Rep. John E. Bradley
Filed: 12/8/2011
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 397, AS AMENDED, by | ||||||
3 | replacing everything after the enacting clause with the | ||||||
4 | following:
| ||||||
5 | "Article 1. Findings | ||||||
6 | Section 1-1. Legislative findings. | ||||||
7 | (1) The House of Representatives adopted House Resolution | ||||||
8 | 110 on March 8, 2011, setting forth the estimates of general | ||||||
9 | funds the House expects to be available during State fiscal | ||||||
10 | year 2012. | ||||||
11 | (2) In determining the estimates of general funds expected | ||||||
12 | to be available during State fiscal year 2012, the House | ||||||
13 | Revenue & Finance Committee assumed that the State would not | ||||||
14 | collect approximately $600,000,000 of income tax revenues due | ||||||
15 | to the allowance of special bonus depreciation rules approved | ||||||
16 | by the federal government. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) The House of Representatives adopted House Resolution | ||||||
2 | 158 on March 30, 2011, which provides that if the actual amount | ||||||
3 | of funds from State sources that become available during State | ||||||
4 | fiscal year 2012 exceeds the House's estimates set forth in | ||||||
5 | House Resolution 110, then that excess shall first be used to | ||||||
6 | reduce the backlog of unpaid State obligations to the extent | ||||||
7 | authorized by law. | ||||||
8 | (4) These concepts are prudent and should be continued for | ||||||
9 | State fiscal year 2013 and beyond. | ||||||
10 | (5) As the House Revenue & Finance Committee develops the | ||||||
11 | estimates of general funds expected to be available during | ||||||
12 | State fiscal year 2013, an estimated $250,000,000 of income tax | ||||||
13 | revenues in excess of the State fiscal year 2012 budgeted | ||||||
14 | amount will become available due to the phasing out of the | ||||||
15 | allowance of special bonus depreciation rules approved by the | ||||||
16 | federal government. | ||||||
17 | (6) Therefore, the General Assembly finds that a tax | ||||||
18 | incentive package that does not exceed $250,000,000 in State | ||||||
19 | fiscal year 2013 can be approved without any negative impact to | ||||||
20 | the State budget in State fiscal years 2012 and 2013 while | ||||||
21 | providing tax relief to a large number of Illinois individual | ||||||
22 | and business taxpayers. | ||||||
23 | Article 5. Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act | ||||||
24 | Section 5-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act. | ||||||
2 | Section 5-5. Independent Tax Tribunal Board; Department of | ||||||
3 | Revenue. | ||||||
4 | (a) On and after July 1, 2013, the Department of Revenue, | ||||||
5 | or any successor agency, shall no longer hear and act upon any | ||||||
6 | protests of notices of tax liability or deficiencies for all | ||||||
7 | taxes administered by the Department of Revenue. | ||||||
8 | (b) Beginning July 1, 2013, an Independent Tax Tribunal | ||||||
9 | Board shall assume, exercise, and administer all rights, | ||||||
10 | powers, duties, and responsibilities pertaining to any | ||||||
11 | protests of notices of tax liability or deficiencies for all | ||||||
12 | taxes administered by the Department of Revenue. The | ||||||
13 | Independent Tax Tribunal Board shall be created by law and no | ||||||
14 | State agency shall assume the functions of the Board. | ||||||
15 | Article 10. Live Theater Production Tax Credit Act | ||||||
16 | Section 10-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the | ||||||
17 | Live Theater Production Tax Credit Act. References in this | ||||||
18 | Article to "this Act" mean this Article. | ||||||
19 | Section 10-5. Purpose. The Illinois economy depends | ||||||
20 | heavily on the commercial for-profit live theater industry and | ||||||
21 | the pre-Broadway and long-run shows that are presented in | ||||||
22 | Illinois. As a result of intense competition from other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prominent theater cities in the United States and abroad in | ||||||
2 | attracting pre-Broadway and long-run shows, Illinois must move | ||||||
3 | aggressively with new business development investment tools so | ||||||
4 | that Illinois is more competitive in site location decision | ||||||
5 | making for show producers. In an increasingly global economy, | ||||||
6 | Illinois' long term development will benefit from the rational, | ||||||
7 | strategic use of State resources in support of pre-Broadway | ||||||
8 | live theater and long run show development and growth. It is | ||||||
9 | the purpose of this Act to preserve and expand the existing | ||||||
10 | work force used in live theater and enhance the marketing of | ||||||
11 | the presentation of live theater in Illinois. It shall be the | ||||||
12 | policy of this State to promote and encourage the training and | ||||||
13 | hiring of Illinois residents who represent the diversity of the | ||||||
14 | Illinois population through the creation and implementation of | ||||||
15 | training, education, and recruitment programs organized in | ||||||
16 | cooperation with Illinois colleges and universities, labor | ||||||
17 | organizations, and the commercial for-profit live theater | ||||||
18 | industry. | ||||||
19 | Section 10-10. Definitions. As used in this Act: | ||||||
20 | "Accredited theater production" means a for-profit live | ||||||
21 | stage presentation in a qualified production facility, as | ||||||
22 | defined in this Section, that is either (i) a pre-Broadway | ||||||
23 | production or (ii) a long-run production for which the | ||||||
24 | aggregate Illinois labor and marketing expenditures exceed | ||||||
25 | $100,000. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Pre-Broadway production" means a live stage production | ||||||
2 | that, in its original or adaptive version, is performed in a | ||||||
3 | qualified production facility having a presentation scheduled | ||||||
4 | for Broadway's Theater District in New York City within 12 | ||||||
5 | months after its Illinois presentation. | ||||||
6 | "Long-run production" means a live stage production that is | ||||||
7 | performed in a qualified production facility for longer than 8 | ||||||
8 | weeks, with at least 6 performances per week, and includes a | ||||||
9 | production that spans the end of one tax year and the | ||||||
10 | commencement of a new tax year that, in combination, meets the | ||||||
11 | criteria set forth in this definition making it a long-run | ||||||
12 | production eligible for a theater tax credit award in each tax | ||||||
13 | year or portion thereof. | ||||||
14 | "Accredited theater production certificate" means a | ||||||
15 | certificate issued by the Department certifying that the | ||||||
16 | production is an accredited theater production that meets the | ||||||
17 | guidelines of this Act. | ||||||
18 | "Applicant" means a taxpayer that is a theater producer, | ||||||
19 | owner, licensee, operator, or presenter that is presenting or | ||||||
20 | has presented a live stage presentation located within the | ||||||
21 | State of Illinois who: | ||||||
22 | (1) owns or licenses the theatrical rights of the stage | ||||||
23 | presentation for the Illinois production period; or | ||||||
24 | (2) has contracted or will contract directly with the | ||||||
25 | owner or licensee of the theatrical rights or a person | ||||||
26 | acting on behalf of the owner or licensee to provide live |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | performances of the production. | ||||||
2 | An applicant that directly or indirectly owns, controls, or | ||||||
3 | operates multiple qualified production facilities shall be | ||||||
4 | presumed to be and considered for the purposes of this Act to | ||||||
5 | be a single applicant; provided, however, that as to each of | ||||||
6 | the applicant's qualified production facilities, the applicant | ||||||
7 | shall be eligible to separately and contemporaneously (i) apply | ||||||
8 | for and obtain accredited theater production certificates, | ||||||
9 | (ii) stage accredited theater productions, and (iii) apply for | ||||||
10 | and receive a tax credit award certificate for each of | ||||||
11 | applicant's accredited theater productions performed at each | ||||||
12 | of the applicant's qualified production facilities. | ||||||
13 | "Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
14 | Opportunity. | ||||||
15 | "Director" means the Director of the Department. | ||||||
16 | "Illinois labor expenditure" means gross salary or wages | ||||||
17 | including, but not limited to, taxes, benefits, and any other | ||||||
18 | consideration incurred or paid to non-talent employees of the | ||||||
19 | applicant for services rendered to and on behalf of the | ||||||
20 | accredited theater production. To qualify as an Illinois labor | ||||||
21 | expenditure, the expenditure must be: | ||||||
22 | (1) incurred or paid by the applicant on or after the | ||||||
23 | effective date of the Act for services related to any | ||||||
24 | portion of an accredited theater production from its | ||||||
25 | pre-production stages, including, but not limited to, the | ||||||
26 | writing of the script, casting, hiring of service |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | providers, purchases from vendors, marketing, advertising, | ||||||
2 | public relations, load in, rehearsals, performances, other | ||||||
3 | accredited theater production related activities, and load | ||||||
4 | out; | ||||||
5 | (2) directly attributable to the accredited theater | ||||||
6 | production; | ||||||
7 | (3) limited to the first $100,000 of wages incurred or | ||||||
8 | paid to each employee of an accredited theater production | ||||||
9 | in each tax year; | ||||||
10 | (4) included in the federal income tax basis of the | ||||||
11 | property; | ||||||
12 | (5) paid in the tax year for which the applicant is | ||||||
13 | claiming the tax credit award, or no later than 60 days | ||||||
14 | after the end of the tax year; | ||||||
15 | (6) paid to persons residing in Illinois at the time | ||||||
16 | payments were made; and | ||||||
17 | (7) reasonable in the circumstances. | ||||||
18 | "Illinois production spending" means any and all expenses | ||||||
19 | directly or indirectly incurred relating to an accredited | ||||||
20 | theater production presented in any qualified production | ||||||
21 | facility of the applicant, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
22 | expenditures for: | ||||||
23 | (1) national marketing, public relations, and the | ||||||
24 | creation and placement of print, electronic, television, | ||||||
25 | billboard, and other forms of advertising; and | ||||||
