Sen. James T. Meeks
Filed: 3/5/2009
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| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 750 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | ||||||
5 | Sections 5.719, 5.720, 5.721, 6z-76, and 6z-77 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (30 ILCS 105/5.719 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 5.719. The Education Financial Award System Fund. | ||||||
8 | (30 ILCS 105/5.720 new) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 5.720. The Digital Learning Technology Grant Fund. | ||||||
10 | (30 ILCS 105/5.721 new) | ||||||
11 | Sec. 5.721. The STEM Education Center Grant Fund. | ||||||
12 | (30 ILCS 105/6z-76 new) | ||||||
13 | Sec. 6z-76. The Invest in Illinois Fund. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) The Invest in Illinois Fund is intended to benefit the | ||||||
2 | people of the State of Illinois by creating a specific revenue | ||||||
3 | source to fund capital programs for infrastructure that will
| ||||||
4 | support economic growth, education, transportation, tourism, | ||||||
5 | and other capital needs generated by demographic changes (such | ||||||
6 | as but not limited to the aging of the population) across the | ||||||
7 | State. | ||||||
8 | (b) The Invest in Illinois Fund is created as a special | ||||||
9 | fund in the State treasury. All interest earned on moneys in | ||||||
10 | the Fund shall be deposited into the Fund. The Invest in
| ||||||
11 | Illinois Fund shall not be subject to sweeps, administrative | ||||||
12 | charges, or chargebacks, such as but not limited to those | ||||||
13 | authorized under Section 8h, or any other fiscal or budgetary
| ||||||
14 | maneuver that would in any way result in the transfer of any | ||||||
15 | amounts from the Invest in Illinois Fund to any other fund of | ||||||
16 | the State, or having any of those amounts used for any purpose | ||||||
17 | other than funding the cost of issuance, interest, fees, | ||||||
18 | principal payments, and other debt service on Invest in | ||||||
19 | Illinois Bonds, as that term is defined in subsection (d) of | ||||||
20 | this Section. | ||||||
21 | (c) Beginning in fiscal year 2010, the State Treasurer and | ||||||
22 | the State Comptroller shall transfer $500,000,000 from the | ||||||
23 | General Revenue Fund to the Invest in Illinois Fund. For Fiscal | ||||||
24 | Year 2011 the State Treasurer and the State Comptroller shall | ||||||
25 | transfer $1,000,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the | ||||||
26 | Invest in Illinois Fund. For Fiscal Year 2012 the State |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Treasurer and the State Comptroller shall transfer | ||||||
2 | $1,100,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Invest in | ||||||
3 | Illinois Fund, and for Fiscal Year 2013 and each Fiscal Year | ||||||
4 | thereafter the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall | ||||||
5 | transfer $1,200,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the | ||||||
6 | Invest in Illinois Fund. | ||||||
7 | (d) "Invest in Illinois Bonds" means those bonds issued for | ||||||
8 | the purposes enumerated in this Section, after receiving the | ||||||
9 | recommendation of the Capital Strategy Board, as defined in | ||||||
10 | this Section. The Capital Strategy Board (the "board") shall | ||||||
11 | consist of 5 members, one appointed by the Governor, one | ||||||
12 | appointed by the Speaker of the House, one appointed by the | ||||||
13 | Minority Leader of the House, one appointed by the Senate | ||||||
14 | President, and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the | ||||||
15 | Senate. Each board member shall serve for a 4-year period, and | ||||||
16 | shall have at least 5 years of relevant experience in public or | ||||||
17 | private finance. The board shall recommend the issuance of | ||||||
18 | Invest in Illinois Bonds to the General Assembly by a simple | ||||||
19 | majority vote. No member of the board, nor any business in | ||||||
20 | which a board member has an interest, nor any immediate | ||||||
21 | familial relative, spouse, or in-law (father, mother, sister, | ||||||
22 | brother, son, or daughter) of a board member, may have any | ||||||
23 | financial interest in nor receive any remuneration (such as but | ||||||
24 | not limited to a consulting, referral, legal, or banking fees) | ||||||
25 | for any bond issued due to a recommendation of the board. The | ||||||
26 | board shall gather information and hold public hearings |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | regarding the need for capital facilities and infrastructure | ||||||
2 | investments needed in Illinois for the acquisition, | ||||||
3 | development, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, | ||||||
4 | improvement, financing, architectural planning, and | ||||||
5 | installation of capital facilities within the State, whether | ||||||
6 | consisting of buildings, structures, vehicles for public | ||||||
7 | transit, police or fire fighters, durable equipment, land, or | ||||||
8 | interests in land, to be used for any of the following | ||||||
9 | purposes: (i) transportation and transit, including but not | ||||||
10 | limited to railroad, road, bridge, or airport construction and | ||||||
11 | maintenance, public fleet acquisition, and associated building | ||||||
12 | construction or maintenance; (ii) educational purposes for (A) | ||||||
13 | State universities and colleges, (B) the Illinois Community | ||||||
14 | College Board created by the Public Community College Act for | ||||||
15 | grants to public community Colleges authorized under Sections | ||||||
16 | 5-11 and 5-12 of the Public Community College Act, (C) local | ||||||
17 | K-12 school districts for school building maintenance, | ||||||
18 | renovation, and construction for all grades, including but not | ||||||
19 | limited to pre-school; (iii) childcare, mental health, and | ||||||
20 | public health facilities and facilities for the care of | ||||||
21 | veterans and their spouses; (iv) correctional purposes at State | ||||||
22 | prison and correctional centers; (v) open spaces, recreational | ||||||
23 | and conservation purposes, environmental protection purposes, | ||||||
24 | and protection of the land, air, or water; (vi) for use by the | ||||||
25 | State, its departments, authorities, public corporations, | ||||||
26 | commissions, and agencies; (vii) for grants by the Secretary of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State as State Librarian for central library facilities | ||||||
2 | authorized by Section 8 of the Illinois Library System Act, and | ||||||
3 | for grants by the Capital Development Board to units of local | ||||||
4 | government for public library facilities; and (viii) for | ||||||
5 | capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, roads, | ||||||
6 | bridges, healthcare facilities, police and fire stations and | ||||||
7 | equipment, other durable equipment, and land grants to counties | ||||||
8 | and municipalities. The board shall recommend a capital | ||||||
9 | investment plan for the issuance of Invest in Illinois Bonds | ||||||
10 | covering the needs of the entire State, taking into account the | ||||||
11 | status of existing infrastructure, demographic changes, | ||||||
12 | regional needs, sprawl, economic development for distressed | ||||||
13 | communities, educational priorities, public safety, | ||||||
14 | environmental protection, minority participation, and such | ||||||
15 | other matters as are relevant to devising a strategic and | ||||||
16 | equitable approach to capital planning. Within 12 months after | ||||||
17 | being appointed, the board shall make its initial | ||||||
18 | recommendations to the General Assembly for bonds financed | ||||||
19 | under this Act to be issued in a strategic fashion across | ||||||
20 | Illinois. No such bonds may be issued, however, without | ||||||
21 | approval by the requisite vote of the General Assembly, and | ||||||
22 | concomitant authority for the issuance of the applicable | ||||||
23 | general obligation bond amounts, under the relevant provisions | ||||||
24 | of the General Obligation Bond Act. | ||||||
25 | (30 ILCS 105/6z-77 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 6z-77. The Higher Education Operating Assistance | ||||||
2 | Fund. | ||||||
3 | (a) The Higher Education Operating Assistance Fund is | ||||||
4 | created as a special fund in the State treasury. Moneys in the | ||||||
5 | Fund may be used only for the purposes set forth in this
| ||||||
6 | Section. All interest earned on moneys in the Fund must be | ||||||
7 | deposited into the Fund. The Higher Education Operating | ||||||
8 | Assistance Fund shall not be subject to sweeps, administrative | ||||||
9 | charges, or charge backs, such as but not limited to those | ||||||
10 | authorized under Section 8h, or any other fiscal or budgetary | ||||||
11 | maneuver that would in any way transfer any funds from the | ||||||
12 | Higher Education Operating Assistance Fund into any other fund | ||||||
13 | of the State. | ||||||
14 | (b) The General Assembly must transfer from the General | ||||||
15 | Revenue Fund to the Higher Education Operating Assistance Fund, | ||||||
16 | the following amounts: (i) in fiscal year 2010, | ||||||
17 | $300,000,000.00; (ii) in each fiscal year after fiscal year | ||||||
18 | 2010, the sum of the total amount appropriated to the Higher | ||||||
19 | Education Operating Assistance Fund in the immediately | ||||||
20 | preceding fiscal year, plus the amount equal to (1) the | ||||||
21 | percentage increase in the Economic Cost Index for all Urban | ||||||
22 | Consumers published by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics | ||||||
23 | for the then most recent, complete calendar year, multiplied by | ||||||
24 | (2) the total amount appropriated to the Higher Education | ||||||
25 | Operating Assistance Fund in the immediately preceding fiscal | ||||||
26 | year. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Subject to the conditions set forth in subsection (d), | ||||||
2 | distributions from the Higher Education Operating Assistance | ||||||
3 | Fund shall be as follows: (1) the General Assembly must | ||||||
4 | appropriate 75% of all moneys in the Higher Education Operating | ||||||
5 | Assistance Fund,
including any balance from the prior year, to | ||||||
6 | the Board of Higher Education for grants to State universities | ||||||
7 | for their ordinary and contingent expenses; the grants under | ||||||
8 | this
item (1) must be distributed to each State university | ||||||
9 | based upon each university's full time equivalent head count; | ||||||
10 | and (2) the General Assembly must appropriate 25% of all
moneys | ||||||
11 | in the Higher Education Operating Assistance Fund, including | ||||||
12 | any balance from the prior year, to the Illinois Community | ||||||
13 | College Board for grants to community colleges for their | ||||||
14 | ordinary and contingent expenses; the grants under this item | ||||||
15 | (2) must be distributed to each community college based upon | ||||||
16 | each community college's full time equivalent head count. For | ||||||
17 | purposes of item (2), "full time equivalent head count" means | ||||||
18 | the total number of undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or | ||||||
19 | more semester hours or quarter hours of credit courses in any | ||||||
20 | given semester or quarter. | ||||||
21 | (d) Distributions from the Higher Education Operating | ||||||
22 | Assistance Fund shall not be used for any of the following: (1) | ||||||
23 | executive management; executive level activities concerned | ||||||
24 | with the overall management of, and long-range planning for, | ||||||
25 | the entire university, including but not limited to activities | ||||||
26 | such as policy formation and executive direction, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | activities of any governing board, the chief executive officer, | ||||||
2 | the senior executive officer, or legal activities conduced on | ||||||
3 | behalf of the university; (2) financial management and | ||||||
4 | operations, including but not limited to activities related to | ||||||
5 | the day-to-day financial management and fiscal operations of | ||||||
6 | the university and long-range financial planning and policy | ||||||
7 | formulations; (3) general administrative and logistical | ||||||
8 | services, including but not limited to general administrative | ||||||
9 | operations and services of the university (with exception of | ||||||
10 | financial operations and student records activities), such as | ||||||
11 | administration of personnel programs, purchasing and | ||||||
12 | maintenance of supplies and materials, management of | ||||||
13 | facilities, and administrative computing support; (4) faculty | ||||||
14 | and staff auxiliary services, including but not limited to | ||||||
15 | non-academic related support services established primarily | ||||||
16 | for faculty and staff, such as faculty lounges and cafeterias; | ||||||
17 | (5) public relations and development, including but not limited | ||||||
18 | to activities established to maintain relations with the local | ||||||
19 | community, the university's alumni, governmental entities, and | ||||||
20 | the public in general, as well as activities carried out to | ||||||
21 | support institution-side fund raising and development efforts; | ||||||
22 | (6) superintendence, including but not limited to activities | ||||||
23 | necessary to carry out the duties of management and | ||||||
24 | administration for all areas under the jurisdiction of the | ||||||
25 | physical plant division of the university; (7) custodial, | ||||||
26 | including but not limited to activities related to custodial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | services in building interiors;
(8) grounds maintenance, | ||||||
2 | including but not limited to operation and maintenance of | ||||||
3 | campus landscape and grounds, which includes maintenance of | ||||||
4 | roads and walkways, snow removal, maintenance of fences, | ||||||
5 | retaining walls, and drainage ditches, and care of shrubs, | ||||||
6 | trees, and grass; and (9) transportation, including but not | ||||||
7 | limited to all charges related to the purchase, maintenance, | ||||||
8 | and operation of motor vehicles, specifically for the use of | ||||||
9 | the physical plant department. | ||||||
10 | (e) This amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly | ||||||
11 | constitutes an irrevocable and continuing appropriation (i) | ||||||
12 | from the General Fund to the Higher Education Operating | ||||||
13 | Assistance Fund and (ii) from the Higher Education Operating | ||||||
14 | Assistance Fund to the Board of Higher Education and to the | ||||||
15 | Illinois Community College Board in accordance with the | ||||||
16 | provisions of this Section. | ||||||
17 | Section 10. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
18 | changing Sections 201 and 208 and by adding Sections 202.5, | ||||||
19 | 218, and 219 as follows:
| ||||||
20 | (35 ILCS 5/201) (from Ch. 120, par. 2-201)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 201. Tax Imposed.
| ||||||
22 | (a) In general. A tax measured by net income is hereby | ||||||
23 | imposed on every
individual, corporation, trust and estate for | ||||||
24 | each taxable year ending
after July 31, 1969 on the privilege |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of earning or receiving income in or
as a resident of this | ||||||
2 | State. Such tax shall be in addition to all other
occupation or | ||||||
3 | privilege taxes imposed by this State or by any municipal
| ||||||
4 | corporation or political subdivision thereof.
| ||||||
5 | (b) Rates. The tax imposed by subsection (a) of this | ||||||
6 | Section shall be
determined as follows, except as adjusted by | ||||||
7 | subsection (d-1):
| ||||||
8 | (1) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
9 | taxable years
ending prior to July 1, 1989, an amount equal | ||||||
10 | to 2 1/2% of the taxpayer's
net income for the taxable | ||||||
11 | year.
| ||||||
12 | (2) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
13 | taxable years
beginning prior to July 1, 1989 and ending | ||||||
14 | after June 30, 1989, an amount
equal to the sum of (i) 2 | ||||||
15 | 1/2% of the taxpayer's net income for the period
prior to | ||||||
16 | July 1, 1989, as calculated under Section 202.3, and (ii) | ||||||
17 | 3% of the
taxpayer's net income for the period after June | ||||||
18 | 30, 1989, as calculated
under Section 202.3.
| ||||||
19 | (3) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
20 | taxable years
beginning after June 30, 1989 and ending | ||||||
21 | before January 1, 2010 , an amount equal to 3% of the | ||||||
22 | taxpayer's net
income for the taxable year.
| ||||||
23 | (4) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, for
| ||||||
24 | taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2010 and ending
| ||||||
25 | after December 31, 2009, an amount equal to the sum of (i)
| ||||||
26 | 3% of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior to
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | January 1, 2010, as calculated under Section 202.5, and
| ||||||
2 | (ii) 5% of the taxpayer's net income for the period after
| ||||||
3 | December 31, 2009, as calculated under Section | ||||||
4 | 202.5. (Blank).
| ||||||
5 | (5) In the case of an individual, trust ,or estate, for | ||||||
6 | taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an | ||||||
7 | amount equal to 5% of the taxpayer's net income for the | ||||||
8 | taxable year. (Blank).
| ||||||
9 | (6) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years
| ||||||
10 | ending prior to July 1, 1989, an amount equal to 4% of the
| ||||||
11 | taxpayer's net income for the taxable year.
| ||||||
12 | (7) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
13 | beginning prior to
July 1, 1989 and ending after June 30, | ||||||
14 | 1989, an amount equal to the sum of
(i) 4% of the | ||||||
15 | taxpayer's net income for the period prior to July 1, 1989,
| ||||||
16 | as calculated under Section 202.3, and (ii) 4.8% of the | ||||||
17 | taxpayer's net
income for the period after June 30, 1989, | ||||||
18 | as calculated under Section
| ||||||
19 | (8) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
20 | beginning after
June 30, 1989 and ending before January 1, | ||||||
21 | 2010 , an amount equal to 4.8% of the taxpayer's net income | ||||||
22 | for the
taxable year.
| ||||||
23 | (9) In the case of a corporation, for
taxable years | ||||||
24 | beginning prior to January 1, 2010 and ending
after | ||||||
25 | December 31, 2009, an amount equal to the sum of (i)
4.8% | ||||||
26 | of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior to
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | January 1, 2010, as calculated under Section 202.5, and
| ||||||
2 | (ii) 8% of the taxpayer's net income for the period after
| ||||||
3 | December 31, 2009, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
4 | (10) In the case of a corporation, for
taxable years | ||||||
5 | beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an amount equal to | ||||||
6 | 8% of the taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
7 | (c) Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax.
| ||||||
8 | Beginning on July 1, 1979 and thereafter, in addition to such | ||||||
9 | income
tax, there is also hereby imposed the Personal Property | ||||||
10 | Tax Replacement
Income Tax measured by net income on every | ||||||
11 | corporation (including Subchapter
S corporations), partnership | ||||||
12 | and trust, for each taxable year ending after
June 30, 1979. | ||||||
13 | Such taxes are imposed on the privilege of earning or
receiving | ||||||
14 | income in or as a resident of this State. The Personal Property
| ||||||
15 | Tax Replacement Income Tax shall be in addition to the income | ||||||
16 | tax imposed
by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section and in | ||||||
17 | addition to all other
occupation or privilege taxes imposed by | ||||||
18 | this State or by any municipal
corporation or political | ||||||
19 | subdivision thereof.
| ||||||
20 | (d) Additional Personal Property Tax Replacement Income | ||||||
21 | Tax Rates.
The personal property tax replacement income tax | ||||||
22 | imposed by this subsection
and subsection (c) of this Section | ||||||
23 | in the case of a corporation, other
than a Subchapter S | ||||||
24 | corporation and except as adjusted by subsection (d-1),
shall | ||||||
25 | be an additional amount equal to
2.85% of such taxpayer's net | ||||||
26 | income for the taxable year, except that
beginning on January |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 1, 1981, and thereafter, the rate of 2.85% specified
in this | ||||||
2 | subsection shall be reduced to 2.5%, and in the case of a
| ||||||
3 | partnership, trust or a Subchapter S corporation shall be an | ||||||
4 | additional
amount equal to 1.5% of such taxpayer's net income | ||||||
5 | for the taxable year.
| ||||||
6 | (d-1) Rate reduction for certain foreign insurers. In the | ||||||
7 | case of a
foreign insurer, as defined by Section 35A-5 of the | ||||||
8 | Illinois Insurance Code,
whose state or country of domicile | ||||||
9 | imposes on insurers domiciled in Illinois
a retaliatory tax | ||||||
10 | (excluding any insurer
whose premiums from reinsurance assumed | ||||||
11 | are 50% or more of its total insurance
premiums as determined | ||||||
12 | under paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of Section 304,
except | ||||||
13 | that for purposes of this determination premiums from | ||||||
14 | reinsurance do
not include premiums from inter-affiliate | ||||||
15 | reinsurance arrangements),
beginning with taxable years ending | ||||||
16 | on or after December 31, 1999,
the sum of
the rates of tax | ||||||
17 | imposed by subsections (b) and (d) shall be reduced (but not
| ||||||
18 | increased) to the rate at which the total amount of tax imposed | ||||||
19 | under this Act,
net of all credits allowed under this Act, | ||||||
20 | shall equal (i) the total amount of
tax that would be imposed | ||||||
21 | on the foreign insurer's net income allocable to
Illinois for | ||||||
22 | the taxable year by such foreign insurer's state or country of
| ||||||
23 | domicile if that net income were subject to all income taxes | ||||||
24 | and taxes
measured by net income imposed by such foreign | ||||||
25 | insurer's state or country of
domicile, net of all credits | ||||||
26 | allowed or (ii) a rate of zero if no such tax is
imposed on such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | income by the foreign insurer's state of domicile.
For the | ||||||
2 | purposes of this subsection (d-1), an inter-affiliate includes | ||||||
3 | a
mutual insurer under common management.
| ||||||
4 | (1) For the purposes of subsection (d-1), in no event | ||||||
5 | shall the sum of the
rates of tax imposed by subsections | ||||||
6 | (b) and (d) be reduced below the rate at
which the sum of:
| ||||||
7 | (A) the total amount of tax imposed on such foreign | ||||||
8 | insurer under
this Act for a taxable year, net of all | ||||||
9 | credits allowed under this Act, plus
| ||||||
10 | (B) the privilege tax imposed by Section 409 of the | ||||||
11 | Illinois Insurance
Code, the fire insurance company | ||||||
12 | tax imposed by Section 12 of the Fire
Investigation | ||||||
13 | Act, and the fire department taxes imposed under | ||||||
14 | Section 11-10-1
of the Illinois Municipal Code,
| ||||||
15 | equals 1.25% for taxable years ending prior to December 31, | ||||||
16 | 2003, or
1.75% for taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
17 | December 31, 2003, of the net
taxable premiums written for | ||||||
18 | the taxable year,
as described by subsection (1) of Section | ||||||
19 | 409 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
This paragraph will in | ||||||
20 | no event increase the rates imposed under subsections
(b) | ||||||
21 | and (d).
| ||||||
22 | (2) Any reduction in the rates of tax imposed by this | ||||||
23 | subsection shall be
applied first against the rates imposed | ||||||
24 | by subsection (b) and only after the
tax imposed by | ||||||
25 | subsection (a) net of all credits allowed under this | ||||||
26 | Section
other than the credit allowed under subsection (i) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | has been reduced to zero,
against the rates imposed by | ||||||
2 | subsection (d).
| ||||||
3 | This subsection (d-1) is exempt from the provisions of | ||||||
4 | Section 250.
| ||||||
5 | (e) Investment credit. A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit
| ||||||
6 | against the Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax for
| ||||||
7 | investment in qualified property.
| ||||||
8 | (1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit equal to .5% | ||||||
9 | of
the basis of qualified property placed in service during | ||||||
10 | the taxable year,
provided such property is placed in | ||||||
11 | service on or after
July 1, 1984. There shall be allowed an | ||||||
12 | additional credit equal
to .5% of the basis of qualified | ||||||
13 | property placed in service during the
taxable year, | ||||||
14 | provided such property is placed in service on or
after | ||||||
15 | July 1, 1986, and the taxpayer's base employment
within | ||||||
16 | Illinois has increased by 1% or more over the preceding | ||||||
17 | year as
determined by the taxpayer's employment records | ||||||
18 | filed with the
Illinois Department of Employment Security. | ||||||
19 | Taxpayers who are new to
Illinois shall be deemed to have | ||||||
20 | met the 1% growth in base employment for
the first year in | ||||||
21 | which they file employment records with the Illinois
| ||||||
22 | Department of Employment Security. The provisions added to | ||||||
23 | this Section by
Public Act 85-1200 (and restored by Public | ||||||
24 | Act 87-895) shall be
construed as declaratory of existing | ||||||
25 | law and not as a new enactment. If,
in any year, the | ||||||
26 | increase in base employment within Illinois over the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | preceding year is less than 1%, the additional credit shall | ||||||
2 | be limited to that
percentage times a fraction, the | ||||||
3 | numerator of which is .5% and the denominator
of which is | ||||||
4 | 1%, but shall not exceed .5%. The investment credit shall | ||||||
5 | not be
allowed to the extent that it would reduce a | ||||||
6 | taxpayer's liability in any tax
year below zero, nor may | ||||||
7 | any credit for qualified property be allowed for any
year | ||||||
8 | other than the year in which the property was placed in | ||||||
9 | service in
Illinois. For tax years ending on or after | ||||||
10 | December 31, 1987, and on or
before December 31, 1988, the | ||||||
11 | credit shall be allowed for the tax year in
which the | ||||||
12 | property is placed in service, or, if the amount of the | ||||||
13 | credit
exceeds the tax liability for that year, whether it | ||||||
14 | exceeds the original
liability or the liability as later | ||||||
15 | amended, such excess may be carried
forward and applied to | ||||||
16 | the tax liability of the 5 taxable years following
the | ||||||
17 | excess credit years if the taxpayer (i) makes investments | ||||||
18 | which cause
the creation of a minimum of 2,000 full-time | ||||||
19 | equivalent jobs in Illinois,
(ii) is located in an | ||||||
20 | enterprise zone established pursuant to the Illinois
| ||||||
21 | Enterprise Zone Act and (iii) is certified by the | ||||||
22 | Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs (now | ||||||
23 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity) as | ||||||
24 | complying with the requirements specified in
clause (i) and | ||||||
25 | (ii) by July 1, 1986. The Department of Commerce and
| ||||||
26 | Community Affairs (now Department of Commerce and Economic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Opportunity) shall notify the Department of Revenue of all | ||||||
2 | such
certifications immediately. For tax years ending | ||||||
3 | after December 31, 1988,
the credit shall be allowed for | ||||||
4 | the tax year in which the property is
placed in service, | ||||||
5 | or, if the amount of the credit exceeds the tax
liability | ||||||
6 | for that year, whether it exceeds the original liability or | ||||||
7 | the
liability as later amended, such excess may be carried | ||||||
8 | forward and applied
to the tax liability of the 5 taxable | ||||||
9 | years following the excess credit
years. The credit shall | ||||||
10 | be applied to the earliest year for which there is
a | ||||||
11 | liability. If there is credit from more than one tax year | ||||||
12 | that is
available to offset a liability, earlier credit | ||||||
13 | shall be applied first.
| ||||||
14 | (2) The term "qualified property" means property | ||||||
15 | which:
| ||||||
16 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
17 | buildings and structural
components of buildings and | ||||||
18 | signs that are real property, but not including
land or | ||||||
19 | improvements to real property that are not a structural | ||||||
20 | component of a
building such as landscaping, sewer | ||||||
21 | lines, local access roads, fencing, parking
lots, and | ||||||
22 | other appurtenances;
| ||||||
23 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
24 | Internal Revenue Code,
except that "3-year property" | ||||||
25 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of that
Code is not | ||||||
26 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e);
| ||||||
2 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section | ||||||
3 | 179(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code;
| ||||||
4 | (D) is used in Illinois by a taxpayer who is | ||||||
5 | primarily engaged in
manufacturing, or in mining coal | ||||||
6 | or fluorite, or in retailing, or was placed in service | ||||||
7 | on or after July 1, 2006 in a River Edge Redevelopment | ||||||
8 | Zone established pursuant to the River Edge | ||||||
9 | Redevelopment Zone Act; and
| ||||||
10 | (E) has not previously been used in Illinois in | ||||||
11 | such a manner and by
such a person as would qualify for | ||||||
12 | the credit provided by this subsection
(e) or | ||||||
13 | subsection (f).
| ||||||
14 | (3) For purposes of this subsection (e), | ||||||
15 | "manufacturing" means
the material staging and production | ||||||
16 | of tangible personal property by
procedures commonly | ||||||
17 | regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabrication, or
| ||||||
18 | assembling which changes some existing material into new | ||||||
19 | shapes, new
qualities, or new combinations. For purposes of | ||||||
20 | this subsection
(e) the term "mining" shall have the same | ||||||
21 | meaning as the term "mining" in
Section 613(c) of the | ||||||
22 | Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of this subsection
(e), | ||||||
23 | the term "retailing" means the sale of tangible personal | ||||||
24 | property or
services rendered in conjunction with the sale | ||||||
25 | of tangible consumer goods
or commodities.
| ||||||
26 | (4) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | used to compute the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
2 | income tax purposes.
| ||||||
3 | (5) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
4 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed | ||||||
5 | in service in Illinois by
the taxpayer, the amount of such | ||||||
6 | increase shall be deemed property placed
in service on the | ||||||
7 | date of such increase in basis.
| ||||||
8 | (6) The term "placed in service" shall have the same
| ||||||
9 | meaning as under Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
10 | (7) If during any taxable year, any property ceases to
| ||||||
11 | be qualified property in the hands of the taxpayer within | ||||||
12 | 48 months after
being placed in service, or the situs of | ||||||
13 | any qualified property is
moved outside Illinois within 48 | ||||||
14 | months after being placed in service, the
Personal Property | ||||||
15 | Tax Replacement Income Tax for such taxable year shall be
| ||||||
16 | increased. Such increase shall be determined by (i) | ||||||
17 | recomputing the
investment credit which would have been | ||||||
18 | allowed for the year in which
credit for such property was | ||||||
19 | originally allowed by eliminating such
property from such | ||||||
20 | computation and, (ii) subtracting such recomputed credit
| ||||||
21 | from the amount of credit previously allowed. For the | ||||||
22 | purposes of this
paragraph (7), a reduction of the basis of | ||||||
23 | qualified property resulting
from a redetermination of the | ||||||
24 | purchase price shall be deemed a disposition
of qualified | ||||||
25 | property to the extent of such reduction.
| ||||||
26 | (8) Unless the investment credit is extended by law, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
basis of qualified property shall not include costs | ||||||
2 | incurred after
December 31, 2008, except for costs incurred | ||||||
3 | pursuant to a binding
contract entered into on or before | ||||||
4 | December 31, 2008.
| ||||||
5 | (9) Each taxable year ending before December 31, 2000, | ||||||
6 | a partnership may
elect to pass through to its
partners the | ||||||
7 | credits to which the partnership is entitled under this | ||||||
8 | subsection
(e) for the taxable year. A partner may use the | ||||||
9 | credit allocated to him or her
under this paragraph only | ||||||
10 | against the tax imposed in subsections (c) and (d) of
this | ||||||
11 | Section. If the partnership makes that election, those | ||||||
12 | credits shall be
allocated among the partners in the | ||||||
13 | partnership in accordance with the rules
set forth in | ||||||
14 | Section 704(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the rules
| ||||||
15 | promulgated under that Section, and the allocated amount of | ||||||
16 | the credits shall
be allowed to the partners for that | ||||||
17 | taxable year. The partnership shall make
this election on | ||||||
18 | its Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax return for
| ||||||
19 | that taxable year. The election to pass through the credits | ||||||
20 | shall be
| ||||||
21 | For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2000, | ||||||
22 | a
partner that qualifies its
partnership for a subtraction | ||||||
23 | under subparagraph (I) of paragraph (2) of
subsection (d) | ||||||
24 | of Section 203 or a shareholder that qualifies a Subchapter | ||||||
25 | S
corporation for a subtraction under subparagraph (S) of | ||||||
26 | paragraph (2) of
subsection (b) of Section 203 shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | allowed a credit under this subsection
(e) equal to its | ||||||
2 | share of the credit earned under this subsection (e) during
| ||||||
3 | the taxable year by the partnership or Subchapter S | ||||||
4 | corporation, determined in
accordance with the | ||||||
5 | determination of income and distributive share of
income | ||||||
6 | under Sections 702 and 704 and Subchapter S of the Internal | ||||||
7 | Revenue
Code. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
8 | of Section 250.
| ||||||
9 | (f) Investment credit; Enterprise Zone; River Edge | ||||||
10 | Redevelopment Zone.
| ||||||
11 | (1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the | ||||||
12 | tax imposed
by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for | ||||||
13 | investment in qualified
property which is placed in service | ||||||
14 | in an Enterprise Zone created
pursuant to the Illinois | ||||||
15 | Enterprise Zone Act or, for property placed in service on | ||||||
16 | or after July 1, 2006, a River Edge Redevelopment Zone | ||||||
17 | established pursuant to the River Edge Redevelopment Zone | ||||||
18 | Act. For partners, shareholders
of Subchapter S | ||||||
19 | corporations, and owners of limited liability companies,
| ||||||
20 | if the liability company is treated as a partnership for | ||||||
21 | purposes of
federal and State income taxation, there shall | ||||||
22 | be allowed a credit under
this subsection (f) to be | ||||||
23 | determined in accordance with the determination
of income | ||||||
24 | and distributive share of income under Sections 702 and 704 | ||||||
25 | and
Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. The credit | ||||||
26 | shall be .5% of the
basis for such property. The credit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be available only in the taxable
year in which the | ||||||
2 | property is placed in service in the Enterprise Zone or | ||||||
3 | River Edge Redevelopment Zone and
shall not be allowed to | ||||||
4 | the extent that it would reduce a taxpayer's
liability for | ||||||
5 | the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section | ||||||
6 | to
below zero. For tax years ending on or after December | ||||||
7 | 31, 1985, the credit
shall be allowed for the tax year in | ||||||
8 | which the property is placed in
service, or, if the amount | ||||||
9 | of the credit exceeds the tax liability for that
year, | ||||||
10 | whether it exceeds the original liability or the liability | ||||||
11 | as later
amended, such excess may be carried forward and | ||||||
12 | applied to the tax
liability of the 5 taxable years | ||||||
13 | following the excess credit year.
The credit shall be | ||||||
14 | applied to the earliest year for which there is a
| ||||||
15 | liability. If there is credit from more than one tax year | ||||||
16 | that is available
to offset a liability, the credit | ||||||
17 | accruing first in time shall be applied
| ||||||
18 | (2) The term qualified property means property which:
| ||||||
19 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
20 | buildings and
structural components of buildings;
| ||||||
21 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
22 | Internal Revenue
Code, except that "3-year property" | ||||||
23 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of
that Code is not | ||||||
24 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection | ||||||
25 | (f);
| ||||||
26 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 179(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code;
| ||||||
2 | (D) is used in the Enterprise Zone or River Edge | ||||||
3 | Redevelopment Zone by the taxpayer; and
| ||||||
4 | (E) has not been previously used in Illinois in | ||||||
5 | such a manner and by
such a person as would qualify for | ||||||
6 | the credit provided by this subsection
(f) or | ||||||
7 | subsection (e).
| ||||||
8 | (3) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis | ||||||
9 | used to compute
the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
10 | income tax purposes.
| ||||||
11 | (4) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
12 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed | ||||||
13 | in service in the Enterprise
Zone or River Edge | ||||||
14 | Redevelopment Zone by the taxpayer, the amount of such | ||||||
15 | increase shall be deemed property
placed in service on the | ||||||
16 | date of such increase in basis.
| ||||||
17 | (5) The term "placed in service" shall have the same | ||||||
18 | meaning as under
Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
19 | (6) If during any taxable year, any property ceases to | ||||||
20 | be qualified
property in the hands of the taxpayer within | ||||||
21 | 48 months after being placed
in service, or the situs of | ||||||
22 | any qualified property is moved outside the
Enterprise Zone | ||||||
23 | or River Edge Redevelopment Zone within 48 months after | ||||||
24 | being placed in service, the tax
imposed under subsections | ||||||
25 | (a) and (b) of this Section for such taxable year
shall be | ||||||
26 | increased. Such increase shall be determined by (i) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | recomputing
the investment credit which would have been | ||||||
2 | allowed for the year in which
credit for such property was | ||||||
3 | originally allowed by eliminating such
property from such | ||||||
4 | computation, and (ii) subtracting such recomputed credit
| ||||||
5 | from the amount of credit previously allowed. For the | ||||||
6 | purposes of this
paragraph (6), a reduction of the basis of | ||||||
7 | qualified property resulting
from a redetermination of the | ||||||
8 | purchase price shall be deemed a disposition
of qualified | ||||||
9 | property to the extent of such reduction.
| ||||||
10 | (7) There shall be allowed an additional credit equal | ||||||
11 | to 0.5% of the basis of qualified property placed in | ||||||
12 | service during the taxable year in a River Edge | ||||||
13 | Redevelopment Zone, provided such property is placed in | ||||||
14 | service on or after July 1, 2006, and the taxpayer's base | ||||||
15 | employment within Illinois has increased by 1% or more over | ||||||
16 | the preceding year as determined by the taxpayer's | ||||||
17 | employment records filed with the Illinois Department of | ||||||
18 | Employment Security. Taxpayers who are new to Illinois | ||||||
19 | shall be deemed to have met the 1% growth in base | ||||||
20 | employment for the first year in which they file employment | ||||||
21 | records with the Illinois Department of Employment | ||||||
22 | Security. If, in any year, the increase in base employment | ||||||
23 | within Illinois over the preceding year is less than 1%, | ||||||
24 | the additional credit shall be limited to that percentage | ||||||
25 | times a fraction, the numerator of which is 0.5% and the | ||||||
26 | denominator of which is 1%, but shall not exceed 0.5%.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) Jobs Tax Credit; Enterprise Zone, River Edge | ||||||
2 | Redevelopment Zone, and Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone.
| ||||||
3 | (1) A taxpayer conducting a trade or business in an | ||||||
4 | enterprise zone
or a High Impact Business designated by the | ||||||
5 | Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity or for | ||||||
6 | taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2006, in a | ||||||
7 | River Edge Redevelopment Zone conducting a trade or | ||||||
8 | business in a federally designated
Foreign Trade Zone or | ||||||
9 | Sub-Zone shall be allowed a credit against the tax
imposed | ||||||
10 | by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section in the amount of | ||||||
11 | $500
per eligible employee hired to work in the zone during | ||||||
12 | the taxable year.
| ||||||
13 | (2) To qualify for the credit:
| ||||||
14 | (A) the taxpayer must hire 5 or more eligible | ||||||
15 | employees to work in an
enterprise zone, River Edge | ||||||
16 | Redevelopment Zone, or federally designated Foreign | ||||||
17 | Trade Zone or Sub-Zone
during the taxable year;
| ||||||
18 | (B) the taxpayer's total employment within the | ||||||
19 | enterprise zone, River Edge Redevelopment Zone, or
| ||||||
20 | federally designated Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone | ||||||
21 | must
increase by 5 or more full-time employees beyond | ||||||
22 | the total employed in that
zone at the end of the | ||||||
23 | previous tax year for which a jobs tax
credit under | ||||||
24 | this Section was taken, or beyond the total employed by | ||||||
25 | the
taxpayer as of December 31, 1985, whichever is | ||||||
26 | later; and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (C) the eligible employees must be employed 180 | ||||||
2 | consecutive days in
order to be deemed hired for | ||||||
3 | purposes of this subsection.
| ||||||
4 | (3) An "eligible employee" means an employee who is:
| ||||||
5 | (A) Certified by the Department of Commerce and | ||||||
6 | Economic Opportunity
as "eligible for services" | ||||||
7 | pursuant to regulations promulgated in
accordance with | ||||||
8 | Title II of the Job Training Partnership Act, Training
| ||||||
9 | Services for the Disadvantaged or Title III of the Job | ||||||
10 | Training Partnership
Act, Employment and Training | ||||||
11 | Assistance for Dislocated Workers Program.
| ||||||
12 | (B) Hired after the enterprise zone, River Edge | ||||||
13 | Redevelopment Zone, or federally designated Foreign
| ||||||
14 | Trade Zone or Sub-Zone was designated or the trade or
| ||||||
15 | business was located in that zone, whichever is later.
| ||||||
16 | (C) Employed in the enterprise zone, River Edge | ||||||
17 | Redevelopment Zone, or Foreign Trade Zone or
Sub-Zone. | ||||||
18 | An employee is employed in an
enterprise zone or | ||||||
19 | federally designated Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone
if | ||||||
20 | his services are rendered there or it is the base of
| ||||||
21 | operations for the services performed.
| ||||||
22 | (D) A full-time employee working 30 or more hours | ||||||
23 | per week.
| ||||||
24 | (4) For tax years ending on or after December 31, 1985 | ||||||
25 | and prior to
December 31, 1988, the credit shall be allowed | ||||||
26 | for the tax year in which
the eligible employees are hired. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | For tax years ending on or after
December 31, 1988, the | ||||||
2 | credit shall be allowed for the tax year immediately
| ||||||
3 | following the tax year in which the eligible employees are | ||||||
4 | hired. If the
amount of the credit exceeds the tax | ||||||
5 | liability for that year, whether it
exceeds the original | ||||||
6 | liability or the liability as later amended, such
excess | ||||||
7 | may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of | ||||||
8 | the 5
taxable years following the excess credit year. The | ||||||
9 | credit shall be
applied to the earliest year for which | ||||||
10 | there is a liability. If there is
credit from more than one | ||||||
11 | tax year that is available to offset a liability,
earlier | ||||||
12 | credit shall be applied first.
| ||||||
13 | (5) The Department of Revenue shall promulgate such | ||||||
14 | rules and regulations
as may be deemed necessary to carry | ||||||
15 | out the purposes of this subsection (g).
| ||||||
16 | (6) The credit shall be available for eligible | ||||||
17 | employees hired on or
after January 1, 1986.
| ||||||
18 | (h) Investment credit; High Impact Business.
| ||||||
19 | (1) Subject to subsections (b) and (b-5) of Section
5.5 | ||||||
20 | of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, a taxpayer shall be | ||||||
21 | allowed a credit
against the tax imposed by subsections (a) | ||||||
22 | and (b) of this Section for
investment in qualified
| ||||||
23 | property which is placed in service by a Department of | ||||||
24 | Commerce and Economic Opportunity
designated High Impact | ||||||
25 | Business. The credit shall be .5% of the basis
for such | ||||||
26 | property. The credit shall not be available (i) until the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | minimum
investments in qualified property set forth in | ||||||
2 | subdivision (a)(3)(A) of
Section 5.5 of the Illinois
| ||||||
3 | Enterprise Zone Act have been satisfied
or (ii) until the | ||||||
4 | time authorized in subsection (b-5) of the Illinois
| ||||||
5 | Enterprise Zone Act for entities designated as High Impact | ||||||
6 | Businesses under
subdivisions (a)(3)(B), (a)(3)(C), and | ||||||
7 | (a)(3)(D) of Section 5.5 of the Illinois
Enterprise Zone | ||||||
8 | Act, and shall not be allowed to the extent that it would
| ||||||
9 | reduce a taxpayer's liability for the tax imposed by | ||||||
10 | subsections (a) and (b) of
this Section to below zero. The | ||||||
11 | credit applicable to such investments shall be
taken in the | ||||||
12 | taxable year in which such investments have been completed. | ||||||
13 | The
credit for additional investments beyond the minimum | ||||||
14 | investment by a designated
high impact business authorized | ||||||
15 | under subdivision (a)(3)(A) of Section 5.5 of
the Illinois | ||||||
16 | Enterprise Zone Act shall be available only in the taxable | ||||||
17 | year in
which the property is placed in service and shall | ||||||
18 | not be allowed to the extent
that it would reduce a | ||||||
19 | taxpayer's liability for the tax imposed by subsections
(a) | ||||||
20 | and (b) of this Section to below zero.
For tax years ending | ||||||
21 | on or after December 31, 1987, the credit shall be
allowed | ||||||
22 | for the tax year in which the property is placed in | ||||||
23 | service, or, if
the amount of the credit exceeds the tax | ||||||
24 | liability for that year, whether
it exceeds the original | ||||||
25 | liability or the liability as later amended, such
excess | ||||||
26 | may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the 5
taxable years following the excess credit year. The | ||||||
2 | credit shall be
applied to the earliest year for which | ||||||
3 | there is a liability. If there is
credit from more than one | ||||||
4 | tax year that is available to offset a liability,
the | ||||||
5 | credit accruing first in time shall be applied first.
| ||||||
6 | Changes made in this subdivision (h)(1) by Public Act | ||||||
7 | 88-670
restore changes made by Public Act 85-1182 and | ||||||
8 | reflect existing law.
| ||||||
9 | (2) The term qualified property means property which:
| ||||||
10 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
11 | buildings and
structural components of buildings;
| ||||||
12 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
13 | Internal Revenue
Code, except that "3-year property" | ||||||
14 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of
that Code is not | ||||||
15 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection | ||||||
16 | (h);
| ||||||
17 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section | ||||||
18 | 179(d) of the
Internal Revenue Code; and
| ||||||
19 | (D) is not eligible for the Enterprise Zone | ||||||
20 | Investment Credit provided
by subsection (f) of this | ||||||
21 | Section.
| ||||||
22 | (3) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis | ||||||
23 | used to compute
the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
24 | income tax purposes.
| ||||||
25 | (4) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
26 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in service in a federally
designated Foreign Trade Zone or | ||||||
2 | Sub-Zone located in Illinois by the taxpayer,
the amount of | ||||||
3 | such increase shall be deemed property placed in service on
| ||||||
4 | the date of such increase in basis.
| ||||||
5 | (5) The term "placed in service" shall have the same | ||||||
6 | meaning as under
Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
7 | (6) If during any taxable year ending on or before | ||||||
8 | December 31, 1996,
any property ceases to be qualified
| ||||||
9 | property in the hands of the taxpayer within 48 months | ||||||
10 | after being placed
in service, or the situs of any | ||||||
11 | qualified property is moved outside
Illinois within 48 | ||||||
12 | months after being placed in service, the tax imposed
under | ||||||
13 | subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for such taxable | ||||||
14 | year shall
be increased. Such increase shall be determined | ||||||
15 | by (i) recomputing the
investment credit which would have | ||||||
16 | been allowed for the year in which
credit for such property | ||||||
17 | was originally allowed by eliminating such
property from | ||||||
18 | such computation, and (ii) subtracting such recomputed | ||||||
19 | credit
from the amount of credit previously allowed. For | ||||||
20 | the purposes of this
paragraph (6), a reduction of the | ||||||
21 | basis of qualified property resulting
from a | ||||||
22 | redetermination of the purchase price shall be deemed a | ||||||
23 | disposition
of qualified property to the extent of such | ||||||
24 | reduction.
| ||||||
25 | (7) Beginning with tax years ending after December 31, | ||||||
26 | 1996, if a
taxpayer qualifies for the credit under this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection (h) and thereby is
granted a tax abatement and | ||||||
2 | the taxpayer relocates its entire facility in
violation of | ||||||
3 | the explicit terms and length of the contract under Section
| ||||||
4 | 18-183 of the Property Tax Code, the tax imposed under | ||||||
5 | subsections
(a) and (b) of this Section shall be increased | ||||||
6 | for the taxable year
in which the taxpayer relocated its | ||||||
7 | facility by an amount equal to the
amount of credit | ||||||
8 | received by the taxpayer under this subsection (h).
| ||||||
9 | (i) Credit for Personal Property Tax Replacement Income | ||||||
10 | Tax.
