Sen. Carol Ronen
Filed: 7/25/2007
| |||||||
| |||||||
| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 5, AS AMENDED, by | ||||||
3 | replacing everything after the enacting clause with the | ||||||
4 | following:
| ||||||
6 | Section 1-1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | ||||||
7 | Margaret Smith Illinois Covered Act. | ||||||
8 | Section 1-5. Legislative intent. The General Assembly | ||||||
9 | finds that, for the economic and social benefit of all | ||||||
10 | residents of the State, it is important to enable all | ||||||
11 | Illinoisans to access affordable health insurance that | ||||||
12 | provides comprehensive coverage and emphasizes preventive | ||||||
13 | healthcare. Many working families are uninsured and numerous | ||||||
14 | others struggle with the high cost of healthcare. Nationally, | ||||||
15 | the cost of premiums for family coverage ($11,480) outpaced the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | earnings of a full-time, minimum wage worker ($10,712). | ||||||
2 | Those individuals and businesses that are paying for health | ||||||
3 | insurance are paying more due to cost shifting from the | ||||||
4 | uninsured. A Families USA study showed that family health | ||||||
5 | insurance in Illinois was increased by $1,059 in 2006 due to | ||||||
6 | cost shifting from the uninsured. Numerous studies, including | ||||||
7 | the Institute of Medicine's report "Health Insurance Matters", | ||||||
8 | demonstrate that lack of insurance negatively affects health | ||||||
9 | status. Lack of insurance also decreases worker productivity | ||||||
10 | and the long-term health of Illinois residents, therefore, | ||||||
11 | negatively affecting the economy overall. It is, therefore, the | ||||||
12 | intent of this legislation to provide access to affordable, | ||||||
13 | comprehensive health insurance to all Illinoisans in a | ||||||
14 | cost-effective manner maximizing federal support.
| ||||||
17 | Section 5-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
18 | Illinois Covered Rebate Program Act. All references in this | ||||||
19 | Article to "this Act" mean this Article.
| ||||||
20 | Section 5-10. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
21 | "Department" means the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
22 | Services. | ||||||
23 | "Employer-sponsored insurance" means health insurance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | obtained as a benefit of employment that meets qualifying | ||||||
2 | criteria. | ||||||
3 | "Federal poverty level" means the federal poverty level | ||||||
4 | income guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register | ||||||
5 | by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under | ||||||
6 | authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). | ||||||
7 | "Premium assistance" means payments made on behalf of an | ||||||
8 | individual to offset the costs of paying premiums to secure | ||||||
9 | health insurance for that individual or that individual's | ||||||
10 | family under family coverage. | ||||||
11 | Section 5-15. Eligibility. | ||||||
12 | (a) To be eligible for premium assistance, a person must: | ||||||
13 | (1) be at least 19 years of age and no older than 64 | ||||||
14 | years of age; and | ||||||
15 | (2) be a resident of Illinois; and | ||||||
16 | (3) reside legally in the United States as one of the | ||||||
17 | following: | ||||||
18 | (A) a United States citizen; or | ||||||
19 | (B) a qualified immigrant as set forth in Section | ||||||
20 | 1-11 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, except that those | ||||||
21 | persons who are in categories set forth in items (6) | ||||||
22 | and (7) of that Section and who enter the United States | ||||||
23 | on or after August 22, 1996 shall not be excluded from | ||||||
24 | eligibility for 5 years beginning on the date the | ||||||
25 | person entered the United States; or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (C) a documented non-immigrant who is not a | ||||||
2 | temporary visitor or in transit through the United | ||||||
3 | States who is granted legal entry into the United | ||||||
4 | States, as determined by the Department by rule; and | ||||||
5 | (4) have income below 300% of the federal poverty | ||||||
6 | level. | ||||||
7 | (b) Individuals may apply to receive premium assistance | ||||||
8 | under subsection (b) of Section 5-20 between January 1 and | ||||||
9 | April 30 for premiums paid by the individual from the previous | ||||||
10 | calendar year. During State fiscal year 2009, only premiums | ||||||
11 | paid between July 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 will be | ||||||
12 | eligible for premium assistance. | ||||||
13 | (c) The Department shall coordinate eligibility for | ||||||
14 | benefits available under the Illinois Covered Rebate Program | ||||||
15 | with eligibility for medical assistance, other premium | ||||||
16 | assistance, or healthcare benefits available under the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Public Aid Code, the Children's Health Insurance | ||||||
18 | Program Act, the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Program | ||||||
19 | Act, or the Veterans' Health Insurance Program Act, as well as | ||||||
20 | determining income, the method of applying for premium | ||||||
21 | assistance, renewals, and reenrollment.
| ||||||
22 | Section 5-20. Premium assistance. | ||||||
23 | (a) Effective July 1, 2008, or as soon as practicable | ||||||
24 | thereafter as determined by the Department, the Department | ||||||
25 | shall provide premium assistance for eligible persons under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Act. For purposes of this Section 5-20, "employer | ||||||
2 | sponsored insurance" does not include the Illinois Covered | ||||||
3 | Choice Program. | ||||||
4 | (b) For those persons who have access to employer-sponsored | ||||||
5 | insurance, the Department shall provide premium assistance to | ||||||
6 | enable the person to enroll in the employer-sponsored plan. The | ||||||
7 | Department shall set the amount of premium assistance to be | ||||||
8 | provided to eligible persons with employer-sponsored health | ||||||
9 | insurance, but those amounts shall not exceed 20% of the annual | ||||||
10 | premium paid by the policy holder, or $1,000 annually. | ||||||
11 | (c) For those eligible persons who do not have access to | ||||||
12 | employer-sponsored insurance, the Department shall provide | ||||||
13 | premium assistance to enable eligible persons to enroll in the | ||||||
14 | Illinois Covered Choice program under the Illinois Covered | ||||||
15 | Choice Act. The Department shall set the amount of premium | ||||||
16 | assistance that will be provided, but those amounts shall not | ||||||
17 | exceed the following: | ||||||
18 | (1) $2,500 annually for an individual with income below | ||||||
19 | 250% of the federal poverty level who does not receive | ||||||
20 | coverage through an employer; | ||||||
21 | (2) $1,500 annually for an individual with income at or | ||||||
22 | above 250% of the federal poverty level who does not | ||||||
23 | receive coverage through an employer; | ||||||
24 | (3) $350 annually for an individual with income below | ||||||
25 | 250% of the federal poverty level who receives coverage | ||||||
26 | through an employer; and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) $210 annually for an individual with income at or | ||||||
2 | above 250% of the federal poverty level who receives | ||||||
3 | coverage through an employer. | ||||||
4 | The limits set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be | ||||||
5 | doubled for family coverage policies. | ||||||
6 | The amount of premium assistance shall not exceed the | ||||||
7 | amount of the premium owed by the policy holder. | ||||||
8 | Section 5-30. Study. | ||||||
9 | (a) Subsequent to the implementation of the Illinois | ||||||
10 | Covered Rebate Program, the Department shall conduct a study to | ||||||
11 | determine whether the program should be made available to | ||||||
12 | persons older than age 64. | ||||||
13 | (b) The results of the study shall be submitted to the | ||||||
14 | Governor and the General Assembly no later than October 1, | ||||||
15 | 2011. | ||||||
16 | Section 5-90. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
17 | changing Section 917 as follows:
| ||||||
18 | (35 ILCS 5/917) (from Ch. 120, par. 9-917)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 917. Confidentiality and information sharing.
| ||||||
20 | (a) Confidentiality.
Except as provided in this Section, | ||||||
21 | all information received by the Department
from returns filed | ||||||
22 | under this Act, or from any investigation conducted under
the | ||||||
23 | provisions of this Act, shall be confidential, except for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | official purposes
within the Department or pursuant to official | ||||||
2 | procedures for collection
of any State tax or pursuant to an | ||||||
3 | investigation or audit by the Illinois
State Scholarship | ||||||
4 | Commission of a delinquent student loan or monetary award
or | ||||||
5 | enforcement of any civil or criminal penalty or sanction
| ||||||
6 | imposed by this Act or by another statute imposing a State tax, | ||||||
7 | and any
person who divulges any such information in any manner, | ||||||
8 | except for such
purposes and pursuant to order of the Director | ||||||
9 | or in accordance with a proper
judicial order, shall be guilty | ||||||
10 | of a Class A misdemeanor. However, the
provisions of this | ||||||
11 | paragraph are not applicable to information furnished
to (i) | ||||||
12 | the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
| ||||||
13 | Department of Public Aid), State's Attorneys, and the Attorney | ||||||
14 | General for child support enforcement purposes and (ii) a | ||||||
15 | licensed attorney representing the taxpayer where an appeal or | ||||||
16 | a protest
has been filed on behalf of the taxpayer. If it is | ||||||
17 | necessary to file information obtained pursuant to this Act in | ||||||
18 | a child support enforcement proceeding, the information shall | ||||||
19 | be filed under seal.
| ||||||
20 | (b) Public information. Nothing contained in this Act shall | ||||||
21 | prevent
the Director from publishing or making available to the | ||||||
22 | public the names
and addresses of persons filing returns under | ||||||
23 | this Act, or from publishing
or making available reasonable | ||||||
24 | statistics concerning the operation of the
tax wherein the | ||||||
25 | contents of returns are grouped into aggregates in such a
way | ||||||
26 | that the information contained in any individual return shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not be
| ||||||
2 | (c) Governmental agencies. The Director may make available | ||||||
3 | to the
Secretary of the Treasury of the United States or his | ||||||
4 | delegate, or the
proper officer or his delegate of any other | ||||||
5 | state imposing a tax upon or
measured by income, for | ||||||
6 | exclusively official purposes, information received
by the | ||||||
7 | Department in the administration of this Act, but such | ||||||
8 | permission
shall be granted only if the United States or such | ||||||
9 | other state, as the case
may be, grants the Department | ||||||
10 | substantially similar privileges. The Director may exchange | ||||||
11 | information with the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
12 | Services and the Department of Human Services for the purpose | ||||||
13 | of determining eligibility for health benefit programs | ||||||
14 | administered by those departments, for verifying sources and | ||||||
15 | amounts of income, and for other purposes directly connected | ||||||
16 | with the administration of those programs. The Director
may | ||||||
17 | exchange information with the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
18 | Family Services and the
Department of Human Services (acting as | ||||||
19 | successor to the Department of Public
Aid under the Department | ||||||
20 | of Human Services Act) for
the purpose of verifying sources and | ||||||
21 | amounts of income and for other purposes
directly connected | ||||||
22 | with the administration of this Act and the Illinois
Public Aid | ||||||
23 | Code. The Director may exchange information with the Director | ||||||
24 | of
the Department of Employment Security for the purpose of | ||||||
25 | verifying sources
and amounts of income and for other purposes | ||||||
26 | directly connected with the
administration of this Act and Acts |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administered by the Department of
The | ||||||
2 | Director may make available to the Illinois Workers' | ||||||
3 | Compensation Commission
information regarding employers for | ||||||
4 | the purpose of verifying the insurance
coverage required under | ||||||
5 | the Workers' Compensation Act and Workers'
Occupational | ||||||
6 | Diseases Act. The Director may exchange information with the | ||||||
7 | Illinois Department on Aging for the purpose of verifying | ||||||
8 | sources and amounts of income for purposes directly related to | ||||||
9 | confirming eligibility for participation in the programs of | ||||||
10 | benefits authorized by the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons | ||||||
11 | Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act.
| ||||||
12 | The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
13 | including the
Illinois Supreme Court, which licenses persons to | ||||||
14 | engage in any occupation,
information that a person licensed by | ||||||
15 | such agency has failed to file
returns under this Act or pay | ||||||
16 | the tax, penalty and interest shown therein,
or has failed to | ||||||
17 | pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or interest due
under | ||||||
18 | this Act.
The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
19 | including the Illinois
Court, information regarding | ||||||
20 | whether a bidder, contractor, or an affiliate of a
bidder or
| ||||||
21 | contractor has failed to file returns under this Act or pay the | ||||||
22 | tax, penalty,
and interest
shown therein, or has failed to pay | ||||||
23 | any final assessment of tax, penalty, or
interest due
under | ||||||
24 | this Act, for the limited purpose of enforcing bidder and | ||||||
25 | contractor
For purposes of this Section, the | ||||||
26 | term "affiliate" means any entity that (1)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | indirectly, or constructively controls another entity, (2) is | ||||||
2 | directly,
indirectly, or
constructively controlled by another | ||||||
3 | entity, or (3) is subject to the control
a common
entity. | ||||||
4 | For purposes of this subsection (a), an entity controls another | ||||||
5 | entity
it owns,
directly or individually, more than 10% of | ||||||
6 | the voting securities of that
As used in
this | ||||||
7 | subsection (a), the term "voting security" means a security | ||||||
8 | that (1)
confers upon the
holder the right to vote for the | ||||||
9 | election of members of the board of directors
or similar
| ||||||
10 | governing body of the business or (2) is convertible into, or | ||||||
11 | entitles the
holder to receive
upon its exercise, a security | ||||||
12 | that confers such a right to vote. A general
| ||||||
13 | interest is a voting security.
| ||||||
14 | The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
15 | including the
Supreme Court, units of local | ||||||
16 | government, and school districts, information
| ||||||
17 | whether a bidder or contractor is an affiliate of a person who | ||||||
18 | is not
remitting Illinois Use taxes, for the | ||||||
19 | limited purpose of enforcing bidder and
| ||||||
20 | certifications.
| ||||||
21 | The Director may also make available to the Secretary of | ||||||
22 | State
information that a corporation which has been issued a | ||||||
23 | certificate of
incorporation by the Secretary of State has | ||||||
24 | failed to file returns under
this Act or pay the tax, penalty | ||||||
25 | and interest shown therein, or has failed
to pay any final | ||||||
26 | assessment of tax, penalty or interest due under this Act.
An |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | assessment is final when all proceedings in court for
review of | ||||||
2 | such assessment have terminated or the time for the taking
| ||||||
3 | thereof has expired without such proceedings being instituted. | ||||||
4 | For
taxable years ending on or after December 31, 1987, the | ||||||
5 | Director may make
available to the Director or principal | ||||||
6 | officer of any Department of the
State of Illinois, information | ||||||
7 | that a person employed by such Department
has failed to file | ||||||
8 | returns under this Act or pay the tax, penalty and
interest | ||||||
9 | shown therein. For purposes of this paragraph, the word
| ||||||
10 | "Department" shall have the same meaning as provided in Section | ||||||
11 | 3 of the
State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971.
| ||||||
12 | (d) The Director shall make available for public
inspection | ||||||
13 | in the Department's principal office and for publication, at | ||||||
14 | cost,
administrative decisions issued on or after January
1, | ||||||
15 | 1995. These decisions are to be made available in a manner so | ||||||
16 | that the
taxpayer information is not disclosed:
| ||||||
17 | (1) The names, addresses, and identification numbers | ||||||
18 | of the taxpayer,
related entities, and employees.
| ||||||
19 | (2) At the sole discretion of the Director, trade | ||||||
20 | secrets
or other confidential information identified as | ||||||
21 | such by the taxpayer, no later
than 30 days after receipt | ||||||
22 | of an administrative decision, by such means as the
| ||||||
23 | Department shall provide by rule.
| ||||||
24 | The Director shall determine the
appropriate extent of the
| ||||||
25 | deletions allowed in paragraph (2). In the event the taxpayer | ||||||
26 | does not submit
the Director shall make only the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deletions specified in paragraph (1).
| ||||||
2 | The Director shall make available for public inspection and | ||||||
3 | publication an
administrative decision within 180 days after | ||||||
4 | the issuance of the
decision. The term | ||||||
5 | "administrative decision" has the same meaning as defined in
| ||||||
6 | Section 3-101 of Article III of the Code of Civil Procedure. | ||||||
7 | Costs collected
under this Section shall be paid into the Tax | ||||||
8 | Compliance and Administration
| ||||||
9 | (e) Nothing contained in this Act shall prevent the | ||||||
10 | Director from
information to any person pursuant to a | ||||||
11 | request or authorization made by the
taxpayer, by an authorized | ||||||
12 | representative of the taxpayer, or, in the case of
information | ||||||
13 | related to a joint return, by the spouse filing the joint | ||||||
14 | return
with the taxpayer.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 93-25, eff. 6-20-03; 93-721, eff. 1-1-05; 93-835; | ||||||
16 | 93-841, eff. 7-30-04; 94-1074, eff. 12-26-06.)
| ||||||
18 | COVERAGE | ||||||
19 | Section 7-90. The Children's Health Insurance Program Act | ||||||
20 | is amended by changing Section 40 as follows:
| ||||||
21 | (215 ILCS 106/40)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 40. Waivers.
| ||||||
23 | (a) If the
The Department determines that it is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | advantageous to the State, it may initiate, modify, or | ||||||
2 | terminate provisions of any State plans or
shall request any | ||||||
3 | necessary waivers of federal
requirements in order to allow | ||||||
4 | receipt of federal funding for:
| ||||||
5 | (1) the coverage of any caretaker relative, as defined | ||||||
6 | by the Department
families with eligible children under | ||||||
7 | this Act ; and
| ||||||
8 | (2) for the coverage of
children who would otherwise be | ||||||
9 | eligible under this Act, but who have health
| ||||||
10 | (b) The failure of the responsible federal agency to | ||||||
11 | approve a
waiver for children who would otherwise be eligible | ||||||
12 | under this Act but who have
health insurance shall not prevent | ||||||
13 | the implementation of any Section of this
Act provided that | ||||||
14 | there are sufficient appropriated funds.
| ||||||
15 | (c) Eligibility of a person under an approved waiver due to | ||||||
16 | the
relationship with a child pursuant to Article V of the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Public Aid
Code or this Act shall be limited to such a | ||||||
18 | person whose countable income is
determined by the Department | ||||||
19 | to be at or below such income eligibility
standard as the | ||||||
20 | Department by rule shall establish. The income level
| ||||||
21 | established by the Department shall not be below 90% of the | ||||||
22 | federal
level. Such persons who are determined to be | ||||||
23 | eligible must reapply, or
otherwise establish eligibility, at | ||||||
24 | least annually. An eligible person shall
be required, as | ||||||
25 | determined by the Department by rule, to report promptly those
| ||||||
26 | changes in income and other circumstances that affect |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | eligibility. The
eligibility of a person may be
redetermined | ||||||
2 | based on the information reported or may be terminated based on
| ||||||
3 | the failure to report or failure to report accurately. A person | ||||||
4 | may also be
held liable to the Department for any payments made | ||||||
5 | by the Department on such
person's behalf that were | ||||||
6 | inappropriate. An applicant shall be provided with
notice of | ||||||
7 | these obligations.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 92-597, eff. 6-28-02; 93-63, eff. 6-30-03.)
| ||||||
9 | Section 7-95. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | ||||||
10 | changing Sections 1-11, 5-2, 5-4.1, 12-4.35, and 15-5 and by | ||||||
11 | adding Section 12-10.8 as follows:
| ||||||
12 | (305 ILCS 5/1-11)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 1-11. Citizenship. Except as provided in Section | ||||||
14 | 12-4.35 of this Code, to
To the extent not otherwise provided | ||||||
15 | in this Code
or federal law, all individuals
clients who | ||||||
16 | receive cash or medical assistance under
Article III, IV, V, or | ||||||
17 | VI of this
Code must meet the citizenship requirements as | ||||||
18 | established in this Section.
To be eligible for assistance an | ||||||
19 | individual, who is otherwise eligible, must be
either a United
| ||||||
20 | States citizen or included in one of the following categories | ||||||
21 | of
| ||||||
22 | (1) United States veterans honorably discharged and | ||||||
23 | persons on active
military duty, and the spouse and | ||||||
24 | unmarried dependent children of these
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Refugees under Section 207 of the Immigration and | ||||||
2 | Nationality Act;
| ||||||
3 | (3) Asylees under Section 208 of the Immigration and | ||||||
4 | Nationality Act;
| ||||||
5 | (4) Persons for whom deportation has been withheld | ||||||
6 | under Section
243(h) of the Immigration and Nationality | ||||||
7 | Act;
| ||||||
8 | (5) Persons granted conditional entry under Section | ||||||
9 | 203(a)(7) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act as in | ||||||
10 | effect prior to April 1, 1980;
| ||||||
11 | (6) Persons lawfully admitted for permanent residence | ||||||
12 | under the
Immigration and Nationality Act;
| ||||||
13 | (7) Parolees, for at least one year, under Section | ||||||
14 | 212(d)(5) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act;
| ||||||
15 | (8) Nationals of Cuba or Haiti admitted on or after | ||||||
16 | April 21, 1980;
| ||||||
17 | (9) Amerasians from Vietnam, and their close family | ||||||
18 | members, admitted
through the Orderly Departure Program | ||||||
19 | beginning on March 20, 1988;
| ||||||
20 | (10) Persons identified by the federal Office of | ||||||
21 | Refugee Resettlement
(ORR) as victims of trafficking;
| ||||||
22 | (11) Persons legally residing in the United States who | ||||||
23 | were members of a
Hmong or Highland Laotian tribe when the | ||||||
24 | tribe helped United States personnel
by taking part in a | ||||||
25 | military or rescue operation during the Vietnam era
| ||||||
26 | (between
August 5, 1965 and May 7, 1975); this also |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | includes the person's spouse, a
or widower who has | ||||||
2 | not remarried, and unmarried dependent children;
| ||||||
3 | (12) American Indians born in Canada under Section 289 | ||||||
4 | of the
Immigration and Nationality Act and members of an | ||||||
5 | Indian tribe as defined in
Section 4e of the Indian | ||||||
6 | Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; and
| ||||||
7 | (13) Persons who are a spouse, widow, or child of a | ||||||
8 | U.S. citizen or a
spouse or child of a legal permanent | ||||||
9 | resident (LPR) who have been battered or
subjected to | ||||||
10 | extreme cruelty by the U.S. citizen or LPR or a member of | ||||||
11 | that
relative's family who lived with them, who no longer | ||||||
12 | live with the abuser or
to live separately within one | ||||||
13 | month of receipt of assistance and whose need for
| ||||||
14 | assistance is due, at least in part, to the abuse.
| ||||||
15 | Those persons who are in the categories set forth in | ||||||
16 | subdivisions 6 and 7
of this Section, who enter the United | ||||||
17 | States on or
after August 22,
1996, shall not be eligible for 5 | ||||||
18 | years beginning on the date the person
entered the United | ||||||
19 | States unless they are eligible under one of the following | ||||||
20 | paragraphs of Section 5-2: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, or 15. Persons | ||||||
21 | who are documented non-immigrants who are not temporary | ||||||
22 | visitors or in transit through the United States who are | ||||||
23 | granted legal entry into the United States are eligible for | ||||||
24 | medical assistance if they are otherwise eligible under one of | ||||||
25 | the following paragraphs of Section 5-2: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, or | ||||||
26 | 15 .
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The Illinois Department may, by rule, cover prenatal care | ||||||
2 | or emergency
medical care for non-citizens who are not | ||||||
3 | otherwise eligible under this
Local governmental | ||||||
4 | units which do not receive State funds may impose their
| ||||||
5 | citizenship requirements and are authorized to provide any | ||||||
6 | benefits and impose
any citizenship requirements as are allowed | ||||||
7 | under the Personal Responsibility
and Work Opportunity | ||||||
8 | Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193).
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 93-342, eff. 7-24-03.)
| ||||||
10 | (305 ILCS 5/5-2) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-2)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 5-2. Classes of Persons Eligible. Medical assistance | ||||||
12 | under this
Article shall be available to any of the following | ||||||
13 | classes of persons in
respect to whom a plan for coverage has | ||||||
14 | been submitted to the Governor
by the Illinois Department and | ||||||
15 | approved by him:
| ||||||
16 | 1. Recipients of basic maintenance grants under | ||||||
17 | Articles III and IV.
| ||||||
18 | 2. Persons otherwise eligible for basic maintenance | ||||||
19 | under Articles
III and IV but who fail to qualify | ||||||
20 | thereunder on the basis of need, and
who have insufficient | ||||||
21 | income and resources to meet the costs of
necessary medical | ||||||
22 | care, including but not limited to the following:
| ||||||
23 | (a) All persons otherwise eligible for basic | ||||||
24 | maintenance under Article
III but who fail to qualify | ||||||
25 | under that Article on the basis of need and who
meet |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | either of the following requirements:
| ||||||
2 | (i) their income, as determined by the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Department in
accordance with any federal | ||||||
4 | requirements, is equal to or less than 70% in
| ||||||
5 | fiscal year 2001, equal to or less than 85% in | ||||||
6 | fiscal year 2002 and until
a date to be determined | ||||||
7 | by the Department by rule, and equal to or less
| ||||||
8 | than 100% beginning on the date determined by the | ||||||
9 | Department by rule, of the nonfarm income official | ||||||
10 | poverty
line, as defined by the federal Office of | ||||||
11 | Management and Budget and revised
annually in | ||||||
12 | accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus | ||||||
13 | Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1981, applicable to | ||||||
14 | families of the same size; or
| ||||||
15 | (ii) their income, after the deduction of | ||||||
16 | costs incurred for medical
care and for other types | ||||||
17 | of remedial care, is equal to or less than 70% in
| ||||||
18 | fiscal year 2001, equal to or less than 85% in | ||||||
19 | fiscal year 2002 and until
a date to be determined | ||||||
20 | by the Department by rule, and equal to or less
| ||||||
21 | than 100% beginning on the date determined by the | ||||||
22 | Department by rule, of the nonfarm income official | ||||||
23 | poverty
line, as defined in item (i) of this | ||||||
24 | subparagraph (a).
| ||||||
25 | (b) All persons who would be determined eligible | ||||||
26 | for such basic
maintenance under Article IV by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disregarding the maximum earned income
permitted by | ||||||
2 | federal law.
| ||||||
3 | 3. (Blank).
Persons who would otherwise qualify for Aid | ||||||
4 | to the Medically
Indigent under Article VII.
| ||||||
5 | 4. Persons not eligible under any of the preceding | ||||||
6 | paragraphs who fall
sick, are injured, or die, not having | ||||||
7 | sufficient money, property or other
resources to meet the | ||||||
8 | costs of necessary medical care or funeral and burial
| ||||||
9 | expenses.
| ||||||
10 | 5. (a) Women during pregnancy, after the fact
of | ||||||
11 | pregnancy has been determined by medical diagnosis, and | ||||||
12 | during the
60-day period beginning on the last day of the | ||||||
13 | pregnancy, together with
their infants and children born | ||||||
14 | after September 30, 1983,
whose income and
resources are | ||||||
15 | insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical care to
| ||||||
16 | the maximum extent possible under Title XIX of the
Federal | ||||||
17 | Social Security Act.
| ||||||
18 | (b) The Illinois Department and the Governor shall | ||||||
19 | provide a plan for
coverage of the persons eligible under | ||||||
20 | paragraph 5(a) by April 1, 1990. Such
plan shall provide | ||||||
21 | ambulatory prenatal care to pregnant women during a
| ||||||
22 | presumptive eligibility period and establish an income | ||||||
23 | eligibility standard
that is equal to 133%
of the nonfarm | ||||||
24 | income official poverty line, as defined by
the federal | ||||||
25 | Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in
| ||||||
26 | accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Reconciliation Act of
1981, applicable to families of the | ||||||
2 | same size, provided that costs incurred
for medical care | ||||||
3 | are not taken into account in determining such income
| ||||||
4 | eligibility.
| ||||||
5 | (c) The Illinois Department may conduct a | ||||||
6 | demonstration in at least one
county that will provide | ||||||
7 | medical assistance to pregnant women, together
with their | ||||||
8 | infants and children up to one year of age,
where the | ||||||
9 | income
eligibility standard is set up to 185% of the | ||||||
10 | nonfarm income official
poverty line, as defined by the | ||||||
11 | federal Office of Management and Budget.
The Illinois | ||||||
12 | Department shall seek and obtain necessary authorization
| ||||||
13 | provided under federal law to implement such a | ||||||
14 | demonstration. Such
demonstration may establish resource | ||||||
15 | standards that are not more
restrictive than those | ||||||
16 | established under Article IV of this Code.
| ||||||
17 | 6. Persons under the age of 18 who fail to qualify as | ||||||
18 | dependent under
Article IV and who have insufficient income | ||||||
19 | and resources to meet the costs
of necessary medical care | ||||||
20 | to the maximum extent permitted under Title XIX
of the | ||||||
21 | Federal Social Security Act.
| ||||||
22 | 7. Persons who are under 21 years of age and would
| ||||||
23 | qualify as
disabled as defined under the Federal | ||||||
24 | Supplemental Security Income Program,
provided medical | ||||||
25 | service for such persons would be eligible for Federal
| ||||||
26 | Financial Participation, and provided the Illinois |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department determines that:
| ||||||
2 | (a) the person requires a level of care provided by | ||||||
3 | a hospital, skilled
nursing facility, or intermediate | ||||||
4 | care facility, as determined by a physician
licensed to | ||||||
5 | practice medicine in all its branches;
| ||||||
6 | (b) it is appropriate to provide such care outside | ||||||
7 | of an institution, as
determined by a physician | ||||||
8 | licensed to practice medicine in all its branches;
| ||||||
9 | (c) the estimated amount which would be expended | ||||||
10 | for care outside the
institution is not greater than | ||||||
11 | the estimated amount which would be
expended in an | ||||||
12 | institution.
| ||||||
13 | 8. Persons who become ineligible for basic maintenance | ||||||
14 | assistance
under Article IV of this Code in programs | ||||||
15 | administered by the Illinois
Department due to employment | ||||||
16 | earnings and persons in
assistance units comprised of | ||||||
17 | adults and children who become ineligible for
basic | ||||||
18 | maintenance assistance under Article VI of this Code due to
| ||||||
19 | employment earnings. The plan for coverage for this class | ||||||
20 | of persons shall:
| ||||||
21 | (a) extend the medical assistance coverage for up | ||||||
22 | to 12 months following
termination of basic | ||||||
23 | maintenance assistance; and
| ||||||
24 | (b) offer persons who have initially received 6 | ||||||
25 | months of the
coverage provided in paragraph (a) above, | ||||||
26 | the option of receiving an
additional 6 months of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | coverage, subject to the following:
| ||||||
2 | (i) such coverage shall be pursuant to | ||||||
3 | provisions of the federal
Social Security Act;
| ||||||
4 | (ii) such coverage shall include all services | ||||||
5 | covered while the person
was eligible for basic | ||||||
6 | maintenance assistance;
| ||||||
7 | (iii) no premium shall be charged for such | ||||||
8 | coverage; and
| ||||||
9 | (iv) such coverage shall be suspended in the | ||||||
10 | event of a person's
failure without good cause to | ||||||
11 | file in a timely fashion reports required for
this | ||||||
12 | coverage under the Social Security Act and | ||||||
13 | coverage shall be reinstated
upon the filing of | ||||||
14 | such reports if the person remains otherwise | ||||||
15 | eligible.
| ||||||
16 | 9. Persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | ||||||
17 | (AIDS) or with
AIDS-related conditions with respect to whom | ||||||
18 | there has been a determination
that but for home or | ||||||
19 | community-based services such individuals would
require | ||||||
20 | the level of care provided in an inpatient hospital, | ||||||
21 | skilled
nursing facility or intermediate care facility the | ||||||
22 | cost of which is
reimbursed under this Article. Assistance | ||||||
23 | shall be provided to such
persons to the maximum extent | ||||||
24 | permitted under Title
XIX of the Federal Social Security | ||||||
25 | Act.
| ||||||
26 | 10. Participants in the long-term care insurance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | partnership program
established under the Partnership for | ||||||
2 | Long-Term Care Act who meet the
qualifications for | ||||||
3 | protection of resources described in Section 25 of that
| ||||||
4 | Act.
| ||||||
5 | 11. Persons with disabilities who are employed and | ||||||
6 | eligible for Medicaid,
pursuant to Section | ||||||
7 | 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(xv) of the Social Security Act, as
| ||||||
8 | provided by the Illinois Department by rule. Effective July | ||||||
9 | 1, 2008 and subject to federal approval, such persons shall | ||||||
10 | be eligible if their income as determined by the Department | ||||||
11 | is equal to or less than 350% of the Federal Poverty Level | ||||||
12 | guideline. All resources shall be disregarded in | ||||||
13 | determining eligibility under this paragraph. Subject to | ||||||
14 | federal approval, resources accumulated by a person while | ||||||
15 | enrolled under this paragraph shall be disregarded in | ||||||
16 | determining eligibility under paragraph 1 or 2 of this | ||||||
17 | Section if, as a result of the loss of employment, the | ||||||
18 | person no longer qualifies for eligibility under this | ||||||
19 | paragraph.
| ||||||
20 | 12. Subject to federal approval, persons who are | ||||||
21 | eligible for medical
assistance coverage under applicable | ||||||
22 | provisions of the federal Social Security
Act and the | ||||||
23 | federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and | ||||||
24 | Treatment Act of
2000. Those eligible persons are defined | ||||||
25 | to include, but not be limited to,
the following persons:
| ||||||
26 | (1) persons who have been screened for breast or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | cervical cancer under
the U.S. Centers for Disease | ||||||
2 | Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer
| ||||||
3 | Program established under Title XV of the federal | ||||||
4 | Public Health Services Act in
accordance with the | ||||||
5 | requirements of Section 1504 of that Act as | ||||||
6 | administered by
the Illinois Department of Public | ||||||
7 | Health; and
| ||||||
8 | (2) persons whose screenings under the above | ||||||
9 | program were funded in whole
or in part by funds | ||||||
10 | appropriated to the Illinois Department of Public | ||||||
11 | Health
for breast or cervical cancer screening.
| ||||||
12 | "Medical assistance" under this paragraph 12 shall be | ||||||
13 | identical to the benefits
provided under the State's | ||||||
14 | approved plan under Title XIX of the Social Security
Act. | ||||||
15 | The Department must request federal approval of the | ||||||
16 | coverage under this
paragraph 12 within 30 days after the | ||||||
17 | effective date of this amendatory Act of
the 92nd General | ||||||
18 | Assembly.
| ||||||
19 | 13. Subject to appropriation and to federal approval, | ||||||
20 | persons living with HIV/AIDS who are not otherwise eligible | ||||||
21 | under this Article and who qualify for services covered | ||||||
22 | under Section 5-5.04 as provided by the Illinois Department | ||||||
23 | by rule.
| ||||||
24 | 14. Subject to the availability of funds for this | ||||||
25 | purpose, the Department may provide coverage under this | ||||||
26 | Article to persons who reside in Illinois who are not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | eligible under any of the preceding paragraphs and who meet | ||||||
2 | the income guidelines of paragraph 2(a) of this Section and | ||||||
3 | (i) have an application for asylum pending before the | ||||||
4 | federal Department of Homeland Security or on appeal before | ||||||
5 | a court of competent jurisdiction and are represented | ||||||
6 | either by counsel or by an advocate accredited by the | ||||||
7 | federal Department of Homeland Security and employed by a | ||||||
8 | not-for-profit organization in regard to that application | ||||||
9 | or appeal, or (ii) are receiving services through a | ||||||
10 | federally funded torture treatment center. Medical | ||||||
11 | coverage under this paragraph 14 may be provided for up to | ||||||
12 | 24 continuous months from the initial eligibility date so | ||||||
13 | long as an individual continues to satisfy the criteria of | ||||||
14 | this paragraph 14. If an individual has an appeal pending | ||||||
15 | regarding an application for asylum before the Department | ||||||
16 | of Homeland Security, eligibility under this paragraph 14 | ||||||
17 | may be extended until a final decision is rendered on the | ||||||
18 | appeal. The Department may adopt rules governing the | ||||||
19 | implementation of this paragraph 14.
| ||||||
20 | 15. On and after July 1, 2008, caretaker relatives who | ||||||
21 | are not otherwise eligible under this Section, the | ||||||
22 | Children's Health Insurance Program Act, or the Covering | ||||||
23 | ALL KIDS Health Insurance Program who have income at or | ||||||
24 | below 300% of the federal poverty level.
| ||||||
25 | If the Department determines that it is advantageous to | ||||||
26 | the State, it may initiate, modify, or terminate any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provisions of State plans or waivers of federal | ||||||
2 | requirements in order to allow receipt of federal funding | ||||||
3 | for coverage under this paragraph. | ||||||
4 | The Illinois Department and the Governor shall provide a | ||||||
5 | plan for
coverage of the persons eligible under paragraph 7 as | ||||||
6 | soon as possible after
July 1, 1984.
| ||||||
7 | The eligibility of any such person for medical assistance | ||||||
8 | under this
Article is not affected by the payment of any grant | ||||||
9 | under the Senior
Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax | ||||||
10 | Relief and Pharmaceutical
Assistance Act or any distributions | ||||||
11 | or items of income described under
subparagraph (X) of
| ||||||
12 | paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of Section 203 of the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Income Tax
Act. The Department shall by rule establish the | ||||||
14 | amounts of
assets to be disregarded in determining eligibility | ||||||
15 | for medical assistance,
which shall at a minimum equal the | ||||||
16 | amounts to be disregarded under the
Federal Supplemental | ||||||
17 | Security Income Program. The amount of assets of a
single | ||||||
18 | person to be disregarded
shall not be less than $2,000, and the | ||||||
19 | amount of assets of a married couple
to be disregarded shall | ||||||
20 | not be less than $3,000.
| ||||||
21 | To the extent permitted under federal law, any person found | ||||||
22 | guilty of a
second violation of Article VIIIA
shall be | ||||||
23 | ineligible for medical assistance under this Article, as | ||||||
24 | provided
in Section 8A-8.
| ||||||
25 | The eligibility of any person for medical assistance under | ||||||
26 | this Article
shall not be affected by the receipt by the person |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of donations or benefits
from fundraisers held for the person | ||||||
2 | in cases of serious illness,
as long as neither the person nor | ||||||
3 | members of the person's family
have actual control over the | ||||||
4 | donations or benefits or the disbursement
of the donations or | ||||||
5 | benefits.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 93-20, eff. 6-20-03; 94-629, eff. 1-1-06; | ||||||
7 | 94-1043, eff. 7-24-06.)
| ||||||
8 | (305 ILCS 5/5-4.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-4.1)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 5-4.1. Co-payments. | ||||||
10 | (a) The Department may by rule provide that recipients
| ||||||
11 | under any Article of this Code shall pay a fee as a co-payment | ||||||
12 | for services.