26 | (2) the construction and fabrication of scenic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | materials and elements; provided, however, that the | ||||||
2 | maximum amount of expenditures attributable to the | ||||||
3 | construction and fabrication of scenic materials and | ||||||
4 | elements eligible for a tax credit award shall not exceed | ||||||
5 | $500,000 per applicant per production in any single tax | ||||||
6 | year. | ||||||
7 | "Qualified production facility" means a facility located | ||||||
8 | in the State in which live theatrical productions are, or are | ||||||
9 | intended to be, exclusively presented that contains at least | ||||||
10 | one stage, a seating capacity of 1,200 or more seats, and | ||||||
11 | dressing rooms, storage areas, and other ancillary amenities | ||||||
12 | necessary for the accredited theater production. | ||||||
13 | "Tax credit award" means the issuance to a taxpayer by the | ||||||
14 | Department of a tax credit award in conformance with Sections | ||||||
15 | 10-40 and 10-45 of this Act. | ||||||
16 | "Tax year" means a calendar year for the period January 1 | ||||||
17 | to and including December 31. | ||||||
18 | Section 10-15. Powers of the Department. The Department, in | ||||||
19 | addition to those powers granted under the Civil Administrative | ||||||
20 | Code of Illinois, is granted and has all the powers necessary | ||||||
21 | or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and | ||||||
22 | provisions of this Act, including, but not limited to, the | ||||||
23 | power and authority to: | ||||||
24 | (1) adopt rules deemed necessary and appropriate for | ||||||
25 | the administration of the Tax Credit Award program; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | establish forms for applications, notifications, | ||||||
2 | contracts, or any other agreements; and accept | ||||||
3 | applications at any time during the year; | ||||||
4 | (2) assist applicants pursuant to the provisions of | ||||||
5 | this Act to promote, foster, and support live theater | ||||||
6 | development and production and its related job creation or | ||||||
7 | retention within the State; | ||||||
8 | (3) gather information and conduct inquiries, in the | ||||||
9 | manner and by the methods set forth in this Act, required | ||||||
10 | for the Department to comply with Section 10-40 and, | ||||||
11 | without limitation, obtain information with respect to | ||||||
12 | applicants for the purpose of making any designations or | ||||||
13 | certifications necessary or desirable to assist the | ||||||
14 | Department with any recommendation or guidance in the | ||||||
15 | furtherance of the purposes of this Act and relating to | ||||||
16 | applicants' participation in training, education, and | ||||||
17 | recruitment programs that are organized in cooperation | ||||||
18 | with Illinois colleges and universities or labor | ||||||
19 | organizations designed to promote and encourage the | ||||||
20 | training and hiring of Illinois residents who represent the | ||||||
21 | diversity of the Illinois population; | ||||||
22 | (4) provide for sufficient personnel to permit | ||||||
23 | administrative, staffing, operating, and related support | ||||||
24 | required to adequately discharge its duties and | ||||||
25 | responsibilities described in this Act from funds as may be | ||||||
26 | appropriated by the General Assembly for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administration of this Act; and | ||||||
2 | (5) require that the applicant at all times keep proper | ||||||
3 | books and records of accounts relating to the tax credit | ||||||
4 | award, in accordance with generally accepted accounting | ||||||
5 | principles consistently applied, and make, upon reasonable | ||||||
6 | written request by the Department, those books and records | ||||||
7 | available for reasonable Department inspection and audit | ||||||
8 | during the applicant's normal business hours. Any | ||||||
9 | documents or data made available to or received from the | ||||||
10 | applicant by any agent, employee, officer, or service | ||||||
11 | provider to the Department shall be deemed confidential and | ||||||
12 | shall not constitute public records to the extent that the | ||||||
13 | documents or data consist of commercial or financial | ||||||
14 | information regarding the operation by the applicant of any | ||||||
15 | theater or any accredited theater production, or any | ||||||
16 | recipient of any tax credit award under this Act. | ||||||
17 | Section 10-20. Tax credit award. Subject to the conditions | ||||||
18 | set forth in this Act, an applicant is entitled to a tax credit | ||||||
19 | award as approved by the Department for qualifying Illinois | ||||||
20 | labor expenditures and Illinois production spending for each | ||||||
21 | tax year in which the applicant is awarded an accredited | ||||||
22 | theater production certificate issued by the Department. The | ||||||
23 | amount of tax credits awarded pursuant to this Act shall not | ||||||
24 | exceed $2,000,000 in any fiscal year. Credits shall be awarded | ||||||
25 | on a first-come, first-served basis. Notwithstanding the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | foregoing, if the amount of credits applied for in any fiscal | ||||||
2 | year exceeds the amount authorized to be awarded under this | ||||||
3 | Section, the excess credit amount shall be awarded in the next | ||||||
4 | fiscal year in which credits remain available for award and | ||||||
5 | shall be treated as having been applied for on the first day of | ||||||
6 | that fiscal year.
| ||||||
7 | Section 10-25. Application for certification of accredited | ||||||
8 | theater production. Any applicant proposing an accredited | ||||||
9 | theater production located or planned to be located in Illinois | ||||||
10 | may request an accredited theater production certificate by | ||||||
11 | application to the Department. | ||||||
12 | Section 10-30. Review of application for accredited | ||||||
13 | theater production certificate. | ||||||
14 | (a) The Department shall issue an accredited theater | ||||||
15 | production certificate to an applicant if it finds that by a | ||||||
16 | preponderance the following conditions exist: | ||||||
17 | (1) the applicant intends to make the expenditure in | ||||||
18 | the State required for certification of the accredited | ||||||
19 | theater production; | ||||||
20 | (2) the applicant's accredited theater production is | ||||||
21 | economically sound and will benefit the people of the State | ||||||
22 | of Illinois by increasing opportunities for employment and | ||||||
23 | will strengthen the economy of Illinois; | ||||||
24 | (3) the following requirements related to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | implementation of a diversity plan have been met: (i) the | ||||||
2 | applicant has filed with the Department a diversity plan | ||||||
3 | outlining specific goals for hiring Illinois labor | ||||||
4 | expenditure eligible minority persons and females, as | ||||||
5 | defined in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, | ||||||
6 | Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act, and for using | ||||||
7 | vendors receiving certification under the Business | ||||||
8 | Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with | ||||||
9 | Disabilities Act; (ii) the Department has approved the plan | ||||||
10 | as meeting the requirements established by the Department | ||||||
11 | and verified that the applicant has met or made good faith | ||||||
12 | efforts in achieving those goals; and (iii) the Department | ||||||
13 | has adopted any rules that are necessary to ensure | ||||||
14 | compliance with the provisions set forth in this paragraph | ||||||
15 | and necessary to require that the applicant's plan reflects | ||||||
16 | the diversity of the population of this State; | ||||||
17 | (4) the applicant's accredited theater production | ||||||
18 | application indicates whether the applicant intends to | ||||||
19 | participate in training, education, and recruitment | ||||||
20 | programs that are organized in cooperation with Illinois | ||||||
21 | colleges and universities, labor organizations, and the | ||||||
22 | holders of accredited theater production certificates and | ||||||
23 | are designed to promote and encourage the training and | ||||||
24 | hiring of Illinois residents who represent the diversity of | ||||||
25 | Illinois; | ||||||
26 | (5) if not for the tax credit award, the applicant's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accredited theater production would not occur in Illinois, | ||||||
2 | which may be demonstrated by any means, including, but not | ||||||
3 | limited to, evidence that: (i) the applicant, presenter, | ||||||
4 | owner, or licensee of the production rights has other state | ||||||
5 | or international location options at which to present the | ||||||
6 | production and could reasonably and efficiently locate | ||||||
7 | outside of the State, (ii) at least one other state or | ||||||
8 | nation could be considered for the production, (iii) the | ||||||
9 | receipt of the tax award credit is a major factor in the | ||||||
10 | decision of the applicant, presenter, production owner or | ||||||
11 | licensee as to where the production will be presented and | ||||||
12 | that without the tax credit award the applicant likely | ||||||
13 | would not create or retain jobs in Illinois, or (iv) | ||||||
14 | receipt of the tax credit award is essential to the | ||||||
15 | applicant's decision to create or retain new jobs in the | ||||||
16 | State; and | ||||||
17 | (6) the tax credit award will result in an overall | ||||||
18 | positive impact to the State, as determined by the | ||||||
19 | Department using the best available data. | ||||||
20 | (b) If any of the provisions in this Section conflict with | ||||||
21 | any existing collective bargaining agreements, the terms and | ||||||
22 | conditions of those collective bargaining agreements shall | ||||||
23 | control.
| ||||||
24 | (c) The Department shall act expeditiously regarding | ||||||
25 | approval of applications for accredited theater production | ||||||
26 | certificates so as to accommodate the pre-production work, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | booking, commencement of ticket sales, determination of | ||||||
2 | performance dates, load in, and other matters relating to the | ||||||
3 | live theater productions for which approval is sought. | ||||||
4 | Section 10-35. Training programs for skills in critical | ||||||
5 | demand. To accomplish the purposes of this Act, the Department | ||||||
6 | may use the training programs provided under Section 605-800 of | ||||||
7 | the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the | ||||||
8 | Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
9 | Section 10-40. Issuance of Tax Credit Award Certificate.