For tax years ending prior to December 31, 2003, a credit | ||||||
11 | shall be allowed
against the tax imposed by
subsections (a) and | ||||||
12 | (b) of this Section for the tax imposed by subsections (c)
and | ||||||
13 | (d) of this Section. This credit shall be computed by | ||||||
14 | multiplying the tax
imposed by subsections (c) and (d) of this | ||||||
15 | Section by a fraction, the numerator
of which is base income | ||||||
16 | allocable to Illinois and the denominator of which is
Illinois | ||||||
17 | base income, and further multiplying the product by the tax | ||||||
18 | rate
imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
| ||||||
19 | Any credit earned on or after December 31, 1986 under
this | ||||||
20 | subsection which is unused in the year
the credit is computed | ||||||
21 | because it exceeds the tax liability imposed by
subsections (a) | ||||||
22 | and (b) for that year (whether it exceeds the original
| ||||||
23 | liability or the liability as later amended) may be carried | ||||||
24 | forward and
applied to the tax liability imposed by subsections | ||||||
25 | (a) and (b) of the 5
taxable years following the excess credit | ||||||
26 | year, provided that no credit may
be carried forward to any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year ending on or
after December 31, 2003. This credit shall be
| ||||||
2 | applied first to the earliest year for which there is a | ||||||
3 | liability. If
there is a credit under this subsection from more | ||||||
4 | than one tax year that is
available to offset a liability the | ||||||
5 | earliest credit arising under this
subsection shall be applied | ||||||
6 | first.
| ||||||
7 | If, during any taxable year ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
8 | 1986, the
tax imposed by subsections (c) and (d) of this | ||||||
9 | Section for which a taxpayer
has claimed a credit under this | ||||||
10 | subsection (i) is reduced, the amount of
credit for such tax | ||||||
11 | shall also be reduced. Such reduction shall be
determined by | ||||||
12 | recomputing the credit to take into account the reduced tax
| ||||||
13 | imposed by subsections (c) and (d). If any portion of the
| ||||||
14 | reduced amount of credit has been carried to a different | ||||||
15 | taxable year, an
amended return shall be filed for such taxable | ||||||
16 | year to reduce the amount of
credit claimed.
| ||||||
17 | (j) Training expense credit. Beginning with tax years | ||||||
18 | ending on or
after December 31, 1986 and prior to December 31, | ||||||
19 | 2003, a taxpayer shall be
allowed a credit against the
tax | ||||||
20 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) under this Section
for all | ||||||
21 | amounts paid or accrued, on behalf of all persons
employed by | ||||||
22 | the taxpayer in Illinois or Illinois residents employed
outside | ||||||
23 | of Illinois by a taxpayer, for educational or vocational | ||||||
24 | training in
semi-technical or technical fields or semi-skilled | ||||||
25 | or skilled fields, which
were deducted from gross income in the | ||||||
26 | computation of taxable income. The
credit against the tax |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) shall be 1.6% of
such | ||||||
2 | training expenses. For partners, shareholders of subchapter S
| ||||||
3 | corporations, and owners of limited liability companies, if the | ||||||
4 | liability
company is treated as a partnership for purposes of | ||||||
5 | federal and State income
taxation, there shall be allowed a | ||||||
6 | credit under this subsection (j) to be
determined in accordance | ||||||
7 | with the determination of income and distributive
share of | ||||||
8 | income under Sections 702 and 704 and subchapter S of the | ||||||
9 | Internal
Revenue Code.
| ||||||
10 | Any credit allowed under this subsection which is unused in | ||||||
11 | the year
the credit is earned may be carried forward to each of | ||||||
12 | the 5 taxable
years following the year for which the credit is | ||||||
13 | first computed until it is
used. This credit shall be applied | ||||||
14 | first to the earliest year for which
there is a liability. If | ||||||
15 | there is a credit under this subsection from more
than one tax | ||||||
16 | year that is available to offset a liability the earliest
| ||||||
17 | credit arising under this subsection shall be applied first. No | ||||||
18 | carryforward
credit may be claimed in any tax year ending on or | ||||||
19 | after
December 31, 2003.
| ||||||
20 | (k) Research and development credit.
| ||||||
21 | For tax years ending after July 1, 1990 and prior to
| ||||||
22 | December 31, 2003, and beginning again for tax years ending on | ||||||
23 | or after December 31, 2004, a taxpayer shall be
allowed a | ||||||
24 | credit against the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
25 | this
Section for increasing research activities in this State. | ||||||
26 | The credit
allowed against the tax imposed by subsections (a) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and (b) shall be equal
to 6 1/2% of the qualifying expenditures | ||||||
2 | for increasing research activities
in this State. For partners, | ||||||
3 | shareholders of subchapter S corporations, and
owners of | ||||||
4 | limited liability companies, if the liability company is | ||||||
5 | treated as a
partnership for purposes of federal and State | ||||||
6 | income taxation, there shall be
allowed a credit under this | ||||||
7 | subsection to be determined in accordance with the
| ||||||
8 | determination of income and distributive share of income under | ||||||
9 | Sections 702 and
704 and subchapter S of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
10 | Code.
| ||||||
11 | For purposes of this subsection, "qualifying expenditures" | ||||||
12 | means the
qualifying expenditures as defined for the federal | ||||||
13 | credit for increasing
research activities which would be | ||||||
14 | allowable under Section 41 of the
Internal Revenue Code and | ||||||
15 | which are conducted in this State, "qualifying
expenditures for | ||||||
16 | increasing research activities in this State" means the
excess | ||||||
17 | of qualifying expenditures for the taxable year in which | ||||||
18 | incurred
over qualifying expenditures for the base period, | ||||||
19 | "qualifying expenditures
for the base period" means the average | ||||||
20 | of the qualifying expenditures for
each year in the base | ||||||
21 | period, and "base period" means the 3 taxable years
immediately | ||||||
22 | preceding the taxable year for which the determination is
being | ||||||
23 | made.
| ||||||
24 | Any credit in excess of the tax liability for the taxable | ||||||
25 | year
may be carried forward. A taxpayer may elect to have the
| ||||||
26 | unused credit shown on its final completed return carried over |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as a credit
against the tax liability for the following 5 | ||||||
2 | taxable years or until it has
been fully used, whichever occurs | ||||||
3 | first; provided that no credit earned in a tax year ending | ||||||
4 | prior to December 31, 2003 may be carried forward to any year | ||||||
5 | ending on or after December 31, 2003.
| ||||||
6 | If an unused credit is carried forward to a given year from | ||||||
7 | 2 or more
earlier years, that credit arising in the earliest | ||||||
8 | year will be applied
first against the tax liability for the | ||||||
9 | given year. If a tax liability for
the given year still | ||||||
10 | remains, the credit from the next earliest year will
then be | ||||||
11 | applied, and so on, until all credits have been used or no tax
| ||||||
12 | liability for the given year remains. Any remaining unused | ||||||
13 | credit or
credits then will be carried forward to the next | ||||||
14 | following year in which a
tax liability is incurred, except | ||||||
15 | that no credit can be carried forward to
a year which is more | ||||||
16 | than 5 years after the year in which the expense for
which the | ||||||
17 | credit is given was incurred.
| ||||||
18 | No inference shall be drawn from this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
19 | 91st General
Assembly in construing this Section for taxable | ||||||
20 | years beginning before January
1, 1999.
| ||||||
21 | (l) Environmental Remediation Tax Credit.
| ||||||
22 | (i) For tax years ending after December 31, 1997 and on | ||||||
23 | or before
December 31, 2001, a taxpayer shall be allowed a | ||||||
24 | credit against the tax
imposed by subsections (a) and (b) | ||||||
25 | of this Section for certain amounts paid
for unreimbursed | ||||||
26 | eligible remediation costs, as specified in this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection.
For purposes of this Section, "unreimbursed | ||||||
2 | eligible remediation costs" means
costs approved by the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ("Agency") under
| ||||||
4 | Section 58.14 of the Environmental Protection Act that were | ||||||
5 | paid in performing
environmental remediation at a site for | ||||||
6 | which a No Further Remediation Letter
was issued by the | ||||||
7 | Agency and recorded under Section 58.10 of the | ||||||
8 | Environmental
Protection Act. The credit must be claimed | ||||||
9 | for the taxable year in which
Agency approval of the | ||||||
10 | eligible remediation costs is granted. The credit is
not | ||||||
11 | available to any taxpayer if the taxpayer or any related | ||||||
12 | party caused or
contributed to, in any material respect, a | ||||||
13 | release of regulated substances on,
in, or under the site | ||||||
14 | that was identified and addressed by the remedial
action | ||||||
15 | pursuant to the Site Remediation Program of the | ||||||
16 | Environmental Protection
Act. After the Pollution Control | ||||||
17 | Board rules are adopted pursuant to the
Illinois | ||||||
18 | Administrative Procedure Act for the administration and | ||||||
19 | enforcement of
Section 58.9 of the Environmental | ||||||
20 | Protection Act, determinations as to credit
availability | ||||||
21 | for purposes of this Section shall be made consistent with | ||||||
22 | those
rules. For purposes of this Section, "taxpayer" | ||||||
23 | includes a person whose tax
attributes the taxpayer has | ||||||
24 | succeeded to under Section 381 of the Internal
Revenue Code | ||||||
25 | and "related party" includes the persons disallowed a | ||||||
26 | deduction
for losses by paragraphs (b), (c), and (f)(1) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 267 of the Internal
Revenue Code by virtue of being | ||||||
2 | a related taxpayer, as well as any of its
partners. The | ||||||
3 | credit allowed against the tax imposed by subsections (a) | ||||||
4 | and
(b) shall be equal to 25% of the unreimbursed eligible | ||||||
5 | remediation costs in
excess of $100,000 per site, except | ||||||
6 | that the $100,000 threshold shall not apply
to any site | ||||||
7 | contained in an enterprise zone as determined by the | ||||||
8 | Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs (now | ||||||
9 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity). The | ||||||
10 | total credit allowed shall not exceed
$40,000 per year with | ||||||
11 | a maximum total of $150,000 per site. For partners and
| ||||||
12 | shareholders of subchapter S corporations, there shall be | ||||||
13 | allowed a credit
under this subsection to be determined in | ||||||
14 | accordance with the determination of
income and | ||||||
15 | distributive share of income under Sections 702 and 704 and
| ||||||
16 | subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
17 | (ii) A credit allowed under this subsection that is | ||||||
18 | unused in the year
the credit is earned may be carried | ||||||
19 | forward to each of the 5 taxable years
following the year | ||||||
20 | for which the credit is first earned until it is used.
The | ||||||
21 | term "unused credit" does not include any amounts of | ||||||
22 | unreimbursed eligible
remediation costs in excess of the | ||||||
23 | maximum credit per site authorized under
paragraph (i). | ||||||
24 | This credit shall be applied first to the earliest year
for | ||||||
25 | which there is a liability. If there is a credit under this | ||||||
26 | subsection
from more than one tax year that is available to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | offset a liability, the
earliest credit arising under this | ||||||
2 | subsection shall be applied first. A
credit allowed under | ||||||
3 | this subsection may be sold to a buyer as part of a sale
of | ||||||
4 | all or part of the remediation site for which the credit | ||||||
5 | was granted. The
purchaser of a remediation site and the | ||||||
6 | tax credit shall succeed to the unused
credit and remaining | ||||||
7 | carry-forward period of the seller. To perfect the
| ||||||
8 | transfer, the assignor shall record the transfer in the | ||||||
9 | chain of title for the
site and provide written notice to | ||||||
10 | the Director of the Illinois Department of
Revenue of the | ||||||
11 | assignor's intent to sell the remediation site and the | ||||||
12 | amount of
the tax credit to be transferred as a portion of | ||||||
13 | the sale. In no event may a
credit be transferred to any | ||||||
14 | taxpayer if the taxpayer or a related party would
not be | ||||||
15 | eligible under the provisions of subsection (i).
| ||||||
16 | (iii) For purposes of this Section, the term "site" | ||||||
17 | shall have the same
meaning as under Section 58.2 of the | ||||||
18 | Environmental Protection Act.
| ||||||
19 | (m) Education expense credit. Beginning with tax years | ||||||
20 | ending after
December 31, 1999, a taxpayer who
is the custodian | ||||||
21 | of one or more qualifying pupils shall be allowed a credit
| ||||||
22 | against the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this | ||||||
23 | Section for
qualified education expenses incurred on behalf of | ||||||
24 | the qualifying pupils.
The credit shall be equal to 25% of | ||||||
25 | qualified education expenses, but in no
event may the total | ||||||
26 | credit under this subsection claimed by a
family that is the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | custodian of qualifying pupils exceed $500. In no event shall a | ||||||
2 | credit under
this subsection reduce the taxpayer's liability | ||||||
3 | under this Act to less than
zero. This subsection is exempt | ||||||
4 | from the provisions of Section 250 of this
| ||||||
5 | For purposes of this subsection:
| ||||||
6 | "Qualifying pupils" means individuals who (i) are | ||||||
7 | residents of the State of
Illinois, (ii) are under the age of | ||||||
8 | 21 at the close of the school year for
which a credit is | ||||||
9 | sought, and (iii) during the school year for which a credit
is | ||||||
10 | sought were full-time pupils enrolled in a kindergarten through | ||||||
11 | twelfth
grade education program at any school, as defined in | ||||||
12 | this subsection.
| ||||||
13 | "Qualified education expense" means the amount incurred
on | ||||||
14 | behalf of a qualifying pupil in excess of $250 for tuition, | ||||||
15 | book fees, and
lab fees at the school in which the pupil is | ||||||
16 | enrolled during the regular school
| ||||||
17 | "School" means any public or nonpublic elementary or | ||||||
18 | secondary school in
Illinois that is in compliance with Title | ||||||
19 | VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and attendance at which | ||||||
20 | satisfies the requirements of Section 26-1 of the
School Code, | ||||||
21 | except that nothing shall be construed to require a child to
| ||||||
22 | attend any particular public or nonpublic school to qualify for | ||||||
23 | the credit
under this Section.
| ||||||
24 | "Custodian" means, with respect to qualifying pupils, an | ||||||
25 | Illinois resident
who is a parent, the parents, a legal | ||||||
26 | guardian, or the legal guardians of the
qualifying pupils.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (n) River Edge Redevelopment Zone site remediation tax | ||||||
2 | credit.
| ||||||
3 | (i) For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2006, | ||||||
4 | a taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the tax | ||||||
5 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for | ||||||
6 | certain amounts paid for unreimbursed eligible remediation | ||||||
7 | costs, as specified in this subsection. For purposes of | ||||||
8 | this Section, "unreimbursed eligible remediation costs" | ||||||
9 | means costs approved by the Illinois Environmental | ||||||
10 | Protection Agency ("Agency") under Section 58.14a of the | ||||||
11 | Environmental Protection Act that were paid in performing | ||||||
12 | environmental remediation at a site within a River Edge | ||||||
13 | Redevelopment Zone for which a No Further Remediation | ||||||
14 | Letter was issued by the Agency and recorded under Section | ||||||
15 | 58.10 of the Environmental Protection Act. The credit must | ||||||
16 | be claimed for the taxable year in which Agency approval of | ||||||
17 | the eligible remediation costs is granted. The credit is | ||||||
18 | not available to any taxpayer if the taxpayer or any | ||||||
19 | related party caused or contributed to, in any material | ||||||
20 | respect, a release of regulated substances on, in, or under | ||||||
21 | the site that was identified and addressed by the remedial | ||||||
22 | action pursuant to the Site Remediation Program of the | ||||||
23 | Environmental Protection Act. Determinations as to credit | ||||||
24 | availability for purposes of this Section shall be made | ||||||
25 | consistent with rules adopted by the Pollution Control | ||||||
26 | Board pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act for the administration and enforcement of Section 58.9 | ||||||
2 | of the Environmental Protection Act. For purposes of this | ||||||
3 | Section, "taxpayer" includes a person whose tax attributes | ||||||
4 | the taxpayer has succeeded to under Section 381 of the | ||||||
5 | Internal Revenue Code and "related party" includes the | ||||||
6 | persons disallowed a deduction for losses by paragraphs | ||||||
7 | (b), (c), and (f)(1) of Section 267 of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
8 | Code by virtue of being a related taxpayer, as well as any | ||||||
9 | of its partners. The credit allowed against the tax imposed | ||||||
10 | by subsections (a) and (b) shall be equal to 25% of the | ||||||
11 | unreimbursed eligible remediation costs in excess of | ||||||
12 | $100,000 per site. | ||||||
13 | (ii) A credit allowed under this subsection that is | ||||||
14 | unused in the year the credit is earned may be carried | ||||||
15 | forward to each of the 5 taxable years following the year | ||||||
16 | for which the credit is first earned until it is used. This | ||||||
17 | credit shall be applied first to the earliest year for | ||||||
18 | which there is a liability. If there is a credit under this | ||||||
19 | subsection from more than one tax year that is available to | ||||||
20 | offset a liability, the earliest credit arising under this | ||||||
21 | subsection shall be applied first. A credit allowed under | ||||||
22 | this subsection may be sold to a buyer as part of a sale of | ||||||
23 | all or part of the remediation site for which the credit | ||||||
24 | was granted. The purchaser of a remediation site and the | ||||||
25 | tax credit shall succeed to the unused credit and remaining | ||||||
26 | carry-forward period of the seller. To perfect the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | transfer, the assignor shall record the transfer in the | ||||||
2 | chain of title for the site and provide written notice to | ||||||
3 | the Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue of the | ||||||
4 | assignor's intent to sell the remediation site and the | ||||||
5 | amount of the tax credit to be transferred as a portion of | ||||||
6 | the sale. In no event may a credit be transferred to any | ||||||
7 | taxpayer if the taxpayer or a related party would not be | ||||||
8 | eligible under the provisions of subsection (i). | ||||||
9 | (iii) For purposes of this Section, the term "site" | ||||||
10 | shall have the same meaning as under Section 58.2 of the | ||||||
11 | Environmental Protection Act. | ||||||
12 | (iv) This subsection is exempt from the provisions of | ||||||
13 | Section 250.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06; 95-454, eff. 8-27-07.)
| ||||||
15 | (35 ILCS 5/202.5 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 202.5. Net income attributable to the period prior to
| ||||||
17 | January 1, 2010 and net income attributable to the period after
| ||||||
18 | December 31, 2009. | ||||||
19 | (a) In general. With respect to the taxable year of a
| ||||||
20 | taxpayer beginning prior to January 1, 2010 and ending after
| ||||||
21 | December 31, 2009, net income for the period after December 31,
| ||||||
22 | 2009 is that amount that bears the same ratio to the
taxpayer's | ||||||
23 | net income for the entire taxable year as the number
of days in | ||||||
24 | that year after December 31, 2009 bears to the total
number of | ||||||
25 | days in that year, and the net income for the period
prior to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | January 1, 2010 is that amount that bears the
same ratio to the | ||||||
2 | taxpayer's net income for the entire taxable
year as the number | ||||||
3 | of days in that year prior to January 1,
2010 bears to the | ||||||
4 | total number of days in that year. | ||||||
5 | (b) Election to attribute income and deduction items
| ||||||
6 | specifically to the respective portions of a taxable year prior
| ||||||
7 | to January 1, 2010 and after December 31, 2009. In the case of
| ||||||
8 | a taxpayer with a taxable year beginning prior to January 1,
| ||||||
9 | 2010 and ending after December 31, 2009, the taxpayer may
| ||||||
10 | elect, instead of the procedure established in subsection (a)
| ||||||
11 | of this Section, to determine net income on a specific
| ||||||
12 | accounting basis for the 2 portions of his or her taxable year: | ||||||
13 | (i) from the beginning of the taxable year through
| ||||||
14 | December 31, 2009; and | ||||||
15 | (ii) from January 1, 2010 through the end of the
| ||||||
16 | taxable year. | ||||||
17 | If the taxpayer elects specific accounting under this
| ||||||
18 | subsection, there shall be taken into account in computing base
| ||||||
19 | income for each of the 2 portions of the taxable year only
| ||||||
20 | those items earned, received, paid, incurred or accrued in each | ||||||
21 | such period. The standard exemption provided by Section 204
| ||||||
22 | must be divided between the respective periods in amounts that
| ||||||
23 | bear the same ratio to the total exemption allowable under
| ||||||
24 | Section 204 (determined without regard to this Section) as the
| ||||||
25 | total number of days in each such period bears to the total
| ||||||
26 | number of days in the taxable year. The election provided by
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this subsection must be made in form and manner
that the | ||||||
2 | Department requires by rule, but
must be made no later than the | ||||||
3 | due date (including any
extensions thereof) for the filing of | ||||||
4 | the return for the
taxable year, and is irrevocable.
| ||||||
5 | (35 ILCS 5/208) (from Ch. 120, par. 2-208)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 208. Tax credit for residential real property taxes. | ||||||
7 | Beginning with tax years ending on or after December 31, 1991 | ||||||
8 | and before January 1, 2010 ,
every individual taxpayer shall be | ||||||
9 | entitled to a tax credit equal
to 5% of real property taxes | ||||||
10 | paid by such taxpayer during the
taxable year on the principal | ||||||
11 | residence of the taxpayer. In the
case of multi-unit or | ||||||
12 | multi-use structures and farm dwellings,
the taxes on the | ||||||
13 | taxpayer's principal residence shall be that
portion of the | ||||||
14 | total taxes which is attributable to such principal
| ||||||
15 | For tax years beginning on January 1, 2010 and thereafter, | ||||||
16 | every individual, trust, estate, and corporate taxpayer shall | ||||||
17 | be entitled to a tax credit equal to 10% of real property taxes | ||||||
18 | paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year on real property | ||||||
19 | situated within the State. In the case of multi-unit or | ||||||
20 | multi-use structures, the taxes on the taxpayer's principal | ||||||
21 | residence shall be that portion of the total taxes that is | ||||||
22 | attributable to the principal residence. The credit under this | ||||||
23 | Section may not be carried forward or back. If the amount of | ||||||
24 | the credit exceeds the income tax liability for the applicable | ||||||
25 | tax year, then the excess credit must be refunded to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taxpayer. However, a refund under this Section may not exceed | ||||||
2 | $1,000. This Section is exempt from the provisions of Section | ||||||
3 | 250 of this Act. | ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 87-17.)
| ||||||
5 | (35 ILCS 5/218 new) | ||||||
6 | Sec. 218. Family Tax Credit. | ||||||
7 | (a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, | ||||||
8 | 2010, each individual taxpayer filing single or as a married | ||||||
9 | person filing separately that reports total annual income of | ||||||
10 | less than $27,652 (the "eligibility cap for single and married | ||||||
11 | filing separately") or is a married couple filing
jointly or an | ||||||
12 | individual filing as head of household that reports total | ||||||
13 | annual income of less than $55,304 (the "eligibility cap for | ||||||
14 | married filing jointly and head of household"), is entitled to | ||||||
15 | a credit against the tax imposed under subsections (a) and (b) | ||||||
16 | of Section 201 of this Act for each dependent and personal | ||||||
17 | exemption he or she is entitled to claim on his or her federal | ||||||
18 | return under Section 151 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. | ||||||
19 | The credit is known as the "Family Tax Credit" and shall be in | ||||||
20 | those amounts per personal exemption and dependent that are | ||||||
21 | identified in
subsection (b) of this Section. The Family Tax | ||||||
22 | Credit may be claimed only upon proper filing of an Illinois | ||||||
23 | income tax return by an eligible taxpayer. The eligibility caps | ||||||
24 | shall
increase for each tax year beginning after December 31, | ||||||
25 | 2010, by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. Bureau of
Labor | ||||||
2 | Statistics for the immediately preceding complete calendar | ||||||
3 | year, multiplied by the eligibility caps for that immediately | ||||||
4 | preceding tax year. | ||||||
5 | (b) The amount of the credit is determined as follows: | ||||||
6 | (1) for a single taxpayer with a total annual income | ||||||
7 | of: | ||||||
8 | (A) less than $17,136, the credit is $50; | ||||||
9 | (B) $17,136 or more but less than $19,419, the | ||||||
10 | credit is $65; | ||||||
11 | (C) $19,420 or more but less than $19,420, the | ||||||
12 | credit is $125; | ||||||
13 | (D) $19,420 or more but less than $21,705, the | ||||||
14 | credit is $185; or | ||||||
15 | (E) $21,705 or more but less than $27,652, the | ||||||
16 | credit is $248; | ||||||
17 | (2) for married taxpayers filing separately with a | ||||||
18 | total annual income of: | ||||||
19 | (A) less than $11,424, the credit is $50; | ||||||
20 | (B) $11,424 or more but less than $14,280, the | ||||||
21 | credit is $65; | ||||||
22 | (C) $14,280 or more but less than $17,136, the | ||||||
23 | credit is $125; | ||||||
24 | (D) $17,136 or more but less than $20,563, the | ||||||
25 | credit is $185; and | ||||||
26 | (E) $20,563 or more but less than $27,652, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | credit is $248; | ||||||
2 | (3) for married taxpayers filing jointly with a total | ||||||
3 | annual income of: | ||||||
4 | (A) less than $22,848, the credit is $50; | ||||||
5 | (B) $22,848 or more but less than $28,560, the | ||||||
6 | credit is $65; | ||||||
7 | (C) $28,560 or more but less than $34,272, the | ||||||
8 | credit is $125; | ||||||
9 | (D) $34,272 or more but less than $41,126, the | ||||||
10 | credit is $185; and | ||||||
11 | (E) $41,126 or more but less than $55,304, the | ||||||
12 | credit is $248; and | ||||||
13 | (4) for a taxpayer who is a head of household with a | ||||||
14 | total annual income of: | ||||||
15 | (A) less than $22,848, the credit is $50; | ||||||
16 | (B) $22,848 or more but less than $28,560, the | ||||||
17 | credit is $65; | ||||||
18 | (C) $28,560 or more but less than $34,272, the | ||||||
19 | credit is $125; | ||||||
20 | (D) $34,272 or more but less than $41,126, the | ||||||
21 | credit is $185; and | ||||||
22 | (E) $41,126 or more but less than $55,304, the | ||||||
23 | credit is $248. | ||||||
24 | The dollar range of total annual income identified in the | ||||||
25 | respective filing statuses and the credit per | ||||||
26 | dependent/personal exemption amounts associated therewith, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall each increase in each tax year beginning after December | ||||||
2 | 31, 2010, by an amount equal to the applicable percentage | ||||||
3 | increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for the | ||||||
4 | immediately preceding complete calendar year, multiplied by | ||||||
5 | the applicable total annual income range amounts and the credit | ||||||
6 | per dependent/personal exemption amounts associated therewith. | ||||||
7 | The Department of Revenue shall update the total annual income | ||||||
8 | range amounts and
associated credit amounts for the Family Tax | ||||||
9 | Credit annually and distribute the updated table with the | ||||||
10 | Illinois personal income tax returns | ||||||
11 | (c) If the amount of the Family Tax Credit exceeds the | ||||||
12 | income tax liability of an eligible taxpayer, the State shall | ||||||
13 | refund to the taxpayer the difference between the Family Tax
| ||||||
14 | Credit and that eligible taxpayer's income tax liability. | ||||||
15 | (d) This Section is exempt from the provisions of Section | ||||||
16 | 250 of this Act. | ||||||
17 | (35 ILCS 5/219 new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 219. Residential rent credit. Each individual
| ||||||
19 | taxpayer paying rent on a principal residence located within | ||||||
20 | the State is entitled to a credit, not to
exceed $500, against | ||||||
21 | the personal income tax imposed under this Act, in the amount | ||||||
22 | of 5% of the annual rent paid by that taxpayer during
the | ||||||
23 | taxable year for the residence of the taxpayer. If the amount | ||||||
24 | of
the renter's credit exceeds the income tax liability of an | ||||||
25 | eligible taxpayer, the State shall refund to that taxpayer the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | difference between the credit and income tax liability.
This | ||||||
2 | Section is exempt from the provisions of Section 250 of this | ||||||
3 | Act. | ||||||
4 | Section 15. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 1 and 2 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 120/1) (from Ch. 120, par. 440)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 1. Definitions. "Sale at retail" means any transfer of | ||||||
8 | the
ownership of or title to
tangible personal property to a | ||||||
9 | purchaser, for the purpose of use or
consumption, and not for | ||||||
10 | the purpose of resale in any form as tangible
personal property | ||||||
11 | to the extent not first subjected to a use for which it
was | ||||||
12 | purchased, for a valuable consideration: Provided that the | ||||||
13 | property
purchased is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of | ||||||
14 | resale, despite
first being used, to the extent to which it is | ||||||
15 | resold as an ingredient of
an intentionally produced product or | ||||||
16 | byproduct of manufacturing. For this
purpose, slag produced as | ||||||
17 | an incident to manufacturing pig iron or steel
and sold is | ||||||
18 | considered to be an intentionally produced byproduct of
| ||||||
19 | manufacturing. Transactions whereby the possession of the | ||||||
20 | property is
transferred but the seller retains the title as | ||||||
21 | security for payment of the
selling price shall be deemed to be | ||||||
22 | sales.
| ||||||
23 | "Sale at retail" shall be construed to include any transfer | ||||||
24 | of the
ownership of or title to tangible personal property to a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purchaser, for use
or consumption by any other person to whom | ||||||
2 | such purchaser may transfer the
tangible personal property | ||||||
3 | without a valuable consideration, and to include
any transfer, | ||||||
4 | whether made for or without a valuable consideration, for
| ||||||
5 | resale in any form as tangible personal property unless made in | ||||||
6 | compliance
with Section 2c of this Act.
| ||||||
7 | Sales of tangible personal property, which property, to the | ||||||
8 | extent not
first subjected to a use for which it was purchased, | ||||||
9 | as an ingredient or
constituent, goes into and forms a part of | ||||||
10 | tangible personal property
subsequently the subject of a "Sale | ||||||
11 | at retail", are not sales at retail as
defined in this Act: | ||||||
12 | Provided that the property purchased is deemed to be
purchased | ||||||
13 | for the purpose of resale, despite first being used, to the
| ||||||
14 | extent to which it is resold as an ingredient of an | ||||||
15 | intentionally produced
product or byproduct of manufacturing.
| ||||||
16 | "Sale at retail" includes all of the following services, as | ||||||
17 | enumerated in the North American Industry Classification | ||||||
18 | System Manual (NAICS), 1997, prepared by the United States | ||||||
19 | Office of Management and Budget: | ||||||
20 | (1) Specialized good warehousing and storage | ||||||
21 | (4931902). | ||||||
22 | (2) Household goods warehousing and storage (4931901). | ||||||
23 | (3) Marinas (7131901). | ||||||
24 | (4) Travel arrangement reservation services (5615). | ||||||
25 | (5) Consumer electronics repair and maintenance | ||||||
26 | (811211). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) Personal and household goods. | ||||||
2 | (7) Carpet and upholstery cleaning services (56174). | ||||||
3 | (8) Dating services (8129902). | ||||||
4 | (9) Hair, nail, and skin care (81211). | ||||||
5 | (10) Other personal services other than hair, nail, | ||||||
6 | facial, or nonpermanent makeup services (81219). | ||||||
7 | (11) Dry cleaning and laundry, except coin-operated | ||||||
8 | (81232). | ||||||
9 | (12) Consumer goods rental (5322). | ||||||
10 | (13) General goods rental (5323). | ||||||
11 | (14) Diet and weight reducing services (812191). | ||||||
12 | (15) Investigation services (561611). | ||||||
13 | (16) Bail bonding (8129901). | ||||||
14 | (17) Telephone answering services (561421). | ||||||
15 | (18) Photographic studios, portrait (541921). | ||||||
16 | (19) Linen supply (812331). | ||||||
17 | (20) Industrial launderers (812332). | ||||||
18 | (21) Interior design services (54141). | ||||||
19 | (22) Computer systems design and related services | ||||||
20 | (5415). | ||||||
21 | (23) Credit bureaus (56145). | ||||||
22 | (24) Collection agencies (56144). | ||||||
23 | (25) Other business services, including copy shops | ||||||
24 | (561439). | ||||||
25 | (26) Automotive repair and maintenance (8111). | ||||||
26 | (27) Parking lots and garages (81293). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (28) Motor vehicle towing (48841). | ||||||
2 | (29) Racetracks (711212). | ||||||
3 | (30) Amusement parks and arcades (7131). | ||||||
4 | (31) Bowling Centers (71395). | ||||||
5 | (32) Cable and other program distribution (51322). | ||||||
6 | (33) Circuses (7111901). | ||||||
7 | (34) Coin operated amusement devices, except slots | ||||||
8 | (7139905). | ||||||
9 | (35) Golf courses and country clubs (71391). | ||||||
10 | (36) Fitness and recreational sports centers (711211). | ||||||
11 | (37) Sports teams and clubs (711211). | ||||||
12 | (38) Performing arts companies (7111). | ||||||
13 | (39) Miniature golf courses (7139904). | ||||||
14 | (40) Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487). | ||||||
15 | (41) Limousine services (48532). | ||||||
16 | (42) Unscheduled chartered passenger air | ||||||
17 | transportation (481211). | ||||||
18 | (43) Motion picture theaters, except drive-in theaters | ||||||
19 | (512131). | ||||||
20 | (44) Drive-in motion picture theaters (512132). | ||||||
21 | (45) Horse boarding and training (not race horses) | ||||||
22 | (11521). | ||||||
23 | (46) Pet grooming (81291). | ||||||
24 | (47) Landscaping services (including lawn care) | ||||||
25 | (56173). | ||||||
26 | (48) Carpentry, painting, plumbing and similar trades |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (238). | ||||||
2 | (49) Construction service (grading, excavating, etc.) | ||||||
3 | (23593). | ||||||
4 | (50) Water well drilling (23581). | ||||||
5 | (51) Income from intrastate transportation of persons | ||||||
6 | (485). | ||||||
7 | (52) Automotive storage. | ||||||
8 | (53) Sewer and refuse, industrial (33132/562). | ||||||
9 | (54) Mini -storage (53113). | ||||||
10 | (55) Household goods storage (49311). | ||||||
11 | (56) Cold storage (49312). | ||||||
12 | (57) Marina Service (docking, storage, cleaning, | ||||||
13 | repair) (71393). | ||||||
14 | (58) Marine towing service (incl. tugboats) (48833). | ||||||
15 | (59) Packing and crating (488991). | ||||||
16 | (60) Water (22131). | ||||||
17 | (61) Service charges of banking institutions (522). | ||||||
18 | (62) Investment counseling (52392/3). | ||||||
19 | (63) Income from funeral services (81221). | ||||||
20 | (64) Garment services (altering & repairing) (81149). | ||||||
21 | (65) Gift and package wrapping service (5619). | ||||||
22 | (66) Gift and package wrapping service(81231). | ||||||
23 | (67) Shoe repair (81143). | ||||||
24 | (68) Massage services (81299). | ||||||
25 | (69) Swimming pool cleaning & maintenance (56179). | ||||||
26 | (70) Tax return preparation (541213). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (71) Tuxedo rental (53222). | ||||||
2 | (72) Water softening and conditioning (56199). | ||||||
3 | (73) Armored car services (561613). | ||||||
4 | (74) Advertising agency fees (not ad placement) | ||||||
5 | (54181). | ||||||
6 | (75) Commercial art and graphic design (54143). | ||||||
7 | (76) Temporary help agencies (56132). | ||||||
8 | (77) Employment agencies (56131). | ||||||
9 | (78) Test laboratories (excluding medical) (54138). | ||||||
10 | (79) Maintenance and janitorial services (56172). | ||||||
11 | (80) Exterminating (includes termite services) | ||||||
12 | (56171). | ||||||
13 | (81) Packing and crating. | ||||||
14 | (82) Tire recapping and repairing (326212/811198). | ||||||
15 | (83) Private investigation (detective) services | ||||||
16 | (561612). | ||||||
17 | (84) Printing (32311). | ||||||
18 | (85) Internet Service Providers-Dialup (518111). | ||||||
19 | (86) Sign construction and installation (54189). | ||||||
20 | (87) Internet Service Providers-DSL or other broadband | ||||||
21 | (518111). | ||||||
22 | (88) Automotive washing and waxing (811192). | ||||||
23 | (89) Automotive road service and towing services | ||||||
24 | (48848112). | ||||||
25 | (90) Auto service. except repairs, incl. painting & | ||||||
26 | lube (81119). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (91) Parking lots & garages (81293). | ||||||
2 | (92) Automotive rustproofing & undercoating (811198). | ||||||
3 | (93) Amusement park admission & rides (71311). | ||||||
4 | (94) Circuses and fairs -- admission and games (7113). | ||||||
5 | (95) Cable TV services (51751). | ||||||
6 | (96) Admission to school and college sports events | ||||||
7 | (7112). | ||||||
8 | (97) Membership fees in private clubs (71391). | ||||||
9 | (98) Admission to cultural events (7111). | ||||||
10 | (99) Pinball and other mechanical amusements (71312). | ||||||
11 | (100) Rental of video tapes for home viewing (53223). | ||||||
12 | (101) Personal property, short term and long term | ||||||
13 | (generally) (5322). | ||||||
14 | (102) Taxidermy. | ||||||
15 | (103) Custom fabrication labor. | ||||||
16 | (104) Repair labor, generally. | ||||||
17 | (105) Rental of hand tools to licensed contractors | ||||||
18 | (532412). | ||||||
19 | (106) Trailer parks - overnight (7212). | ||||||
20 | (107) Welding labor (fabrication and repair). | ||||||
21 | (108) Custom meat slaughtering, cutting and wrapping. | ||||||
22 | (109) Installation charges - other than seller of | ||||||
23 | goods. | ||||||
24 | (110) Custom processing (on customer's property). | ||||||
25 | (111)Installation charges by persons selling property. | ||||||
26 | (112) Labor charges on repair of aircraft. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (113) Labor charges - repairs to intrastate vessels. | ||||||
2 | (114) Labor - repairs to commercial fishing vessels | ||||||
3 | (336611). | ||||||
4 | (115) Labor charges on repairs to railroad rolling | ||||||
5 | stock. | ||||||
6 | (116) Labor - repairs or remodeling of real property. | ||||||
7 | (117) Labor charges - repairs other tangible property | ||||||
8 | (811). | ||||||
9 | (118) Labor on radio/TV repairs; other electronic | ||||||
10 | equip (8112). | ||||||
11 | (119) Labor charges on repairs to motor vehicles | ||||||
12 | (811111). | ||||||
13 | "Sale at retail" shall be construed to include any Illinois | ||||||
14 | florist's
sales transaction in which the purchase order is | ||||||
15 | received in Illinois by a
florist and the sale is for use or | ||||||
16 | consumption, but the Illinois florist
has a florist in another | ||||||
17 | state deliver the property to the purchaser or the
purchaser's | ||||||
18 | donee in such other state.
| ||||||
19 | Nonreusable tangible personal property that is used by | ||||||
20 | persons engaged in
the business of operating a restaurant, | ||||||
21 | cafeteria, or drive-in is a sale for
resale when it is | ||||||
22 | transferred to customers in the ordinary course of business
as | ||||||
23 | part of the sale of food or beverages and is used to deliver, | ||||||
24 | package, or
consume food or beverages, regardless of where | ||||||
25 | consumption of the food or
beverages occurs. Examples of those | ||||||
26 | items include, but are not limited to
nonreusable, paper and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | plastic cups, plates, baskets, boxes, sleeves, buckets
or other | ||||||
2 | containers, utensils, straws, placemats, napkins, doggie bags, | ||||||
3 | and
wrapping or packaging
materials that are transferred to | ||||||
4 | customers as part of the sale of food or
beverages in the | ||||||
5 | ordinary course of business.
| ||||||
6 | The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible | ||||||
7 | personal property
as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose | ||||||
8 | of conveying news (with or
without other information) is not a | ||||||
9 | purchase, use or sale of tangible
personal property.
| ||||||
10 | A person whose activities are organized and conducted | ||||||
11 | primarily as a
not-for-profit service enterprise, and who | ||||||
12 | engages in selling tangible
personal property at retail | ||||||
13 | (whether to the public or merely to members and
their guests) | ||||||
14 | is engaged in the business of selling tangible personal
| ||||||
15 | property at retail with respect to such transactions, excepting | ||||||
16 | only a
person organized and operated exclusively for | ||||||
17 | charitable, religious or
educational purposes either (1), to | ||||||
18 | the extent of sales by such person to
its members, students, | ||||||
19 | patients or inmates of tangible personal property to
be used | ||||||
20 | primarily for the purposes of such person, or (2), to the | ||||||
21 | extent of
sales by such person of tangible personal property | ||||||
22 | which is not sold or
offered for sale by persons organized for | ||||||
23 | profit. The selling of school
books and school supplies by | ||||||
24 | schools at retail to students is not
"primarily for the | ||||||
25 | purposes of" the school which does such selling. The
provisions | ||||||
26 | of this paragraph shall not apply to nor subject to taxation
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | occasional dinners, socials or similar activities of a person | ||||||
2 | organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, religious | ||||||
3 | or educational purposes,
whether or not such activities are | ||||||
4 | open to the public.
| ||||||
5 | A person who is the recipient of a grant or contract under | ||||||
6 | Title VII of
the Older Americans Act of 1965 (P.L. 92-258) and | ||||||
7 | serves meals to
participants in the federal Nutrition Program | ||||||
8 | for the Elderly in return for
contributions established in | ||||||
9 | amount by the individual participant pursuant
to a schedule of | ||||||
10 | suggested fees as provided for in the federal Act is not
| ||||||
11 | engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property | ||||||
12 | at retail
with respect to such transactions.
| ||||||
13 | "Purchaser" means anyone who, through a sale at retail, | ||||||
14 | acquires the
ownership of or title to tangible personal | ||||||
15 | property for a valuable
| ||||||
16 | "Reseller of motor fuel" means any person engaged in the | ||||||
17 | business of selling
or delivering or transferring title of | ||||||
18 | motor fuel to another person
other than for use or consumption.
| ||||||
19 | No person shall act as a reseller of motor fuel within this | ||||||
20 | State without
first being registered as a reseller pursuant to | ||||||
21 | Section 2c or a retailer
pursuant to Section 2a.
| ||||||
22 | "Selling price" or the "amount of sale" means the | ||||||
23 | consideration for a
sale valued in money whether received in | ||||||
24 | money or otherwise, including
cash, credits, property, other | ||||||
25 | than as hereinafter provided, and services,
but not including | ||||||
26 | the value of or credit given for traded-in tangible
personal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | property where the item that is traded-in is of like kind and
| ||||||
2 | character as that which is being sold, and shall be determined | ||||||
3 | without any
deduction on account of the cost of the property | ||||||
4 | sold, the cost of
materials used, labor or service cost or any | ||||||
5 | other expense whatsoever, but
does not include charges that are | ||||||
6 | added to prices by sellers on account of
the seller's tax | ||||||
7 | liability under this Act, or on account of the seller's
duty to | ||||||
8 | collect, from the purchaser, the tax that is imposed by the Use | ||||||
9 | Tax
Act, or, except as otherwise provided with respect to any | ||||||
10 | cigarette tax imposed by a home rule unit, on account of the | ||||||
11 | seller's tax liability under any local occupation tax | ||||||
12 | administered by the Department, or, except as otherwise | ||||||
13 | provided with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by a home | ||||||
14 | rule unit on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the | ||||||
15 | purchasers, the tax that is imposed under any local use tax | ||||||
16 | administered by the Department.
Effective December 1, 1985, | ||||||
17 | "selling price" shall include charges that
are added to prices | ||||||
18 | by sellers on account of the seller's
tax liability under the | ||||||
19 | Cigarette Tax Act, on account of the sellers'
duty to collect, | ||||||
20 | from the purchaser, the tax imposed under the Cigarette
Use Tax | ||||||
21 | Act, and on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
| ||||||
22 | purchaser, any cigarette tax imposed by a home rule unit.
| ||||||
23 | The phrase "like kind and character" shall be liberally | ||||||
24 | construed
(including but not limited to any form of motor | ||||||
25 | vehicle for any form of
motor vehicle, or any kind of farm or | ||||||
26 | agricultural implement for any other
kind of farm or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agricultural implement), while not including a kind of item
| ||||||
2 | which, if sold at retail by that retailer, would be exempt from | ||||||
3 | retailers'
occupation tax and use tax as an isolated or | ||||||
4 | occasional sale.
| ||||||
5 | "Gross receipts" from the sales of tangible personal | ||||||
6 | property at retail
means the total selling price or the amount | ||||||
7 | of such sales, as hereinbefore
defined. In the case of charge | ||||||
8 | and time sales, the amount thereof shall be
included only as | ||||||
9 | and when payments are received by the seller.