Co-payments may not exceed $3 for brand name | ||||||
13 | drugs, $1 for other pharmacy
services other than for generic | ||||||
14 | drugs, and $2 for physicians services, dental
services, optical | ||||||
15 | services and supplies, chiropractic services, podiatry
| ||||||
16 | services, and encounter rate clinic services. There shall be no | ||||||
17 | co-payment for
generic drugs. Co-payments may not exceed $3 for | ||||||
18 | hospital outpatient and clinic
services. Provided, however, | ||||||
19 | that any such rule must provide that no
co-payment requirement | ||||||
20 | can exist
for renal dialysis, radiation therapy, cancer | ||||||
21 | chemotherapy, or insulin, and
other products necessary on a | ||||||
22 | recurring basis, the absence of which would
be life | ||||||
23 | threatening, or where co-payment expenditures for required | ||||||
24 | services
and/or medications for chronic diseases that the | ||||||
25 | Illinois Department shall
by rule designate shall cause an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | extensive financial burden on the
recipient, and provided no | ||||||
2 | co-payment shall exist for emergency room
encounters which are | ||||||
3 | for medical emergencies. | ||||||
4 | (b) The limitations of co-payments in subsection (a) are | ||||||
5 | not applicable to persons eligible under paragraph 11 or 15 of | ||||||
6 | Section 5-2. Co-payments for persons eligible under paragraph | ||||||
7 | 11 or 15 of Section 5-2 whose income is above 133% of the | ||||||
8 | federal poverty level shall be defined in rules by the | ||||||
9 | Department but must not exceed amounts permitted under federal | ||||||
10 | law.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 92-597, eff. 6-28-02; 93-593, eff. 8-25-03 .)
| ||||||
12 | (305 ILCS 5/12-4.35)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 12-4.35. Medical services for certain noncitizens.
| ||||||
14 | (a) Notwithstanding
Section 1-11 of this Code or Section | ||||||
15 | 20(a) of the Children's Health Insurance
Program Act, the | ||||||
16 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Public Aid may | ||||||
17 | provide medical services to
noncitizens who have not yet | ||||||
18 | attained 19 years of age and who are not eligible
for medical | ||||||
19 | assistance under Article V of this Code or under the Children's
| ||||||
20 | Health Insurance Program created by the Children's Health | ||||||
21 | Insurance Program Act
due to their not meeting the otherwise | ||||||
22 | applicable provisions of Section 1-11
of this Code or Section | ||||||
23 | 20(a) of the Children's Health Insurance Program Act.
The | ||||||
24 | medical services available, standards for eligibility, and | ||||||
25 | other conditions
of participation under this Section shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | established by rule by the
Department; however, any such rule | ||||||
2 | shall be at least as restrictive as the
rules for medical | ||||||
3 | assistance under Article V of this Code or the Children's
| ||||||
4 | Health Insurance Program created by the Children's Health | ||||||
5 | Insurance Program
| ||||||
6 | (b) The Department is authorized to take any action, | ||||||
7 | including without
limitation cessation of enrollment, | ||||||
8 | reduction of available medical services,
and changing | ||||||
9 | standards for eligibility, that is deemed necessary by the
| ||||||
10 | Department during a State fiscal year to assure that payments | ||||||
11 | under this
Section do not exceed available funds.
| ||||||
12 | (c) (Blank).
Continued enrollment of
individuals into the | ||||||
13 | program created under this Section in any fiscal year is
| ||||||
14 | contingent upon continued enrollment of individuals into the | ||||||
15 | Children's Health
Insurance Program during that fiscal year.
| ||||||
16 | (d) (Blank).
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 94-48, eff. 7-1-05; revised 12-15-05.)
| ||||||
18 | (305 ILCS 5/12-10.8 new)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 12-10.8. Transfers into the County Provider Trust | ||||||
20 | Fund. At the direction of the Director of the Department of | ||||||
21 | Healthcare and Family Services, the Comptroller shall direct | ||||||
22 | and the State Treasurer shall transfer such amounts into the | ||||||
23 | County Provider Trust Fund from the General Revenue Fund as are | ||||||
24 | necessary to reimburse county providers pursuant to | ||||||
25 | subdivision (a)(2.5) of Section 15-5 of this Code.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (305 ILCS 5/15-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 15-5)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 15-5. Disbursements from the Fund.
| ||||||
3 | (a) The monies in the Fund shall be disbursed only as | ||||||
4 | provided in
Section 15-2 of this Code and as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (1) To pay the county hospitals' inpatient | ||||||
6 | reimbursement rate based on
actual costs, trended forward | ||||||
7 | annually by an inflation index and
supplemented by | ||||||
8 | teaching, capital, and other direct and indirect costs,
| ||||||
9 | according to a State plan approved by the federal | ||||||
10 | government.
Effective October 1, 1992, the inpatient | ||||||
11 | reimbursement rate (including
any disproportionate or | ||||||
12 | supplemental disproportionate share payments) for
hospital | ||||||
13 | services provided by county operated facilities within the | ||||||
14 | County
shall be no less than the reimbursement rates in | ||||||
15 | effect on June 1, 1992,
except that this minimum shall be | ||||||
16 | adjusted as of July 1, 1992 and each July 1
thereafter | ||||||
17 | through July 1, 2002 by the annual percentage change in the | ||||||
18 | per
diem cost of
inpatient hospital services as reported in | ||||||
19 | the most recent annual Medicaid
cost report.
Effective July | ||||||
20 | 1, 2003, the rate for hospital inpatient services provided | ||||||
21 | by
county hospitals
shall be the rate in effect on
January | ||||||
22 | 1, 2003, except that this minimum may be adjusted by the | ||||||
23 | Illinois
Department to ensure
compliance with aggregate | ||||||
24 | and hospital-specific federal payment limitations.
| ||||||
25 | (2) To pay county hospitals and county operated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | outpatient
facilities for outpatient services based on a | ||||||
2 | federally approved
methodology to cover the maximum | ||||||
3 | allowable costs per patient visit.
Effective October 1, | ||||||
4 | 1992, the outpatient reimbursement rate for
outpatient | ||||||
5 | services provided by county hospitals and county operated
| ||||||
6 | outpatient facilities shall be no less than the | ||||||
7 | reimbursement rates in
effect on June 1, 1992, except that | ||||||
8 | this minimum shall be adjusted as of
July 1, 1992 and each | ||||||
9 | July 1 thereafter through July 1, 2002 by the annual
| ||||||
10 | percentage change in
the per diem cost of inpatient | ||||||
11 | hospital services as reported in the most
recent annual | ||||||
12 | Medicaid cost report.
Effective July 1, 2003, the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Department shall by rule establish
rates for outpatient | ||||||
14 | services provided by
county hospitals and other | ||||||
15 | county-operated facilities within
the County that are in | ||||||
16 | compliance with aggregate and hospital-specific
federal | ||||||
17 | payment limitations. | ||||||
18 | (2.5) To pay county hospitals and county operated | ||||||
19 | outpatient facilities for services provided to persons for | ||||||
20 | whose services federal matching funds are not available, | ||||||
21 | the Department may by rule establish rates of reimbursement | ||||||
22 | that differ from those established in paragraphs (1) and | ||||||
23 | (2) of this subsection.
| ||||||
24 | (3) To pay the county hospitals' disproportionate | ||||||
25 | share payments as
established by the Illinois Department | ||||||
26 | under Section 5-5.02 of this Code.
Effective October 1, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 1992, the disproportionate share payments for
hospital | ||||||
2 | services provided by county operated facilities within the | ||||||
3 | County
shall be no less than the reimbursement rates in | ||||||
4 | effect on June 1, 1992,
except that this minimum shall be | ||||||
5 | adjusted as of July 1, 1992 and each July 1
thereafter | ||||||
6 | through July 1, 2002 by the annual percentage change in the | ||||||
7 | per
diem cost of
inpatient hospital services as reported in | ||||||
8 | the most recent annual Medicaid
cost report.
Effective July | ||||||
9 | 1, 2003, the Illinois Department may by rule establish | ||||||
10 | rates
for disproportionate share
payments to county | ||||||
11 | hospitals that are in compliance with aggregate and
| ||||||
12 | hospital-specific federal
payment limitations.
| ||||||
13 | (3.5) To pay county providers for services provided | ||||||
14 | pursuant to Section
5-11 of this Code.
| ||||||
15 | (4) To reimburse the county providers for expenses
| ||||||
16 | contractually
assumed pursuant to Section 15-4 of this | ||||||
17 | Code.
| ||||||
18 | (5) To pay the Illinois Department its necessary | ||||||
19 | administrative
expenses relative to the Fund and other | ||||||
20 | amounts agreed to, if any, by the
county providers in the | ||||||
21 | agreement provided for in subsection
| ||||||
22 | (6) To pay the county providers any other amount due | ||||||
23 | according to a federally approved State plan, including
but | ||||||
24 | not limited to payments made under the provisions of | ||||||
25 | Section
701(d)(3)(B) of the federal Medicare, Medicaid, | ||||||
26 | and SCHIP Benefits Improvement
and Protection Act of
2000. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Intergovernmental transfers supporting payments under this | ||||||
2 | paragraph
(6) shall not be subject to the
computation | ||||||
3 | described in subsection (a) of Section 15-3 of this Code, | ||||||
4 | but
shall be computed as the difference between
the total | ||||||
5 | of such payments made by the Illinois Department to county
| ||||||
6 | providers less any amount of federal
financial | ||||||
7 | participation due the Illinois Department under Titles XIX | ||||||
8 | and XXI
of the Social Security Act as a
result of such | ||||||
9 | payments to county providers.
| ||||||
10 | (b) The Illinois Department shall promptly seek all | ||||||
11 | appropriate
amendments to the Illinois State Plan to effect the | ||||||
12 | foregoing payment
| ||||||
13 | (c) The Illinois Department shall implement the changes | ||||||
14 | made by
Article 3 of this amendatory Act of 1992 beginning | ||||||
15 | October 1, 1992. All terms
and conditions of the disbursement | ||||||
16 | of monies from the Fund not set forth
expressly in this Article | ||||||
17 | shall be set forth in the agreement executed
under the | ||||||
18 | Intergovernmental Cooperation Act so long as those terms and
| ||||||
19 | conditions are not inconsistent with this Article or applicable | ||||||
20 | federal
law. The Illinois Department shall report in writing to | ||||||
21 | the Hospital
Service Procurement Advisory Board and the Health | ||||||
22 | Care Cost Containment
Council by October 15, 1992, the terms | ||||||
23 | and conditions of all
such initial agreements and, where no | ||||||
24 | such initial agreement has yet been
executed with a qualifying | ||||||
25 | county, the Illinois Department's reasons that
each such | ||||||
26 | initial agreement has not been executed. Copies and reports of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amended agreements following the initial agreements shall | ||||||
2 | likewise be filed
by the Illinois Department with the Hospital | ||||||
3 | Service Procurement Advisory
Board and the Health Care Cost | ||||||
4 | Containment Council within 30 days following
their execution. | ||||||
5 | The foregoing filing obligations of the Illinois
Department are | ||||||
6 | informational only, to allow the Board and Council,
| ||||||
7 | respectively, to better perform their public roles, except that | ||||||
8 | the Board
or Council may, at its discretion, advise the | ||||||
9 | Illinois Department in the
case of the failure of the Illinois | ||||||
10 | Department to reach agreement with any
qualifying county by the | ||||||
11 | required date.
| ||||||
12 | (d) The payments provided for herein are intended to cover | ||||||
13 | services
rendered on and after July 1, 1991, and any agreement | ||||||
14 | executed between a
qualifying county and the Illinois | ||||||
15 | Department pursuant to this Section may
relate back to that | ||||||
16 | date, provided the Illinois Department obtains federal
| ||||||
17 | approval. Any changes in payment rates resulting from the | ||||||
18 | provisions of
Article 3 of this amendatory Act of 1992 are | ||||||
19 | intended to apply to services
rendered on or after October 1, | ||||||
20 | 1992, and any agreement executed between a
qualifying county | ||||||
21 | and the Illinois Department pursuant to this Section may
be | ||||||
22 | effective as of that date.
| ||||||
23 | (e) If one or more hospitals file suit in any court | ||||||
24 | challenging any part
of this Article XV, payments to hospitals | ||||||
25 | from the Fund under this Article
XV shall be made only to the | ||||||
26 | extent that sufficient monies are available in
the Fund and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | only to the extent that any monies in the Fund are not
| ||||||
2 | prohibited from disbursement and may be disbursed under any | ||||||
3 | order of the court.
| ||||||
4 | (f) All payments under this Section are contingent upon | ||||||
5 | federal
approval of changes to the State plan, if that approval | ||||||
6 | is required.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 92-370, eff. 8-15-01; 93-20, eff. 6-20-03.)
| ||||||
8 | Section 7-97. The Veterans' Health Insurance Program Act is | ||||||
9 | amended by changing Section 85 as follows: | ||||||
10 | (330 ILCS 125/85) | ||||||
11 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2008)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 85. Repeal. This Act is repealed on January 1, 2010
| ||||||
13 | 2008 . The Department shall assist veterans to transition from | ||||||
14 | Veterans Care to appropriate comparable coverage under the | ||||||
15 | Illinois Covered Rebate Program Act or the Illinois Covered | ||||||
16 | Choice Act, or both, prior to the repeal of this Act.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 94-816, eff. 5-30-06.) | ||||||
20 | Section 9-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
21 | Illinois Covered Assist Program Act. All references in this | ||||||
22 | Article to "this Act" mean this Article. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 9-5. Purpose. The General Assembly recognizes that | ||||||
2 | low-income individuals who are ineligible for Medicaid and do | ||||||
3 | not have access to employer-sponsored insurance lack a regular | ||||||
4 | source of primary care. The General Assembly recognizes that | ||||||
5 | this often leads to a delay in seeking care that can result in | ||||||
6 | more severe health problems and avoidable emergency room | ||||||
7 | visits. The General Assembly also recognizes that the medical | ||||||
8 | home model is a way to improve access to and quality of primary | ||||||
9 | health care. The model has been promoted by professional | ||||||
10 | organizations such as the American Academy of Family | ||||||
11 | Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American | ||||||
12 | College of Physicians, and the American Osteopathic | ||||||
13 | Association as a way to improve preventive care and control | ||||||
14 | health care costs. Therefore, the General Assembly, in order to | ||||||
15 | improve the health of low-income individuals, reduce emergency | ||||||
16 | room visits, and reduce overall costs in the Illinois health | ||||||
17 | system, seeks to provide regular primary care to low-income | ||||||
18 | Illinoisans through providing access to medical homes at | ||||||
19 | community health providers.
| ||||||
20 | Section 9-10. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
21 | "Community health provider" means a community-based | ||||||
22 | primary health care provider, including but not limited to a | ||||||
23 | Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or FQHC Look-Alike, | ||||||
24 | designated as such by the Secretary of the United States |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department of Health and Human Services, a Rural Health Clinic | ||||||
2 | as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)(2), community-based clinics | ||||||
3 | of the Cook County Bureau of Health Services, and | ||||||
4 | encounter-rate clinics, enrolled with the Department to | ||||||
5 | provide medical services to targeted populations. | ||||||
6 | "Department" means the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
7 | Services. | ||||||
8 | "Federal poverty level" means the federal poverty level | ||||||
9 | income guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register | ||||||
10 | by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under | ||||||
11 | authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). | ||||||
12 | "Hospital" means a hospital licensed under the Hospital | ||||||
13 | Licensing Act or the University of Illinois Hospital Act. | ||||||
14 | "Hospital inpatient base rates" means the sum of all claim | ||||||
15 | level reimbursement rates paid on a per admission basis or per | ||||||
16 | diem basis plus additional per diem rates paid under the | ||||||
17 | Disproportionate Share program, the Medicaid Percentage | ||||||
18 | Adjustment, and the Medicaid High Volume Adjustment. It does | ||||||
19 | not include any amounts paid under the Department's quarterly | ||||||
20 | programs that are determined on an annual basis. | ||||||
21 | "Medical home" is a community health provider that is | ||||||
22 | enrolled with the Department to provide medical services to | ||||||
23 | individuals under the Illinois Public Aid Code. Medical homes | ||||||
24 | shall be designated by the Department. | ||||||
25 | "Non-elective inpatient care" means emergency care as | ||||||
26 | defined in 42 U.S.C. 1395dd and related inpatient care to such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | emergency care provided to individuals eligible for the | ||||||
2 | Illinois Covered Assist program. | ||||||
3 | "Primary health care services" means all services provided | ||||||
4 | by community health providers. | ||||||
5 | "Program" means the Illinois Covered Assist Program. | ||||||
6 | "Resident" means a person who meets the residency | ||||||
7 | requirements as defined in Section 5-3 of the Illinois Public | ||||||
8 | Aid Code. | ||||||
9 | Section 9-15. Operation of Program. On and after July 1, | ||||||
10 | 2008, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the Illinois | ||||||
11 | Covered Assist Program is created. The Program shall be | ||||||
12 | administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
13 | Services to provide access to a medical home through a | ||||||
14 | community health provider, a prescription drug benefit, and | ||||||
15 | hospital services as defined in this Act to individuals | ||||||
16 | enrolled in the Illinois Covered Assist Program. The Department | ||||||
17 | shall have the same powers and authority to administer the | ||||||
18 | Program as are provided to the Department in connection with | ||||||
19 | the Department's administration of the Illinois Public Aid Code | ||||||
20 | and the Children's Health Insurance Program Act. The Department | ||||||
21 | shall coordinate the Program with the existing health programs | ||||||
22 | operated by the Department and other State agencies. The | ||||||
23 | Department shall determine a process by which a community | ||||||
24 | health provider becomes a medical home. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 9-20. Eligibility. An eligible individual is an | ||||||
2 | individual who is: | ||||||
3 | (1) at least 19 years of age and younger than 65 years | ||||||
4 | of age; and | ||||||
5 | (2) is an Illinois resident; and | ||||||
6 | (3) is a U.S. Citizen or meets immigration status | ||||||
7 | requirements as set forth in Section 5-15 of the Illinois | ||||||
8 | Covered Rebate Act; and | ||||||
9 | (4) is ineligible for medical assistance under the | ||||||
10 | Illinois Public Aid Code, or health benefits under the | ||||||
11 | Children's Health Insurance Program Act, the Covering ALL | ||||||
12 | KIDS Health Insurance Act, or the Veterans' Health | ||||||
13 | Insurance Program Act; and | ||||||
14 | (5) does not have access to employer-sponsored | ||||||
15 | insurance, as defined in Article 5, Section 5-10 of the | ||||||
16 | Illinois Covered Rebate Program Act; and | ||||||
17 | (6) has income, as determined by the Department, at or | ||||||
18 | below 100% of the federal poverty level. | ||||||
19 | Section 9-25. Enrollment in program. The Department shall | ||||||
20 | develop procedures to allow community health providers, | ||||||
21 | hospitals, and groups designated by the Department to assist | ||||||
22 | individuals to apply for the Program. | ||||||
23 | Section 9-30. Covered Services. | ||||||
24 | (a) Covered services for persons eligible under this Act |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall include: | ||||||
2 | (1) primary health care services provided at a medical | ||||||
3 | home; and | ||||||
4 | (2) disease management and wellness programs provided | ||||||
5 | by a medical home; and | ||||||
6 | (3) non-elective inpatient care; and | ||||||
7 | (4) pharmacy benefits, which shall not exceed the | ||||||
8 | benefit provided under the Senior Citizens and Disabled | ||||||
9 | Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance | ||||||
10 | Act, 320 ILCS 25/. | ||||||
11 | (b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to create any | ||||||
12 | private or individual rights, claims, entitlements, or causes | ||||||
13 | of action to require a hospital to provide a particular service | ||||||
14 | under the Illinois Covered Assist Program. Benefits under this | ||||||
15 | program are not an entitlement and are subject to | ||||||
16 | appropriation. | ||||||
17 | Section 9-40. Reimbursement.
| ||||||
18 | (a) Claims for services rendered for this program in a | ||||||
19 | given fiscal year must be submitted to the Department not later | ||||||
20 | than 30 days from the end of the fiscal year in which the | ||||||
21 | service was rendered for individuals eligible for the program. | ||||||
22 | The Department shall make billing allowances and provisions for | ||||||
23 | hospital services at the end of the fiscal year that have long | ||||||
24 | lengths of stay. | ||||||
25 | (b) Services rendered for this program in a given fiscal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year shall only be reimbursed from appropriations made for that | ||||||
2 | fiscal year. Any claims for services submitted to the | ||||||
3 | Department after the time specified in subsection (a), or after | ||||||
4 | the appropriation authority for the fiscal year in which the | ||||||
5 | service was rendered has expired or been exhausted, shall not | ||||||
6 | be reimbursed by the Department and the provider shall have no | ||||||
7 | legal claim for reimbursement from the State. | ||||||
8 | (c) With the exception of subsections (a) and (b), to | ||||||
9 | receive reimbursement, providers must bill the Department in | ||||||
10 | accordance with the Department's existing rules, policies, and | ||||||
11 | procedures for reimbursement under the Illinois Public Aid | ||||||
12 | Code. The Department shall make payments to providers for | ||||||
13 | services to individuals covered under the program based on | ||||||
14 | claims submitted to the Department. | ||||||
15 | (d) Reimbursement for community health provider services | ||||||
16 | under this Section shall not exceed the rates established under | ||||||
17 | the Illinois Public Aid Code. | ||||||
18 | (e) Reimbursement for pharmacy services under this Section | ||||||
19 | shall not exceed the rates paid under the Senior Citizens and | ||||||
20 | Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical | ||||||
21 | Assistance Act, 320 ILCS 25/. | ||||||
22 | (f) Services specified in subdivision (a)(3) of Section | ||||||
23 | 9-30 that are rendered in a given fiscal year shall be | ||||||
24 | reimbursed at the rates specified in subsections (g) and (h) up | ||||||
25 | to the hospital's maximum annual payment amount: | ||||||
26 | (1) A hospital's maximum annual payment amount shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | equal the amount in paragraph (2) of Section 9-50 | ||||||
2 | multiplied by the hospital's uncompensated care ratio. The | ||||||
3 | hospital's uncompensated care ratio is a fraction, the | ||||||
4 | numerator of which is the hospital's uncompensated care for | ||||||
5 | the previous fiscal year, as reported to the Department | ||||||
6 | under subsection (j), and the denominator of which is the | ||||||
7 | uncompensated care for all hospitals for the previous | ||||||
8 | fiscal year as reported to the Department under subsection | ||||||
9 | (j). | ||||||
10 | (2) Under no circumstances may a single hospital | ||||||
11 | receive more than 10% of the annual budget allocation for | ||||||
12 | all hospital services under the Program. Any amounts | ||||||
13 | allocated to hospitals in excess of this 10% limit shall be | ||||||
14 | reallocated to the other hospitals subject to any | ||||||
15 | applicable payment limits for those hospitals. | ||||||
16 | (g) Except for county hospitals, as defined in subsection | ||||||
17 | (c) of Section 15-1 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, and | ||||||
18 | hospitals organized under the University of Illinois Hospital | ||||||
19 | Act, reimbursement for hospital services under this Section | ||||||
20 | shall be no less than the hospital inpatient base rates | ||||||
21 | established under the Illinois Public Aid Code. | ||||||
22 | (h) For county hospitals, as defined in subsection (c) of | ||||||
23 | Section 15-1 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, and hospitals | ||||||
24 | organized under the University of Illinois Hospital Act, the | ||||||
25 | Department shall set reimbursement rates for care rendered | ||||||
26 | under this Act. These rates shall not exceed the cost of care |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as reflected in the hospital's most recent cost report | ||||||
2 | available 3 months prior to the start of a given fiscal year. | ||||||
3 | The Department is not required to update these rates once | ||||||
4 | established. | ||||||
5 | (i) A hospital may include the unreimbursed cost of any | ||||||
6 | hospital services provided to persons enrolled in the program | ||||||
7 | as charity care. | ||||||
8 | (j) Hospitals shall report uncompensated care data and data | ||||||
9 | on care delivered under this program annually to the Department | ||||||
10 | in the manner prescribed by the Department. | ||||||
11 | Section 9-50. Appropriations for the Illinois Covered | ||||||
12 | Assist Program. To the extent that funds are available in the | ||||||
13 | Illinois Covered Trust Fund, the Illinois Covered Assist | ||||||
14 | Program shall be subject to the following State budget | ||||||
15 | appropriations for each full fiscal year: | ||||||
16 | (1) $100,000,000 for community health providers; | ||||||
17 | (2) $100,000,000 for non-elective inpatient care | ||||||
18 | provided by hospitals. | ||||||
21 | Section 10-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Covered Choice Act. All references in this Article to | ||||||
23 | "this Act" mean this Article. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 10-5. Purpose. The General Assembly recognizes | ||||||
2 | that individuals and small employers in this State struggle | ||||||
3 | every day to pay the costs of meaningful health insurance | ||||||
4 | coverage that allows for delivery of quality health care | ||||||
5 | services. The General Assembly acknowledges that the high cost | ||||||
6 | of health care for individuals and small groups can be driven | ||||||
7 | by unpredictable and high cost catastrophic medical events. | ||||||
8 | Therefore, the General Assembly, in order to provide access to | ||||||
9 | affordable health insurance for every Illinoisan, seeks to | ||||||
10 | reduce the impact of high-cost medical events by enacting this | ||||||
11 | Act. | ||||||
12 | Section 10-10. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
13 | "Department" means the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
14 | Services. | ||||||
15 | "Division" means the Division of Insurance within the | ||||||
16 | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. | ||||||
17 | "Federal poverty level" means the federal poverty level | ||||||
18 | income guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register | ||||||
19 | by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under | ||||||
20 | authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). | ||||||
21 | "Full-time employee" means a full-time employee as defined | ||||||
22 | by Section 5-5 of the Economic Development for a Growing | ||||||
23 | Economy Tax Credit Act. | ||||||
24 | "Health care plan" means a health care plan as defined by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 1-2 of the Health Maintenance Organization Act. | ||||||
2 | "Health maintenance organization" means commercial health | ||||||
3 | maintenance organizations as defined by Section 1-2 of the | ||||||
4 | Health Maintenance Organization Act and shall not include | ||||||
5 | health maintenance organizations which participate solely in | ||||||
6 | government-sponsored programs. | ||||||
7 | "Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan" means the | ||||||
8 | Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan established by | ||||||
9 | the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act. | ||||||
10 | "Illinois Covered Choice Program" means the program | ||||||
11 | established under this Act. | ||||||
12 | "Individual market" means the individual market as defined | ||||||
13 | by the Illinois Health Insurance Portability and | ||||||
14 | Accountability Act. | ||||||
15 | "Insurer" means any insurance company authorized to sell | ||||||
16 | group or individual policies of hospital, surgical, or major | ||||||
17 | medical insurance coverage, or any combination thereof, that | ||||||
18 | contains agreements or arrangements with providers relating to | ||||||
19 | health care services that may be rendered to beneficiaries as | ||||||
20 | defined by the Health Care Reimbursement Reform Act of 1985 in | ||||||
21 | Sections 370f and following of the Illinois Insurance Code (215 | ||||||
22 | ILCS 5/370f and following) and its accompanying regulation (50 | ||||||
23 | Illinois Administrative Code 2051). The term "insurer" does not | ||||||
24 | include insurers that sell only policies of hospital indemnity, | ||||||
25 | accidental death and dismemberment, workers' compensation, | ||||||
26 | credit accident and health, short-term accident and health, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accident only, long term care, Medicare supplement, student | ||||||
2 | blanket, stand-alone policies, dental, vision care, | ||||||
3 | prescription drug benefits, disability income, specified | ||||||
4 | disease, or similar supplementary benefits. | ||||||
5 | "Managed care entity" means any health maintenance | ||||||
6 | organization or insurer, as those terms are defined in this | ||||||
7 | Section, whose gross Illinois premium equals or exceeds 1% of | ||||||
8 | the applicable market share. | ||||||
9 | "Risk-based capital" means the minimum amount of required | ||||||
10 | capital or net worth to be maintained by an insurer or managed | ||||||
11 | care entity as prescribed by Article IIA of the Insurance Code | ||||||
12 | (215 ILCS 5/35A-1 and following). | ||||||
13 | "Small employer", for purposes of the Illinois Covered | ||||||
14 | Choice Act only, means an employer that employs not more than | ||||||
15 | 25 employees who receive compensation for at least 25 hours of | ||||||
16 | work per week. | ||||||
17 | "Small group market" means small group market as defined by | ||||||
18 | the Illinois Health Insurance Portability and Accountability | ||||||
19 | Act. | ||||||
20 | "Suitable group managed care plan" means any group plan | ||||||
21 | offered pursuant to Section 10-15 of this Act. | ||||||
22 | "Suitable individual managed care plan" means any | ||||||
23 | individual plan offered pursuant to Section 10-15 of this Act. | ||||||
24 | "Veteran" means veteran as defined by Section 5 of the | ||||||
25 | Veterans' Health Insurance Program Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 10-15. Suitable managed care plans for eligible | ||||||
2 | small employers and individuals. | ||||||
3 | (a) The State hereby establishes a program for the purpose | ||||||
4 | of making managed care plans affordable and accessible to small | ||||||
5 | employers and individuals as defined in this Section. The | ||||||
6 | program is designed to encourage small employers to offer | ||||||
7 | affordable health insurance to employees and to make affordable | ||||||
8 | health insurance available to eligible Illinoisans, including | ||||||
9 | veterans and individuals whose employers do not offer or | ||||||
10 | sponsor group health insurance. | ||||||
11 | (b) Participation in this program is limited to managed | ||||||
12 | care entities as defined by Section 10-10 of this Act. | ||||||
13 | Participation by all managed care entities is mandatory. On | ||||||
14 | January 1, 2009, or as soon as practicable as determined by the | ||||||
15 | Department, all managed care entities offering health | ||||||
16 | insurance coverage or a health care plan in the small group | ||||||
17 | market shall offer one or more suitable group managed care | ||||||
18 | plans to eligible small employers as defined in subsection (c) | ||||||
19 | of this Section. Managed care entities offering health | ||||||
20 | insurance coverage or a health care plan in the individual | ||||||
21 | market shall offer one or more suitable individual managed care | ||||||
22 | plans. For purposes of this Section and Section 10-20 of this | ||||||
23 | Act, all managed care entities that comply with the program | ||||||
24 | requirements shall be eligible for reimbursement from the | ||||||
25 | Illinois Covered Choice stop loss funds created pursuant to | ||||||
26 | Section 10-20 of this Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) For purposes of this Act, an eligible small employer is | ||||||
2 | a small employer that: | ||||||
3 | (1) employs not more than 25 eligible employees; and | ||||||
4 | (2) contributes towards the suitable group managed | ||||||
5 | care plan at least 80% of an individual employee's premium | ||||||
6 | and at least 65% of an employee's family premium; and | ||||||
7 | (3) uses Illinois as its principal place of business, | ||||||
8 | management, and administration. | ||||||
9 | For purposes of small employer eligibility, there shall be | ||||||
10 | no income limit, except for limitations made necessary by the | ||||||
11 | funds appropriated and available in the Illinois Covered Trust | ||||||
12 | Fund for this purpose. | ||||||
13 | (d) For purposes of this Section, "eligible employee" shall | ||||||
14 | include any individual who receives compensation from the | ||||||
15 | eligible employer for at least 25 hours of work per week. | ||||||
16 | (e) A managed care entity may enter into an agreement with | ||||||
17 | an employer to offer a suitable managed care plan pursuant to | ||||||
18 | this Section only if that employer offers that plan to all | ||||||
19 | eligible employees. | ||||||
20 | (f) (Blank). | ||||||
21 | (g) The pro-rated employer premium contribution levels for | ||||||
22 | non-full-time employees shall be based upon employer premium | ||||||
23 | contribution levels required by subdivision (c)(2) of this | ||||||
24 | Section. An eligible small employer shall contribute at least | ||||||
25 | the pro-rated premium contribution amount towards an | ||||||
26 | individual part-time employee's premium. An eligible small |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employer shall contribute at least the pro-rated premium | ||||||
2 | contribution amount towards an individual part-time employee's | ||||||
3 | family premium. The pro-rated premium contribution must be the | ||||||
4 | same percentage for all similarly situated employees and may | ||||||
5 | not vary based on class of employee. | ||||||
6 | (h) (Blank). | ||||||
7 | (i) Illinois-based chambers of commerce or other | ||||||
8 | associations, including bona fide associations as defined by | ||||||
9 | the Illinois Health Insurance Portability and Accountability | ||||||
10 | Act, may be eligible to participate in Illinois Covered Choice | ||||||
11 | policies subject to approval by the Department and limitations | ||||||
12 | made necessary by the funds appropriated and available in the | ||||||
13 | Illinois Covered Trust Fund. | ||||||
14 | (j) An eligible small employer shall elect whether to make | ||||||
15 | coverage under the suitable group managed care plan available | ||||||
16 | to dependents of employees. Any employee or dependent who is | ||||||
17 | enrolled in Medicare is ineligible for coverage, unless | ||||||
18 | required by federal law. Dependents of an employee who is | ||||||
19 | enrolled in Medicare shall be eligible for dependent coverage | ||||||
20 | provided the dependent is not also enrolled in Medicare. | ||||||
21 | (k) A suitable group managed care plan must provide the | ||||||
22 | benefits set forth in subsection (r) of this Section. The | ||||||
23 | contract, independently or in combination with other suitable | ||||||
24 | group managed care plans, must insure not less than 50% of the | ||||||
25 | eligible employees. The Department may exempt certain | ||||||
26 | employees from this calculation. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (l) For purposes of this Act, an eligible individual is an | ||||||
2 | individual: | ||||||
3 | (1) who is unemployed, not an eligible employee as | ||||||
4 | defined by subsection (d) of Section 10-15, or solely | ||||||
5 | self-employed, or
whose employer does not sponsor group | ||||||
6 | health insurance and has not sponsored group health | ||||||
7 | insurance with benefits on an expense-reimbursed or | ||||||
8 | prepaid basis covering employees in effect during the | ||||||
9 | 18-month period prior to the individual's application for | ||||||
10 | health insurance under the program established by this | ||||||
11 | Section; | ||||||
12 | (2) who for the first year of operation of the program | ||||||
13 | resides in a household having a household income at or | ||||||
14 | below 400% of the federal poverty level; thereafter, there | ||||||
15 | shall be no income limit for eligible individuals, except | ||||||
16 | for limitations made necessary by the funds appropriated | ||||||
17 | and available in the Illinois Covered Trust Fund; | ||||||
18 | (3) who is ineligible for Medicare, except that the | ||||||
19 | Department may determine that it shall require an | ||||||
20 | individual who is eligible under subdivision 2(b) of | ||||||
21 | Section 5-2 of the Illinois Public Aid Code to participate | ||||||
22 | as an eligible individual; and | ||||||
23 | (4) who is a resident of Illinois. | ||||||
24 | (m) The requirements set forth in subdivision (l)(2) of | ||||||
25 | this Section shall not be applicable to veterans who are not on | ||||||
26 | active duty and who have not been dishonorably discharged from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | service. | ||||||
2 | (n) The requirements set forth in subdivision (l)(1) of | ||||||
3 | this Section shall not be applicable to individuals who had | ||||||
4 | health insurance coverage terminated due to: | ||||||
5 | (1) death of a family member that results in | ||||||
6 | termination of coverage under a health insurance contract | ||||||
7 | under which the individual is covered; | ||||||
8 | (2) change of residence so that no employer-based | ||||||
9 | health insurance with benefits on an expense-reimbursed or | ||||||
10 | prepaid basis is available; or | ||||||
11 | (3) legal separation, dissolution of marriage, or | ||||||
12 | declaration of invalidity of marriage that results in | ||||||
13 | termination of coverage under a health insurance contract | ||||||
14 | under which the individual is covered. | ||||||
15 | (o) The 18-month period set forth in item (1) of subsection | ||||||
16 | (l) of this Section may be adjusted by the Division from 18 | ||||||
17 | months to an alternative duration if the Division determines | ||||||
18 | that the alternative period sufficiently prevents | ||||||
19 | inappropriate substitution of suitable individual managed care | ||||||
20 | plans for other health insurance contracts. | ||||||
21 | (p) A suitable individual managed care plan must provide | ||||||
22 | the benefits set forth in subsection (r) of this Section. At | ||||||
23 | the option of the eligible individual, such contract may | ||||||
24 | include coverage for dependents of the eligible individual. | ||||||
25 | (q) The contracts issued pursuant to this Section by | ||||||
26 | participating managed care entities and approved by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department shall provide only in-plan benefits, except for | ||||||
2 | emergency care or where services are not available through a | ||||||
3 | plan provider. Managed care entities may offer dental and | ||||||
4 | vision coverage at the option and expense of the eligible | ||||||
5 | individual. Any claim paid for a benefit not included in the | ||||||
6 | benefits defined by the Department, including claims paid | ||||||
7 | pursuant to dental and vision coverage contracts, shall not be | ||||||
8 | submitted and shall not be eligible for or in any way credited | ||||||
9 | toward stop loss funds provided by Section 10-20 of this Act. | ||||||
10 | (r) Managed care entities shall propose the following for | ||||||
11 | approval by the Department: | ||||||
12 | (1) Managed care entities shall propose benefit | ||||||
13 | designs provided in plans created in this Section. The | ||||||
14 | benefits may be designed to decrease adverse selection and | ||||||
15 | avoid improper manipulation of eligibility. These benefits | ||||||
16 | shall include major medical benefits. Mental health | ||||||
17 | benefits shall be provided in accordance with subdivision | ||||||
18 | (c)(2) of Section 370c of the Illinois Insurance Code. No | ||||||
19 | plan shall provide coverage for infertility treatment or | ||||||
20 | long-term care. | ||||||
21 | (2) Co-pays and deductible amounts applicable to plans | ||||||
22 | created by this Section, which shall not exceed the maximum | ||||||
23 | allowable amount under the Illinois Insurance Code. | ||||||
24 | Aggregate expenditures for any suitable plan shall | ||||||
25 | correspond to the insured's income level. | ||||||
26 | (3) The Department may determine rates for providers of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | services, but such rates shall in aggregate be no lower | ||||||
2 | than base Medicare. Hospitals shall be reimbursed under the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Covered Choice Program in an amount that equals | ||||||
4 | the actuarial equivalent of 105% of base Medicare for | ||||||
5 | critical access hospitals and equals the actuarial | ||||||
6 | equivalent of 112% of base Medicare for all other | ||||||
7 | hospitals. The Department shall define what constitutes | ||||||
8 | "base Medicare" by rule, which shall include the weighting | ||||||
9 | factors used by Medicare, the wage index adjustment, | ||||||
10 | capital costs, and outlier adjustments. For hospital | ||||||
11 | services provided for which a Medicare rate is not | ||||||
12 | prescribed or cannot be calculated, the hospital shall be | ||||||
13 | reimbursed 90% of the lowest rate paid by the applicable | ||||||
14 | insurer under its contract with that hospital for that same | ||||||
15 | service. The Department may by rule extend the 112% rate | ||||||
16 | ceiling for hospitals engaged in medical research, medical | ||||||
17 | education, and highly complex medical care and for | ||||||
18 | hospitals that serve a disproportionate share of patients | ||||||
19 | covered by governmental sponsored programs and uninsured | ||||||
20 | patients.