| ||||||
10 | (a) In order to qualify for a tax credit award under this | ||||||
11 | Act, an applicant must file an application for each accredited | ||||||
12 | theater production at each of the applicant's qualified | ||||||
13 | production facilities, on forms prescribed by the Department, | ||||||
14 | providing information necessary to calculate the tax credit | ||||||
15 | award and any additional information as reasonably required by | ||||||
16 | the Department. | ||||||
17 | (b) Upon satisfactory review of the application, the | ||||||
18 | Department shall issue a tax credit award certificate stating | ||||||
19 | the amount of the tax credit award to which the applicant is | ||||||
20 | entitled for that tax year and shall contemporaneously notify | ||||||
21 | the applicant and Illinois Department of Revenue in accordance | ||||||
22 | with Section 222 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. | ||||||
23 | Section 10-45. Amount and payment of the tax credit award. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The tax credit award shall be calculated each tax year based | ||||||
2 | upon the filing by the applicant on forms prescribed by the | ||||||
3 | Department containing information regarding qualifying and | ||||||
4 | quantified Illinois labor expenditures, as defined in Section | ||||||
5 | 10-10, net of the limitation in that Section, and Illinois | ||||||
6 | production spending, as defined in Section 10-10, net of the | ||||||
7 | limitation in that Section. From the amount calculated, the | ||||||
8 | applicant shall be entitled to receive a tax credit award of up | ||||||
9 | to: | ||||||
10 | (1) 20% of the Illinois labor expenditures for each tax | ||||||
11 | year; plus | ||||||
12 | (2) 20% of the Illinois production spending for each | ||||||
13 | tax year; plus | ||||||
14 | (3) 15% of the Illinois labor expenditures generated by | ||||||
15 | the employment of Illinois residents in geographic areas of | ||||||
16 | high poverty or high unemployment in each tax year, as | ||||||
17 | determined by the Department. | ||||||
18 | Following the Department's determination of the tax credit | ||||||
19 | award, the Department shall issue the tax credit award to the | ||||||
20 | applicant. | ||||||
21 | Section 10-50. Live theater tax credit award program | ||||||
22 | evaluation and reports. | ||||||
23 | (a) The Department's live theater tax credit award | ||||||
24 | evaluation must include: | ||||||
25 | (i) an assessment of the effectiveness of the program |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in creating and retaining new jobs in Illinois; | ||||||
2 | (ii) an assessment of the revenue impact of the | ||||||
3 | program; | ||||||
4 | (iii) in the discretion of the Department, a review of | ||||||
5 | the practices and experiences of other states or nations | ||||||
6 | with similar programs; and | ||||||
7 | (iv) an assessment of the overall success of the | ||||||
8 | program. The Department may make a recommendation to | ||||||
9 | extend, modify, or not extend the program based on the | ||||||
10 | evaluation. | ||||||
11 | (b) At the end of each fiscal quarter, the Department shall | ||||||
12 | submit to the General Assembly a report that includes, without | ||||||
13 | limitation: | ||||||
14 | (i) an assessment of the economic impact of the | ||||||
15 | program, including the number of jobs created and retained, | ||||||
16 | and whether the job positions are entry level, management, | ||||||
17 | vendor, or production related; | ||||||
18 | (ii) the amount of accredited theater production | ||||||
19 | spending brought to Illinois, including the amount of | ||||||
20 | spending and type of Illinois vendors hired in connection | ||||||
21 | with an accredited theater production; and | ||||||
22 | (iii) a determination of whether those receiving | ||||||
23 | qualifying Illinois labor expenditure salaries or wages | ||||||
24 | reflect the geographical, racial and ethnic, gender, and | ||||||
25 | income level diversity of the State of Illinois. | ||||||
26 | (c) At the end of each fiscal year, the Department shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | submit to the General Assembly a report that includes, without | ||||||
2 | limitation: | ||||||
3 | (i) the identification of each vendor that provided | ||||||
4 | goods or services that were included in an accredited | ||||||
5 | theater production's Illinois production spending; | ||||||
6 | (ii) a statement of the amount paid to each identified | ||||||
7 | vendor by the accredited theater production and whether the | ||||||
8 | vendor is a minority or female owned business as defined in | ||||||
9 | Section 2 of the Business Enterprise for Minorities, | ||||||
10 | Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act; and | ||||||
11 | (iii) a description of the steps taken by the | ||||||
12 | Department to encourage accredited theater productions to | ||||||
13 | use vendors who are minority or female owned businesses. | ||||||
14 | Section 10-55. Program terms and conditions. Any | ||||||
15 | documentary materials or data made available or received from | ||||||
16 | an applicant by any agent or employee of the Department are | ||||||
17 | confidential and are not public records to the extent that the | ||||||
18 | materials or data consist of commercial or financial | ||||||
19 | information regarding the operation of or the production of the | ||||||
20 | applicant or recipient of any tax credit award under this Act. | ||||||
21 | Section 10-80. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
22 | adding Section 222 as follows: | ||||||
23 | (35 ILCS 5/222 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 222. Live theater production credit. | ||||||
2 | (a) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, a | ||||||
3 | taxpayer who has received a tax credit award under the Live | ||||||
4 | Theater Production Tax Credit Act is entitled to a credit | ||||||
5 | against the taxes imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
6 | Section 201 of this Act in an amount determined under that Act | ||||||
7 | by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. | ||||||
8 | (b) If the taxpayer is a partnership, limited liability | ||||||
9 | partnership, limited liability company, or Subchapter S | ||||||
10 | corporation, the tax credit award is allowed to the partners, | ||||||
11 | unit holders, or shareholders in accordance with the | ||||||
12 | determination of income and distributive share of income under | ||||||
13 | Sections 702 and 704 and Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
14 | Code. | ||||||
15 | (c) A sale, assignment, or transfer of the tax credit award | ||||||
16 | may be made by the taxpayer earning the credit within one year | ||||||
17 | after the credit is awarded in accordance with rules adopted by | ||||||
18 | the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. | ||||||
19 | (d) The Department of Revenue, in cooperation with the | ||||||
20 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, shall adopt | ||||||
21 | rules to enforce and administer the provisions of this Section. | ||||||
22 | (e) The tax credit award may not be carried back. If the | ||||||
23 | amount of the credit exceeds the tax liability for the year, | ||||||
24 | the excess may be carried forward and applied to the tax | ||||||
25 | liability of the 5 tax years following the excess credit year. | ||||||
26 | The tax credit award shall be applied to the earliest year for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | which there is a tax liability. If there are credits from more | ||||||
2 | than one tax year that are available to offset liability, the | ||||||
3 | earlier credit shall be applied first. In no event may a credit | ||||||
4 | under this Section reduce the taxpayer's liability to less than | ||||||
5 | zero. | ||||||
6 | Article 15. Amendatory Provisions | ||||||
7 | Section 15-5. The Economic Development Area Tax Increment | ||||||
8 | Allocation Act is amended by changing Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, | ||||||
9 | and 11 and by adding Sections 4.5 and 4.7 as follows:
| ||||||
10 | (20 ILCS 620/3) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1003)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 3. Definitions. In this Act, words or terms shall have | ||||||
12 | the
following meanings unless the context or usage clearly | ||||||
13 | indicates that another
meaning is intended.
| ||||||
14 | (a) "Department" means the Department of Commerce and | ||||||
15 | Economic Opportunity.
| ||||||
16 | (b) "Economic development plan" means the written plan of a | ||||||
17 | municipality
which sets forth an economic development program | ||||||
18 | for an economic
development project area. Each economic | ||||||
19 | development plan shall include but
not be limited to (1) | ||||||
20 | estimated economic development project costs, (2)
the sources | ||||||
21 | of funds to pay such costs, (3) the nature and term of any
| ||||||
22 | obligations to be issued by the municipality to pay such costs, | ||||||
23 | (4) the
most recent equalized assessed valuation of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | economic development project
(5) an estimate of the | ||||||
2 | equalized assessed valuation of the economic
development | ||||||
3 | project area after completion of an economic development | ||||||
4 | project,
(6) the estimated date of completion of any economic | ||||||
5 | development project
proposed to be undertaken, (7) a general | ||||||
6 | description of any proposed
developer, user, or tenant of any | ||||||
7 | property to be located or improved
within the economic | ||||||
8 | development project area, (8) a description of the
type, | ||||||
9 | structure and general character of the facilities to be | ||||||
10 | developed or
improved in the economic development project area, | ||||||
11 | (9) a description of the
general land uses to apply in the
| ||||||
12 | economic development project area, (10) a description of the | ||||||
13 | type, class and
number of employees to be employed in the | ||||||
14 | operation of the facilities to be
developed or improved in the | ||||||
15 | economic development project area, and (11) a
commitment by the | ||||||
16 | municipality to fair
employment practices and an affirmative | ||||||
17 | action plan with respect to any
economic development program to | ||||||
18 | be undertaken by the municipality.
| ||||||
19 | (c) "Economic development project" means any development | ||||||
20 | project in
furtherance of the objectives of this Act.
| ||||||
21 | (d) "Economic development project area" means any improved | ||||||
22 | or vacant
area which (1) is located within or partially within | ||||||
23 | or partially without
the territorial limits of a municipality, | ||||||
24 | provided that no area without the
territorial limits of a | ||||||
25 | municipality shall be included in an economic
development | ||||||
26 | project area without the express consent of the Department,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | acting as agent for the State, (2) is contiguous, (3) is not | ||||||
2 | less in the
aggregate than three hundred twenty acres, (4) is | ||||||
3 | suitable for siting by any
commercial, manufacturing, | ||||||
4 | industrial, research or transportation
enterprise of | ||||||
5 | facilities to include but not be limited to commercial
| ||||||
6 | businesses, offices, factories, mills, processing plants, | ||||||
7 | assembly plants,
packing plants, fabricating plants, | ||||||
8 | industrial or commercial distribution
centers, warehouses, | ||||||
9 | repair overhaul or service facilities, freight
terminals, | ||||||
10 | research facilities, test facilities or transportation
| ||||||
11 | facilities, whether or not such area has been used at any time | ||||||
12 | for such
facilities and whether or not the area has been used | ||||||
13 | or is suitable for
other uses, including commercial | ||||||
14 | agricultural purposes, and (5) which has
been approved and | ||||||
15 | certified by the Department pursuant to this Act.