Receipts or other | ||||||
10 | consideration derived by a seller from
the sale, transfer or | ||||||
11 | assignment of accounts receivable to a wholly owned
subsidiary | ||||||
12 | will not be deemed payments prior to the time the purchaser
| ||||||
13 | makes payment on such accounts.
| ||||||
14 | "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
| ||||||
15 | "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership, | ||||||
16 | association,
joint stock company, joint adventure, public or | ||||||
17 | private corporation, limited
liability company, or a receiver, | ||||||
18 | executor, trustee, guardian or other
representative appointed | ||||||
19 | by order of any court.
| ||||||
20 | The isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal | ||||||
21 | property at retail
by a person who does not hold himself out as | ||||||
22 | being engaged (or who does not
habitually engage) in selling | ||||||
23 | such tangible personal property at retail, or
a sale through a | ||||||
24 | bulk vending machine, does not constitute engaging in a
| ||||||
25 | business of selling such tangible personal property at retail | ||||||
26 | within the
meaning of this Act; provided that any person who is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | engaged in a business
which is not subject to the tax imposed | ||||||
2 | by this Act because of involving
the sale of or a contract to | ||||||
3 | sell real estate or a construction contract to
improve real | ||||||
4 | estate or a construction contract to engineer, install, and
| ||||||
5 | maintain an integrated system of products, but who, in the | ||||||
6 | course of
conducting such business,
transfers tangible | ||||||
7 | personal property to users or consumers in the finished
form in | ||||||
8 | which it was purchased, and which does not become real estate | ||||||
9 | or was
not engineered and installed, under any provision of a | ||||||
10 | construction contract or
real estate sale or real estate sales | ||||||
11 | agreement entered into with some other
person arising out of or | ||||||
12 | because of such nontaxable business, is engaged in the
business | ||||||
13 | of selling tangible personal property at retail to the extent | ||||||
14 | of the
value of the tangible personal property so transferred. | ||||||
15 | If, in such a
transaction, a separate charge is made for the | ||||||
16 | tangible personal property so
transferred, the value of such | ||||||
17 | property, for the purpose of this Act, shall be
the amount so | ||||||
18 | separately charged, but not less than the cost of such property
| ||||||
19 | to the transferor; if no separate charge is made, the value of | ||||||
20 | such property,
for the purposes of this Act, is the cost to the | ||||||
21 | transferor of such tangible
personal property. Construction | ||||||
22 | contracts for the improvement of real estate
consisting of | ||||||
23 | engineering, installation, and maintenance of voice, data, | ||||||
24 | video,
security, and all telecommunication systems do not | ||||||
25 | constitute engaging in a
business of selling tangible personal | ||||||
26 | property at retail within the meaning of
this Act if they are |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | sold at one specified contract price.
| ||||||
2 | A person who holds himself or herself out as being engaged | ||||||
3 | (or who habitually
engages) in selling tangible personal | ||||||
4 | property at retail is a person
engaged in the business of | ||||||
5 | selling tangible personal property at retail
hereunder with | ||||||
6 | respect to such sales (and not primarily in a service
| ||||||
7 | occupation) notwithstanding the fact that such person designs | ||||||
8 | and produces
such tangible personal property on special order | ||||||
9 | for the purchaser and in
such a way as to render the property | ||||||
10 | of value only to such purchaser, if
such tangible personal | ||||||
11 | property so produced on special order serves
substantially the | ||||||
12 | same function as stock or standard items of tangible
personal | ||||||
13 | property that are sold at retail.
| ||||||
14 | Persons who engage in the business of transferring tangible | ||||||
15 | personal
property upon the redemption of trading stamps are | ||||||
16 | engaged in the business
of selling such property at retail and | ||||||
17 | shall be liable for and shall pay
the tax imposed by this Act | ||||||
18 | on the basis of the retail value of the
property transferred | ||||||
19 | upon redemption of such stamps.
| ||||||
20 | "Bulk vending machine" means a vending machine,
containing | ||||||
21 | unsorted confections, nuts, toys, or other items designed
| ||||||
22 | primarily to be used or played with by children
which, when a | ||||||
23 | coin or coins of a denomination not larger than $0.50 are
| ||||||
24 | inserted, are dispensed in equal portions, at random and
| ||||||
25 | without selection by the customer.
| ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 95-723, eff. 6-23-08.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (35 ILCS 120/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 441)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 2. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed upon persons engaged | ||||||
3 | in the
business of selling at retail tangible personal | ||||||
4 | property, including
computer software, and including | ||||||
5 | photographs, negatives, and positives that
are the product of | ||||||
6 | photoprocessing, but not including products of
photoprocessing | ||||||
7 | produced for use in motion pictures for public commercial
| ||||||
8 | exhibition , or engaged in the business of providing services as | ||||||
9 | set forth in in Section 1 of this Act .
Beginning January 1, | ||||||
10 | 2001, prepaid telephone calling arrangements shall be
| ||||||
11 | considered tangible personal property subject to the tax | ||||||
12 | imposed under this Act
regardless of the form in which those | ||||||
13 | arrangements may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed by any | ||||||
14 | method now known or hereafter developed.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99; 91-870, eff. 6-22-00.)
| ||||||
16 | Section 20. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by | ||||||
17 | changing Section 16-158 as follows:
| ||||||
18 | (40 ILCS 5/16-158)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-158)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 16-158. Contributions by State and other employing | ||||||
20 | units.
| ||||||
21 | (a) The State shall make contributions to the System by | ||||||
22 | means of
appropriations from the Common School Fund and other | ||||||
23 | State funds of amounts
which, together with other employer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | contributions, employee contributions,
investment income, and | ||||||
2 | other income, will be sufficient to meet the cost of
| ||||||
3 | maintaining and administering the System on a 90% funded basis | ||||||
4 | in accordance
with actuarial recommendations.
| ||||||
5 | The Board shall determine the amount of State contributions | ||||||
6 | required for
each fiscal year on the basis of the actuarial | ||||||
7 | tables and other assumptions
adopted by the Board and the | ||||||
8 | recommendations of the actuary, using the formula
in subsection | ||||||
9 | (b-3).
| ||||||
10 | (a-1) Annually, on or before November 15, the Board shall | ||||||
11 | certify to the
Governor the amount of the required State | ||||||
12 | contribution for the coming fiscal
year. The certification | ||||||
13 | shall include a copy of the actuarial recommendations
upon | ||||||
14 | which it is based.
| ||||||
15 | On or before May 1, 2004, the Board shall recalculate and | ||||||
16 | recertify to
the Governor the amount of the required State | ||||||
17 | contribution to the System for
State fiscal year 2005, taking | ||||||
18 | into account the amounts appropriated to and
received by the | ||||||
19 | System under subsection (d) of Section 7.2 of the General
| ||||||
20 | Obligation Bond Act.
| ||||||
21 | On or before July 1, 2005, the Board shall recalculate and | ||||||
22 | recertify
to the Governor the amount of the required State
| ||||||
23 | contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2006, taking | ||||||
24 | into account the changes in required State contributions made | ||||||
25 | by this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly.
| ||||||
26 | (b) Through State fiscal year 1995, the State contributions |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be
paid to the System in accordance with Section 18-7 of | ||||||
2 | the School Code.
| ||||||
3 | (b-1) Beginning in State fiscal year 1996, on the 15th day | ||||||
4 | of each month,
or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, the | ||||||
5 | Board shall submit vouchers
for payment of State contributions | ||||||
6 | to the System, in a total monthly amount of
one-twelfth of the | ||||||
7 | required annual State contribution certified under
subsection | ||||||
8 | (a-1).
From the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
9 | 93rd General Assembly
through June 30, 2004, the Board shall | ||||||
10 | not submit vouchers for the
remainder of fiscal year 2004 in | ||||||
11 | excess of the fiscal year 2004
certified contribution amount | ||||||
12 | determined under this Section
after taking into consideration | ||||||
13 | the transfer to the System
under subsection (a) of Section | ||||||
14 | 6z-61 of the State Finance Act.
These vouchers shall be paid by | ||||||
15 | the State Comptroller and
Treasurer by warrants drawn on the | ||||||
16 | funds appropriated to the System for that
fiscal year.
| ||||||
17 | If in any month the amount remaining unexpended from all | ||||||
18 | other appropriations
to the System for the applicable fiscal | ||||||
19 | year (including the appropriations to
the System under Section | ||||||
20 | 8.12 of the State Finance Act and Section 1 of the
State | ||||||
21 | Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act) is less than the | ||||||
22 | amount
lawfully vouchered under this subsection, the | ||||||
23 | difference shall be paid from the
Common School Fund under the | ||||||
24 | continuing appropriation authority provided in
Section 1.1 of | ||||||
25 | the State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act.
| ||||||
26 | (b-2) Allocations from the Common School Fund apportioned |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to school
districts not coming under this System shall not be | ||||||
2 | diminished or affected by
the provisions of this Article.
| ||||||
3 | (b-3) For State fiscal years 2011 through 2045, the minimum | ||||||
4 | contribution
to the System to be made by the State for each | ||||||
5 | fiscal year shall be an amount
determined by the System to be | ||||||
6 | sufficient to bring the total assets of the
System up to 90% of | ||||||
7 | the total actuarial liabilities of the System by the end of
| ||||||
8 | State fiscal year 2045. In making these determinations, the | ||||||
9 | required State
contribution shall be calculated each year as a | ||||||
10 | level percentage of payroll
over the years remaining to and | ||||||
11 | including fiscal year 2045 and shall be
determined under the | ||||||
12 | projected unit credit actuarial cost method.
| ||||||
13 | For State fiscal years 1996 through 2005, the State | ||||||
14 | contribution to the
System, as a percentage of the applicable | ||||||
15 | employee payroll, shall be increased
in equal annual increments | ||||||
16 | so that by State fiscal year 2011, the State is
contributing at | ||||||
17 | the rate required under this Section; except that in the
| ||||||
18 | following specified State fiscal years, the State contribution | ||||||
19 | to the System
shall not be less than the following indicated | ||||||
20 | percentages of the applicable
employee payroll, even if the | ||||||
21 | indicated percentage will produce a State
contribution in | ||||||
22 | excess of the amount otherwise required under this subsection
| ||||||
23 | and subsection (a), and notwithstanding any contrary | ||||||
24 | certification made under
subsection (a-1) before the effective | ||||||
25 | date of this amendatory Act of 1998:
10.02% in FY 1999;
10.77% | ||||||
26 | in FY 2000;
11.47% in FY 2001;
12.16% in FY 2002;
12.86% in FY |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2003; and
13.56% in FY 2004.
| ||||||
2 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the | ||||||
3 | total required State
contribution for State fiscal year 2006 is | ||||||
4 | $534,627,700.
| ||||||
5 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the | ||||||
6 | total required State
contribution for State fiscal year 2007 is | ||||||
7 | $738,014,500.
| ||||||
8 | For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2010, the State | ||||||
9 | contribution to
the System, as a percentage of the applicable | ||||||
10 | employee payroll, shall be
increased in equal annual increments | ||||||
11 | from the required State contribution for State fiscal year | ||||||
12 | 2007, so that by State fiscal year 2011, the
State is | ||||||
13 | contributing at the rate otherwise required under this Section.
| ||||||
14 | Beginning in State fiscal year 2046, the minimum State | ||||||
15 | contribution for
each fiscal year shall be the amount needed to | ||||||
16 | maintain the total assets of
the System at 90% of the total | ||||||
17 | actuarial liabilities of the System.
| ||||||
18 | Amounts received by the System pursuant to Section 25 of | ||||||
19 | the Budget Stabilization Act or Section 8.12 of the State | ||||||
20 | Finance Act in any fiscal year do not reduce and do not | ||||||
21 | constitute payment of any portion of the minimum State | ||||||
22 | contribution required under this Article in that fiscal year. | ||||||
23 | Such amounts shall not reduce, and shall not be included in the | ||||||
24 | calculation of, the required State contributions under this | ||||||
25 | Article in any future year until the System has reached a | ||||||
26 | funding ratio of at least 90%. A reference in this Article to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the "required State contribution" or any substantially similar | ||||||
2 | term does not include or apply to any amounts payable to the | ||||||
3 | System under Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act. | ||||||
4 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the | ||||||
5 | required State
contribution for State fiscal year 2005 and for | ||||||
6 | fiscal year 2008 and each fiscal year thereafter, as
calculated | ||||||
7 | under this Section and
certified under subsection (a-1), shall | ||||||
8 | not exceed an amount equal to (i) the
amount of the required | ||||||
9 | State contribution that would have been calculated under
this | ||||||
10 | Section for that fiscal year if the System had not received any | ||||||
11 | payments
under subsection (d) of Section 7.2 of the General | ||||||
12 | Obligation Bond Act, minus
(ii) the portion of the State's | ||||||
13 | total debt service payments for that fiscal
year on the bonds | ||||||
14 | issued for the purposes of that Section 7.2, as determined
and | ||||||
15 | certified by the Comptroller, that is the same as the System's | ||||||
16 | portion of
the total moneys distributed under subsection (d) of | ||||||
17 | Section 7.2 of the General
Obligation Bond Act. In determining | ||||||
18 | this maximum for State fiscal years 2008 through 2010, however, | ||||||
19 | the amount referred to in item (i) shall be increased, as a | ||||||
20 | percentage of the applicable employee payroll, in equal | ||||||
21 | increments calculated from the sum of the required State | ||||||
22 | contribution for State fiscal year 2007 plus the applicable | ||||||
23 | portion of the State's total debt service payments for fiscal | ||||||
24 | year 2007 on the bonds issued for the purposes of Section 7.2 | ||||||
25 | of the General
Obligation Bond Act, so that, by State fiscal | ||||||
26 | year 2011, the
State is contributing at the rate otherwise |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | required under this Section.
| ||||||
2 | (c) Payment of the required State contributions and of all | ||||||
3 | pensions,
retirement annuities, death benefits, refunds, and | ||||||
4 | other benefits granted
under or assumed by this System, and all | ||||||
5 | expenses in connection with the
administration and operation | ||||||
6 | thereof, are obligations of the State.
| ||||||
7 | If members are paid from special trust or federal funds | ||||||
8 | which are
administered by the employing unit, whether school | ||||||
9 | district or other
unit, the employing unit shall pay to the | ||||||
10 | System from such
funds the full accruing retirement costs based | ||||||
11 | upon that
service, as determined by the System. Employer | ||||||
12 | contributions, based on
salary paid to members from federal | ||||||
13 | funds, may be forwarded by the distributing
agency of the State | ||||||
14 | of Illinois to the System prior to allocation, in an
amount | ||||||
15 | determined in accordance with guidelines established by such
| ||||||
16 | agency and the System.
| ||||||
17 | (d) Effective July 1, 1986, any employer of a teacher as | ||||||
18 | defined in
paragraph (8) of Section 16-106 shall pay the | ||||||
19 | employer's normal cost
of benefits based upon the teacher's | ||||||
20 | service, in addition to
employee contributions, as determined | ||||||
21 | by the System. Such employer
contributions shall be forwarded | ||||||
22 | monthly in accordance with guidelines
established by the | ||||||
23 | System.
| ||||||
24 | However, with respect to benefits granted under Section | ||||||
25 | 16-133.4 or
16-133.5 to a teacher as defined in paragraph (8) | ||||||
26 | of Section 16-106, the
employer's contribution shall be 12% |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (rather than 20%) of the member's
highest annual salary rate | ||||||
2 | for each year of creditable service granted, and
the employer | ||||||
3 | shall also pay the required employee contribution on behalf of
| ||||||
4 | the teacher. For the purposes of Sections 16-133.4 and | ||||||
5 | 16-133.5, a teacher
as defined in paragraph (8) of Section | ||||||
6 | 16-106 who is serving in that capacity
while on leave of | ||||||
7 | absence from another employer under this Article shall not
be | ||||||
8 | considered an employee of the employer from which the teacher | ||||||
9 | is on leave.
| ||||||
10 | (e) Beginning July 1, 1998, every employer of a teacher
| ||||||
11 | shall pay to the System an employer contribution computed as | ||||||
12 | follows:
| ||||||
13 | (1) Beginning July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, the | ||||||
14 | employer
contribution shall be equal to 0.3% of each | ||||||
15 | teacher's salary.
| ||||||
16 | (2) Beginning July 1, 1999 and thereafter, the employer
| ||||||
17 | contribution shall be equal to 0.58% of each teacher's | ||||||
18 | salary.
| ||||||
19 | The school district or other employing unit may pay these | ||||||
20 | employer
contributions out of any source of funding available | ||||||
21 | for that purpose and
shall forward the contributions to the | ||||||
22 | System on the schedule established
for the payment of member | ||||||
23 | contributions.
| ||||||
24 | These employer contributions are intended to offset a | ||||||
25 | portion of the cost
to the System of the increases in | ||||||
26 | retirement benefits resulting from this
amendatory Act of 1998.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Each employer of teachers is entitled to a credit against | ||||||
2 | the contributions
required under this subsection (e) with | ||||||
3 | respect to salaries paid to teachers
for the period January 1, | ||||||
4 | 2002 through June 30, 2003, equal to the amount paid
by that | ||||||
5 | employer under subsection (a-5) of Section 6.6 of the State | ||||||
6 | Employees
Group Insurance Act of 1971 with respect to salaries | ||||||
7 | paid to teachers for that
| ||||||
8 | The additional 1% employee contribution required under | ||||||
9 | Section 16-152 by
this amendatory Act of 1998 is the | ||||||
10 | responsibility of the teacher and not the
teacher's employer, | ||||||
11 | unless the employer agrees, through collective bargaining
or | ||||||
12 | otherwise, to make the contribution on behalf of the teacher.
| ||||||
13 | If an employer is required by a contract in effect on May | ||||||
14 | 1, 1998 between the
employer and an employee organization to | ||||||
15 | pay, on behalf of all its full-time
covered by this | ||||||
16 | Article, all mandatory employee contributions required under
| ||||||
17 | this Article, then the employer shall be excused from paying | ||||||
18 | the employer
contribution required under this subsection (e) | ||||||
19 | for the balance of the term
of that contract. The employer and | ||||||
20 | the employee organization shall jointly
certify to the System | ||||||
21 | the existence of the contractual requirement, in such
form as | ||||||
22 | the System may prescribe. This exclusion shall cease upon the
| ||||||
23 | termination, extension, or renewal of the contract at any time | ||||||
24 | after May 1,
| ||||||
25 | (f) If the amount of a teacher's salary for any school year | ||||||
26 | used to determine final average salary exceeds the member's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | annual full-time salary rate with the same employer for the | ||||||
2 | previous school year by more than 6%, the teacher's employer | ||||||
3 | shall pay to the System, in addition to all other payments | ||||||
4 | required under this Section and in accordance with guidelines | ||||||
5 | established by the System, the present value of the increase in | ||||||
6 | benefits resulting from the portion of the increase in salary | ||||||
7 | that is in excess of 6%. This present value shall be computed | ||||||
8 | by the System on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and | ||||||
9 | tables used in the most recent actuarial valuation of the | ||||||
10 | System that is available at the time of the computation. If a | ||||||
11 | teacher's salary for the 2005-2006 school year is used to | ||||||
12 | determine final average salary under this subsection (f), then | ||||||
13 | the changes made to this subsection (f) by Public Act 94-1057 | ||||||
14 | shall apply in calculating whether the increase in his or her | ||||||
15 | salary is in excess of 6%. For the purposes of this Section, | ||||||
16 | change in employment under Section 10-21.12 of the School Code | ||||||
17 | on or after June 1, 2005 shall constitute a change in employer. | ||||||
18 | The System may require the employer to provide any pertinent | ||||||
19 | information or documentation.
The changes made to this | ||||||
20 | subsection (f) by this amendatory Act of the 94th General | ||||||
21 | Assembly apply without regard to whether the teacher was in | ||||||
22 | service on or after its effective date.
| ||||||
23 | Whenever it determines that a payment is or may be required | ||||||
24 | under this subsection, the System shall calculate the amount of | ||||||
25 | the payment and bill the employer for that amount. The bill | ||||||
26 | shall specify the calculations used to determine the amount |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | due. If the employer disputes the amount of the bill, it may, | ||||||
2 | within 30 days after receipt of the bill, apply to the System | ||||||
3 | in writing for a recalculation. The application must specify in | ||||||
4 | detail the grounds of the dispute and, if the employer asserts | ||||||
5 | that the calculation is subject to subsection (g) or (h) of | ||||||
6 | this Section, must include an affidavit setting forth and | ||||||
7 | attesting to all facts within the employer's knowledge that are | ||||||
8 | pertinent to the applicability of that subsection. Upon | ||||||
9 | receiving a timely application for recalculation, the System | ||||||
10 | shall review the application and, if appropriate, recalculate | ||||||
11 | the amount due.
| ||||||
12 | The employer contributions required under this subsection | ||||||
13 | (f) may be paid in the form of a lump sum within 90 days after | ||||||
14 | receipt of the bill. If the employer contributions are not paid | ||||||
15 | within 90 days after receipt of the bill, then interest will be | ||||||
16 | charged at a rate equal to the System's annual actuarially | ||||||
17 | assumed rate of return on investment compounded annually from | ||||||
18 | the 91st day after receipt of the bill. Payments must be | ||||||
19 | concluded within 3 years after the employer's receipt of the | ||||||
20 | bill.
| ||||||
21 | (g) This subsection (g) applies only to payments made or | ||||||
22 | salary increases given on or after June 1, 2005 but before July | ||||||
23 | 1, 2011. The changes made by Public Act 94-1057 shall not | ||||||
24 | require the System to refund any payments received before
July | ||||||
25 | 31, 2006 (the effective date of Public Act 94-1057). | ||||||
26 | When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (f), the System shall exclude salary increases paid to teachers | ||||||
2 | under contracts or collective bargaining agreements entered | ||||||
3 | into, amended, or renewed before June 1, 2005.
| ||||||
4 | When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection | ||||||
5 | (f), the System shall exclude salary increases paid to a | ||||||
6 | teacher at a time when the teacher is 10 or more years from | ||||||
7 | retirement eligibility under Section 16-132 or 16-133.2.
| ||||||
8 | When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection | ||||||
9 | (f), the System shall exclude salary increases resulting from | ||||||
10 | overload work, including summer school, when the school | ||||||
11 | district has certified to the System, and the System has | ||||||
12 | approved the certification, that (i) the overload work is for | ||||||
13 | the sole purpose of classroom instruction in excess of the | ||||||
14 | standard number of classes for a full-time teacher in a school | ||||||
15 | district during a school year and (ii) the salary increases are | ||||||
16 | equal to or less than the rate of pay for classroom instruction | ||||||
17 | computed on the teacher's current salary and work schedule.
| ||||||
18 | When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection | ||||||
19 | (f), the System shall exclude a salary increase resulting from | ||||||
20 | a promotion (i) for which the employee is required to hold a | ||||||
21 | certificate or supervisory endorsement issued by the State | ||||||
22 | Teacher Certification Board that is a different certification | ||||||
23 | or supervisory endorsement than is required for the teacher's | ||||||
24 | previous position and (ii) to a position that has existed and | ||||||
25 | been filled by a member for no less than one complete academic | ||||||
26 | year and the salary increase from the promotion is an increase |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that results in an amount no greater than the lesser of the | ||||||
2 | average salary paid for other similar positions in the district | ||||||
3 | requiring the same certification or the amount stipulated in | ||||||
4 | the collective bargaining agreement for a similar position | ||||||
5 | requiring the same certification.
| ||||||
6 | When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection | ||||||
7 | (f), the System shall exclude any payment to the teacher from | ||||||
8 | the State of Illinois or the State Board of Education over | ||||||
9 | which the employer does not have discretion or which is paid to | ||||||
10 | a mentor teacher or principal
from funds provided to the | ||||||
11 | employer by the State Board of Education for
the purpose of | ||||||
12 | mentoring a new teacher or principal , notwithstanding that the | ||||||
13 | payment is included in the computation of final average salary.
| ||||||
14 | (h) When assessing payment for any amount due under | ||||||
15 | subsection (f), the System shall exclude any salary increase | ||||||
16 | described in subsection (g) of this Section given on or after | ||||||
17 | July 1, 2011 but before July 1, 2014 under a contract or | ||||||
18 | collective bargaining agreement entered into, amended, or | ||||||
19 | renewed on or after June 1, 2005 but before July 1, 2011. | ||||||
20 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, any | ||||||
21 | payments made or salary increases given after June 30, 2014 | ||||||
22 | shall be used in assessing payment for any amount due under | ||||||
23 | subsection (f) of this Section.
| ||||||
24 | (i) The System shall prepare a report and file copies of | ||||||
25 | the report with the Governor and the General Assembly by | ||||||
26 | January 1, 2007 that contains all of the following information: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) The number of recalculations required by the | ||||||
2 | changes made to this Section by Public Act 94-1057 for each | ||||||
3 | employer. | ||||||
4 | (2) The dollar amount by which each employer's | ||||||
5 | contribution to the System was changed due to | ||||||
6 | recalculations required by Public Act 94-1057. | ||||||
7 | (3) The total amount the System received from each | ||||||
8 | employer as a result of the changes made to this Section by | ||||||
9 | Public Act 94-4. | ||||||
10 | (4) The increase in the required State contribution | ||||||
11 | resulting from the changes made to this Section by Public | ||||||
12 | Act 94-1057.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 94-4, eff. 6-1-05; 94-839, eff. 6-6-06; 94-1057, | ||||||
14 | eff. 7-31-06; 94-1111, eff. 2-27-07; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; | ||||||
15 | 95-950, eff. 8-29-08.)
| ||||||
16 | Section 25. The School Code is amended by changing Sections | ||||||
17 | 1A-8, 1C-2, 2-3.25c, 2-3.25d, 2-3.53a, 3-7, 10-17a, 10-20.20, | ||||||
18 | 10-22.45, 14-13.01, 18-8.05, 19-3, 21-29, 21A-5, 21A-10, | ||||||
19 | 21A-15, 21A-20, 21A-25, 21A-30, 23-3, 23-6, 24-12, 24A-3, | ||||||
20 | 24A-4, 24A-5, 24A-6, and 24A-8, by adding Sections 2-3.25d-5, | ||||||
21 | 2-3.53b, 2-3.64b, 2-3.148, 2-3.149, 2-3.150, 2-3.151, 2-3.152, | ||||||
22 | 3-6.5, 10-16.10, 10-17b, 10-17c, 10-17d, 10-20.46, 17-2.11c, | ||||||
23 | 21A-3, 23-5.5, 34-18.37, 34-18.38, 34-18.39, 34-18.40, and | ||||||
24 | 34-18.41, and by renumbering and changing Section 10-20.41 as | ||||||
25 | added by Public Act 95-707 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (105 ILCS 5/1A-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-8)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 1A-8. Powers of the Board in Assisting Districts | ||||||
3 | Deemed in Financial
Difficulties. To promote the financial | ||||||
4 | integrity of school districts, the
State Board of Education | ||||||
5 | shall be provided the necessary powers to promote
sound | ||||||
6 | financial management and continue operation of the public | ||||||
7 | schools.
| ||||||
8 | The State Superintendent of Education may require a school | ||||||
9 | district, including any district subject to Article 34A of this | ||||||
10 | Code, to share financial information relevant to a proper | ||||||
11 | investigation of the district's financial condition and the | ||||||
12 | delivery of appropriate State financial, technical, and | ||||||
13 | consulting services to the district if the district (i) has | ||||||
14 | been designated, through the State Board of Education's School | ||||||
15 | District Financial Profile System, as on financial warning or | ||||||
16 | financial watch status, (ii) has failed to file an annual | ||||||
17 | financial report, annual budget, deficit reduction plan, or | ||||||
18 | other financial information as required by law, or (iii) has | ||||||
19 | been identified, through the district's annual audit or other | ||||||
20 | financial and management information, as in serious financial | ||||||
21 | difficulty in the current or next school year. In addition to | ||||||
22 | financial, technical, and consulting services provided by the | ||||||
23 | State Board of Education, at the request of a school district, | ||||||
24 | the State Superintendent may provide for an independent | ||||||
25 | financial consultant to assist the district review its |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial condition and options.
| ||||||
2 | The State Board of Education, after proper investigation of | ||||||
3 | a district's
financial condition, may certify that a district, | ||||||
4 | including any district
subject to Article 34A, is in financial | ||||||
5 | difficulty
when any of the following conditions occur:
| ||||||
6 | (1) The district has issued school or teacher orders | ||||||
7 | for wages as permitted in Sections
8-16, 32-7.2 and 34-76 | ||||||
8 | of this Code;
| ||||||
9 | (2) The district has issued tax anticipation warrants | ||||||
10 | or tax
anticipation notes in anticipation of a second | ||||||
11 | year's taxes when warrants or
notes in anticipation of | ||||||
12 | current year taxes are still outstanding, as
authorized by | ||||||
13 | Sections 17-16, 34-23, 34-59 and 34-63 of this Code, or has | ||||||
14 | issued short-term debt against 2 future revenue sources, | ||||||
15 | such as, but not limited to, tax anticipation warrants and | ||||||
16 | general State Aid certificates or tax anticipation | ||||||
17 | warrants and revenue anticipation notes;
| ||||||
18 | (3) The district has for 2 consecutive years shown an | ||||||
19 | excess
of expenditures and other financing uses over | ||||||
20 | revenues and other financing
sources and beginning fund | ||||||
21 | balances on its annual financial report for the
aggregate | ||||||
22 | totals of the Educational, Operations and Maintenance,
| ||||||
23 | Transportation, and Working Cash Funds;
| ||||||
24 | (4) The district refuses to provide financial | ||||||
25 | information or cooperate with the State Superintendent in | ||||||
26 | an investigation of the district's financial condition.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | No school district shall be certified by the State Board of | ||||||
2 | Education to be in financial difficulty by
reason of any of the | ||||||
3 | above circumstances (i) if arising solely as a result of the | ||||||
4 | failure
of the county to make any distribution of property tax | ||||||
5 | money due the district
at the time such distribution is due ; | ||||||
6 | (ii) if arising solely as a result of the failure of the | ||||||
7 | Comptroller to disburse reimbursements in accordance with | ||||||
8 | Sections 14-7.02, 14-7.02b, 14-7.03, 14-13.01, 18-3, 18-11, | ||||||
9 | 18-4.3, and 29-5 for receipt by the school district no later | ||||||
10 | than June 30th of each year ; or (iii) if the district clearly | ||||||
11 | demonstrates
to the satisfaction of the State Board of | ||||||
12 | Education at the time of its
determination that such condition | ||||||
13 | no longer exists. If the State Board of
Education certifies | ||||||
14 | that a district in a city with 500,000 inhabitants or
more is | ||||||
15 | in financial difficulty, the State Board shall so notify the
| ||||||
16 | Governor and the Mayor of the city in which the district is | ||||||
17 | located. The
State Board of Education may require school | ||||||
18 | districts certified in
financial difficulty, except those | ||||||
19 | districts subject to Article 34A, to
develop, adopt and submit | ||||||
20 | a financial plan within 45 days after
certification of | ||||||
21 | financial difficulty. The financial plan shall be
developed | ||||||
22 | according to guidelines presented to the district by the State
| ||||||
23 | Board of Education within 14 days of certification. Such | ||||||
24 | guidelines shall
address the specific nature of each district's | ||||||
25 | financial difficulties. Any
proposed budget of the district | ||||||
26 | shall be consistent with the financial plan
submitted to and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | approved by the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
2 | A district certified to be in financial difficulty, other | ||||||
3 | than a district
subject to Article 34A, shall report to the | ||||||
4 | State Board of Education at
such times and in such manner as | ||||||
5 | the State Board may direct, concerning the
district's | ||||||
6 | compliance with each financial plan. The State Board may review
| ||||||
7 | the district's operations, obtain budgetary data and financial | ||||||
8 | statements,
require the district to produce reports, and have | ||||||
9 | access to any other
information in the possession of the | ||||||
10 | district that it deems relevant. The
State Board may issue | ||||||
11 | recommendations or directives within its powers to
the district | ||||||
12 | to assist in compliance with the financial plan. The district
| ||||||
13 | shall produce such budgetary data, financial statements, | ||||||
14 | reports and other
information and comply with such directives. | ||||||
15 | If the State Board of Education
determines that a district has | ||||||
16 | failed to comply with its financial plan, the
State Board of | ||||||
17 | Education may rescind approval of the plan and appoint a
| ||||||
18 | Financial Oversight Panel for the district as provided in | ||||||
19 | Section 1B-4. This
action shall be taken only after the | ||||||
20 | district has been given notice and an
opportunity to appear | ||||||
21 | before the State Board of Education to discuss its
failure to | ||||||
22 | comply with its financial plan.
| ||||||
23 | No bonds, notes, teachers orders, tax anticipation | ||||||
24 | warrants or other
evidences of indebtedness shall be issued or | ||||||
25 | sold by a school district or
be legally binding upon or | ||||||
26 | enforceable against a local board of education
of a district |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | certified to be in financial difficulty unless and until the
| ||||||
2 | financial plan required under this Section has been approved by | ||||||
3 | the State
Board of Education.
| ||||||
4 | Any financial watch list distributed by the State Board of | ||||||
5 | Education
pursuant to this Section shall designate those school | ||||||
6 | districts on the
watch list that would not otherwise be on the | ||||||
7 | watch list were it not for the
inability or refusal of the | ||||||
8 | State of Illinois to make timely
disbursements of any payments | ||||||
9 | due school districts or to fully reimburse
school districts for | ||||||
10 | mandated categorical programs pursuant to
reimbursement | ||||||
11 | formulas provided in this School Code.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 94-234, eff. 7-1-06 .)
| ||||||
13 | (105 ILCS 5/1C-2)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 1C-2. Block grants.
| ||||||
15 | (a) For fiscal year 1999, and each fiscal year thereafter, | ||||||
16 | the State Board
of Education shall award to school districts | ||||||
17 | block grants as described in subsection
(c). The State Board of | ||||||
18 | Education may adopt
rules and regulations necessary to | ||||||
19 | implement this Section. In accordance with
Section 2-3.32, all | ||||||
20 | state block grants are subject to an audit. Therefore,
block | ||||||
21 | grant receipts and block grant expenditures shall be recorded | ||||||
22 | to the
appropriate fund code.
| ||||||
23 | (b) (Blank).
| ||||||
24 | (c) An Early Childhood Education Block Grant shall be | ||||||
25 | created by combining
the following programs: Preschool |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Education, Parental Training and Prevention
Initiative. These | ||||||
2 | funds shall be distributed to school districts and other
| ||||||
3 | entities on a competitive basis. Eleven percent of this grant
| ||||||
4 | shall be used to
fund programs for children ages 0-3.
| ||||||
5 | (d) The General Assembly shall appropriate or transfer | ||||||
6 | amounts to the Early Childhood Education Block Grant for the | ||||||
7 | programs specified in subsection (c) of this Section as | ||||||
8 | follows: the Fiscal Year 2009 appropriation plus (1) at least | ||||||
9 | the Fiscal Year 2009 appropriation plus an additional | ||||||
10 | $45,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2010; (2) at least the previous | ||||||
11 | fiscal year appropriation plus at least an additional | ||||||
12 | $90,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2011; (3) at least the previous | ||||||
13 | fiscal year appropriation plus at least an additional | ||||||
14 | $135,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2012; and (4) at least the | ||||||
15 | previous fiscal year appropriation plus at least an additional | ||||||
16 | $180,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2013. Thereafter, the amount | ||||||
17 | appropriated or transferred to the Early Childhood Education | ||||||
18 | Block Grant each fiscal year shall be the amount from the | ||||||
19 | previous fiscal year, increased by at least the percentage | ||||||
20 | increase, if any, in the Employment Cost Index for Elementary | ||||||
21 | and Secondary Schools, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor | ||||||
22 | Statistics, for the then most recent, completed calendar year. | ||||||
23 | The Early Childhood Education Block Grant shall not be subject | ||||||
24 | to sweeps, administrative charges, or charge-backs, including, | ||||||
25 | but not limited to, those authorized under Section 8h of the | ||||||
26 | State Finance Act or any other fiscal or budgetary maneuver |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that would in any way transfer any funds from the Early | ||||||
2 | Childhood Education Block Grant into any other fund of this | ||||||
3 | State. | ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 95-793, eff. 1-1-09.)
| ||||||
5 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.25c) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.25c)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 2-3.25c. Financial and other awards Rewards and | ||||||
7 | acknowledgements . | ||||||
8 | (a) The State Board of
Education shall implement a
system | ||||||
9 | of rewards for
districts, and the schools themselves,
| ||||||
10 | whose students
and schools consistently meet adequate yearly | ||||||
11 | progress criteria for 2 or more
consecutive years and a system | ||||||
12 | to acknowledge schools and districts that meet
adequate yearly | ||||||
13 | progress criteria in a given year as specified in Section
| ||||||
14 | 2-3.25d
of this Code.
| ||||||
15 | (b) Financial awards shall be provided to the schools that | ||||||
16 | the State
Superintendent of Education determines have | ||||||
17 | demonstrated the greatest improvement in achieving the | ||||||
18 | education goals of improved student achievement and improved | ||||||
19 | school completion, subject to appropriation by the General | ||||||
20 | Assembly and any limitation set by the State Superintendent on | ||||||
21 | the total amount that may be awarded to a school or school | ||||||
22 | district; provided that such financial awards must not be used | ||||||
23 | to enhance the compensation of staff in school districts having | ||||||
24 | a population not exceeding 500,000. | ||||||
25 | (c) The State Superintendent of Education may present |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | proclamations or certificates to schools and school systems | ||||||
2 | determined to have met or exceeded the State's education goals | ||||||
3 | under Section 2-3.64 of this Code. | ||||||
4 | (d) The Education Financial Award System Fund is created as | ||||||
5 | a special fund in the State treasury. All money in the Fund | ||||||
6 | shall be used, subject to appropriation, by the State Board of | ||||||
7 | Education for the purpose of funding financial awards under | ||||||
8 | this Section. The Fund shall consist of all moneys appropriated | ||||||
9 | to the fund by the General Assembly and any gifts, grants, | ||||||
10 | donations, and other moneys received by the State Board of | ||||||
11 | Education for implementation of the awards system. | ||||||
12 | Any unexpended or unencumbered moneys remaining in the | ||||||
13 | Education Financial Award System Fund at the end of a fiscal | ||||||
14 | year shall remain in the Fund and shall not revert or be | ||||||
15 | credited or transferred to the General Revenue Fund nor be | ||||||
16 | transferred to any other fund. Any interest derived from the | ||||||
17 | deposit and investment of moneys in the Education Financial | ||||||
18 | Award System Fund shall remain in the Fund and shall not be | ||||||
19 | credited to the General Revenue Fund. The Education Financial | ||||||
20 | Award System Fund must be appropriated and expended only for | ||||||
21 | the awards system. The awards are subject to audit requirements | ||||||
22 | established by the State Board of Education. | ||||||
23 | (e) If a school or school district meets adequate yearly | ||||||
24 | progress criteria for
consecutive school years, that school | ||||||
25 | or district shall be exempt from review
approval of its | ||||||
26 | improvement plan for the next 2 succeeding school years.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 93-470, eff. 8-8-03.)
| ||||||
2 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.25d) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.25d)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 2-3.25d. Academic early warning and watch status.
| ||||||
4 | (a) Beginning with the 2005-2006 school year, unless the | ||||||
5 | federal government formally disapproves of such policy through | ||||||
6 | the submission and review process for the Illinois | ||||||
7 | Accountability Workbook, those
schools that do not meet | ||||||
8 | adequate yearly progress criteria for 2 consecutive annual
| ||||||
9 | calculations in the same subgroup and in the same subject or in | ||||||
10 | their participation rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate
| ||||||
11 | shall be placed on academic early warning status for the next | ||||||
12 | school year.
Schools on academic early warning status that do | ||||||
13 | not meet adequate yearly
progress criteria for a third annual | ||||||
14 | calculation in the same subgroup and in the same subject or in | ||||||
15 | their participation rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate
| ||||||
16 | shall remain on academic early
warning status. Schools on | ||||||
17 | academic early warning status that do not meet
adequate yearly | ||||||
18 | progress criteria for a fourth annual calculation in the same | ||||||
19 | subgroup and in the same subject or in their participation | ||||||
20 | rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate shall be
on | ||||||
21 | initial academic watch status. Schools on academic watch status | ||||||
22 | that do not
meet adequate yearly progress criteria for a fifth | ||||||
23 | or subsequent annual
calculation in the same subgroup and in | ||||||
24 | the same subject or in their participation rate, attendance | ||||||
25 | rate, or graduation rate shall remain on academic watch status. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Schools on academic early
warning or academic watch status that | ||||||
2 | meet adequate yearly progress criteria
one annual | ||||||
3 | calculation
shall be considered as having
expectations and | ||||||
4 | shall be removed from any status designation.
| ||||||
5 | The school district of a school placed on either academic | ||||||
6 | early warning
status or academic watch status may appeal the | ||||||
7 | status to the State Board of
Education in accordance with | ||||||
8 | Section 2-3.25m of this Code.
| ||||||
9 | A school district that has one or more schools on academic | ||||||
10 | early warning
or academic watch status shall prepare a revised | ||||||
11 | School Improvement Plan or
amendments thereto setting forth the | ||||||
12 | district's expectations for removing each
school from academic | ||||||
13 | early warning or academic watch status and for improving
| ||||||
14 | student performance in the affected school or schools. | ||||||
15 | Districts operating
Article 34 of this Code may prepare | ||||||
16 | the School Improvement Plan required under
Section 34-2.4 of | ||||||
17 | this Code.
| ||||||
18 | The revised School Improvement Plan for a school
that is | ||||||
19 | initially placed on academic early warning status
or that | ||||||
20 | remains on
academic early warning status after a third annual | ||||||
21 | calculation
must be approved by
school board (and by the | ||||||
22 | school's local school council in a district operating
under | ||||||
23 | Article 34 of this Code, unless the school is on probation | ||||||
24 | pursuant to
subsection (c) of Section
34-8.3 of this Code).
| ||||||
25 | The revised School Improvement Plan for a school that is | ||||||
26 | initially placed on
academic watch status after a fourth annual |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | calculation must be approved by the
school board (and by the | ||||||
2 | school's local school council in a district operating
under | ||||||
3 | Article 34 of this Code, unless the school is on probation | ||||||
4 | pursuant to
subsection (c) of Section
34-8.3 of this Code).
| ||||||
5 | The revised School Improvement Plan for a school that | ||||||
6 | remains on
academic watch status after a fifth annual | ||||||
7 | calculation must be approved by the
school board (and by the | ||||||
8 | school's local school council in a district operating
under | ||||||
9 | Article 34 of this Code, unless the school is on probation | ||||||
10 | pursuant to
subsection (c) of Section
34-8.3 of this Code).
In | ||||||
11 | addition, the district must develop a school restructuring plan | ||||||
12 | for the
school that
be approved by the school board (and | ||||||
13 | by the school's local school council in a
district operating | ||||||
14 | under Article 34 of this Code).
| ||||||
15 | A school on academic watch status that does not meet | ||||||
16 | adequate yearly
progress criteria for a sixth annual | ||||||
17 | calculation shall implement its approved
school restructuring | ||||||
18 | plan beginning with the next school year, subject to the
| ||||||
19 | interventions specified in Section 2-3.25f of this Code.
| ||||||
20 | (b) Beginning with the 2005-2006 school year, unless the | ||||||
21 | federal government formally disapproves of such policy through | ||||||
22 | the submission and review process for the Illinois | ||||||
23 | Accountability Workbook, those
school districts that do not | ||||||
24 | meet adequate yearly progress
criteria for 2 consecutive
| ||||||
25 | calculations in the same subgroup and in the same subject or in | ||||||
26 | their participation rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be placed on academic early warning status for the next
| ||||||
2 | school year. Districts on academic early warning status that do | ||||||
3 | not meet
adequate yearly progress criteria for a third annual | ||||||
4 | calculation in the same subgroup and in the same subject or in | ||||||
5 | their participation rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate
| ||||||
6 | shall remain
academic early warning status. Districts on | ||||||
7 | academic early warning status that
do not meet adequate yearly | ||||||
8 | progress criteria for a fourth annual calculation
in the same | ||||||
9 | subgroup and in the same subject or in their participation | ||||||
10 | rate, attendance rate, or graduation rate shall
be placed on | ||||||
11 | initial academic watch status. Districts on academic watch | ||||||
12 | status
that do not meet adequate yearly progress criteria for a | ||||||
13 | fifth or subsequent
annual calculation in the same subgroup and | ||||||
14 | in the same subject or in their participation rate, attendance | ||||||
15 | rate, or graduation rate shall remain on academic watch status. | ||||||
16 | Districts on academic
early warning or academic watch status | ||||||
17 | that meet adequate yearly progress
criteria for one annual | ||||||
18 | calculation shall be
as having met expectations and | ||||||
19 | shall be removed from any status designation.
| ||||||
20 | A district placed on either academic early warning status | ||||||
21 | or academic
watch status may appeal the status to the State | ||||||
22 | Board of Education in
accordance with Section 2-3.25m of this | ||||||
23 | Code.
| ||||||
24 | Districts on academic early warning or academic watch | ||||||
25 | status shall
prepare a District Improvement Plan or amendments | ||||||
26 | thereto setting forth the
district's expectations for removing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the district from academic early warning
academic watch | ||||||
2 | status and for improving student performance in the district.
| ||||||
3 | All
District Improvement Plans must be approved by the | ||||||
4 | school board.
| ||||||
5 | (c) All new and revised School and District Improvement | ||||||
6 | Plans shall be developed
in collaboration with parents, staff | ||||||
7 | in the affected school or school district and their exclusive | ||||||
8 | bargaining representatives, if any , and outside experts. All
| ||||||
9 | revised
School and District Improvement Plans shall be | ||||||
10 | developed, submitted, and
monitored pursuant to rules adopted | ||||||
11 | by the State Board of Education. The
revised Improvement Plan | ||||||
12 | shall address measurable outcomes for improving
student | ||||||
13 | performance so that such performance meets adequate yearly | ||||||
14 | progress
criteria as specified by the State Board of Education | ||||||
15 | and shall include a staff professional development plan | ||||||
16 | developed at least in cooperation with staff or, if applicable, | ||||||
17 | the exclusive bargaining representatives of the staff . All | ||||||
18 | school districts required to revise a School Improvement Plan | ||||||
19 | in accordance with this Section shall establish a peer review | ||||||
20 | process for the evaluation of School Improvement Plans.
| ||||||
21 | (d) All federal requirements apply to schools and school | ||||||
22 | districts utilizing
federal funds under Title I, Part A of the | ||||||
23 | federal Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965. | ||||||
24 | (e) The State Board of Education, from any moneys it may | ||||||
25 | have available for this purpose, must implement
and administer | ||||||
26 | a grant
program that provides 2-year grants to school districts |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on the academic watch
list and other school districts that have | ||||||
2 | the lowest achieving students, as
determined by the State Board | ||||||
3 | of Education, to be
used to improve student achievement.