| ||||||
21 | (r-5) Nothing in this Act shall be used by any private or | ||||||
22 | public managed care entity or health care plan as a basis for | ||||||
23 | reducing the managed care entity's or health care plan's rates | ||||||
24 | or policies with any hospital. Notwithstanding any other | ||||||
25 | provision of law, rates authorized under this Act shall not be | ||||||
26 | used by any private or public managed care entities or health |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | care plans to determine a hospital's usual and customary | ||||||
2 | charges for any health care service. | ||||||
3 | (s) Eligible small employers shall be issued the benefit | ||||||
4 | package in a suitable group managed care plan. Eligible | ||||||
5 | individuals shall be issued the benefit package in a suitable | ||||||
6 | individual managed care plan. | ||||||
7 | (t) No managed care entity shall issue a suitable group | ||||||
8 | managed care plan or suitable individual managed care plan | ||||||
9 | until the plan has been certified as such by the Department. | ||||||
10 | (u) A participating managed care plan shall obtain from the | ||||||
11 | employer or individual, on forms approved by the Department or | ||||||
12 | in a manner prescribed by the Department, written certification | ||||||
13 | at the time of initial application and annually thereafter 90 | ||||||
14 | days prior to the contract renewal date that the employer or | ||||||
15 | individual meets and expects to continue to meet the | ||||||
16 | requirements of an eligible small employer or an eligible | ||||||
17 | individual pursuant to this Section. A participating managed | ||||||
18 | care plan may require the submission of appropriate | ||||||
19 | documentation in support of the certification, including proof | ||||||
20 | of income status. | ||||||
21 | (v) Applications to enroll in suitable group managed care | ||||||
22 | plans and suitable individual managed care plans must be | ||||||
23 | received and processed from any eligible individual and any | ||||||
24 | eligible small employer during the open enrollment period each | ||||||
25 | year. This provision does not restrict open enrollment | ||||||
26 | guidelines set by suitable managed care plan contracts, but |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | every such contract must include standard employer group open | ||||||
2 | enrollment guidelines. | ||||||
3 | (w) All coverage under suitable group managed care plans | ||||||
4 | and suitable individual managed care plans must be subject to a | ||||||
5 | pre-existing condition limitation provision, including the | ||||||
6 | crediting requirements thereunder. Pre-existing conditions may | ||||||
7 | be evaluated and considered by the Department when determining | ||||||
8 | appropriate co-pay amounts, deductible levels, and benefit | ||||||
9 | levels. Prenatal care shall be available without consideration | ||||||
10 | of pregnancy as a preexisting condition. Waiver of deductibles | ||||||
11 | and other cost-sharing payments by insurer may be made for | ||||||
12 | individuals participating in chronic care management or | ||||||
13 | wellness and prevention programs. | ||||||
14 | (x) In order to arrive at the actual premium charged to any | ||||||
15 | particular group or individual, a participating managed care | ||||||
16 | entity may adjust its base rate. | ||||||
17 | (1) Adjustments to base rates may be made using only | ||||||
18 | the following factors: | ||||||
19 | (A) geographic area; | ||||||
20 | (B) age; | ||||||
21 | (C) smoking or non-smoking status; and | ||||||
22 | (D) participation in wellness or chronic disease | ||||||
23 | management activities. | ||||||
24 | (2) The adjustment for age in item (1) of this | ||||||
25 | subsection (x) may not use age brackets smaller than 5-year | ||||||
26 | increments, which shall begin with age 20 and end with age |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 65. Eligible individuals, sole proprietors, and employees | ||||||
2 | under the age of 20 shall be treated as those age 20. | ||||||
3 | (3) Permitted rates for any age group shall not exceed | ||||||
4 | the rate for any other age group by more than 25%.
| ||||||
5 | (4) If geographic rating areas are utilized, such | ||||||
6 | geographic areas must be reasonable and in a given case may | ||||||
7 | include a single county. The geographic areas utilized must | ||||||
8 | be the same for the contracts issued to eligible small | ||||||
9 | employers and to eligible individuals. The Division shall | ||||||
10 | not require the inclusion of any specific geographic region | ||||||
11 | within the proposed region selected by the participating | ||||||
12 | managed care entity, but the participating managed care | ||||||
13 | entity's proposed regions shall not contain configurations | ||||||
14 | designed to avoid or segregate particular areas within a | ||||||
15 | county covered by the participating managed care plan's | ||||||
16 | community rates. Rates from one geographic region to | ||||||
17 | another may not vary by more than 30% and must be | ||||||
18 | actuarially supported. | ||||||
19 | (5) Permitted rates for any small employer shall not | ||||||
20 | exceed the rate for any other small employer by more than | ||||||
21 | 25%. | ||||||
22 | (6) A discount of up to 10% for participation in | ||||||
23 | wellness or chronic disease management activities shall be | ||||||
24 | permitted if based upon actuarially justified differences | ||||||
25 | in utilization or cost attributed to such programs. | ||||||
26 | (7) Claims experience under contracts issued to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | eligible small employers and to eligible individuals must | ||||||
2 | be combined for rate setting purposes. | ||||||
3 | (8) Rate-based provisions in this subsection (x) may be | ||||||
4 | modified due to claims experience and subject to | ||||||
5 | limitations made necessary by funds appropriated and | ||||||
6 | available in the Illinois Covered Trust Fund. | ||||||
7 | (y) Participating managed care entities shall submit | ||||||
8 | reports to the Department in such form and such media as the | ||||||
9 | Department shall prescribe. The reports shall be submitted at | ||||||
10 | times as may be reasonably required by the Department to | ||||||
11 | evaluate the operations and results of suitable managed care | ||||||
12 | plans established by this Section. The Department shall make | ||||||
13 | such reports available to the Division. | ||||||
14 | (z) All providers that contract with a managed care entity | ||||||
15 | for any other network established by that managed care entity, | ||||||
16 | as defined by the Illinois Covered Choice Act, must participate | ||||||
17 | as a network provider under the same managed care entity's | ||||||
18 | suitable managed care plan or plans under the Illinois Covered | ||||||
19 | Choice Act. | ||||||
20 | (aa) The Department shall conduct public education and | ||||||
21 | outreach to facilitate enrollment of small employers, eligible | ||||||
22 | employees, and eligible individuals in the Illinois Covered | ||||||
23 | Choice Program. | ||||||
24 | Section 10-20. Stop loss funding for suitable health | ||||||
25 | insurance contracts issued to eligible small employers and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | eligible individuals. | ||||||
2 | (a) The Department shall provide a claims reimbursement | ||||||
3 | program for participating managed care entities and shall | ||||||
4 | annually seek appropriations to support the program. | ||||||
5 | (b) The claims reimbursement program, also known as | ||||||
6 | "Illinois Covered Stop Loss Protection", shall operate as a | ||||||
7 | stop loss program for participating managed care entities and | ||||||
8 | shall reimburse participating managed care entities for a | ||||||
9 | certain percentage of health care claims above a certain | ||||||
10 | attachment amount or within certain attachment amounts. The | ||||||
11 | stop loss attachment amount or amounts shall be determined by | ||||||
12 | the Division consistent with the purpose of the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Covered Choice Program and subject to limitations made | ||||||
14 | necessary by the amount appropriated and available in the | ||||||
15 | Illinois Covered Trust Fund. | ||||||
16 | (c) Commencing on January 1, 2009, participating managed | ||||||
17 | care entities shall be eligible to receive reimbursement for | ||||||
18 | 80% of claims paid in a calendar year in excess of the | ||||||
19 | attachment point for any member covered under a contract issued | ||||||
20 | pursuant to Section 10-15 of this Act after the participating | ||||||
21 | managed care entity pays claims for that same member in the | ||||||
22 | same calendar year. Based on pre-determined attachment | ||||||
23 | amounts, verified claims paid for members covered under | ||||||
24 | suitable group and individual managed care plans shall be | ||||||
25 | reimbursable from the Illinois Covered Stop Loss Protection | ||||||
26 | Program. For purposes of this Section, claims shall include |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health care claims paid by or on behalf of a covered member | ||||||
2 | pursuant to such suitable contracts. | ||||||
3 | (d) Consistent with the purpose of Illinois Covered Choice | ||||||
4 | Act and subject to limitations made necessary by the amount | ||||||
5 | appropriated and available in the Illinois Covered Trust Fund, | ||||||
6 | the Department shall set forth procedures for operation of the | ||||||
7 | Illinois Covered Stop Loss Protection Program and distribution | ||||||
8 | of monies therefrom. | ||||||
9 | (e) Claims shall be reported and funds shall be distributed | ||||||
10 | by the Department on a calendar year basis. Claims shall be | ||||||
11 | eligible for reimbursement only for the calendar year in which | ||||||
12 | the claims are paid. | ||||||
13 | (f) Each participating managed care entity shall submit a | ||||||
14 | request for reimbursement from the Illinois Covered Stop Loss | ||||||
15 | Protection Program on forms prescribed by the Department. Each | ||||||
16 | request for reimbursement shall be submitted no later than | ||||||
17 | April 1 following the end of the calendar year for which the | ||||||
18 | reimbursement requests are being made. In connection with | ||||||
19 | reimbursement requests, the Department may require | ||||||
20 | participating managed care entities to submit such claims data | ||||||
21 | deemed necessary to enable proper distribution of funds and to | ||||||
22 | oversee the effective operation of the Illinois Covered Stop | ||||||
23 | Loss Protection Program. The Department may require that such | ||||||
24 | data be submitted on a per-member, aggregate, or categorical | ||||||
25 | basis, or any combination of those. Data shall be reported | ||||||
26 | separately for suitable group managed care plans and suitable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individual managed care plans issued pursuant to Section 10-15 | ||||||
2 | of this Act. | ||||||
3 | (f-5) In each request for reimbursement from the Illinois | ||||||
4 | Covered Stop Loss Protection Program, managed care entities | ||||||
5 | shall certify that provider reimbursement rates are consistent | ||||||
6 | with the reimbursement rates as defined by subdivision (r)(3) | ||||||
7 | of Section 10-15 of this Act. The Department, in collaboration | ||||||
8 | with the Division, shall audit, as necessary, claims data | ||||||
9 | submitted pursuant to subsection (f) of this Section to ensure | ||||||
10 | that reimbursement rates paid by managed care entities are | ||||||
11 | consistent with reimbursement rates as defined by subsection | ||||||
12 | (r) of Section 10-15. | ||||||
13 | (g) At all times, the Illinois Covered Stop Loss Protection | ||||||
14 | Program shall be implemented and operated subject to the | ||||||
15 | limitations made necessary by the funds appropriated and | ||||||
16 | available in the Illinois Covered Trust Fund. The Department | ||||||
17 | shall calculate the total claims reimbursement amount for all | ||||||
18 | participating managed care entities for the calendar year for | ||||||
19 | which claims are being reported.
In the event that the total | ||||||
20 | amount requested for reimbursement for a calendar year exceeds | ||||||
21 | appropriations available for distribution for claims paid | ||||||
22 | during that same calendar year, the Department shall provide | ||||||
23 | for the pro-rata distribution of the available funds. Each | ||||||
24 | participating managed care entity shall be eligible to receive | ||||||
25 | only such proportionate amount of the available appropriations | ||||||
26 | as the individual participating managed care entity's total |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | eligible claims paid bears to the total eligible claims paid by | ||||||
2 | all participating managed care entities. | ||||||
3 | (h) Each participating managed care entity shall provide | ||||||
4 | the Department with monthly reports of the total enrollment | ||||||
5 | under the suitable group managed care plans and suitable | ||||||
6 | individual managed care plans issued pursuant to Section 10-15 | ||||||
7 | of this Act. The reports shall be in a form prescribed by the | ||||||
8 | Department. | ||||||
9 | (i) The Department shall separately estimate the per member | ||||||
10 | annual cost of total claims reimbursement from each stop loss | ||||||
11 | program for suitable group managed care plans and suitable | ||||||
12 | individual managed care plans based upon available data and | ||||||
13 | appropriate actuarial assumptions. Upon request, each | ||||||
14 | participating managed care plan shall furnish to the Department | ||||||
15 | claims experience data for use in such estimations. | ||||||
16 | (j) Every participating managed care entity shall file with | ||||||
17 | the Division the base rates and rating schedules it uses to | ||||||
18 | provide suitable group managed care plans and suitable | ||||||
19 | individual managed care plans. All rates proposed for suitable | ||||||
20 | managed care plans are subject to the prior regulatory review | ||||||
21 | of the Division and shall be effective only upon approval by | ||||||
22 | the Division. The Division has authority to approve, reject, or | ||||||
23 | modify the proposed base rate subject to the following: | ||||||
24 | (1) Rates for suitable managed care plans must account | ||||||
25 | for the availability of reimbursement pursuant to this | ||||||
26 | Section. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Rates must not be excessive or inadequate nor shall | ||||||
2 | the rates be unfairly discriminatory. | ||||||
3 | (3) Consideration shall be given, to the extent | ||||||
4 | applicable and among other factors, to the managed care | ||||||
5 | entity's past and prospective loss experience within the | ||||||
6 | State for the product for which the base rate is proposed, | ||||||
7 | to past and prospective expenses both countrywide and those | ||||||
8 | especially applicable to this State, and to all other | ||||||
9 | factors, including judgment factors, deemed relevant | ||||||
10 | within and outside the State. | ||||||
11 | (4) Consideration shall be given to the managed care | ||||||
12 | entity's actuarial support, enrollment levels, premium | ||||||
13 | volume, risk-based capital, and the ratio of incurred | ||||||
14 | claims to earned premiums. | ||||||
15 | (k) If the Department deems it appropriate for the proper | ||||||
16 | administration of the program, the Department shall be | ||||||
17 | authorized to purchase stop loss insurance or reinsurance, or | ||||||
18 | both, from an insurance company licensed to write such type of | ||||||
19 | insurance in Illinois. | ||||||
20 | (k-5) Nothing in this Section 10-20 shall require | ||||||
21 | modification of stop loss provisions of an existing contract | ||||||
22 | between the managed care entity and a healthcare provider. | ||||||
23 | (l) The Division shall assess insurers as defined in | ||||||
24 | Section 12 of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act in | ||||||
25 | accordance with the provisions of this subsection: | ||||||
26 | (1) By March 1, 2009, the Illinois Comprehensive Health |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Insurance Plan shall report to the Division the total | ||||||
2 | assessment paid pursuant to subsection d of Section 12 of | ||||||
3 | the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act for fiscal | ||||||
4 | years 2004 through 2008. By March 1, 2009, the Division | ||||||
5 | shall determine the total direct Illinois premiums for | ||||||
6 | calendar years 2004 through 2008 for the kinds of business | ||||||
7 | described in clause (b) of Class 1 or clause (a) of Class 2 | ||||||
8 | of Section 4 of the Illinois Insurance Code, and direct | ||||||
9 | premium income of a health maintenance organization or a | ||||||
10 | voluntary health services plan, except that it shall not | ||||||
11 | include credit health insurance as defined in Article IX | ||||||
12 | 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code. The Division shall | ||||||
13 | create a fraction, the numerator of which equals the total | ||||||
14 | assessment as reported by the Illinois Comprehensive | ||||||
15 | Health Insurance Plan pursuant to this subsection, and the | ||||||
16 | denominator of which equals the total direct Illinois | ||||||
17 | premiums determined by the Division pursuant to this | ||||||
18 | subsection. The resulting percentage shall be the | ||||||
19 | "baseline percentage assessment". | ||||||
20 | (2) For purposes of the program, and to the extent that | ||||||
21 | in any fiscal year the Illinois Comprehensive Health | ||||||
22 | Insurance Plan does not collect an amount equal to or | ||||||
23 | greater than the equivalent dollar amount of the baseline | ||||||
24 | percentage assessment to cover deficits established | ||||||
25 | pursuant to subsection d of Section 12 of the Comprehensive | ||||||
26 | Health Insurance Plan Act, the Division shall impose the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "baseline assessment" in accordance with paragraph (3) of | ||||||
2 | this subsection.
| ||||||
3 | (3) An insurer's assessment shall be determined by | ||||||
4 | multiplying the equivalent dollar amount of the baseline | ||||||
5 | percentage assessment, as determined by paragraph (1), by a | ||||||
6 | fraction, the numerator of which equals that insurer's | ||||||
7 | direct Illinois premiums during the preceding calendar | ||||||
8 | year and the denominator of which equals the total of all | ||||||
9 | insurers' direct Illinois premiums for the preceding | ||||||
10 | calendar year. The Division may exempt those insurers whose | ||||||
11 | share as determined under this subsection would be so | ||||||
12 | minimal as to not exceed the estimated cost of levying the | ||||||
13 | assessment. | ||||||
14 | (4) The Division shall charge and collect from each | ||||||
15 | insurer the amounts determined to be due under this | ||||||
16 | subsection. | ||||||
17 | (5) The difference between the total assessments paid | ||||||
18 | pursuant to imposition of the baseline assessment and the | ||||||
19 | total assessments paid to cover deficits established | ||||||
20 | pursuant to subsection d of Section 12 of the Comprehensive | ||||||
21 | Health Insurance Plan Act shall be paid to the Illinois | ||||||
22 | Covered Trust Fund. | ||||||
23 | (6) When used in this subsection (l), "insurer" means | ||||||
24 | "insurer" as defined in Section 2 of the Comprehensive | ||||||
25 | Health Insurance Plan Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 10-25. Program publicity duties of managed care | ||||||
2 | entities and Department. | ||||||
3 | (a) In conjunction with the Department, all managed care | ||||||
4 | entities shall participate in and share the cost of annually | ||||||
5 | publishing and disseminating a consumer's shopping guide or | ||||||
6 | guides for suitable group managed care plans and suitable | ||||||
7 | individual managed care plans issued pursuant to Section 10-15 | ||||||
8 | of this Act. The contents of all consumer shopping guides | ||||||
9 | published pursuant to this Section shall be subject to review | ||||||
10 | and approval by the Department. | ||||||
11 | (b) Participating managed care entities may distribute | ||||||
12 | additional sales or marketing brochures describing suitable | ||||||
13 | group managed care plans and suitable individual managed care | ||||||
14 | plans subject to review and approval by the Department. | ||||||
15 | (c) Commissions available to insurance producers from | ||||||
16 | managed care entities for sales of plans under the Illinois | ||||||
17 | Covered Choice Program shall not be less than those available | ||||||
18 | for sale of plans other than plans issued pursuant to the | ||||||
19 | Illinois Covered Choice Program. Information on such | ||||||
20 | commissions shall be reported to the Division in the rate | ||||||
21 | approval process. | ||||||
22 | Section 10-30. Data reporting. | ||||||
23 | (a) The Department, in consultation with the Division and | ||||||
24 | other State agencies, shall report on the program established | ||||||
25 | pursuant to Sections 10-15 and 10-20 of this Act. The report |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall examine: | ||||||
2 | (1) employer and individual participation, including | ||||||
3 | an income profile of covered employees and individuals and | ||||||
4 | an estimate of the per-member annual cost of total claims | ||||||
5 | reimbursement as required by subsection (i) of Section | ||||||
6 | 10-20 of this Act; | ||||||
7 | (2) claims experience and the program's projected | ||||||
8 | costs through December 31, 2015; | ||||||
9 | (3) the impact of the program on the uninsured | ||||||
10 | population in Illinois and the impact of the program on | ||||||
11 | health insurance rates paid by Illinois residents; and | ||||||
12 | (4) the amount of funds in the Illinois Covered Trust | ||||||
13 | Fund generated by the Illinois Covered Assessment Act, by | ||||||
14 | category of employer. | ||||||
15 | (b) The study shall be completed and a report submitted by | ||||||
16 | October 1, 2010 to the Governor, the President of the Senate, | ||||||
17 | and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. | ||||||
18 | Section 10-35. Duties assigned to the Department. Unless | ||||||
19 | otherwise specified, all duties assigned to the Department by | ||||||
20 | this Act shall be carried out in consultation with the | ||||||
21 | Division. | ||||||
22 | Section 10-40. Applicability of other Illinois Insurance | ||||||
23 | Code provisions. Unless otherwise specified in this Section, | ||||||
24 | policies for all suitable group managed care plans and suitable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individual managed care plans must meet all other applicable | ||||||
2 | provisions of the Illinois Insurance Code. | ||||||
3 | Section 10-90. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | ||||||
4 | changing Section 368b as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (215 ILCS 5/368b)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 368b. Contracting procedures.
| ||||||
7 | (a) A health care professional or health care provider | ||||||
8 | offered a contract by
insurer, health maintenance | ||||||
9 | organization,
independent practice association, or physician
| ||||||
10 | hospital organization for signature after the effective date of | ||||||
11 | this amendatory
Act of the
93rd General Assembly shall be | ||||||
12 | provided with a proposed health care
professional or
health | ||||||
13 | care provider
services contract including, if any, exhibits and | ||||||
14 | attachments that the contract
indicates are
to be attached. | ||||||
15 | Within 35 days after a written request, the health care
| ||||||
16 | professional or health
care provider offered a contract shall | ||||||
17 | be given the opportunity to review and
obtain a
copy of the | ||||||
18 | following: a specialty-specific fee schedule sample based on a
| ||||||
19 | minimum of
the 50 highest volume fee schedule codes with the | ||||||
20 | rates applicable to the
health care
professional or health care | ||||||
21 | provider to whom the contract is offered, the
| ||||||
22 | administration manual, and a summary capitation schedule, if | ||||||
23 | payment is made on
capitation basis. If 50 codes do not exist | ||||||
24 | for a particular specialty, the
health care
professional or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health care provider offered a contract shall be given the
| ||||||
2 | opportunity to
review or obtain a copy of a fee schedule sample | ||||||
3 | with the codes applicable to
particular specialty. This | ||||||
4 | information may be provided electronically. An
insurer, health
| ||||||
5 | maintenance organization, independent practice
association, or | ||||||
6 | physician hospital
organization may substitute the fee | ||||||
7 | schedule sample with a document providing
to the | ||||||
8 | information needed to calculate the fee schedule that is | ||||||
9 | available to
the public at no
charge and the percentage or | ||||||
10 | conversion factor at which the insurer, health
| ||||||
11 | organization, preferred provider organization, independent | ||||||
12 | practice
association, or physician hospital organization sets | ||||||
13 | its rates.
| ||||||
14 | (b) The fee schedule, the capitation schedule, and
the | ||||||
15 | network provider
administration manual constitute | ||||||
16 | confidential, proprietary, and trade secret
information and | ||||||
17 | are subject to the provisions of the Illinois Trade Secrets
| ||||||
18 | Act.
The health
care professional or health care provider | ||||||
19 | receiving such protected information
may disclose
the | ||||||
20 | information on a need to know basis and only to individuals and | ||||||
21 | entities
that provide
services directly related to the health | ||||||
22 | care professional's or health care
provider's decision
to enter | ||||||
23 | into the contract or keep the contract in force. Any person or | ||||||
24 | entity
receiving or
reviewing such protected information | ||||||
25 | pursuant to this Section shall not
information to | ||||||
26 | any other person, organization, or entity, unless the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disclosure
is requested
pursuant to a valid court order or | ||||||
2 | required by a state or federal government
Individuals | ||||||
3 | or entities receiving such information from a health care
| ||||||
4 | professional
or health care provider as delineated in this | ||||||
5 | subsection are subject to the
provisions of the
Illinois Trade | ||||||
6 | Secrets Act.
| ||||||
7 | (c) The health care professional or health care provider | ||||||
8 | shall be allowed at
30 days to review the health care | ||||||
9 | professional or health care provider services
contract, | ||||||
10 | including
exhibits and
attachments, if any, before signing. The | ||||||
11 | 30-day review period begins upon
receipt of the
health care
| ||||||
12 | professional or health care provider services contract, unless | ||||||
13 | the information
upon request
in subsection (a) is not | ||||||
14 | included. If information is not included in the
| ||||||
15 | services contract and is requested pursuant to subsection (a), | ||||||
16 | the 30-day
review period
begins on the date of receipt of the | ||||||
17 | information. Nothing in this subsection
shall prohibit
a health | ||||||
18 | care professional or health care provider from signing a | ||||||
19 | contract
prior to the
expiration of the 30-day review period.
| ||||||
20 | (d) The insurer, health maintenance organization,
| ||||||
21 | independent practice
association, or physician hospital | ||||||
22 | organization shall provide all contracted
health care
| ||||||
23 | professionals or health care providers with any changes to the | ||||||
24 | fee schedule
under subsection (a) not later than 35 | ||||||
25 | days after the effective date of the
unless such
| ||||||
26 | changes are specified in the contract and the health care |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | professional or
health care
provider is able to calculate the | ||||||
2 | changed rates based on information in the
contract and
| ||||||
3 | information available to the public at no charge. For the | ||||||
4 | purposes of this
"changes" means an increase or | ||||||
5 | decrease in the fee schedule referred to in
subsection (a).
| ||||||
6 | This information may be made available by mail, e-mail, | ||||||
7 | newsletter, website
listing, or
other reasonable method. Upon | ||||||
8 | request, a health care professional or health
care provider
may | ||||||
9 | request an updated copy of the fee schedule referred to in | ||||||
10 | subsection (a)
calendar quarter.