| ||||||
16 | (e) "Economic development project costs" mean and include | ||||||
17 | the sum total
of all reasonable or necessary costs incurred by | ||||||
18 | a municipality incidental
to an economic development project, | ||||||
19 | including, without limitation, the following:
| ||||||
20 | (1) Costs of studies, surveys, development of plans and | ||||||
21 | specifications,
implementation and administration of an | ||||||
22 | economic development plan, personnel
and professional service | ||||||
23 | costs for architectural, engineering, legal,
marketing, | ||||||
24 | financial, planning, police, fire, public works or other
| ||||||
25 | services, provided that no charges for professional services | ||||||
26 | may be based
on a percentage of incremental tax revenues;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Property assembly costs within an economic development | ||||||
2 | project
area, including but not limited to acquisition of land | ||||||
3 | and other real or
personal property or rights or interests | ||||||
4 | therein, and specifically
including payments to developers or | ||||||
5 | other nongovernmental persons as
reimbursement for property | ||||||
6 | assembly costs incurred by such developer or
other | ||||||
7 | nongovernmental person;
| ||||||
8 | (3) Site preparation costs, including but not limited to | ||||||
9 | clearance of
any area within an economic development project | ||||||
10 | area by demolition or
removal of any existing buildings, | ||||||
11 | structures, fixtures, utilities and
improvements and clearing | ||||||
12 | and grading; and including installation, repair,
construction, | ||||||
13 | reconstruction, or relocation of public streets, public
| ||||||
14 | utilities, and other public site improvements within or without | ||||||
15 | an economic
development project area which are essential to the | ||||||
16 | preparation of the
economic development project area for use in | ||||||
17 | accordance with an economic
development plan; and specifically | ||||||
18 | including payments to developers or
other nongovernmental | ||||||
19 | persons as reimbursement for site preparation costs incurred by | ||||||
20 | such
developer or nongovernmental person;
| ||||||
21 | (4) Costs of renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction, | ||||||
22 | relocation,
repair or remodeling of any existing buildings, | ||||||
23 | improvements, and fixtures
within an economic development | ||||||
24 | project area, and specifically including
payments to | ||||||
25 | developers or other nongovernmental persons as reimbursement
| ||||||
26 | for such costs incurred by such developer or nongovernmental |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person;
| ||||||
2 | (5) Costs of construction , acquisition, and operation | ||||||
3 | within an economic development project area of
public | ||||||
4 | improvements, including but not limited to, publicly-owned | ||||||
5 | buildings, structures,
works, utilities or fixtures; provided | ||||||
6 | that no allocation made to the municipality pursuant to | ||||||
7 | subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of Section | ||||||
8 | 4 of this Act or subparagraph (A) of paragraph (4) of | ||||||
9 | subsection (g) of Section 4 of this Act shall be used to | ||||||
10 | operate a convention center or similar entertainment complex or | ||||||
11 | venue;
| ||||||
12 | (6) Financing costs, including but not limited to all | ||||||
13 | necessary and
incidental expenses related to the issuance of | ||||||
14 | obligations, payment of any
interest on any obligations issued | ||||||
15 | hereunder which accrues during the
estimated period of | ||||||
16 | construction of any economic development project for
which such | ||||||
17 | obligations are issued and for not exceeding 36 months
| ||||||
18 | thereafter, and any reasonable reserves related to the issuance | ||||||
19 | of such obligations;
| ||||||
20 | (7) All or a portion of a taxing district's capital costs | ||||||
21 | resulting
from an economic development project necessarily | ||||||
22 | incurred or estimated to
be incurred by a taxing district in | ||||||
23 | the furtherance of the objectives of an
economic development | ||||||
24 | project, to the extent that the municipality by
written | ||||||
25 | agreement accepts and approves such costs;
| ||||||
26 | (8) Relocation costs to the extent that a municipality |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determines
that relocation costs shall be paid or is required | ||||||
2 | to make payment of
relocation costs by federal or State law;
| ||||||
3 | (9) The estimated tax revenues from real property in an | ||||||
4 | economic
development project area acquired by a municipality | ||||||
5 | which,
according to the economic development plan, is to be | ||||||
6 | used for a private
use and which any taxing district would have | ||||||
7 | received had the municipality
not adopted tax increment | ||||||
8 | allocation financing for an economic development
project area | ||||||
9 | and which would result from such taxing district's levies made
| ||||||
10 | after the time of the adoption by the municipality of tax | ||||||
11 | increment
allocation financing to the time the current | ||||||
12 | equalized assessed value of
real property in the economic | ||||||
13 | development project area exceeds the total
initial equalized | ||||||
14 | value of real property in said area;
| ||||||
15 | (10) Costs of job training, advanced vocational or career | ||||||
16 | education,
including but not limited to courses in | ||||||
17 | occupational, semi-technical or
technical fields leading | ||||||
18 | directly to employment, incurred by one or more
taxing | ||||||
19 | districts, provided that such costs are related to the | ||||||
20 | establishment
and maintenance of additional job training, | ||||||
21 | advanced vocational education
or career education programs for | ||||||
22 | persons employed or to be employed by
employers located in an | ||||||
23 | economic development project area, and further
provided that | ||||||
24 | when such costs are incurred by a taxing district or taxing
| ||||||
25 | districts other than the municipality they shall be set forth | ||||||
26 | in a written
agreement by or among the municipality and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taxing district or taxing
districts, which agreement describes | ||||||
2 | the program to be undertaken,
including but not limited to the | ||||||
3 | number of employees to be trained, a
description of the | ||||||
4 | training and services to be provided, the number and
type of | ||||||
5 | positions available or to be available, itemized costs of the
| ||||||
6 | program and sources of funds to pay the same, and the term of | ||||||
7 | the
agreement. Such costs include, specifically, the payment by | ||||||
8 | community
college districts of costs pursuant to Sections 3-37, | ||||||
9 | 3-38, 3-40 and 3-40.1
of the Public Community College Act and | ||||||
10 | by school districts of costs
pursuant to Sections 10-22.20a and | ||||||
11 | 10-23.3a of The School Code;
| ||||||
12 | (11) Private financing costs incurred by developers or | ||||||
13 | other
nongovernmental persons in connection with an economic | ||||||
14 | development project,
and specifically including payments to | ||||||
15 | developers or other nongovernmental
persons as reimbursement | ||||||
16 | for such costs incurred by such developer or other
| ||||||
17 | nongovernmental person, provided that:
| ||||||
18 | (A) private financing costs shall be
paid or reimbursed by | ||||||
19 | a municipality
only pursuant to the prior official action of | ||||||
20 | the municipality evidencing
an intent to pay or reimburse such | ||||||
21 | private financing costs;
| ||||||
22 | (B) except as provided in subparagraph (D), the aggregate | ||||||
23 | amount of
such costs paid or reimbursed by a municipality in | ||||||
24 | any one year shall not exceed 30%
of such costs paid or | ||||||
25 | incurred by the developer or other nongovernmental
person in | ||||||
26 | that year;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (C) private financing costs shall be paid or reimbursed by | ||||||
2 | a
municipality solely from the special tax allocation
fund | ||||||
3 | established pursuant to this Act and shall not be paid or | ||||||
4 | reimbursed from the
proceeds of any obligations issued by a | ||||||
5 | municipality;
| ||||||
6 | (D) if there are not sufficient funds available in the | ||||||
7 | special tax
allocation fund in any year to make such payment or | ||||||
8 | reimbursement in full, any amount of
such interest cost | ||||||
9 | remaining to be paid or reimbursed by a municipality
shall | ||||||
10 | accrue and be
payable when funds are available in
the special | ||||||
11 | tax allocation fund to make such payment; and
| ||||||
12 | (E) in connection with its approval and certification of an | ||||||
13 | economic
development project pursuant to Section 5 of this Act, | ||||||
14 | the Department shall
review any agreement authorizing the | ||||||
15 | payment or reimbursement by a municipality of private
financing | ||||||
16 | costs in its consideration of the impact on the revenues of the
| ||||||
17 | municipality and the affected taxing districts of the use of | ||||||
18 | tax increment
allocation financing.
| ||||||
19 | (f) "Municipality" means a city, village or incorporated | ||||||
20 | town.
| ||||||
21 | (g) "Obligations" means any instrument evidencing the | ||||||
22 | obligation of a
municipality to pay money, including without | ||||||
23 | limitation, bonds, notes,
installment or financing contracts, | ||||||
24 | certificates, tax anticipation warrants
or notes, vouchers, | ||||||
25 | and any other evidence of indebtedness.
| ||||||
26 | (h) "Taxing districts" means counties, townships, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | municipalities, and
school, road, park, sanitary, mosquito | ||||||
2 | abatement, forest preserve, public
health, fire protection, | ||||||
3 | river conservancy, tuberculosis sanitarium and any
other | ||||||
4 | municipal corporations or districts with the power to levy | ||||||
5 | taxes upon property located within the economic development | ||||||
6 | project area .
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
| ||||||
8 | (20 ILCS 620/4) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1004)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 4.
Establishment of economic development project | ||||||
10 | areas;
ordinance; notice; hearing; changes in economic | ||||||
11 | development plan. Economic
development project areas shall be | ||||||
12 | established as follows:
| ||||||
13 | (a) The corporate authorities of a municipality shall by | ||||||
14 | ordinance
propose the establishment of an economic development | ||||||
15 | project area
and fix a
time and place for a public hearing, and | ||||||
16 | shall submit a certified copy of
the ordinance as adopted to | ||||||
17 | the Department.
| ||||||
18 | (b) (1) Notice of the public hearing shall be given by | ||||||
19 | publication and
mailing. Notice by publication shall be given | ||||||
20 | by publication at least
twice, the first publication to be not | ||||||
21 | more than 30 nor less than 10 days
prior to the hearing in a | ||||||
22 | newspaper of general circulation within the taxing
districts | ||||||
23 | having property in the proposed economic development project
| ||||||
24 | area. Notice by mailing shall be given by depositing such | ||||||
25 | notice together
with a copy of the
proposed economic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development plan in the United States mails by
certified mail | ||||||
2 | addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general
| ||||||
3 | taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, | ||||||
4 | tract, or
parcel of land lying within the economic development | ||||||
5 | project area. The
notice shall be mailed not less than 10 days | ||||||
6 | prior to the date set for the
public hearing. In the event | ||||||
7 | taxes for the last preceding year were not
paid, the notice | ||||||
8 | shall also be sent to the persons last listed on the tax
rolls | ||||||
9 | within the preceding 3 years as the owners of such property.