In | ||||||
4 | order
to receive a
grant under this program, a school district | ||||||
5 | must establish an accountability
program. The
accountability | ||||||
6 | program must involve the use of statewide testing standards and
| ||||||
7 | local
evaluation measures. A grant shall be automatically | ||||||
8 | renewed when achievement
goals are met. The Board may adopt any | ||||||
9 | rules necessary to implement and
administer this grant program.
| ||||||
10 | (f) In addition to any moneys available under subsection | ||||||
11 | (e) of this Section, a school district required to maintain | ||||||
12 | School and District Improvement Plans under this Section, | ||||||
13 | including a school district organized under Article 34 of this | ||||||
14 | Code, shall annually receive from the State an amount equal to | ||||||
15 | $150 times the number of full-time certified teachers and | ||||||
16 | administrators it employs for developing and implementing its | ||||||
17 | mandatory School and District Improvement Plans, including its | ||||||
18 | staff professional development plan. | ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 93-470, eff. 8-8-03; 93-890, eff. 8-9-04; 94-666, | ||||||
20 | eff. 8-23-05; 94-875, eff. 7-1-06.)
| ||||||
21 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.25d-5 new) | ||||||
22 | Sec. 2-3.25d-5. Educational improvement plan. | ||||||
23 | (a) Except for school districts required to develop School | ||||||
24 | and District Improvement Plans under Section 2-3.25d of this | ||||||
25 | Code, each school district shall develop, in compliance with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rules promulgated by the State Board of Education, an | ||||||
2 | educational improvement plan that must include (i) measures for | ||||||
3 | improving school district, school building, and individual | ||||||
4 | student performance and (ii) a staff professional development | ||||||
5 | plan developed at least in cooperation with staff or, if | ||||||
6 | applicable, the exclusive bargaining representatives of the | ||||||
7 | staff. The district shall develop the educational improvement | ||||||
8 | plan in collaboration with parents, staff, and the staff's | ||||||
9 | exclusive bargaining representatives, if any. | ||||||
10 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.53a)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 2-3.53a. New principal mentoring program. | ||||||
12 | (a) In this Section, "new principal" means a principal of a | ||||||
13 | public school who has less than 2 full school years of | ||||||
14 | experience as a principal in a public school in this State. | ||||||
15 | Beginning on July 1, 2007, and subject to an annual | ||||||
16 | appropriation by the General Assembly, to establish a new | ||||||
17 | principal mentoring program for new principals. Any individual | ||||||
18 | who is hired as a principal in the State of Illinois on or | ||||||
19 | after July 1, 2007 shall participate in a new principal | ||||||
20 | mentoring program for the duration of his or her first year as | ||||||
21 | a principal and must complete the program in accordance with | ||||||
22 | the requirements established by the State Board of Education by | ||||||
23 | rule or, for a school district created by Article 34 of this | ||||||
24 | Code, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34-18.27 of | ||||||
25 | this Code. School districts created by Article 34 are not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subject to the requirements of subsection (b), (c), (d), (e), | ||||||
2 | (f), or (g) of this Section. The new principal mentoring | ||||||
3 | program shall match an experienced principal who meets the | ||||||
4 | requirements of subsection (b) of this Section with each new | ||||||
5 | principal in his or her first year in that position in order to | ||||||
6 | assist the new principal in the development of his or her | ||||||
7 | professional growth and to provide guidance during the new | ||||||
8 | principal's first year of service. | ||||||
9 | (b) Any individual who has been a principal in Illinois for | ||||||
10 | 3 or more years and who has demonstrated success as an | ||||||
11 | instructional leader, as determined by the State Board by rule, | ||||||
12 | is eligible to apply to be a mentor under a new principal | ||||||
13 | mentoring program. Mentors shall complete mentoring training | ||||||
14 | by entities approved by the State Board and meet any other | ||||||
15 | requirements set forth by the State Board and by the school | ||||||
16 | district employing the mentor. | ||||||
17 | (c) The State Board shall certify an entity or entities | ||||||
18 | approved to provide training of mentors. | ||||||
19 | (d) A mentor shall be assigned to a new principal based on | ||||||
20 | (i) similarity of grade level or type of school, (ii) learning | ||||||
21 | needs of the new principal, and (iii) geographical proximity of | ||||||
22 | the mentor to the new principal. The principal, in | ||||||
23 | collaboration with the mentor, shall identify areas for | ||||||
24 | improvement of the new principal's professional growth, | ||||||
25 | including, but not limited to, each of the following: | ||||||
26 | (1) Analyzing data and applying it to practice. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Aligning professional development and | ||||||
2 | instructional programs. | ||||||
3 | (3) Building a professional learning community. | ||||||
4 | (4) Observing classroom practices and providing | ||||||
5 | feedback. | ||||||
6 | (5) Facilitating effective meetings. | ||||||
7 | (6) Developing distributive leadership practices. | ||||||
8 | (7) Facilitating organizational change. | ||||||
9 | The mentor shall not be required to provide an evaluation of | ||||||
10 | the new principal on the basis of the mentoring relationship. | ||||||
11 | (e) On or after January 1, 2008 and on or after January 1 | ||||||
12 | of each year thereafter, each mentor and each new principal | ||||||
13 | shall complete a survey of progress on a form developed by | ||||||
14 | their respective school districts. On or before July 1, 2008 | ||||||
15 | and on or after July 1 of each year thereafter, the State Board | ||||||
16 | shall facilitate a review and evaluate the mentoring training | ||||||
17 | program in collaboration with the approved providers. Each new | ||||||
18 | principal and his or her mentor must complete a verification | ||||||
19 | form developed by the State Board in order to certify their | ||||||
20 | completion of a new principal mentoring program. | ||||||
21 | (f) The requirements of this Section do not apply to any | ||||||
22 | individual who has previously served as an assistant principal | ||||||
23 | in Illinois acting under an administrative certificate for 5 or | ||||||
24 | more years and who is hired, on or after July 1, 2007, as a | ||||||
25 | principal by the school district in which the individual last | ||||||
26 | served as an assistant principal, although such an individual |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may choose to participate in this program or shall be required | ||||||
2 | to participate by the school district. | ||||||
3 | (f-5) A separate appropriation shall annually be made for | ||||||
4 | the purposes of this Section for each new principal, as defined | ||||||
5 | by this Section, for each of 2 school years for the purpose of | ||||||
6 | providing one or more of the following: | ||||||
7 | (1) Mentor principal compensation. | ||||||
8 | (2) Mentor principal training. | ||||||
9 | (3) Program administration, not to exceed 20% of the | ||||||
10 | total program cost. | ||||||
11 | The General Assembly shall annually appropriate $3,800,000 | ||||||
12 | for the principal mentoring, leadership, and professional | ||||||
13 | development program. | ||||||
14 | (g) The State Board may adopt any rules necessary for the | ||||||
15 | implementation of this Section.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 94-1039, eff. 7-20-06.) | ||||||
17 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.53b new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 2-3.53b. New superintendent mentoring program. | ||||||
19 | (a) Beginning on July 1, 2009 and subject to an annual | ||||||
20 | appropriation by the General Assembly, to establish a new | ||||||
21 | superintendent mentoring program for new superintendents. Any | ||||||
22 | individual who begins serving as a superintendent in this State | ||||||
23 | on or after July 1, 2009 and has not previously served as a | ||||||
24 | school district superintendent in this State shall participate | ||||||
25 | in the new superintendent mentoring program for the duration of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | his or her first 2 school years as a superintendent and must | ||||||
2 | complete the program in accordance with the requirements | ||||||
3 | established by the State Board of Education by rule. The new | ||||||
4 | superintendent mentoring program shall match an experienced | ||||||
5 | superintendent who meets the requirements of subsection (b) of | ||||||
6 | this Section with each new superintendent in his or her first 2 | ||||||
7 | school years in that position in order to assist the new | ||||||
8 | superintendent in the development of his or her professional | ||||||
9 | growth and to provide guidance during the new superintendent's | ||||||
10 | first 2 school years of service. | ||||||
11 | (b) Any individual who has actively served as a school | ||||||
12 | district superintendent in this State for 3 or more years and | ||||||
13 | who has demonstrated success as an instructional leader, as | ||||||
14 | determined by the State Board of Education by rule, is eligible | ||||||
15 | to apply to be a mentor under the new superintendent mentoring | ||||||
16 | program. Mentors shall complete mentoring training through a | ||||||
17 | provider selected by the State Board of Education and shall | ||||||
18 | meet any other requirements set forth by the State Board and by | ||||||
19 | the school district employing the mentor. | ||||||
20 | (c) Under the new superintendent mentoring program, a | ||||||
21 | provider selected by the State Board of Education shall assign | ||||||
22 | a mentor to a new superintendent based on (i) similarity of | ||||||
23 | grade level or type of school district, (ii) learning needs of | ||||||
24 | the new superintendent, and (iii) geographical proximity of the | ||||||
25 | mentor to the new superintendent. The new superintendent, in | ||||||
26 | collaboration with the mentor, shall identify areas for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | improvement of the new superintendent's professional growth, | ||||||
2 | including, but not limited to, each of the following: | ||||||
3 | (1) Analyzing data and applying it to practice. | ||||||
4 | (2) Aligning professional development and | ||||||
5 | instructional programs. | ||||||
6 | (3) Building a professional learning community. | ||||||
7 | (4) Effective school board relations. | ||||||
8 | (5) Facilitating effective meetings. | ||||||
9 | (6) Developing distributive leadership practices. | ||||||
10 | (7) Facilitating organizational change. | ||||||
11 | The mentor must not be required to provide an evaluation of | ||||||
12 | the new superintendent on the basis of the mentoring | ||||||
13 | relationship. | ||||||
14 | (d) From January 1, 2010 until May 15, 2010 and from | ||||||
15 | January 1 until May 15 each year thereafter, each mentor and | ||||||
16 | each new superintendent shall complete a survey of progress of | ||||||
17 | the new superintendent on a form developed by the school | ||||||
18 | district. On or before September 1, 2010 and on or before | ||||||
19 | September 1 of each year thereafter, the provider selected by | ||||||
20 | the State Board of Education shall submit a detailed annual | ||||||
21 | report to the State Board of how the appropriation for the new | ||||||
22 | superintendent mentoring program was spent, details on each | ||||||
23 | mentor-mentee relationship, and a qualitative evaluation of | ||||||
24 | the outcomes. The provider shall develop a verification form | ||||||
25 | that each new superintendent and his or her mentor must | ||||||
26 | complete and submit to the provider to certify completion of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | each year of the new superintendent mentoring program by July | ||||||
2 | 15 immediately following the school year just completed. | ||||||
3 | (e) The requirements of this Section do not apply to any | ||||||
4 | individual who has previously served as an assistant | ||||||
5 | superintendent in a school district in this State acting under | ||||||
6 | an administrative certificate for 5 or more years and who, on | ||||||
7 | or after July 1, 2009, begins serving as a superintendent in | ||||||
8 | the school district where he or she had served as an assistant | ||||||
9 | superintendent immediately prior to being named | ||||||
10 | superintendent, although such an individual may choose to | ||||||
11 | participate in the new superintendent mentoring program or may | ||||||
12 | be required to participate by the school district. The | ||||||
13 | requirements of this Section do not apply to any superintendent | ||||||
14 | or chief executive officer of a school district organized under | ||||||
15 | Article 34 of this Code. | ||||||
16 | (f) The State Board may adopt any rules that are necessary | ||||||
17 | for the implementation of this Section.
| ||||||
18 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.64b new) | ||||||
19 | Sec. 2-3.64b. Performance measures. | ||||||
20 | (a) In this Section: | ||||||
21 | "Growth model assessment" means a statistical system for | ||||||
22 | educational outcome assessment that uses measures of student | ||||||
23 | learning to enable the estimation of teacher, school, and | ||||||
24 | school district statistical distributions and that conforms to | ||||||
25 | or is consistent with applicable State and federal laws and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | regulations to the extent practicable. The statistical system | ||||||
2 | shall use available and appropriate data as input to account | ||||||
3 | for differences in prior student attainment, such that the | ||||||
4 | impact that the teacher, school, and school district have on | ||||||
5 | the educational progress of students may be estimated on a | ||||||
6 | student attainment constant basis. The impact that a teacher, | ||||||
7 | school, or school district has on the progress or lack of | ||||||
8 | progress in educational advancement or learning of a student is | ||||||
9 | referred to
in this Section as the "effect" of the teacher, | ||||||
10 | school, or school district on
the educational progress of | ||||||
11 | students. | ||||||
12 | "School" includes a charter school. | ||||||
13 | "Teacher" includes a teacher in a charter school. | ||||||
14 | (b) No later than July 1, 2013, the State Board of | ||||||
15 | Education shall
establish a statewide growth model assessment | ||||||
16 | system to measure the
annual increase or growth in each | ||||||
17 | student's performance relative to a
standard year of academic | ||||||
18 | growth on the assessments provided for in
Section 2-3.64 of | ||||||
19 | this Code and other performance indicators that the
State Board | ||||||
20 | may identify. In developing such a system, the State Board | ||||||
21 | shall coordinate with school districts, including a school | ||||||
22 | district organized under Article 34 of this Code, that have or | ||||||
23 | that are in the process of developing local growth model | ||||||
24 | assessment systems. | ||||||
25 | (c) The growth model assessment system shall reliably | ||||||
26 | estimate school district, school, and teacher effects on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | students' academic achievement over time, control for student | ||||||
2 | characteristics, and use an independently verifiable | ||||||
3 | statistical methodology to produce such estimates. | ||||||
4 | (d) A specific teacher's effect on the educational progress | ||||||
5 | of students may not be used as a part of a formal personnel | ||||||
6 | evaluation until data from 3 complete academic years are | ||||||
7 | obtained and unless the district and the exclusive bargaining | ||||||
8 | representative of the district's teachers, if any, have agreed | ||||||
9 | to its use as part of an alternative evaluation plan under | ||||||
10 | Section 24A-5 or 24A-8 of this Code. Teacher effect data must | ||||||
11 | not be retained for use in evaluations for more than the most | ||||||
12 | recent 5 years. A student must have been present for 150 days | ||||||
13 | of classroom instruction per year or 75 days of classroom | ||||||
14 | instruction per semester before that student's record is | ||||||
15 | attributable to a specific teacher. Records from any student | ||||||
16 | who is eligible for special education services under federal | ||||||
17 | law must not be used as part of the growth model assessment. | ||||||
18 | (e) The State Board of Education shall provide growth model | ||||||
19 | assessment data to each school district as soon as practicable | ||||||
20 | after receipt of such data, but in no case later than December | ||||||
21 | 1. The aggregate growth model assessment estimates for each | ||||||
22 | school district and school shall also be included in each | ||||||
23 | school district's report card under Section
10-17a of this | ||||||
24 | Code. | ||||||
25 | (f) All identifiable individual student performance data, | ||||||
26 | information, and reports shall be deemed confidential, shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not be a public record, and shall not be disclosed; provided | ||||||
2 | that such information shall be made available only to a | ||||||
3 | student's classroom teacher and other
appropriate educational | ||||||
4 | personnel and to the student's parent or
guardian. | ||||||
5 | (g) All identifiable teacher effects data, information, | ||||||
6 | and reports
shall be deemed confidential, shall not be a public | ||||||
7 | record, and shall
not be disclosed without the teacher's | ||||||
8 | express written consent, except to appropriate
personnel in the | ||||||
9 | district in which the teacher is employed. | ||||||
10 | (h) The data, information, and reports referred to in | ||||||
11 | subsection (f) of this Section shall not constitute a school | ||||||
12 | student record under Section 2 of the Illinois School Student | ||||||
13 | Records Act and shall otherwise be exempt from disclosure under | ||||||
14 | Section 6 of the Illinois School Student Records Act. The data, | ||||||
15 | information, and reports referred to in subsections (f) and (g) | ||||||
16 | of this Section shall not constitute a public record under | ||||||
17 | Section 2 of the Freedom of Information Act and shall otherwise | ||||||
18 | be exempt from disclosure under subdivisions (a) and (b) of | ||||||
19 | subsection (1) of Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act. | ||||||
20 | Nothing in this Section prevents the State Board of Education | ||||||
21 | from releasing or otherwise disclosing such data, information, | ||||||
22 | and reports to any person associated with a recognized | ||||||
23 | institution of higher education for the purpose of research, | ||||||
24 | analysis, or statistical reporting or planning, provided that | ||||||
25 | no student or teacher can be identified from the data, | ||||||
26 | information, or report released and the person to whom the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | data, information, or report is released signs an affidavit | ||||||
2 | agreeing to comply with all applicable statutes pertaining to | ||||||
3 | confidential student and personnel records. | ||||||
4 | (i) As provided in Sections 2-3.25d, 2-3.25f, and 2-3.25h | ||||||
5 | of this Code, the State Board of Education shall establish a | ||||||
6 | coherent and sustained system of assistance and support for | ||||||
7 | schools not meeting identified levels of achievement or not | ||||||
8 | showing specified levels of progress, as determined by the | ||||||
9 | State Board based upon the schools' growth model assessment | ||||||
10 | results. As provided in Section 2-3.25f of this Code, the State | ||||||
11 | Board of Education shall specify appropriate levels of | ||||||
12 | assistance and intervention for schools that receive an | ||||||
13 | unacceptable rating on student performance for the absolute | ||||||
14 | student achievement standard or on progress on improved student | ||||||
15 | achievement. | ||||||
16 | (j) The State Board of Education, from any moneys it may | ||||||
17 | have available for the purposes set forth in this Section, must | ||||||
18 | implement and administer a grant program that provides 2-year | ||||||
19 | grants to school districts, including a school district | ||||||
20 | organized under Article 34 of this Code, as determined by the | ||||||
21 | State Board of Education, to be used to develop local growth | ||||||
22 | model assessment systems. The Board may adopt any rules | ||||||
23 | necessary to implement and administer this grant program. | ||||||
24 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.148 new) | ||||||
25 | Sec. 2-3.148. The Digital Learning Technology Grant |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Program. | ||||||
2 | (a) As used in this Section, unless the context otherwise | ||||||
3 | requires, "information technology education" means education | ||||||
4 | in the
development, design, use, maintenance, repair, and | ||||||
5 | application of
information technology systems or equipment, | ||||||
6 | including, but not limited
to, computers, the Internet, | ||||||
7 | telecommunications devices and networks,
and multi-media | ||||||
8 | techniques. | ||||||
9 | (b) There is created the Digital Learning Technology Grant | ||||||
10 | Program to provide money to school districts and charter | ||||||
11 | schools to use in integrating information technology and | ||||||
12 | scientific equipment as tools to measurably improve teaching | ||||||
13 | and learning in grades 9 through 12 in this State's public | ||||||
14 | schools. The State Board of Education shall administer the | ||||||
15 | grant program through the acceptance, review, and | ||||||
16 | recommendation of applications submitted pursuant to this | ||||||
17 | Section. | ||||||
18 | (c) Grants awarded through the grant program created under | ||||||
19 | this Section shall continue for 4 fiscal years and may be | ||||||
20 | renewed as provided by rule of the State Board of Education. | ||||||
21 | Grants awarded through the program shall be paid out of any | ||||||
22 | money appropriated or credited to the Digital Learning | ||||||
23 | Technology Grant Fund. A school district or charter school | ||||||
24 | shall use any moneys obtained through the grant program to | ||||||
25 | integrate information technology education into the 9th grade | ||||||
26 | through 12th grade curriculum. In the case of a school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district, such integration shall be accomplished in one or more | ||||||
2 | public
schools in the district. The school district or charter | ||||||
3 | school may contract with one or more private entities for | ||||||
4 | assistance in integrating information technology education | ||||||
5 | into the curriculum. In addition, school districts and charter | ||||||
6 | schools are encouraged to partner with businesses for | ||||||
7 | assistance in integrating information technology education | ||||||
8 | into the curriculum. | ||||||
9 | (d) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for the
| ||||||
10 | administration and implementation of the grant program created | ||||||
11 | under this Section. The first grants shall be awarded through | ||||||
12 | the program for the 2009-2010 school year. Grants shall be | ||||||
13 | awarded annually thereafter. | ||||||
14 | (e) Any school district or charter school that seeks to | ||||||
15 | participate in the grant program created under this Section | ||||||
16 | shall submit an application to the
State Board of Education in | ||||||
17 | the form and according to the deadlines
established by rule of | ||||||
18 | the State Board of Education. The application
shall include the | ||||||
19 | following information: | ||||||
20 | (1) if the applicant is a school district, the names of | ||||||
21 | the schools that will receive the benefits of the grant; | ||||||
22 | (2) the current level of information technology | ||||||
23 | education
integration at the recipient schools; | ||||||
24 | (3) the school district's or charter school's plan for | ||||||
25 | integrating information technology education into the 9th | ||||||
26 | grade through 12th grade curriculum, including any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | specific method or program to be used, and any entities | ||||||
2 | with whom the school district or charter school plans to | ||||||
3 | contract or cooperate in achieving the integration; | ||||||
4 | (4) the specific, measurable goals to be achieved and | ||||||
5 | the
actual deliverables to be produced through the | ||||||
6 | integration of
information technology education into the | ||||||
7 | curriculum, a deadline
for achieving those goals, and a | ||||||
8 | proposed method of measuring
whether the goals were | ||||||
9 | achieved; | ||||||
10 | (5) any businesses with which the school district or | ||||||
11 | charter school has partnered to improve the availability | ||||||
12 | and integration of information technology education within | ||||||
13 | the curriculum; and | ||||||
14 | (6) any other information that may be specified by rule | ||||||
15 | of
the State Board of Education. | ||||||
16 | (f) In recommending and awarding grants through the | ||||||
17 | program, the State Board of Education shall consider the | ||||||
18 | following criteria: | ||||||
19 | (1) the degree to which information technology | ||||||
20 | education is
already integrated into the curriculum of the | ||||||
21 | applying school
district or charter school to ensure that | ||||||
22 | those school districts and charter schools with the least | ||||||
23 | degree of integration receive the grants first; | ||||||
24 | (2) the degree to which the applicant's proposed plan | ||||||
25 | for using the grant moneys will
result in integration of | ||||||
26 | information technology tools and
scientific equipment in a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | manner that measurably improves
teaching and learning; | ||||||
2 | (3) the validity, clarity, and measurability of the | ||||||
3 | goals
established by the applicant and
the validity of the | ||||||
4 | proposed methods for measuring achievement of
the goals; | ||||||
5 | (4) the accountability system of specific measures and
| ||||||
6 | deliverables to determine a baseline and annually assess
| ||||||
7 | improvements in teaching and learning; | ||||||
8 | (5) any other financial resources available to the | ||||||
9 | applicant for integrating information technology education | ||||||
10 | into the curriculum; | ||||||
11 | (6) the degree to which the applicant
is cooperating or | ||||||
12 | partnering with businesses to
improve the availability and | ||||||
13 | integration of information
technology education in the | ||||||
14 | curriculum; the State Board of
Education shall apply this | ||||||
15 | criteria with the goal of encouraging
such partnerships; | ||||||
16 | (7) the strength and capacity of the applicant to | ||||||
17 | collaborate with the science, technology, engineering
and | ||||||
18 | mathematics education center network under Section 4.5 of | ||||||
19 | the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Law and to
| ||||||
20 | provide open source networking with other public
schools in | ||||||
21 | this State; and | ||||||
22 | (8) any other criteria established by rule of the State
| ||||||
23 | Board of Education to ensure that grants are awarded to | ||||||
24 | school
districts and charter schools that demonstrate the | ||||||
25 | greatest need
and the most valid, effective plan for | ||||||
26 | integrating information
technology education into the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | curriculum. | ||||||
2 | (g) In awarding grants through the grant program, the State | ||||||
3 | Board
of Education shall ensure, to the extent possible, that | ||||||
4 | the grants are
awarded to school districts and charter schools | ||||||
5 | in all areas of this State. | ||||||
6 | (h) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit or
| ||||||
7 | otherwise affect any school district's ability to enter into an
| ||||||
8 | agreement with or receive funds from any private entity. | ||||||
9 | (i) Each school district and charter school that receives a | ||||||
10 | grant
through the grant program created under this Section | ||||||
11 | shall, by August 1 of the school year for which the grant was | ||||||
12 | awarded, submit to the State Board of Education a report | ||||||
13 | specifying the following information: | ||||||
14 | (1) the manner in which the grant moneys were used; | ||||||
15 | (2) the progress made toward achieving the goals | ||||||
16 | specified
in the grant recipient's application; | ||||||
17 | (3) any additional entities and businesses with whom | ||||||
18 | the
grant recipient has contracted or partnered with the | ||||||
19 | goal of
achieving greater integration of information | ||||||
20 | technology education
in the 9th grade through 12th grade | ||||||
21 | curriculum; | ||||||
22 | (4) the recipient school district's and charter | ||||||
23 | school's plan
for continuing the integration of | ||||||
24 | information technology
education into the curriculum, | ||||||
25 | regardless of whether the grant is
renewed; and | ||||||
26 | (5) any other information specified by rule of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State
Board of Education. | ||||||
2 | (j) Notwithstanding subsection (i) of this Section, a | ||||||
3 | recipient school need not submit a report for any academic year | ||||||
4 | in which no grants are made through the grant program. | ||||||
5 | (k) The Digital Learning Technology Grant Fund is created | ||||||
6 | as a special fund in the State treasury. All money in the Fund | ||||||
7 | shall be used, subject to appropriation, by the State Board of | ||||||
8 | Education for the purpose of funding grants under this Section. | ||||||
9 | (l) The State Board of Education may solicit and accept | ||||||
10 | money in
the form of gifts, contributions, and grants to be | ||||||
11 | deposited into the Digital Learning Technology Grant Fund. The | ||||||
12 | acceptance of federal grants for purposes of this Section does | ||||||
13 | not commit State funds nor place an obligation upon the General | ||||||
14 | Assembly to continue the purposes for which the federal funds | ||||||
15 | are made available. | ||||||
16 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.149 new) | ||||||
17 | Sec. 2-3.149. Best practices clearinghouse. | ||||||
18 | (a) Beginning July 1, 2010 and subject to appropriation, | ||||||
19 | the State Board of Education shall establish an online
| ||||||
20 | clearinghouse of information relating to best practices of | ||||||
21 | campuses and
school districts regarding instruction, public | ||||||
22 | school finance, resource
allocation, and business practices. | ||||||
23 | To the extent practicable, the
State Board of Education shall | ||||||
24 | ensure that information provided through
the online | ||||||
25 | clearinghouse is specific, actionable information relating
to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the best practices of high-performing and highly efficient | ||||||
2 | school
districts rather than general guidelines relating to | ||||||
3 | school district
operation. The information must be accessible | ||||||
4 | by school districts and
interested members of the public. | ||||||
5 | (b) The State Board of Education shall solicit and collect | ||||||
6 | from
exemplary or recognized school districts, charter | ||||||
7 | schools,
and other institutions determined by the State Board | ||||||
8 | of Education
examples of best practices relating to | ||||||
9 | instruction, public school
finance, resource allocation, and | ||||||
10 | business practices, including best
practices relating to | ||||||
11 | curriculum, scope and sequence, compensation and
incentive | ||||||
12 | systems, bilingual education and special language programs,
| ||||||
13 | compensatory education programs, and the effective use of | ||||||
14 | instructional
technology, including online courses. | ||||||
15 | (c) The State Board of Education may contract for the | ||||||
16 | services of one or more third-party contractors to develop, | ||||||
17 | implement, and maintain a system of collecting and evaluating | ||||||
18 | the best practices of campuses and
school districts as provided | ||||||
19 | by this Section. In addition to any other
considerations | ||||||
20 | required by law, the State Board of Education must
consider an | ||||||
21 | applicant's demonstrated competence and qualifications in
| ||||||
22 | analyzing school district practices in awarding a contract | ||||||
23 | under this
subsection (c). | ||||||
24 | (d) The State Board of Education may purchase from | ||||||
25 | available funds curriculum and other instructional tools | ||||||
26 | identified under this Section to provide for use by school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | districts. | ||||||
2 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.150 new) | ||||||
3 | Sec. 2-3.150. The Science, Technology, Engineering, and | ||||||
4 | Mathematics Education Center Grant Program. | ||||||
5 | (a) As used in this Section, unless the context otherwise | ||||||
6 | requires: | ||||||
7 | "Grant program" means the science, technology, | ||||||
8 | engineering,
and mathematics education center grant program | ||||||
9 | created in this Section. | ||||||
10 | "Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics | ||||||
11 | education" or "STEM" means learning experiences that integrate | ||||||
12 | innovative curricular,
instructional, and assessment | ||||||
13 | strategies and materials, laboratory and
mentorship | ||||||
14 | experiences, and authentic inquiry-based and problem
centered | ||||||
15 | instruction to stimulate learning in the areas of science,
| ||||||
16 | technology, engineering, and mathematics. | ||||||
17 | "Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics | ||||||
18 | education
innovation center" means a center operated by a | ||||||
19 | school district,
a charter school, the Illinois Mathematics and | ||||||
20 | Science Academy, or a joint collaborative partnership that | ||||||
21 | provides STEM
teaching and learning experiences, materials, | ||||||
22 | laboratory and mentorship
experiences, and educational | ||||||
23 | seminars, institutes or workshops for
students and teachers. | ||||||
24 | (b) The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, in | ||||||
25 | consultation
and partnership with the State Board of Education, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
Board of Higher Education, the business community, the
| ||||||
2 | entrepreneurial technology community, and professionals, | ||||||
3 | including
teachers, in the field of science, technology, | ||||||
4 | engineering, and
mathematics shall create a strategic plan for | ||||||
5 | developing a whole
systems approach to redesigning | ||||||
6 | prekindergarten through grade 12 STEM education in this State, | ||||||
7 | including, but not limited to, designing and creating | ||||||
8 | integrative teaching and learning networks among science, | ||||||
9 | technology, engineering, and mathematics innovation education | ||||||
10 | centers, university and corporate research facilities, and | ||||||
11 | established STEM laboratories, businesses, and the Illinois | ||||||
12 | Mathematics and Science Academy. | ||||||
13 | (c) At a minimum, the plan shall provide direction for | ||||||
14 | program
design and development, including the following: | ||||||
15 | (1) continuous generation and sharing of curricular,
| ||||||
16 | instructional, assessment, and program development | ||||||
17 | materials and
information about STEM teaching and learning | ||||||
18 | throughout the
network; | ||||||
19 | (2) identification of curricular, instructional, and
| ||||||
20 | assessment goals that reflect the research in cognition and | ||||||
21 | the
development of creativity in STEM fields and the | ||||||
22 | systemic changes
in STEM education, so as to be consistent | ||||||
23 | with inquiry-based and
problem-centered instruction in | ||||||
24 | science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics. Such | ||||||
25 | goals shall also reflect current
frameworks, standards, | ||||||
26 | and guidelines, such as those defined by
the National |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Research Council (National Academy of Science), the
| ||||||
2 | American Association for the Advancement of Science, the | ||||||
3 | National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National | ||||||
4 | Science Teachers
Association, and professional | ||||||
5 | associations in STEM fields; | ||||||
6 | (3) identification of essential teacher competencies | ||||||
7 | and
a comprehensive plan for recruiting, mentoring, and | ||||||
8 | retaining STEM
teachers, especially those in | ||||||
9 | under-resourced schools and school
districts; creation of | ||||||
10 | a community of practice among STEM center
educators and | ||||||
11 | other teachers of science, technology, engineering,
and | ||||||
12 | mathematics as part of a network of promising practices in
| ||||||
13 | teaching; and the establishment of recruitment, mentoring, | ||||||
14 | and retention plans
for Golden Apple teachers in STEM | ||||||
15 | fields and Illinois
STEM teachers who have received | ||||||
16 | national board certification and
are also part of the STEM | ||||||
17 | innovation network; | ||||||
18 | (4) a statement of desired competencies for STEM | ||||||
19 | learning
by students; | ||||||
20 | (5) a description of recommended courses of action to
| ||||||
21 | improve educational experiences, programs, practices, and
| ||||||
22 | service; | ||||||
23 | (6) the improvement of access and availability of STEM
| ||||||
24 | courses, especially for rural school districts and | ||||||
25 | particularly
to those groups which are traditionally | ||||||
26 | underrepresented through
the Illinois Virtual High School; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the plan shall include goals
for using telecommunications | ||||||
2 | facilities as recommended by a
telecommunications advisory | ||||||
3 | commission; | ||||||
4 | (7) expectations and guidelines for designing and
| ||||||
5 | developing a dynamic, creative, and engaged teaching | ||||||
6 | network; | ||||||
7 | (8) a description of the laboratory and incubator model | ||||||
8 | for
the STEM centers; | ||||||
9 | (9) support for innovation and entrepreneurship in
| ||||||
10 | curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional | ||||||
11 | development;
and | ||||||
12 | (10) cost estimates. | ||||||
13 | (d) The plan shall provide a framework that enables the
| ||||||
14 | teachers, school districts, and institutions of higher | ||||||
15 | education to
operate as an integrated system. The plan shall | ||||||
16 | provide innovative
mechanisms and incentives to the following: | ||||||
17 | (1) educational providers, as well as professional
| ||||||
18 | associations, business and university partners, and | ||||||
19 | educational
receivers (students and teachers) at the | ||||||
20 | prekindergarten through grade 12 and postsecondary levels | ||||||
21 | to design and implement innovative curricula, including | ||||||
22 | experiences, mentorships, institutes, and seminars and to | ||||||
23 | develop new materials and activities for these; | ||||||
24 | (2) course providers and receivers for leveraging | ||||||
25 | distance
learning technologies through the Illinois | ||||||
26 | Virtual High School
and applying distance learning |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | instructional design techniques,
taking into consideration | ||||||
2 | the work of a telecommunications
advisory commission; | ||||||
3 | (3) prekindergarten through grade 12 teachers to | ||||||
4 | encourage them to take graduate STEM courses and degree | ||||||
5 | programs; such incentives may include a tuition matching | ||||||
6 | program; | ||||||
7 | (4) appropriate State agencies, federal agencies,
| ||||||
8 | professional organizations, public television stations, | ||||||
9 | and
businesses and industries to involve them in the | ||||||
10 | development of the strategic plan; and | ||||||
11 | (5) businesses, industries, and individuals for | ||||||
12 | volunteering
their time and community resources. | ||||||
13 | (e) The plan shall provide a mechanism for incorporating | ||||||
14 | the cost
for accomplishing these goals into the ongoing | ||||||
15 | operating budget
beginning in 2010. | ||||||
16 | (f) There is created the Science and Technology Education
| ||||||
17 | Center Grant Program to provide development and operating | ||||||
18 | moneys in the form of matching funds for existing or proposed | ||||||
19 | nonprofit STEM
education centers. At a minimum, each STEM | ||||||
20 | center that receives a
grant shall not only provide STEM | ||||||
21 | education activities to students
enrolled in the school | ||||||
22 | district or charter school and materials and educational | ||||||
23 | workshops to teachers employed by the school district or | ||||||
24 | charter school,
but also, as part of generative and innovative | ||||||
25 | teaching and learning
network, shall share information with all | ||||||
26 | STEM centers, the Illinois
Mathematics and Science Academy, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | partner associations or businesses. | ||||||
2 | (g) School districts, charter schools, the Illinois | ||||||
3 | Mathematics and Science Academy, and joint collaborative | ||||||
4 | partnerships may establish science and
technology education | ||||||
5 | centers or may contract with regional offices of
education, | ||||||
6 | intermediate service centers, public community colleges, | ||||||
7 | 4-year institutions of higher education,
non-profit or | ||||||
8 | for-profit education providers, youth service agencies,
| ||||||
9 | community-based organizations, or other appropriate entities | ||||||
10 | to
establish science and technology education centers within | ||||||
11 | the public
school system. Districts and charter schools may | ||||||
12 | individually operate
alternative learning opportunities | ||||||
13 | programs or may collaborate with 2
or more districts or charter | ||||||
14 | schools or do both to create and operate
science and technology | ||||||
15 | education centers. | ||||||
16 | (h) Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year, the State | ||||||
17 | Board
of Education shall, subject to available appropriations, | ||||||
18 | annually award
one or more science, technology, engineering, | ||||||
19 | and mathematics education center grants for the development and | ||||||
20 | operation of STEM centers. | ||||||
21 | A school district, a charter school, the Illinois | ||||||
22 | Mathematics and Science Academy, or a joint collaborative | ||||||
23 | partnership may apply for a STEM center grant pursuant to | ||||||
24 | procedures and time lines specified by rule of the State Board | ||||||
25 | of Education. | ||||||
26 | (i) The State Board of Education, in selecting one or more |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | school
districts, charter schools, or joint collaborative | ||||||
2 | partnerships or the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy | ||||||
3 | for receipt of a grant, shall give priority to applicants that | ||||||
4 | are geographically located farthest from other STEM centers or | ||||||
5 | applicants that have less opportunity for science,
technology, | ||||||
6 | engineering, and mathematics resource support. The State
Board | ||||||
7 | shall also consider the following factors: | ||||||
8 | (1) the facility, equipment, and technology that are or
| ||||||
9 | will be provided and the activities and range of programs | ||||||
10 | that
are or will be offered by the STEM education center; | ||||||
11 | (2) the strength and capacity of the school district or | ||||||
12 | charter school to work as a network cooperatively with the | ||||||
13 | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, other STEM | ||||||
14 | centers, universities and STEM laboratories, businesses, | ||||||
15 | and industries; and | ||||||
16 | (3) recommendations of the Illinois P-20 Council and | ||||||
17 | the Illinois
Mathematics and Science Academy. | ||||||
18 | (j) A STEM center grant shall be payable from moneys
| ||||||
19 | appropriated to the STEM Education Center Grant Fund. | ||||||
20 | The State Board of Education shall specify the amount
to be | ||||||
21 | awarded to each school district, charter school, or joint | ||||||
22 | collaborative partnership that is selected to receive a grant | ||||||
23 | and to the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, if | ||||||
24 | selected to receive a grant. The amount awarded to a new STEM | ||||||
25 | center for start-up costs shall not exceed $1,000,000 for the | ||||||
26 | first fiscal year and may not be renewed. The amount awarded to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an operating STEM center for operating costs shall not exceed | ||||||
2 | $500,000 for one fiscal year and shall be renewed annually for | ||||||
3 | 5 consecutive years if the STEM center is meeting its | ||||||
4 | accountability goals and its role as an active partner in a | ||||||
5 | generative teaching and learning network. | ||||||
6 | (k) Each school district, charter school, or joint | ||||||
7 | collaborative partnership that receives a grant pursuant to the | ||||||
8 | grant program and the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, | ||||||
9 | if selected to receive a grant, shall demonstrate, prior to | ||||||
10 | receiving any actual moneys, that the center has received or | ||||||
11 | has a written commitment for matching funds from other public | ||||||
12 | or private sources in the amount of a dollar-for-dollar match | ||||||
13 | with the amount of the grant. This requirement may be waived | ||||||
14 | upon application to and approval by the State Board of | ||||||
15 | Education based
on a showing of continued need or financial | ||||||
16 | hardship. | ||||||
17 | (l) The State Board of Education shall promulgate such | ||||||
18 | rules as are required in this Section and such additional rules | ||||||
19 | as may be required
for implementation of the grant program. | ||||||
20 | (m) Each school district or charter school that receives a | ||||||
21 | grant through the grant program shall, by the close of each | ||||||
22 | school year for
which the grant was awarded, submit to the | ||||||
23 | Illinois Mathematics and
Science Academy and the State Board of | ||||||
24 | Education a report specifying
the following information: | ||||||
25 | (1) the manner in which the grant money was used; | ||||||
26 | (2) the progress made toward achieving the goals and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | producing the deliverables specified in the grant | ||||||
2 | recipient's
application; | ||||||
3 | (3) any additional entities and businesses with whom | ||||||
4 | the
grant recipient has contracted or partnered with the | ||||||
5 | goal of
achieving greater integration of information | ||||||
6 | technology education
in prekindergarten through grade 12 | ||||||
7 | curriculum; | ||||||
8 | (4) the recipient school district's or charter | ||||||
9 | school's plan
for continuing the integration of | ||||||
10 | information technology
education into the curriculum, | ||||||
11 | regardless of whether the grant is
renewed; | ||||||
12 | (5) the documentation demonstrating effective digital
| ||||||
13 | collaboration and networking, technological cooperation | ||||||
14 | and
sharing, and personal networking via innovative, | ||||||
15 | entrepreneurial
networks; | ||||||
16 | (6) a description of innovative instructional methods; | ||||||
17 | (7) evidence of staff training and outreach to teachers
| ||||||
18 | beyond those working in the STEM education center; and | ||||||
19 | (8) any other information specified by rule of the | ||||||
20 | State
Board of Education. | ||||||
21 | (n) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, a | ||||||
22 | recipient school need not submit a report for any academic year | ||||||
23 | in
which no grants are made through the grant program. | ||||||
24 | (o) The STEM Education Center Grant Fund is created as a | ||||||
25 | special fund in the State treasury. All money in the Fund shall | ||||||
26 | be used, subject to appropriation, by the State Board of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Education for the purpose of funding science, technology, | ||||||
2 | engineering, and mathematics education center grants awarded | ||||||
3 | under this Section. | ||||||
4 | (p) The State Board of Education may solicit and accept | ||||||
5 | money in
the form of gifts, contributions, and grants to be | ||||||
6 | deposited in the
STEM Education Center Grant Fund. The | ||||||
7 | acceptance of federal grants for purposes of this Section does | ||||||
8 | not commit State funds nor place an obligation upon the General | ||||||
9 | Assembly to continue the purposes for which the federal funds | ||||||
10 | are made available. | ||||||
11 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.151 new)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 2-3.151. School Improvement Partnership Pool Fund. | ||||||
13 | (a) The School Improvement Partnership Pool Fund is created | ||||||
14 | as a special fund in the State treasury. All interest earned on | ||||||
15 | moneys in the Fund shall be deposited into the Fund. The School | ||||||
16 | Improvement Partnership Pool Fund shall not be subject to | ||||||
17 | sweeps, administrative charges, or charge-backs, such as, but | ||||||
18 | not limited to, those authorized under Section 8h of the State | ||||||
19 | Finance Act, nor any other fiscal or budgetary maneuver that | ||||||
20 | would in any way transfer any funds from the School Improvement | ||||||
21 | Partnership Pool Fund into any other fund of the State. | ||||||
22 | (b) Beginning in Fiscal Year 2011, moneys in the School | ||||||
23 | Improvement Partnership Pool Fund shall be used, subject to | ||||||
24 | appropriation, by the State Board of Education for a | ||||||
25 | competitive grant program to provide school districts with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | demonstrated academic and financial need quality, integrated | ||||||
2 | support systems, such as training for staff, tutoring programs | ||||||
3 | for students, small school initiatives, literacy coaching, | ||||||
4 | proven programs such as reduced class size, extended learning | ||||||
5 | time, and after school and summer school programs, programs to | ||||||
6 | engage parents, and other systems as determined by the State | ||||||
7 | Board of Education. | ||||||
8 | (c) School districts eligible to apply to the State Board | ||||||
9 | of Education for a grant under subsection (b) of this Section | ||||||
10 | shall be limited to those (i) with any school that has not met | ||||||
11 | adequate yearly progress under the federal No Child Left Behind | ||||||
12 | Act of 2001 for at least 2 consecutive years or (ii) that have | ||||||
13 | been designated through the State Board of Education's School | ||||||
14 | District Financial Profile System as on financial warning or | ||||||
15 | financial watch status. The State Board may, by rule, establish | ||||||
16 | any additional procedures with respect to this grant program. | ||||||
17 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.152 new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 2-3.152. Resource management service. | ||||||
19 | (a) The State Board of Education shall establish and
| ||||||
20 | maintain an Internet web-based resource management service for | ||||||
21 | all school districts on or before July 1, 2013. | ||||||
22 | (b) The resource management service shall identify | ||||||
23 | resource
configurations that contribute to improving internal | ||||||
24 | resources for
instructional programs, provide action-oriented | ||||||
25 | analysis and solutions,
and give school districts the ability |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to explore different scenarios of
resource allocation. | ||||||
2 | (c) Annually, by the first day of October, an Internet | ||||||
3 | web-based preliminary resource allocation report must be | ||||||
4 | generated for each school district and delivered via the | ||||||
5 | Internet to each district superintendent for use by the | ||||||
6 | management team and the exclusive bargaining agents of the | ||||||
7 | school district's employees. This report shall identify | ||||||
8 | potential cost savings or resource reallocation opportunities | ||||||
9 | for the district in 5 core
areas of school district spending. | ||||||
10 | These core areas are instruction, operation and maintenance, | ||||||
11 | transportation, food service, and
central services. This | ||||||
12 | analysis shall show district spending in detailed
| ||||||
13 | subcategories compared to demographically or operationally | ||||||
14 | similar peer
school districts. The web-based resource | ||||||
15 | allocation reports generated under this Section constitute | ||||||
16 | preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, memoranda, and | ||||||
17 | other records in which opinions are expressed or policies or | ||||||
18 | actions are formulated and therefore exempt from disclosure | ||||||
19 | under subdivision (f) of subsection (1) of Section 7 of the | ||||||
20 | Freedom of Information Act. | ||||||
21 | (d) Each school district shall have the ability through the | ||||||
22 | on-line resource allocation report to test various resource | ||||||
23 | allocation scenarios
relative to pre-defined peers as well as | ||||||
24 | geographic peers and the most
efficient peers statewide. Each | ||||||
25 | district shall have the ability
to choose specific combinations | ||||||
26 | of districts for comparison. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) The resource management service shall contain, based on | ||||||
2 | the
spending and demographic profile of the school district, | ||||||
3 | action-oriented information, such as effective best practices | ||||||
4 | in schools
districts, diagnostic questions, and other | ||||||
5 | management or community
considerations that may be implemented | ||||||
6 | to capture savings identified in
the resource allocation | ||||||
7 | report. | ||||||
8 | (f) The resource management service must be initiated and | ||||||
9 | maintained through a contract between the State Board of | ||||||
10 | Education and an independent third party specializing in school | ||||||
11 | market research within this State and the United States. Costs | ||||||
12 | to establish and maintain this service and train school | ||||||
13 | district personnel in the use of this service shall be supplied | ||||||
14 | by the General Assembly to the State Board of Education through | ||||||
15 | an annual appropriation of no less than $2 per student based on | ||||||
16 | the prior year total of enrolled students in public schools in | ||||||
17 | this State. Up to 25% of the annual appropriation may be | ||||||
18 | allocated by the State Board of Education to hire personnel and | ||||||
19 | facilitate data collection. No less than 25% of the annual | ||||||
20 | appropriation shall be
utilized by the State Board of Education | ||||||
21 | to deliver training to school
district personnel in the use of | ||||||
22 | the management service. Such training
shall be delivered by | ||||||
23 | certificated school business officials or
State Board of | ||||||
24 | Education trained personnel and may be provided through | ||||||
25 | administrator academies and mentoring programs. The State | ||||||
26 | Board of Education may establish contracts with other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | organizations to provide such training and mentoring. | ||||||
2 | In the event that a district does not employ a certificated | ||||||
3 | school business official, a least one employee must be trained
| ||||||
4 | and certified in the use of the resource management service. In
| ||||||
5 | addition, a representative of the exclusive bargaining agents | ||||||
6 | of the
school district's employees shall be invited to be | ||||||
7 | trained and
certified. | ||||||
8 | (g) The State Board of Education shall identify the data | ||||||
9 | required to
implement the resource management service and | ||||||
10 | develop annual data
reporting instruments designed to collect | ||||||
11 | the information from each
school district. | ||||||
12 | The State Board of Education may provide grants to school | ||||||
13 | districts to permit those school districts to develop and | ||||||
14 | implement a plan for a shared services agreement in the | ||||||
15 | following areas: operation and maintenance and central | ||||||
16 | services. | ||||||
17 | (h) Annually, the certificated school business official or | ||||||
18 | resource management service trained employee in each school | ||||||
19 | district shall review and certify that the resource allocation | ||||||
20 | report has been received and reviewed by the management team | ||||||
21 | and the exclusive bargaining agent of the district. | ||||||
22 | Subsequently, a report must be filed with the State Board of | ||||||
23 | Education identifying the considerations that will be studied | ||||||
24 | as a result of such analysis. In addition, any implementation | ||||||
25 | of strategies or reallocation of resources associated with the | ||||||
26 | resource management service must be annually reported to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Board of Education, the exclusive bargaining agents of the | ||||||
2 | school district's employees, and, subsequently, the State | ||||||
3 | Board of Education. The State Board shall annually prepare a | ||||||
4 | cumulative report to be posted electronically containing those | ||||||
5 | initiatives studied and implemented on a statewide basis. | ||||||
6 | (105 ILCS 5/3-6.5 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 3-6.5. Regional office evaluation and accountability. | ||||||
8 | (a) The State Board of Education shall contract with a | ||||||
9 | third party to maintain information regarding the performance | ||||||
10 | of regional education service centers. Such information shall | ||||||
11 | include the following: | ||||||
12 | (1) district effectiveness and efficiency in districts | ||||||
13 | served
resulting from technical assistance and program | ||||||
14 | support; | ||||||
15 | (2) direct services provided or regionally shared | ||||||
16 | services
arranged by the service center that produce more | ||||||
17 | economical and
efficient school operations; | ||||||
18 | (3) direct services provided or regionally shared | ||||||
19 | services
arranged by the service center that provide for | ||||||
20 | assistance in core
services; and | ||||||
21 | (4) grants received for implementation of State | ||||||
22 | initiatives and
the results achieved by the service center | ||||||
23 | under the terms of the grant contract. | ||||||
24 | Regional offices of education and educational service | ||||||
25 | centers must promptly comply with any requests for information |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under this Section from the State Board of Education or its | ||||||
2 | third party contractor. | ||||||
3 | (b) The regional superintendent of schools shall report, in | ||||||
4 | writing, to the governing county board or boards, no later than | ||||||
5 | January 1, 2011 and each January 1 thereafter,
stating (i) the
| ||||||
6 | balance on hand at the time of the last report and all receipts | ||||||
7 | since
that date, with the sources from which they were derived; | ||||||
8 | (ii) the
amount distributed to each of the school treasurers in | ||||||
9 | the governing county or counties; and
(iii) any balance on | ||||||
10 | hand. At the same time the regional superintendent shall | ||||||
11 | present for inspection his or her books and vouchers for all | ||||||
12 | expenditures, and submit in writing a statement of the | ||||||
13 | condition of the institute fund and of any other funds in his | ||||||
14 | or her care, custody, or control. | ||||||
15 | (c) Each regional superintendent of schools, whether for a | ||||||
16 | multi-county or for a single county educational service region, | ||||||
17 | shall present for inspection or otherwise make available to the | ||||||
18 | Auditor General, or to the agents designated by the Auditor | ||||||
19 | General, all financial statements, books, vouchers, and other | ||||||
20 | records required to be so presented or made
available pursuant | ||||||
21 | to Section 2-3.17a of this Code and the rules of
the Auditor | ||||||
22 | General pursuant to that Section. | ||||||
23 | (d) Beginning December 1, 2011, and annually thereafter, | ||||||
24 | the State Board of Education shall, through the contractor | ||||||
25 | referenced in subsection (a) of this Section, publish, online, | ||||||
26 | a cumulative report with information about each regional office |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of education and educational service center. Each report must | ||||||
2 | include, with respect to the prior fiscal year, the following: | ||||||
3 | (1) an audit of the office's finances, which shall be | ||||||
4 | provided by the Auditor General to the State Board of | ||||||
5 | Education or its third party contractor for this purpose; | ||||||
6 | (2) the information required to be maintained under | ||||||
7 | subsection (a) of this Section; and | ||||||
8 | (3) the results of the service evaluation report
| ||||||
9 | annually made by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor | ||||||
10 | pursuant to Section 2-3.112 of this Code.