| ||||||
11 | (e) Upon termination of a contract with an insurer, health | ||||||
12 | maintenance
organization, independent practice
association, or | ||||||
13 | physician hospital
organization and at
the request of the | ||||||
14 | patient, a health care professional or health care provider
| ||||||
15 | shall transfer
copies of the patient's medical records. Any | ||||||
16 | other provision of law
notwithstanding, the
costs for copying | ||||||
17 | and transferring copies of medical records shall be assigned
| ||||||
18 | per the
arrangements agreed upon, if any, in the health care | ||||||
19 | professional or health
care provider services
| ||||||
20 | (f) On and after January 1, 2009, all providers that | ||||||
21 | contract with a
managed care entity as defined by the Illinois | ||||||
22 | Covered Choice Act must participate as a network provider under | ||||||
23 | the same managed care entity's suitable managed care plan or | ||||||
24 | plans as authorized by the Illinois Covered Choice Act.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 93-261, eff. 1-1-04.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
2 | ILLINOISANS | ||||||
3 | Section 15-5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | ||||||
4 | adding Section 367.4 as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (215 ILCS 5/367.4 new) | ||||||
6 | Sec. 367.4. Coverage of dependents until age 30. | ||||||
7 | (a) A group health insurance policy that provides coverage | ||||||
8 | for an insured's dependents under which coverage of a dependent | ||||||
9 | terminates at a specific age before the dependent's 30th | ||||||
10 | birthday, and is delivered, issued, executed, or renewed in | ||||||
11 | this State after June 1, 2008, shall, upon application of the | ||||||
12 | dependent as set forth in subsection (c) of this Section, | ||||||
13 | provide health insurance coverage, excluding dental, life, and | ||||||
14 | vision coverage, to the dependent after that specific age, | ||||||
15 | until the dependent's 30th birthday. As used in this Section, | ||||||
16 | "dependents" means any insured's children by blood or by law, | ||||||
17 | including adopted children, stepchildren, and children for | ||||||
18 | whom the insured is or was a court-appointed guardian, who: | ||||||
19 | (1) are less than 30 years of age; | ||||||
20 | (2) are unmarried; | ||||||
21 | (3) are residents of this State or are enrolled as | ||||||
22 | full-time students at an accredited public or private | ||||||
23 | institution of higher education; and | ||||||
24 | (4) are not actually provided coverage as named |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subscribers, insureds, enrollees, or covered persons under | ||||||
2 | any other group or individual health benefits plan, group | ||||||
3 | health plan, church plan, or health benefits plan, or | ||||||
4 | entitled to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social | ||||||
5 | Security Act, Pub.L. 89-97 (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.). | ||||||
6 | (b) Nothing herein shall be construed to require that:
(1) | ||||||
7 | coverage for services be provided to dependents before June 1, | ||||||
8 | 2008; or
(2) an employer pay all or part of the cost of | ||||||
9 | coverage for dependents as provided pursuant to this Section. | ||||||
10 | (c) Application for dependent coverage. | ||||||
11 | (1) A dependent covered by an insured's health | ||||||
12 | insurance policy, which coverage under the policy | ||||||
13 | terminates at a specific age before the dependent's 30th | ||||||
14 | birthday, may make a written election for coverage as a | ||||||
15 | dependent pursuant to this Section, until the dependent's | ||||||
16 | 30th birthday, at any of the following times: | ||||||
17 | (A) within 30 days prior to the termination of | ||||||
18 | coverage at the specific age provided in the policy; | ||||||
19 | (B) within 30 days after meeting the requirements | ||||||
20 | for dependent status as set forth in subsection (a) of | ||||||
21 | this Section, when coverage for the dependent under the | ||||||
22 | policy previously terminated; or | ||||||
23 | (C) during an open enrollment period, as provided | ||||||
24 | pursuant to the policy, if the dependent meets the | ||||||
25 | requirements for dependent status as set forth in | ||||||
26 | subsection (a) of this Section during the open |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | enrollment period. | ||||||
2 | (2) For 12 months after June 1, 2008, a dependent who | ||||||
3 | qualifies for dependent status as set forth in subsection | ||||||
4 | (a) of this Section, but whose coverage as a dependent | ||||||
5 | under an insured's policy terminated under the terms of the | ||||||
6 | policy prior to June 1, 2008, may make a written election | ||||||
7 | to reinstate coverage under that policy as a dependent | ||||||
8 | pursuant to this Section. | ||||||
9 | (3) Coverage for a dependent who makes a written | ||||||
10 | election for health insurance coverage pursuant to this | ||||||
11 | subsection shall consist of health insurance coverage | ||||||
12 | which is identical to the coverage provided to that | ||||||
13 | dependent prior to the termination of coverage at the | ||||||
14 | specific age provided in the policy. If health insurance | ||||||
15 | coverage was modified under the policy for any similarly | ||||||
16 | situated dependents prior to their termination of coverage | ||||||
17 | at the specific age provided in the policy, the coverage | ||||||
18 | shall also be modified in the same manner for the dependent | ||||||
19 | seeking reinstatement. | ||||||
20 | (4) Coverage for a dependent who makes a written | ||||||
21 | election for health insurance coverage pursuant to this | ||||||
22 | subsection shall not be conditioned upon, or discriminate | ||||||
23 | on the basis of, lack of evidence of insurability. | ||||||
24 | (d) Premium adjustments and payments. | ||||||
25 | (1) A policy of insurance offered pursuant to this | ||||||
26 | Section may require payment of a premium by the insured or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | dependent, as appropriate, for any period of coverage | ||||||
2 | relating to a dependent's written election for coverage | ||||||
3 | pursuant to subsection (c). The premium shall not exceed | ||||||
4 | 105% of the applicable portion of the premium previously | ||||||
5 | paid for that dependent's coverage under the policy prior | ||||||
6 | to the termination of coverage at the specific age provided | ||||||
7 | in the policy. | ||||||
8 | (2) The applicable portion of the premium previously | ||||||
9 | paid for the dependent's coverage under the policy shall be | ||||||
10 | based upon the difference between the policy's rating tiers | ||||||
11 | for adult and dependent coverage or family coverage, as | ||||||
12 | appropriate, and single coverage, or based upon any other | ||||||
13 | formula or dependent rating tier deemed appropriate by the | ||||||
14 | Director which provides a substantially similar result. | ||||||
15 | (3) Payments of the premium may, at the election of the | ||||||
16 | payer, be made in monthly installments. | ||||||
17 | (e) Coverage for a dependent provided pursuant to this | ||||||
18 | Section shall be provided until the earlier of the following: | ||||||
19 | (1) the dependent is disqualified for dependent status | ||||||
20 | as set forth in subsection (a) of this Section; | ||||||
21 | (2) the date on which coverage ceases under the policy | ||||||
22 | by reason of a failure to make a timely payment of any | ||||||
23 | premium required under the policy by the insured or | ||||||
24 | dependent for coverage provided pursuant to this Section; | ||||||
25 | the payment of any premium shall be considered to be timely | ||||||
26 | if made within 30 days after the due date or within a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | longer period as may be provided for by the policy; or | ||||||
2 | (3) the date upon which the employer under whose policy | ||||||
3 | coverage is provided to a dependent ceases to provide | ||||||
4 | coverage to the insured;
nothing herein shall be construed | ||||||
5 | to permit an insurer to refuse a written election for | ||||||
6 | coverage by a dependent pursuant to subsection (c) of this | ||||||
7 | Section, based upon the dependent's prior disqualification | ||||||
8 | pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection. | ||||||
9 | (f) Notice regarding coverage for a dependent as provided | ||||||
10 | pursuant to this Section shall be provided to an insured: | ||||||
11 | (1) in the certificate of coverage prepared for | ||||||
12 | insureds by the insurer on or about the date of | ||||||
13 | commencement of coverage; and | ||||||
14 | (2) by the insured's employer: | ||||||
15 | (A) on or before the coverage of an insured's | ||||||
16 | dependent terminates at the specific age as provided in | ||||||
17 | the policy; | ||||||
18 | (B) at the time coverage of the dependent is no | ||||||
19 | longer provided pursuant to this Section because the | ||||||
20 | dependent is disqualified for dependent status as set | ||||||
21 | forth in subsection (a) of this Section, except that | ||||||
22 | this employer notice shall not be required when a | ||||||
23 | dependent no longer qualifies based upon paragraph (1) | ||||||
24 | of subsection (a) of this Section; | ||||||
25 | (C) before any open enrollment period permitting a | ||||||
26 | dependent to make a written election for coverage |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section; and | ||||||
2 | (D) immediately following June 1, 2008, with | ||||||
3 | respect to information concerning a dependent's | ||||||
4 | opportunity, for 12 months after June 1, 2008, to make | ||||||
5 | a written election to reinstate coverage under a policy | ||||||
6 | pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this | ||||||
7 | Section.
| ||||||
8 | Section 15-10. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is | ||||||
9 | amended by changing Section 5-3 as follows:
| ||||||
10 | (215 ILCS 125/5-3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 5-3. Insurance Code provisions.
| ||||||
12 | (a) Health Maintenance Organizations
shall be subject to | ||||||
13 | the provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1,
141.2, | ||||||
14 | 141.3, 143, 143c, 147, 148, 149, 151,
152, 153, 154, 154.5, | ||||||
15 | 154.6,
154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 355.2, 356m, 356v, 356w, 356x, | ||||||
16 | 356y,
356z.2, 356z.4, 356z.5, 356z.6, 356z.8, 364.01, 367.2, | ||||||
17 | 367.2-5, 367.4, 367i, 368a, 368b, 368c, 368d, 368e, 370c,
401, | ||||||
18 | 401.1, 402, 403, 403A,
408, 408.2, 409, 412, 444,
| ||||||
19 | paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of Section 367, and Articles | ||||||
20 | IIA, VIII 1/2,
XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and XXVI of | ||||||
21 | the Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
22 | (b) For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except for | ||||||
23 | Sections 444
and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2, Health | ||||||
24 | Maintenance Organizations in
the following categories are |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deemed to be "domestic companies":
| ||||||
2 | (1) a corporation authorized under the
Dental Service | ||||||
3 | Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act;
| ||||||
4 | (2) a corporation organized under the laws of this | ||||||
5 | State; or
| ||||||
6 | (3) a corporation organized under the laws of another | ||||||
7 | state, 30% or more
of the enrollees of which are residents | ||||||
8 | of this State, except a
corporation subject to | ||||||
9 | substantially the same requirements in its state of
| ||||||
10 | organization as is a "domestic company" under Article VIII | ||||||
11 | 1/2 of the
Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
12 | (c) In considering the merger, consolidation, or other | ||||||
13 | acquisition of
control of a Health Maintenance Organization | ||||||
14 | pursuant to Article VIII 1/2
of the Illinois Insurance Code,
| ||||||
15 | (1) the Director shall give primary consideration to | ||||||
16 | the continuation of
benefits to enrollees and the financial | ||||||
17 | conditions of the acquired Health
Maintenance Organization | ||||||
18 | after the merger, consolidation, or other
acquisition of | ||||||
19 | control takes effect;
| ||||||
20 | (2)(i) the criteria specified in subsection (1)(b) of | ||||||
21 | Section 131.8 of
the Illinois Insurance Code shall not | ||||||
22 | apply and (ii) the Director, in making
his determination | ||||||
23 | with respect to the merger, consolidation, or other
| ||||||
24 | acquisition of control, need not take into account the | ||||||
25 | effect on
competition of the merger, consolidation, or | ||||||
26 | other acquisition of control;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) the Director shall have the power to require the | ||||||
2 | following
| ||||||
3 | (A) certification by an independent actuary of the | ||||||
4 | adequacy
of the reserves of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
5 | Organization sought to be acquired;
| ||||||
6 | (B) pro forma financial statements reflecting the | ||||||
7 | combined balance
sheets of the acquiring company and | ||||||
8 | the Health Maintenance Organization sought
to be | ||||||
9 | acquired as of the end of the preceding year and as of | ||||||
10 | a date 90 days
prior to the acquisition, as well as pro | ||||||
11 | forma financial statements
reflecting projected | ||||||
12 | combined operation for a period of 2 years;
| ||||||
13 | (C) a pro forma business plan detailing an | ||||||
14 | acquiring party's plans with
respect to the operation | ||||||
15 | of the Health Maintenance Organization sought to
be | ||||||
16 | acquired for a period of not less than 3 years; and
| ||||||
17 | (D) such other information as the Director shall | ||||||
18 | require.
| ||||||
19 | (d) The provisions of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois | ||||||
20 | Insurance Code
and this Section 5-3 shall apply to the sale by | ||||||
21 | any health maintenance
organization of greater than 10% of its
| ||||||
22 | enrollee population (including without limitation the health | ||||||
23 | maintenance
organization's right, title, and interest in and to | ||||||
24 | its health care
| ||||||
25 | (e) In considering any management contract or service | ||||||
26 | agreement subject
to Section 141.1 of the Illinois Insurance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code, the Director (i) shall, in
addition to the criteria | ||||||
2 | specified in Section 141.2 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, take | ||||||
3 | into account the effect of the management contract or
service | ||||||
4 | agreement on the continuation of benefits to enrollees and the
| ||||||
5 | financial condition of the health maintenance organization to | ||||||
6 | be managed or
serviced, and (ii) need not take into account the | ||||||
7 | effect of the management
contract or service agreement on | ||||||
8 | competition.
| ||||||
9 | (f) Except for small employer groups as defined in the | ||||||
10 | Small Employer
Rating, Renewability and Portability Health | ||||||
11 | Insurance Act and except for
medicare supplement policies as | ||||||
12 | defined in Section 363 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, a Health | ||||||
13 | Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with a
group or | ||||||
14 | other enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge additional | ||||||
15 | premiums
under the following terms and conditions:
| ||||||
16 | (i) the amount of, and other terms and conditions with | ||||||
17 | respect to, the
refund or additional premium are set forth | ||||||
18 | in the group or enrollment unit
contract agreed in advance | ||||||
19 | of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
| ||||||
20 | additional premium is to be charged (which period shall not | ||||||
21 | be less than one
year); and
| ||||||
22 | (ii) the amount of the refund or additional premium | ||||||
23 | shall not exceed 20%
of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
24 | Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience
with | ||||||
25 | respect to the group or other enrollment unit for the | ||||||
26 | period (and, for
purposes of a refund or additional |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | premium, the profitable or unprofitable
experience shall | ||||||
2 | be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
| ||||||
3 | Health Maintenance Organization's administrative and | ||||||
4 | marketing expenses, but
shall not include any refund to be | ||||||
5 | made or additional premium to be paid
pursuant to this | ||||||
6 | subsection (f)). The Health Maintenance Organization and | ||||||
7 | the
group or enrollment unit may agree that the profitable | ||||||
8 | or unprofitable
experience may be calculated taking into | ||||||
9 | account the refund period and the
immediately preceding 2 | ||||||
10 | plan years.
| ||||||
11 | The Health Maintenance Organization shall include a | ||||||
12 | statement in the
evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee | ||||||
13 | describing the possibility of a
refund or additional premium, | ||||||
14 | and upon request of any group or enrollment unit,
provide to | ||||||
15 | the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used | ||||||
16 | to
calculate (1) the Health Maintenance Organization's | ||||||
17 | profitable experience with
respect to the group or enrollment | ||||||
18 | unit and the resulting refund to the group
or enrollment unit | ||||||
19 | or (2) the Health Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
| ||||||
20 | experience with respect to the group or enrollment unit and the | ||||||
21 | resulting
additional premium to be paid by the group or | ||||||
22 | enrollment unit.
| ||||||
23 | In no event shall the Illinois Health Maintenance | ||||||
24 | Organization
Guaranty Association be liable to pay any | ||||||
25 | contractual obligation of an
insolvent organization to pay any | ||||||
26 | refund authorized under this Section.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 93-102, eff. 1-1-04; 93-261, eff. 1-1-04; 93-477, | ||||||
2 | eff. 8-8-03; 93-529, eff. 8-14-03; 93-853, eff. 1-1-05; | ||||||
3 | 93-1000, eff. 1-1-05; 94-906, eff. 1-1-07; 94-1076, eff. | ||||||
4 | 12-29-06; revised 1-5-07.)
| ||||||
6 | EMPLOYEES | ||||||
7 | Section 16-5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | ||||||
8 | adding Sections 352b and 352c as follows: | ||||||
9 | (215 ILCS 5/352b new)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 352b. Group health plan non-discrimination | ||||||
11 | requirement. On and after June 1, 2008, no group policy or | ||||||
12 | certificate of accident and health insurance otherwise subject | ||||||
13 | to applicable provisions of this Code shall be delivered or | ||||||
14 | issued for delivery to an employer group in this State unless | ||||||
15 | such policy or certificate is offered by that employer to all | ||||||
16 | full-time employees who live in Illinois; provided, however, | ||||||
17 | the employer shall not make a smaller health insurance premium | ||||||
18 | contribution percentage amount to an employee than the employer | ||||||
19 | makes to any other employee who receives an equal or greater | ||||||
20 | total hourly or annual salary for each policy or certificate of | ||||||
21 | accident and health insurance for all employees. | ||||||
22 | Notwithstanding any provision of this Section, an insurer may | ||||||
23 | deliver or issue a group policy or certificate of accident and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health insurance to an employer group that establishes separate | ||||||
2 | contribution percentages for employees covered by collective | ||||||
3 | bargaining agreements as negotiated in those agreements. | ||||||
4 | (215 ILCS 5/352c new)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 352c. Cafeteria plans. No later than January 1, 2009, | ||||||
6 | each employer with more than 10 employees shall adopt and | ||||||
7 | maintain a cafeteria plan that satisfies 26 U.S.C. 125 and the | ||||||
8 | rules adopted by the Department of Revenue in collaboration | ||||||
9 | with the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
| ||||||
10 | The Department of Revenue in collaboration with the Department | ||||||
11 | of Financial and Professional Regulation shall develop a | ||||||
12 | standard set of documents that may be used by businesses to | ||||||
13 | establish such a plan and shall provide technical assistance to | ||||||
14 | businesses to so establish such plans. | ||||||
15 | Section 16-10. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is | ||||||
16 | amended by changing Section 5-3 as follows:
| ||||||
17 | (215 ILCS 125/5-3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 5-3. Insurance Code provisions.
| ||||||
19 | (a) Health Maintenance Organizations
shall be subject to | ||||||
20 | the provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1,
141.2, | ||||||
21 | 141.3, 143, 143c, 147, 148, 149, 151,
152, 153, 154, 154.5, | ||||||
22 | 154.6,
154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 352b, 355.2, 356m, 356v, 356w, | ||||||
23 | 356x, 356y,
356z.2, 356z.4, 356z.5, 356z.6, 356z.8, 364.01, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 367.2, 367.2-5, 367i, 368a, 368b, 368c, 368d, 368e, 370c,
401, | ||||||
2 | 401.1, 402, 403, 403A,
408, 408.2, 409, 412, 444,
| ||||||
3 | paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of Section 367, and Articles | ||||||
4 | IIA, VIII 1/2,
XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and XXVI of | ||||||
5 | the Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
6 | (b) For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except for | ||||||
7 | Sections 444
and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2, Health | ||||||
8 | Maintenance Organizations in
the following categories are | ||||||
9 | deemed to be "domestic companies":
| ||||||
10 | (1) a corporation authorized under the
Dental Service | ||||||
11 | Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act;
| ||||||
12 | (2) a corporation organized under the laws of this | ||||||
13 | State; or
| ||||||
14 | (3) a corporation organized under the laws of another | ||||||
15 | state, 30% or more
of the enrollees of which are residents | ||||||
16 | of this State, except a
corporation subject to | ||||||
17 | substantially the same requirements in its state of
| ||||||
18 | organization as is a "domestic company" under Article VIII | ||||||
19 | 1/2 of the
Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
20 | (c) In considering the merger, consolidation, or other | ||||||
21 | acquisition of
control of a Health Maintenance Organization | ||||||
22 | pursuant to Article VIII 1/2
of the Illinois Insurance Code,
| ||||||
23 | (1) the Director shall give primary consideration to | ||||||
24 | the continuation of
benefits to enrollees and the financial | ||||||
25 | conditions of the acquired Health
Maintenance Organization | ||||||
26 | after the merger, consolidation, or other
acquisition of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | control takes effect;
| ||||||
2 | (2)(i) the criteria specified in subsection (1)(b) of | ||||||
3 | Section 131.8 of
the Illinois Insurance Code shall not | ||||||
4 | apply and (ii) the Director, in making
his determination | ||||||
5 | with respect to the merger, consolidation, or other
| ||||||
6 | acquisition of control, need not take into account the | ||||||
7 | effect on
competition of the merger, consolidation, or | ||||||
8 | other acquisition of control;
| ||||||
9 | (3) the Director shall have the power to require the | ||||||
10 | following
| ||||||
11 | (A) certification by an independent actuary of the | ||||||
12 | adequacy
of the reserves of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
13 | Organization sought to be acquired;
| ||||||
14 | (B) pro forma financial statements reflecting the | ||||||
15 | combined balance
sheets of the acquiring company and | ||||||
16 | the Health Maintenance Organization sought
to be | ||||||
17 | acquired as of the end of the preceding year and as of | ||||||
18 | a date 90 days
prior to the acquisition, as well as pro | ||||||
19 | forma financial statements
reflecting projected | ||||||
20 | combined operation for a period of 2 years;
| ||||||
21 | (C) a pro forma business plan detailing an | ||||||
22 | acquiring party's plans with
respect to the operation | ||||||
23 | of the Health Maintenance Organization sought to
be | ||||||
24 | acquired for a period of not less than 3 years; and
| ||||||
25 | (D) such other information as the Director shall | ||||||
26 | require.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) The provisions of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois | ||||||
2 | Insurance Code
and this Section 5-3 shall apply to the sale by | ||||||
3 | any health maintenance
organization of greater than 10% of its
| ||||||
4 | enrollee population (including without limitation the health | ||||||
5 | maintenance
organization's right, title, and interest in and to | ||||||
6 | its health care
| ||||||
7 | (e) In considering any management contract or service | ||||||
8 | agreement subject
to Section 141.1 of the Illinois Insurance | ||||||
9 | Code, the Director (i) shall, in
addition to the criteria | ||||||
10 | specified in Section 141.2 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, take | ||||||
11 | into account the effect of the management contract or
service | ||||||
12 | agreement on the continuation of benefits to enrollees and the
| ||||||
13 | financial condition of the health maintenance organization to | ||||||
14 | be managed or
serviced, and (ii) need not take into account the | ||||||
15 | effect of the management
contract or service agreement on | ||||||
16 | competition.
| ||||||
17 | (f) Except for small employer groups as defined in the | ||||||
18 | Small Employer
Rating, Renewability and Portability Health | ||||||
19 | Insurance Act and except for
medicare supplement policies as | ||||||
20 | defined in Section 363 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, a Health | ||||||
21 | Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with a
group or | ||||||
22 | other enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge additional | ||||||
23 | premiums
under the following terms and conditions:
| ||||||
24 | (i) the amount of, and other terms and conditions with | ||||||
25 | respect to, the
refund or additional premium are set forth | ||||||
26 | in the group or enrollment unit
contract agreed in advance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
| ||||||
2 | additional premium is to be charged (which period shall not | ||||||
3 | be less than one
year); and
| ||||||
4 | (ii) the amount of the refund or additional premium | ||||||
5 | shall not exceed 20%
of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
6 | Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience
with | ||||||
7 | respect to the group or other enrollment unit for the | ||||||
8 | period (and, for
purposes of a refund or additional | ||||||
9 | premium, the profitable or unprofitable
experience shall | ||||||
10 | be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
| ||||||
11 | Health Maintenance Organization's administrative and | ||||||
12 | marketing expenses, but
shall not include any refund to be | ||||||
13 | made or additional premium to be paid
pursuant to this | ||||||
14 | subsection (f)). The Health Maintenance Organization and | ||||||
15 | the
group or enrollment unit may agree that the profitable | ||||||
16 | or unprofitable
experience may be calculated taking into | ||||||
17 | account the refund period and the
immediately preceding 2 | ||||||
18 | plan years.
| ||||||
19 | The Health Maintenance Organization shall include a | ||||||
20 | statement in the
evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee | ||||||
21 | describing the possibility of a
refund or additional premium, | ||||||
22 | and upon request of any group or enrollment unit,
provide to | ||||||
23 | the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used | ||||||
24 | to
calculate (1) the Health Maintenance Organization's | ||||||
25 | profitable experience with
respect to the group or enrollment | ||||||
26 | unit and the resulting refund to the group
or enrollment unit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or (2) the Health Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
| ||||||
2 | experience with respect to the group or enrollment unit and the | ||||||
3 | resulting
additional premium to be paid by the group or | ||||||
4 | enrollment unit.
| ||||||
5 | In no event shall the Illinois Health Maintenance | ||||||
6 | Organization
Guaranty Association be liable to pay any | ||||||
7 | contractual obligation of an
insolvent organization to pay any | ||||||
8 | refund authorized under this Section.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 93-102, eff. 1-1-04; 93-261, eff. 1-1-04; 93-477, | ||||||
10 | eff. 8-8-03; 93-529, eff. 8-14-03; 93-853, eff. 1-1-05; | ||||||
11 | 93-1000, eff. 1-1-05; 94-906, eff. 1-1-07; 94-1076, eff. | ||||||
12 | 12-29-06; revised 1-5-07.)
| ||||||
16 | Section 18-5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | ||||||
17 | changing Sections 155.36, 359a, and 370c and by adding the | ||||||
18 | heading of Article XLV and Sections 1500-5, 1500-10, 1500-15, | ||||||
19 | 1500-20, and 1500-25 as follows:
| ||||||
20 | (215 ILCS 5/155.36)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 155.36. Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act. | ||||||
22 | Insurance
companies that transact the kinds of insurance | ||||||
23 | authorized under Class 1(b) or
Class 2(a) of Section 4 of this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code shall comply
with Section 45, Section 55, Section 85 , and | ||||||
2 | the definition of the term "emergency medical
condition" in | ||||||
3 | Section
10 of the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 91-617, eff. 1-1-00.)
| ||||||
5 | (215 ILCS 5/359a) (from Ch. 73, par. 971a)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 359a. Application.
| ||||||
7 | (1) On and after June 1, 2008, no individual or group
No | ||||||
8 | policy or certificate of insurance except an Industrial | ||||||
9 | Accident and Health
Policy provided for by this article shall | ||||||
10 | be issued, except upon the
signed application of the person or | ||||||
11 | persons sought to be insured. Any
information or statement of | ||||||
12 | the applicant shall plainly appear upon such
application in the | ||||||
13 | form of interrogatories by the insurer and answers by
the | ||||||
14 | applicant. The insured shall not be bound by any statement made | ||||||
15 | in an
application for any policy, including an Industrial | ||||||
16 | Accident and Health
Policy, unless a copy of such application | ||||||
17 | is attached to or endorsed on the
policy when issued as a part | ||||||
18 | thereof. If any such policy delivered or
issued for delivery to | ||||||
19 | any person in this state shall be reinstated or
renewed, and | ||||||
20 | the insured or the beneficiary or assignee of such policy
shall | ||||||
21 | make written request to the insurer for a copy of the | ||||||
22 | application, if
any, for such reinstatement or renewal, the | ||||||
23 | insurer shall within fifteen
days after the receipt of such | ||||||
24 | request at its home office or any branch
office of the insurer, | ||||||
25 | deliver or mail to the person making such request, a
copy of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such application. If such copy shall not be so delivered or | ||||||
2 | mailed,
the insurer shall be precluded from introducing such | ||||||
3 | application as
evidence in any action or proceeding based upon | ||||||
4 | or involving such policy or
its reinstatement or renewal. On | ||||||
5 | and after June 1, 2008, all individual and group applications | ||||||
6 | for insurance that require health information or questions | ||||||
7 | shall comply with the following standards: | ||||||
8 | (A) Insurers may ask diagnostic questions on | ||||||
9 | applications for insurance. | ||||||
10 | (B) Application questions shall be formed in a manner | ||||||
11 | designed to elicit specific medical information and not | ||||||
12 | other inferential information. | ||||||
13 | (C) Questions which are vague, subjective, unfairly | ||||||
14 | discriminatory, or so technical as to inhibit a clear | ||||||
15 | understanding by the applicant are prohibited. | ||||||
16 | (D) Questions that ask an applicant to verify diagnosis | ||||||
17 | or treatment for specific diseases or conditions must | ||||||
18 | stipulate that such diagnoses must have been made and such | ||||||
19 | treatment must have been performed by an appropriately | ||||||
20 | licensed health care service provider. | ||||||
21 | (E) All underwriting shall be based on individual | ||||||
22 | review of specific health information furnished on the | ||||||
23 | application, any reports provided as a result of medical | ||||||
24 | examinations performed at the company's request, medical | ||||||
25 | record information obtained from the applicant's health | ||||||
26 | care providers, or any combination of the foregoing. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Adverse underwriting decisions shall not be based on | ||||||
2 | ambiguous responses to application questions. | ||||||
3 | (F) Preexisting condition exclusions imposed based | ||||||
4 | solely on responses to an application question may exclude | ||||||
5 | only a condition that was specifically elicited in the | ||||||
6 | application and may not be broadened to similar, but | ||||||
7 | separate conditions that were not specifically identified | ||||||
8 | by an application question.
| ||||||
9 | (2) No alteration of any written application for any such | ||||||
10 | policy shall
be made by any person other than the applicant | ||||||
11 | without his written consent,
except that insertions may be made | ||||||
12 | by the insurer, for administrative
purposes only, in such | ||||||
13 | manner as to indicate clearly that such insertions
are not to | ||||||
14 | be ascribed to the applicant.
| ||||||
15 | (3) On and after June 1, 2008, the falsity of any statement | ||||||
16 | in the application for any policy covered by this Act may not | ||||||
17 | bar the right to recovery thereunder unless such false | ||||||
18 | statement has actually contributed to the contingency or event | ||||||
19 | on which the policy is to become due and payable and unless | ||||||
20 | such false statement materially affected either the acceptance | ||||||
21 | of the risk or the hazard assumed by the insurer. Provided, | ||||||
22 | however, that any recovery resulting from the operation of this | ||||||
23 | Section shall not bar the right to render the policy void in | ||||||
24 | accordance with its provisions.
The falsity of any statement in | ||||||
25 | the application for any policy
covered by this act may not bar | ||||||
26 | the right to recovery thereunder unless
such false statement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | materially affected either the acceptance of the risk
or the | ||||||
2 | hazard assumed by the insurer.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: Laws 1951, p. 611.)
| ||||||
4 | (215 ILCS 5/370c) (from Ch. 73, par. 982c)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 370c. Mental and emotional disorders.
| ||||||
6 | (a) (1) On and after the effective date of this Section,
| ||||||
7 | every insurer which delivers, issues for delivery or renews or | ||||||
8 | modifies
group A&H policies providing coverage for hospital or | ||||||
9 | medical treatment or
services for illness on an | ||||||
10 | expense-incurred basis shall offer to the
applicant or group | ||||||
11 | policyholder subject to the insurers standards of
| ||||||
12 | insurability, coverage for reasonable and necessary treatment | ||||||
13 | and services
for mental, emotional or nervous disorders or | ||||||
14 | conditions, other than serious
mental illnesses as defined in | ||||||
15 | item (2) of subsection (b), up to the limits
provided in the | ||||||
16 | policy for other disorders or conditions, except (i) the
| ||||||
17 | insured may be required to pay up to 50% of expenses incurred | ||||||
18 | as a result
of the treatment or services, and (ii) the annual | ||||||
19 | benefit limit may be
limited to the lesser of $10,000 or 25% of | ||||||
20 | the lifetime policy limit.
| ||||||
21 | (2) Each insured that is covered for mental, emotional or | ||||||
22 | nervous
disorders or conditions shall be free to select the | ||||||
23 | physician licensed to
practice medicine in all its branches, | ||||||
24 | licensed clinical psychologist,
licensed clinical social | ||||||
25 | worker, or licensed clinical professional counselor of
his |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | choice to treat such disorders, and
the insurer shall pay the | ||||||
2 | covered charges of such physician licensed to
practice medicine | ||||||
3 | in all its branches, licensed clinical psychologist,
licensed | ||||||
4 | clinical social worker, or licensed clinical professional | ||||||
5 | counselor up
to the limits of coverage, provided (i)
the | ||||||
6 | disorder or condition treated is covered by the policy, and | ||||||
7 | (ii) the
physician, licensed psychologist, licensed clinical | ||||||
8 | social worker, or licensed
clinical professional counselor is
| ||||||
9 | authorized to provide said services under the statutes of this | ||||||
10 | State and in
accordance with accepted principles of his | ||||||
11 | profession.
| ||||||
12 | (3) Insofar as this Section applies solely to licensed | ||||||
13 | clinical social
workers and licensed clinical professional | ||||||
14 | counselors, those persons who may
provide services to | ||||||
15 | individuals shall do so
after the licensed clinical social | ||||||
16 | worker or licensed clinical professional
counselor has | ||||||
17 | informed the patient of the
desirability of the patient | ||||||
18 | conferring with the patient's primary care
physician and the | ||||||
19 | licensed clinical social worker or licensed clinical
| ||||||
20 | professional counselor has
provided written
notification to | ||||||
21 | the patient's primary care physician, if any, that services
are | ||||||
22 | being provided to the patient. That notification may, however, | ||||||
23 | be
waived by the patient on a written form. Those forms shall | ||||||
24 | be retained by
the licensed clinical social worker or licensed | ||||||
25 | clinical professional counselor
for a period of not less than 5 | ||||||
26 | years.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) (1) An insurer that provides coverage for hospital or | ||||||
2 | medical
expenses under a group policy of accident and health | ||||||
3 | insurance or
health care plan amended, delivered, issued, or | ||||||
4 | renewed after the effective
date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
5 | 92nd General Assembly shall provide coverage
under the policy | ||||||
6 | for treatment of serious mental illness under the same terms
| ||||||
7 | and conditions as coverage for hospital or medical expenses | ||||||
8 | related to other
illnesses and diseases. The coverage required | ||||||
9 | under this Section must provide
for same durational limits, | ||||||
10 | amount limits, deductibles, and co-insurance
requirements for | ||||||
11 | serious mental illness as are provided for other illnesses
and | ||||||
12 | diseases. This subsection does not apply to coverage provided | ||||||
13 | to
employees by employers who have 50 or fewer employees.
| ||||||
14 | (2) "Serious mental illness" means the following | ||||||
15 | psychiatric illnesses as
defined in the most current edition of | ||||||
16 | the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM) published by the | ||||||
17 | American Psychiatric Association:
| ||||||
18 | (A) schizophrenia;
| ||||||
19 | (B) paranoid and other psychotic disorders;
| ||||||
20 | (C) bipolar disorders (hypomanic, manic, depressive, | ||||||
21 | and mixed);
| ||||||
22 | (D) major depressive disorders (single episode or | ||||||
23 | recurrent);
| ||||||
24 | (E) schizoaffective disorders (bipolar or depressive);
| ||||||
25 | (F) pervasive developmental disorders;
| ||||||
26 | (G) obsessive-compulsive disorders;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (H) depression in childhood and adolescence;
| ||||||
2 | (I) panic disorder; and | ||||||
3 | (J) post-traumatic stress disorders (acute, chronic, | ||||||
4 | or with delayed onset).
| ||||||
5 | (3) (Blank).
Upon request of the reimbursing insurer, a | ||||||
6 | provider of treatment of
serious mental illness shall furnish | ||||||
7 | medical records or other necessary data
that substantiate that | ||||||
8 | initial or continued treatment is at all times medically
| ||||||
9 | necessary. An insurer shall provide a mechanism for the timely | ||||||
10 | review by a
provider holding the same license and practicing in | ||||||
11 | the same specialty as the
patient's provider, who is | ||||||
12 | unaffiliated with the insurer, jointly selected by
the patient | ||||||
13 | (or the patient's next of kin or legal representative if the
| ||||||
14 | patient is unable to act for himself or herself), the patient's | ||||||
15 | provider, and
the insurer in the event of a dispute between the | ||||||
16 | insurer and patient's
provider regarding the medical necessity | ||||||
17 | of a treatment proposed by a patient's
provider. If the | ||||||
18 | reviewing provider determines the treatment to be medically
| ||||||
19 | necessary, the insurer shall provide reimbursement for the | ||||||
20 | treatment. Future
contractual or employment actions by the | ||||||
21 | insurer regarding the patient's
provider may not be based on | ||||||
22 | the provider's participation in this procedure.