| ||||||
10 | (2) The notices issued pursuant to this Section shall | ||||||
11 | include the following:
| ||||||
12 | (A) The time and place of public hearing;
| ||||||
13 | (B) The boundaries of the proposed economic development | ||||||
14 | project area by
legal description and by street location where | ||||||
15 | possible;
| ||||||
16 | (C) A notification that all interested persons will be | ||||||
17 | given an
opportunity to be heard at the public hearing;
| ||||||
18 | (D) An invitation for any person to submit alternative | ||||||
19 | proposals or bids
for any proposed conveyance, lease, mortgage | ||||||
20 | or other disposition of land
within the proposed economic | ||||||
21 | development project area;
| ||||||
22 | (E) A description of the economic development plan or | ||||||
23 | economic
development project if a
plan or project
is a subject | ||||||
24 | matter of the hearing; and
| ||||||
25 | (F) Such other matters as the municipality may deem | ||||||
26 | appropriate.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) Not less than 30 days prior to the date set for | ||||||
2 | hearing, the
municipality shall give notice by mail as provided | ||||||
3 | in this subsection (b)
to all taxing districts, of which | ||||||
4 | taxable property is included in the
economic development | ||||||
5 | project area, and to the Department. In addition to
the other | ||||||
6 | requirements under this subsection (b), the notice shall | ||||||
7 | include
an invitation to the Department and each taxing | ||||||
8 | district to submit comments
to the municipality concerning the | ||||||
9 | subject matter of the hearing prior to
the date of hearing.
| ||||||
10 | (c) At the public hearing any interested person, the | ||||||
11 | Department or any
affected taxing district may file written | ||||||
12 | objections with the municipal clerk
and may be heard orally | ||||||
13 | with respect to any issues embodied in
the notice. The | ||||||
14 | municipality shall hear and determine all alternate
proposals | ||||||
15 | or bids for any proposed conveyance, lease, mortgage or other
| ||||||
16 | disposition of land and all protests and
objections at the | ||||||
17 | hearing, and the hearing may be adjourned to another date
| ||||||
18 | without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon | ||||||
19 | the minutes
fixing the time and place of the adjourned hearing.
| ||||||
20 | Public hearings with regard to an economic development plan, | ||||||
21 | economic
development project area, or economic development | ||||||
22 | project may be held simultaneously.
| ||||||
23 | (d) At the public hearing or at any time prior to the | ||||||
24 | adoption by the
municipality of an ordinance approving an | ||||||
25 | economic development plan, the
municipality may make changes in | ||||||
26 | the economic development plan.
Changes which (1) alter the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exterior boundaries of the proposed economic development | ||||||
2 | project area,
(2) substantially affect the general land uses | ||||||
3 | established in the proposed
economic development plan, (3) | ||||||
4 | substantially change the nature of the
proposed economic | ||||||
5 | development project, (4) change the general description of
any | ||||||
6 | proposed developer, user or tenant of any property to be | ||||||
7 | located or
improved within the economic development project | ||||||
8 | area, or (5) change the
description of the type, class and | ||||||
9 | number of employees to be employed in
the operation of the | ||||||
10 | facilities to be developed or improved within the
economic | ||||||
11 | development project area shall be made only after notice and
| ||||||
12 | hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section.
| ||||||
13 | Changes which
do not (1) alter the exterior boundaries of a | ||||||
14 | proposed economic development project area,
(2) substantially | ||||||
15 | affect the general land uses established in the proposed
| ||||||
16 | economic development plan, (3) substantially change the nature | ||||||
17 | of the proposed economic
development project, (4) change the | ||||||
18 | general description of any proposed
developer, user or tenant | ||||||
19 | of any property to be located or improved within
the economic | ||||||
20 | development project area, or (5) change the description of the
| ||||||
21 | type, class and number of employees to be employed in the | ||||||
22 | operation of the
facilities to be
developed or improved within | ||||||
23 | the economic development project area may be
made without | ||||||
24 | further hearing, provided that
the municipality shall give | ||||||
25 | notice of its changes by mail to the Department
and to each | ||||||
26 | affected taxing district and by publication in a newspaper or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | newspapers of general circulation within the affected taxing | ||||||
2 | districts.
Such notice by mail and by publication shall each | ||||||
3 | occur not later than 10
days following the adoption by | ||||||
4 | ordinance of such changes.
| ||||||
5 | (e) At any time within 30 days of the final adjournment of | ||||||
6 | the
public hearing, a municipality may, by ordinance, approve | ||||||
7 | the economic
development plan, establish the economic | ||||||
8 | development project area, and
authorize tax increment
| ||||||
9 | allocation financing for such economic development project | ||||||
10 | area. Any
ordinance adopted which approves an economic | ||||||
11 | development plan shall
contain findings that the developer or | ||||||
12 | any of its successor entities and its subsidiaries economic | ||||||
13 | development project
shall create or retain
not less than 4,250 | ||||||
14 | 2,000 full-time equivalent jobs, that private investment in an
| ||||||
15 | amount not less than $100,000,000 shall occur in the
economic | ||||||
16 | development project area, that the economic development | ||||||
17 | project
will encourage the increase of commerce and industry | ||||||
18 | within the State,
thereby reducing the evils attendant upon | ||||||
19 | unemployment and increasing
opportunities for personal income, | ||||||
20 | and that the economic
development project will increase or | ||||||
21 | maintain the property, sales and
income tax bases of the | ||||||
22 | municipality and of the State. Any ordinance
adopted which | ||||||
23 | establishes an economic development project area shall
contain | ||||||
24 | the boundaries of such area by legal description and, where
| ||||||
25 | possible, by street location. Any ordinance adopted which | ||||||
26 | authorizes tax
increment allocation financing shall provide |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that the ad valorem taxes, if
any, arising from the levies upon | ||||||
2 | taxable real property in such economic
development project area | ||||||
3 | by taxing districts and tax rates determined in
the manner | ||||||
4 | provided in subsection (b) of Section 6 of this Act each year
| ||||||
5 | after the effective date of the ordinance until economic | ||||||
6 | development
project costs and all municipal obligations | ||||||
7 | financing economic development
project costs incurred under | ||||||
8 | this Act have been paid shall be divided as follows:
| ||||||
9 | (1) That portion of taxes levied upon each taxable lot, | ||||||
10 | block, tract or
parcel of real property which is attributable | ||||||
11 | to the lower of the current
equalized assessed value or the | ||||||
12 | initial equalized assessed value of each
such taxable lot, | ||||||
13 | block, tract or parcel of real property in the economic
| ||||||
14 | development project area shall be allocated to and when | ||||||
15 | collected shall be
paid by the county collector to the | ||||||
16 | respective affected taxing districts in
the manner required by | ||||||
17 | law in the absence of the adoption of tax increment
allocation | ||||||
18 | financing.
| ||||||
19 | (2) That portion, if any, of such taxes which is | ||||||
20 | attributable to the
increase in the current equalized assessed | ||||||
21 | valuation of each taxable lot,
block, tract or parcel of real | ||||||
22 | property in the economic development project
area over and | ||||||
23 | above the initial equalized assessed value of each property
in | ||||||
24 | the economic development project area shall be allocated to and | ||||||
25 | when
collected shall be paid to the municipal treasurer who | ||||||
26 | shall deposit such
taxes into a special fund called the special |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | tax allocation fund of the
municipality for the purpose of | ||||||
2 | paying economic development project costs
and obligations | ||||||
3 | incurred in the payment thereof.
| ||||||
4 | (f) After a municipality has by ordinance approved an | ||||||
5 | economic
development plan and established an economic | ||||||
6 | development project area,
the plan may be amended and the
| ||||||
7 | boundaries of the area may be altered only as herein provided.
| ||||||
8 | Amendments which (1) alter the exterior boundaries of an | ||||||
9 | economic development
project area, (2) substantially affect | ||||||
10 | the general land uses established pursuant to the
economic | ||||||
11 | development plan, (3) substantially change the
nature of the | ||||||
12 | economic development project, (4) change
the general | ||||||
13 | description
of any proposed developer, user, or tenant of any | ||||||
14 | property to be located or
improved within the economic | ||||||
15 | development project area, or (5) change the description
of the | ||||||
16 | type, class and number of employees to be employed in the | ||||||
17 | operation
of the facilities to be developed or improved within | ||||||
18 | the economic
development project area, shall be made only after
| ||||||
19 | notice and hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in this | ||||||
20 | Section.
Amendments which do not
(1) alter the boundaries of | ||||||
21 | the economic
development project area,
(2) substantially | ||||||
22 | affect the general land uses established in the economic
| ||||||
23 | development plan, (3) substantially change the nature of the | ||||||
24 | economic development
project, (4) change the general | ||||||
25 | description of any proposed developer, user, or tenant
of any | ||||||
26 | property to be located or improved within the economic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development
project area, or (5) change the description of the | ||||||
2 | type, class and number of employees
to be employed in the | ||||||
3 | operation of the facilities
to be developed or improved within | ||||||
4 | the economic development project area
may be made without | ||||||
5 | further hearing, provided that
the municipality shall give
| ||||||
6 | notice of any amendment by mail to the Department and to each | ||||||
7 | taxing
district and by publication in a newspaper or newspapers | ||||||
8 | of
general circulation within the affected taxing districts. | ||||||
9 | Such notice by
mail and by publication shall each occur not | ||||||
10 | later than 10 days following
the adoption by ordinance of any | ||||||
11 | amendments. | ||||||
12 | (g) Extension of economic development project area; | ||||||
13 | allocations; payment of outstanding claims; changes in | ||||||
14 | equalized assessed valuation.