| ||||||
11 | (105 ILCS 5/3-7) (from Ch. 122, par. 3-7)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 3-7. Failure to prepare and forward information.
If | ||||||
13 | the trustees of schools of any township in Class II county | ||||||
14 | school
units, or any school district which forms a part of a | ||||||
15 | Class II county
school unit but which is not subject to the | ||||||
16 | jurisdiction of the trustees of
schools of any township in | ||||||
17 | which such district is located, or any
school district in any | ||||||
18 | Class I county school units fail to
prepare and forward or | ||||||
19 | cause to be prepared and forwarded to the regional
| ||||||
20 | superintendent of schools, reports required by this Act, the | ||||||
21 | regional
superintendent of schools shall furnish such | ||||||
22 | information or he shall
employ a person or persons to furnish | ||||||
23 | such information, as far as
practicable. Such person shall have | ||||||
24 | access to the books, records and
papers of the school district | ||||||
25 | to enable him or them to prepare such
reports, and the school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district shall permit such person or persons to
examine such | ||||||
2 | books, records and papers at such time and such place as
such | ||||||
3 | person or persons may desire for the purpose aforesaid. For | ||||||
4 | such
services the regional superintendent of schools shall bill | ||||||
5 | the district an
amount to cover the cost of preparation of such | ||||||
6 | reports if he employs a
person to prepare such reports.
| ||||||
7 | Each school district shall, as of June 30 of each year, | ||||||
8 | cause an audit
of its accounts to be made by a person lawfully | ||||||
9 | qualified to practice
public accounting as regulated by the | ||||||
10 | Illinois Public Accounting Act. Such
audit shall include (i) | ||||||
11 | development of a risk assessment of district internal controls, | ||||||
12 | (ii) an annual review and update of the risk assessment, and | ||||||
13 | (iii) an annual management letter that analyzes significant | ||||||
14 | risk assessment findings, recommends changes for strengthening | ||||||
15 | controls and reducing identified risks, and specifies | ||||||
16 | timeframes for implementation of these recommendations, as | ||||||
17 | well as financial statements of the district applicable to the
| ||||||
18 | type of records required by other sections of this Act and in | ||||||
19 | addition
shall set forth the scope of audit and shall include | ||||||
20 | the professional
opinion signed by the auditor, or if such an | ||||||
21 | opinion is denied by the
auditor, shall set forth the reasons | ||||||
22 | for such denial. Each school district
shall on or before | ||||||
23 | October 15 of each year, submit an original and one copy
of the | ||||||
24 | such audit to the regional superintendent of schools in the | ||||||
25 | educational
service region having jurisdiction in which case | ||||||
26 | the regional
superintendent of schools shall be relieved of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | responsibility in regard to
the accounts of the school | ||||||
2 | district. If any school district fails to supply
the regional | ||||||
3 | superintendent of schools with a copy of such audit report on
| ||||||
4 | or before October 15, or within such time extended by the | ||||||
5 | regional
superintendent of schools from that date, not to | ||||||
6 | exceed 60 days, then it
shall be the responsibility of the | ||||||
7 | regional superintendent of schools
having jurisdiction to | ||||||
8 | cause such audit to be made by employing an
accountant licensed | ||||||
9 | to practice in the State of Illinois to conduct such
audit and | ||||||
10 | shall bill the district for such services, or shall with the
| ||||||
11 | personnel of his office make such audit to his satisfaction and | ||||||
12 | bill the
district for such service. In the latter case, if the | ||||||
13 | audit is made by
personnel employed in the office of the | ||||||
14 | regional superintendent of schools
having jurisdiction, then | ||||||
15 | the regional superintendent of schools shall not
be relieved of | ||||||
16 | the responsibility as to the accountability of the school
| ||||||
17 | district. The copy of the audit shall be forwarded by the | ||||||
18 | regional
superintendent to the State Board of Education on or | ||||||
19 | before November 15 of
each year and shall be filed by the State | ||||||
20 | Board of Education. Beginning on July 1, 2010, all school | ||||||
21 | districts shall utilize a competitive request for proposals | ||||||
22 | process at least once every 5 years when contracting for such | ||||||
23 | an annual audit, provided that school districts with existing | ||||||
24 | contracts of less than 5 years in length that are in effect on | ||||||
25 | July 1, 2010 shall utilize a competitive request for proposals | ||||||
26 | process when contracting for an annual audit after the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expiration date of the existing contract.
| ||||||
2 | Each school district that is the administrative district | ||||||
3 | for several
school districts operating under a joint agreement | ||||||
4 | as authorized by this
Act shall, as of June 30 each year, cause | ||||||
5 | an audit of the accounts of the
joint agreement to be made by a | ||||||
6 | person lawfully qualified to practice
public accounting as | ||||||
7 | regulated by the Illinois Public Accounting Act. Such
audit | ||||||
8 | shall include (i) development of a risk assessment of district | ||||||
9 | internal controls, (ii) an annual review and update of the risk | ||||||
10 | assessment, and (iii) an annual management letter that analyzes | ||||||
11 | significant risk assessment findings, recommends changes for | ||||||
12 | strengthening controls and reducing identified risks, and | ||||||
13 | specifies timeframes for implementation of these | ||||||
14 | recommendations, as well as financial statements of the | ||||||
15 | operation of the joint
agreement applicable to the type of | ||||||
16 | records required by this Act and, in
addition, shall set forth | ||||||
17 | the scope of the audit and shall include the
professional | ||||||
18 | opinion signed by the auditor, or if such an opinion is
denied, | ||||||
19 | the auditor shall set forth the reason for such denial. Each
| ||||||
20 | administrative district of a joint agreement shall on or before | ||||||
21 | October 15
each year, submit an original and one copy of such | ||||||
22 | audit to the regional
superintendent of schools in the | ||||||
23 | educational service region having
jurisdiction in which case | ||||||
24 | the regional superintendent of schools shall be
relieved of | ||||||
25 | responsibility in regard to the accounts of the joint
| ||||||
26 | agreement. The copy of the audit shall be forwarded by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | regional
superintendent to the State Board of Education on or | ||||||
2 | before November 15 of
each year and shall be filed by the State | ||||||
3 | Board of Education. The cost of
such an audit shall be | ||||||
4 | apportioned among and paid by the several districts
who are | ||||||
5 | parties to the joint agreement, in the same manner as
other | ||||||
6 | costs and expenses accruing to the districts jointly. Beginning | ||||||
7 | on July 1, 2010, all school districts operating under a joint | ||||||
8 | agreement shall utilize a competitive request for proposals | ||||||
9 | process at least once every 5 years when contracting for such | ||||||
10 | an annual audit, provided that all school districts operating | ||||||
11 | under a joint agreement with existing contracts of less than 5 | ||||||
12 | years in length that are in effect on July 1, 2010 shall | ||||||
13 | utilize a competitive request for proposals process when | ||||||
14 | contracting for an annual audit after the expiration date of | ||||||
15 | the existing contract.
| ||||||
16 | The State Board of Education shall determine the adequacy
| ||||||
17 | of the audits. All audits shall be kept on file in the office | ||||||
18 | of the
State Board of Education.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 86-1441; 87-473 .)
| ||||||
20 | (105 ILCS 5/10-16.10 new) | ||||||
21 | Sec. 10-16.10. Board member leadership training. | ||||||
22 | (a) This Section shall apply to all school board
members | ||||||
23 | serving pursuant to Section 10-10 of this Code who have been | ||||||
24 | elected on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
25 | of the 96th General Assembly or appointed to fill a vacancy of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at least one year's duration on or after the effective date of | ||||||
2 | this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly. | ||||||
3 | (b) It is the policy of this State to encourage every | ||||||
4 | voting member of a board of education of a school district | ||||||
5 | elected or appointed for a term beginning on or after
the | ||||||
6 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
7 | Assembly, within a year after the effective date of this | ||||||
8 | amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly or the first year | ||||||
9 | of his or her term, to complete a minimum of 4 hours of | ||||||
10 | professional development leadership training covering topics | ||||||
11 | in education and labor law, financial oversight and | ||||||
12 | accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities of a school | ||||||
13 | board member. | ||||||
14 | (c) The training on financial oversight, accountability, | ||||||
15 | and fiduciary responsibilities may be provided by an | ||||||
16 | association established under this Code for the purpose of | ||||||
17 | training school board members or by other qualified providers | ||||||
18 | approved by the State Board of Education, in conjunction with | ||||||
19 | an association so established.
| ||||||
20 | (105 ILCS 5/10-17a) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-17a)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 10-17a. Better schools accountability.
| ||||||
22 | (1) Policy and
Purpose. It shall be the policy of the State | ||||||
23 | of Illinois that each school
district in this State, including | ||||||
24 | special charter districts and districts
subject to the | ||||||
25 | provisions of Article 34, shall submit to parents, taxpayers
of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such district, the Governor, the General Assembly, and the | ||||||
2 | State
Board of Education a school report card assessing the | ||||||
3 | performance of its
schools and students. The report card shall | ||||||
4 | be an index of school
performance measured against statewide | ||||||
5 | and local standards and will provide
information to make prior | ||||||
6 | year comparisons and to set future year targets
through the | ||||||
7 | school improvement plan.
| ||||||
8 | (2) Reporting Requirements. Each school district shall | ||||||
9 | prepare a report
card in accordance with the guidelines set | ||||||
10 | forth in this Section which
describes the performance of its | ||||||
11 | students by school attendance centers and
by district and the | ||||||
12 | district's financial resources and use of financial
resources. | ||||||
13 | Such report
card shall be presented at a regular school board | ||||||
14 | meeting subject to
applicable notice requirements,
posted on | ||||||
15 | the
school district's Internet web site, if the district | ||||||
16 | maintains an Internet web
made available
to a newspaper | ||||||
17 | of general circulation serving the district, and, upon
request, | ||||||
18 | sent
home to a parent (unless the district does not maintain an | ||||||
19 | Internet web site,
in which case
the report card shall be sent | ||||||
20 | home to parents without request). If the
district posts the | ||||||
21 | report card on its Internet web
site, the district
shall send a
| ||||||
22 | written notice home to parents stating (i) that the report card | ||||||
23 | is available on
the web site,
(ii) the address of the web site, | ||||||
24 | (iii) that a printed copy of the report card
will be sent to
| ||||||
25 | parents upon request, and (iv) the telephone number that | ||||||
26 | parents may
call to
request a printed copy of the report card.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | In addition, each school district shall submit the
completed | ||||||
2 | report card to the office of the district's Regional
| ||||||
3 | Superintendent which shall make copies available to any | ||||||
4 | individuals
requesting them.
| ||||||
5 | The report card shall be completed and disseminated prior | ||||||
6 | to October 31
in each school year. The report card shall | ||||||
7 | contain, but
not be limited to, actual local school attendance | ||||||
8 | center, school district
and statewide data indicating the | ||||||
9 | present performance of the school, the
State norms and the | ||||||
10 | areas for planned improvement for the school and school
| ||||||
11 | district.
| ||||||
12 | (3) (a) The report card shall include the following | ||||||
13 | applicable
indicators of attendance center, district, and | ||||||
14 | statewide student
performance: percent of students who exceed, | ||||||
15 | meet, or do not meet
standards established by the
State Board | ||||||
16 | of Education pursuant to Section 2-3.25a; growth model | ||||||
17 | assessment estimates for each district, subject to a statewide | ||||||
18 | growth model assessment system being established and data being | ||||||
19 | available pursuant to Section 2-3.64b of this Code; composite | ||||||
20 | and subtest
means on
nationally normed achievement tests for
| ||||||
21 | college bound students; student attendance rates; chronic
| ||||||
22 | truancy rate; dropout rate;
graduation rate;
and student
| ||||||
23 | mobility, turnover
shown as a percent of transfers out and a | ||||||
24 | percent of transfers in.
| ||||||
25 | (b) The report card shall include the following | ||||||
26 | descriptions for the
district, and State: average
class |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | size; amount of time per day devoted to mathematics, science,
| ||||||
2 | English and social science at primary,
middle and junior high | ||||||
3 | school grade levels;
number of students taking the Prairie | ||||||
4 | State Achievement Examination under
subsection (c) of
Section | ||||||
5 | 2-3.64, the number of those students who received a score of | ||||||
6 | excellent,
the average score by school of students taking | ||||||
7 | the examination;
pupil-teacher ratio; pupil-administrator | ||||||
8 | ratio;
operating expenditure per
pupil; district expenditure | ||||||
9 | by fund; average administrator salary; and average
teacher | ||||||
10 | salary.
The report card shall also specify the amount of money | ||||||
11 | that the district
receives from all sources, including without | ||||||
12 | limitation subcategories
specifying the amount from local | ||||||
13 | property taxes, the amount from
general State aid, the amount | ||||||
14 | from other State funding, and the amount
from other income. The | ||||||
15 | report card shall also include the 5 components of the | ||||||
16 | financial rating and the total financial rating scores from the | ||||||
17 | State Financial Profile.
| ||||||
18 | (c) The report card shall include applicable indicators of | ||||||
19 | parental
involvement in each attendance center. The parental | ||||||
20 | involvement component
of the report card shall include the | ||||||
21 | percentage of students whose parents
or guardians have had one | ||||||
22 | or more personal contacts with the students'
teachers during | ||||||
23 | the school year concerning the students' education, and such
| ||||||
24 | other information, commentary, and suggestions as the school | ||||||
25 | district
desires. For the purposes of this paragraph, "personal | ||||||
26 | contact" includes,
but is not limited to, parent-teacher |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | conferences, parental visits to
school, school visits to home, | ||||||
2 | telephone conversations, and written
correspondence. The | ||||||
3 | parental involvement component shall not single out or
identify | ||||||
4 | individual students, parents, or guardians by name.
| ||||||
5 | (d) The report card form shall be prepared by the State | ||||||
6 | Board of
Education and provided to school districts by the most | ||||||
7 | efficient, economic,
and appropriate means.
| ||||||
8 | (e) The report card shall include an indicator describing | ||||||
9 | whether the school district has improved, declined, or remained | ||||||
10 | stable in the aggregate percentage of students making at least | ||||||
11 | one-year's academic growth each year, subject to a statewide | ||||||
12 | growth model assessment system being established and data being | ||||||
13 | available pursuant to Section 2-3.64b of this Code. | ||||||
14 | (f) Except for schools in a school district organized under | ||||||
15 | Article 34 of this Code, the report card shall include a | ||||||
16 | comparison of the following indicators to a benchmark group of | ||||||
17 | at least 5 schools that have similar demographics as defined by | ||||||
18 | the State Board of Education: | ||||||
19 | (1) percentage of students in the aggregate making one
| ||||||
20 | year's progress in one year's time in reading, writing, and
| ||||||
21 | mathematics, subject to a statewide growth model | ||||||
22 | assessment system being established and data being | ||||||
23 | available pursuant to Section 2-3.64b of this Code; | ||||||
24 | (2) State Financial Profile rating; and | ||||||
25 | (3) instruction per pupil expenditures. | ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (105 ILCS 5/10-17b new) | ||||||
2 | Sec. 10-17b. Financial policies. Beginning with the second | ||||||
3 | fiscal year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
4 | the 96th General Assembly, each school board shall adopt a | ||||||
5 | formal, written financial policy. The policy may include | ||||||
6 | information in the following areas: | ||||||
7 | (1) Debt capacity, issuance, and management. | ||||||
8 | (2) Capital asset management. | ||||||
9 | (3) Reserve or stabilization fund goals. | ||||||
10 | (4) Periodic budget to actual comparison reports. | ||||||
11 | (5) Fees and charges. | ||||||
12 | (6) The use of one-time revenue. | ||||||
13 | (7) Risk management related to internal controls. | ||||||
14 | (8) Purchasing. | ||||||
15 | (9) Vehicle acquisition and maintenance. | ||||||
16 | The school board shall make the policy publicly available. | ||||||
17 | (105 ILCS 5/10-17c new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 10-17c. Long-term financial plan. Beginning with the | ||||||
19 | second fiscal year after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
20 | Act of the 96th General Assembly, each school board shall | ||||||
21 | develop a long-term financial plan that extends over at least a | ||||||
22 | 3-year period and that is updated and approved annually. The | ||||||
23 | plan must include multi-year forecasts of revenues, | ||||||
24 | expenditures, and debt. The school board may make the plan |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | available to the public by publishing it as a separate document | ||||||
2 | and submitting it with the annual budget or by posting the plan | ||||||
3 | as a document on the school district's Internet website, if | ||||||
4 | any. The forecasts that are the foundation of the plan must be | ||||||
5 | available to participants in the budget process before | ||||||
6 | budgetary decisions are made. The public must be provided | ||||||
7 | opportunities for providing dialog with respect to the | ||||||
8 | long-term financial planning process. Public access and review | ||||||
9 | shall take place as part of the official budget hearing process | ||||||
10 | in accordance with Section 17-1 of this Code, which requires | ||||||
11 | the posting of notice and making documents available to the | ||||||
12 | general public at least 30 days in advance of the budget | ||||||
13 | hearing. | ||||||
14 | (105 ILCS 5/10-17d new) | ||||||
15 | Sec. 10-17d. Capital improvement plan. Beginning with the | ||||||
16 | second fiscal year after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
17 | Act of the 96th General Assembly, each school board shall | ||||||
18 | develop a 5-year capital improvement plan that is updated and | ||||||
19 | approved annually. The plan must include a summary list of the | ||||||
20 | description of the capital projects to be completed over the | ||||||
21 | next 5 years, along with projected expenditures, and revenue | ||||||
22 | sources. The school board shall make the plan available to the | ||||||
23 | public. The school board shall hold a public hearing on the | ||||||
24 | capital improvement plan, which hearing may be held at a | ||||||
25 | regularly scheduled meeting of the board. This hearing shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | held in the same manner and subject to the same notice and | ||||||
2 | other requirements as the public hearing required prior to | ||||||
3 | adoption of the budget in conformity with Section 17-1 of this | ||||||
4 | Code, which requires the posting of notice and making documents | ||||||
5 | available to the general public at least 30 days in advance of | ||||||
6 | the budget hearing.
| ||||||
7 | (105 ILCS 5/10-20.20) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-20.20)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 10-20.20. Protection from suit. )
To indemnify and | ||||||
9 | protect school districts, members of school boards, employees,
| ||||||
10 | volunteer personnel authorized in Sections 10-22.34, 10-22.34a | ||||||
11 | and
10-22.34b of this Code , mentors of certified staff as | ||||||
12 | authorized in Article 21A and Sections 2-3.53a, 2-3.53b, and | ||||||
13 | 34-18.33 of this Code,
and student teachers against civil | ||||||
14 | rights damage claims and
suits, constitutional rights damage | ||||||
15 | claims and suits and death and bodily
injury and property | ||||||
16 | damage claims and suits, including defense thereof,
when | ||||||
17 | damages are sought for negligent or wrongful acts alleged to | ||||||
18 | have been
committed in the scope of employment or under the | ||||||
19 | direction of the board or related to any mentoring services | ||||||
20 | provided to certified staff of the school district .
Such | ||||||
21 | indemnification and protection shall extend to persons who were
| ||||||
22 | members of school boards, employees of school boards,
| ||||||
23 | authorized volunteer personnel , mentors of certified staff, or | ||||||
24 | student teachers at
the time of the incident from which a claim | ||||||
25 | arises.
No agent may be afforded
indemnification or protection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unless he was a member of a school board, an
employee of a | ||||||
2 | board,
an authorized volunteer , a mentor of certified staff,
or | ||||||
3 | a student teacher at the time of the incident from
which the | ||||||
4 | claim arises.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 79-210.)
| ||||||
6 | (105 ILCS 5/10-20.45)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 10-20.45
10-20.41 . Pay for performance.
| ||||||
8 | (a) In this Section: | ||||||
9 | "Growth model assessment" means the statewide growth model | ||||||
10 | assessment system established by the State Board of Education | ||||||
11 | to measure the annual increase or growth in each student's | ||||||
12 | performance relative to a standard year of academic growth on | ||||||
13 | the assessments provided for in Section 2-3.64b of this Code | ||||||
14 | and other performance indicators that the State Board | ||||||
15 | identifies and that reliably estimates school district, | ||||||
16 | school, and teacher effects on students' academic achievement | ||||||
17 | over time, controls for student characteristics, and uses an | ||||||
18 | independently verifiable statistical methodology to produce | ||||||
19 | such estimates. | ||||||
20 | "Value-added" means the improvement gains in student | ||||||
21 | achievement that are made each year based on pre-test and | ||||||
22 | post-test outcomes. | ||||||
23 | A Beginning with all newly-negotiated collective | ||||||
24 | bargaining agreements entered into after the effective date of | ||||||
25 | this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, a school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | board and the exclusive bargaining representative , if any, may | ||||||
2 | include a performance-based teacher compensation plan in the | ||||||
3 | subject of its collective bargaining agreement. Nothing in this | ||||||
4 | Section shall preclude the school board and the exclusive | ||||||
5 | bargaining representative from agreeing to and implementing a | ||||||
6 | new performance-based teacher compensation plan prior to the | ||||||
7 | termination of a the current collective bargaining agreement in | ||||||
8 | existence on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
9 | 96th General Assembly . | ||||||
10 | (b) The new teacher compensation plan bargained and agreed | ||||||
11 | to by the school board and the exclusive bargaining | ||||||
12 | representative under subsection (a) of this Section shall | ||||||
13 | provide certificated personnel with base salaries and shall | ||||||
14 | also provide that any increases in the compensation of | ||||||
15 | individual teachers or groups of teachers beyond base salaries | ||||||
16 | shall be pursuant, but not limited to, any of the following | ||||||
17 | elements: | ||||||
18 | (1) Excellent Superior teacher evaluations based on | ||||||
19 | multiple evaluations of their classroom teaching. | ||||||
20 | (2) A Evaluation of a teacher's student | ||||||
21 | classroom-level achievement growth as measured using a | ||||||
22 | growth model assessment or a value-added model. | ||||||
23 | "Value-added" means the improvement gains in student | ||||||
24 | achievement that are made each year based on pre-test and | ||||||
25 | post-test outcomes. | ||||||
26 | (3) School-level Evaluation of school-level |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | achievement growth as measured using a growth model | ||||||
2 | assessment or a value-added model. "Value-added" means the | ||||||
3 | improvement gains in student achievement that are made each | ||||||
4 | year based on pre-test and post-test outcomes. | ||||||
5 | (4) Demonstration of superior, outstanding performance | ||||||
6 | by an individual teacher or groups of teachers through the | ||||||
7 | meeting of unique and specific teaching practice | ||||||
8 | objectives defined and agreed to in advance in any given | ||||||
9 | school year. | ||||||
10 | (5) Preparation for meeting and contribution to the | ||||||
11 | broader needs of the school organization (e.g., curriculum | ||||||
12 | development, family liaison and community outreach, | ||||||
13 | implementation of a professional development program for | ||||||
14 | faculty, and participation in school management).
| ||||||
15 | (c) (Blank). A school board and exclusive bargaining | ||||||
16 | representative that initiate their own performance-based | ||||||
17 | teacher compensation program shall submit the new plan to the | ||||||
18 | State Board of Education for review not later than 150 days | ||||||
19 | before the plan is to become effective. If the plan does not | ||||||
20 | conform to this Section, the State Board of Education shall | ||||||
21 | return the plan to the school board and the exclusive | ||||||
22 | bargaining representative for modification. The school board | ||||||
23 | and the exclusive bargaining representative shall then have 30 | ||||||
24 | days after the plan is returned to them to submit a modified | ||||||
25 | plan.
| ||||||
26 | (d) Nothing in this Section precludes a school board and an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exclusive bargaining representative from agreeing to and | ||||||
2 | implementing a performance-based teacher compensation plan | ||||||
3 | that does not meet the requirements of subsection (b) of this | ||||||
4 | Section and does not use standardized test scores as a basis | ||||||
5 | for determining compensation under the plan in order to provide | ||||||
6 | new incentives to improve student learning and to recruit and | ||||||
7 | retain highly qualified teachers, encourage highly qualified | ||||||
8 | teachers to undertake challenging assignments, and support | ||||||
9 | teachers' roles in improving students' educational | ||||||
10 | achievement. | ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 95-707, eff. 1-11-08; revised 1-23-08.) | ||||||
12 | (105 ILCS 5/10-20.46 new)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 10-20.46. School district financial accountability. | ||||||
14 | (a) A school board shall annually include a user-friendly | ||||||
15 | executive summary as part of the district's budget. The | ||||||
16 | executive summary shall include all of the following: | ||||||
17 | (1) The district's major goals and objectives. | ||||||
18 | (2) A discussion of the major financial factors and | ||||||
19 | trends affecting the budget, such as changes in revenues, | ||||||
20 | enrollment, and debt. | ||||||
21 | (3) A description of the budget process. | ||||||
22 | (4) An overview of revenues and expenditures for all | ||||||
23 | funds, including at least 3 to 5 years of prior and future | ||||||
24 | trends, based on data from the annual financial report. | ||||||
25 | (5) An explanation of significant financial and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | demographic trends. | ||||||
2 | (6) An explanation of the reasons for a budget deficit | ||||||
3 | and an explanation of how the deficit is being addressed in | ||||||
4 | accordance with Section 17-1 of this Code. | ||||||
5 | (7) A budget forecast for at least 3 to 5 years in the | ||||||
6 | future. | ||||||
7 | (8) Student enrollment trends, including a future | ||||||
8 | forecast. | ||||||
9 | (9) The number of personnel by type. | ||||||
10 | (10) Changes in both the long term and short term debt | ||||||
11 | burden. | ||||||
12 | (b) Beginning with the second fiscal year after the | ||||||
13 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
14 | Assembly, a school board shall annually include in the full | ||||||
15 | budget document the following items; any or all of the | ||||||
16 | following items may be published as separate documents provided | ||||||
17 | that they are explicitly referenced in the annual budget and | ||||||
18 | attached thereto and provided that they are made publicly | ||||||
19 | available at the same time as the tentative budget document: | ||||||
20 | (1) An organizational chart. | ||||||
21 | (2) Formal financial policies pursuant to Section | ||||||
22 | 10-17b of this Code. | ||||||
23 | (3) The district's long-term financial plan pursuant | ||||||
24 | to Section 10-17c of this Code or a summary of the | ||||||
25 | long-term financial plan. | ||||||
26 | (4) The district's capital improvement plan pursuant |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to Section 10-17d of this Code or a summary of the capital | ||||||
2 | improvement plan.
| ||||||
3 | (105 ILCS 5/10-22.45) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.45)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 10-22.45. A school board shall To establish an audit | ||||||
5 | committee, which may include and to appoint members
of the | ||||||
6 | board , or other appropriate officers , or persons who do not | ||||||
7 | serve on the board to the committee , to review audit
reports | ||||||
8 | and any other financial reports and documents, including | ||||||
9 | management
letters prepared by or on behalf of the board. | ||||||
10 | Nothing in this Section prohibits a school district from | ||||||
11 | maintaining its own internal audit function.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 82-644.)
| ||||||
13 | (105 ILCS 5/14-13.01) (from Ch. 122, par. 14-13.01)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 14-13.01. Reimbursement payable by State; Amounts. | ||||||
15 | Reimbursement for furnishing special educational facilities in | ||||||
16 | a
recognized school to the type of children defined in Section | ||||||
17 | 14-1.02
shall be paid to the school districts in accordance | ||||||
18 | with Section 14-12.01
for each school year ending June 30 by | ||||||
19 | the State Comptroller out of any money
in the treasury | ||||||
20 | appropriated for such purposes on the presentation of vouchers
| ||||||
21 | by the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
22 | The reimbursement shall be limited to funds expended for | ||||||
23 | construction
and maintenance of special education facilities | ||||||
24 | designed and utilized to
house instructional programs, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | diagnostic services, other special
education services for | ||||||
2 | children with disabilities and
reimbursement as
provided in | ||||||
3 | Section 14-13.01. There shall be no reimbursement for
| ||||||
4 | construction and maintenance of any administrative facility | ||||||
5 | separated
from special education facilities designed and | ||||||
6 | utilized to house
instructional programs, diagnostic services | ||||||
7 | and other special education
services for children with | ||||||
8 | disabilities.
| ||||||
9 | (a) For children who have not been identified as eligible | ||||||
10 | for special
education and for eligible children with physical
| ||||||
11 | disabilities, including all
eligible children whose placement | ||||||
12 | has been determined under Section 14-8.02 in
hospital or home | ||||||
13 | instruction, 1/2 of the teacher's salary but not more than
| ||||||
14 | $1,000 annually per child or $8,000 per teacher for the | ||||||
15 | 1985-1986 school year through the 2005-2006 school year and | ||||||
16 | $1,000 per child or $9,000 per teacher for the 2006-2007 school | ||||||
17 | year through the 2008-2009 school year, $11,839 per teacher for | ||||||
18 | the 2009-2010 school year, $12,786 per teacher for the | ||||||
19 | 2010-2011 school year, $14,679 per teacher for the 2011-2012 | ||||||
20 | school year, and $20,358 per teacher for the 2012-2013 school | ||||||
21 | year and for each school year
thereafter , whichever is less. | ||||||
22 | Thereafter, the reimbursement per teacher shall be increased | ||||||
23 | annually by a percentage increase equal to the percentage | ||||||
24 | increase, if any, in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' | ||||||
25 | Employment Cost Index for Elementary and Secondary Schools for | ||||||
26 | the then most recently completed calendar year. Children
to be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | included in any reimbursement under this paragraph must | ||||||
2 | regularly
receive a minimum of one hour of instruction each | ||||||
3 | school day, or in lieu
thereof of a minimum of 5 hours of | ||||||
4 | instruction in each school week in
order to qualify for full | ||||||
5 | reimbursement under this Section. If the
attending physician | ||||||
6 | for such a child has certified that the child should
not | ||||||
7 | receive as many as 5 hours of instruction in a school week, | ||||||
8 | however,
reimbursement under this paragraph on account of that | ||||||
9 | child shall be
computed proportionate to the actual hours of | ||||||
10 | instruction per week for
that child divided by 5.
| ||||||
11 | (b) For children described in Section 14-1.02, 4/5 of the | ||||||
12 | cost of
transportation for each such child, whom the State | ||||||
13 | Superintendent of
Education determined in advance requires | ||||||
14 | special transportation service
in order to take advantage of | ||||||
15 | special educational facilities.
Transportation costs shall be | ||||||
16 | determined in the same fashion as provided
in Section 29-5. For | ||||||
17 | purposes of this subsection (b), the dates for
processing | ||||||
18 | claims specified in Section 29-5 shall apply.
| ||||||
19 | (c) For each professional worker excluding those included | ||||||
20 | in
subparagraphs (a), (d), (e), and (f) of this Section, the | ||||||
21 | annual sum of
$8,000 for the 1985-1986 school year through the | ||||||
22 | 2005-2006 school year , and $9,000 for the 2006-2007 school year | ||||||
23 | through the 2008-2009 school year, $11,839 for the 2009-2010 | ||||||
24 | school year, $12,786 for the 2010-2011 school year, $14,679 for | ||||||
25 | the 2011-2012 school year, and $20,358 for the 2012-2013 school | ||||||
26 | year. Thereafter, the reimbursement per professional worker |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be increased annually by a percentage increase equal to | ||||||
2 | the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Bureau of Labor | ||||||
3 | Statistics' Employment Cost Index for Elementary and Secondary | ||||||
4 | Schools for the then most recently completed calendar year and | ||||||
5 | for each school year thereafter .
| ||||||
6 | (d) For one full time qualified director of the special | ||||||
7 | education
program of each school district which maintains a | ||||||
8 | fully approved program
of special education the annual sum of | ||||||
9 | $8,000 for the 1985-1986 school
year through the 2005-2006 | ||||||
10 | school year , and $9,000 for the 2006-2007 through the 2008-2009 | ||||||
11 | school year, $11,839 for the 2009-2010 school year, $12,786 for | ||||||
12 | the 2010-2011 school year, $14,679 for the 2011-2012 school | ||||||
13 | year, and $20,358 for the 2012-2013 school year. Thereafter, | ||||||
14 | the reimbursement for the director shall be increased annually | ||||||
15 | by a percentage increase equal to the percentage increase, if | ||||||
16 | any, in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Employment Cost | ||||||
17 | Index for Elementary and Secondary Schools for the then most | ||||||
18 | recently completed calendar year. school year and for each | ||||||
19 | school year thereafter . Districts participating in a joint | ||||||
20 | agreement special
education program shall not receive such | ||||||
21 | reimbursement if reimbursement is made
for a director of the | ||||||
22 | joint agreement program.
| ||||||
23 | (e) For each school psychologist as defined in Section | ||||||
24 | 14-1.09 the
annual sum of $8,000 for the 1985-1986 school year | ||||||
25 | through the 2005-2006 school year , and $9,000 for the 2006-2007 | ||||||
26 | school year through the 2008-2009 school year, $11,839 for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2009-2010 school year, $12,786 for the 2010-2011 school year, | ||||||
2 | $14,679 for the 2011-2012 school year, and $20,358 for the | ||||||
3 | 2012-2013 school year. Thereafter, the reimbursement per | ||||||
4 | school psychologist shall be increased annually by a percentage | ||||||
5 | increase equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. | ||||||
6 | Bureau of Labor Statistics' Employment Cost Index for | ||||||
7 | Elementary and Secondary Schools for the then most recently | ||||||
8 | completed calendar year and for each school year thereafter .
| ||||||
9 | (f) For each qualified teacher working in a fully approved | ||||||
10 | program
for children of preschool age who are deaf or | ||||||
11 | hard-of-hearing the annual
sum of $8,000 for the 1985-1986 | ||||||
12 | school year through the 2005-2006 school year , and $9,000 for | ||||||
13 | the 2006-2007 school year through the 2008-2009 school year, | ||||||
14 | $11,839 for the 2009-2010 school year, $12,786 for the | ||||||
15 | 2010-2011 school year, $14,679 for the 2011-2012 school year, | ||||||
16 | and $20,358 for the 2012-2013 school year. Thereafter, the | ||||||
17 | reimbursement per teacher shall be increased annually by a | ||||||
18 | percentage increase equal to the percentage increase, if any, | ||||||
19 | in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Employment Cost Index | ||||||
20 | for Elementary and Secondary Schools for the then most recently | ||||||
21 | completed calendar year and for each school year thereafter .
| ||||||
22 | (g) For readers, working with blind or partially seeing | ||||||
23 | children 1/2
of their salary but not more than $400 annually | ||||||
24 | per child. Readers may
be employed to assist such children and | ||||||
25 | shall not be required to be
certified but prior to employment | ||||||
26 | shall meet standards set up by the
State Board of Education.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (h) For necessary non-certified employees working in any | ||||||
2 | class or
program for children defined in this Article, 1/2 of | ||||||
3 | the salary paid or
$2,800 annually per employee through the | ||||||
4 | 2005-2006 school year , and $3,500 per employee for the | ||||||
5 | 2006-2007 school year through the 2008-2009 school year, $4,406 | ||||||
6 | per employee for the 2019-2010 school year, $4,708 per employee | ||||||
7 | for the 2010-2011 school year, $5,313 per employee for the | ||||||
8 | 2011-2012 school year, and $7,126 per employee for the | ||||||
9 | 2012-2013 school year and for each school year thereafter , | ||||||
10 | whichever is less. Thereafter, the reimbursement per employee | ||||||
11 | shall be increased annually by a percentage increase equal to | ||||||
12 | the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Bureau of Labor | ||||||
13 | Statistics' Employment Cost Index for Elementary and Secondary | ||||||
14 | Schools for the then most recently completed calendar year.
| ||||||
15 | The State Board of Education shall set standards and | ||||||
16 | prescribe rules
for determining the allocation of | ||||||
17 | reimbursement under this section on
less than a full time basis | ||||||
18 | and for less than a school year.
| ||||||
19 | When any school district eligible for reimbursement under | ||||||
20 | this
Section operates a school or program approved by the State
| ||||||
21 | Superintendent of Education for a number of days in excess of | ||||||
22 | the
adopted school calendar but not to exceed 235 school days, | ||||||
23 | such
reimbursement shall be increased by 1/180 of the amount or | ||||||
24 | rate paid
hereunder for each day such school is operated in | ||||||
25 | excess of 180 days per
calendar year.
| ||||||
26 | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district receiving
a payment under this Section or under | ||||||
2 | Section 14-7.02, 14-7.02b, or
29-5 of this Code may classify | ||||||
3 | all or a portion of the funds that it receives
in a particular | ||||||
4 | fiscal year or from general State aid pursuant to Section
| ||||||
5 | 18-8.05 of this Code as
funds received in connection with any | ||||||
6 | funding program for which it is
entitled to receive funds from | ||||||
7 | the State in that fiscal year (including,
without limitation, | ||||||
8 | any funding program referenced in this Section),
regardless of | ||||||
9 | the source or timing of the receipt. The district may not
| ||||||
10 | classify more funds as funds received in connection with the | ||||||
11 | funding
program than the district is entitled to receive in | ||||||
12 | that fiscal year for that
program. Any
classification by a | ||||||
13 | district must be made by a resolution of its board of
| ||||||
14 | education. The resolution must identify the amount of any | ||||||
15 | payments or
general State aid to be classified under this | ||||||
16 | paragraph and must specify
the funding program to which the | ||||||
17 | funds are to be treated as received in
connection therewith. | ||||||
18 | This resolution is controlling as to the
classification of | ||||||
19 | funds referenced therein. A certified copy of the
resolution | ||||||
20 | must be sent to the State Superintendent of Education.