Nothing | ||||||
23 | prevents
the insured from agreeing in writing to continue | ||||||
24 | treatment at his or her
expense. When making a determination of | ||||||
25 | the medical necessity for a treatment
modality for serous | ||||||
26 | mental illness, an insurer must make the determination in a
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | manner that is consistent with the manner used to make that | ||||||
2 | determination with
respect to other diseases or illnesses | ||||||
3 | covered under the policy, including an
appeals process.
| ||||||
4 | (4) A group health benefit plan:
| ||||||
5 | (A) shall provide coverage based upon medical | ||||||
6 | necessity for the following
treatment of mental illness in | ||||||
7 | each calendar year:
| ||||||
8 | (i) 45 days of inpatient treatment; and
| ||||||
9 | (ii) beginning on June 26, 2006 ( the effective date | ||||||
10 | of Public Act 94-921)
this amendatory Act of the 94th | ||||||
11 | General Assembly , 60 visits for outpatient treatment | ||||||
12 | including group and individual
outpatient treatment; | ||||||
13 | and | ||||||
14 | (iii) for plans or policies delivered, issued for | ||||||
15 | delivery, renewed, or modified after January 1, 2007 | ||||||
16 | ( the effective date of Public Act 94-906)
this | ||||||
17 | amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly ,
20 | ||||||
18 | additional outpatient visits for speech therapy for | ||||||
19 | treatment of pervasive developmental disorders that | ||||||
20 | will be in addition to speech therapy provided pursuant | ||||||
21 | to item (ii) of this subparagraph (A);
| ||||||
22 | (B) may not include a lifetime limit on the number of | ||||||
23 | days of inpatient
treatment or the number of outpatient | ||||||
24 | visits covered under the plan; and
| ||||||
25 | (C) shall include the same amount limits, deductibles, | ||||||
26 | copayments, and
coinsurance factors for serious mental |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | illness as for physical illness.
| ||||||
2 | (5) An issuer of a group health benefit plan may not count | ||||||
3 | toward the number
of outpatient visits required to be covered | ||||||
4 | under this Section an outpatient
visit for the purpose of | ||||||
5 | medication management and shall cover the outpatient
visits | ||||||
6 | under the same terms and conditions as it covers outpatient | ||||||
7 | visits for
the treatment of physical illness.
| ||||||
8 | (6) An issuer of a group health benefit
plan may provide or | ||||||
9 | offer coverage required under this Section through a
managed | ||||||
10 | care plan.
| ||||||
11 | (7) This Section shall not be interpreted to require a | ||||||
12 | group health benefit
plan to provide coverage for treatment of:
| ||||||
13 | (A) an addiction to a controlled substance or cannabis | ||||||
14 | that is used in
violation of law; or
| ||||||
15 | (B) mental illness resulting from the use of a | ||||||
16 | controlled substance or
cannabis in violation of law.
| ||||||
17 | (8)
| ||||||
18 | (c)(1) On and after June 1, 2008, coverage for the | ||||||
19 | treatment of mental and emotional disorders as provided by | ||||||
20 | subsections (a) and (b) shall not be denied under the policy | ||||||
21 | provided that services are medically necessary as determined by | ||||||
22 | the insured's treating physician. For purposes of this | ||||||
23 | subsection, "medically necessary" means health care services | ||||||
24 | appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, level, setting, and | ||||||
25 | duration, to the enrollee's diagnosis or condition, and | ||||||
26 | diagnostic testing and preventive services. Medically |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | necessary care must be consistent with generally accepted | ||||||
2 | practice parameters as determined by health care providers in | ||||||
3 | the same or similar general specialty as typically manages the | ||||||
4 | condition, procedure, or treatment at issue and must be | ||||||
5 | intended to either help restore or maintain the enrollee's | ||||||
6 | health or prevent deterioration of the enrollee's condition. | ||||||
7 | Upon request of the reimbursing insurer, a provider of | ||||||
8 | treatment of serious mental illness shall furnish medical | ||||||
9 | records or other necessary data that substantiate that initial | ||||||
10 | or continued treatment is at all times medically necessary. | ||||||
11 | (2) On and after January 1, 2009, all of the provisions for | ||||||
12 | the treatment of and services for mental, emotional, or nervous | ||||||
13 | disorders or conditions, including the treatment of serious | ||||||
14 | mental illness, contained in subsections (a) and (b), and the | ||||||
15 | requirements relating to determinations based on medical | ||||||
16 | necessity contained in subdivision (c)(1) of this Section must | ||||||
17 | be contained in all group and individual suitable managed care | ||||||
18 | plans as defined by the Illinois Covered Choice Act.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 94-402, eff. 8-2-05; 94-584, eff. 8-15-05; | ||||||
20 | 94-906, eff. 1-1-07; 94-921, eff. 6-26-06; revised 8-3-06.)
| ||||||
21 | (215 ILCS 5/Art. XLV heading new) | ||||||
22 | ARTICLE XLV. | ||||||
23 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-5 new) | ||||||
24 | Sec. 1500-5. Office of Patient Protection. There is hereby |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | established within the Division of Insurance an Office of | ||||||
2 | Patient Protection to ensure that persons covered by health | ||||||
3 | insurance companies or health care plans are provided the | ||||||
4 | benefits due them under this Code and related statutes and are | ||||||
5 | protected from health insurance company and health care plan | ||||||
6 | actions or policy provisions that are unjust, unfair, | ||||||
7 | inequitable, ambiguous, misleading, inconsistent, deceptive, | ||||||
8 | or contrary to law or to the public policy of this State or | ||||||
9 | that unreasonably or deceptively affect the risk purported to | ||||||
10 | be assumed. | ||||||
11 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-10 new) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 1500-10. Powers of Office of Patient Protection. | ||||||
13 | Acting under the authority of the Director, the Office of | ||||||
14 | Patient Protection shall: (1) have the power as established by | ||||||
15 | Section 401 of this Code to institute such actions or other | ||||||
16 | lawful proceedings as may be necessary for the enforcement of | ||||||
17 | this Code; and
(2) oversee the responsibilities of the Office | ||||||
18 | of Consumer Health, including, but not limited to, responding | ||||||
19 | to consumer questions relating to health insurance. | ||||||
20 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-15 new) | ||||||
21 | Sec. 1500-15. Responsibility of Office of Patient | ||||||
22 | Protection. The Office of Patient Protection shall assist | ||||||
23 | health insurance company consumers and health care plan | ||||||
24 | consumers with respect to the exercise of the grievance and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appeals rights established by Section 45 of the Managed Care | ||||||
2 | Reform and Patient Rights Act. | ||||||
3 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-20 new) | ||||||
4 | Sec. 1500-20. Health insurance oversight. The | ||||||
5 | responsibilities of the Office of Patient Protection shall | ||||||
6 | include, but not be limited to, the oversight of health | ||||||
7 | insurance companies and health care plans with respect to: | ||||||
8 | (1) Improper claims practices (Sections 154.5 and | ||||||
9 | 154.6 of this Code). | ||||||
10 | (2) Emergency services. | ||||||
11 | (3) Compliance with the Managed Care Reform and Patient | ||||||
12 | Rights Act. | ||||||
13 | (4) Requiring health insurance companies and health | ||||||
14 | care plans to pay claims when internal appeal time frames | ||||||
15 | exceed requirements established by the Managed Care Reform | ||||||
16 | and Patient Rights Act. | ||||||
17 | (5) Ensuring coverage for mental health treatment, | ||||||
18 | including insurance company and health care plan | ||||||
19 | procedures for internal and external review of denials for | ||||||
20 | mental health coverage as provided by Section 370c of this | ||||||
21 | Code. | ||||||
22 | (6) Reviewing health insurance company and health care | ||||||
23 | plan eligibility, underwriting, and claims practices. | ||||||
24 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-25 new)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 1500-25. Powers of the Director. | ||||||
2 | (a) The Director, in his or her discretion, may issue a | ||||||
3 | Notice of Hearing requiring a health insurance company or | ||||||
4 | health care plan to appear at a hearing for the purpose of | ||||||
5 | determining the health insurance company or health care plan's | ||||||
6 | compliance with the duties and responsibilities listed in | ||||||
7 | Section 1500-15. | ||||||
8 | (b) Nothing in this Article XLV shall diminish or affect | ||||||
9 | the powers and authority of the Director of Insurance otherwise | ||||||
10 | set forth in this Code. | ||||||
11 | (215 ILCS 5/1500-30 new)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 1500-30. Operative date. This Article XLV is operative | ||||||
13 | on and after June 1, 2008. | ||||||
14 | Section 18-10. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is | ||||||
15 | amended by changing Section 5-3 as follows:
| ||||||
16 | (215 ILCS 125/5-3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 5-3. Insurance Code provisions.
| ||||||
18 | (a) Health Maintenance Organizations
shall be subject to | ||||||
19 | the provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1,
141.2, | ||||||
20 | 141.3, 143, 143c, 147, 148, 149, 151,
152, 153, 154, 154.5, | ||||||
21 | 154.6,
154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 355.2, 356m, 356v, 356w, 356x, | ||||||
22 | 356y,
356z.2, 356z.4, 356z.5, 356z.6, 356z.8, 359a, 364.01, | ||||||
23 | 367.2, 367.2-5, 367i, 368a, 368b, 368c, 368d, 368e, 370c,
401, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 401.1, 402, 403, 403A,
408, 408.2, 409, 412, 444,
| ||||||
2 | paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of Section 367, and Articles | ||||||
3 | IIA, VIII 1/2,
XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and XXVI of | ||||||
4 | the Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
5 | (b) For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except for | ||||||
6 | Sections 444
and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2, Health | ||||||
7 | Maintenance Organizations in
the following categories are | ||||||
8 | deemed to be "domestic companies":
| ||||||
9 | (1) a corporation authorized under the
Dental Service | ||||||
10 | Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act;
| ||||||
11 | (2) a corporation organized under the laws of this | ||||||
12 | State; or
| ||||||
13 | (3) a corporation organized under the laws of another | ||||||
14 | state, 30% or more
of the enrollees of which are residents | ||||||
15 | of this State, except a
corporation subject to | ||||||
16 | substantially the same requirements in its state of
| ||||||
17 | organization as is a "domestic company" under Article VIII | ||||||
18 | 1/2 of the
Illinois Insurance Code.
| ||||||
19 | (c) In considering the merger, consolidation, or other | ||||||
20 | acquisition of
control of a Health Maintenance Organization | ||||||
21 | pursuant to Article VIII 1/2
of the Illinois Insurance Code,
| ||||||
22 | (1) the Director shall give primary consideration to | ||||||
23 | the continuation of
benefits to enrollees and the financial | ||||||
24 | conditions of the acquired Health
Maintenance Organization | ||||||
25 | after the merger, consolidation, or other
acquisition of | ||||||
26 | control takes effect;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2)(i) the criteria specified in subsection (1)(b) of | ||||||
2 | Section 131.8 of
the Illinois Insurance Code shall not | ||||||
3 | apply and (ii) the Director, in making
his determination | ||||||
4 | with respect to the merger, consolidation, or other
| ||||||
5 | acquisition of control, need not take into account the | ||||||
6 | effect on
competition of the merger, consolidation, or | ||||||
7 | other acquisition of control;
| ||||||
8 | (3) the Director shall have the power to require the | ||||||
9 | following
| ||||||
10 | (A) certification by an independent actuary of the | ||||||
11 | adequacy
of the reserves of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
12 | Organization sought to be acquired;
| ||||||
13 | (B) pro forma financial statements reflecting the | ||||||
14 | combined balance
sheets of the acquiring company and | ||||||
15 | the Health Maintenance Organization sought
to be | ||||||
16 | acquired as of the end of the preceding year and as of | ||||||
17 | a date 90 days
prior to the acquisition, as well as pro | ||||||
18 | forma financial statements
reflecting projected | ||||||
19 | combined operation for a period of 2 years;
| ||||||
20 | (C) a pro forma business plan detailing an | ||||||
21 | acquiring party's plans with
respect to the operation | ||||||
22 | of the Health Maintenance Organization sought to
be | ||||||
23 | acquired for a period of not less than 3 years; and
| ||||||
24 | (D) such other information as the Director shall | ||||||
25 | require.
| ||||||
26 | (d) The provisions of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Insurance Code
and this Section 5-3 shall apply to the sale by | ||||||
2 | any health maintenance
organization of greater than 10% of its
| ||||||
3 | enrollee population (including without limitation the health | ||||||
4 | maintenance
organization's right, title, and interest in and to | ||||||
5 | its health care
| ||||||
6 | (e) In considering any management contract or service | ||||||
7 | agreement subject
to Section 141.1 of the Illinois Insurance | ||||||
8 | Code, the Director (i) shall, in
addition to the criteria | ||||||
9 | specified in Section 141.2 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, take | ||||||
10 | into account the effect of the management contract or
service | ||||||
11 | agreement on the continuation of benefits to enrollees and the
| ||||||
12 | financial condition of the health maintenance organization to | ||||||
13 | be managed or
serviced, and (ii) need not take into account the | ||||||
14 | effect of the management
contract or service agreement on | ||||||
15 | competition.
| ||||||
16 | (f) Except for small employer groups as defined in the | ||||||
17 | Small Employer
Rating, Renewability and Portability Health | ||||||
18 | Insurance Act and except for
medicare supplement policies as | ||||||
19 | defined in Section 363 of the Illinois
Insurance Code, a Health | ||||||
20 | Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with a
group or | ||||||
21 | other enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge additional | ||||||
22 | premiums
under the following terms and conditions:
| ||||||
23 | (i) the amount of, and other terms and conditions with | ||||||
24 | respect to, the
refund or additional premium are set forth | ||||||
25 | in the group or enrollment unit
contract agreed in advance | ||||||
26 | of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | additional premium is to be charged (which period shall not | ||||||
2 | be less than one
year); and
| ||||||
3 | (ii) the amount of the refund or additional premium | ||||||
4 | shall not exceed 20%
of the Health Maintenance | ||||||
5 | Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience
with | ||||||
6 | respect to the group or other enrollment unit for the | ||||||
7 | period (and, for
purposes of a refund or additional | ||||||
8 | premium, the profitable or unprofitable
experience shall | ||||||
9 | be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
| ||||||
10 | Health Maintenance Organization's administrative and | ||||||
11 | marketing expenses, but
shall not include any refund to be | ||||||
12 | made or additional premium to be paid
pursuant to this | ||||||
13 | subsection (f)). The Health Maintenance Organization and | ||||||
14 | the
group or enrollment unit may agree that the profitable | ||||||
15 | or unprofitable
experience may be calculated taking into | ||||||
16 | account the refund period and the
immediately preceding 2 | ||||||
17 | plan years.
| ||||||
18 | The Health Maintenance Organization shall include a | ||||||
19 | statement in the
evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee | ||||||
20 | describing the possibility of a
refund or additional premium, | ||||||
21 | and upon request of any group or enrollment unit,
provide to | ||||||
22 | the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used | ||||||
23 | to
calculate (1) the Health Maintenance Organization's | ||||||
24 | profitable experience with
respect to the group or enrollment | ||||||
25 | unit and the resulting refund to the group
or enrollment unit | ||||||
26 | or (2) the Health Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | experience with respect to the group or enrollment unit and the | ||||||
2 | resulting
additional premium to be paid by the group or | ||||||
3 | enrollment unit.
| ||||||
4 | In no event shall the Illinois Health Maintenance | ||||||
5 | Organization
Guaranty Association be liable to pay any | ||||||
6 | contractual obligation of an
insolvent organization to pay any | ||||||
7 | refund authorized under this Section.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 93-102, eff. 1-1-04; 93-261, eff. 1-1-04; 93-477, | ||||||
9 | eff. 8-8-03; 93-529, eff. 8-14-03; 93-853, eff. 1-1-05; | ||||||
10 | 93-1000, eff. 1-1-05; 94-906, eff. 1-1-07; 94-1076, eff. | ||||||
11 | 12-29-06; revised 1-5-07.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 18-15. The Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights | ||||||
13 | Act is amended by changing Section 45 as follows:
| ||||||
14 | (215 ILCS 134/45)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 45. Health care services appeals,
complaints, and
| ||||||
16 | external independent reviews.
| ||||||
17 | (a) A health care plan shall establish and maintain an | ||||||
18 | appeals procedure as
outlined in this Act. Compliance with this | ||||||
19 | Act's appeals procedures shall
satisfy a health care plan's | ||||||
20 | obligation to provide appeal procedures under any
other State | ||||||
21 | law or rules.
All appeals of a health care plan's | ||||||
22 | administrative determinations and
complaints regarding its | ||||||
23 | administrative decisions shall be handled as required
under | ||||||
24 | Section 50.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) Internal appeals. | ||||||
2 | (1) When an appeal concerns a decision or action by a | ||||||
3 | health care plan,
employees, or its subcontractors that | ||||||
4 | relates to (i) health care services,
including, but not | ||||||
5 | limited to, procedures or
for an enrollee with | ||||||
6 | an ongoing course of treatment ordered
by a health care | ||||||
7 | provider,
the denial of which could significantly
increase | ||||||
8 | the risk to an
enrollee's health,
or (ii) a treatment | ||||||
9 | referral, service,
procedure, or other health care | ||||||
10 | service,
the denial of which could significantly
increase | ||||||
11 | the risk to an
enrollee's health,
the health care plan must | ||||||
12 | allow for the filing of an appeal
either orally or in | ||||||
13 | writing. | ||||||
14 | (2) On and after June 1, 2008, a health plan must | ||||||
15 | prominently display a brief summary of its appeal | ||||||
16 | requirements as established by this Section, including the | ||||||
17 | manner in which an enrollee may initiate such appeals, in | ||||||
18 | all of its printed material sent to the enrollee as well as | ||||||
19 | on its website.
| ||||||
20 | (3) Upon submission of the appeal, a health care plan
| ||||||
21 | must notify the party filing the appeal, as soon as | ||||||
22 | possible, but in no event
more than 24 hours after the | ||||||
23 | submission of the appeal, of all information
that the plan | ||||||
24 | requires to evaluate the appeal.
| ||||||
25 | (4) The health care plan shall render a decision on the | ||||||
26 | appeal within
24 hours after receipt of the required |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information. | ||||||
2 | (5) The health care plan shall
notify the party filing | ||||||
3 | the
appeal and the enrollee, enrollee's primary care | ||||||
4 | physician, and any health care
provider who recommended the | ||||||
5 | health care service involved in the appeal of its
decision | ||||||
6 | orally
followed-up by a written notice of the | ||||||
7 | determination.
| ||||||
8 | (6) For all denials of treatment for mental and | ||||||
9 | emotional disorders on and after June 1, 2008, the | ||||||
10 | following requirements shall apply: | ||||||
11 | (A) A plan's determination that care rendered or to | ||||||
12 | be rendered is inappropriate shall not be made until | ||||||
13 | the plan has communicated with the enrollee's | ||||||
14 | attending mental health professional concerning that | ||||||
15 | medical care. The review shall be made prior to or | ||||||
16 | concurrent with the treatment. | ||||||
17 | (B) A determination that care rendered or to be | ||||||
18 | rendered is inappropriate shall include the written | ||||||
19 | evaluation and findings of the mental health | ||||||
20 | professional whose training and expertise is at least | ||||||
21 | comparable to that of the treating clinician. | ||||||
22 | (C) Any determination regarding services rendered | ||||||
23 | or to be rendered for the treatment of mental and | ||||||
24 | emotional disorders for an enrollee which may result in | ||||||
25 | a denial of reimbursement or a denial of | ||||||
26 | pre-certification for that service shall, at the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | request of the affected enrollee or provider as defined | ||||||
2 | by Section 370c of the Illinois Insurance Code, include | ||||||
3 | the specific review criteria, the procedures and | ||||||
4 | methods used in evaluating proposed or delivered | ||||||
5 | mental health care services, and the credentials of the | ||||||
6 | peer reviewer. | ||||||
7 | (D) In making any communication, a plan shall | ||||||
8 | ensure that all applicable State and federal laws to | ||||||
9 | protect the confidentiality of individual mental | ||||||
10 | health records are followed. | ||||||
11 | (E) A plan shall ensure that it provides | ||||||
12 | appropriate notification to and receives concurrence | ||||||
13 | from enrollees and their attending mental health | ||||||
14 | professional before any enrollee interviews are | ||||||
15 | conducted by the plan. | ||||||
16 | (7) On and after June 1, 2008, if the enrollee, the | ||||||
17 | enrollee's treating physician, and the health care plan | ||||||
18 | agree, or if the Office of Patient Protection established | ||||||
19 | under Section 1500-5 of the Illinois Insurance Code | ||||||
20 | explicitly allows, the claim determination may be appealed | ||||||
21 | directly to the external independent review as described | ||||||
22 | under subsection (f). | ||||||
23 | (8) On and after June 1, 2008, except as provided in | ||||||
24 | paragraph (7), an enrollee must exhaust the internal appeal | ||||||
25 | process prior to requesting an external independent | ||||||
26 | review.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) For all appeals related to health care services | ||||||
2 | including, but not
limited to, procedures or treatments for an | ||||||
3 | enrollee and not covered by
subsection (b) above, the health | ||||||
4 | care
plan shall establish a procedure for the filing of such | ||||||
5 | appeals. Upon
submission of an appeal under this subsection, a | ||||||
6 | health care plan must notify
the party filing an appeal, within | ||||||
7 | 3 business days, of all information that the
plan requires to | ||||||
8 | evaluate the appeal.
The health care plan shall render a | ||||||
9 | decision on the appeal within 15 business
days after receipt of | ||||||
10 | the required information. The health care plan shall
notify the | ||||||
11 | party filing the appeal,
the enrollee, the enrollee's primary | ||||||
12 | care physician, and any health care
who recommended | ||||||
13 | the health care service involved in the appeal orally of its
| ||||||
14 | decision followed-up by a written notice of the determination.
| ||||||
15 | (d) An appeal under subsection (b) or (c) may be filed by | ||||||
16 | the
enrollee, the enrollee's designee or guardian, the | ||||||
17 | enrollee's primary care
physician, or the enrollee's health | ||||||
18 | care provider. A health care plan shall
designate a clinical | ||||||
19 | peer to review
appeals, because these appeals pertain to | ||||||
20 | medical or clinical matters
and such an appeal must be reviewed | ||||||
21 | by an appropriate
health care professional. No one reviewing an | ||||||
22 | appeal may have had any
in the initial | ||||||
23 | determination that is the subject of the appeal. The written
| ||||||
24 | notice of determination required under subsections (b) and (c) | ||||||
25 | shall
include (i) clear and detailed reasons for the | ||||||
26 | determination, (ii)
the medical or
clinical criteria for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determination, which shall be based upon sound
clinical | ||||||
2 | evidence and reviewed on a periodic basis, and (iii) in the | ||||||
3 | case of an
adverse determination, the
procedures for requesting | ||||||
4 | an external independent review under subsection (f).
| ||||||
5 | (e) If an appeal filed under subsection (b) or (c) is | ||||||
6 | denied for a reason
including, but not limited to, the
service, | ||||||
7 | procedure, or treatment is not viewed as medically necessary,
| ||||||
8 | denial of specific tests or procedures, denial of referral
to | ||||||
9 | specialist physicians or denial of hospitalization requests or | ||||||
10 | length of
stay requests, and on and after June 1, 2008, if the | ||||||
11 | amount of the denial exceeds $250, any involved party may | ||||||
12 | request an external independent review
under subsection (f) of | ||||||
13 | the adverse determination.
| ||||||
14 | (f) External independent review.
| ||||||
15 | (1) The party seeking an external independent review | ||||||
16 | shall so notify the
health care plan.
The health care plan | ||||||
17 | shall seek to resolve all
external independent
reviews in | ||||||
18 | the most expeditious manner and shall make a determination | ||||||
19 | and
provide notice of the determination no more
than 24 | ||||||
20 | hours after the receipt of all necessary information when a | ||||||
21 | delay would
significantly increase
the risk to an | ||||||
22 | enrollee's health or when extended health care services for | ||||||
23 | an
enrollee undergoing a
course of treatment prescribed by | ||||||
24 | a health care provider are at issue.
| ||||||
25 | (2) On and after June 1, 2008, within 180
Within 30 | ||||||
26 | days after the enrollee receives written notice of an
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | adverse
if the enrollee decides to initiate | ||||||
2 | an external independent review, the
enrollee shall send to | ||||||
3 | the health
care plan a written request for an external | ||||||
4 | independent review, including any
information or
| ||||||
5 | documentation to support the enrollee's request for the | ||||||
6 | covered service or
claim for a covered
| ||||||
7 | (3) Within 30 days after the health care plan receives | ||||||
8 | a request for an
independent review from an | ||||||
9 | enrollee, the health care plan shall:
| ||||||
10 | (A) provide a mechanism for joint selection of an | ||||||
11 | external independent
reviewer by the enrollee, the | ||||||
12 | enrollee's physician or other health care
| ||||||
13 | and the health care plan; and
| ||||||
14 | (B) forward to the independent reviewer all | ||||||
15 | medical records and
documentation | ||||||
16 | pertaining to the case, a summary description of the | ||||||
17 | applicable
issues including a
statement of the health | ||||||
18 | care plan's decision, the criteria used, and the
| ||||||
19 | medical and clinical reasons
for that decision.
| ||||||
20 | (4) Within 5 days after receipt of all necessary | ||||||
21 | information, the
shall evaluate and | ||||||
22 | analyze the case and render a decision that is based on
| ||||||
23 | whether or not the health
care service or claim for the | ||||||
24 | health care service is medically appropriate. The
decision | ||||||
25 | by the
independent reviewer is final. If the external | ||||||
26 | independent reviewer determines
the health care
service to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be medically
appropriate, the health
care plan shall pay | ||||||
2 | for the health care service. On and after June 1, 2008, an | ||||||
3 | external independent review decision may be appealed to the | ||||||
4 | Office of Patient Protection established under Section | ||||||
5 | 1500-5 of the Illinois Insurance Code. In cases in which | ||||||
6 | the Division finds the external independent review | ||||||
7 | determination to have been arbitrary and capricious, the | ||||||
8 | Division, through the Office of Patient Protection, may | ||||||
9 | reverse the external independent review determination.
| ||||||
10 | (5) The health care plan shall be solely responsible | ||||||
11 | for paying the fees
of the external
independent reviewer | ||||||
12 | who is selected to perform the review.
| ||||||
13 | (6) An external independent reviewer who acts in good | ||||||
14 | faith shall have
from any civil or criminal | ||||||
15 | liability or professional discipline as a result of
acts or | ||||||
16 | omissions with
respect to any external independent review, | ||||||
17 | unless the acts or omissions
constitute willful
wilful and | ||||||
18 | wanton
misconduct. For purposes of any proceeding, the good | ||||||
19 | faith of the person
participating shall be
| ||||||
20 | (7) Future contractual or employment action by the | ||||||
21 | health care plan
regarding the
patient's physician or other | ||||||
22 | health care provider shall not be based solely on
the | ||||||
23 | physician's or other
health care provider's participation | ||||||
24 | in this procedure.
| ||||||
25 | (8) For the purposes of this Section, an external | ||||||
26 | independent reviewer
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) be a clinical peer;
| ||||||
2 | (B) have no direct financial interest in | ||||||
3 | connection with the case; and
| ||||||
4 | (C) have not been informed of the specific identity | ||||||
5 | of the enrollee.
| ||||||
6 | (g) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require a | ||||||
7 | health care
plan to pay for a health care service not covered | ||||||
8 | under the enrollee's
certificate of coverage or policy.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 91-617, eff. 1-1-00.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 20-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
13 | Comprehensive Healthcare Workforce Planning Act. All | ||||||
14 | references in this Article to "this Act" mean this Article. | ||||||
15 | Section 20-5. Definitions. As used in this Act: | ||||||
16 | "Council" means the State Healthcare Workforce Council | ||||||
17 | created by this Act. | ||||||
18 | "Department" means the Department of Public Health. | ||||||
19 | "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the | ||||||
20 | State Healthcare Workforce Council, which shall consist of 13 | ||||||
21 | members of the State Healthcare Workforce Council: the Chair, | ||||||
22 | the Vice-Chair, a representative of the Governor's Office, the | ||||||
23 | Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or his or her |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | designee, the Secretary of Financial and Professional | ||||||
2 | Regulation or his or her designee, the Secretary of Human | ||||||
3 | Services or his or her designee, the Director of Healthcare and | ||||||
4 | Family Services or his or her designee, and 6 health care | ||||||
5 | workforce experts from the State Healthcare Workforce Council | ||||||
6 | as designated by the Governor. | ||||||
7 | "Interagency Subcommittee" means the Interagency | ||||||
8 | Subcommittee of the State Healthcare Workforce Council, which | ||||||
9 | shall consist of the following members or their designees: the | ||||||
10 | Director of the Department; a representative of the Governor's | ||||||
11 | Office; the Secretary of Human Services; the Secretary of | ||||||
12 | Financial and Professional Regulation; the Directors of the | ||||||
13 | Departments of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Employment | ||||||
14 | Security, and Healthcare and Family Services; and the executive | ||||||
15 | director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the | ||||||
16 | President of the Illinois Community College Board, and the | ||||||
17 | State Superintendent of Education. | ||||||
18 | Section 20-10. Purpose. The State Healthcare Workforce | ||||||
19 | Council is hereby established to provide an ongoing assessment | ||||||
20 | of health care workforce trends, training issues, and financing | ||||||
21 | policies, and to recommend appropriate State government and | ||||||
22 | private sector efforts to address identified needs. The work of | ||||||
23 | the Council shall focus on: health care workforce supply and | ||||||
24 | distribution; cultural competence and minority participation | ||||||
25 | in health professions education; primary care training and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | practice; and data evaluation and analysis. | ||||||
2 | Section 20-15. Members. | ||||||
3 | (a) The following 10 persons or their designees shall be | ||||||
4 | members of the Council: the Director of the Department; a | ||||||
5 | representative of the Governor's Office; the Secretary of Human | ||||||
6 | Services; the Secretary of Financial and Professional | ||||||
7 | Regulation; the Directors of the Departments of Commerce and | ||||||
8 | Economic Opportunity, Employment Security, and Healthcare and | ||||||
9 | Family Services; and the executive director of the Illinois | ||||||
10 | Board of Higher Education, the President of the Illinois | ||||||
11 | Community College Board, and the State Superintendent of | ||||||
12 | Education. | ||||||
13 | (b) The Governor shall appoint 16 additional members, who | ||||||
14 | shall be health care workforce experts, including | ||||||
15 | representatives of practicing physicians, nurses, and | ||||||
16 | dentists, State and local health professions organizations, | ||||||
17 | schools of medicine and osteopathy, nursing, dental, allied | ||||||
18 | health, and public health; public and private teaching | ||||||
19 | hospitals; health insurers, business; and labor. The Speaker of | ||||||
20 | the Illinois House of Representatives, the President of the | ||||||
21 | Illinois Senate, the Minority Leader of the Illinois House of | ||||||
22 | Representatives, and the Minority Leader of the Illinois Senate | ||||||
23 | may each appoint one representative to the Council. Members | ||||||
24 | appointed under this subsection (b) shall serve 4-year terms | ||||||
25 | and may be reappointed. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) The Director of the Department shall serve as Chair of | ||||||
2 | the Council. The Governor shall appoint a health care workforce | ||||||
3 | expert from the non-governmental sector to serve as Vice-Chair.
| ||||||
4 | Section 20-20. Five-year comprehensive health care | ||||||
5 | workforce plan. | ||||||
6 | (a) Every 5 years, the State of Illinois shall prepare a | ||||||
7 | comprehensive healthcare workforce plan. | ||||||
8 | (b) The comprehensive healthcare workforce plan shall | ||||||
9 | include, but need not be limited to, the following: | ||||||
10 | (1) 25-year projections of the demand and supply of | ||||||
11 | health professionals to meet the needs of healthcare within | ||||||
12 | the State. | ||||||
13 | (2) The identification of all funding sources for which | ||||||
14 | the State has administrative control that are available for | ||||||
15 | health professions training. | ||||||
16 | (3) Recommendations on how to rationalize and | ||||||
17 | coordinate the State-supported programs for health | ||||||
18 | professions training. | ||||||
19 | (4) Recommendations on actions needed to meet the | ||||||
20 | projected demand for health professionals over the 25 years | ||||||
21 | of the plan. | ||||||
22 | (c) The Interagency Subcommittee, with staff support and | ||||||
23 | coordination assistance from the Department, shall develop the | ||||||
24 | Comprehensive Healthcare Workforce Plan. The State Healthcare | ||||||
25 | Workforce Council shall provide advice and guidance to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Interagency Subcommittee in developing the plan. The | ||||||
2 | Interagency Subcommittee shall deliver the Comprehensive | ||||||
3 | Healthcare Workforce Plan to the Governor and the General | ||||||
4 | Assembly by July 1 of each fifth year, beginning July 1, 2008, | ||||||
5 | or the first business day thereafter. | ||||||
6 | (d) Each year in which a comprehensive healthcare workforce | ||||||
7 | plan is not due, the Department, on behalf of the Interagency | ||||||
8 | Subcommittee, shall prepare a report by July 1 of that year to | ||||||
9 | the Governor and the General Assembly on the progress made | ||||||
10 | toward achieving the projected goals of the current | ||||||
11 | comprehensive healthcare workforce plan during the previous | ||||||
12 | calendar year. | ||||||
13 | (e) The Department shall provide staffing to the | ||||||
14 | Interagency Subcommittee, the Council, and the Executive | ||||||
15 | Committee of the Council. It shall also provide the staff | ||||||
16 | support needed to help coordinate the implementation of the | ||||||
17 | comprehensive healthcare workforce plan.
| ||||||
18 | Section 20-25. Executive Committee. The Executive | ||||||
19 | Committee shall: | ||||||
20 | (1) oversee and structure the operations of the | ||||||
21 | Council; | ||||||
22 | (2) create necessary subcommittees and appoint | ||||||
23 | subcommittee members, with the advice of the Council and | ||||||
24 | the Interagency Subcommittee, as the Executive Committee | ||||||
25 | deems necessary; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) ensure adequate public input into the | ||||||
2 | comprehensive healthcare workforce plan; | ||||||
3 | (4) involve, to the extent possible, appropriate | ||||||
4 | representatives of the federal government, local | ||||||
5 | governments, municipalities, and education; and | ||||||
6 | (5) have input into the development of the | ||||||
7 | comprehensive healthcare workforce plan and the annual | ||||||
8 | report prepared by the Department before the Department | ||||||
9 | submits them to the Council. | ||||||
10 | Section 20-30. Interagency Subcommittee. The Interagency | ||||||
11 | Subcommittee and its member agencies shall: | ||||||
12 | (1) be responsible for providing the information | ||||||
13 | needed to develop the comprehensive healthcare workforce | ||||||
14 | plan as well as the plan reports; | ||||||
15 | (2) develop the comprehensive healthcare workforce | ||||||
16 | plan; and | ||||||
17 | (3) oversee the implementation of the plan by | ||||||
18 | coordinating, streamlining, and prioritizing the | ||||||
19 | allocation of resources. | ||||||
20 | Section 20-35. Reimbursement. The members of the Council | ||||||
21 | shall receive no compensation but shall be entitled to | ||||||
22 | reimbursement for any necessary expenses incurred in | ||||||
23 | connection with the performance of their duties. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
2 | Section 25-5. The Loan
Repayment Assistance for Physicians | ||||||
3 | Act is amended by changing the title of the Act and Sections 1, | ||||||
4 | 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 as follows: | ||||||
5 | (110 ILCS 949/Act title)
| ||||||
6 | An Act concerning loan repayment assistance for physicians | ||||||
7 | and dentists . | ||||||
8 | (110 ILCS 949/1)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the Targeted | ||||||
10 | Loan
Repayment Assistance for Physicians and Dentists Act.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
12 | (110 ILCS 949/5)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 5. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to establish a
| ||||||
14 | program in the Department of Public Health to increase the | ||||||
15 | total number
of physicians and dentists in this State serving | ||||||
16 | targeted populations by providing educational loan repayment | ||||||
17 | assistance grants
physicians and dentists .