| ||||||
15 | (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in | ||||||
16 | this Act, upon the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
17 | 97th General Assembly, the duration of any existing economic | ||||||
18 | development plan created pursuant to this Act is extended to | ||||||
19 | the duration permitted under this subsection, up to a maximum | ||||||
20 | duration of 15 years. | ||||||
21 | (2) For the purposes of this Section, real estate taxes | ||||||
22 | paid on property within the economic development project area | ||||||
23 | during calendar year 2013 and remitted to the developer and the | ||||||
24 | taxing districts in 2014 shall be the "base amount". Beginning | ||||||
25 | with real estate taxes remitted in 2014, for any economic | ||||||
26 | development plan extended by operation of item (1) of this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection (g), until such time as all existing obligations, as | ||||||
2 | that term is defined in item (5) of this subsection (g), have | ||||||
3 | been satisfied, the allocation of the special tax allocation | ||||||
4 | fund shall be as follows: | ||||||
5 | (A) All receipts up to the first $350,000 shall be | ||||||
6 | maintained by the municipality in an escrow account to be | ||||||
7 | used solely for (i) expenses relating to the reports | ||||||
8 | required by Section 4.7 of this Act and (ii) legal expenses | ||||||
9 | incurred in defense of any civil action brought against the | ||||||
10 | municipality relating to the economic development | ||||||
11 | agreement. The escrow account shall be within the scope of | ||||||
12 | the annual audit provided in Section 4.7 of this Act. Each | ||||||
13 | December 31 following a deposit into the escrow account, | ||||||
14 | any unobligated balance in the escrow account shall be | ||||||
15 | distributed to the taxing districts in the same manner and | ||||||
16 | proportion as the most recent distribution by the county | ||||||
17 | collector to the taxing districts in the economic | ||||||
18 | development project area. | ||||||
19 | (B) After the allocation required pursuant to | ||||||
20 | paragraph (A) of this item (2), the next $5,000,000 of the | ||||||
21 | receipts shall be allocated to the municipality. | ||||||
22 | (C) After the allocations required pursuant to | ||||||
23 | paragraphs (A) and (B) of this item (2), 55% of the | ||||||
24 | remaining receipts shall be allocated to the developer. | ||||||
25 | (D) After the allocations required pursuant to parts | ||||||
26 | (A) and (B) of this item (2), 45% of the remaining receipts |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be allocated to the taxing districts located within | ||||||
2 | the economic development project area, excluding the | ||||||
3 | municipality. | ||||||
4 | (3) For real estate taxes paid in 2012 and remitted to the | ||||||
5 | developer and the taxing districts in 2013 and prior years, the | ||||||
6 | allocation formula contained in any economic development plan | ||||||
7 | in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this | ||||||
8 | amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly shall apply. | ||||||
9 | (4) Beginning with real estate taxes paid in 2014 and | ||||||
10 | remitted to the developer and the taxing districts in 2015 and | ||||||
11 | each year thereafter, if the taxes paid within the economic | ||||||
12 | development project area change from the base amount, the | ||||||
13 | allocation of the special tax allocation fund shall be as | ||||||
14 | follows: | ||||||
15 | (A) If the amount of current year taxes paid is less | ||||||
16 | than the base amount, then the administrative escrow | ||||||
17 | account shall receive the first $350,000 of receipts, the | ||||||
18 | municipality shall receive the next $5,000,000 of | ||||||
19 | receipts, the developer shall receive 55% of receipts over | ||||||
20 | $5,350,000, and the remaining 45% of receipts over | ||||||
21 | $5,350,000 shall be distributed to the taxing districts | ||||||
22 | (excluding the municipality) in the same manner and | ||||||
23 | proportion as the most recent distribution by the county | ||||||
24 | collector to those taxing districts in the economic | ||||||
25 | development project area. | ||||||
26 | (B) If the amount of current year taxes paid is greater |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than the base amount, then 75% of the increase in real | ||||||
2 | estate tax receipts shall be payable to the developer and | ||||||
3 | the remaining 25% of the increase in real estate tax | ||||||
4 | receipts shall be distributed to the taxing districts | ||||||
5 | (including the municipality) pursuant to the formula in | ||||||
6 | this subsection. | ||||||
7 | (5) After (i) all existing obligations and interest thereon | ||||||
8 | have been satisfied, (ii) any excess moneys have been | ||||||
9 | distributed pursuant to this subsection, and (iii) final | ||||||
10 | closing of the books and records of the economic development | ||||||
11 | project area has occurred, the municipality shall adopt an | ||||||
12 | ordinance dissolving the special tax allocation fund for the | ||||||
13 | economic development project area and terminating the | ||||||
14 | designation of the economic development project area as an | ||||||
15 | economic development project area. All excess moneys in the | ||||||
16 | special tax allocation fund shall be distributed to the taxing | ||||||
17 | districts in the same manner and proportion as the most recent | ||||||
18 | distribution by the county collector to those taxing districts | ||||||
19 | in the economic development project area. For the purpose of | ||||||
20 | this subsection (g), "existing obligations" means (i) the | ||||||
21 | obligations of the developer that existed before the base year, | ||||||
22 | as certified by a sworn affidavit of the principal financial | ||||||
23 | officer of the developer attesting that the amounts set forth | ||||||
24 | are true and correct, (ii) obligations of the municipality | ||||||
25 | relating to the payment of the obligations of the developer, | ||||||
26 | and (iii) any amounts payable by taxing districts to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | developer for property taxes determined to have been overpaid, | ||||||
2 | to the extent that those amounts payable have been carried | ||||||
3 | forward as an interest bearing note due to the developer. All | ||||||
4 | obligations of the developer due and payable shall be processed | ||||||
5 | and paid in the order received, with the oldest notes to be | ||||||
6 | processed and paid first. Beginning January 1, 2012, all | ||||||
7 | outstanding interest bearing notes shall bear interest at the | ||||||
8 | rate of 4% until paid. | ||||||
9 | (h) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
10 | of the 97th General Assembly, the taxing districts shall meet | ||||||
11 | annually 180 days after the close of the municipal fiscal year, | ||||||
12 | or as soon as the economic development project audit for that | ||||||
13 | fiscal year becomes available, to review the effectiveness and | ||||||
14 | status of the economic development project area up to that | ||||||
15 | date. | ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 86-38.)
| ||||||
17 | (20 ILCS 620/4.5 new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 4.5. Recapture. | ||||||
19 | (a) In the event that the developer terminates all of its | ||||||
20 | operations and vacates the redevelopment area within 60 months | ||||||
21 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th | ||||||
22 | General Assembly, the developer shall be required to remit to | ||||||
23 | the Department an amount equal to the payments disbursed to the | ||||||
24 | developer in 2014 and subsequent years under the Agreement. | ||||||
25 | Within 30 days after receipt, the Department shall remit such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | funds to the county collector. The county collector shall | ||||||
2 | thereafter make distribution to the respective taxing | ||||||
3 | districts in the same manner and proportion as the most recent | ||||||
4 | distribution by the county collector to those taxing districts | ||||||
5 | of real property taxes from real property in the economic | ||||||
6 | development project area. | ||||||
7 | (b) In the event the developer fails to maintain 4,250 jobs | ||||||
8 | at any time before the termination of the economic development | ||||||
9 | project area, except as provided in subsection (c), the | ||||||
10 | developer shall forfeit an amount of its allocations from the | ||||||
11 | special tax allocation fund for that time period in which the | ||||||
12 | developer failed to maintain 4,250 jobs. The amount forfeited | ||||||
13 | shall equal the percentage of the year that the developer | ||||||
14 | failed to maintain 4,250 multiplied by the amount the developer | ||||||
15 | would have received if they maintained 4,250 jobs for the | ||||||
16 | entire year. Any funds that are forfeited shall be distributed | ||||||
17 | to the taxing districts in the same manner and proportion as | ||||||
18 | the most recent distribution by the county collector to those | ||||||
19 | taxing districts (inclusive of the municipality) in the | ||||||
20 | economic development project area. | ||||||
21 | (c) In the event that the developer maintains no jobs at | ||||||
22 | any time before the termination of the economic development | ||||||
23 | project area, the municipality shall adopt an ordinance | ||||||
24 | dissolving the special tax allocation fund for the economic | ||||||
25 | development project area and terminating the economic | ||||||
26 | development project area as an economic development project |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | area. That ordinance shall be adopted no later than one year | ||||||
2 | after the date that the developer maintains no jobs within the | ||||||
3 | economic development project area. All excess moneys in the | ||||||
4 | special tax allocation fund shall be distributed to the taxing | ||||||
5 | districts in the same manner and proportion as the most recent | ||||||
6 | distribution by the county collector to those taxing districts | ||||||
7 | in the economic development project area. | ||||||
8 | (20 ILCS 620/4.7 new) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 4.7. Municipal reports. After the effective date of | ||||||
10 | this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, a | ||||||
11 | municipality shall submit in an electronic format all of the | ||||||
12 | following information for each economic development project | ||||||
13 | area (i) to the State Comptroller and (ii) to all taxing | ||||||
14 | districts overlapping the economic development project area no | ||||||
15 | later than 180 days after the close of each municipal fiscal | ||||||
16 | year or as soon thereafter as the audited financial statements | ||||||
17 | become available: | ||||||
18 | (1) Any amendments to the economic development plan or | ||||||
19 | the economic development project area. | ||||||
20 | (2) Audited financial statements of the special tax | ||||||
21 | allocation fund once a cumulative total of $100,000 has | ||||||
22 | been deposited into the fund. | ||||||
23 | (3) Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of the | ||||||
24 | municipality that the municipality has complied with all of | ||||||
25 | the requirements of this Act during the preceding fiscal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year. | ||||||
2 | (4) An opinion of legal counsel that the municipality | ||||||
3 | is in compliance with this Act. | ||||||
4 | (5) An analysis of the special tax allocation fund that | ||||||
5 | sets forth: | ||||||
6 | (A) the balance in the special tax allocation fund | ||||||
7 | at the beginning of the fiscal year; | ||||||
8 | (B) all amounts deposited in the special tax | ||||||
9 | allocation fund by source; | ||||||
10 | (C) an itemized list of all expenditures from the | ||||||
11 | special tax allocation fund by category of permissible | ||||||
12 | economic development project cost; and | ||||||
13 | (D) the balance in the special tax allocation fund | ||||||
14 | at the end of the fiscal year, including a breakdown of | ||||||
15 | that balance by source and a breakdown of that balance | ||||||
16 | identifying any portion of the balance that is | ||||||