The | ||||||
21 | resolution shall still take effect even though a copy of the | ||||||
22 | resolution has
not been sent to the State
Superintendent of | ||||||
23 | Education in a timely manner.
classification under this | ||||||
24 | paragraph by a district shall affect the total amount
or timing | ||||||
25 | of money the district is entitled to receive under this Code.
| ||||||
26 | No classification under this paragraph by a district shall
in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any way relieve the district from or affect any
requirements | ||||||
2 | that otherwise would apply with respect to
that funding | ||||||
3 | program, including any
accounting of funds by source, reporting | ||||||
4 | expenditures by
original source and purpose,
reporting | ||||||
5 | requirements,
or requirements of providing services.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 95-415, eff. 8-24-07; 95-707, eff. 1-11-08.)
| ||||||
7 | (105 ILCS 5/17-2.11c new)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 17-2.11c. Non-referendum bonds. Upon the | ||||||
9 | certification of an architect and subsequent approval by the | ||||||
10 | regional superintendent of schools and the State Board of | ||||||
11 | Education, a board of education governing a school district | ||||||
12 | having not more than 500,000 inhabitants may issue | ||||||
13 | non-referendum bonds for the purposes described in Section 19-3 | ||||||
14 | of this Code. Such bonds may be issued in excess of any | ||||||
15 | statutory limitation as to debt prescribed in Article 19 of | ||||||
16 | this Code.
| ||||||
17 | (105 ILCS 5/18-8.05)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 18-8.05. Basis for apportionment of general State | ||||||
19 | financial aid and
supplemental general State aid to the common | ||||||
20 | schools for the 1998-1999 and
subsequent school years.
| ||||||
21 | (A) General Provisions.
| ||||||
22 | (1) The provisions of this Section apply to the 1998-1999 | ||||||
23 | and subsequent
school years. The system of general State |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial aid provided for in this
is designed to | ||||||
2 | assure that, through a combination of State financial aid and
| ||||||
3 | required local resources, the financial support provided each | ||||||
4 | pupil in Average
Daily Attendance equals or exceeds a
| ||||||
5 | prescribed per pupil Foundation Level. This formula approach | ||||||
6 | imputes a level
of per pupil Available Local Resources and | ||||||
7 | provides for the basis to calculate
a per pupil level of | ||||||
8 | general State financial aid that, when added to Available
Local | ||||||
9 | Resources, equals or exceeds the Foundation Level. The
amount | ||||||
10 | of per pupil general State financial aid for school districts, | ||||||
11 | in
general, varies in inverse
relation to Available Local | ||||||
12 | Resources. Per pupil amounts are based upon
each school | ||||||
13 | district's Average Daily Attendance as that term is defined in | ||||||
14 | this
| ||||||
15 | (2) In addition to general State financial aid, school | ||||||
16 | districts with
specified levels or concentrations of pupils | ||||||
17 | from low income households are
eligible to receive supplemental | ||||||
18 | general State financial aid grants as provided
pursuant to | ||||||
19 | subsection (H).
The supplemental State aid grants provided for | ||||||
20 | school districts under
subsection (H) shall be appropriated for | ||||||
21 | distribution to school districts as
part of the same line item | ||||||
22 | in which the general State financial aid of school
districts is | ||||||
23 | appropriated under this Section.
| ||||||
24 | (3) To receive financial assistance under this Section, | ||||||
25 | school districts
are required to file claims with the State | ||||||
26 | Board of Education, subject to the
following requirements:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) Any school district which fails for any given | ||||||
2 | school year to maintain
school as required by law, or to | ||||||
3 | maintain a recognized school is not
eligible to file for | ||||||
4 | such school year any claim upon the Common School
Fund. In | ||||||
5 | case of nonrecognition of one or more attendance centers in | ||||||
6 | a
school district otherwise operating recognized schools, | ||||||
7 | the claim of the
district shall be reduced in the | ||||||
8 | proportion which the Average Daily
Attendance in the | ||||||
9 | attendance center or centers bear to the Average Daily
| ||||||
10 | Attendance in the school district. A "recognized school" | ||||||
11 | means any
public school which meets the standards as | ||||||
12 | established for recognition
by the State Board of | ||||||
13 | Education. A school district or attendance center
not | ||||||
14 | having recognition status at the end of a school term is | ||||||
15 | entitled to
receive State aid payments due upon a legal | ||||||
16 | claim which was filed while
it was recognized.
| ||||||
17 | (b) School district claims filed under this Section are | ||||||
18 | subject to
Sections 18-9 and 18-12, except as otherwise | ||||||
19 | provided in this
| ||||||
20 | (c) If a school district operates a full year school | ||||||
21 | under Section
10-19.1, the general State aid to the school | ||||||
22 | district shall be determined
by the State Board of | ||||||
23 | Education in accordance with this Section as near as
may be | ||||||
24 | applicable.
| ||||||
25 | (d) (Blank).
| ||||||
26 | (4) Except as provided in subsections (H) and (L), the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | board of any district
receiving any of the grants provided for | ||||||
2 | in this Section may apply those funds
to any fund so received | ||||||
3 | for which that board is authorized to make expenditures
by law.
| ||||||
4 | School districts are not required to exert a minimum | ||||||
5 | Operating Tax Rate in
order to qualify for assistance under | ||||||
6 | this Section.
| ||||||
7 | (5) As used in this Section the following terms, when | ||||||
8 | capitalized, shall
have the meaning ascribed herein:
| ||||||
9 | (a) "Average Daily Attendance": A count of pupil | ||||||
10 | attendance in school,
averaged as provided for in | ||||||
11 | subsection (C) and utilized in deriving per pupil
financial | ||||||
12 | support levels.
| ||||||
13 | (b) "Available Local Resources": A computation of | ||||||
14 | local financial
support, calculated on the basis of Average | ||||||
15 | Daily Attendance and derived as
provided pursuant to | ||||||
16 | subsection (D).
| ||||||
17 | (c) "Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes": | ||||||
18 | Funds paid to local
school districts pursuant to "An Act in | ||||||
19 | relation to the abolition of ad valorem
personal property | ||||||
20 | tax and the replacement of revenues lost thereby, and
| ||||||
21 | amending and repealing certain Acts and parts of Acts in | ||||||
22 | connection therewith",
certified August 14, 1979, as | ||||||
23 | amended (Public Act 81-1st S.S.-1).
| ||||||
24 | (c-5) "ECI" means the Employment Cost Index as | ||||||
25 | published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
| ||||||
26 | (d) "Foundation Level": A prescribed level of per pupil |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial support
as provided for in subsection (B).
| ||||||
2 | (e) "Operating Tax Rate": All school district property | ||||||
3 | taxes extended for
all purposes, except Bond and
Interest, | ||||||
4 | Summer School, Rent, Capital Improvement, and Vocational | ||||||
5 | Education
Building purposes.
| ||||||
6 | (B) Foundation Level.
| ||||||
7 | (1) The Foundation Level is a figure established by the | ||||||
8 | State representing
the minimum level of per pupil financial | ||||||
9 | support that should be available to
provide for the basic | ||||||
10 | education of each pupil in
Average Daily Attendance. As set | ||||||
11 | forth in this Section, each school district
is assumed to exert
| ||||||
12 | a sufficient local taxing effort such that, in combination with | ||||||
13 | the aggregate
of general State
financial aid provided the | ||||||
14 | district, an aggregate of State and local resources
are | ||||||
15 | available to meet
the basic education needs of pupils in the | ||||||
16 | district.
| ||||||
17 | (2) For the 1998-1999 school year, the Foundation Level of | ||||||
18 | support is
$4,225. For the 1999-2000 school year, the | ||||||
19 | Foundation Level of support is
$4,325. For the 2000-2001 school | ||||||
20 | year, the Foundation Level of support is
$4,425. For the | ||||||
21 | 2001-2002 school year and 2002-2003 school year, the
Foundation | ||||||
22 | Level of support is $4,560. For the 2003-2004 school year, the | ||||||
23 | Foundation Level of support is $4,810. For the 2004-2005 school | ||||||
24 | year, the Foundation Level of support is $4,964.
For the | ||||||
25 | 2005-2006 school year,
the Foundation Level of support is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | $5,164. For the 2006-2007 school year, the Foundation Level of | ||||||
2 | support is $5,334. For the 2007-2008 school year, the | ||||||
3 | Foundation Level of support is $5,734.
| ||||||
4 | (3) For the 2008-2009 school year and each school year | ||||||
5 | through the 2009-2010 school year thereafter ,
the Foundation | ||||||
6 | Level of support is $5,959 or such greater amount as
may be | ||||||
7 | established by law by the General Assembly .
| ||||||
8 | (4) It is the intention of the 96th General Assembly that | ||||||
9 | the Foundation Level of support be increased to the Education | ||||||
10 | Funding Advisory Board's recommendation for the 2006-2007 | ||||||
11 | school year and be inflation adjusted to the 2013-2014 school | ||||||
12 | year, which would create a Foundation Level of $8,410, and that | ||||||
13 | this Foundation Level of support be reached over a 4-year, | ||||||
14 | phase-in period to allow for thoughtful planning by school | ||||||
15 | districts on the utilization of this funding to best enhance | ||||||
16 | education. | ||||||
17 | For (i) school year 2010-2011, the Foundation Level of | ||||||
18 | support is $6,540; (ii) school year 2011-2012, the Foundation | ||||||
19 | Level of support is $7,141; (iii) school year 2012-2013, the | ||||||
20 | Foundation Level of support is $7,764; and (iv) school year | ||||||
21 | 2013-2014, the Foundation Level of support is $8,410. For each | ||||||
22 | school year thereafter, the Foundation Level of support shall | ||||||
23 | be equal to the Foundation Level of support for the immediately | ||||||
24 | preceding completed school year, increased by the percentage | ||||||
25 | increase, if any, in the ECI published for the then most | ||||||
26 | recently completed calendar year or such greater amount as may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be established by law by the General Assembly.
| ||||||
2 | (C) Average Daily Attendance.
| ||||||
3 | (1) For purposes of calculating general State aid pursuant | ||||||
4 | to subsection
(E), an Average Daily Attendance figure shall be | ||||||
5 | utilized. The Average Daily
Attendance figure for formula
| ||||||
6 | calculation purposes shall be the monthly average of the actual | ||||||
7 | number of
pupils in attendance of
each school district, as | ||||||
8 | further averaged for the best 3 months of pupil
attendance for | ||||||
9 | each
school district. In compiling the figures for the number | ||||||
10 | of pupils in
attendance, school districts
and the State Board | ||||||
11 | of Education shall, for purposes of general State aid
funding, | ||||||
12 | conform
attendance figures to the requirements of subsection | ||||||
13 | (F).
| ||||||
14 | (2) The Average Daily Attendance figures utilized in | ||||||
15 | subsection (E) shall be
the requisite attendance data for the | ||||||
16 | school year immediately preceding
school year for which | ||||||
17 | general State aid is being calculated
or the average of the | ||||||
18 | attendance data for the 3 preceding school
years, whichever is | ||||||
19 | greater. The Average Daily Attendance figures
utilized in | ||||||
20 | subsection (H) shall be the requisite attendance data for the
| ||||||
21 | school year immediately preceding the school year for which | ||||||
22 | general
State aid is being calculated.
| ||||||
23 | (D) Available Local Resources.
| ||||||
24 | (1) For purposes of calculating general State aid pursuant |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to subsection
(E), a representation of Available Local | ||||||
2 | Resources per pupil, as that term is
defined and determined in | ||||||
3 | this subsection, shall be utilized. Available Local
Resources | ||||||
4 | per pupil shall include a calculated
dollar amount representing | ||||||
5 | local school district revenues from local property
taxes and | ||||||
6 | from
Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes, expressed | ||||||
7 | on the basis of pupils
in Average
Daily Attendance. Calculation | ||||||
8 | of Available Local Resources shall exclude any tax amnesty | ||||||
9 | funds received as a result of Public Act 93-26.
| ||||||
10 | (2) In determining a school district's revenue from local | ||||||
11 | property taxes,
the State Board of Education shall utilize the | ||||||
12 | equalized assessed valuation of
all taxable property of each | ||||||
13 | school
district as of September 30 of the previous year. The | ||||||
14 | equalized assessed
valuation utilized shall
be obtained and | ||||||
15 | determined as provided in subsection (G).
| ||||||
16 | (3) For school districts maintaining grades kindergarten | ||||||
17 | through 12, local
property tax
revenues per pupil shall be | ||||||
18 | calculated as the product of the applicable
equalized assessed
| ||||||
19 | valuation for the district multiplied by 3.00%, and divided by | ||||||
20 | the district's
Average Daily
Attendance figure. For school | ||||||
21 | districts maintaining grades kindergarten
through 8, local
| ||||||
22 | property tax revenues per pupil shall be calculated as the | ||||||
23 | product of the
applicable equalized
assessed valuation for the | ||||||
24 | district multiplied by 2.30%, and divided by the
district's | ||||||
25 | Average
Daily Attendance figure. For school districts | ||||||
26 | maintaining grades 9 through 12,
local property
tax revenues |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | per pupil shall be the applicable equalized assessed valuation | ||||||
2 | of
the district
multiplied by 1.05%, and divided by the | ||||||
3 | district's Average Daily
| ||||||
4 | For partial elementary unit districts created pursuant to | ||||||
5 | Article 11E of this Code, local property tax revenues per pupil | ||||||
6 | shall be calculated as the product of the equalized assessed | ||||||
7 | valuation for property within the partial elementary unit | ||||||
8 | district for elementary purposes, as defined in Article 11E of | ||||||
9 | this Code, multiplied by 2.06% and divided by the district's | ||||||
10 | Average Daily Attendance figure, plus the product of the | ||||||
11 | equalized assessed valuation for property within the partial | ||||||
12 | elementary unit district for high school purposes, as defined | ||||||
13 | in Article 11E of this Code, multiplied by 0.94% and divided by | ||||||
14 | the district's Average Daily Attendance figure.
| ||||||
15 | (4) The Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes paid | ||||||
16 | to each school
district during the calendar year 2 years before | ||||||
17 | the calendar year in which a
school year begins, divided by the | ||||||
18 | Average Daily Attendance figure for that
district, shall be | ||||||
19 | added to the local property tax revenues per pupil as
derived | ||||||
20 | by the application of the immediately preceding paragraph (3). | ||||||
21 | The sum
of these per pupil figures for each school district | ||||||
22 | shall constitute Available
Local Resources as that term is | ||||||
23 | utilized in subsection (E) in the calculation
of general State | ||||||
24 | aid.
| ||||||
25 | (E) Computation of General State Aid.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) For each school year, the amount of general State aid | ||||||
2 | allotted to a
school district shall be computed by the State | ||||||
3 | Board of Education as provided
in this subsection.
| ||||||
4 | (2) For any school district for which Available Local | ||||||
5 | Resources per pupil
is less than the product of 0.93 times the | ||||||
6 | Foundation Level, general State aid
for that district shall be | ||||||
7 | calculated as an amount equal to the Foundation
Level minus | ||||||
8 | Available Local Resources, multiplied by the Average Daily
| ||||||
9 | Attendance of the school district.
| ||||||
10 | (3) For any school district for which Available Local | ||||||
11 | Resources per pupil
is equal to or greater than the product of | ||||||
12 | 0.93 times the Foundation Level and
less than the product of | ||||||
13 | 1.75 times the Foundation Level, the general State aid
per | ||||||
14 | pupil shall be a decimal proportion of the Foundation Level | ||||||
15 | derived using a
linear algorithm. Under this linear algorithm, | ||||||
16 | the calculated general State
aid per pupil shall decline in | ||||||
17 | direct linear fashion from 0.07 times the
Foundation Level for | ||||||
18 | a school district with Available Local Resources equal to
the | ||||||
19 | product of 0.93 times the Foundation Level, to 0.05 times the | ||||||
20 | Foundation
Level for a school district with Available Local | ||||||
21 | Resources equal to the product
of 1.75 times the Foundation | ||||||
22 | Level. The allocation of general
State aid for school districts | ||||||
23 | subject to this paragraph 3 shall be the
calculated general | ||||||
24 | State aid
per pupil figure multiplied by the Average Daily | ||||||
25 | Attendance of the school
| ||||||
26 | (4) For any school district for which Available Local |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Resources per pupil
equals or exceeds the product of 1.75 times | ||||||
2 | the Foundation Level, the general
State aid for the school | ||||||
3 | district shall be calculated as the product of $218
multiplied | ||||||
4 | by the Average Daily Attendance of the school
| ||||||
5 | (5) The amount of general State aid allocated to a school | ||||||
6 | district for
the 1999-2000 school year meeting the requirements | ||||||
7 | set forth in paragraph (4)
of subsection
(G) shall be increased | ||||||
8 | by an amount equal to the general State aid that
would have | ||||||
9 | been received by the district for the 1998-1999 school year by
| ||||||
10 | utilizing the Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed | ||||||
11 | Valuation as calculated
in paragraph (4) of subsection (G) less | ||||||
12 | the general State aid allotted for the
school year. | ||||||
13 | This amount shall be deemed a one time increase, and shall not
| ||||||
14 | affect any future general State aid allocations.
| ||||||
15 | (F) Compilation of Average Daily Attendance.
| ||||||
16 | (1) Each school district shall, by July 1 of each year, | ||||||
17 | submit to the State
Board of Education, on forms prescribed by | ||||||
18 | the State Board of Education,
attendance figures for the school | ||||||
19 | year that began in the preceding calendar
year. The attendance | ||||||
20 | information so transmitted shall identify the average
daily | ||||||
21 | attendance figures for each month of the school year. Beginning | ||||||
22 | with
the general State aid claim form for the 2002-2003 school
| ||||||
23 | year, districts shall calculate Average Daily Attendance as | ||||||
24 | provided in
subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of this paragraph | ||||||
25 | (1).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) In districts that do not hold year-round classes,
| ||||||
2 | days of attendance in August shall be added to the month of | ||||||
3 | September and any
days of attendance in June shall be added | ||||||
4 | to the month of May.
| ||||||
5 | (b) In districts in which all buildings hold year-round | ||||||
6 | classes,
days of attendance in July and August shall be | ||||||
7 | added to the month
of September and any days of attendance | ||||||
8 | in June shall be added to
the month of May.
| ||||||
9 | (c) In districts in which some buildings, but not all, | ||||||
10 | hold
year-round classes, for the non-year-round buildings, | ||||||
11 | days of
attendance in August shall be added to the month of | ||||||
12 | September
and any days of attendance in June shall be added | ||||||
13 | to the month of
May. The average daily attendance for the | ||||||
14 | year-round buildings
shall be computed as provided in | ||||||
15 | subdivision (b) of this paragraph
(1). To calculate the | ||||||
16 | Average Daily Attendance for the district, the
average | ||||||
17 | daily attendance for the year-round buildings shall be
| ||||||
18 | multiplied by the days in session for the non-year-round | ||||||
19 | buildings
for each month and added to the monthly | ||||||
20 | attendance of the
non-year-round buildings.
| ||||||
21 | Except as otherwise provided in this Section, days of
| ||||||
22 | attendance by pupils shall be counted only for sessions of not | ||||||
23 | less than
5 clock hours of school work per day under direct | ||||||
24 | supervision of: (i)
teachers, or (ii) non-teaching personnel or | ||||||
25 | volunteer personnel when engaging
in non-teaching duties and | ||||||
26 | supervising in those instances specified in
subsection (a) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 10-22.34 and paragraph 10 of Section 34-18, with
pupils | ||||||
2 | of legal school age and in kindergarten and grades 1 through | ||||||
3 | 12.
| ||||||
4 | Days of attendance by tuition pupils shall be accredited | ||||||
5 | only to the
districts that pay the tuition to a recognized | ||||||
6 | school.
| ||||||
7 | (2) Days of attendance by pupils of less than 5 clock hours | ||||||
8 | of school
shall be subject to the following provisions in the | ||||||
9 | compilation of Average
Daily Attendance.
| ||||||
10 | (a) Pupils regularly enrolled in a public school for | ||||||
11 | only a part of
the school day may be counted on the basis | ||||||
12 | of 1/6 day for every class hour
of instruction of 40 | ||||||
13 | minutes or more attended pursuant to such enrollment,
| ||||||
14 | unless a pupil is
enrolled in a block-schedule format of 80 | ||||||
15 | minutes or more of instruction,
in which case the pupil may | ||||||
16 | be counted on the basis of the proportion of
minutes of | ||||||
17 | school work completed each day to the minimum number of
| ||||||
18 | minutes that school work is required to be held that day.
| ||||||
19 | (b) Days of attendance may be less than 5 clock hours | ||||||
20 | on the opening
and closing of the school term, and upon the | ||||||
21 | first day of pupil
attendance, if preceded by a day or days | ||||||
22 | utilized as an institute or
teachers' workshop.
| ||||||
23 | (c) A session of 4 or more clock hours may be counted | ||||||
24 | as a day of
attendance upon certification by the regional | ||||||
25 | superintendent, and
approved by the State Superintendent | ||||||
26 | of Education to the extent that the
district has been |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | forced to use daily multiple sessions.
| ||||||
2 | (d) A session of 3 or more clock hours may be counted | ||||||
3 | as a day of
attendance (1) when the remainder of the school | ||||||
4 | day or at least
2 hours in the evening of that day is | ||||||
5 | utilized for an
in-service training program for teachers, | ||||||
6 | up to a maximum of 5 days per
school year of which a | ||||||
7 | maximum of 4 days of such 5 days may be used for
| ||||||
8 | parent-teacher conferences, provided a district conducts | ||||||
9 | an in-service
training program for teachers which has been | ||||||
10 | approved by the State
Superintendent of Education; or, in | ||||||
11 | lieu of 4 such days, 2 full days may
be used, in which | ||||||
12 | event each such day
may be counted as a day of attendance; | ||||||
13 | and (2) when days in
addition to
those provided in item (1) | ||||||
14 | are scheduled by a school pursuant to its school
| ||||||
15 | improvement plan adopted under Article 34 or its revised or | ||||||
16 | amended school
improvement plan adopted under Article 2, | ||||||
17 | provided that (i) such sessions of
3 or more clock hours | ||||||
18 | are scheduled to occur at regular intervals, (ii) the
| ||||||
19 | remainder of the school days in which such sessions occur | ||||||
20 | are utilized
for in-service training programs or other | ||||||
21 | staff development activities for
teachers, and (iii) a | ||||||
22 | sufficient number of minutes of school work under the
| ||||||
23 | direct supervision of teachers are added to the school days | ||||||
24 | between such
regularly scheduled sessions to accumulate | ||||||
25 | not less than the number of minutes
by which such sessions | ||||||
26 | of 3 or more clock hours fall short of 5 clock hours.
Any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | full days used for the purposes of this paragraph shall not | ||||||
2 | be considered
computing average daily attendance. Days | ||||||
3 | scheduled for in-service training
programs, staff | ||||||
4 | development activities, or parent-teacher conferences may | ||||||
5 | be
scheduled separately for different
grade levels and | ||||||
6 | different attendance centers of the district.
| ||||||
7 | (e) A session of not less than one clock hour of | ||||||
8 | teaching
hospitalized or homebound pupils on-site or by | ||||||
9 | telephone to the classroom may
be counted as 1/2 day of | ||||||
10 | attendance, however these pupils must receive 4 or
more | ||||||
11 | clock hours of instruction to be counted for a full day of | ||||||
12 | attendance.
| ||||||
13 | (f) A session of at least 4 clock hours may be counted | ||||||
14 | as a day of
attendance for first grade pupils, and pupils | ||||||
15 | in full day kindergartens,
and a session of 2 or more hours | ||||||
16 | may be counted as 1/2 day of attendance by
pupils in | ||||||
17 | kindergartens which provide only 1/2 day of attendance.
| ||||||
18 | (g) For children with disabilities who are below the | ||||||
19 | age of 6 years and
cannot attend 2 or more clock hours | ||||||
20 | because of their disability or
immaturity, a session of not | ||||||
21 | less than one clock hour may be counted as 1/2 day
of | ||||||
22 | attendance; however for such children whose educational | ||||||
23 | needs so require
a session of 4 or more clock hours may be | ||||||
24 | counted as a full day of attendance.
| ||||||
25 | (h) A recognized kindergarten which provides for only | ||||||
26 | 1/2 day of
attendance by each pupil shall not have more |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than 1/2 day of attendance
counted in any one day. However, | ||||||
2 | kindergartens may count 2 1/2 days
attendance in any 5 | ||||||
3 | consecutive school days. When a pupil attends such a
| ||||||
4 | kindergarten for 2 half days on any one school day, the | ||||||
5 | pupil shall have
the following day as a day absent from | ||||||
6 | school, unless the school district
obtains permission in | ||||||
7 | writing from the State Superintendent of Education.
| ||||||
8 | Attendance at kindergartens which provide for a full day of | ||||||
9 | attendance by
each pupil shall be counted the same as | ||||||
10 | attendance by first grade pupils.
Only the first year of | ||||||
11 | attendance in one kindergarten shall be counted,
except in | ||||||
12 | case of children who entered the kindergarten in their | ||||||
13 | fifth year
whose educational development requires a second | ||||||
14 | year of kindergarten as
determined under the rules and | ||||||
15 | regulations of the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
16 | (i) On the days when the Prairie State Achievement | ||||||
17 | Examination is
administered under subsection (c) of | ||||||
18 | Section 2-3.64 of this Code, the day
of attendance for a | ||||||
19 | pupil whose school
day must be shortened to accommodate | ||||||
20 | required testing procedures may
be less than 5 clock hours | ||||||
21 | and shall be counted towards the 176 days of actual pupil | ||||||
22 | attendance required under Section 10-19 of this Code, | ||||||
23 | provided that a sufficient number of minutes
of school work | ||||||
24 | in excess of 5 clock hours are first completed on other | ||||||
25 | school
days to compensate for the loss of school work on | ||||||
26 | the examination days.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (G) Equalized Assessed Valuation Data.
| ||||||
2 | (1) For purposes of the calculation of Available Local | ||||||
3 | Resources required
pursuant to subsection (D), the
State Board | ||||||
4 | of Education shall secure from the Department of
Revenue the | ||||||
5 | value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of
| ||||||
6 | all taxable property of every school district, together with | ||||||
7 | (i) the applicable
tax rate used in extending taxes for the | ||||||
8 | funds of the district as of
September 30 of the previous year
| ||||||
9 | and (ii) the limiting rate for all school
districts subject to | ||||||
10 | property tax extension limitations as imposed under the
| ||||||
11 | Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
| ||||||
12 | The Department of Revenue shall add to the equalized | ||||||
13 | assessed value of all
property of each school district | ||||||
14 | situated entirely or partially within a county
that is or was | ||||||
15 | subject to the
provisions of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the | ||||||
16 | Property Tax Code (a)
an amount equal to the total amount by | ||||||
17 | which the
homestead exemption allowed under Section 15-176 or | ||||||
18 | 15-177 of the Property Tax Code for
property situated in | ||||||
19 | that school district exceeds the total amount that would
have | ||||||
20 | been
allowed in that school district if the maximum reduction | ||||||
21 | under Section 15-176
(i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in | ||||||
22 | all other counties in tax year 2003 or (ii) $5,000 in all | ||||||
23 | counties in tax year 2004 and thereafter and (b) an amount | ||||||
24 | equal to the aggregate amount for the taxable year of all | ||||||
25 | additional exemptions under Section 15-175 of the Property Tax |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code for owners with a household income of $30,000 or less. The | ||||||
2 | county clerk of any county that is or was subject to the | ||||||
3 | provisions of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code | ||||||
4 | shall
annually calculate and certify to the Department of | ||||||
5 | Revenue for each school
district all
homestead exemption | ||||||
6 | amounts under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code | ||||||
7 | and all amounts of additional exemptions under Section 15-175 | ||||||
8 | of the Property Tax Code for owners with a household income of | ||||||
9 | $30,000 or less. It is the intent of this paragraph that if the | ||||||
10 | general homestead exemption for a parcel of property is | ||||||
11 | determined under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax | ||||||
12 | Code rather than Section 15-175, then the calculation of | ||||||
13 | Available Local Resources shall not be affected by the | ||||||
14 | difference, if any, between the amount of the general homestead | ||||||
15 | exemption allowed for that parcel of property under Section | ||||||
16 | 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code and the amount that | ||||||
17 | would have been allowed had the general homestead exemption for | ||||||
18 | that parcel of property been determined under Section 15-175 of | ||||||
19 | the Property Tax Code. It is further the intent of this | ||||||
20 | paragraph that if additional exemptions are allowed under | ||||||
21 | Section 15-175 of the Property Tax Code for owners with a | ||||||
22 | household income of less than $30,000, then the calculation of | ||||||
23 | Available Local Resources shall not be affected by the | ||||||
24 | difference, if any, because of those additional exemptions.
| ||||||
25 | This equalized assessed valuation, as adjusted further by | ||||||
26 | the requirements of
this subsection, shall be utilized in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | calculation of Available Local
| ||||||
2 | (2) The equalized assessed valuation in paragraph (1) shall | ||||||
3 | be adjusted, as
applicable, in the following manner:
| ||||||
4 | (a) For the purposes of calculating State aid under | ||||||
5 | this Section,
with respect to any part of a school district | ||||||
6 | within a redevelopment
project area in respect to which a | ||||||
7 | municipality has adopted tax
increment allocation | ||||||
8 | financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation
| ||||||
9 | Redevelopment Act, Sections 11-74.4-1 through 11-74.4-11 | ||||||
10 | of the Illinois
Municipal Code or the Industrial Jobs | ||||||
11 | Recovery Law, Sections 11-74.6-1 through
11-74.6-50 of the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Municipal Code, no part of the current equalized
| ||||||
13 | assessed valuation of real property located in any such | ||||||
14 | project area which is
attributable to an increase above the | ||||||
15 | total initial equalized assessed
valuation of such | ||||||
16 | property shall be used as part of the equalized assessed
| ||||||
17 | valuation of the district, until such time as all
| ||||||
18 | redevelopment project costs have been paid, as provided in | ||||||
19 | Section 11-74.4-8
of the Tax Increment Allocation | ||||||
20 | Redevelopment Act or in Section 11-74.6-35 of
the | ||||||
21 | Industrial Jobs Recovery Law. For the purpose of
the | ||||||
22 | equalized assessed valuation of the
district, the total | ||||||
23 | initial equalized assessed valuation or the current
| ||||||
24 | equalized assessed valuation, whichever is lower, shall be | ||||||
25 | used until
such time as all redevelopment project costs | ||||||
26 | have been paid.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) The real property equalized assessed valuation for | ||||||
2 | a school district
shall be adjusted by subtracting from the | ||||||
3 | real property
value as equalized or assessed by the | ||||||
4 | Department of Revenue for the
district an amount computed | ||||||
5 | by dividing the amount of any abatement of
taxes under | ||||||
6 | Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code by 3.00% for a | ||||||
7 | district
maintaining grades kindergarten through 12, by | ||||||
8 | 2.30% for a district
maintaining grades kindergarten | ||||||
9 | through 8, or by 1.05% for a
maintaining grades 9 | ||||||
10 | through 12 and adjusted by an amount computed by dividing
| ||||||
11 | the amount of any abatement of taxes under subsection (a) | ||||||
12 | of Section 18-165 of
the Property Tax Code by the same | ||||||
13 | percentage rates for district type as
specified in this | ||||||
14 | subparagraph (b).
| ||||||
15 | (3) For the 1999-2000 school year and each school year | ||||||
16 | thereafter, if a
school district meets all of the criteria of | ||||||
17 | this subsection (G)(3), the school
district's Available Local | ||||||
18 | Resources shall be calculated under subsection (D)
using the | ||||||
19 | district's Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation | ||||||
20 | as
calculated under this
subsection (G)(3).
| ||||||
21 | For purposes of this subsection (G)(3) the following terms | ||||||
22 | shall have
the following meanings:
| ||||||
23 | "Budget Year": The school year for which general State | ||||||
24 | aid is calculated
awarded under subsection (E).
| ||||||
25 | "Base Tax Year": The property tax levy year used to | ||||||
26 | calculate the Budget
allocation of general State aid.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Preceding Tax Year": The property tax levy year | ||||||
2 | immediately preceding the
Base Tax Year.
| ||||||
3 | "Base Tax Year's Tax Extension": The product of the | ||||||
4 | equalized assessed
valuation utilized by the County Clerk | ||||||
5 | in the Base Tax Year multiplied by the
limiting rate as | ||||||
6 | calculated by the County Clerk and defined in the Property | ||||||
7 | Tax
Extension Limitation Law.
| ||||||
8 | "Preceding Tax Year's Tax Extension": The product of | ||||||
9 | the equalized assessed
valuation utilized by the County | ||||||
10 | Clerk in the Preceding Tax Year multiplied by
the Operating | ||||||
11 | Tax Rate as defined in subsection (A).
| ||||||
12 | "Extension Limitation Ratio": A numerical ratio, | ||||||
13 | certified by the
County Clerk, in which the numerator is | ||||||
14 | the Base Tax Year's Tax
Extension and the denominator is | ||||||
15 | the Preceding Tax Year's Tax Extension.
| ||||||
16 | "Operating Tax Rate": The operating tax rate as defined | ||||||
17 | in subsection (A).
| ||||||
18 | If a school district is subject to property tax extension | ||||||
19 | limitations as
imposed under
the Property Tax Extension | ||||||
20 | Limitation Law, the State Board of Education shall
calculate | ||||||
21 | the Extension
Equalized Assessed Valuation of that | ||||||
22 | district. For the 1999-2000 school
year, the
Extension | ||||||
23 | Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of a school district as
| ||||||
24 | calculated by the State Board of Education shall be equal to | ||||||
25 | the product of the
district's 1996 Equalized Assessed Valuation | ||||||
26 | and the district's Extension
Limitation Ratio. For the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2000-2001 school year and each school year
the | ||||||
2 | Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of a school | ||||||
3 | district as
calculated by the State Board of Education shall be | ||||||
4 | equal to the product of
the Equalized Assessed Valuation last | ||||||
5 | used in the calculation of general State
aid and the
district's | ||||||
6 | Extension Limitation Ratio. If the Extension Limitation
| ||||||
7 | Equalized
Assessed Valuation of a school district as calculated | ||||||
8 | under
this subsection (G)(3) is less than the district's | ||||||
9 | equalized assessed valuation
as calculated pursuant to | ||||||
10 | subsections (G)(1) and (G)(2), then for purposes of
calculating | ||||||
11 | the district's general State aid for the Budget Year pursuant | ||||||
12 | to
subsection (E), that Extension
Limitation Equalized | ||||||
13 | Assessed Valuation shall be utilized to calculate the
| ||||||
14 | district's Available Local Resources
under subsection (D).
| ||||||
15 | Partial elementary unit districts created in accordance | ||||||
16 | with Article 11E of this Code shall not be eligible for the | ||||||
17 | adjustment in this subsection (G)(3) until the fifth year | ||||||
18 | following the effective date of the reorganization.
| ||||||
19 | (4) For the purposes of calculating general State aid for | ||||||
20 | the 1999-2000
school year only, if a school district | ||||||
21 | experienced a triennial reassessment on
the equalized assessed | ||||||
22 | valuation used in calculating its general State
financial aid | ||||||
23 | apportionment for the 1998-1999 school year, the State Board of
| ||||||
24 | Education shall calculate the Extension Limitation Equalized | ||||||
25 | Assessed Valuation
that would have been used to calculate the | ||||||
26 | district's 1998-1999 general State
aid. This amount shall equal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the product of the equalized assessed valuation
used to
| ||||||
2 | calculate general State aid for the 1997-1998 school year and | ||||||
3 | the district's
Extension Limitation Ratio. If the Extension | ||||||
4 | Limitation Equalized Assessed
Valuation of the school district | ||||||
5 | as calculated under this paragraph (4) is
less than the | ||||||
6 | district's equalized assessed valuation utilized in | ||||||
7 | calculating
district's 1998-1999 general State aid | ||||||
8 | allocation, then for purposes of
calculating the district's | ||||||
9 | general State aid pursuant to paragraph (5) of
subsection (E),
| ||||||
10 | that Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation shall | ||||||
11 | be utilized to
calculate the district's Available Local | ||||||
12 | Resources.
| ||||||
13 | (5) For school districts having a majority of their | ||||||
14 | equalized assessed
valuation in any county except Cook, DuPage, | ||||||
15 | Kane, Lake, McHenry, or Will, if
the amount of general State | ||||||
16 | aid allocated to the school district for the
1999-2000 school | ||||||
17 | year under the provisions of subsection (E), (H), and (J) of
| ||||||
18 | this Section is less than the amount of general State aid | ||||||
19 | allocated to the
district for the 1998-1999 school year under | ||||||
20 | these subsections, then the
State aid of the district | ||||||
21 | for the 1999-2000 school year only shall be increased
by the | ||||||
22 | difference between these amounts. The total payments made under | ||||||
23 | this
paragraph (5) shall not exceed $14,000,000. Claims shall | ||||||
24 | be prorated if they
exceed $14,000,000.
| ||||||
25 | (H) Supplemental General State Aid.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) In addition to the general State aid a school district | ||||||
2 | is allotted
pursuant to subsection (E), qualifying school | ||||||
3 | districts shall receive a grant,
paid in conjunction with a | ||||||
4 | district's payments of general State aid, for
supplemental | ||||||
5 | general State aid based upon the concentration level of | ||||||
6 | children
from low-income households within the school | ||||||
7 | district.
Supplemental State aid grants provided for school | ||||||
8 | districts under this
subsection shall be appropriated for | ||||||
9 | distribution to school districts as part
of the same line item | ||||||
10 | in which the general State financial aid of school
districts is | ||||||
11 | appropriated under this Section.
If the appropriation in any | ||||||
12 | fiscal year for general State aid and
supplemental general | ||||||
13 | State aid is insufficient to pay the amounts required
under the | ||||||
14 | general State aid and supplemental general State aid | ||||||
15 | calculations,
then the
State Board of Education shall ensure | ||||||
16 | that
each school district receives the full amount due for | ||||||
17 | general State aid
and the remainder of the appropriation shall | ||||||
18 | be used
for supplemental general State aid, which the State | ||||||
19 | Board of Education shall
calculate and pay to eligible | ||||||
20 | districts on a prorated basis.
| ||||||
21 | (1.5) This paragraph (1.5) applies only to those school | ||||||
22 | years
preceding the 2003-2004 school year.
For purposes of this
| ||||||
23 | subsection (H), the term "Low-Income Concentration Level" | ||||||
24 | shall be the
eligible pupil count from the most | ||||||
25 | recently available federal census divided by
the Average Daily | ||||||
26 | Attendance of the school district.
If, however, (i) the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | percentage decrease from the 2 most recent federal
in | ||||||
2 | the low-income eligible pupil count of a high school district | ||||||
3 | with fewer
than 400 students exceeds by 75% or more the | ||||||
4 | percentage change in the total
low-income eligible pupil count | ||||||
5 | of contiguous elementary school districts,
whose boundaries | ||||||
6 | are coterminous with the high school district,
or (ii) a high | ||||||
7 | school district within 2 counties and serving 5 elementary
| ||||||
8 | school
districts, whose boundaries are coterminous with the | ||||||
9 | high school
district, has a percentage decrease from the 2 most | ||||||
10 | recent federal
censuses in the low-income eligible pupil count | ||||||
11 | and there is a percentage
increase in the total low-income | ||||||
12 | eligible pupil count of a majority of the
elementary school | ||||||
13 | districts in excess of 50% from the 2 most recent
federal | ||||||
14 | censuses, then
high school district's low-income eligible | ||||||
15 | pupil count from the earlier federal
shall be the number | ||||||
16 | used as the low-income eligible pupil count for the high
school | ||||||
17 | district, for purposes of this subsection (H).
The changes made | ||||||
18 | to this paragraph (1) by Public Act 92-28 shall apply to
| ||||||
19 | supplemental general State aid
grants for school years | ||||||
20 | preceding the 2003-2004 school year that are paid
in fiscal | ||||||
21 | year 1999 or thereafter
and to
any State aid payments made in | ||||||
22 | fiscal year 1994 through fiscal year
1998 pursuant to | ||||||
23 | subsection 1(n) of Section 18-8 of this Code (which was
| ||||||
24 | repealed on July 1, 1998), and any high school district that is | ||||||
25 | affected by
Public Act 92-28 is
entitled to a
recomputation of | ||||||
26 | its supplemental general State aid grant or State aid
paid in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any of those fiscal years. This recomputation shall not be
| ||||||
2 | affected by any other funding.
| ||||||
3 | (1.10) This paragraph (1.10) applies to the 2003-2004 | ||||||
4 | school year
and each school year thereafter. For purposes of | ||||||
5 | this subsection (H), the
term "Low-Income Concentration Level" | ||||||
6 | shall, for each fiscal year, be the
low-income eligible
pupil | ||||||
7 | count
as of July 1 of the immediately preceding fiscal year
(as | ||||||
8 | determined by the Department of Human Services based
on the | ||||||
9 | number of pupils
who are eligible for at least one of the | ||||||
10 | following
low income programs: Medicaid, KidCare, TANF, or Food | ||||||
11 | Stamps,
excluding pupils who are eligible for services provided | ||||||
12 | by the Department
of Children and Family Services,
averaged | ||||||
13 | over
the 2 immediately preceding fiscal years for fiscal year | ||||||
14 | 2004 and over the 3
immediately preceding fiscal years for each | ||||||
15 | fiscal year thereafter)
divided by the Average Daily Attendance | ||||||
16 | of the school district.
| ||||||
17 | (2) Supplemental general State aid pursuant to this | ||||||
18 | subsection (H) shall
provided as follows for the 1998-1999, | ||||||
19 | 1999-2000, and 2000-2001 school years
| ||||||
20 | (a) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
21 | Concentration Level of at
least 20% and less than 35%, the | ||||||
22 | grant for any school year
shall be $800
multiplied by the | ||||||
23 | low income eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
24 | (b) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
25 | Concentration Level of at
least 35% and less than 50%, the | ||||||
26 | grant for the 1998-1999 school year shall be
$1,100 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | multiplied by the low income eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
2 | (c) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
3 | Concentration Level of at
least 50% and less than 60%, the | ||||||
4 | grant for the 1998-99 school year shall be
$1,500 | ||||||
5 | multiplied by the low income eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
6 | (d) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
7 | Concentration Level of 60%
or more, the grant for the | ||||||
8 | 1998-99 school year shall be $1,900 multiplied by
the low | ||||||
9 | income eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
10 | (e) For the 1999-2000 school year, the per pupil amount | ||||||
11 | specified in
subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) immediately | ||||||
12 | above shall be increased to $1,243,
$1,600, and $2,000, | ||||||
13 | respectively.
| ||||||
14 | (f) For the 2000-2001 school year, the per pupil | ||||||
15 | amounts specified in
subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) | ||||||
16 | immediately above shall be
$1,273, $1,640, and $2,050, | ||||||
17 | respectively.
| ||||||
18 | (2.5) Supplemental general State aid pursuant to this | ||||||
19 | subsection (H)
shall be provided as follows for the 2002-2003 | ||||||
20 | school year:
| ||||||
21 | (a) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
22 | Concentration Level of less
than 10%, the grant for each | ||||||
23 | school year shall be $355 multiplied by the low
income | ||||||
24 | eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
25 | (b) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
26 | Concentration
Level of at least 10% and less than 20%, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | grant for each school year shall
be $675
multiplied by the | ||||||
2 | low income eligible pupil
| ||||||
3 | (c) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
4 | Concentration
Level of at least 20% and less than 35%, the | ||||||
5 | grant for each school year shall
be $1,330
multiplied by | ||||||
6 | the low income eligible pupil
| ||||||
7 | (d) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
8 | Concentration
Level of at least 35% and less than 50%, the | ||||||
9 | grant for each school year shall
be $1,362
multiplied by | ||||||
10 | the low income eligible pupil
| ||||||
11 | (e) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
12 | Concentration
Level of at least 50% and less than 60%, the | ||||||
13 | grant for each school year shall
be $1,680
multiplied by | ||||||
14 | the low income eligible pupil
| ||||||
15 | (f) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
16 | Concentration
Level of 60% or more, the grant for each | ||||||
17 | school year shall be $2,080
multiplied by the low income | ||||||
18 | eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
19 | (2.10) Except as otherwise provided, supplemental general | ||||||
20 | State aid
pursuant to this subsection
(H) shall be provided as | ||||||
21 | follows for the 2003-2004 school year and each
school year | ||||||
22 | thereafter:
| ||||||
23 | (a) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
24 | Concentration
Level of 15% or less, the grant for each | ||||||
25 | school year
shall be $355 multiplied by the low income | ||||||
26 | eligible pupil count.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) For any school district with a Low Income | ||||||
2 | Concentration
Level greater than 15%, the grant for each | ||||||
3 | school year shall be
$294.25 added to the product of $2,700 | ||||||
4 | and the square of the Low
Income Concentration Level, all | ||||||
5 | multiplied by the low income
eligible pupil count.
| ||||||
6 | For the 2003-2004 school year and each school year | ||||||
7 | thereafter through the 2008-2009 school year only, the grant | ||||||
8 | shall be no less than the
the 2002-2003 school year. | ||||||
9 | For the 2009-2010 school year only, the grant shall
be no
less | ||||||
10 | than the grant for the 2002-2003 school year multiplied by | ||||||
11 | 0.66. For the 2010-2011
school year only, the grant shall be no | ||||||
12 | less than the grant for the 2002-2003
school year
multiplied by | ||||||
13 | 0.33. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the | ||||||
14 | contrary, if for any school year supplemental general State aid | ||||||
15 | grants are prorated as provided in paragraph (1) of this | ||||||
16 | subsection (H), then the grants under this paragraph shall be | ||||||
17 | prorated.
| ||||||
18 | For the 2003-2004 school year only, the grant shall be no | ||||||
19 | greater
than the grant received during the 2002-2003 school | ||||||
20 | year added to the
product of 0.25 multiplied by the difference | ||||||
21 | between the grant amount
calculated under subsection (a) or (b) | ||||||
22 | of this paragraph (2.10), whichever
is applicable, and the | ||||||
23 | grant received during the 2002-2003 school year.
For the | ||||||
24 | 2004-2005 school year only, the grant shall be no greater than
| ||||||
25 | the grant received during the 2002-2003 school year added to | ||||||
26 | the
product of 0.50 multiplied by the difference between the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | grant amount
calculated under subsection (a) or (b) of this | ||||||
2 | paragraph (2.10), whichever
is applicable, and the grant | ||||||
3 | received during the 2002-2003 school year.