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
19 | (110 ILCS 949/10)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act, unless the context | ||||||
21 | otherwise requires:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Dentist" means a person who has received a general license
| ||||||
2 | pursuant to paragraph (a) of Section 11 of the Illinois Dental
| ||||||
3 | Practice Act, who may perform any intraoral and extraoral | ||||||
4 | procedure required in the practice of dentistry, and to whom is | ||||||
5 | reserved the responsibilities specified in Section 17 of the | ||||||
6 | Illinois Dental Practice Act.
| ||||||
7 | "Department" means the Department of Public Health.
| ||||||
8 | "Educational loans" means higher education student loans | ||||||
9 | that a
person has incurred in attending a registered | ||||||
10 | professional physician
education program or a registered | ||||||
11 | professional dentist education program .
| ||||||
12 | "Medical payments" means compensation provided to | ||||||
13 | physicians or dentists for services rendered under | ||||||
14 | means-tested healthcare programs administered by the | ||||||
15 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services. | ||||||
16 | "Medically underserved area" means an urban or rural area | ||||||
17 | designated by the Secretary of the United States Department of | ||||||
18 | Health and Human Services as an area with a shortage of | ||||||
19 | personal health services or as otherwise designated by the | ||||||
20 | Department of Public Health. | ||||||
21 | "Medically underserved population" means (i) the | ||||||
22 | population of an urban or rural area designated by the | ||||||
23 | Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human | ||||||
24 | Services as an area with a shortage of personal health services | ||||||
25 | or (ii) a population group designated by the Secretary as | ||||||
26 | having a shortage of those services or as otherwise designated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | by the Department of Public Health.
| ||||||
2 | "Physician" means a person licensed under the Medical | ||||||
3 | Practice Act of 1987 to practice medicine in all of its | ||||||
4 | branches.
| ||||||
5 | "Program" means the educational loan repayment assistance | ||||||
6 | program for
physicians and dentists established by the | ||||||
7 | Department under this Act.
| ||||||
8 | "Targeted populations" means one or more of the following: | ||||||
9 | the medically underserved population, persons in a medically | ||||||
10 | underserved area, the uninsured population of this State and | ||||||
11 | persons enrolled in means-tested healthcare programs | ||||||
12 | administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
13 | Services. | ||||||
14 | "Uninsured population" means persons who do not own private | ||||||
15 | health care insurance, are not part of a group insurance plan, | ||||||
16 | and are not enrolled in any State or federal | ||||||
17 | government-sponsored means-tested healthcare program.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
19 | (110 ILCS 949/15)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 15. Establishment of program.
| ||||||
21 | (a) The Department shall
establish an educational loan | ||||||
22 | repayment assistance program for physicians and dentists who
| ||||||
23 | practice in Illinois and serve targeted populations . The | ||||||
24 | Department shall administer
the program and make all necessary | ||||||
25 | and proper rules not inconsistent
with this Act for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | program's effective implementation. The
Department may use up | ||||||
2 | to 5% of the appropriation for this program for
administration | ||||||
3 | and promotion of physician incentive programs .
| ||||||
4 | (b) The Department shall consult with the Department of | ||||||
5 | Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of Human | ||||||
6 | Services to identify geographic areas of the State in need of | ||||||
7 | health care services, including dental services, for one or | ||||||
8 | more targeted populations. The Department may target grants to | ||||||
9 | physicians and dentists in accordance with those identified | ||||||
10 | needs, with respect to geographic areas, categories of services | ||||||
11 | or quantity of service to targeted populations.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
13 | (110 ILCS 949/20)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 20. Application. Beginning July 1, 2008
2005 , the
| ||||||
15 | Department shall, each year, consider applications for
| ||||||
16 | assistance under the program. The form of application and the
| ||||||
17 | information required to be set forth in the application shall | ||||||
18 | be
determined by the Department, and the Department shall | ||||||
19 | require
applicants to submit with their applications such | ||||||
20 | supporting
documents as the Department deems necessary.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
22 | (110 ILCS 949/25)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 25. Eligibility. To be eligible for
assistance under | ||||||
24 | the program, an applicant must meet all of the
following |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | qualifications:
| ||||||
2 | (1) He or she must be a citizen or permanent resident | ||||||
3 | of the
United States.
| ||||||
4 | (2) He or she must be a resident of Illinois.
| ||||||
5 | (3) He or she must be practicing full-time in Illinois | ||||||
6 | as a physician or dentist .
| ||||||
7 | (4) He or she must currently be repaying educational | ||||||
8 | loans.
| ||||||
9 | (5) He or she must agree to continue full-time practice | ||||||
10 | in Illinois for 3 years serving targeted populations .
| ||||||
11 | (6) He or she must accept medical payments as defined | ||||||
12 | in this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) | ||||||
14 | (110 ILCS 949/30)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 30. The award of grants. Under the program, for each | ||||||
16 | year
that a qualified applicant practices full-time in Illinois | ||||||
17 | as a physician or dentist serving targeted populations , the | ||||||
18 | Department shall, subject to appropriation, award
a grant to | ||||||
19 | that person in an amount not to exceed
equal to the amount in
| ||||||
20 | educational loans that the person must repay that year. The
| ||||||
21 | However, the
total amount in grants that a person may be | ||||||
22 | awarded under the program
shall not exceed $200,000
$25,000 . | ||||||
23 | The Department shall require recipients to
use the grants to | ||||||
24 | pay off their educational loans.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (110 ILCS 949/35)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 35. Penalty for failure to fulfill obligation. Loan | ||||||
3 | repayment recipients who fail to practice full-time in Illinois | ||||||
4 | for 3 years and meet the grant requirement of serving targeted | ||||||
5 | populations shall repay the Department a sum equal to 3 times | ||||||
6 | the amount received under the program.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 94-368, eff. 7-29-05.)
| ||||||
10 | Section 30-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
11 | Community Health Provider Targeted Expansion Act. All | ||||||
12 | references in this Article to "this Act" mean this Article. | ||||||
13 | Section 30-5. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
14 | "Board" means the Capital Development Board. | ||||||
15 | "Community health provider site" means a site where a | ||||||
16 | community health provider provides or will provide primary | ||||||
17 | health care services (and, if applicable, specialty health care | ||||||
18 | services) to targeted populations. | ||||||
19 | "Medically underserved area" means an urban or rural area | ||||||
20 | designated by the Secretary of the United States Department of | ||||||
21 | Health and Human Services as an area with a shortage of | ||||||
22 | personal health services or as otherwise designated by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department of Public Health. | ||||||
2 | "Medically underserved population" means (i) the | ||||||
3 | population of an urban or rural area designated by the | ||||||
4 | Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human | ||||||
5 | Services as an area with a shortage of personal health services | ||||||
6 | or (ii) a population group designated by the Secretary as | ||||||
7 | having a shortage of those services or as otherwise designated | ||||||
8 | by the Department of Public Health. | ||||||
9 | "Primary health care services" means the following: | ||||||
10 | (1) Basic health services consisting of the following: | ||||||
11 | (A) Health services related to family medicine, | ||||||
12 | internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, or | ||||||
13 | gynecology that are furnished by physicians and, if | ||||||
14 | appropriate, physician assistants, nurse | ||||||
15 | practitioners, and nurse midwives. | ||||||
16 | (B) Diagnostic laboratory and radiologic services. | ||||||
17 | (C) Preventive health services, including the | ||||||
18 | following: | ||||||
19 | (i) Prenatal and perinatal services. | ||||||
20 | (ii) Screenings for breast and cervical | ||||||
21 | cancer. | ||||||
22 | (iii) Well-child services. | ||||||
23 | (iv) Immunizations against vaccine-preventable | ||||||
24 | diseases. | ||||||
25 | (v) Screenings for elevated blood lead levels, | ||||||
26 | communicable diseases, and cholesterol. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (vi) Pediatric eye, ear, and dental screenings | ||||||
2 | to determine the need for vision and hearing | ||||||
3 | correction and dental care. | ||||||
4 | (vii) Voluntary family planning services. | ||||||
5 | (viii) Preventive dental services. | ||||||
6 | (D) Emergency medical services. | ||||||
7 | (E) Pharmaceutical services as appropriate for | ||||||
8 | particular health centers. | ||||||
9 | (2) Referrals to providers of medical services and | ||||||
10 | other health-related services (including addiction | ||||||
11 | treatment and mental health services). | ||||||
12 | (3) Patient case management services (including | ||||||
13 | counseling, referral, and follow-up services) and other | ||||||
14 | services designed to assist health provider patients in | ||||||
15 | establishing eligibility for and gaining access to | ||||||
16 | federal, State, and local programs that provide or | ||||||
17 | financially support the provision of medical, social, | ||||||
18 | educational, or other related services. | ||||||
19 | (4) Services that enable individuals to use the | ||||||
20 | services of the health provider (including outreach and | ||||||
21 | transportation services and, if a substantial number of the | ||||||
22 | individuals in the population are of limited | ||||||
23 | English-speaking ability, the services of appropriate | ||||||
24 | personnel fluent in the language spoken by a predominant | ||||||
25 | number of those individuals). | ||||||
26 | (5) Education of patients and the general population |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | served by the health provider regarding the availability | ||||||
2 | and proper use of health services. | ||||||
3 | (6) Additional health services consisting of services | ||||||
4 | that are appropriate to meet the health needs of the | ||||||
5 | population served by the health provider involved and that | ||||||
6 | may include the following: | ||||||
7 | (A) Environmental health services, including the | ||||||
8 | following: | ||||||
9 | (i) Detection and alleviation of unhealthful | ||||||
10 | conditions associated with water supply. | ||||||
11 | (ii) Sewage treatment. | ||||||
12 | (iii) Solid waste disposal. | ||||||
13 | (iv) Detection and alleviation of rodent and | ||||||
14 | parasite infestation. | ||||||
15 | (v) Field sanitation. | ||||||
16 | (vi) Housing. | ||||||
17 | (vii) Other environmental factors related to | ||||||
18 | health. | ||||||
19 | (B) Special occupation-related health services for | ||||||
20 | migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, including | ||||||
21 | the following: | ||||||
22 | (i) Screening for and control of infectious | ||||||
23 | diseases, including parasitic diseases. | ||||||
24 | (ii) Injury prevention programs, which may | ||||||
25 | include prevention of exposure to unsafe levels of | ||||||
26 | agricultural chemicals, including pesticides. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Specialty health care services" means health care | ||||||
2 | services, other than primary health care services, provided by | ||||||
3 | such specialists, as the Board may determine by rule. | ||||||
4 | "Specialty health care services" may include, without | ||||||
5 | limitation, dental services, mental health services, | ||||||
6 | behavioral health services, and optometry services. | ||||||
7 | "Targeted populations" means one or more of the following: | ||||||
8 | the medically underserved population, persons in a medically | ||||||
9 | underserved area, the uninsured population of this State and | ||||||
10 | persons enrolled in a means-tested healthcare program | ||||||
11 | administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
12 | Services. | ||||||
13 | "Uninsured population" means persons who do not own private | ||||||
14 | health care insurance, are not part of a group insurance plan, | ||||||
15 | and are not enrolled in any State or federal | ||||||
16 | government-sponsored means-tested healthcare program.
| ||||||
17 | Section 30-10. Grants. | ||||||
18 | (a) The Board, in consultation with the Department of | ||||||
19 | Public Health, shall establish a community health provider | ||||||
20 | targeted expansion grant program and may make grants subject to | ||||||
21 | appropriations. The grants shall be for the purpose of (i) | ||||||
22 | establishing new community health provider sites, (ii) | ||||||
23 | expanding primary health care services at existing community | ||||||
24 | health provider sites, or (iii) adding or expanding specialty | ||||||
25 | health care services at existing community health center sites, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in each case to serve one or more of the targeted populations | ||||||
2 | in this State. | ||||||
3 | (b) Grants under this Section shall be for a period not to | ||||||
4 | exceed 3 years. The Board may make new grants whenever the | ||||||
5 | total amount appropriated for grants is sufficient to fund both | ||||||
6 | the new grants and the grants already in effect. | ||||||
7 | (c) The Board shall consult with the Department of | ||||||
8 | Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Public | ||||||
9 | Health, and the Department of Human Services to identify | ||||||
10 | geographic areas of the State in need of primary health | ||||||
11 | services and specialty care services for one or more targeted | ||||||
12 | populations. The Board, in consultation with the Department of | ||||||
13 | Public Health, may target grants in accordance with those | ||||||
14 | identified needs, with respect to geographic areas, categories | ||||||
15 | of services or targeted populations.
| ||||||
16 | Section 30-15. Use of grant moneys. In accordance with | ||||||
17 | grant agreements respecting grants awarded under this Act, a | ||||||
18 | recipient of a grant may use the grant moneys to establish or | ||||||
19 | expand community health care provider sites, including: | ||||||
20 | (1) To purchase equipment. | ||||||
21 | (2) To acquire a new physical location for the purpose | ||||||
22 | of delivering primary health care services or specialty | ||||||
23 | health care services. | ||||||
24 | (3) To construct new or renovate existing health | ||||||
25 | provider sites. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 30-20. Reporting. Within 60 days after the first | ||||||
2 | and second years of a grant under this Act, the grant recipient | ||||||
3 | must submit a progress report to the Board demonstrating that | ||||||
4 | the recipient is meeting the goals and objectives stated in the | ||||||
5 | grant, that grant moneys are being used for appropriate | ||||||
6 | purposes, and that residents of the community are being served | ||||||
7 | by the targeted expansions established with grant moneys. | ||||||
8 | Within 60 days after the final year of a grant under this Act, | ||||||
9 | the grant recipient must submit a final report to the Board | ||||||
10 | demonstrating that the recipient has met the goals and | ||||||
11 | objectives stated in the grant, that grant moneys were used for | ||||||
12 | appropriate purposes, and that residents of the community are | ||||||
13 | being served by the targeted expansions established with grant | ||||||
14 | moneys. | ||||||
15 | Section 30-25. Rules. The Board, in consultation with the | ||||||
16 | Department of Public Health, shall adopt rules it deems | ||||||
17 | necessary for the efficient administration of this Act. | ||||||
19 | HEALTH CENTERS | ||||||
20 | Section 32-5. Statewide electronic health records system. | ||||||
21 | In an effort to promote efficiency, improve patient care, | ||||||
22 | prevent medical errors, reduce costs, and facilitate the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | detection of emerging disease, subject to appropriations and | ||||||
2 | not to exceed $1,500,000, the Director of Public Health shall | ||||||
3 | make funds available to the Illinois Primary Health Care | ||||||
4 | Association for the development of a statewide electronic | ||||||
5 | health records system for the retention and communication of | ||||||
6 | patient-specific information among providers and payors in a | ||||||
7 | manner that protects privacy and is consistent with federal | ||||||
8 | law. | ||||||
10 | Section 33-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
11 | Illinois Roadmap to Health Act. All references in this Article | ||||||
12 | to "this Act" mean this Article. | ||||||
13 | Section 33-5. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
14 | "Chronic care" means health services provided by a | ||||||
15 | healthcare professional for an established chronic condition | ||||||
16 | that is expected to last a year or more and that requires | ||||||
17 | ongoing clinical management attempting to restore the | ||||||
18 | individual to highest function, minimize the negative effects | ||||||
19 | of the condition, and prevent complications related to chronic | ||||||
20 | conditions. Examples of chronic conditions include diabetes, | ||||||
21 | hypertension, cardiovascular disease, asthma, pulmonary | ||||||
22 | disease, substance abuse, mental illness, and hyperlipidemia.
| ||||||
23 | "Chronic care information system" means the electronic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | database developed under the Illinois Roadmap to Health that | ||||||
2 | shall include information on all cases of a particular disease | ||||||
3 | or health condition in a defined population of individuals. | ||||||
4 | Such a database may be developed in collaboration between the | ||||||
5 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department | ||||||
6 | of Public Health building upon and integrating current State | ||||||
7 | databases.
| ||||||
8 | "Chronic care management" means a system of coordinated | ||||||
9 | healthcare interventions and communications for individuals | ||||||
10 | with chronic conditions, including significant patient | ||||||
11 | self-care efforts, systemic supports for the physician and | ||||||
12 | patient relationship, and a plan of care emphasizing prevention | ||||||
13 | of complications utilizing evidence-based practice guidelines, | ||||||
14 | patient empowerment strategies, and evaluation of clinical, | ||||||
15 | humanistic, and economic outcomes on an ongoing basis with the | ||||||
16 | goal of improving overall health.
| ||||||
17 | "Health risk assessment" means screening by a healthcare | ||||||
18 | professional for the purpose of assessing an individual's | ||||||
19 | health, including tests or physical examinations and a survey | ||||||
20 | or other tool used to gather information about an individual's | ||||||
21 | health, medical history, and health risk factors during a | ||||||
22 | screening. | ||||||
23 | "Illinois Roadmap to Health" means the State's plan for | ||||||
24 | chronic care infrastructure, prevention of chronic conditions, | ||||||
25 | and chronic care management program, and includes an integrated | ||||||
26 | approach to patient self-management, community development, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | healthcare system and professional practice change, and | ||||||
2 | information technology initiatives.
| ||||||
3 | Section 33-10. Illinois Roadmap to Health. | ||||||
4 | (a) In coordination with the Director of Public Health or | ||||||
5 | his or her designee and the Secretary of Human Services or his | ||||||
6 | or her designee, the Director of Healthcare and Family Services | ||||||
7 | shall be responsible for the development and implementation of | ||||||
8 | the Illinois Roadmap to Health, including the 5-year strategic | ||||||
9 | plan.
| ||||||
10 | (b)(1) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall | ||||||
11 | establish an executive committee to advise him or her on | ||||||
12 | creating and implementing a strategic plan for the development | ||||||
13 | of the statewide system of chronic care and prevention | ||||||
14 | described under this Section. The executive committee shall | ||||||
15 | consist of no fewer than 16 individuals, including | ||||||
16 | representatives from the Department of Financial and | ||||||
17 | Professional Regulation, the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
18 | Family Services Division of Medical Programs, the Department of | ||||||
19 | Healthcare and Family Services Office of Healthcare | ||||||
20 | Purchasing, the Department of Human Services, the Department of | ||||||
21 | Public Health, 2 representatives of Illinois physician | ||||||
22 | organizations, a representative of Illinois hospitals, a | ||||||
23 | representative from Illinois nurses, a representative from | ||||||
24 | Illinois community health centers, a representative from | ||||||
25 | community mental health providers, a representative from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | substance abuse providers, 2 representatives of private health | ||||||
2 | insurers, and at least 2 consumer advocates.
| ||||||
3 | (2) The executive committee shall engage a broad range of | ||||||
4 | healthcare professionals who provide services and have | ||||||
5 | expertise in specific areas addressed by the Illinois Roadmap | ||||||
6 | to Health. Such professionals shall be representative of | ||||||
7 | practice in both private insurance and public health and in | ||||||
8 | care for those served by State medical programs including, but | ||||||
9 | not limited to, the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Program, | ||||||
10 | the Children's Health Insurance Program Act, and medical | ||||||
11 | assistance under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code | ||||||
12 | generally.
| ||||||
13 | (c)(1) The strategic plan shall include:
| ||||||
14 | (A) A description of the Illinois Roadmap to Health, | ||||||
15 | which includes general, standard elements, patient | ||||||
16 | self-management, community initiatives, and health system | ||||||
17 | and information technology reform, to be used uniformly | ||||||
18 | statewide by private insurers, third party administrators, | ||||||
19 | and State healthcare programs. | ||||||
20 | (B) A description of prevention programs and how these | ||||||
21 | programs are integrated into communities, with chronic | ||||||
22 | care management, and the Illinois Roadmap to Health model. | ||||||
23 | (C) A plan to develop an appropriate payment | ||||||
24 | methodology that aligns with and rewards health | ||||||
25 | professionals who manage the care for individuals with or | ||||||
26 | at risk for conditions in order to improve outcomes and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | quality of care. | ||||||
2 | (D) The involvement of public and private groups, | ||||||
3 | healthcare professionals, insurers, third party | ||||||
4 | administrators, hospitals, community health centers, and | ||||||
5 | businesses to facilitate and ensure the sustainability of a | ||||||
6 | new system of care. | ||||||
7 | (E) The involvement of community and consumer groups to | ||||||
8 | facilitate and ensure the sustainability of health | ||||||
9 | services supporting healthy behaviors and good patient | ||||||
10 | self-management for the prevention and management of | ||||||
11 | chronic conditions. | ||||||
12 | (F) Alignment of any information technology needs with | ||||||
13 | other healthcare information technology initiatives.
| ||||||
14 | (G) The use and development of outcomes measures and | ||||||
15 | reporting requirements, aligned with existing outcome | ||||||
16 | measures within the Departments of Public Health and | ||||||
17 | Healthcare and Family Services, to assess and evaluate the | ||||||
18 | system of chronic care. | ||||||
19 | (H) Target timelines for inclusion of specific chronic | ||||||
20 | conditions to be included in the chronic care | ||||||
21 | infrastructure and for statewide implementation of the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Roadmap to Health. | ||||||
23 | (I) Identification of resource needs for implementing | ||||||
24 | and sustaining the Illinois Roadmap to Health, and | ||||||
25 | strategies to meet the needs. | ||||||
26 | (J) A strategy for ensuring statewide participation no |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | later than January 1, 2011 by insurers, third-party | ||||||
2 | administrators, State healthcare programs, healthcare | ||||||
3 | professionals, hospitals and other professionals, and | ||||||
4 | consumers in the chronic care management plan, including | ||||||
5 | common outcome measures, best practices and protocols, | ||||||
6 | data reporting requirements, reimbursement methodologies | ||||||
7 | incentivizing chronic care management and prevention or | ||||||
8 | early detection of chronic illnesses and other standards.
| ||||||
9 | (2) The strategic plan shall be reviewed biennially and | ||||||
10 | amended as necessary to reflect changes in priorities. | ||||||
11 | Amendments to the plan shall be reported to the General | ||||||
12 | Assembly and the Office of the Governor in the report | ||||||
13 | established under subsection (d) of this Section.
| ||||||
14 | (d)(1) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services in | ||||||
15 | collaboration with the Director of Public Health and the | ||||||
16 | Secretary of Human Services shall report annually to members of | ||||||
17 | the General Assembly and the Office of the Governor on the | ||||||
18 | status of implementation of the Illinois Roadmap to Health. The | ||||||
19 | report shall include: the number of participating insurers, | ||||||
20 | healthcare professionals, and patients; the progress for | ||||||
21 | achieving statewide participation in the chronic care | ||||||
22 | management plan, including the measures established under | ||||||
23 | subsection (c) of this Section; the expenditures and savings | ||||||
24 | for the period; and the results of healthcare professional and | ||||||
25 | patient satisfaction surveys. The surveys shall be developed in | ||||||
26 | collaboration with the executive committee established under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection (b) of this Section.
| ||||||
2 | (2) If statewide participation in the Illinois Roadmap to | ||||||
3 | Health is not achieved by January 1, 2011, the Director of | ||||||
4 | Healthcare and Family Services shall evaluate the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Roadmap to Health and recommend to the General Assembly changes | ||||||
6 | necessary to create alternative measures to ensure statewide | ||||||
7 | participation by health insurers, third party administrators, | ||||||
8 | State healthcare programs, and healthcare professionals.
| ||||||
9 | Section 33-15. Chronic Care Management Program. | ||||||
10 | (a) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall | ||||||
11 | ensure that chronic care management programs, including | ||||||
12 | disease management programs established for those enrolled in | ||||||
13 | medical programs administered by the Department, including | ||||||
14 | both State employee health insurance programs and means-tested | ||||||
15 | healthcare programs administered by the Department, are | ||||||
16 | modified over time to comply with the Illinois Roadmap to | ||||||
17 | Health strategic plan and to the extent feasible collaborate in | ||||||
18 | its initiatives.
| ||||||
19 | (b) The programs described in subsection (a) shall be | ||||||
20 | designed or modified as necessary to:
| ||||||
21 | (1) Include a broad range of chronic conditions in the | ||||||
22 | chronic care management program. | ||||||
23 | (2) Utilize the chronic care information system | ||||||
24 | established under this Act.
| ||||||
25 | (3) Include an enrollment process which provides |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | incentives and strategies for maximum patient | ||||||
2 | participation, and a standard statewide health risk | ||||||
3 | assessment for each individual. | ||||||
4 | (4) Include methods of increasing communications among | ||||||
5 | healthcare professionals and patients, including patient | ||||||
6 | education, self-management, and follow-up plans. | ||||||
7 | (5) Include process and outcome measures to provide | ||||||
8 | performance feedback for healthcare professionals and | ||||||
9 | information on the quality of care, including patient | ||||||
10 | satisfaction and health status outcomes. | ||||||
11 | (6) Include payment methodologies to align | ||||||
12 | reimbursements and create financial incentives and rewards | ||||||
13 | for healthcare professionals to establish management | ||||||
14 | systems for chronic conditions, to improve health | ||||||
15 | outcomes, and to improve the quality of care, including | ||||||
16 | case management fees, payment for technical support and | ||||||
17 | data entry associated with patient registries, and any | ||||||
18 | other appropriate payment for achievement of chronic care | ||||||
19 | goals. | ||||||
20 | (7) Include a requirement that the data on enrollees be | ||||||
21 | shared, to the extent allowable under federal law, with the | ||||||
22 | Department of Central Management Services in order to | ||||||
23 | inform the healthcare reform initiatives under the | ||||||
24 | Illinois Roadmap to Health.
| ||||||
25 | Section 33-20. Promoting Wellness under the Illinois |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Roadmap to Health.
The Director of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
2 | Services, in collaboration with the Director of Public Health, | ||||||
3 | the Secretary of Human Services, and the Department of Central | ||||||
4 | Management Services, shall develop new strategies to: | ||||||
5 | (1)
Promote wellness and the adoption of healthy | ||||||
6 | lifestyle choices and prevent chronic illness in the | ||||||
7 | State's means-tested healthcare programs. The Department | ||||||
8 | of Healthcare and Family Services shall analyze whether any | ||||||
9 | federal waivers or waiver modifications are needed or | ||||||
10 | desirable to integrate such programs into the State's | ||||||
11 | means-tested healthcare programs.
| ||||||
12 | (2) Promote wellness and the adoption of healthy | ||||||
13 | lifestyle choices and prevent chronic illness in the State | ||||||
14 | employee's health insurance programs. Such initiatives | ||||||
15 | shall involve consultation with the State of Illinois | ||||||
16 | employees' representatives.
| ||||||
18 | HEALTH RECORDS | ||||||
19 | Section 35-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
20 | Health Information Exchange and Technology Act. All references | ||||||
21 | in this Article to "this Act" mean this Article. | ||||||
22 | Section 35-5. Purpose. Health information technology | ||||||
23 | improves the quality of patient care, increases the efficiency |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of health care practices, improves safety, and reduces health | ||||||
2 | care errors. These benefits are realized through the sharing of | ||||||
3 | vital health information among health care providers who have | ||||||
4 | adopted electronic health record systems. To ensure the | ||||||
5 | benefits of health information technology are available to the | ||||||
6 | citizens of Illinois, the State must provide a framework for | ||||||
7 | the exchange of health information and encourage the widespread | ||||||
8 | adoption of electronic health record (EHR) systems among health | ||||||
9 | care providers. | ||||||
10 | Section 35-7. Definition. As used in this Article, | ||||||
11 | "Department" means the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
12 | Services. | ||||||
13 | Section 35-10. Implementation of health information | ||||||
14 | technology initiatives. In order to advance the effective | ||||||
15 | implementation of health information technology, the | ||||||
16 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall, subject to | ||||||
17 | appropriation, establish a program to promote, through | ||||||
18 | public-private partnerships, the development of a health | ||||||
19 | information exchange framework and foster the adoption of | ||||||
20 | electronic health record systems. | ||||||
21 | Section 35-15. Establishment of the Illinois Health | ||||||
22 | Information Network. | ||||||
23 | (a) As part of its program to promote health information |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | technology through public-private partnerships, the Department | ||||||
2 | of Healthcare and Family Services shall, in accordance with | ||||||
3 | Section 10 of the State Agency Entity Creation Act, create a | ||||||
4 | not for profit organization that shall be known as the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Health Information Network, or ILHIN. The Department shall file | ||||||
6 | articles of incorporation and bylaws as required under the | ||||||
7 | General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 to create the | ||||||
8 | ILHIN. | ||||||
9 | (b) The primary mission of the ILHIN shall be the | ||||||
10 | following: | ||||||
11 | (1) to establish a State-level health information | ||||||
12 | exchange to facilitate the sharing of health information | ||||||
13 | among health care providers within Illinois and beyond in | ||||||
14 | other states; and | ||||||
15 | (2) to foster the widespread adoption of electronic | ||||||
16 | health records, personal health records, and health | ||||||
17 | information exchange by health care providers and the | ||||||
18 | general public. | ||||||
19 | (c) The ILHIN shall be governed by a board of directors as | ||||||
20 | specified in Section 35-25 of this Act, with the rights, | ||||||
21 | titles, powers, privileges, and obligations provided for in the | ||||||
22 | General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986. | ||||||
23 | (d) The board of directors may employ staff under the | ||||||
24 | direction of the executive director appointed pursuant to | ||||||
25 | Section 35-25, or independent contractors necessary to perform | ||||||
26 | its duties as specified in this Section and to fix their |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | compensation, benefits, terms, and conditions of their | ||||||
2 | employment. Employees of the Department may be deployed by the | ||||||
3 | director to support the activities of the ILHIN. | ||||||
4 | (e) Funds collected by the ILHIN shall be considered | ||||||
5 | private funds and shall be held in an appropriate account | ||||||
6 | outside of the State Treasury. The treasurer of the ILHIN shall | ||||||
7 | be custodian of all ILHIN funds. The ILHIN's accounts and books | ||||||
8 | shall be set up and maintained in a manner approved by the | ||||||
9 | Auditor General and the ILHIN and its officers shall be | ||||||
10 | responsible for the approval of recording of receipts, approval | ||||||
11 | of payments, and the proper filing of required reports. The | ||||||
12 | ILHIN may be assisted in carrying out its functions by | ||||||
13 | personnel of the Department with respect to matters falling | ||||||
14 | within their scope and function. The ILHIN shall cooperate | ||||||
15 | fully with the boards, commissions, agencies, departments and | ||||||
16 | institutions of the State. The funds held and made available by | ||||||
17 | ILHIN shall be subject to financial and compliance audits by | ||||||
18 | the Auditor General in compliance with the Illinois State | ||||||
19 | Auditing Act.
| ||||||
20 | Section 35-20. Powers and duties of the Illinois Health | ||||||
21 | Information Network. | ||||||
22 | (a) The ILHIN shall create a State-level health information | ||||||
23 | exchange using modern up-to-date communications technology and | ||||||
24 | software that is both secure and cost effective, meets all | ||||||
25 | other relevant privacy and security requirements both at the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State and federal level, and conforms to appropriate existing | ||||||
2 | or developing federal electronic communications standards. The | ||||||
3 | ILHIN shall consult with other states and federal agencies to | ||||||
4 | better understand the technologies in use as well as the kinds | ||||||
5 | of patient data that is being collected and utilized in similar | ||||||
6 | programs. | ||||||
7 | (b) The ILHIN shall establish, by January 1, 2010, minimum | ||||||
8 | standards for accessing the State-level health information | ||||||
9 | exchange by health care providers and researchers in order to | ||||||
10 | ensure security and confidentiality protections for patient | ||||||
11 | information, consistent with applicable federal and State | ||||||
12 | standards. The ILHIN shall have the authority to suspend or | ||||||
13 | terminate rights to participate in the health information | ||||||
14 | exchange in case of non-compliance or failure to act, with | ||||||
15 | respect to applicable standards, in the best interests of | ||||||
16 | patients, participants of the ILHIN, and the public. | ||||||
17 | (c) The ILHIN shall identify barriers to the adoption of | ||||||
18 | electronic health record systems by health care providers, | ||||||
19 | including conducting, facilitating, or coordinating research | ||||||
20 | on the rates and patterns of dissemination and use of | ||||||
21 | electronic health record systems throughout the State. To | ||||||
22 | address gaps in statewide implementation, the ILHIN may, | ||||||
23 | through staff or consultant support, contracts, grants, or | ||||||
24 | loans, offer technical assistance, training, and financial | ||||||
25 | assistance, as available, to health care providers, with | ||||||
26 | priority given to providers serving a significant percentage of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | uninsured patients and patients in medically underserved or | ||||||
2 | rural areas. | ||||||
3 | (d) The ILHIN shall educate the general public on the | ||||||
4 | benefits of electronic health records, personal health | ||||||
5 | records, and the safeguards available to prevent disclosure of | ||||||
6 | personal health information. | ||||||
7 | (e) The ILHIN may appoint or designate a federally | ||||||
8 | qualified institutional review board to review and approve | ||||||
9 | requests for research in order to ensure compliance with | ||||||
10 | standards and patient privacy protections as specified in | ||||||
11 | subsection (b) of this Section. | ||||||
12 | (f) The ILHIN may solicit grants, loans, contributions, or | ||||||
13 | appropriations from public or private source and may enter into | ||||||
14 | any contracts, grants, loans, or agreements with respect to the | ||||||
15 | use of such funds to fulfill its duties under this Act. No debt | ||||||
16 | or obligation of the ILHIN shall become the debt or obligation | ||||||
17 | of the State. | ||||||
18 | (g) The ILHIN may determine, charge, and collect any fees, | ||||||
19 | charges, costs, and expenses from any person or provider in | ||||||
20 | connection with its duties under this Act. | ||||||
21 | (h) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may | ||||||
22 | authorize ILHIN to collect protected health data from health | ||||||
23 | care providers in a central repository for public health | ||||||
24 | purposes and identified data for the use of the Department or | ||||||
25 | other State agencies specifically to fulfill their state | ||||||
26 | responsibilities. Any identified data so collected shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | privileged and confidential in accordance with Sections | ||||||
2 | 8-2101, 8-2102, 8-2103, 8-2104, and 8-2105 of the Code of Civil | ||||||
3 | Procedure and shall be exempt from the provisions of the | ||||||
4 | Freedom of Information Act. | ||||||
5 | (i) The Department may authorize the ILHIN to make | ||||||
6 | protected data available to health care providers and other | ||||||
7 | organizations for the purpose of analyzing data related to | ||||||
8 | health disparities, chronic illnesses, quality performance | ||||||
9 | measurers, and other health care related issues. | ||||||
10 | (j) The ILHIN shall coordinate with the Department of | ||||||
11 | Public Health with respect to the Governor's 2006 Executive | ||||||
12 | Order 8 that, among other matters, encourages all health care | ||||||
13 | providers to use electronic prescribing programs by 2011, to | ||||||
14 | evaluate areas in need of enhanced technology to support | ||||||
15 | e-prescribing programs, and to determine the technology needed | ||||||
16 | to implement e-prescribing programs.
| ||||||
17 | Section 35-25. Governance of the Illinois Health | ||||||
18 | Information Network. | ||||||
19 | (a) The ILHIN shall be governed by a board of directors | ||||||
20 | appointed to 3-year staggered terms by the Director of | ||||||
21 | Healthcare and Family Services. The directors shall be | ||||||
22 | representative of a broad spectrum of health care providers and | ||||||
23 | may include among others: hospitals; physicians; nurses; | ||||||
24 | consumers; third-party payers; pharmacists; federally | ||||||
25 | qualified health centers as defined in Section 1905(l)(2)(B) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Social Security Act; long-term care facilities, | ||||||
2 | laboratories, mental health facilities, and home health agency | ||||||
3 | organizations. The directors shall include representatives of | ||||||
4 | the public and health care consumers. | ||||||
5 | (b) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, the | ||||||
6 | Director of Public Health, and the Secretary of Human Services, | ||||||
7 | or their designees, shall be ex-officio members of the board of | ||||||
8 | directors. | ||||||
9 | (c) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall | ||||||
10 | designate the ILHIN's presiding officer from among the members | ||||||
11 | appointed. | ||||||
12 | (d) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, in | ||||||
13 | consultation with the Board of Directors, shall appoint the | ||||||
14 | Executive Director for the ILHIN for the first year. If agreed | ||||||
15 | to by the Board of Directors, the executive director may be an | ||||||
16 | employee of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. | ||||||
17 | (e) The board of directors may elect or appoint an | ||||||
18 | executive committee, other committees, and subcommittees to | ||||||
19 | conduct the business of the organization.