17 | required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated | ||||||
18 | for payment of or securing of obligations and | ||||||
19 | anticipated economic development project costs; any | ||||||
20 | portion of that ending balance that has not been | ||||||
21 | identified or is not identified as being required, | ||||||
22 | pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for | ||||||
23 | payment of or securing of obligations or anticipated | ||||||
24 | economic development projects costs shall be | ||||||
25 | designated as surplus as set forth in Section 8 of this | ||||||
26 | Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) A description of all property purchased by the | ||||||
2 | municipality within the economic development project area | ||||||
3 | including: | ||||||
4 | (A) street address; | ||||||
5 | (B) approximate size or description of property; | ||||||
6 | (C) purchase price; and | ||||||
7 | (D) the seller of the property. | ||||||
8 | (7) A statement setting forth all activities | ||||||
9 | undertaken in furtherance of the objectives of the economic | ||||||
10 | development plan, including: | ||||||
11 | (A) any project implemented in the preceding | ||||||
12 | fiscal year; | ||||||
13 | (B) a description of the economic development | ||||||
14 | activities undertaken; | ||||||
15 | (C) a description of any agreements entered into by | ||||||
16 | the municipality with regard to the disposition or | ||||||
17 | redevelopment of any property within the economic | ||||||
18 | development project area; | ||||||
19 | (D) additional information on the use of all funds | ||||||
20 | received under this Act and steps taken by the | ||||||
21 | municipality to achieve the objectives of the economic | ||||||
22 | development plan; | ||||||
23 | (E) information regarding contracts that the | ||||||
24 | municipality's tax increment advisors or consultants | ||||||
25 | have entered into with entities or persons that have | ||||||
26 | received, or are receiving, payments financed by tax |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | increment revenues produced by the same economic | ||||||
2 | development project area; and | ||||||
3 | (F) a review of public and, to the extent possible, | ||||||
4 | private investment actually undertaken on or after the | ||||||
5 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th | ||||||
6 | General Assembly and prior to the date of the report | ||||||
7 | and estimated to be undertaken during the following | ||||||
8 | fiscal year; this review shall, on a project by project | ||||||
9 | basis, set forth the estimated amounts of public and | ||||||
10 | private investment incurred after the effective date | ||||||
11 | of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly and | ||||||
12 | provide the ratio of private investment to public | ||||||
13 | investment to the date of the report and as estimated | ||||||
14 | to the completion of the economic development project. | ||||||
15 | (8) With regard to any obligations issued by the | ||||||
16 | municipality: | ||||||
17 | (A) copies of any official statements; and | ||||||
18 | (B) an analysis prepared by financial advisor or | ||||||
19 | underwriter setting forth: (i) the nature and term of | ||||||
20 | those obligations; and (ii) projected debt service | ||||||
21 | including required reserves and debt coverage. | ||||||
22 | (9) For special tax allocation funds that have | ||||||
23 | experienced cumulative deposits of incremental tax | ||||||
24 | revenues of $100,000 or more, a certified audit report | ||||||
25 | reviewing compliance with this Act performed by an | ||||||
26 | independent certified public accountant licensed by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authority of the State of Illinois. The financial portion | ||||||
2 | of the audit must be conducted in accordance with Standards | ||||||
3 | for Audits of Governmental Organizations, Programs, | ||||||
4 | Activities, and Functions adopted by the Comptroller | ||||||
5 | General of the United States (1981), as amended, or the | ||||||
6 | standards specified by Section 8-8-5 of the Illinois | ||||||
7 | Municipal Auditing Law of the Illinois Municipal Code. The | ||||||
8 | audit report shall contain a letter from the independent | ||||||
9 | certified public accountant indicating compliance or | ||||||
10 | noncompliance with the requirements of subsection (e) of | ||||||
11 | Section 3 of this Act. | ||||||
12 | (10) A list of all intergovernmental agreements in | ||||||
13 | effect during the fiscal year to which the municipality is | ||||||
14 | a party and an accounting of any moneys transferred or | ||||||
15 | received by the municipality during that fiscal year | ||||||
16 | pursuant to those intergovernmental agreements.
| ||||||
17 | (20 ILCS 620/5) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1005)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 5.
Submission to Department; certification by | ||||||
19 | Department;
limitation on number of permissible economic | ||||||
20 | development project areas.
(a) The municipality shall submit | ||||||
21 | certified copies of any ordinances
adopted approving an | ||||||
22 | economic development plan, establishing an
economic | ||||||
23 | development project area, and authorizing tax increment | ||||||
24 | allocation
financing for such economic development project | ||||||
25 | area to the Department,
together with (1) a map of the economic
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development project area, (2) a copy of the economic | ||||||
2 | development plan as
approved, (3) an analysis, and any | ||||||
3 | supporting documents and statistics,
demonstrating that the | ||||||
4 | developer or any of its successor entities and its subsidiaries | ||||||
5 | economic development project shall
create or retain
not less | ||||||
6 | than 4,250 2,000 full-time equivalent jobs and that private | ||||||
7 | investment
in the amount of not less than $100,000,000 shall | ||||||
8 | occur
in the economic development project area, (4) an estimate | ||||||
9 | of the economic
impact of the economic development project and | ||||||
10 | the use of tax increment
allocation financing upon the revenues | ||||||
11 | of the municipality and the affected
taxing districts, (5) a | ||||||
12 | record of all public hearings had in connection
with the | ||||||
13 | establishment of the economic development project area, and (6)
| ||||||
14 | such other information as the Department by regulation may | ||||||
15 | require.
| ||||||
16 | (b) Upon receipt of an application from a municipality the | ||||||
17 | Department
shall review the application to determine whether | ||||||
18 | the economic development
project area qualifies as an economic | ||||||
19 | development project area under this
Act. At its discretion, the | ||||||
20 | Department may accept or reject the
application or may request | ||||||
21 | such additional information as it deems
necessary or advisable | ||||||
22 | to aid its review. If any such area is found to be
qualified to | ||||||
23 | be an economic development project area, the Department shall
| ||||||
24 | approve and certify such economic development project area and | ||||||
25 | shall
provide written notice of its approval and certification | ||||||
26 | to the municipality and
to the county clerk. In determining |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | whether an economic development
project area shall be approved | ||||||
2 | and certified, the Department shall consider
(1) whether, | ||||||
3 | without public intervention, the State would suffer
| ||||||
4 | substantial economic dislocation, such as relocation of a | ||||||
5 | commercial
business or industrial or manufacturing facility to | ||||||
6 | another state,
territory or country, or would not otherwise | ||||||
7 | benefit from private
investment offering substantial | ||||||
8 | employment opportunities and economic
growth, and (2) the | ||||||
9 | impact on the revenues of the municipality and the
affected | ||||||
10 | taxing districts of the use of tax increment allocation | ||||||
11 | financing
in connection with the economic development project.
| ||||||
12 | (c) On or before the date which is 18 months following the | ||||||
13 | date on which
this Act becomes law, the Department shall submit | ||||||
14 | to the General Assembly a
report detailing the number of | ||||||
15 | economic development project areas it has
approved and | ||||||
16 | certified, the number and type of jobs created or retained
| ||||||
17 | therein, the aggregate amount of private investment therein, | ||||||
18 | the impact on
the revenues of municipalities and affected | ||||||
19 | taxing districts of the use of
tax increment allocation | ||||||
20 | financing therein, and such additional information
as the | ||||||
21 | Department may determine to be relevant. On or after the date | ||||||
22 | which
is 20 months following the date on which this Act becomes | ||||||
23 | law the authority
granted hereunder to municipalities to | ||||||
24 | establish economic development
project areas and to adopt tax | ||||||
25 | increment allocation financing in connection
therewith and to | ||||||
26 | the Department to approve and certify economic development
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | project areas shall expire unless the General Assembly shall | ||||||
2 | have
authorized municipalities and the Department to continue | ||||||
3 | to exercise the
powers granted to them hereunder.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 86-38.)
| ||||||
5 | (20 ILCS 620/8) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1008)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 8.
Issuance of obligations for economic development | ||||||
7 | project
costs. Obligations secured by the special tax | ||||||
8 | allocation fund provided for in
Section 7 of this Act for an | ||||||
9 | economic development project area may be issued to
provide for | ||||||
10 | economic development project costs. Those obligations, when so
| ||||||
11 | issued, shall be retired in the manner provided in the | ||||||
12 | ordinance
authorizing the issuance of the obligations by the | ||||||
13 | receipts of taxes
levied as specified in Section 6 of this Act | ||||||
14 | against the taxable property
included in
the economic | ||||||
15 | development project area and by other revenue designated or
| ||||||
16 | pledged by the municipality. A municipality may in the | ||||||
17 | ordinance pledge
all or any part of the funds in and to be | ||||||
18 | deposited in the special tax
allocation fund created pursuant | ||||||
19 | to Section 7 of this Act to the payment of the
economic | ||||||
20 | development project costs and obligations.
Whenever a | ||||||
21 | municipality pledges all of the funds to the credit of a
| ||||||
22 | special tax allocation fund to secure obligations issued or to | ||||||
23 | be issued to
pay economic development project costs, the | ||||||
24 | municipality may specifically
provide that funds remaining to | ||||||
25 | the credit of such special tax allocation
fund after the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | payment of such obligations shall be accounted for annually
and | ||||||
2 | shall be deemed to be "surplus" funds, and such "surplus" funds | ||||||
3 | shall be
distributed as hereinafter provided. Whenever a | ||||||
4 | municipality pledges less
than all of the monies to the credit | ||||||
5 | of a special tax allocation fund to
secure obligations issued | ||||||
6 | or to be issued to pay economic development
project costs, the | ||||||
7 | municipality shall provide that monies to the credit of
the | ||||||
8 | special tax allocation fund and not subject to such pledge or
| ||||||
9 | otherwise encumbered or required for payment of contractual | ||||||
10 | obligations
for specific economic development project costs | ||||||
11 | shall be calculated
annually and shall be deemed to be | ||||||
12 | "surplus" funds, and such "surplus"
funds shall be distributed | ||||||
13 | as hereinafter provided. All funds to the
credit of a special | ||||||
14 | tax allocation fund which are deemed to be "surplus"
funds | ||||||
15 | shall be distributed annually within 180 days of the close of | ||||||
16 | the
municipality's fiscal year by being paid by the municipal | ||||||
17 | treasurer to the
county collector.