For the 2005-2006 | ||||||
4 | school year only, the grant shall be no greater than
the grant | ||||||
5 | received during the 2002-2003 school year added to the
product | ||||||
6 | of 0.75 multiplied by the difference between the grant amount
| ||||||
7 | calculated under subsection (a) or (b) of this paragraph | ||||||
8 | (2.10), whichever
is applicable, and the grant received during | ||||||
9 | the 2002-2003
school year.
| ||||||
10 | (3) School districts with an Average Daily Attendance of | ||||||
11 | more than 1,000
and less than 50,000 that qualify for | ||||||
12 | supplemental general State aid pursuant
to this subsection | ||||||
13 | shall submit a plan to the State Board of Education prior to
| ||||||
14 | October 30 of each year for the use of the funds resulting from | ||||||
15 | this grant of
supplemental general State aid for the | ||||||
16 | improvement of
instruction in which priority is given to | ||||||
17 | meeting the education needs of
disadvantaged children. Such | ||||||
18 | plan shall be submitted in accordance with
rules and | ||||||
19 | regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
20 | (4) School districts with an Average Daily Attendance of | ||||||
21 | 50,000 or more
that qualify for supplemental general State aid | ||||||
22 | pursuant to this subsection
shall be required to distribute | ||||||
23 | from funds available pursuant to this Section,
no less than | ||||||
24 | $261,000,000 in accordance with the following requirements:
| ||||||
25 | (a) The required amounts shall be distributed to the | ||||||
26 | attendance centers
within the district in proportion to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | number of pupils enrolled at each
attendance center who are | ||||||
2 | eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches or
| ||||||
3 | breakfasts under the federal Child Nutrition Act of 1966 | ||||||
4 | and under the National
School Lunch Act during the | ||||||
5 | immediately preceding school year.
| ||||||
6 | (b) The distribution of these portions of supplemental | ||||||
7 | and general State
aid among attendance centers according to | ||||||
8 | these requirements shall not be
compensated for or | ||||||
9 | contravened by adjustments of the total of other funds
| ||||||
10 | appropriated to any attendance centers, and the Board of | ||||||
11 | Education shall
utilize funding from one or several sources | ||||||
12 | in order to fully implement this
provision annually prior | ||||||
13 | to the opening of school.
| ||||||
14 | (c) Each attendance center shall be provided by the
| ||||||
15 | school district a distribution of noncategorical funds and | ||||||
16 | other
categorical funds to which an attendance center is | ||||||
17 | entitled under law in
order that the general State aid and | ||||||
18 | supplemental general State aid provided
by application of | ||||||
19 | this subsection supplements rather than supplants the
| ||||||
20 | noncategorical funds and other categorical funds provided | ||||||
21 | by the school
district to the attendance centers.
| ||||||
22 | (d) Any funds made available under this subsection that | ||||||
23 | by reason of the
provisions of this subsection are not
| ||||||
24 | required to be allocated and provided to attendance centers | ||||||
25 | may be used and
appropriated by the board of the district | ||||||
26 | for any lawful school purpose.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) Funds received by an attendance center
pursuant to | ||||||
2 | this
subsection shall be used
by the attendance center at | ||||||
3 | the discretion
of the principal and local school council | ||||||
4 | for programs to improve educational
opportunities at | ||||||
5 | qualifying schools through the following programs and
| ||||||
6 | services: early childhood education, reduced class size or | ||||||
7 | improved adult to
student classroom ratio, enrichment | ||||||
8 | programs, remedial assistance, attendance
improvement, and | ||||||
9 | other educationally beneficial expenditures which
| ||||||
10 | supplement
the regular and basic programs as determined by | ||||||
11 | the State Board of Education.
Funds provided shall not be | ||||||
12 | expended for any political or lobbying purposes
as defined | ||||||
13 | by board rule.
| ||||||
14 | (f) Each district subject to the provisions of this | ||||||
15 | subdivision (H)(4)
shall submit an
acceptable plan to meet | ||||||
16 | the educational needs of disadvantaged children, in
| ||||||
17 | compliance with the requirements of this paragraph, to the | ||||||
18 | State Board of
Education prior to July 15 of each year. | ||||||
19 | This plan shall be consistent with the
decisions of local | ||||||
20 | school councils concerning the school expenditure plans
| ||||||
21 | developed in accordance with part 4 of Section 34-2.3. The | ||||||
22 | State Board shall
approve or reject the plan within 60 days | ||||||
23 | after its submission. If the plan is
rejected, the district | ||||||
24 | shall give written notice of intent to modify the plan
| ||||||
25 | within 15 days of the notification of rejection and then | ||||||
26 | submit a modified plan
within 30 days after the date of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | written notice of intent to modify.
Districts may amend | ||||||
2 | approved plans pursuant to rules promulgated by the State
| ||||||
3 | Board of Education.
| ||||||
4 | Upon notification by the State Board of Education that | ||||||
5 | the district has
not submitted a plan prior to July 15 or a | ||||||
6 | modified plan within the time
period specified herein, the
| ||||||
7 | State aid funds affected by that plan or modified plan | ||||||
8 | shall be withheld by the
State Board of Education until a | ||||||
9 | plan or modified plan is submitted.
| ||||||
10 | If the district fails to distribute State aid to | ||||||
11 | attendance centers in
accordance with an approved plan, the | ||||||
12 | plan for the following year shall
allocate funds, in | ||||||
13 | addition to the funds otherwise required by this
| ||||||
14 | subsection, to those attendance centers which were | ||||||
15 | underfunded during the
previous year in amounts equal to | ||||||
16 | such underfunding.
| ||||||
17 | For purposes of determining compliance with this | ||||||
18 | subsection in relation
to the requirements of attendance | ||||||
19 | center funding, each district subject to the
provisions of | ||||||
20 | this
subsection shall submit as a separate document by | ||||||
21 | December 1 of each year a
report of expenditure data for | ||||||
22 | the prior year in addition to any
modification of its | ||||||
23 | current plan. If it is determined that there has been
a | ||||||
24 | failure to comply with the expenditure provisions of this | ||||||
25 | subsection
regarding contravention or supplanting, the | ||||||
26 | State Superintendent of
Education shall, within 60 days of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | receipt of the report, notify the
district and any affected | ||||||
2 | local school council. The district shall within
45 days of | ||||||
3 | receipt of that notification inform the State | ||||||
4 | Superintendent of
Education of the remedial or corrective | ||||||
5 | action to be taken, whether by
amendment of the current | ||||||
6 | plan, if feasible, or by adjustment in the plan
for the | ||||||
7 | following year. Failure to provide the expenditure report | ||||||
8 | or the
notification of remedial or corrective action in a | ||||||
9 | timely manner shall
result in a withholding of the affected | ||||||
10 | funds.
| ||||||
11 | The State Board of Education shall promulgate rules and | ||||||
12 | regulations
to implement the provisions of this | ||||||
13 | subsection. No funds shall be released
under this | ||||||
14 | subdivision (H)(4) to any district that has not submitted a | ||||||
15 | plan
that has been approved by the State Board of | ||||||
16 | Education.
| ||||||
17 | (I) (Blank).
| ||||||
18 | (J) Supplementary Grants in Aid.
| ||||||
19 | (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, | ||||||
20 | the amount of the
aggregate general State aid in combination | ||||||
21 | with supplemental general State aid
under this Section for | ||||||
22 | which
each school district is eligible shall be no
less than | ||||||
23 | the amount of the aggregate general State aid entitlement that | ||||||
24 | was
received by the district under Section
18-8 (exclusive of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amounts received
under subsections 5(p) and 5(p-5) of that | ||||||
2 | Section)
for the 1997-98 school year,
pursuant to the | ||||||
3 | provisions of that Section as it was then in effect.
If a | ||||||
4 | school district qualifies to receive a supplementary payment | ||||||
5 | made under
this subsection (J), the amount
of the aggregate | ||||||
6 | general State aid in combination with supplemental general
| ||||||
7 | State aid under this Section
which that district is eligible to | ||||||
8 | receive for each school year shall be no less than the amount | ||||||
9 | of the aggregate
general State aid entitlement that was | ||||||
10 | received by the district under
Section 18-8 (exclusive of | ||||||
11 | amounts received
under subsections 5(p) and 5(p-5) of that | ||||||
12 | Section)
for the 1997-1998 school year, pursuant to the | ||||||
13 | provisions of that
Section as it was then in effect.
| ||||||
14 | (2) If, as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection | ||||||
15 | (J), a school
district is to receive aggregate general State | ||||||
16 | aid in
combination with supplemental general State aid under | ||||||
17 | this Section for the 1998-99 school year and any subsequent | ||||||
18 | school
year that in any such school year is less than the | ||||||
19 | amount of the aggregate
aid entitlement that the | ||||||
20 | district received for the 1997-98 school year, the
school | ||||||
21 | district shall also receive, from a separate appropriation made | ||||||
22 | for
purposes of this subsection (J), a supplementary payment | ||||||
23 | that is equal to the
amount of the difference in the aggregate | ||||||
24 | State aid figures as described in
paragraph (1).
| ||||||
25 | (3) (Blank).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (K) Grants to Laboratory and Alternative Schools.
| ||||||
2 | In calculating the amount to be paid to the governing board | ||||||
3 | of a public
university that operates a laboratory school under | ||||||
4 | this Section or to any
alternative school that is operated by a | ||||||
5 | regional superintendent of schools,
the State
Board of | ||||||
6 | Education shall require by rule such reporting requirements as | ||||||
7 | it
deems necessary.
| ||||||
8 | As used in this Section, "laboratory school" means a public | ||||||
9 | school which is
created and operated by a public university and | ||||||
10 | approved by the State Board of
Education. The governing board | ||||||
11 | of a public university which receives funds
from the State | ||||||
12 | Board under this subsection (K) may not increase the number of
| ||||||
13 | students enrolled in its laboratory
school from a single | ||||||
14 | district, if that district is already sending 50 or more
| ||||||
15 | students, except under a mutual agreement between the school | ||||||
16 | board of a
student's district of residence and the university | ||||||
17 | which operates the
laboratory school. A laboratory school may | ||||||
18 | not have more than 1,000 students,
excluding students with | ||||||
19 | disabilities in a special education program.
| ||||||
20 | As used in this Section, "alternative school" means a | ||||||
21 | public school which is
created and operated by a Regional | ||||||
22 | Superintendent of Schools and approved by
the State Board of | ||||||
23 | Education. Such alternative schools may offer courses of
| ||||||
24 | instruction for which credit is given in regular school | ||||||
25 | programs, courses to
prepare students for the high school | ||||||
26 | equivalency testing program or vocational
and occupational |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | training. A regional superintendent of schools may contract
| ||||||
2 | with a school district or a public community college district | ||||||
3 | to operate an
alternative school. An alternative school serving | ||||||
4 | more than one educational
service region may be established by | ||||||
5 | the regional superintendents of schools
of the affected | ||||||
6 | educational service regions. An alternative school
serving | ||||||
7 | more than one educational service region may be operated under | ||||||
8 | such
terms as the regional superintendents of schools of those | ||||||
9 | educational service
regions may agree.
| ||||||
10 | Each laboratory and alternative school shall file, on forms | ||||||
11 | provided by the
State Superintendent of Education, an annual | ||||||
12 | State aid claim which states the
Average Daily Attendance of | ||||||
13 | the school's students by month. The best 3 months'
Average | ||||||
14 | Daily Attendance shall be computed for each school.
The general | ||||||
15 | State aid entitlement shall be computed by multiplying the
| ||||||
16 | applicable Average Daily Attendance by the Foundation Level as | ||||||
17 | determined under
this Section.
| ||||||
18 | (L) Payments, Additional Grants in Aid and Other Requirements.
| ||||||
19 | (1) For a school district operating under the financial | ||||||
20 | supervision
of an Authority created under Article 34A, the | ||||||
21 | general State aid otherwise
payable to that district under this | ||||||
22 | Section, but not the supplemental general
State aid, shall be | ||||||
23 | reduced by an amount equal to the budget for
the operations of | ||||||
24 | the Authority as certified by the Authority to the State
Board | ||||||
25 | of Education, and an amount equal to such reduction shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | paid
to the Authority created for such district for its | ||||||
2 | operating expenses in
the manner provided in Section 18-11. The | ||||||
3 | remainder
of general State school aid for any such district | ||||||
4 | shall be paid in accordance
with Article 34A when that Article | ||||||
5 | provides for a disposition other than that
provided by this | ||||||
6 | Article.
| ||||||
7 | (2) (Blank).
| ||||||
8 | (3) Summer school. Summer school payments shall be made as | ||||||
9 | provided in
Section 18-4.3.
| ||||||
10 | (M) Education Funding Advisory Board.
| ||||||
11 | The Education Funding Advisory
Board, hereinafter in this | ||||||
12 | subsection (M) referred to as the "Board", is hereby
created. | ||||||
13 | The Board
shall consist of 5 members who are appointed by the | ||||||
14 | Governor, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate. The | ||||||
15 | members appointed shall include
representatives of education, | ||||||
16 | business, and the general public. One of the
members so | ||||||
17 | appointed shall be
designated by the Governor at the time the | ||||||
18 | appointment is made as the
chairperson of the
The | ||||||
19 | initial members of the Board may
be appointed any time after | ||||||
20 | the effective date of this amendatory Act of
1997. The regular | ||||||
21 | term of each member of the
Board shall be for 4 years from the | ||||||
22 | third Monday of January of the
year in which the term of the | ||||||
23 | member's appointment is to commence, except that
of the 5 | ||||||
24 | initial members appointed to serve on the
Board, the member who | ||||||
25 | is appointed as the chairperson shall serve for
a term that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | commences on the date of his or her appointment and expires on | ||||||
2 | the
third Monday of January, 2002, and the remaining 4 members, | ||||||
3 | by lots drawn at
the first meeting of the Board that is
| ||||||
4 | after all 5 members are appointed, shall determine 2 of their | ||||||
5 | number to serve
for terms that commence on the date of their
| ||||||
6 | respective appointments and expire on the third
Monday of | ||||||
7 | January, 2001,
and 2 of their number to serve for terms that | ||||||
8 | commence
on the date of their respective appointments and | ||||||
9 | expire on the third Monday
of January, 2000. All members | ||||||
10 | appointed to serve on the
Board shall serve until their | ||||||
11 | respective successors are
appointed and confirmed. Vacancies | ||||||
12 | shall be filled in the same manner as
original appointments. If | ||||||
13 | a vacancy in membership occurs at a time when the
Senate is not | ||||||
14 | in session, the Governor shall make a temporary appointment | ||||||
15 | until
the next meeting of the Senate, when he or she shall | ||||||
16 | appoint, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, a | ||||||
17 | person to fill that membership for the
unexpired term. If the | ||||||
18 | Senate is not in session when the initial appointments
are | ||||||
19 | made, those appointments shall
be made as in the case of | ||||||
20 | vacancies.
| ||||||
21 | The Education Funding Advisory Board shall be deemed | ||||||
22 | established,
and the initial
members appointed by the Governor | ||||||
23 | to serve as members of the
Board shall take office,
on the date | ||||||
24 | that the
Governor makes his or her appointment of the fifth | ||||||
25 | initial member of the
Board, whether those initial members are | ||||||
26 | then serving
pursuant to appointment and confirmation or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pursuant to temporary appointments
that are made by the | ||||||
2 | Governor as in the case of vacancies.
| ||||||
3 | The State Board of Education shall provide such staff | ||||||
4 | assistance to the
Education Funding Advisory Board as is | ||||||
5 | reasonably required for the proper
performance by the Board of | ||||||
6 | its responsibilities.
| ||||||
7 | For school years after the 2000-2001 school year, the | ||||||
8 | Education
Funding Advisory Board, in consultation with the | ||||||
9 | State Board of Education,
shall make recommendations as | ||||||
10 | provided in this subsection (M) to the General
Assembly for the | ||||||
11 | foundation level under subsection (B) subdivision (B)(3) of | ||||||
12 | this Section and
for the
supplemental general State aid grant | ||||||
13 | level under subsection (H) of this Section
for districts with | ||||||
14 | high concentrations of children from poverty. The
recommended | ||||||
15 | foundation level shall be determined based on a methodology | ||||||
16 | which
incorporates the basic education expenditures of | ||||||
17 | low-spending schools
exhibiting high academic performance. The | ||||||
18 | Education Funding Advisory Board
shall make such | ||||||
19 | recommendations to the General Assembly on January 1 of odd
| ||||||
20 | numbered years, beginning January 1, 2001.
| ||||||
21 | (N) (Blank).
| ||||||
22 | (O) References.
| ||||||
23 | (1) References in other laws to the various subdivisions of
| ||||||
24 | Section 18-8 as that Section existed before its repeal and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | replacement by this
Section 18-8.05 shall be deemed to refer to | ||||||
2 | the corresponding provisions of
this Section 18-8.05, to the | ||||||
3 | extent that those references remain applicable.
| ||||||
4 | (2) References in other laws to State Chapter 1 funds shall | ||||||
5 | be deemed to
refer to the supplemental general State aid | ||||||
6 | provided under subsection (H) of
this Section.
| ||||||
7 | (P) Public Act 93-838 and Public Act 93-808 make inconsistent | ||||||
8 | changes to this Section. Under Section 6 of the Statute on | ||||||
9 | Statutes there is an irreconcilable conflict between Public Act | ||||||
10 | 93-808 and Public Act 93-838. Public Act 93-838, being the last | ||||||
11 | acted upon, is controlling. The text of Public Act 93-838 is | ||||||
12 | the law regardless of the text of Public Act 93-808. | ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 94-69, eff. 7-1-05; 94-438, eff. 8-4-05; 94-835, | ||||||
14 | eff. 6-6-06; 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07; | ||||||
15 | 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 95-644, eff. 10-12-07; 95-707, eff. | ||||||
16 | 1-11-08; 95-744, eff. 7-18-08; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08; revised | ||||||
17 | 9-5-08.)
| ||||||
18 | (105 ILCS 5/19-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 19-3)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 19-3. Boards of education. Any school district | ||||||
20 | governed by a board of
education and having a population of not | ||||||
21 | more than 500,000 inhabitants, and
not governed by a special | ||||||
22 | Act may borrow money for the purpose of building,
equipping, | ||||||
23 | altering or repairing school buildings or purchasing or | ||||||
24 | improving
school sites, or acquiring and equipping |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | playgrounds, recreation grounds,
athletic fields, and other | ||||||
2 | buildings or land used or useful for school purposes
or for the | ||||||
3 | purpose of purchasing a site, with or without a building or
| ||||||
4 | buildings thereon, or for the building of a house or houses on | ||||||
5 | such site,
or for the building of a house or houses on the | ||||||
6 | school site of the school
district, for residential purposes of | ||||||
7 | the superintendent, principal, or
teachers of the school | ||||||
8 | district, and issue its negotiable coupon bonds therefor
signed | ||||||
9 | by the president and secretary of the board, in denominations | ||||||
10 | of not
less than $100 nor more than $5,000, payable at such | ||||||
11 | place and at such time or
times, not exceeding 20 years from | ||||||
12 | date of issuance, as the board of education
may prescribe, and | ||||||
13 | bearing interest at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate
| ||||||
14 | authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the | ||||||
15 | time of the making
of the contract, payable annually, | ||||||
16 | semiannually or quarterly, but , with the exception of those | ||||||
17 | bonds described in Section 17-2.11c of this Code, no such bonds
| ||||||
18 | shall be issued unless the proposition to issue them is | ||||||
19 | submitted to the voters
of the district at a referendum held at | ||||||
20 | a regularly scheduled election after
the board has certified | ||||||
21 | the proposition to the proper election authorities in
| ||||||
22 | accordance with the general election law, a majority of all the | ||||||
23 | votes cast on
the proposition is in favor of the proposition, | ||||||
24 | and notice of such bond
referendum has been
given either (i) in | ||||||
25 | accordance with the second paragraph of Section 12-1 of the
| ||||||
26 | Election Code irrespective of whether such notice included any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reference to the
public question as it appeared on the ballot, | ||||||
2 | or (ii) for an election held on
or after November 1, 1998, in | ||||||
3 | accordance with Section 12-5 of the Election
Code, or (iii) by | ||||||
4 | publication of a true and legible copy of the specimen ballot
| ||||||
5 | label containing the proposition in the form in which it | ||||||
6 | appeared or will
appear on the official ballot label on the day | ||||||
7 | of the election at least 5 days
before the day of the election | ||||||
8 | in at least one newspaper published in and
having a general | ||||||
9 | circulation in the district,
irrespective of any other | ||||||
10 | requirements of Article 12 or Section 24A-18 of
the Election | ||||||
11 | Code, nor shall any residential site be acquired unless such
| ||||||
12 | proposition to acquire a site is submitted to the voters of the | ||||||
13 | district at a
referendum held at a regularly scheduled election | ||||||
14 | after the board has certified
the proposition to the proper | ||||||
15 | election authorities in accordance with the
general election | ||||||
16 | law and a majority of all the votes cast on the proposition is
| ||||||
17 | in favor of the proposition. Nothing in this Act or in any | ||||||
18 | other law shall be
construed to require the notice of the bond | ||||||
19 | referendum to be published over the
name or title of the | ||||||
20 | election authority or the listing of maturity dates of
any | ||||||
21 | bonds either in the notice of bond election or ballot used in | ||||||
22 | the bond
The provisions of this Section concerning | ||||||
23 | notice of the bond referendum
apply only to (i) consolidated | ||||||
24 | primary elections held prior to January 1,
2002 and the | ||||||
25 | consolidated election held on April 17, 2007 at which not less | ||||||
26 | than 60%
of the voters voting on the bond proposition voted in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | favor of the bond
proposition, and (ii) other elections held | ||||||
2 | before July 1, 1999; otherwise, notices required
in connection | ||||||
3 | with the submission of public questions shall be as set forth | ||||||
4 | in
Section 12-5 of the Election Code.
Such proposition may be | ||||||
5 | initiated by resolution of the school board.
| ||||||
6 | With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued | ||||||
7 | under this
Section either before, on, or after the effective | ||||||
8 | date of this amendatory
Act of 1989, it is and always has been | ||||||
9 | the intention of the General
Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond | ||||||
10 | Acts are and always have been
supplementary grants of power to | ||||||
11 | issue instruments in accordance with the
Omnibus Bond Acts, | ||||||
12 | regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear
to be | ||||||
13 | or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the
| ||||||
14 | provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the | ||||||
15 | supplementary
authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and | ||||||
16 | (iii) that instruments
issued under this Section within the | ||||||
17 | supplementary authority granted
by the Omnibus Bond Acts are | ||||||
18 | not invalid because of any provision of
this Act that may | ||||||
19 | appear to be or to have been more restrictive than
those Acts.
| ||||||
20 | The proceeds of any bonds issued under authority of this | ||||||
21 | Section shall
be deposited and accounted for separately within | ||||||
22 | the Site and
Construction/Capital Improvements Fund.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 95-30, eff. 8-7-07.)
| ||||||
24 | (105 ILCS 5/21-29)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 21-29. Salary Incentive Program for Hard-to-Staff |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Schools. | ||||||
2 | (a) The Salary Incentive Program for Hard-to-Staff Schools | ||||||
3 | is established to provide categorical funding for monetary | ||||||
4 | incentives and bonuses for teachers and school administrators | ||||||
5 | who are employed by school districts in schools designated as | ||||||
6 | hard-to-staff by the State Board of Education. | ||||||
7 | For the purposes of this Section, "hard-to-staff school" | ||||||
8 | means a public school in this State that ranks in the upper | ||||||
9 | third among
public schools of its type (elementary, middle, or | ||||||
10 | secondary)
in terms of rate of attrition of its teachers and | ||||||
11 | where 40% of
its students are at or below the poverty line an | ||||||
12 | elementary, middle, or high school that is operated by a school | ||||||
13 | district and that ranks in the top 5% of schools in this State | ||||||
14 | in the average rate of teacher attrition over a 5-year period . | ||||||
15 | The State Board of Education shall allocate and distribute to | ||||||
16 | qualifying schools an amount as annually appropriated by the | ||||||
17 | General Assembly for the Salary Incentive Program for | ||||||
18 | Hard-to-Staff Schools. The State Board of Education's annual | ||||||
19 | budget must set out by separate line item the appropriation for | ||||||
20 | the program. Only teachers and principals who work full time | ||||||
21 | and for a full school year are eligible for the incentives and | ||||||
22 | bonuses. | ||||||
23 | (b) Unless otherwise provided by appropriation, each | ||||||
24 | school's annual allocation under the Salary Incentive Program | ||||||
25 | for Hard-to-Staff Schools shall be the sum of the following | ||||||
26 | incentives and bonuses: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) An annual payment of $3,000 to be paid to each | ||||||
2 | certificated teacher employed as a school teacher by the | ||||||
3 | school district. The school shall distribute this payment | ||||||
4 | to each eligible teacher as a single payment or in not more | ||||||
5 | than 3 payments. | ||||||
6 | (2) An annual payment of $5,000 to each certificated | ||||||
7 | principal that is employed as a school principal by the | ||||||
8 | school district. The school shall distribute this payment | ||||||
9 | to each eligible principal as a single payment or in not | ||||||
10 | more than 3 payments. | ||||||
11 | If the appropriation in a given fiscal year is insufficient | ||||||
12 | to meet all needs under this Section, then claims under this | ||||||
13 | Section must be prorated proportionally. | ||||||
14 | (c) Each regional superintendent of schools shall provide | ||||||
15 | information about the Salary Incentive Program for | ||||||
16 | Hard-to-Staff Schools to each individual seeking to register or | ||||||
17 | renew a certificate.
| ||||||
18 | (d) The State Board of Education, the Teachers' Retirement | ||||||
19 | System of the State of Illinois, and the Public School | ||||||
20 | Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago shall work | ||||||
21 | together to validate data for the purposes of this Section as | ||||||
22 | necessary. | ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 95-707, eff. 1-11-08; 95-938, eff. 8-29-08.) | ||||||
24 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-3 new) | ||||||
25 | Sec. 21A-3. Goals. The New Teacher Induction and Mentoring |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Program under this Article shall accomplish the following | ||||||
2 | goals: | ||||||
3 | (1) provide an effective transition into the teaching | ||||||
4 | career for first year and second-year teachers in Illinois; | ||||||
5 | (2) improve the educational performance of pupils | ||||||
6 | through improved training, information, and assistance for | ||||||
7 | new teachers; | ||||||
8 | (3) ensure professional success and retention of new | ||||||
9 | teachers; | ||||||
10 | (4) ensure that mentors provide intensive | ||||||
11 | individualized support and assistance to each | ||||||
12 | participating beginning teacher; | ||||||
13 | (5) ensure that an individual induction plan is in | ||||||
14 | place for each beginning teacher and is based on an ongoing | ||||||
15 | assessment of the development of the beginning teacher; and | ||||||
16 | (6) ensure continuous program improvement through | ||||||
17 | ongoing research, development and evaluation.
| ||||||
18 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-5)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 21A-5. Definitions. In this Article:
| ||||||
20 | "New teacher" or "beginning teacher" means the holder of an | ||||||
21 | Initial Teaching Certificate, as set
forth in Section 21-2 of | ||||||
22 | this Code , an Alternative Teaching Certificate, or a | ||||||
23 | Transitional Bilingual Teaching Certificate , who is employed | ||||||
24 | by a public school and who
has not previously participated in a | ||||||
25 | new teacher induction and mentoring
program required by this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Article, except as provided in Section 21A-25 of this
| ||||||
2 | "Public school" means any school operating pursuant to the | ||||||
3 | authority of
this Code, including without limitation a school | ||||||
4 | district, a charter school, a
cooperative or joint agreement | ||||||
5 | with a governing body or board of control, and a
school | ||||||
6 | operated by a regional office of education or State agency.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| ||||||
8 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-10)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 21A-10. Development of program required. Prior to the | ||||||
10 | 2011-2012 During the 2003-2004
school year, each public school | ||||||
11 | or 2 or more public schools acting jointly
shall develop, in | ||||||
12 | conjunction with its exclusive representative or their
| ||||||
13 | exclusive representatives, if any, a new teacher induction and | ||||||
14 | mentoring
program that meets the requirements set forth in | ||||||
15 | Section 21A-20 of this Code to
assist new teachers in | ||||||
16 | developing the skills and strategies necessary for
| ||||||
17 | instructional excellence , provided that funding is made | ||||||
18 | available by the State
Board of Education from an appropriation | ||||||
19 | made for this purpose. A public school
that has an existing | ||||||
20 | induction and mentoring program that does not meet the
| ||||||
21 | requirements set forth in Section 21A-20 of this Code may have | ||||||
22 | school years
2003-2004 and 2004-2005 to develop a program that | ||||||
23 | does meet those requirements
and may receive funding as | ||||||
24 | described in Section 21A-25 of this Code, provided
that the | ||||||
25 | funding is made available by the State Board of Education from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an
appropriation made for this purpose. A public school with | ||||||
2 | such an existing
induction and mentoring program may receive | ||||||
3 | funding for the 2005-2006 school
year for each new teacher in | ||||||
4 | the second year of a 2-year program that does not
meet the | ||||||
5 | requirements set forth in Section 21A-20, as long as the public | ||||||
6 | school
has established the required new program by the | ||||||
7 | beginning of that school year
as described in Section 21A-15 | ||||||
8 | and provided that funding is made available by
the State Board | ||||||
9 | of Education from an appropriation made for this purpose as
| ||||||
10 | described in Section 21A-25 .
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| ||||||
12 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-15)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 21A-15. When program is to be established and | ||||||
14 | implemented. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this | ||||||
15 | Code, by
the beginning of the
2011-2012 2004-2005 school year | ||||||
16 | (or by the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year for a
public | ||||||
17 | school that has been given an extension of time to develop a | ||||||
18 | program
under Section 21A-10 of this Code) , each
public school | ||||||
19 | or 2 or more public schools acting
jointly shall establish and | ||||||
20 | implement, in conjunction with its exclusive
representative or | ||||||
21 | their exclusive representatives, if any, the new teacher
| ||||||
22 | induction and mentoring program required to be developed under | ||||||
23 | Section 21A-10
of this Code , provided that
funding is made | ||||||
24 | available by the State Board of Education, from an
| ||||||
25 | appropriation made for this purpose, as described in Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 21A-25 of this
Code . A public school may contract with an | ||||||
2 | institution of higher education or
other independent party to | ||||||
3 | assist in implementing the program.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| ||||||
5 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-20)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 21A-20. Program requirements. Each new teacher | ||||||
7 | induction and
mentoring program must be based on a plan that at | ||||||
8 | least does all of the
| ||||||
9 | (1) Assigns a mentor teacher to each new teacher to | ||||||
10 | provide structured and intensive mentoring, as defined by | ||||||
11 | the State Board of Education, for a period of
least 2 | ||||||
12 | school years.
| ||||||
13 | (1.5) Ensures mentors are: | ||||||
14 | (A) carefully selected from experienced, exemplary | ||||||
15 | teachers using a clearly articulated, well-defined, | ||||||
16 | explicit criteria and open processes that may involve | ||||||
17 | key school partners; | ||||||
18 | (B) rigorously trained using best practices in the | ||||||
19 | field to ensure they are well prepared to assume their | ||||||
20 | responsibilities and are consistently supported in | ||||||
21 | their efforts to assist beginning teachers; | ||||||
22 | (C) provided with sufficient release time from | ||||||
23 | teaching to allow them to meet their responsibilities | ||||||
24 | as mentors, including regular contacts with their | ||||||
25 | beginning teachers and frequent observations of their |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | teaching practice; and | ||||||
2 | (D) equipped and selected to provide | ||||||
3 | classroom-focused and content-focused support whenever | ||||||
4 | possible.
| ||||||
5 | (2) Aligns with the Illinois Professional Teaching | ||||||
6 | Standards,
content area standards, and applicable local | ||||||
7 | school improvement and
professional development plans, if | ||||||
8 | any.
| ||||||
9 | (3) (Blank). Addresses all of the following elements | ||||||
10 | and how they will be
| ||||||
11 | (A) Mentoring and support of the new teacher.
| ||||||
12 | (B) Professional development specifically designed | ||||||
13 | to ensure
the growth of the new teacher's knowledge and | ||||||
14 | skills.
| ||||||
15 | (C) Formative assessment designed to ensure | ||||||
16 | feedback and
reflection, which must not be used in any | ||||||
17 | evaluation of the new
| ||||||
18 | (4) Describes the role of mentor teachers, the criteria | ||||||
19 | and process
for their selection, and how they will be | ||||||
20 | trained, provided that each
mentor teacher shall | ||||||
21 | demonstrate the best practices in teaching his or
her | ||||||
22 | respective field of practice.
A mentor teacher may not | ||||||
23 | directly or indirectly participate in the
evaluation of a | ||||||
24 | new teacher pursuant to Article 24A of this Code or the
| ||||||
25 | evaluation procedure of the public school , unless the | ||||||
26 | school district and exclusive bargaining
representative of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | its teachers negotiate and agree to it as part of an
| ||||||
2 | alternative evaluation plan under Section 24A-5 or 24A-8
of | ||||||
3 | this Code .
| ||||||
4 | (5) Provides ongoing professional development for both | ||||||
5 | beginning teachers and mentors. | ||||||
6 | (A) Beginning teachers shall participate in an | ||||||
7 | ongoing, formal network of novice colleagues for the | ||||||
8 | purpose of professional learning, problem-solving, and | ||||||
9 | mutual support. These regular learning opportunities | ||||||
10 | shall begin with an orientation to the induction and | ||||||
11 | mentoring program prior to the start of the school year | ||||||
12 | and continue throughout the academic year. The group | ||||||
13 | shall address issues of pedagogy, classroom management | ||||||
14 | and content knowledge, beginning teachers' assessed | ||||||
15 | needs, and local instructional needs or priorities. | ||||||
16 | (B) Mentors shall participate in an ongoing | ||||||
17 | professional learning community that supports their | ||||||
18 | practice and their use of mentoring tools, protocols, | ||||||
19 | and formative assessment in order to tailor and deepen
| ||||||
20 | mentoring skills and advance induction practices, | ||||||
21 | support program implementation, provide for mentor | ||||||
22 | accountability in a supportive environment, and | ||||||
23 | provide support to each mentor's emerging leadership. | ||||||
24 | (6) Provides for ongoing assessment of beginning | ||||||
25 | teacher practice. Beginning teachers shall be subject to a | ||||||
26 | system of formative assessment in which the novice and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | mentor collaboratively collect and analyze multiple | ||||||
2 | sources of data and reflect upon classroom practice in an | ||||||
3 | ongoing process. This assessment system shall be based on | ||||||
4 | the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (IPTS), the | ||||||
5 | IPTS Continuum of Teacher
Development, or a nationally | ||||||
6 | recognized teaching framework, as well as evidence of | ||||||
7 | teacher practice, including student work. The assessment | ||||||
8 | information shall be used to determine the scope, focus, | ||||||
9 | and content of professional development activities that | ||||||
10 | are the basis of the beginning teacher's individual | ||||||
11 | learning plan. The program shall provide time to ensure | ||||||
12 | that the quality of the process (such as observations, data
| ||||||
13 | collection, and reflective conversations) is not | ||||||
14 | compromised. | ||||||
15 | (7) Identifies clear roles and responsibilities for | ||||||
16 | both administrators and site mentor leaders who are to work | ||||||
17 | collectively to ensure induction practices are integrated | ||||||
18 | into existing professional development initiatives and to | ||||||
19 | secure assignments and establish working conditions for | ||||||
20 | beginning teachers that maximize their chances for | ||||||
21 | success. Administrators and site mentor leaders must have | ||||||
22 | sufficient knowledge and experience to understand the | ||||||
23 | needs of beginning teachers and the role of principals in | ||||||
24 | supporting each component of the
program. Site | ||||||
25 | administrators must take time to meet and communicate | ||||||
26 | concerns with beginning teachers and their mentors. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (8) Provides for ongoing evaluation of the New Teacher | ||||||
2 | Induction and Mentoring Program pursuant to Section 21A-30 | ||||||
3 | of this Code. | ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| ||||||
5 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-25)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 21A-25. Funding. From a separate appropriation made | ||||||
7 | for
the purposes of this Article, for each new teacher | ||||||
8 | participating in a new
induction and mentoring program
| ||||||
9 | that meets the requirements set forth in Section 21A-20 of this | ||||||
10 | Code or
in an existing program that is in the process of | ||||||
11 | transition to a program
that meets those requirements , the | ||||||
12 | State Board of Education shall pay the
public school $6,000 | ||||||
13 | $1,200 annually for each of 2 school years for the purpose of
| ||||||
14 | providing one or more of the following:
| ||||||
15 | (1) Mentor teacher compensation.
| ||||||
16 | (2) Mentor teacher training and other resources, or new | ||||||
17 | teacher training and other resources, or both.
| ||||||
18 | (3) Release time , including costs associated with | ||||||
19 | replacing a mentor teacher or new teacher in his or her | ||||||
20 | regular classroom .
| ||||||
21 | (4) Site-based program administration, not to exceed
| ||||||
22 | 10% of the total program cost. | ||||||
23 | However, if a new teacher, after participating in the new | ||||||
24 | teacher induction and
mentoring program for one school year, | ||||||
25 | becomes employed by another public
school, the State Board of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Education shall pay the teacher's new school $6,000 $1,200
for | ||||||
2 | the second school year and the teacher shall continue to be a | ||||||
3 | new teacher
as defined in this Article. Each public school | ||||||
4 | shall determine, in conjunction
with its exclusive | ||||||
5 | representative, if any, how the $6,000 $1,200 per school year | ||||||
6 | for
each new teacher shall be used, provided that if a mentor | ||||||
7 | teacher receives
additional release time to support a new | ||||||
8 | teacher, the total workload of other
teachers regularly | ||||||
9 | employed by the public school shall not increase in any
| ||||||
10 | substantial manner. If the appropriation is insufficient to | ||||||
11 | cover the $6,000 $1,200
per school year for each new teacher, | ||||||
12 | public schools are not required to
develop or implement the | ||||||
13 | program established by this Article. In the event of
an | ||||||
14 | insufficient appropriation, a public school or 2 or more | ||||||
15 | schools acting
jointly may submit an application for a grant | ||||||
16 | administered by the State Board
of Education and awarded on a | ||||||
17 | competitive basis to establish a new teacher
induction and | ||||||
18 | mentoring program that meets the criteria set forth in Section
| ||||||
19 | 21A-20 of this Code. The State Board of Education may retain up | ||||||
20 | to $1,000,000
of the appropriation for new teacher induction | ||||||
21 | and mentoring programs to train
mentor teachers, | ||||||
22 | administrators, and other personnel, to provide best practices
| ||||||
23 | information, and to conduct an evaluation of these programs' | ||||||
24 | impact and
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (105 ILCS 5/21A-30)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 21A-30. Evaluation of programs. The State Board of | ||||||
3 | Education
and the State Teacher Certification Board shall | ||||||
4 | jointly contract with an
independent party to conduct a | ||||||
5 | comprehensive evaluation of new teacher
induction and | ||||||
6 | mentoring programs established pursuant to this Article. The
| ||||||
7 | first report of this evaluation shall be presented to the | ||||||
8 | General Assembly on
before January 1, 2013 2009 . Subsequent | ||||||
9 | evaluations shall be conducted and
reports presented to the | ||||||
10 | General Assembly on or before January 1 of every
third year | ||||||
11 | thereafter. Additionally, the State Board of Education shall | ||||||
12 | prepare an annual
program report for the General Assembly on or | ||||||
13 | before December 31 each year. It shall summarize local program | ||||||
14 | design, indicate the number of teachers served, and document | ||||||
15 | rates of new teacher attrition and retention.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 93-355, eff. 1-1-04.)
| ||||||
17 | (105 ILCS 5/23-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 23-3)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 23-3. Filing
copy of constitution, by-laws and | ||||||
19 | amendments. Within 30 days after the adoption by any such | ||||||
20 | association of its
constitution or by-laws or any amendment | ||||||
21 | thereto, it shall file a copy
thereof, certified by its | ||||||
22 | president and executive director, with the
Governor, the State | ||||||
23 | Superintendent of Education, Public Instruction and the | ||||||
24 | regional county
superintendent of schools of each region county | ||||||
25 | in which it has any membership.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
| ||||||
2 | (105 ILCS 5/23-5.5 new)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 23-5.5. Professional development and training. Any | ||||||
4 | such association shall offer professional development and | ||||||
5 | training to school board members on topics that include, but | ||||||
6 | are not limited to, basics of school finance, financial | ||||||
7 | oversight and accountability, labor law and collective | ||||||
8 | bargaining, ethics, duties and responsibilities of a school | ||||||
9 | board member, and board governance principles. Every school | ||||||
10 | board member is expected to receive at least 4 hours of | ||||||
11 | professional development and training per year.
| ||||||
12 | (105 ILCS 5/23-6) (from Ch. 122, par. 23-6)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 23-6. Annual report. Each association shall make an | ||||||
14 | annual report within 60 days after the
close of its fiscal year | ||||||
15 | to the Governor, the State Board of Education
and the regional
| ||||||
16 | superintendent of schools of each region in
which it has | ||||||
17 | members, setting forth the activities of the association
for | ||||||
18 | the preceding fiscal year, the institutes held, the subjects
| ||||||
19 | discussed, and the attendance, and shall furnish the Governor, | ||||||
20 | the
State Board of Education and
such regional superintendents
| ||||||
21 | with copies of all publications sent to its members. The | ||||||
22 | association shall include the board training topics offered and | ||||||
23 | the number of school board members that availed themselves of | ||||||
24 | professional development and training.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 81-1508.)
| ||||||
2 | (105 ILCS 5/24-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 24-12)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 24-12. Removal or dismissal of teachers in contractual
| ||||||
4 | continued service. | ||||||
5 | (a) If a teacher in contractual continued service is
| ||||||
6 | removed or dismissed as a result of a decision of the board to | ||||||
7 | decrease
the number of teachers employed by the board or to | ||||||
8 | discontinue some
particular type of teaching service, written | ||||||
9 | notice shall be mailed to the
teacher and also given the
| ||||||
10 | teacher either by certified mail, return receipt requested or
| ||||||
11 | personal delivery with receipt at least 60
days before
the end | ||||||
12 | of the school term, together with a statement of honorable
| ||||||
13 | dismissal and the reason therefor . Any teacher dismissed as a | ||||||
14 | result of such decrease or discontinuance shall be paid all | ||||||
15 | earned compensation on or before the third business day | ||||||
16 | following the last day of pupil attendance in the regular | ||||||
17 | school term. | ||||||
18 | Whenever the number of honorable dismissal notices based | ||||||
19 | upon economic necessity exceeds 5 or 150% of the average number | ||||||
20 | of teachers honorably dismissed in the preceding 3 years, | ||||||
21 | whichever is more, then the board shall also hold a public | ||||||
22 | hearing on the question of the dismissals. Following the | ||||||
23 | hearing and board review, the action to
approve any such | ||||||
24 | reduction shall require a majority vote of the board
members. | ||||||
25 | (1) Each board shall, in consultation with
any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exclusive employee representatives, each year establish a | ||||||
2 | list,
categorized by positions, showing the length of | ||||||
3 | continuing service of
each teacher who is qualified to hold | ||||||
4 | any such certified positions, unless an
alternative method | ||||||
5 | of determining a sequence of dismissal is
established as | ||||||
6 | provided for in this Section, in which case a list shall
be | ||||||
7 | made in accordance with the alternative method. Copies of | ||||||
8 | the list
shall be distributed to the exclusive employee | ||||||
9 | representative on or
before February 1 of each year. | ||||||
10 | In all such cases where a teacher in contractual | ||||||
11 | continued service is removed or dismissed as a result of a | ||||||
12 | decision of the board to decrease the number of teachers | ||||||
13 | employed by the board or to discontinue some particular | ||||||
14 | type of teaching service , and in all such cases the board | ||||||
15 | shall
first remove or dismiss all teachers who have not | ||||||
16 | entered upon contractual
continued service before removing | ||||||
17 | or dismissing any teacher who has entered
upon contractual | ||||||
18 | continued service and who is legally qualified to hold a
| ||||||
19 | position currently held by a teacher who has not entered | ||||||
20 | upon contractual
continued service. | ||||||
21 | As between teachers who have entered upon contractual
| ||||||
22 | continued service, the teacher or teachers with the shorter | ||||||
23 | length of
continuing service with the district shall be | ||||||
24 | dismissed first
unless an alternative method of | ||||||
25 | determining the sequence of dismissal is
established in a | ||||||
26 | collective bargaining agreement or contract between the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | board and a professional faculty members' organization and | ||||||
2 | except that
this provision shall not impair the operation | ||||||
3 | of any affirmative action
program in the district, | ||||||
4 | regardless of whether it exists by operation of
law or is | ||||||
5 | conducted on a voluntary basis by the board. Any teacher
| ||||||
6 | dismissed as a result of such decrease or discontinuance | ||||||
7 | shall be paid
all earned compensation on or before the | ||||||
8 | third business day following
the last day of pupil | ||||||
9 | attendance in the regular school term. | ||||||
10 | (2) If the
board has any vacancies for the following | ||||||
11 | school term or within one
calendar year from the beginning | ||||||
12 | of the following school term, the
positions thereby | ||||||
13 | becoming available shall be tendered to the teachers
so | ||||||
14 | removed or dismissed so far as they are legally qualified | ||||||
15 | to hold
such positions; provided, however, that if the | ||||||
16 | number of honorable
dismissal notices based on economic | ||||||
17 | necessity exceeds 15% of the number of
full time equivalent | ||||||
18 | positions filled by certified employees (excluding
| ||||||
19 | principals and administrative personnel) during the | ||||||
20 | preceding school year,
then if the board has any vacancies | ||||||
21 | for the following school term or within
2 calendar years | ||||||
22 | from the beginning of the following
school term, the | ||||||
23 | positions so becoming available shall be tendered to the
| ||||||
24 | teachers who were so notified and removed or dismissed | ||||||
25 | whenever they are
legally qualified to hold such positions. | ||||||
26 | Each board shall, in consultation
with any exclusive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employee representatives, each year establish a list,
| ||||||
2 | categorized by positions, showing the length of continuing | ||||||
3 | service of each
teacher who is qualified to hold any such | ||||||
4 | positions, unless an alternative
method of determining a | ||||||
5 | sequence of dismissal is established as provided
for in | ||||||
6 | this Section, in which case a list shall be made in | ||||||
7 | accordance with
the alternative method. Copies of the list | ||||||
8 | shall be distributed to the
exclusive employee | ||||||
9 | representative on or before February 1 of each year.
| ||||||
10 | Whenever the number of honorable dismissal notices based | ||||||
11 | upon economic
necessity exceeds 5, or 150% of the average | ||||||
12 | number of teachers honorably
dismissed in the preceding 3 | ||||||
13 | years, whichever is more, then the board also
shall hold a | ||||||
14 | public hearing on the question of the dismissals. Following
| ||||||
15 | the hearing and board review the action to approve any such | ||||||
16 | reduction shall
require a majority vote of the board | ||||||
17 | members.
| ||||||
18 | (b)(1) If a dismissal or removal is sought for any other | ||||||
19 | reason or cause,
including those under Section 10-22.4, the | ||||||
20 | board must first approve a
motion containing specific charges | ||||||
21 | by a majority vote of all its
members. Written notice of such | ||||||
22 | charges and the teacher's right to request a hearing shall be | ||||||
23 | mailed to the teacher and also given the teacher either by | ||||||
24 | certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal delivery | ||||||
25 | with receipt shall be served upon the teacher
within 5 days of | ||||||
26 | the adoption of the motion. Such notice shall contain a
bill of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | particulars. | ||||||
2 | Before setting a hearing on charges stemming from causes | ||||||
3 | that are
considered remediable, a board must give the teacher | ||||||
4 | reasonable warning in writing, stating specifically the causes | ||||||
5 | that, if not removed, may result in charges; however, no such | ||||||
6 | written warning shall be required if the causes have been the | ||||||
7 | subject of a remediation plan pursuant to Article 24A of this | ||||||
8 | Code. | ||||||
9 | If in the opinion of the board the interests of the school | ||||||
10 | require it, the board may suspend the teacher pending the | ||||||
11 | hearing, but the teacher shall not suffer the loss of any | ||||||
12 | salary or benefits by reason of the suspension. | ||||||
13 | (2) No hearing upon the charges is required unless the
| ||||||
14 | teacher within 10 days after receiving notice requests in | ||||||
15 | writing of the
board that a hearing be scheduled, in which | ||||||
16 | case the board shall schedule a
hearing on those charges | ||||||
17 | before a disinterested hearing officer on a date
no less | ||||||
18 | than 15 nor more than 30 days after the enactment of the | ||||||
19 | motion.