| ||||||
20 | Section 35-30. Health information systems maintained by | ||||||
21 | State agencies. | ||||||
22 | (a) By no later than January 1, 2015, each State agency | ||||||
23 | that implements, acquires, or upgrades health information | ||||||
24 | technology systems used for the direct exchange of health | ||||||
25 | information between agencies and with non-State entities shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | use health information technology systems and products that | ||||||
2 | meet minimum standards adopted by the ILHIN for accessing the | ||||||
3 | State-level health information exchange. | ||||||
4 | (b) In order to provide the ILHIN with operational | ||||||
5 | capabilities to assist in the development of the State-level | ||||||
6 | health information exchange, the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
7 | Family Services is authorized to transfer or license the assets | ||||||
8 | of the Illinois Health Network to the ILHIN as soon as is | ||||||
9 | practicable.
| ||||||
10 | (c) This Act does not preclude the Department of Healthcare | ||||||
11 | and Family Services, or any other department in the Governor's | ||||||
12 | Office, from entering into a contract to procure health | ||||||
13 | information technology for the purpose of exchanging health | ||||||
14 | information between healthcare providers, including but not | ||||||
15 | limited to contracts that provide widespread adoption of | ||||||
16 | electronic healthcare records and personal health records. The | ||||||
17 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services is encouraged to | ||||||
18 | immediately enter into such arrangements in order to expedite | ||||||
19 | widespread use of healthcare technology by healthcare | ||||||
20 | providers throughout the State of Illinois. | ||||||
23 | Section 40-5. Common claims and procedures work group. | ||||||
24 | (a) No later than July 1, 2008, a common claims and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | procedures work group shall form, composed of:
| ||||||
2 | (1) Two representatives of Illinois hospitals. | ||||||
3 | (2) Two representatives of Illinois physicians | ||||||
4 | organizations. | ||||||
5 | (3) One representative of a nursing organization. | ||||||
6 | (4) One representative of a community health center. | ||||||
7 | (5) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services or | ||||||
8 | his or her designee. | ||||||
9 | (6) Two representatives from business groups appointed | ||||||
10 | by the Governor. | ||||||
11 | (7) The Director of Professional and Financial | ||||||
12 | Regulation or his or her designee. | ||||||
13 | (8) Two representatives of the insurance industry | ||||||
14 | appointed by the Governor. | ||||||
15 | (b) The group shall design, recommend, and implement steps | ||||||
16 | to achieve the following goals:
| ||||||
17 | (1) Simplifying the claims administration process for | ||||||
18 | consumers, healthcare providers, and others so that the | ||||||
19 | process is more understandable, and less time-consuming.
| ||||||
20 | (2) Lowering administrative costs in the healthcare | ||||||
21 | financing system. | ||||||
22 | (3) Where possible, harmonizing the claims processing | ||||||
23 | system for State healthcare programs with the process | ||||||
24 | utilized by private insurers.
| ||||||
25 | (c) On or before January 1, 2009, the work group shall | ||||||
26 | present a 2-year work plan and budget to the General Assembly |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and Office of the Governor. This work plan may include the | ||||||
2 | elements of the claims administration process, including | ||||||
3 | claims forms, patient invoices, and explanation of benefits | ||||||
4 | forms, payment codes, claims submission and processing | ||||||
5 | procedures, including electronic claims processing, issues | ||||||
6 | relating to the prior authorization process, and reimbursement | ||||||
7 | for services provided prior to being credentialed.
| ||||||
8 | (d) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may | ||||||
9 | procure a vendor or external expertise to assist the work group | ||||||
10 | in its activities. Such a vendor shall have broad knowledge of | ||||||
11 | claims processing and benefit management across both public and | ||||||
12 | private payors. Particular attention may be paid to harmonizing | ||||||
13 | claims processing system for State healthcare programs with the | ||||||
14 | processes utilized by private insurers.
| ||||||
| ||||||
17 | Section 45-5. Findings. A majority of Illinoisans receive | ||||||
18 | their healthcare through employer sponsored health insurance. | ||||||
19 | The cost of such healthcare has been rising faster than wage | ||||||
20 | inflation. A majority of businesses offer and subsidize such | ||||||
21 | health insurance. However, a growing number of businesses are | ||||||
22 | not offering health insurance. When a business does not offer | ||||||
23 | subsidized health insurance, employees are far more likely to | ||||||
24 | be uninsured and the costs of their healthcare are borne by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | other payors including other businesses. Likewise, when | ||||||
2 | individuals choose to forgo paying for health insurance, they | ||||||
3 | may still experience illness or be involved in an accident | ||||||
4 | resulting in high medical costs that are borne by others. This | ||||||
5 | cost shifting is driving up the cost of insurance for | ||||||
6 | responsible businesses who are offering health insurance and | ||||||
7 | other individuals who are purchasing health insurance in the | ||||||
8 | non-group market. It is also shifting costs to State | ||||||
9 | government, and therefore taxpayers, by expanding the costs of | ||||||
10 | current State healthcare programs. Therefore, the General | ||||||
11 | Assembly finds that it is equitable to assess businesses a fee | ||||||
12 | to offset such costs when such a business is not contributing | ||||||
13 | adequately to the cost of healthcare insurance and services for | ||||||
14 | its employees. It is also appropriate to consider whether | ||||||
15 | individuals should be required to contribute to the purchase of | ||||||
16 | affordable health insurance coverage for themselves and their | ||||||
17 | families. | ||||||
20 | Section 50-101. Short title. This Article may be cited as | ||||||
21 | the Illinois Covered Assessment Act. All references in this | ||||||
22 | Article to "this Act" mean this Article. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 50-105. Construction. Except as otherwise | ||||||
2 | expressly provided or clearly appearing from the context, any | ||||||
3 | term used in this Act shall have the same meaning as when used | ||||||
4 | in a comparable context in the Illinois Income Tax Act as in | ||||||
5 | effect for the taxable year. | ||||||
7 | Section 50-201. Definitions. | ||||||
8 | (a) When used in this Act, where not otherwise distinctly | ||||||
9 | expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof:
| ||||||
10 | "Department" means the Department of Revenue. | ||||||
11 | "Director" means the Director of Revenue. | ||||||
12 | "Employer" means any person who employs 10 or more | ||||||
13 | full-time equivalent employees during the taxable year. The | ||||||
14 | term "employer" does not include the government of the United | ||||||
15 | States, of any foreign country, or of any of the states, or of | ||||||
16 | any agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of any | ||||||
17 | such government. In the case of a unitary business group, as | ||||||
18 | defined in Section 1501(a)(27) of the Illinois Income Tax Act, | ||||||
19 | the employer is the unitary business group.
| ||||||
20 | "Expenditures for health care" means any amount paid by an | ||||||
21 | employer to provide health care to its employees or their | ||||||
22 | families or reimburse its employees or their families for | ||||||
23 | health care, including but not limited to amounts paid or | ||||||
24 | reimbursed for health insurance premiums where the underlying |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | policy provides or has provided coverage to employees of such | ||||||
2 | employer or their families. Such expenditures include but are | ||||||
3 | not limited to payment or reimbursement for medical care, | ||||||
4 | prescription drugs, vision care, medical savings accounts, and | ||||||
5 | any other costs to provide health care to an employer's | ||||||
6 | employees or their families.
| ||||||
7 | "Full-time equivalent employees". The number of "full-time | ||||||
8 | equivalent employees" employed by an employer during a taxable | ||||||
9 | year shall be the lesser of (i) the number of persons who were | ||||||
10 | employees of the employer at any time during the taxable year | ||||||
11 | and (ii) the total number of hours worked by all employees of | ||||||
12 | the employer during the taxable year, divided by 1500.
In the | ||||||
13 | case of a short taxable year, the denominator shall be 1500 | ||||||
14 | multiplied by the number of days in the taxable year, divided | ||||||
15 | by the number of days in the calendar year. | ||||||
16 | "Illinois employee" means an employee who is an Illinois | ||||||
17 | resident during the time he or she is performing services for | ||||||
18 | the employer or who has compensation from the employer that is | ||||||
19 | "paid in this State" during the taxable year within the meaning | ||||||
20 | of Section 304(a)(2)(B) of the Illinois Income Tax Act.
For | ||||||
21 | purposes of computing the liability under Section 50-301 for a | ||||||
22 | taxable year and the credit under Section 50-302 of this Act, | ||||||
23 | an employee with health care coverage provided by another | ||||||
24 | employer of that employee, or with health care coverage as a | ||||||
25 | dependent through another employer, is not an "Illinois | ||||||
26 | employee" for that taxable year. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Wages" means wages as defined in Section 3401(a) of the | ||||||
2 | Internal Revenue Code, without regard to the exceptions | ||||||
3 | contained in that Section and without reduction for exemptions | ||||||
4 | allowed in computing withholding.
| ||||||
5 | (b) Other definitions. | ||||||
6 | (1) Words denoting number, gender, and so forth, when | ||||||
7 | used in this Act, where not otherwise distinctly expressed | ||||||
8 | or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof: | ||||||
9 | (A) Words importing the singular include and apply | ||||||
10 | to several persons, parties or things; | ||||||
11 | (B) Words importing the plural include the | ||||||
12 | singular; and | ||||||
13 | (C) Words importing the masculine gender include | ||||||
14 | the feminine as well. | ||||||
15 | (2) "Company" or "association" as including successors | ||||||
16 | and assigns. The word "company" or "association", when used | ||||||
17 | in reference to a corporation, shall be deemed to embrace | ||||||
18 | the words "successors and assigns of such company or | ||||||
19 | association", and in like manner as if these last-named | ||||||
20 | words, or words of similar import, were expressed. | ||||||
21 | (3) Other terms. Any term used in any Section of this | ||||||
22 | Act with respect to the application of, or in connection | ||||||
23 | with, the provisions of any other Section of this Act shall | ||||||
24 | have the same meaning as in such other Section.
| ||||||
25 | Section 50-202. Applicable Sections of the Illinois Income |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Tax Act. All of the provisions of Articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, | ||||||
2 | 13 and 14 of the Illinois Income Tax Act which are not | ||||||
3 | inconsistent with this Act shall apply, as far as practicable, | ||||||
4 | to the subject matter of this Act to the same extent as if such | ||||||
5 | provisions were included herein. | ||||||
6 | Section 50-203. Severability. It is the purpose of Section | ||||||
7 | 50-301 of this Act to impose a tax upon the privilege of doing | ||||||
8 | business in this State, so far as the same may be done under | ||||||
9 | the Constitution and statutes of the United States and the | ||||||
10 | Constitution of the State of Illinois. If any clause, sentence, | ||||||
11 | Section, provision, part, or credit included in this Act, or | ||||||
12 | the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is | ||||||
13 | adjudged to be unconstitutional, then it is the intent of the | ||||||
14 | General Assembly that the tax imposed and the remainder of this | ||||||
15 | Act, or its application to persons or circumstances other than | ||||||
16 | those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected | ||||||
17 | thereby. | ||||||
18 | PART 3. TAX IMPOSED | ||||||
19 | Section 50-301. Tax imposed. | ||||||
20 | (a) A tax is hereby imposed on each employer for the | ||||||
21 | privilege of doing business in this State at the rate of 3% of | ||||||
22 | the wages paid to Illinois employees by the employer during the | ||||||
23 | taxable year, provided that the tax on wages paid by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employer to any single employee shall not exceed $7,500 for the | ||||||
2 | taxable year. | ||||||
3 | (b) The tax imposed under this Act shall apply to wages | ||||||
4 | paid on or after July 1, 2008 and shall be paid beginning | ||||||
5 | January 1, 2009 as set forth in Part 4 of this Act and | ||||||
6 | thereafter. | ||||||
7 | (c) The tax imposed under this Act is a tax on the | ||||||
8 | employer, and shall not be withheld from wages paid to | ||||||
9 | employees or otherwise be collected from employees or reduce | ||||||
10 | the compensation paid to employees. | ||||||
11 | (d) The tax collected pursuant to this Section shall be | ||||||
12 | deposited in the Illinois Covered Trust Fund established by | ||||||
13 | Section 50-701 of this Act. | ||||||
14 | Section 50-302. Credits. | ||||||
15 | (a) For each taxable year, an employer whose total | ||||||
16 | expenditures for health care for Illinois employees equal or | ||||||
17 | exceed 4% of the wages paid to Illinois employees for that | ||||||
18 | taxable year shall be entitled to a credit equal to 3% of the | ||||||
19 | wages paid to Illinois employees for that taxable year.
| ||||||
20 | (b) If the tax otherwise due under subsection (a) of | ||||||
21 | Section 50-301 of this Act with respect to the wages of any | ||||||
22 | employee of the employer is $7,500, the credit allowed in | ||||||
23 | subsection (a) of this Section shall be computed without taking | ||||||
24 | into account any wages paid to that employee or any | ||||||
25 | expenditures for health care incurred with respect to that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employee, and, in addition to the credit so computed, the | ||||||
2 | employer shall be allowed a credit of $7,500 with respect to | ||||||
3 | that employee of the expenditures for health care incurred with | ||||||
4 | respect to that employee exceed $10,000. | ||||||
5 | (c) For purposes of determining whether total expenditures | ||||||
6 | for health care for Illinois employees equal or exceed 4% of | ||||||
7 | the wages paid to Illinois employees for a taxable year, the | ||||||
8 | wages paid to and expenditures for health care for any Illinois | ||||||
9 | employee with health care coverage provided by another employer | ||||||
10 | of that employee, or with health care coverage as a dependent | ||||||
11 | through another employer, shall be disregarded.
| ||||||
13 | Section 50-401. Returns and notices.
| ||||||
14 | (a) In General. Except as provided by the Department by | ||||||
15 | regulation, every employer qualified to do business in this | ||||||
16 | State at any time during a taxable year shall make a return | ||||||
17 | under this Act for that taxable year. | ||||||
18 | (b) Every employer shall keep such records, render such | ||||||
19 | statements, make such returns and notices, and comply with such | ||||||
20 | rules and regulations as the Department may from time to time | ||||||
21 | prescribe. Whenever in the judgment of the Director it is | ||||||
22 | necessary, he or she may require any person, by notice served | ||||||
23 | upon such person or by regulations, to make such returns and | ||||||
24 | notices, render such statements, or keep such records, as the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Director deems sufficient to show whether or not such person is | ||||||
2 | liable for the tax under this Act.
| ||||||
3 | Section 50-402. Payment on due date of return. Every | ||||||
4 | employer required to file a return under this Act shall, | ||||||
5 | without assessment, notice, or demand, pay any tax due thereon | ||||||
6 | to the Department, at the place fixed for filing, on or before | ||||||
7 | the date fixed for filing such return pursuant to regulations | ||||||
8 | prescribed by the Department. In making payment as provided in | ||||||
9 | this Section, there shall remain payable only the balance of | ||||||
10 | such tax remaining due after giving effect to payments of | ||||||
11 | estimated tax made by the employer under Section 50-403 of this | ||||||
12 | Act for the taxable year, which payments shall be deemed to | ||||||
13 | have been paid on account of the tax imposed by this Act for | ||||||
14 | the taxable year. | ||||||
15 | Section 50-403. Payment of estimated tax. | ||||||
16 | (a) Each taxpayer is required to pay estimated tax in | ||||||
17 | installments for each taxable year in the form and manner that | ||||||
18 | the Department requires by rule.
| ||||||
19 | (b) Payment of an installment of estimated tax is due no | ||||||
20 | later than each due date during the taxable year under Article | ||||||
21 | 7 of the Illinois Income Tax Act for payment of amounts | ||||||
22 | withheld from employee compensation by the employer.
| ||||||
23 | (c) The amount of each installment shall be:
(1) 3% of the | ||||||
24 | wages paid to Illinois employees during the period during which |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the employer withheld the amount of Illinois income withholding | ||||||
2 | that is due on the same date as the installment, minus
(2) the | ||||||
3 | credit allowed for the taxable year under Section 50-302 of | ||||||
4 | this Act, multiplied by the number of days during the period in | ||||||
5 | clause (1), divided by 365.
| ||||||
6 | (d) No payment of estimated tax is due under this Section | ||||||
7 | for a taxable year if, during the 12 months preceding the | ||||||
8 | taxable year, the employer employed fewer than 10 full-time | ||||||
9 | equivalent employees. For purposes of this subsection, in the | ||||||
10 | case of an employer that is a corporation, the employees for | ||||||
11 | the 12 months immediately preceding the taxable year shall | ||||||
12 | include the employees of any corporations whose assets were | ||||||
13 | acquired by the employer in a transaction described in Section | ||||||
14 | 381(a) of the Internal Revenue Code during that 12-month | ||||||
15 | period.
| ||||||
16 | (e) For purposes of Section 3-3 of the Uniform Penalty and | ||||||
17 | Interest Act, a taxpayer shall be deemed to have failed to make | ||||||
18 | timely payment of an installment of estimated taxes due under | ||||||
19 | this Section only if the amount timely paid for that | ||||||
20 | installment is less than 90% of the amount due under subsection | ||||||
21 | (c) of this Section.
| ||||||
23 | Section 50-501. Individual responsibility. | ||||||
24 | (a) No later than July 1, 2008, the Department of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Healthcare and Family Services, in collaboration with the | ||||||
2 | Department of Public Health, shall establish the Promoting | ||||||
3 | Individual Responsibility in Health Insurance Task Force. The | ||||||
4 | task force shall be appointed by the Governor and shall consist | ||||||
5 | at a minimum of: | ||||||
6 | (1) Three consumer advocates including an advocate for | ||||||
7 | persons with disabilities. | ||||||
8 | (2) Three representatives of businesses. | ||||||
9 | (3) Two representatives of healthcare professionals. | ||||||
10 | (4) Two individuals with expertise in health policy. | ||||||
11 | (5) One representative of hospitals. | ||||||
12 | (6) One individual with expertise in economics. | ||||||
13 | (b) The task force shall analyze the effects of | ||||||
14 | establishing an individual mandate to purchase health | ||||||
15 | insurance, including but not limited to the following topics:
| ||||||
16 | (1) The effect on current insurance premiums paid for | ||||||
17 | by businesses and individuals of the presence or absence of | ||||||
18 | such a mandate. | ||||||
19 | (2) The effect on lifetime healthcare costs of lack of | ||||||
20 | health insurance or intermittent coverage. | ||||||
21 | (3) What constitutes affordability of health insurance | ||||||
22 | for individuals and families. | ||||||
23 | (4) What are the barriers to insurance that exist | ||||||
24 | today, and what would be appropriate remedies for such | ||||||
25 | barriers. | ||||||
26 | (5) What entities currently incur costs due to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individuals being uninsured, and the extent of such costs | ||||||
2 | here in Illinois. | ||||||
3 | (6) What an appropriate enforcement mechanism would be | ||||||
4 | if such a mandate were to be established. | ||||||
5 | (7) What the effect on the level of insurance would be | ||||||
6 | if such a mandate were to be established. | ||||||
7 | (c) The task force shall prepare a report for the General | ||||||
8 | Assembly and the Office of the Governor no later than December | ||||||
9 | 31, 2009 with recommendations as to whether an individual | ||||||
10 | mandate should be enacted and, if so, the mechanism for so | ||||||
11 | doing.
| ||||||
12 | (d) No later than December 31, 2010, the Department of | ||||||
13 | Healthcare and Family Services shall estimate the reduction in | ||||||
14 | the number of uninsured persons due to implementation of the | ||||||
15 | Margaret Smith Illinois Covered Act. If the number of uninsured | ||||||
16 | adults between the ages of 19 and 64 is estimated to be above | ||||||
17 | 500,000 individuals, then the Department shall review the | ||||||
18 | recommendations of the task force and make a recommendation to | ||||||
19 | the General Assembly regarding a requirement for purchase of | ||||||
20 | health insurance.
| ||||||
22 | Section 50-601. Health insurer responsibility. Within 30 | ||||||
23 | days after the conclusion of 2 years from the effective date of | ||||||
24 | the Illinois Covered Choice Program, the Governor shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | designate a 9-person task force to determine the propriety of | ||||||
2 | regulatory reform requiring prior approval of premium rates | ||||||
3 | charged by health insurers for group and individual contracts. | ||||||
4 | The task force shall be composed of a designee of the Governor, | ||||||
5 | the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of | ||||||
6 | the Senate, the Director of the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
7 | Family Services, the Director of the Division of Insurance, a | ||||||
8 | representative of the health insurance industry, a | ||||||
9 | representative of health care providers, and 2 representatives | ||||||
10 | of labor groups or employee associations. Within 270 days after | ||||||
11 | the conclusion of 2 years from the effective date of the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Covered Choice Program, the task force shall issue a | ||||||
13 | written report to the Governor, including a description of | ||||||
14 | findings, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations, | ||||||
15 | regarding whether additional health insurance rate regulation | ||||||
16 | is appropriate. If necessary, the Governor shall thereafter | ||||||
17 | take action appropriate to implement the recommendations of the | ||||||
18 | task force.
| ||||||
20 | Section 50-701. Establishment of Fund.
| ||||||
21 | (a) There is hereby established a fund to be known as the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Covered Trust Fund. There shall be credited to this | ||||||
23 | Fund all taxes collected pursuant to this Act. The Illinois | ||||||
24 | Covered Trust Fund shall not be subject to sweeps, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administrative charges, or charge-backs, including but not | ||||||
2 | limited to those authorized under Section 8h of the State | ||||||
3 | Finance Act or any other fiscal or budgeting transfer that | ||||||
4 | would in any way transfer any funds from the Illinois Covered | ||||||
5 | Trust Fund into any other fund of the State, except to repay | ||||||
6 | funds transferred into this Fund. | ||||||
7 | (b) Interest earnings, income from investments, and other | ||||||
8 | income earned by the Fund shall be credited to and deposited | ||||||
9 | into the Fund.
| ||||||
10 | Section 50-702. Use of Fund. | ||||||
11 | (a) Amounts credited to the Illinois Covered Trust Fund | ||||||
12 | shall be expended for programs designed to increase health care | ||||||
13 | coverage, including, without limitation, premium assistance | ||||||
14 | and reinsurance pursuant to Article 10 of the Margaret Smith | ||||||
15 | Illinois Covered Act, medical services and prescription drug | ||||||
16 | assistance pursuant to Article 9 of the Margaret Smith Illinois | ||||||
17 | Covered Act, reimbursements, rebates, and other payments | ||||||
18 | pursuant to Article 5 of the Margaret Smith Illinois Covered | ||||||
19 | Act, expansion of mental health, alcohol, and substance abuse | ||||||
20 | services or other existing programs pursuant to Article 7 of | ||||||
21 | the Margaret Smith Illinois Covered Act, debt service for | ||||||
22 | capital spending intended to increase access to health centers, | ||||||
23 | repayment of funds transferred into this Fund pursuant to | ||||||
24 | statute, and capital grants to community health centers, to | ||||||
25 | rural health clinics, and to federally qualified health centers |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as well providing additional improvements to the healthcare | ||||||
2 | system pursuant to Article 30 and Article 33 of the Margaret | ||||||
3 | Smith Illinois Covered Act. | ||||||
4 | (b) Not later than December 31 of each fiscal year, the | ||||||
5 | Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall prepare | ||||||
6 | estimates of the revenues to be credited to the Illinois | ||||||
7 | Covered Trust Fund in the subsequent fiscal year and shall | ||||||
8 | provide this report to the General Assembly. In order to | ||||||
9 | maintain the integrity of the Illinois Covered Trust Fund, for | ||||||
10 | fiscal year 2009 through fiscal year 2011, the total amount of | ||||||
11 | expenditures from the Illinois Covered Trust Fund shall be | ||||||
12 | limited to each fiscal year in relation to 90% of revenues | ||||||
13 | generated during such fiscal year. | ||||||
14 | (c) Beginning on or after July 1 of Fiscal Year 2008, the | ||||||
15 | General Assembly shall make appropriations of such estimated | ||||||
16 | revenues to the various programs authorized to be funded. If | ||||||
17 | revenues credited to the Illinois Covered Trust Fund are less | ||||||
18 | than the amounts estimated, the Governor's Office of Management | ||||||
19 | and Budget shall notify the General Assembly of such deficiency | ||||||
20 | and shall notify the Departments administering the programs | ||||||
21 | funded from the Illinois Covered Trust Fund that the revenue | ||||||
22 | deficiency shall require proportionate reductions in | ||||||
23 | expenditures from the revenues available to support programs | ||||||
24 | appropriated from the Illinois Covered Trust Fund.
| ||||||
25 | Section 50-703. Illinois Covered Financial Oversight |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Panel. | ||||||
2 | (a) Creation. In order to maintain the integrity of the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Covered Trust Fund, prior to July 1, 2009, the | ||||||
4 | Department shall create the Illinois Covered Financial | ||||||
5 | Oversight Panel to monitor the revenues and expenditures of the | ||||||
6 | Trust Fund and to furnish information regarding the Illinois | ||||||
7 | Covered programs to the Governor and the members of the General | ||||||
8 | Assembly. | ||||||
9 | (b) Membership. The Oversight Panel shall consist of 7 | ||||||
10 | non-State employee members appointed by the Governor. Each | ||||||
11 | Panel member shall possess knowledge, skill, and experience in | ||||||
12 | at least one of the following areas of expertise: accounting, | ||||||
13 | actuarial practice, risk management, investment management, | ||||||
14 | management and accounting practices specific to health | ||||||
15 | insurance administration, administration of public aid public | ||||||
16 | programs, or public sector fiscal management.
Panel members | ||||||
17 | shall serve 3-year terms. If appropriate, the terms may be | ||||||
18 | modified at the Panel's inception to ensure a quorum. The | ||||||
19 | Governor shall bi-annually appoint a Chairman and | ||||||
20 | Vice-Chairman. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy on the | ||||||
21 | Panel shall be appointed in a like manner and shall serve only | ||||||
22 | the unexpired term. Panel members shall be eligible for | ||||||
23 | reappointment. Panel members shall serve without compensation | ||||||
24 | and be reimbursed for expenses. | ||||||
25 | (c) Statements of economic interest. Before being | ||||||
26 | installed by as a member of the Panel, each appointee shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | file verified statements of economic interest with the | ||||||
2 | Secretary of State as required by the Illinois Governmental | ||||||
3 | Ethics Act and with the Board of Ethics as required by the | ||||||
4 | Executive Order of the Governor. | ||||||
5 | (d) Advice and review. The Panel shall offer advice and | ||||||
6 | counsel regarding the Illinois Covered Trust Fund with the | ||||||
7 | objective of expanding access to affordable health care within | ||||||
8 | the financial constraints of the Trust Fund. The Panel is | ||||||
9 | required to review, and advise the Department, the General | ||||||
10 | Assembly, and the Governor on, the financial condition of the | ||||||
11 | Trust Fund. | ||||||
12 | (e) Management. Upon the vote of a majority of the Panel, | ||||||
13 | the Panel shall have the authority to compensate for | ||||||
14 | professional services rendered with respect to its duties and | ||||||
15 | shall also have the authority to compensate for accounting, | ||||||
16 | computing, and other necessary services. | ||||||
17 | (f) Semi-annual accounting and audit. The Panel shall | ||||||
18 | semi-annually prepare or cause to be prepared a semi-annual | ||||||
19 | report setting forth in appropriate detail an accounting of the | ||||||
20 | Trust Fund and a description of the financial condition of the | ||||||
21 | Trust Fund at the close of each fiscal year, including: | ||||||
22 | semi-annual revenues to the Trust Fund, semi-annual | ||||||
23 | expenditures from the Trust Fund, implementation and results of | ||||||
24 | cost-saving measures, program utilization, and projections for | ||||||
25 | program development. | ||||||
26 | If the Panel determines that insufficient funds exist in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Trust Fund to pay anticipated obligations in the next | ||||||
2 | succeeding fiscal year, the Panel shall so certify in the | ||||||
3 | semi-annual report the amount necessary to meet the anticipated | ||||||
4 | obligations. | ||||||
5 | The Panel's semi-annual report shall be directed to the | ||||||
6 | President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of | ||||||
7 | Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the | ||||||
8 | Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
| ||||||
9 | PART 8. SEVERABILITY | ||||||
10 | Section 50-801. Severability. It is the purpose of Section | ||||||
11 | 50-301 of this Act to impose a tax upon the privilege of doing | ||||||
12 | business in this State, so far as the same may be done under | ||||||
13 | the Constitution and statutes of the United States and the | ||||||
14 | Constitution of the State of Illinois. If any clause, sentence, | ||||||
15 | Section, provision, part, or credit included in this Act, or | ||||||
16 | the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is | ||||||
17 | adjudged to be unconstitutional, then it is the intent of the | ||||||
18 | General Assembly that the tax imposed and the remainder of this | ||||||
19 | Act, or its application to persons or circumstances other than | ||||||
20 | those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected | ||||||
21 | thereby. | ||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 95-5. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is | ||||||
2 | amended by changing Section 5-45 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (5 ILCS 100/5-45) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-45)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 5-45. Emergency rulemaking.
| ||||||
5 | (a) "Emergency" means the existence of any situation that | ||||||
6 | any agency
finds reasonably constitutes a threat to the public | ||||||
7 | interest, safety, or
| ||||||
8 | (b) If any agency finds that an
emergency exists that | ||||||
9 | requires adoption of a rule upon fewer days than
is required by | ||||||
10 | Section 5-40 and states in writing its reasons for that
| ||||||
11 | finding, the agency may adopt an emergency rule without prior | ||||||
12 | notice or
hearing upon filing a notice of emergency rulemaking | ||||||
13 | with the Secretary of
State under Section 5-70. The notice | ||||||
14 | shall include the text of the
emergency rule and shall be | ||||||
15 | published in the Illinois Register. Consent
orders or other | ||||||
16 | court orders adopting settlements negotiated by an agency
may | ||||||
17 | be adopted under this Section. Subject to applicable | ||||||
18 | constitutional or
statutory provisions, an emergency rule | ||||||
19 | becomes effective immediately upon
filing under Section 5-65 or | ||||||
20 | at a stated date less than 10 days
thereafter. The agency's | ||||||
21 | finding and a statement of the specific reasons
for the finding | ||||||
22 | shall be filed with the rule. The agency shall take
reasonable | ||||||
23 | and appropriate measures to make emergency rules known to the
| ||||||
24 | persons who may be affected by them.
| ||||||
25 | (c) An emergency rule may be effective for a period of not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | longer than
150 days, but the agency's authority to adopt an | ||||||
2 | identical rule under Section
5-40 is not precluded. No | ||||||
3 | emergency rule may be adopted more
than once in any 24 month | ||||||
4 | period, except that this limitation on the number
of emergency | ||||||
5 | rules that may be adopted in a 24 month period does not apply
| ||||||
6 | to (i) emergency rules that make additions to and deletions | ||||||
7 | from the Drug
Manual under Section 5-5.16 of the Illinois | ||||||
8 | Public Aid Code or the
generic drug formulary under Section | ||||||
9 | 3.14 of the Illinois Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act, (ii) | ||||||
10 | emergency rules adopted by the Pollution Control
Board before | ||||||
11 | July 1, 1997 to implement portions of the Livestock Management
| ||||||
12 | Facilities Act, or (iii) emergency rules adopted by the | ||||||
13 | Illinois Department of Public Health under subsections (a) | ||||||
14 | through (i) of Section 2 of the Department of Public Health Act | ||||||
15 | when necessary to protect the public's health. Two or more | ||||||
16 | emergency rules having substantially the same
purpose and | ||||||
17 | effect shall be deemed to be a single rule for purposes of this
| ||||||
18 | Section.
| ||||||
19 | (d) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
20 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 1999 budget, | ||||||
21 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of Public Act 90-587 | ||||||
22 | or 90-588
or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 1999 | ||||||
23 | may be adopted in
accordance with this Section by the agency | ||||||
24 | charged with administering that
provision or initiative, | ||||||
25 | except that the 24-month limitation on the adoption
of | ||||||
26 | emergency rules and the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | do not apply
to rules adopted under this subsection (d). The | ||||||
2 | adoption of emergency rules
authorized by this subsection (d) | ||||||
3 | shall be deemed to be necessary for the
public interest, | ||||||
4 | safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
5 | (e) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
6 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 2000 budget, | ||||||
7 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of this amendatory | ||||||
8 | Act of the 91st General Assembly
or any other budget initiative | ||||||
9 | for fiscal year 2000 may be adopted in
accordance with this | ||||||
10 | Section by the agency charged with administering that
provision | ||||||
11 | or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the | ||||||
12 | adoption
of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
13 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply
to rules adopted under this | ||||||
14 | subsection (e). The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by | ||||||
15 | this subsection (e) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
| ||||||
16 | public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
17 | (f) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
18 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 2001 budget, | ||||||
19 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of this amendatory | ||||||
20 | Act of the 91st General Assembly
or any other budget initiative | ||||||
21 | for fiscal year 2001 may be adopted in
accordance with this | ||||||
22 | Section by the agency charged with administering that
provision | ||||||
23 | or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the | ||||||
24 | adoption
of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
25 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply
to rules adopted under this | ||||||
26 | subsection (f). The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this subsection (f) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
| ||||||
2 | public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
3 | (g) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
4 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 2002 budget, | ||||||
5 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of this amendatory | ||||||
6 | Act of the 92nd General Assembly
or any other budget initiative | ||||||
7 | for fiscal year 2002 may be adopted in
accordance with this | ||||||
8 | Section by the agency charged with administering that
provision | ||||||
9 | or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the | ||||||
10 | adoption
of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
11 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply
to rules adopted under this | ||||||
12 | subsection (g). The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by | ||||||
13 | this subsection (g) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
| ||||||
14 | public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
15 | (h) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
16 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 2003 budget, | ||||||
17 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of this amendatory | ||||||
18 | Act of the 92nd General Assembly
or any other budget initiative | ||||||
19 | for fiscal year 2003 may be adopted in
accordance with this | ||||||
20 | Section by the agency charged with administering that
provision | ||||||
21 | or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the | ||||||
22 | adoption
of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
23 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply
to rules adopted under this | ||||||
24 | subsection (h). The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by | ||||||
25 | this subsection (h) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
| ||||||
26 | public interest, safety, and welfare.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (i) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
2 | implementation
of the State's fiscal year 2004 budget, | ||||||
3 | emergency rules to implement any
provision of this amendatory | ||||||
4 | Act of the 93rd General Assembly
or any other budget initiative | ||||||
5 | for fiscal year 2004 may be adopted in
accordance with this | ||||||
6 | Section by the agency charged with administering that
provision | ||||||
7 | or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the | ||||||
8 | adoption
of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
9 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply
to rules adopted under this | ||||||
10 | subsection (i). The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by | ||||||
11 | this subsection (i) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
| ||||||
12 | public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
13 | (j) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
14 | implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year | ||||||
15 | 2005 budget as provided under the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget | ||||||
16 | Implementation (Human Services) Act, emergency rules to | ||||||
17 | implement any provision of the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget | ||||||
18 | Implementation (Human Services) Act may be adopted in | ||||||
19 | accordance with this Section by the agency charged with | ||||||
20 | administering that provision, except that the 24-month | ||||||
21 | limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and the | ||||||
22 | provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to rules | ||||||
23 | adopted under this subsection (j). The Department of Public Aid | ||||||
24 | may also adopt rules under this subsection (j) necessary to | ||||||
25 | administer the Illinois Public Aid Code and the Children's | ||||||
26 | Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of emergency rules |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authorized by this subsection (j) shall be deemed to be | ||||||
2 | necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
3 | (k) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
4 | implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year | ||||||
5 | 2006 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of this | ||||||
6 | amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly or any other budget | ||||||
7 | initiative for fiscal year 2006 may be adopted in accordance | ||||||
8 | with this Section by the agency charged with administering that | ||||||
9 | provision or initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on | ||||||
10 | the adoption of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections | ||||||
11 | 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to rules adopted under this | ||||||
12 | subsection (k). The Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
13 | Services may also adopt rules under this subsection (k) | ||||||
14 | necessary to administer the Illinois Public Aid Code, the | ||||||
15 | Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and | ||||||
16 | Pharmaceutical Assistance Act, the Senior Citizens and | ||||||
17 | Disabled Persons Prescription Drug Discount Program Act (now | ||||||
18 | the Illinois Prescription Drug Discount Program Act) , and the | ||||||
19 | Children's Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of | ||||||
20 | emergency rules authorized by this subsection (k) shall be | ||||||
21 | deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and | ||||||
22 | welfare.
| ||||||
23 | (l) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
24 | implementation of the provisions of the
State's fiscal year | ||||||
25 | 2007 budget, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services | ||||||
26 | may adopt emergency rules during fiscal year 2007, including |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rules effective July 1, 2007, in
accordance with this | ||||||
2 | subsection to the extent necessary to administer the | ||||||
3 | Department's responsibilities with respect to amendments to | ||||||
4 | the State plans and Illinois waivers approved by the federal | ||||||
5 | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services necessitated by the | ||||||
6 | requirements of Title XIX and Title XXI of the federal Social | ||||||
7 | Security Act. The adoption of emergency rules
authorized by | ||||||
8 | this subsection (l) shall be deemed to be necessary for the | ||||||
9 | public interest,
safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
10 | (m) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely | ||||||
11 | implementation of the provisions of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
12 | 95th General Assembly, the Departments of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
13 | Services, Revenue, Public Health, and Financial and | ||||||
14 | Professional Regulation may adopt rules necessary to establish | ||||||
15 | and implement this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly | ||||||
16 | through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with this | ||||||
17 | Section. For the purposes of this Act, the General Assembly | ||||||
18 | finds that the adoption of rules to implement this amendatory | ||||||
19 | Act of the 95th General Assembly is deemed an emergency and | ||||||
20 | necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 93-20, eff. 6-20-03; 93-829, eff. 7-28-04; | ||||||
22 | 93-841, eff. 7-30-04; 94-48, eff. 7-1-05; 94-838, eff. 6-6-06; | ||||||
23 | revised 10-19-06.)
| ||||||
24 | Section 95-10. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
25 | changing Section 901 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (35 ILCS 5/901) (from Ch. 120, par. 9-901)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 901. Collection Authority.
| ||||||
3 | (a) In general.
| ||||||
4 | The Department shall collect the taxes imposed by this Act. | ||||||
5 | The Department
shall collect certified past due child support | ||||||
6 | amounts under Section 2505-650
of the Department of Revenue Law | ||||||
7 | (20 ILCS 2505/2505-650). Except as
provided in subsections (c) | ||||||
8 | and (e) of this Section, money collected
pursuant to | ||||||
9 | subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act shall be
| ||||||
10 | paid into the General Revenue Fund in the State treasury; money
| ||||||
11 | collected pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of Section 201 of | ||||||
12 | this Act
shall be paid into the Personal Property Tax | ||||||
13 | Replacement Fund, a special
fund in the State Treasury; and | ||||||
14 | money collected under Section 2505-650 of the
Department of | ||||||
15 | Revenue Law (20 ILCS 2505/2505-650) shall be paid
into the
| ||||||
16 | Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund, a special fund outside | ||||||
17 | the State
Treasury, or
to the State
Disbursement Unit | ||||||
18 | established under Section 10-26 of the Illinois Public Aid
| ||||||
19 | Code, as directed by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
20 | Services.
| ||||||
21 | (b) Local Governmental Distributive Fund.
| ||||||
22 | Beginning August 1, 1969, and continuing through June 30, | ||||||
23 | 1994, the Treasurer
shall transfer each month from the General | ||||||
24 | Revenue Fund to a special fund in
the State treasury, to be | ||||||
25 | known as the "Local Government Distributive Fund", an
amount |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | equal to 1/12 of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed | ||||||
2 | by
subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act during | ||||||
3 | the preceding month.
