | not be
convicted of gambling therefor:
| ||||||
11 | (1) Agreements to compensate for loss caused by the | ||||||
12 | happening of
chance including without limitation contracts | ||||||
13 | of indemnity or guaranty
and life or health or accident | ||||||
14 | insurance . ;
| ||||||
15 | (2) Offers of prizes, award or compensation to the | ||||||
16 | actual
contestants in any bona fide contest for the | ||||||
17 | determination of skill,
speed, strength or endurance or to | ||||||
18 | the owners of animals or vehicles
entered in such contest . ;
| ||||||
19 | (3) Pari-mutuel betting as authorized by the law of | ||||||
20 | this State . ;
| ||||||
21 | (4) Manufacture of gambling devices, including the | ||||||
22 | acquisition of
essential parts therefor and the assembly | ||||||
23 | thereof, for transportation in
interstate or foreign | ||||||
24 | commerce to any place outside this State when such
| ||||||
25 | transportation is not prohibited by any applicable Federal | ||||||
26 | law . ;
| ||||||
27 | (5) The game commonly known as "bingo", when conducted | ||||||
28 | in accordance
with the Bingo License and Tax Act . ;
| ||||||
29 | (6) Lotteries when conducted by the State of Illinois | ||||||
30 | in accordance
with the Illinois Lottery Law . This exemption | ||||||
31 | includes any activity conducted by the Department of | ||||||
32 | Revenue to sell lottery tickets pursuant to the provisions | ||||||
33 | of the Illinois Lottery Law and its rules. ;
| ||||||
34 | (6.1) The purchase of lottery tickets through the | ||||||
35 | Internet for a lottery conducted by the State of Illinois | ||||||
36 | under the program established in Section 7.12 of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Illinois Lottery Law.
| ||||||
2 | (7) Possession of an antique slot machine that is | ||||||
3 | neither used nor
intended to be used in the operation or | ||||||
4 | promotion of any unlawful
gambling activity or enterprise. | ||||||
5 | For the purpose of this subparagraph
(b)(7), an antique | ||||||
6 | slot machine is one manufactured 25 years ago or earlier . ;
| ||||||
7 | (8) Raffles when conducted in accordance with the | ||||||
8 | Raffles Act . ;
| ||||||
9 | (9) Charitable games when conducted in accordance with | ||||||
10 | the Charitable
Games Act . ;
| ||||||
11 | (10) Pull tabs and jar games when conducted under the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Pull
Tabs and Jar Games Act . ; or
| ||||||
13 | (11) Gambling games conducted on riverboats when
| ||||||
14 | authorized by the Riverboat Gambling Act.
| ||||||
15 | (c) Sentence.
| ||||||
16 | Gambling under subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section | ||||||
17 | is a
Class A misdemeanor. Gambling under any of subsections | ||||||
18 | (a)(3) through
(a)(11) of this Section is a Class A | ||||||
19 | misdemeanor. A second or
subsequent conviction under any of | ||||||
20 | subsections (a)(3) through (a)(11),
is a Class 4 felony. | ||||||
21 | Gambling under subsection (a)(12) of this Section is a
Class A
| ||||||
22 | misdemeanor. A second or subsequent conviction under | ||||||
23 | subsection (a)(12) is a
Class 4 felony.
| ||||||
24 | (d) Circumstantial evidence.
| ||||||
25 | In prosecutions under subsection (a)(1) through (a)(12) of
| ||||||
26 | this
Section circumstantial evidence shall have the same | ||||||
27 | validity and weight as
in any criminal prosecution.
| ||||||
28 | (Source: P.A. 91-257, eff. 1-1-00.)
| ||||||
29 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
30 | becoming law.