The secretary of the school board shall forward a | ||||||
20 | copy of the notice to the
State Board of Education. | ||||||
21 | (3) Within 5 business days after receiving this notice | ||||||
22 | of
hearing, the State Board of Education shall provide a | ||||||
23 | list of 5
prospective, impartial hearing officers. Each | ||||||
24 | person on the list must (i) be
accredited by a national | ||||||
25 | arbitration organization and have had a minimum of 5
years | ||||||
26 | of experience directly related to labor and employment
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | relations matters between educational employers and | ||||||
2 | educational employees or
their exclusive bargaining | ||||||
3 | representatives ; (ii) not . No one on the list may
be a | ||||||
4 | resident of the school district ; (iii) beginning July 1, | ||||||
5 | 2010, have participated within the past 2 years in
training | ||||||
6 | provided or approved by the State Board of Education for
| ||||||
7 | teacher dismissal hearing officers so that he or she is | ||||||
8 | familiar with
issues generally involved in evaluative and | ||||||
9 | non-evaluative dismissals;
(iv) be available to commence | ||||||
10 | the hearing within 90 days and conclude
the hearing within | ||||||
11 | 120 days after being selected by the parties as the
hearing | ||||||
12 | officer; and (v) issue a decision as to whether the teacher
| ||||||
13 | shall be dismissed and give a copy of that decision to both | ||||||
14 | the teacher
and the school board within 60 days from the | ||||||
15 | conclusion of the hearing
or closure of the record, | ||||||
16 | whichever is later . The Board and the teacher or their
| ||||||
17 | legal representatives within 5 business 3 days shall | ||||||
18 | alternately strike one name from
the list until only one | ||||||
19 | name remains. Unless waived by the teacher, the
teacher | ||||||
20 | shall have the right to
proceed first with the striking.
| ||||||
21 | Within 5 business 3 days of receipt of the first list | ||||||
22 | provided by the State Board of
Education, the board and the | ||||||
23 | teacher or their legal representatives shall each
have the | ||||||
24 | right to reject all prospective hearing officers named on | ||||||
25 | the first
list and to require the State Board of Education | ||||||
26 | to provide a second list of 5
prospective, impartial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hearing officers, none of whom were named on the first
| ||||||
2 | list. Within 5 business days after receiving this request | ||||||
3 | for a second list, the State
Board of Education shall | ||||||
4 | provide the second list of 5 prospective, impartial
hearing | ||||||
5 | officers. The procedure for selecting a hearing officer | ||||||
6 | from the
list shall be the same as the procedure for | ||||||
7 | the first list. | ||||||
8 | (4) In the alternative
to selecting a hearing officer | ||||||
9 | from the first or second list received from the
State Board | ||||||
10 | of Education or if the State Board of Education cannot | ||||||
11 | provide a list that meets the foregoing requirements , the | ||||||
12 | board and the teacher or their legal
representatives may | ||||||
13 | mutually agree to select an impartial hearing officer who
| ||||||
14 | is not on a list received from the State Board of Education | ||||||
15 | either by direct
appointment by the parties or by using | ||||||
16 | procedures for the appointment of an
arbitrator | ||||||
17 | established by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation | ||||||
18 | Service or the
American Arbitration Association. The | ||||||
19 | parties shall notify the State Board of
Education of their | ||||||
20 | intent to select a hearing officer using an alternative
| ||||||
21 | procedure within 3 business days of receipt of a list of | ||||||
22 | prospective hearing officers
provided by the State Board of | ||||||
23 | Education or receipt of notice from the State Board of | ||||||
24 | Education that it cannot
provide a list that meets the | ||||||
25 | foregoing requirements . Any person selected by the parties
| ||||||
26 | under this alternative procedure for the selection of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hearing officer must meet the requirements for a hearing | ||||||
2 | officer to appear on shall
not be a resident of the school | ||||||
3 | district and shall have the same qualifications
and | ||||||
4 | authority as a hearing officer selected from a list | ||||||
5 | provided by the State
Board of Education.
| ||||||
6 | (5) The State Board of Education shall
promulgate | ||||||
7 | uniform standards and rules of procedure for such hearings. | ||||||
8 | As
to prehearing discovery, such rules and regulations | ||||||
9 | shall, at a minimum, allow
for written interrogatories, | ||||||
10 | evidence depositions and requests for production of | ||||||
11 | documents. They shall also require each party to provide to | ||||||
12 | the other party, by no later than 45 days prior to the | ||||||
13 | commencement of the hearing : (i) the (1) discovery of | ||||||
14 | names and addresses of persons who may be called as
expert | ||||||
15 | witnesses at the hearing, with an indication of which of up | ||||||
16 | to 3 witnesses may
be providing the most essential | ||||||
17 | testimony and a detailed summary of
the facts or opinion | ||||||
18 | each witness will testify to the omission of any such name | ||||||
19 | to result in
a preclusion of the testimony of such witness | ||||||
20 | in the absence of a showing
of good cause and the express | ||||||
21 | permission of the hearing officer; (2) bills
of | ||||||
22 | particulars; (3) written interrogatories ; and (ii) all | ||||||
23 | other (4) production of relevant
documents and other | ||||||
24 | materials, including information maintained | ||||||
25 | electronically, whether or not the party intends to use | ||||||
26 | them at the hearing. Subsequently, if a party discovers |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | additional materials or information
that should be | ||||||
2 | provided, he or she shall promptly notify and provide the
| ||||||
3 | additional materials to the other party or his or her | ||||||
4 | counsel. If such
additional material or information is | ||||||
5 | discovered during the hearing,
the hearing officer shall | ||||||
6 | also be notified. If at any time during the
course of the | ||||||
7 | hearing it is brought to the attention of the hearing
| ||||||
8 | officer that a party has failed to provide information as | ||||||
9 | required by
this Section, the hearing officer may order | ||||||
10 | such party to provide
the material and information, grant a | ||||||
11 | continuance, exclude such
evidence, or enter such other | ||||||
12 | order as it deems just under the
circumstances . The per | ||||||
13 | diem allowance for the hearing officer shall be
determined | ||||||
14 | and paid by
the State Board of Education , provided that the | ||||||
15 | per diem allowance shall be no less than the average per | ||||||
16 | diem rate for Illinois arbitrators reported by the Federal | ||||||
17 | Mediation and Conciliation Service for the prior calendar | ||||||
18 | year. If the board and the teacher or their legal | ||||||
19 | representatives mutually agree to select an impartial | ||||||
20 | hearing officer who is not on a list received from the | ||||||
21 | State Board of Education, they may agree to supplement the | ||||||
22 | per diem allowance paid by the State Board to the hearing | ||||||
23 | officer, at a rate consistent with the hearing officer's | ||||||
24 | published professional fees . | ||||||
25 | The hearing officer
shall hold a hearing and render a | ||||||
26 | final decision. The hearing officer shall commence the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hearing within 90 days and
conclude the hearing within 120 | ||||||
2 | days after being selected by the parties
as the hearing | ||||||
3 | officer, provided that these timelines may be modified
upon | ||||||
4 | the showing of good cause. Good cause shall mean the | ||||||
5 | illness or
otherwise unavoidable emergency of the teacher, | ||||||
6 | district
superintendent, their legal representatives, the | ||||||
7 | hearing officer, or an
essential witness as indicated in | ||||||
8 | each party's pre-hearing submission.
In a dismissal | ||||||
9 | hearing, the hearing officer shall consider and give
weight | ||||||
10 | to all of the teacher's evaluations written pursuant to | ||||||
11 | Article
24A of this Code. The teacher has
the privilege of | ||||||
12 | being present at the hearing with counsel and of
| ||||||
13 | cross-examining witnesses and may offer evidence and | ||||||
14 | witnesses and present
defenses to the charges. The hearing | ||||||
15 | officer may issue subpoenas and
subpoenas duces tecum | ||||||
16 | requiring the attendance of witnesses and, at the
request | ||||||
17 | of the teacher against whom a charge is made or the board, | ||||||
18 | shall
issue such subpoenas, but the hearing officer may | ||||||
19 | limit the number of
witnesses to be subpoenaed in behalf of | ||||||
20 | the teacher or the board to not
more than 10. All testimony | ||||||
21 | at the hearing shall be taken under oath
administered by | ||||||
22 | the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall cause a
| ||||||
23 | record of the proceedings to be kept and shall employ a | ||||||
24 | competent reporter
to take stenographic or stenotype notes | ||||||
25 | of all the testimony. The costs of
the reporter's | ||||||
26 | attendance and services at the hearing shall be paid by the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State Board of Education. Either party desiring a | ||||||
2 | transcript of the hearing
shall pay for the cost thereof. | ||||||
3 | If in the opinion of the board
the interests of the school | ||||||
4 | require it, the board may suspend the
teacher pending the | ||||||
5 | hearing, but if acquitted the teacher shall not
suffer the | ||||||
6 | loss of any salary by reason of the suspension.
| ||||||
7 | Before setting a hearing on charges stemming from | ||||||
8 | causes that are
considered remediable, a board must give | ||||||
9 | the teacher reasonable warning
in writing, stating | ||||||
10 | specifically the causes which, if not removed, may
result | ||||||
11 | in charges; however, no such written warning shall be | ||||||
12 | required if
the causes have been the subject of a | ||||||
13 | remediation plan pursuant to Article
24A. | ||||||
14 | (6) The hearing
officer shall consider and give weight | ||||||
15 | to
all of the teacher's evaluations written pursuant to | ||||||
16 | Article 24A.
The hearing officer shall, within 30 days from | ||||||
17 | the conclusion of the
hearing or closure of the record, | ||||||
18 | whichever is later,
make a decision as to whether or not | ||||||
19 | the teacher shall be dismissed and
shall give a copy of the | ||||||
20 | decision to both the teacher and the school
If the | ||||||
21 | hearing officer fails to render a decision within 30 days, | ||||||
22 | the State
Board of Education shall communicate with the | ||||||
23 | hearing officer to determine the
date that the parties can | ||||||
24 | reasonably expect to receive the decision. The State
Board | ||||||
25 | of Education shall provide copies of all such | ||||||
26 | communications to the
parties. In the event the hearing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | officer fails without good cause to make a
decision within | ||||||
2 | the 30 day period, the name of such hearing officer shall | ||||||
3 | be
struck for a period of not more than 24 months from the | ||||||
4 | master list of hearing
officers maintained by the State | ||||||
5 | Board of Education.
If a hearing officer fails
without good | ||||||
6 | cause , specifically provided in writing to both parties and | ||||||
7 | the State Board of Education, to render a decision within | ||||||
8 | 60 days 3 months after the hearing is
concluded or the
| ||||||
9 | record is closed, whichever is later,
State Board of | ||||||
10 | Education shall provide the parties with a new list of
| ||||||
11 | prospective, impartial hearing officers, with the same | ||||||
12 | qualifications provided
herein, one of whom shall be | ||||||
13 | selected, as provided in this Section, to rehear the | ||||||
14 | charges heard by the hearing officer who failed to render a
| ||||||
15 | decision or to review
the record and render a decision. | ||||||
16 | Good cause shall mean the illness or otherwise unavoidable | ||||||
17 | emergency of the hearing officer. The
parties may mutually | ||||||
18 | agree to select a hearing officer pursuant to the
| ||||||
19 | alternative
procedure, as provided in this Section,
to | ||||||
20 | rehear the charges heard by the hearing officer who failed | ||||||
21 | to render a
decision or to review the record and render a | ||||||
22 | decision .
If any the hearing
officer fails without good | ||||||
23 | cause , specifically provided in writing to both parties and | ||||||
24 | the State Board of Education, to render a decision within | ||||||
25 | 60 days 3 months after the
hearing is concluded or the | ||||||
26 | record is closed, whichever is later, the hearing
officer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be removed
from the master
list of hearing officers | ||||||
2 | maintained by the State Board of Education for not more | ||||||
3 | than 24 months . The State Board of Education may also take | ||||||
4 | such other actions as it deems appropriate, including | ||||||
5 | recovering, reducing, or withholding any fees paid or to be | ||||||
6 | paid to the hearing officer. If any hearing officer repeats | ||||||
7 | such failure, he or she shall be permanently removed from | ||||||
8 | the master list maintained by the State Board of Education | ||||||
9 | and may not be selected by parties through the alternative | ||||||
10 | selection process under this Section.
The board shall not | ||||||
11 | lose jurisdiction to discharge a teacher if the hearing
| ||||||
12 | officer fails to render a decision within the time | ||||||
13 | specified in this
Section. If the decision of the hearing | ||||||
14 | officer is in favor of
the teacher, he or she shall order | ||||||
15 | reinstatement to the same or a substantially equivalent | ||||||
16 | position and shall determine the amount for which the board | ||||||
17 | is liable, including, but not limited to, loss of income | ||||||
18 | and benefits.
| ||||||
19 | (7) The decision of the hearing officer is final unless | ||||||
20 | reviewed as
provided in Section 24-16 of this Act. In the | ||||||
21 | event such review is
instituted, any costs of preparing and | ||||||
22 | filing the record of proceedings
shall be paid by the | ||||||
23 | board.
| ||||||
24 | (8) If a decision of the hearing officer is adjudicated | ||||||
25 | upon review or
appeal in favor of the teacher, then the | ||||||
26 | trial court shall order
reinstatement and shall determine |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the amount for which the board is
liable including but not | ||||||
2 | limited to loss of income , benefits, and costs incurred
| ||||||
3 | therein. Any teacher who is reinstated by any hearing or | ||||||
4 | adjudication brought
under this Section shall be assigned | ||||||
5 | by the board to a position
substantially similar to the one | ||||||
6 | which that teacher held prior to that
teacher's suspension | ||||||
7 | or dismissal.
| ||||||
8 | If, by reason of any change in the boundaries of school | ||||||
9 | districts, or
by reason of the creation of a new school | ||||||
10 | district, the position held by
any teacher having a | ||||||
11 | contractual continued service status is transferred
from | ||||||
12 | one board to the control of a new or different board, the
| ||||||
13 | contractual continued service status of such teacher is not | ||||||
14 | thereby
lost, and such new or different board is subject to | ||||||
15 | this Act with
respect to such teacher in the same manner as | ||||||
16 | if such teacher were its
employee and had been its employee | ||||||
17 | during the time such teacher was
actually employed by the | ||||||
18 | board from whose control the position was transferred.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 89-618, eff. 8-9-96; 90-224, eff. 7-25-97.)
| ||||||
20 | (105 ILCS 5/24A-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 24A-3)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 24A-3. Evaluation training. School Beginning January | ||||||
22 | 1, 1986, school
boards shall require those administrators and | ||||||
23 | other school employees , or -- in school districts
having a | ||||||
24 | population exceeding 500,000 -- assistant principals, who
| ||||||
25 | evaluate other certified personnel to participate at least once |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | every year 2
years in an inservice workshop of at least one day | ||||||
2 | on either school improvement or the
evaluation of certified | ||||||
3 | personnel
provided or approved by the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 86-1477; 87-1076.)
| ||||||
5 | (105 ILCS 5/24A-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 24A-4)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 24A-4. Development and submission of evaluation plan. | ||||||
7 | As used in
this and the succeeding Sections, "teacher" means | ||||||
8 | any and all school
district employees regularly required to be | ||||||
9 | certified under laws relating
to the certification of teachers. | ||||||
10 | Each school district shall develop, in
cooperation with its | ||||||
11 | teachers or, where applicable, the exclusive
bargaining | ||||||
12 | representatives of its teachers, an evaluation plan for all
| ||||||
13 | teachers in contractual continued service . The district shall , | ||||||
14 | no later
than October 1, 1986, submit a copy of its evaluation | ||||||
15 | plan to the State
Board of Education, which shall review the | ||||||
16 | plan and make public its
comments thereon, and the district | ||||||
17 | shall at the same time provide a copy to
the exclusive | ||||||
18 | bargaining representatives. Whenever any substantive change
is | ||||||
19 | made in a district's evaluation plan, the new plan shall be | ||||||
20 | submitted to
the State Board of Education for review and | ||||||
21 | comment, and the district shall
at the same time provide a copy | ||||||
22 | of any such new plan to the exclusive
bargaining representative | ||||||
23 | representatives . Any substantive change in a district's | ||||||
24 | evaluation
plan must be developed by the district at least in | ||||||
25 | cooperation with
teachers or, where applicable, the exclusive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | bargaining representative
of its teachers. The board of a | ||||||
2 | school district operating under Article 34 of this Code and the | ||||||
3 | exclusive representative of the district's teachers shall | ||||||
4 | submit a certified copy of an agreement entered into under | ||||||
5 | Section 34-85c of this Code to the State Board of Education, | ||||||
6 | and that agreement shall constitute the teacher evaluation plan | ||||||
7 | for teachers assigned to schools identified in that agreement. | ||||||
8 | Whenever any substantive change is made in an agreement entered | ||||||
9 | into under Section 34-85c of this Code by the board of a school | ||||||
10 | district operating under Article 34 of this Code and the | ||||||
11 | exclusive representative of the district's teachers, the new | ||||||
12 | agreement shall be submitted to the State Board of Education.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 95-510, eff. 8-28-07.)
| ||||||
14 | (105 ILCS 5/24A-5) (from Ch. 122, par. 24A-5)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 24A-5. Content of evaluation plans for teachers in | ||||||
16 | contractual continued service . This Section does not apply to | ||||||
17 | teachers assigned to schools identified in an agreement entered | ||||||
18 | into between the board of a school district operating under | ||||||
19 | Article 34 of this Code and the exclusive representative of the | ||||||
20 | district's teachers in accordance with Section 34-85c of this | ||||||
21 | Code.
Each school district to
which this Article applies shall | ||||||
22 | establish a teacher evaluation plan
which ensures that each | ||||||
23 | teacher in contractual continued service
is evaluated at least | ||||||
24 | once in the course of every 2 school years , beginning
with the | ||||||
25 | 1986-87 school year .
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The evaluation plan shall comply with the requirements of | ||||||
2 | this Section and
of any rules adopted by the State Board of | ||||||
3 | Education pursuant to this Section.
| ||||||
4 | The plan shall include a description of each teacher's | ||||||
5 | duties
and responsibilities and of the standards to which that | ||||||
6 | teacher
is expected to conform. Beginning with the 2010-2011 | ||||||
7 | school year, these standards
shall include the Illinois | ||||||
8 | Professional Teaching Standards, provided
that in a district | ||||||
9 | subject to a collective bargaining agreement as of
the | ||||||
10 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
11 | Assembly, any changes made by this amendatory Act of the 96th | ||||||
12 | General Assembly shall go into effect in that district only | ||||||
13 | upon expiration of that agreement, unless otherwise agreed to | ||||||
14 | by the district and the exclusive bargaining representative of | ||||||
15 | its teachers.
| ||||||
16 | The plan may provide for evaluation of personnel whose | ||||||
17 | positions
require administrative certification by independent | ||||||
18 | evaluators not employed
by or affiliated with the school | ||||||
19 | district. The results of the school
district administrators' | ||||||
20 | evaluations shall be reported to the employing
school board, | ||||||
21 | together with such recommendations for remediation as the
| ||||||
22 | evaluator or evaluators may deem appropriate.
| ||||||
23 | The evaluation Evaluation of teachers whose positions do | ||||||
24 | not require administrative
certification shall be conducted by | ||||||
25 | an administrator qualified under Section
24A-3, or -- in school | ||||||
26 | districts having a population exceeding 500,000 --
by either an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administrator qualified under Section 24A-3 or an assistant
| ||||||
2 | principal under the supervision of an administrator qualified | ||||||
3 | under Section
24A-3 , provided that some or all the duties of | ||||||
4 | administrators and assistant principals under this Section may | ||||||
5 | be delegated to other school employees if the school district | ||||||
6 | and exclusive bargaining representative of its teachers | ||||||
7 | negotiate and agree to it as part of an alternative evaluation | ||||||
8 | plan under this Section. The evaluation , and shall include at | ||||||
9 | least the following components:
| ||||||
10 | (a) personal observation of the teacher in the | ||||||
11 | classroom ( on at least
2 different school days in school | ||||||
12 | districts having a population
500,000) by a | ||||||
13 | district administrator qualified under Section 24A-3, or - | ||||||
14 | -
in school districts having a population exceeding | ||||||
15 | 500,000 -- by either an
administrator qualified under | ||||||
16 | Section 24A-3 or an assistant principal under
the | ||||||
17 | supervision of an administrator qualified under Section | ||||||
18 | 24A-3, unless
the teacher has no classroom duties. A | ||||||
19 | written summary of the observation, in which any | ||||||
20 | deficiencies in performance and recommendations for | ||||||
21 | correction are identified, shall be provided to and | ||||||
22 | discussed with the teacher within 10 school days after the | ||||||
23 | date of the observation, unless an applicable collective | ||||||
24 | bargaining agreement provides to the contrary.
| ||||||
25 | (b) consideration of the teacher's attendance, | ||||||
26 | planning, and
instructional methods, classroom management, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | where relevant, and
competency in the subject matter | ||||||
2 | taught, where relevant.
| ||||||
3 | (c) rating of the teacher's performance as | ||||||
4 | "excellent",
"satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory".
| ||||||
5 | (d) specification as to the teacher's strengths and | ||||||
6 | weaknesses, with
details of specific examples and | ||||||
7 | supporting reasons for the comments made.
| ||||||
8 | (e) inclusion of a copy of the evaluation in the | ||||||
9 | teacher's personnel
file and provision of a copy of the | ||||||
10 | evaluation to the teacher and inclusion of the copy and the | ||||||
11 | teacher's response to it in the teacher's personnel file .
| ||||||
12 | (f) within 30 school days after completion of an | ||||||
13 | overall evaluation rating a teacher
as "unsatisfactory", | ||||||
14 | development and commencement by the district, or by an | ||||||
15 | administrator qualified under Section
24A-3 or an | ||||||
16 | assistant principal under the supervision of an | ||||||
17 | administrator
qualified under Section 24A-3 in school | ||||||
18 | districts having a population
exceeding 500,000, in | ||||||
19 | consultation with the teacher and the consulting teacher, | ||||||
20 | of a remediation plan designed to correct deficiencies
| ||||||
21 | cited, provided the deficiencies are deemed remediable.
In | ||||||
22 | all school districts the
remediation plan for | ||||||
23 | unsatisfactory, tenured teachers shall
provide for 90 | ||||||
24 | school days of remediation within the
classroom. In all | ||||||
25 | school districts evaluations issued pursuant
this | ||||||
26 | Section shall be
issued within 10 days after the conclusion |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the respective remediation plan.
However, the school | ||||||
2 | board or other governing authority of the district
shall | ||||||
3 | not lose
jurisdiction to discharge a teacher in the event | ||||||
4 | the evaluation is not issued
within 10 days after the | ||||||
5 | conclusion of the respective remediation plan.
| ||||||
6 | (g) participation in the remediation plan by the | ||||||
7 | teacher rated
"unsatisfactory", a district administrator | ||||||
8 | qualified under Section 24A-3
(or -- in a school district | ||||||
9 | having a population exceeding 500,000 -- an
administrator | ||||||
10 | qualified under Section 24A-3 or an assistant principal | ||||||
11 | under
the supervision of an administrator qualified under | ||||||
12 | Section 24A-3),
and a consulting teacher, selected by the | ||||||
13 | participating administrator or by
the principal, or -- in | ||||||
14 | school districts having a population exceeding
500,000 -- | ||||||
15 | by an administrator qualified under Section 24A-3 or by an
| ||||||
16 | assistant principal under the supervision of an | ||||||
17 | administrator qualified
under Section 24A-3, of the | ||||||
18 | teacher who was rated "unsatisfactory", which
consulting | ||||||
19 | teacher is an educational employee as defined in the | ||||||
20 | Educational
Labor Relations Act, has at least 5 years' | ||||||
21 | teaching experience and a
reasonable familiarity with the | ||||||
22 | assignment of the teacher being evaluated,
and who received | ||||||
23 | an "excellent" rating on his or her most
recent evaluation. | ||||||
24 | Where no teachers who meet these criteria are available
| ||||||
25 | within the district, the district shall request and the | ||||||
26 | State Board of
Education shall supply, to participate in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the remediation process, an
individual who meets these | ||||||
2 | criteria.
| ||||||
3 | In a district having a population of less than 500,000 | ||||||
4 | with an
exclusive bargaining agent, the bargaining agent
| ||||||
5 | may, if it so chooses, supply a roster of qualified | ||||||
6 | teachers from whom the
consulting teacher is to be | ||||||
7 | selected. That roster shall, however, contain
the names of | ||||||
8 | at least 5 teachers, each of whom meets the criteria for
| ||||||
9 | consulting teacher with regard to the teacher being | ||||||
10 | evaluated, or the names
of all teachers so qualified if | ||||||
11 | that number is less than 5. In the event of
a dispute as to | ||||||
12 | qualification, the State Board shall determine | ||||||
13 | qualification.
| ||||||
14 | (h) evaluations and ratings once every 30 school days
| ||||||
15 | for the 90 school day
remediation period immediately
| ||||||
16 | following receipt of a remediation plan provided for under | ||||||
17 | subsections (f) and (g) of this
provided that in | ||||||
18 | school districts having a population
| ||||||
19 | there shall be monthly evaluations and ratings for the | ||||||
20 | first 6 months and
quarterly evaluations and ratings for | ||||||
21 | the next 6 months immediately
following completion of the | ||||||
22 | remediation program of a teacher for whom a
remediation | ||||||
23 | plan has been developed. Each evaluation shall assess the | ||||||
24 | teacher's performance during the time period since the | ||||||
25 | prior evaluation, provided that the last evaluation shall | ||||||
26 | also include an overall evaluation of the teacher's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | performance during the remediation period. A written copy | ||||||
2 | of the evaluations and ratings, in which any deficiencies | ||||||
3 | in performance and recommendations for correction are | ||||||
4 | identified, shall be provided to and discussed with the | ||||||
5 | teacher within 10 school days after the date of the | ||||||
6 | evaluation, unless an applicable collective bargaining | ||||||
7 | agreement provides to the contrary. These subsequent | ||||||
8 | evaluations
shall be conducted by the participating | ||||||
9 | administrator, or -- in school
districts having a | ||||||
10 | population exceeding 500,000 -- by either the principal
or | ||||||
11 | by an assistant principal under the supervision of an
| ||||||
12 | administrator qualified under Section 24A-3. The | ||||||
13 | consulting
teacher shall provide advice to the teacher | ||||||
14 | rated "unsatisfactory" on how
to improve teaching skills | ||||||
15 | and to successfully complete the remediation
plan. The | ||||||
16 | consulting teacher shall participate in developing the
| ||||||
17 | remediation plan, but the final decision as to the | ||||||
18 | evaluation shall be done
solely by the administrator, or -- | ||||||
19 | in school districts having a population
exceeding 500,000 - | ||||||
20 | - by either the principal or by an assistant principal
| ||||||
21 | under the supervision of an administrator qualified under | ||||||
22 | Section 24A-3,
unless an applicable collective bargaining | ||||||
23 | agreement provides to the contrary.
Teachers in the | ||||||
24 | remediation process in a school district having a
| ||||||
25 | population
exceeding 500,000 are not subject to the annual | ||||||
26 | evaluations
described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section. Evaluations at the
conclusion of the remediation | ||||||
2 | process shall be separate and distinct from the
required | ||||||
3 | annual evaluations of teachers and shall not be subject to | ||||||
4 | the
guidelines and procedures relating to those annual | ||||||
5 | evaluations. The evaluator
may but is not required to use | ||||||
6 | the forms provided for the annual evaluation of
teachers in | ||||||
7 | the district's evaluation plan.
| ||||||
8 | (i) in school districts having a population of less | ||||||
9 | than
reinstatement to a schedule of biennial | ||||||
10 | evaluation for any teacher
who completes the 90 school day | ||||||
11 | remediation plan with a
"satisfactory" or better
rating, | ||||||
12 | unless the district's plan regularly requires more | ||||||
13 | frequent
evaluations; and in school districts having a | ||||||
14 | population exceeding
500,000, reinstatement to a schedule | ||||||
15 | of biennial evaluation for any teacher
who completes the 90 | ||||||
16 | school day remediation plan with a "satisfactory" or
better | ||||||
17 | rating and the one
year intensive review schedule as | ||||||
18 | provided in paragraph (h) of this Section
with a | ||||||
19 | "satisfactory" or better rating, unless such district's | ||||||
20 | plan regularly
requires more frequent evaluations.
| ||||||
21 | (j) dismissal in accordance with Section 24-12 or 34-85 | ||||||
22 | of the School
Code of any teacher who fails to complete any | ||||||
23 | applicable remediation plan
with a "satisfactory" or | ||||||
24 | better rating. Districts and teachers subject to
dismissal | ||||||
25 | hearings are precluded from compelling the testimony of
| ||||||
26 | consulting teachers at such hearings under Section 24-12 or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 34-85, either
as to the rating process or for opinions of | ||||||
2 | performances by teachers under
| ||||||
3 | Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) through (i) of this | ||||||
4 | Section, each school district and the exclusive bargaining | ||||||
5 | representative of its teachers may negotiate and agree to an | ||||||
6 | alternative evaluation plan for its teachers
that does not | ||||||
7 | include or modifies one or more of those
components. The | ||||||
8 | alternative plan may in part use growth model
assessment, peer | ||||||
9 | assistance, and peer review to evaluate teachers,
provided that | ||||||
10 | individual teacher data based upon student performance
and | ||||||
11 | progress shall be confidential and shall not be a public | ||||||
12 | record. | ||||||
13 | In a district subject to a collective bargaining agreement
| ||||||
14 | as of the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, any | ||||||
15 | changes made by this amendatory Act to the provisions of this
| ||||||
16 | Section that are contrary to the express terms and provisions | ||||||
17 | of that
agreement shall go into effect in that district only | ||||||
18 | upon
expiration of that agreement. Thereafter, collectively | ||||||
19 | bargained evaluation
plans shall at a minimum meet the | ||||||
20 | standards of this Article. If such a
district has an evaluation | ||||||
21 | plan, however, whether pursuant to the
collective bargaining | ||||||
22 | agreement or otherwise, a copy of that plan shall be
submitted | ||||||
23 | to the State Board of Education for review and comment, in
| ||||||
24 | accordance with Section 24A-4.
| ||||||
25 | Nothing in this Section shall be construed as preventing | ||||||
26 | immediate
dismissal of a teacher for deficiencies which are
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deemed irremediable or for actions which are injurious to or | ||||||
2 | endanger the
health or person of students in the classroom or | ||||||
3 | school. Failure to
strictly comply with the time requirements | ||||||
4 | contained in Section 24A-5 shall
not invalidate the results of | ||||||
5 | the remediation plan.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 95-510, eff. 8-28-07.)
| ||||||
7 | (105 ILCS 5/24A-6) (from Ch. 122, par. 24A-6)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 24A-6. Alternative evaluations. The school board of | ||||||
9 | any school
district which has not evaluated all of its teachers | ||||||
10 | by the end of the
1987-88 school year, or which fails to | ||||||
11 | evaluate such teachers within every
2 school years thereafter, | ||||||
12 | as provided for in this Article shall report
the names and | ||||||
13 | titles of such employees and the reasons for the failure to
| ||||||
14 | evaluate to the State Board of Education.
In districts where a | ||||||
15 | collectively bargained plan already exists, that
plan shall be | ||||||
16 | used to evaluate the teachers in that district, rather than
| ||||||
17 | using the evaluation plan developed by
the State Board of | ||||||
18 | Education unless the collectively bargained
plan does not meet | ||||||
19 | the requirements of this Article subsections (a) through (d) of
| ||||||
20 | Section 24A-5 . In cases where an evaluation instrument is in | ||||||
21 | dispute, the
State Board of Education shall postpone its | ||||||
22 | evaluation until the dispute is
resolved. Upon receipt of such | ||||||
23 | reports or if otherwise made aware that such
evaluations have | ||||||
24 | not been conducted, the State Board of Education shall
enter | ||||||
25 | upon the district premises and evaluate the teachers in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accordance
with an evaluation plan developed by the State Board | ||||||
2 | of Education, which
plan shall parallel as closely as possible | ||||||
3 | the requirements of this Article subsections
(a) through (d) of | ||||||
4 | Section 24A.5 . The results of the State Board
evaluation shall | ||||||
5 | be communicated to the school board, which
shall supply a copy | ||||||
6 | to the teacher, place a copy in the teacher's personnel
file, | ||||||
7 | and, where necessary, undertake a remediation program as | ||||||
8 | provided for in this Article defined in
subsections (f) through | ||||||
9 | (j) of Section 24A-5 .
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 86-201.)
| ||||||
11 | (105 ILCS 5/24A-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 24A-8)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 24A-8. Content of evaluation plans for Evaluation of | ||||||
13 | teachers not in contractual continued service. This Section | ||||||
14 | does not apply to teachers assigned to schools identified in an | ||||||
15 | agreement entered into between the board of a school district | ||||||
16 | operating under Article 34 of this Code and the exclusive | ||||||
17 | representative of the district's teachers in accordance with | ||||||
18 | Section 34-85c of this Code. Each school district to which this | ||||||
19 | Article applies shall establish a teacher evaluation plan that | ||||||
20 | ensures that each Beginning with the 1987-88 school year each | ||||||
21 | teacher not in contractual
continued service shall be evaluated | ||||||
22 | at least once each school year. The district's evaluation plan | ||||||
23 | and any substantive change
in it must be developed by the | ||||||
24 | district at least in cooperation with
its teachers or, where | ||||||
25 | applicable, the exclusive bargaining
representative of its |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | teachers. | ||||||
2 | The evaluation plan shall comply with the requirements of | ||||||
3 | this Section and of any rules adopted by the State Board of | ||||||
4 | Education pursuant to this Section. | ||||||
5 | The plan shall include a description of each teacher's | ||||||
6 | duties and
responsibilities and of the standards to which that | ||||||
7 | teacher is expected
to conform. Beginning with the 2010-2011 | ||||||
8 | school year, these standards
may include the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Professional Teaching Standards, provided
that in a district | ||||||
10 | subject to a collective bargaining agreement as of
the | ||||||
11 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
12 | Assembly, any changes made by this amendatory Act of the 96th | ||||||
13 | General Assembly shall go into effect in that district only | ||||||
14 | upon
expiration of that agreement, unless otherwise agreed to | ||||||
15 | by the
district and the exclusive bargaining representative of | ||||||
16 | its teachers. | ||||||
17 | The evaluation of teachers shall be conducted by an | ||||||
18 | administrator
qualified under Section 24A-3 of this Code, | ||||||
19 | provided that some or all the duties of administrators under | ||||||
20 | this Section may be delegated to other school employees if the | ||||||
21 | school district and exclusive bargaining
representative of its | ||||||
22 | teachers negotiate and agree to it as part of an
alternative | ||||||
23 | plan under this Section. The evaluation shall include at
least | ||||||
24 | the following components: | ||||||
25 | (1) Personal observation of the teacher in the | ||||||
26 | classroom on at least 2 different school days by a district |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administrator qualified under Section 24A-3 of this Code, | ||||||
2 | unless the teacher has no classroom duties. A written | ||||||
3 | summary of the observation, in which any deficiencies in | ||||||
4 | performance and recommendations for correction are | ||||||
5 | identified, shall be provided to
and discussed with the | ||||||
6 | teacher within 10 school days after the date of the | ||||||
7 | observation, unless an applicable collective bargaining | ||||||
8 | agreement provides to the contrary. | ||||||
9 | (2) Consideration of the teacher's attendance, | ||||||
10 | planning, and
instructional methods, classroom management, | ||||||
11 | where relevant, and competency in the subject matter | ||||||
12 | taught, where relevant. | ||||||
13 | (3) Specification as to the teacher's strengths and | ||||||
14 | weaknesses, with details of specific examples and | ||||||
15 | supporting reasons for the comments made. | ||||||
16 | (4) Provision of a copy of the evaluation to the | ||||||
17 | teacher and inclusion of the copy and the teacher's | ||||||
18 | response to it in the teacher's personnel file.
| ||||||
19 | Notwithstanding subdivisions (1) through (4) of this | ||||||
20 | Section, each school district and the exclusive bargaining | ||||||
21 | representative of its teachers may negotiate and agree to an | ||||||
22 | alternative evaluation plan for its teachers
that does not | ||||||
23 | include or modifies one or more of the foregoing
components. | ||||||
24 | The alternative plan may in part use growth model
assessment, | ||||||
25 | peer assistance, and peer review to evaluate teachers,
provided | ||||||
26 | that individual teacher data based upon student performance
and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | progress shall be confidential and shall not be a public | ||||||
2 | record. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 84-1419.)
| ||||||
4 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18.37 new)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 34-18.37. Financial policies. Beginning with the | ||||||
6 | second fiscal year after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
7 | Act of the 96th General Assembly, the board shall adopt a | ||||||
8 | formal, written financial policy. The policy may include | ||||||
9 | information in the following areas: | ||||||
10 | (1) Debt capacity, issuance, and management. | ||||||
11 | (2) Capital asset management. | ||||||
12 | (3) Reserve or stabilization fund goals. | ||||||
13 | (4) Periodic budget to actual comparison reports. | ||||||
14 | (5) Fees and charges. | ||||||
15 | (6) The use of one-time revenue. | ||||||
16 | (7) Risk management related to internal controls. | ||||||
17 | (8) Purchasing. | ||||||
18 | (9) Vehicle acquisition and maintenance. | ||||||
19 | The board shall make the policy publicly available. | ||||||
20 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18.38 new)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 34-18.38. Long-term financial plan. Beginning with | ||||||
22 | the second fiscal year after the effective date of this | ||||||
23 | amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, the board shall | ||||||
24 | develop a long-term financial plan that extends over at least a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 3-year period and that is updated and approved annually. The | ||||||
2 | plan must include multi-year forecasts of revenues, | ||||||
3 | expenditures, and debt. The board may make the plan available | ||||||
4 | to the public by publishing it as a separate document and | ||||||
5 | submitting it with the annual budget or by posting the plan as | ||||||
6 | a document on the school district's Internet website. The | ||||||
7 | forecasts that are the foundation of the plan must be available | ||||||
8 | to participants in the budget process before budgetary | ||||||
9 | decisions are made. The public must be provided opportunities | ||||||
10 | for providing dialog with respect to the long-term financial | ||||||
11 | planning process. Public access and review shall take place as | ||||||
12 | part of the official budget hearing process in accordance with | ||||||
13 | Section 34-46 of this Code. | ||||||
14 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18.39 new)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 34-18.39. Capital improvement plan. Beginning with | ||||||
16 | the second fiscal year after the effective date of this | ||||||
17 | amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, the board shall | ||||||
18 | develop a 5-year capital improvement plan that is updated and | ||||||
19 | approved annually. The plan must include a summary list of the | ||||||
20 | description of the capital projects to be completed over the | ||||||
21 | next 5 years, along with projected expenditures, and revenue | ||||||
22 | sources. The board shall make the plan available to the public. | ||||||
23 | The board shall hold a public hearing on the capital | ||||||
24 | improvement plan, which hearing may be held at a regularly | ||||||
25 | scheduled meeting of the board. This hearing shall be held in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the same manner and subject to the same notice and other | ||||||
2 | requirements as the public hearing required prior to adoption | ||||||
3 | of the budget in conformity with Section 34-46 of this Code. | ||||||
4 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18.40 new) | ||||||
5 | Sec. 34-18.40. School district financial accountability. | ||||||
6 | (a) The board shall annually include a user-friendly | ||||||
7 | executive summary as part of the district's budget. The | ||||||
8 | executive summary shall include all of the following: | ||||||
9 | (1) The district's major goals and objectives. | ||||||
10 | (2) A discussion of the major financial factors and | ||||||
11 | trends affecting the budget, such as changes in revenues, | ||||||
12 | enrollment, and debt. | ||||||
13 | (3) A description of the budget process. | ||||||
14 | (4) An overview of revenues and expenditures for all | ||||||
15 | funds, including at least 3 to 5 years of prior and future | ||||||
16 | trends, based on data from the annual financial report. | ||||||
17 | (5) An explanation of significant financial and | ||||||
18 | demographic trends. | ||||||
19 | (6) An explanation of the reasons for a budget deficit | ||||||
20 | and an explanation of how the deficit is being addressed. | ||||||
21 | (7) A budget forecast for at least 3 to 5 years in the | ||||||
22 | future. | ||||||
23 | (8) Student enrollment trends, including a future | ||||||
24 | forecast. | ||||||
25 | (9) The number of personnel by type. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (10) Changes in both the long term and short term debt | ||||||
2 | burden. | ||||||
3 | (b) Beginning with the second fiscal year after the | ||||||
4 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
5 | Assembly, the board shall annually include in the full budget | ||||||
6 | document the following items; any or all of the following items | ||||||
7 | may be published as separate documents provided that they are | ||||||
8 | explicitly referenced in the annual budget and attached thereto | ||||||
9 | and provided that they are made publicly available at the same | ||||||
10 | time as the tentative budget document: | ||||||
11 | (1) An organizational chart. | ||||||
12 | (2) Formal financial policies pursuant to Section | ||||||
13 | 34-18.37 of this Code. | ||||||
14 | (3) The district's long-term financial plan pursuant | ||||||
15 | to Section 34-18.38 of this Code
or a summary of the | ||||||
16 | long-term financial plan. | ||||||
17 | (4) The district's capital improvement plan pursuant | ||||||
18 | to Section 34-18.39 of this Code or a summary of the | ||||||
19 | capital improvement plan. | ||||||
20 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18.41 new)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 34-18.41. Audit committee. The board shall establish | ||||||
22 | an audit committee, which may include members
of the board, | ||||||
23 | other appropriate officers, or persons who do not serve on the | ||||||
24 | board, to review audit reports and any other financial reports | ||||||
25 | and documents, including management
letters prepared by or on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | behalf of the board. Nothing in this Section prohibits the | ||||||
2 | school district from maintaining its own internal audit | ||||||
3 | function.
| ||||||
4 | (105 ILCS 5/3-6 rep.)
| ||||||
5 | (105 ILCS 5/3-6.1 rep.)
| ||||||
6 | Section 90. The School Code is amended by repealing | ||||||
7 | Sections 3-6 and 3-6.1.
| ||||||
8 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
9 | becoming law.".