Beginning July 1, 1994, and continuing | ||||||
4 | through June 30, 1995, the Treasurer
shall transfer each month | ||||||
5 | from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government
| ||||||
6 | Distributive Fund an amount equal to 1/11 of the net revenue | ||||||
7 | realized from the
tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
8 | Section 201 of this Act during the
preceding month. Beginning | ||||||
9 | July 1, 1995, the Treasurer shall transfer each
month from the | ||||||
10 | General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund
| ||||||
11 | an amount equal to the net of (i) 1/10 of the net revenue | ||||||
12 | realized from the
tax imposed by
subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
13 | Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act during
the preceding | ||||||
14 | month
(ii) minus, beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, | ||||||
15 | 2004, $6,666,666, and
beginning July 1,
zero. Net revenue | ||||||
16 | realized for a month shall be defined as the
revenue from the | ||||||
17 | tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this
| ||||||
18 | Act which is deposited in the General Revenue Fund, the | ||||||
19 | Educational Assistance
Fund and the Income Tax Surcharge Local | ||||||
20 | Government Distributive Fund during the
month minus the amount | ||||||
21 | paid out of the General Revenue Fund in State warrants
during | ||||||
22 | that same month as refunds to taxpayers for overpayment of | ||||||
23 | liability
under the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
24 | Section 201 of this Act.
| ||||||
25 | (c) Deposits Into Income Tax Refund Fund.
| ||||||
26 | (1) Beginning on January 1, 1989 and thereafter, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department shall
deposit a percentage of the amounts | ||||||
2 | collected pursuant to subsections (a)
and (b)(1), (2), and | ||||||
3 | (3), of Section 201 of this Act into a fund in the State
| ||||||
4 | treasury known as the Income Tax Refund Fund. The | ||||||
5 | Department shall deposit 6%
of such amounts during the | ||||||
6 | period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending on June
30, | ||||||
7 | 1989. Beginning with State fiscal year 1990 and for each | ||||||
8 | fiscal year
thereafter, the percentage deposited into the | ||||||
9 | Income Tax Refund Fund during a
fiscal year shall be the | ||||||
10 | Annual Percentage. For fiscal years 1999 through
2001, the | ||||||
11 | Annual Percentage shall be 7.1%.
For fiscal year 2003, the | ||||||
12 | Annual Percentage shall be 8%.
For fiscal year 2004, the | ||||||
13 | Annual Percentage shall be 11.7%. Upon the effective date | ||||||
14 | of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the | ||||||
15 | Annual Percentage shall be 10% for fiscal year 2005. For | ||||||
16 | fiscal year 2006, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For | ||||||
17 | fiscal year 2007, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For | ||||||
18 | all other
fiscal years, the
Annual Percentage shall be | ||||||
19 | calculated as a fraction, the numerator of which
shall be | ||||||
20 | the amount of refunds approved for payment by the | ||||||
21 | Department during
the preceding fiscal year as a result of | ||||||
22 | overpayment of tax liability under
subsections (a) and | ||||||
23 | (b)(1), (2), and (3) of Section 201 of this Act plus the
| ||||||
24 | amount of such refunds remaining approved but unpaid at the | ||||||
25 | end of the
preceding fiscal year, minus the amounts | ||||||
26 | transferred into the Income Tax
Refund Fund from the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund, and
the denominator of | ||||||
2 | which shall be the amounts which will be collected pursuant
| ||||||
3 | to subsections (a) and (b)(1), (2), and (3) of Section 201 | ||||||
4 | of this Act during
the preceding fiscal year; except that | ||||||
5 | in State fiscal year 2002, the Annual
Percentage shall in | ||||||
6 | no event exceed 7.6%. The Director of Revenue shall
certify | ||||||
7 | the Annual Percentage to the Comptroller on the last | ||||||
8 | business day of
the fiscal year immediately preceding the | ||||||
9 | fiscal year for which it is to be
| ||||||
10 | (2) Beginning on January 1, 1989 and thereafter, the | ||||||
11 | Department shall
deposit a percentage of the amounts | ||||||
12 | collected pursuant to subsections (a)
and (b)(6), (7), and | ||||||
13 | (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201
of this Act into a fund in | ||||||
14 | the State treasury known as the Income Tax
Refund Fund. The | ||||||
15 | Department shall deposit 18% of such amounts during the
| ||||||
16 | period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, | ||||||
17 | 1989. Beginning
with State fiscal year 1990 and for each | ||||||
18 | fiscal year thereafter, the
percentage deposited into the | ||||||
19 | Income Tax Refund Fund during a fiscal year
shall be the | ||||||
20 | Annual Percentage. For fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001, | ||||||
21 | the
Annual Percentage shall be 19%.
For fiscal year 2003, | ||||||
22 | the Annual Percentage shall be 27%. For fiscal year
2004, | ||||||
23 | the Annual Percentage shall be 32%.
Upon the effective date | ||||||
24 | of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the | ||||||
25 | Annual Percentage shall be 24% for fiscal year 2005.
For | ||||||
26 | fiscal year 2006, the Annual Percentage shall be 20%. For |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fiscal year 2007, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For | ||||||
2 | all other fiscal years, the Annual
Percentage shall be | ||||||
3 | calculated
as a fraction, the numerator of which shall be | ||||||
4 | the amount of refunds
approved for payment by the | ||||||
5 | Department during the preceding fiscal year as
a result of | ||||||
6 | overpayment of tax liability under subsections (a) and | ||||||
7 | (b)(6),
(7), and (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this | ||||||
8 | Act plus the
amount of such refunds remaining approved but | ||||||
9 | unpaid at the end of the
preceding fiscal year, and the | ||||||
10 | denominator of
which shall be the amounts which will be | ||||||
11 | collected pursuant to subsections (a)
and (b)(6), (7), and | ||||||
12 | (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act during the
| ||||||
13 | preceding fiscal year; except that in State fiscal year | ||||||
14 | 2002, the Annual
Percentage shall in no event exceed 23%. | ||||||
15 | The Director of Revenue shall
certify the Annual Percentage | ||||||
16 | to the Comptroller on the last business day of
the fiscal | ||||||
17 | year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which it is | ||||||
18 | to be
| ||||||
19 | (3) The Comptroller shall order transferred and the | ||||||
20 | Treasurer shall
transfer from the Tobacco Settlement | ||||||
21 | Recovery Fund to the Income Tax Refund
Fund (i) $35,000,000 | ||||||
22 | in January, 2001, (ii) $35,000,000 in January, 2002, and
| ||||||
23 | (iii) $35,000,000 in January, 2003.
| ||||||
24 | (d) Expenditures from Income Tax Refund Fund.
| ||||||
25 | (1) Beginning January 1, 1989, money in the Income Tax | ||||||
26 | Refund Fund
shall be expended exclusively for the purpose |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of paying refunds resulting
from overpayment of tax | ||||||
2 | liability under Section 201 of this Act or under the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Covered Assessment Act , for paying
rebates under | ||||||
4 | Section 208.1 in the event that the amounts in the | ||||||
5 | Homeowners'
Tax Relief Fund are insufficient for that | ||||||
6 | purpose,
and for
making transfers pursuant to this | ||||||
7 | subsection (d).
| ||||||
8 | (2) The Director shall order payment of refunds | ||||||
9 | resulting from
overpayment of tax liability under Section | ||||||
10 | 201 of this Act from the
Income Tax Refund Fund only to the | ||||||
11 | extent that amounts collected pursuant
to Section 201 of | ||||||
12 | this Act and transfers pursuant to this subsection (d)
and | ||||||
13 | item (3) of subsection (c) have been deposited and retained | ||||||
14 | in the
| ||||||
15 | (3) As soon as possible after the end of each fiscal | ||||||
16 | year, the Director
order transferred and the State | ||||||
17 | Treasurer and State Comptroller shall
transfer from the | ||||||
18 | Income Tax Refund Fund to the Personal Property Tax
| ||||||
19 | Replacement Fund an amount, certified by the Director to | ||||||
20 | the Comptroller,
equal to the excess of the amount | ||||||
21 | collected pursuant to subsections (c) and
(d) of Section | ||||||
22 | 201 of this Act deposited into the Income Tax Refund Fund
| ||||||
23 | during the fiscal year over the amount of refunds resulting | ||||||
24 | from
overpayment of tax liability under subsections (c) and | ||||||
25 | (d) of Section 201
of this Act paid from the Income Tax | ||||||
26 | Refund Fund during the fiscal year.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) As soon as possible after the end of each fiscal | ||||||
2 | year, the Director shall
order transferred and the State | ||||||
3 | Treasurer and State Comptroller shall
transfer from the | ||||||
4 | Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund to the Income Tax
| ||||||
5 | Refund Fund an amount, certified by the Director to the | ||||||
6 | Comptroller, equal
to the excess of the amount of refunds | ||||||
7 | resulting from overpayment of tax
liability under | ||||||
8 | subsections (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act paid
| ||||||
9 | from the Income Tax Refund Fund during the fiscal year over | ||||||
10 | the amount
collected pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of | ||||||
11 | Section 201 of this Act
deposited into the Income Tax | ||||||
12 | Refund Fund during the fiscal year.
| ||||||
13 | (4.5) As soon as possible after the end of fiscal year | ||||||
14 | 1999 and of each
fiscal year
thereafter, the Director shall | ||||||
15 | order transferred and the State Treasurer and
State | ||||||
16 | Comptroller shall transfer from the Income Tax Refund Fund | ||||||
17 | to the General
Revenue Fund any surplus remaining in the | ||||||
18 | Income Tax Refund Fund as of the end
of such fiscal year; | ||||||
19 | excluding for fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002
amounts | ||||||
20 | attributable to transfers under item (3) of subsection (c) | ||||||
21 | less refunds
resulting from the earned income tax credit.
| ||||||
22 | (5) This Act shall constitute an irrevocable and | ||||||
23 | continuing
appropriation from the Income Tax Refund Fund | ||||||
24 | for the purpose of paying
refunds upon the order of the | ||||||
25 | Director in accordance with the provisions of
this Section.
| ||||||
26 | (e) Deposits into the Education Assistance Fund and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Income Tax
Surcharge Local Government Distributive Fund.
| ||||||
2 | On July 1, 1991, and thereafter, of the amounts collected | ||||||
3 | pursuant to
subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act, | ||||||
4 | minus deposits into the
Income Tax Refund Fund, the Department | ||||||
5 | shall deposit 7.3% into the
Education Assistance Fund in the | ||||||
6 | State Treasury. Beginning July 1, 1991,
and continuing through | ||||||
7 | January 31, 1993, of the amounts collected pursuant to
| ||||||
8 | subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income | ||||||
9 | Tax Act, minus
deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the | ||||||
10 | Department shall deposit 3.0%
into the Income Tax Surcharge | ||||||
11 | Local Government Distributive Fund in the State
Treasury. | ||||||
12 | Beginning February 1, 1993 and continuing through June 30, | ||||||
13 | 1993, of
the amounts collected pursuant to subsections (a) and | ||||||
14 | (b) of Section 201 of the
Illinois Income Tax Act, minus | ||||||
15 | deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the
Department shall | ||||||
16 | deposit 4.4% into the Income Tax Surcharge Local Government
| ||||||
17 | Distributive Fund in the State Treasury. Beginning July 1, | ||||||
18 | 1993, and
continuing through June 30, 1994, of the amounts | ||||||
19 | collected under subsections
(a) and (b) of Section 201 of this | ||||||
20 | Act, minus deposits into the Income Tax
Refund Fund, the | ||||||
21 | Department shall deposit 1.475% into the Income Tax Surcharge
| ||||||
22 | Local Government Distributive Fund in the State Treasury.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 6-20-03; 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; 94-91, | ||||||
24 | eff. 7-1-05; 94-839, eff. 6-6-06.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 95-15. The Uniform Penalty and Interest Act is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amended by changing Section 3-3 as follows:
| ||||||
2 | (35 ILCS 735/3-3) (from Ch. 120, par. 2603-3)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 3-3. Penalty for failure to file or pay.
| ||||||
4 | (a) This subsection (a) is applicable before January 1, | ||||||
5 | 1996. A penalty
of 5% of the tax required to be shown due on a | ||||||
6 | return shall be
imposed for failure to file the tax return on | ||||||
7 | or before the due date prescribed
for filing determined with | ||||||
8 | regard for any extension of time for filing
for late | ||||||
9 | filing or nonfiling). If any unprocessable return is corrected | ||||||
10 | and
filed within 21 days after notice by the Department, the | ||||||
11 | late filing or
nonfiling penalty shall not apply. If a penalty | ||||||
12 | for late filing or nonfiling
is imposed in addition to a | ||||||
13 | penalty for late payment, the total penalty due
shall be the | ||||||
14 | sum of the late filing penalty and the applicable late payment
| ||||||
15 | penalty.
Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
16 | of 1995, in the case
of any type of tax return required to be | ||||||
17 | filed more frequently
than annually, when the failure to file | ||||||
18 | the tax return on or before the
date prescribed for filing | ||||||
19 | (including any extensions) is shown to be
nonfraudulent and has | ||||||
20 | not occurred in the 2 years immediately preceding the
failure | ||||||
21 | to file on the prescribed due date, the penalty imposed by | ||||||
22 | Section
3-3(a) shall be abated.
| ||||||
23 | (a-5) This subsection (a-5) is applicable to returns due on | ||||||
24 | and after
January 1, 1996 and on or before December 31, 2000.
A | ||||||
25 | penalty equal to 2% of
the tax required to be shown due on a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | return, up to a maximum amount of $250,
determined without | ||||||
2 | regard to any part of the tax that is paid on time or by any
| ||||||
3 | credit that was properly allowable on the date the return was | ||||||
4 | required to be
filed, shall be
imposed for failure to file the | ||||||
5 | tax return on or before the due date prescribed
for filing | ||||||
6 | determined with regard for any extension of time for filing.
| ||||||
7 | However, if any return is not filed within 30 days after notice | ||||||
8 | of nonfiling
mailed by the Department to the last known address | ||||||
9 | of the taxpayer contained in
Department records, an additional | ||||||
10 | penalty amount shall be imposed equal to the
greater of $250 or | ||||||
11 | 2% of the tax shown on the return. However, the additional
| ||||||
12 | penalty amount may not exceed $5,000 and is determined without | ||||||
13 | regard to any
part of the tax that is paid on time or by any | ||||||
14 | credit that was properly
allowable on the date the return was | ||||||
15 | required to be filed (penalty
for late filing or nonfiling). If | ||||||
16 | any unprocessable return is corrected and
filed within 30 days | ||||||
17 | after notice by the Department, the late filing or
nonfiling | ||||||
18 | penalty shall not apply. If a penalty for late filing or | ||||||
19 | nonfiling
is imposed in addition to a penalty for late payment, | ||||||
20 | the total penalty due
shall be the sum of the late filing | ||||||
21 | penalty and the applicable late payment
In the case of | ||||||
22 | any type of tax return required to be filed more frequently
| ||||||
23 | than annually, when the failure to file the tax return on or | ||||||
24 | before the
date prescribed for filing (including any | ||||||
25 | extensions) is shown to be
nonfraudulent and has not occurred | ||||||
26 | in the 2 years immediately preceding the
failure to file on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prescribed due date, the penalty imposed by Section
3-3(a-5) | ||||||
2 | shall be abated.
| ||||||
3 | (a-10) This subsection (a-10) is applicable to returns due | ||||||
4 | on and after
January 1, 2001.
A penalty equal to 2% of
the tax | ||||||
5 | required to be shown due on a return, up to a maximum amount of | ||||||
6 | $250,
reduced by any tax that is
paid on time or by any
credit | ||||||
7 | that was properly allowable on the date the return was required | ||||||
8 | to be
filed, shall be
imposed for failure to file the tax | ||||||
9 | return on or before the due date prescribed
for filing | ||||||
10 | determined with regard for any extension of time for filing.
| ||||||
11 | However, if any return is not filed within 30 days after notice | ||||||
12 | of nonfiling
mailed by the Department to the last known address | ||||||
13 | of the taxpayer contained in
Department records, an additional | ||||||
14 | penalty amount shall be imposed equal to the
greater of $250 or | ||||||
15 | 2% of the tax shown on the return. However, the additional
| ||||||
16 | penalty amount may not exceed $5,000 and is determined without | ||||||
17 | regard to any
part of the tax that is paid on time or by any | ||||||
18 | credit that was properly
allowable on the date the return was | ||||||
19 | required to be filed (penalty
for late filing or nonfiling). If | ||||||
20 | any unprocessable return is corrected and
filed within 30 days | ||||||
21 | after notice by the Department, the late filing or
nonfiling | ||||||
22 | penalty shall not apply. If a penalty for late filing or | ||||||
23 | nonfiling
is imposed in addition to a penalty for late payment, | ||||||
24 | the total penalty due
shall be the sum of the late filing | ||||||
25 | penalty and the applicable late payment
In the case of | ||||||
26 | any type of tax return required to be filed more frequently
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than annually, when the failure to file the tax return on or | ||||||
2 | before the
date prescribed for filing (including any | ||||||
3 | extensions) is shown to be
nonfraudulent and has not occurred | ||||||
4 | in the 2 years immediately preceding the
failure to file on the | ||||||
5 | prescribed due date, the penalty imposed by Section
3-3(a-10) | ||||||
6 | shall be abated.
| ||||||
7 | (b) This subsection is applicable before January 1, 1998.
A | ||||||
8 | penalty of 15% of the tax shown on the return or the tax | ||||||
9 | required to
be shown due on the return shall be imposed for | ||||||
10 | failure to pay:
| ||||||
11 | (1) the tax shown due on the return on or before the | ||||||
12 | due date prescribed
for payment of that tax, an amount of | ||||||
13 | underpayment of estimated tax, or an
amount that is | ||||||
14 | reported in an amended return other than an amended return
| ||||||
15 | timely filed as required by subsection (b) of Section 506 | ||||||
16 | of the Illinois
Income Tax Act (penalty for late payment or | ||||||
17 | nonpayment of admitted liability);
| ||||||
18 | (2) the full amount of any tax required to be shown due | ||||||
19 | on a
return and which is not shown (penalty for late | ||||||
20 | payment or nonpayment of
additional liability), within 30 | ||||||
21 | days after a notice of arithmetic error,
notice and demand, | ||||||
22 | or a final assessment is issued by the Department.
In the | ||||||
23 | case of a final assessment arising following a protest and | ||||||
24 | hearing,
the 30-day period shall not begin until all | ||||||
25 | proceedings in court for review of
the final assessment | ||||||
26 | have terminated or the period for obtaining a review has
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expired without proceedings for a review having been | ||||||
2 | instituted. In the case
of a notice of tax liability that | ||||||
3 | becomes a final assessment without a protest
and hearing, | ||||||
4 | the penalty provided in this paragraph (2) shall be imposed | ||||||
5 | at the
expiration of the period provided for the filing of | ||||||
6 | a protest.
| ||||||
7 | (b-5) This subsection is applicable to returns due on and | ||||||
8 | after January
1, 1998 and on or before December 31, 2000.
A | ||||||
9 | penalty of 20% of the tax shown on the return or the tax | ||||||
10 | required to be
shown due on the return shall be imposed for | ||||||
11 | failure to
| ||||||
12 | (1) the tax shown due on the return on or before the | ||||||
13 | due date prescribed
for payment of that tax, an amount of | ||||||
14 | underpayment of estimated tax, or an
amount that is | ||||||
15 | reported in an amended return other than an amended return
| ||||||
16 | timely filed as required by subsection (b) of Section 506 | ||||||
17 | of the Illinois
Income Tax Act (penalty for late payment or | ||||||
18 | nonpayment of admitted liability);
| ||||||
19 | (2) the full amount of any tax required to be shown due | ||||||
20 | on a
return and which is not shown (penalty for late | ||||||
21 | payment or nonpayment of
additional liability), within 30 | ||||||
22 | days after a notice of arithmetic error,
notice and demand, | ||||||
23 | or a final assessment is issued by the Department.
In the | ||||||
24 | case of a final assessment arising following a protest and | ||||||
25 | hearing,
the 30-day period shall not begin until all | ||||||
26 | proceedings in court for review of
the final assessment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | have terminated or the period for obtaining a review has
| ||||||
2 | expired without proceedings for a review having been | ||||||
3 | instituted. In the case
of a notice of tax liability that | ||||||
4 | becomes a final assessment without a protest
and hearing, | ||||||
5 | the penalty provided in this paragraph (2) shall be imposed | ||||||
6 | at the
expiration of the period provided for the filing of | ||||||
7 | a protest.
| ||||||
8 | (b-10) This subsection (b-10) is applicable to returns due | ||||||
9 | on and after
January 1, 2001 and on or before December 31, | ||||||
10 | 2003. A penalty shall be
imposed for failure to pay:
| ||||||
11 | (1) the tax shown due on a return on or before the due | ||||||
12 | date prescribed for
payment of that tax, an amount of | ||||||
13 | underpayment of estimated tax, or an amount
that is | ||||||
14 | reported in an amended return other than an amended return | ||||||
15 | timely filed
as required by subsection (b) of Section 506 | ||||||
16 | of the Illinois Income Tax Act
(penalty for late payment or | ||||||
17 | nonpayment of admitted liability). The amount of
penalty | ||||||
18 | imposed under this subsection (b-10)(1) shall be 2% of any | ||||||
19 | amount that
is paid no later than 30 days after the due | ||||||
20 | date, 5% of any amount that is
paid later than 30 days | ||||||
21 | after the due date and not later than 90 days after
the due | ||||||
22 | date, 10% of any amount that is paid later than 90 days | ||||||
23 | after the due
date and not later than 180 days after the | ||||||
24 | due date, and 15% of any amount that
is paid later than 180 | ||||||
25 | days after the
due date.
If notice and demand is made for | ||||||
26 | the payment of any amount of tax due and if
the amount due |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | is paid within 30 days after the date of the notice and | ||||||
2 | demand,
then the penalty for late payment or nonpayment of | ||||||
3 | admitted liability under
this subsection (b-10)(1) on the | ||||||
4 | amount so paid shall not accrue for the period
after the | ||||||
5 | date of the notice and demand.
| ||||||
6 | (2) the full amount of any tax required to be shown due | ||||||
7 | on a return and
that is not shown (penalty for late payment | ||||||
8 | or nonpayment of additional
liability), within 30 days | ||||||
9 | after a notice of arithmetic error, notice and
demand, or a | ||||||
10 | final assessment is issued by the Department. In the case | ||||||
11 | of a
final assessment arising following a protest and | ||||||
12 | hearing, the 30-day period
shall not begin until all | ||||||
13 | proceedings in court for review of the final
assessment | ||||||
14 | have terminated or the period for obtaining a review has | ||||||
15 | expired
without proceedings for a review having been | ||||||
16 | instituted. The amount of penalty
imposed under this | ||||||
17 | subsection (b-10)(2) shall be 20% of any amount that is not
| ||||||
18 | paid within the 30-day period. In the case of a notice of | ||||||
19 | tax liability that
becomes a final assessment without a | ||||||
20 | protest and hearing, the penalty provided
in this | ||||||
21 | subsection (b-10)(2) shall be imposed at the expiration of | ||||||
22 | the period
provided for the filing of a protest.
| ||||||
23 | (b-15) This subsection (b-15) is applicable to returns due | ||||||
24 | on and after
January 1, 2004 and on or before December 31, | ||||||
25 | 2004. A penalty shall be imposed for failure to pay the tax | ||||||
26 | shown due or
required to be shown due on a return on or before |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the due date prescribed for
payment of that tax, an amount of | ||||||
2 | underpayment of estimated tax, or an amount
that is reported in | ||||||
3 | an amended return other than an amended return timely filed
as | ||||||
4 | required by subsection (b) of Section 506 of the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Income Tax Act
(penalty for late payment or nonpayment of | ||||||
6 | admitted liability). The amount of
penalty imposed under this | ||||||
7 | subsection (b-15)(1) shall be 2% of any amount that
is paid no | ||||||
8 | later than 30 days after the due date, 10% of any amount that | ||||||
9 | is
paid later than 30 days after the due date and not later | ||||||
10 | than 90 days after the
due date, 15% of any amount that is paid | ||||||
11 | later than 90 days after the due date
and not later than 180 | ||||||
12 | days after the due date, and 20% of any amount that is
paid | ||||||
13 | later than 180 days after the due date. If notice and demand is | ||||||
14 | made for
the payment of any amount of tax due and if the amount | ||||||
15 | due is paid within 30
days after the date of this notice and | ||||||
16 | demand, then the penalty for late
payment or nonpayment of | ||||||
17 | admitted liability under this subsection (b-15)(1) on
the | ||||||
18 | amount so paid shall not accrue for the period after the date | ||||||
19 | of the notice
and demand.
| ||||||
20 | (b-20) This subsection (b-20) is applicable to returns due | ||||||
21 | on and after January 1, 2005. | ||||||
22 | (1) A penalty shall be imposed for failure to pay, | ||||||
23 | prior to the due date for payment, any amount of tax the | ||||||
24 | payment of which is required to be made prior to the filing | ||||||
25 | of a return or without a return (penalty for late payment | ||||||
26 | or nonpayment of estimated or accelerated tax). The amount |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of penalty imposed under this paragraph (1) shall be 2% of | ||||||
2 | any amount that is paid no later than 30 days after the due | ||||||
3 | date and 10% of any amount that is paid later than 30 days | ||||||
4 | after the due date. | ||||||
5 | (2) A penalty shall be imposed for failure to pay the | ||||||
6 | tax shown due or required to be shown due on a return on or | ||||||
7 | before the due date prescribed for payment of that tax or | ||||||
8 | an amount that is reported in an amended return other than | ||||||
9 | an amended return or Illinois Covered Assessment Act return | ||||||
10 | timely filed as required by subsection (b) of Section 506 | ||||||
11 | of the Illinois Income Tax Act (penalty for late payment or | ||||||
12 | nonpayment of tax). The amount of penalty imposed under | ||||||
13 | this paragraph (2) shall be 2% of any amount that is paid | ||||||
14 | no later than 30 days after the due date, 10% of any amount | ||||||
15 | that is paid later than 30 days after the due date and | ||||||
16 | prior to the date the Department has initiated an audit or | ||||||
17 | investigation of the taxpayer, and 20% of any amount that | ||||||
18 | is paid after the date the Department has initiated an | ||||||
19 | audit or investigation of the taxpayer; provided that the | ||||||
20 | penalty shall be reduced to 15% if the entire amount due is | ||||||
21 | paid not later than 30 days after the Department has | ||||||
22 | provided the taxpayer with an amended return (following | ||||||
23 | completion of an occupation, use, or excise tax audit) or a | ||||||
24 | form for waiver of restrictions on assessment (following | ||||||
25 | completion of an income tax or Illinois Covered Assessment | ||||||
26 | audit); provided further that the reduction to 15% shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rescinded if the taxpayer makes any claim for refund or | ||||||
2 | credit of the tax, penalties, or interest determined to be | ||||||
3 | due upon audit, except in the case of a claim filed | ||||||
4 | pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 506 of the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Income Tax Act or to claim a carryover of a loss or credit, | ||||||
6 | the availability of which was not determined in the audit. | ||||||
7 | For purposes of this paragraph (2), any overpayment | ||||||
8 | reported on an original return that has been allowed as a | ||||||
9 | refund or credit to the taxpayer shall be deemed to have | ||||||
10 | not been paid on or before the due date for payment and any | ||||||
11 | amount paid under protest pursuant to the provisions of the | ||||||
12 | State Officers and Employees Money Disposition Act shall be | ||||||
13 | deemed to have been paid after the Department has initiated | ||||||
14 | an audit and more than 30 days after the Department has | ||||||
15 | provided the taxpayer with an amended return (following | ||||||
16 | completion of an occupation, use, or excise tax audit) or a | ||||||
17 | form for waiver of restrictions on assessment (following | ||||||
18 | completion of an income tax or Illinois Covered Assessment | ||||||
19 | audit). | ||||||
20 | (3) The penalty imposed under this subsection (b-20) | ||||||
21 | shall be deemed assessed at the time the tax upon which the | ||||||
22 | penalty is computed is assessed, except that, if the | ||||||
23 | reduction of the penalty imposed under paragraph (2) of | ||||||
24 | this subsection (b-20) to 15% is rescinded because a claim | ||||||
25 | for refund or credit has been filed, the increase in | ||||||
26 | penalty shall be deemed assessed at the time the claim for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | refund or credit is filed.
| ||||||
2 | (c) For purposes of the late payment penalties, the basis | ||||||
3 | of the penalty
shall be the tax shown or required to be shown | ||||||
4 | on a return, whichever is
applicable, reduced by any part of | ||||||
5 | the tax which is paid on time and by any
credit which was | ||||||
6 | properly allowable on the date the return was required to
be | ||||||
7 | filed.
| ||||||
8 | (d) A penalty shall be applied to the tax required to be | ||||||
9 | shown even if
that amount is less than the tax shown on the | ||||||
10 | return.
| ||||||
11 | (e) This subsection (e) is applicable to returns due before | ||||||
12 | January 1,
If both a subsection (b)(1) or (b-5)(1) | ||||||
13 | penalty and a subsection (b)(2)
or (b-5)(2) penalty are | ||||||
14 | assessed against the same return, the subsection
(b)(2) or | ||||||
15 | (b-5)(2) penalty shall
be assessed against only the additional | ||||||
16 | tax found to be due.
| ||||||
17 | (e-5) This subsection (e-5) is applicable to returns due on | ||||||
18 | and after
January 1, 2001.
If both a subsection (b-10)(1) | ||||||
19 | penalty and a subsection
(b-10)(2) penalty are assessed against | ||||||
20 | the same return,
the subsection (b-10)(2) penalty shall be | ||||||
21 | assessed against
only the additional tax found to be due.
| ||||||
22 | (f) If the taxpayer has failed to file the return, the | ||||||
23 | Department shall
determine the correct tax according to its | ||||||
24 | best judgment and information,
which amount shall be prima | ||||||
25 | facie evidence of the correctness of the tax due.
| ||||||
26 | (g) The time within which to file a return or pay an amount |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of tax due
without imposition of a penalty does not extend the | ||||||
2 | time within which to
file a protest to a notice of tax | ||||||
3 | liability or a notice of deficiency.
| ||||||
4 | (h) No return shall be determined to be unprocessable | ||||||
5 | because of the
omission of any information requested on the | ||||||
6 | return pursuant to Section
of the Department of | ||||||
7 | Revenue Law (20 ILCS 2505/2505-575).
| ||||||
8 | (i) If a taxpayer has a tax liability that is eligible for | ||||||
9 | amnesty under the
Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act and the taxpayer | ||||||
10 | fails to satisfy the tax liability
during the amnesty period | ||||||
11 | provided for in that Act, then the penalty imposed by
the | ||||||
12 | Department under this Section shall be imposed in an amount | ||||||
13 | that is 200% of
the amount that would otherwise be imposed | ||||||
14 | under this Section.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 92-742, eff. 7-25-02; 93-26, eff. 6-20-03; 93-32, | ||||||
16 | eff. 6-20-03; 93-1068, eff. 1-15-05.)
| ||||||
17 | Section 95-97. Severability. If any provision of this Act | ||||||
18 | or its application to any person or circumstance is held | ||||||
19 | invalid, the invalidity of that provision of application does | ||||||
20 | not affect other provisions or applications of this Act that | ||||||
21 | can be given effect without the invalid provision or | ||||||
22 | application, and to this end the provisions of this Act are | ||||||
23 | severable.".