The county collector shall
| ||||||
18 | thereafter make distribution to the respective taxing | ||||||
19 | districts in the same
manner and proportion as the most recent | ||||||
20 | distribution by the county
collector to those taxing districts | ||||||
21 | of real property taxes from real
property in the economic | ||||||
22 | development project area.
| ||||||
23 | Without limiting the foregoing in this Section the | ||||||
24 | municipality may, in
addition to obligations secured by the | ||||||
25 | special tax allocation fund, pledge
for a period not greater | ||||||
26 | than the term of the obligations towards payment
of those |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | obligations any part or any combination of the following: (i) | ||||||
2 | net
revenues of all or part of any economic development | ||||||
3 | project; (ii) taxes
levied and collected on any or all property | ||||||
4 | in the municipality, including,
specifically, taxes levied or | ||||||
5 | imposed by the municipality in a special
service area pursuant | ||||||
6 | to "An Act to provide the manner of levying or
imposing taxes | ||||||
7 | for the provision of special services to areas within the
| ||||||
8 | boundaries of home rule units and non-home rule municipalities | ||||||
9 | and
counties", approved September 21, 1973, as now or hereafter | ||||||
10 | amended; (iii) the
full faith and credit of the municipality; | ||||||
11 | (iv) a mortgage on part or all
of the economic development | ||||||
12 | project; or (v) any other taxes or anticipated
receipts that | ||||||
13 | the municipality may lawfully pledge.
| ||||||
14 | Such obligations may be issued in one or more series | ||||||
15 | bearing interest at
such rate or rates as the corporate | ||||||
16 | authorities of the municipality shall
determine by ordinance, | ||||||
17 | which rate or rates may be variable or fixed,
without regard to | ||||||
18 | any limitations contained in any law now in effect or
hereafter | ||||||
19 | adopted. Such obligations shall bear such date or dates, mature
| ||||||
20 | at such time or times not exceeding 38 20 years from their | ||||||
21 | respective dates,
but in no event exceeding 38 23 years from | ||||||
22 | the date of establishment of the
economic development project | ||||||
23 | area, be in such denomination, be in such
form, whether coupon, | ||||||
24 | registered or book-entry, carry such registration,
conversion | ||||||
25 | and exchange privileges, be executed in such manner, be payable
| ||||||
26 | in such medium of payment at such place or places within or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | without the
State of Illinois, contain such covenants, terms | ||||||
2 | and conditions, be subject
to redemption with or without | ||||||
3 | premium, be subject to defeasance upon such
terms, and have | ||||||
4 | such rank or priority, as such ordinance shall provide.
| ||||||
5 | Obligations issued pursuant to this Act may be sold at public | ||||||
6 | or private
sale at such price as shall be determined by the | ||||||
7 | corporate authorities of
the municipalities. Such obligations | ||||||
8 | may, but need not, be issued utilizing
the provisions of any | ||||||
9 | one or more of the omnibus bond Acts
specified in Section 1.33 | ||||||
10 | of "An Act to revise the law in relation to the
construction of | ||||||
11 | the statutes", approved March 5, 1874, as now or hereafter
| ||||||
12 | amended. No referendum approval of the electors shall be | ||||||
13 | required as a condition to
the issuance of obligations pursuant | ||||||
14 | to this Act except as provided in this Section.
| ||||||
15 | Whenever a municipality issues bonds for the purpose of | ||||||
16 | financing
economic development project costs, the municipality | ||||||
17 | may provide by
ordinance for the appointment of a trustee, | ||||||
18 | which may be any trust company
within the State, and for the | ||||||
19 | establishment of the funds or accounts to be
maintained by such | ||||||
20 | trustee as the municipality shall deem necessary to
provide for | ||||||
21 | the security and payment of the bonds. If the municipality
| ||||||
22 | provides for the appointment of a trustee, the trustee shall be | ||||||
23 | considered
the assignee of any payments assigned by the | ||||||
24 | municipality pursuant to the
ordinance and this Section. Any | ||||||
25 | amounts paid to the trustee as assignee
shall be deposited in | ||||||
26 | the funds or accounts established pursuant to the
trust |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agreement, and shall be held by the trustee in trust for the | ||||||
2 | benefit of
the holders
of the bonds, and the holders shall have | ||||||
3 | a lien on and a security interest
in those bonds or accounts so | ||||||
4 | long as the bonds remain outstanding and
unpaid. Upon | ||||||
5 | retirement of the bonds, the trustee shall pay over any excess
| ||||||
6 | amounts held to the municipality for deposit in the special tax | ||||||
7 | allocation
| ||||||
8 | In the event the municipality authorizes the issuance of | ||||||
9 | obligations
pursuant to the authority of this Act secured by | ||||||
10 | the full faith and
credit of the municipality, or pledges ad | ||||||
11 | valorem taxes pursuant to clause
(ii) of the second paragraph | ||||||
12 | of this Section, which obligations are other than
| ||||||
13 | which may be issued under home rule powers provided by Article | ||||||
14 | VII,
Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution or which ad valorem | ||||||
15 | taxes are other than
ad valorem
taxes which may be pledged | ||||||
16 | under home rule powers provided by Article VII, Section
6 of | ||||||
17 | the Illinois Constitution or which are levied in a special | ||||||
18 | service
area pursuant to "An Act to provide the manner of | ||||||
19 | levying or imposing taxes
for the provision of special services | ||||||
20 | to areas within the boundaries of
home rule units and non-home | ||||||
21 | rule municipalities and counties", approved
September 21, | ||||||
22 | 1973, as now or hereafter amended,
the ordinance authorizing | ||||||
23 | the
issuance of those obligations or pledging those taxes shall | ||||||
24 | be published
within 10 days after the ordinance has been | ||||||
25 | adopted, in one or more
newspapers having a general circulation | ||||||
26 | within the municipality. The
publication of the ordinance shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be accompanied by a notice of (1) the
specific number of voters | ||||||
2 | required to sign a petition requesting the
question of the | ||||||
3 | issuance of the obligations or pledging such ad valorem taxes
| ||||||
4 | to be submitted to the electors; (2) the time within which the | ||||||
5 | petition must
be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective | ||||||
6 | referendum. The municipal
clerk shall provide a petition form | ||||||
7 | to any individual requesting one.
| ||||||
8 | If no petition is filed with the municipal clerk, as | ||||||
9 | hereinafter provided
in this Section, within 21 days after the | ||||||
10 | publication of the ordinance, the
ordinance shall be in effect. | ||||||
11 | However, if within that 21 day period a petition
is filed with | ||||||
12 | the municipal clerk, signed by electors numbering not less
than | ||||||
13 | 15% of the number of electors voting for the mayor or president | ||||||
14 | at the
last general municipal election, asking that the | ||||||
15 | question of issuing
obligations using full faith and credit of | ||||||
16 | the municipality as security for
the cost of paying for | ||||||
17 | economic development project costs, or of pledging
such ad | ||||||
18 | valorem taxes for the payment of those obligations, or both, be | ||||||
19 | submitted
to the electors of the municipality, the municipality | ||||||
20 | shall not be
authorized to issue obligations of the | ||||||
21 | municipality using the full faith and
credit of the | ||||||
22 | municipality as security or pledging such ad valorem taxes for | ||||||
23 | the
payment of those obligations, or both, until the | ||||||
24 | proposition
has been submitted to and approved by a majority of | ||||||
25 | the voters voting on
the proposition at a regularly scheduled | ||||||
26 | election. The municipality shall
certify the proposition to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | proper election authorities for submission
in accordance with | ||||||
2 | the general election law.
| ||||||
3 | The ordinance authorizing the obligations may provide that | ||||||
4 | the
obligations shall contain a recital that they are issued | ||||||
5 | pursuant to this
Act, which recital shall be conclusive | ||||||
6 | evidence of their validity and of
the regularity of their | ||||||
7 | issuance.
| ||||||
8 | In the event the municipality authorizes issuance of | ||||||
9 | obligations pursuant
to this Act secured by the full faith and | ||||||
10 | credit of the municipality, the
ordinance authorizing the | ||||||
11 | obligations may provide for the levy and
collection of a direct | ||||||
12 | annual tax upon all taxable property within the
municipality | ||||||
13 | sufficient to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon
as | ||||||
14 | it matures, which levy may be in addition to and exclusive of | ||||||
15 | the
maximum of all other taxes authorized to be levied by the | ||||||
16 | municipality,
which levy, however, shall be abated to the | ||||||
17 | extent that monies from other
sources are available for payment | ||||||
18 | of the obligations and the municipality
certifies the amount of | ||||||
19 | those monies available to the county clerk.
| ||||||
20 | A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed with the | ||||||
21 | county clerk
of each county in which any portion of the | ||||||
22 | municipality is situated, and
shall constitute the authority | ||||||
23 | for the extension and collection of the taxes
to be deposited | ||||||
24 | in the special tax allocation fund.
| ||||||
25 | A municipality may also issue its obligations to refund, in | ||||||
26 | whole or in
part, obligations theretofore issued by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | municipality under the
authority of this Act, whether at or | ||||||
2 | prior to maturity. However,
the last maturity of the refunding | ||||||
3 | obligations shall not be expressed
to mature later than 38 23 | ||||||
4 | years from the date of the ordinance establishing
the economic | ||||||
5 | development project area.
| ||||||
6 | In the event a municipality issues obligations under home | ||||||
7 | rule powers or
other legislative authority, the proceeds of | ||||||
8 | which are pledged to pay for
economic development project | ||||||
9 | costs, the municipality may, if it has
followed the procedures | ||||||
10 | in conformance with this Act, retire those
obligations from | ||||||
11 | funds in the special tax allocation fund in amounts and in
such | ||||||
12 | manner as if those obligations had been issued pursuant to the
| ||||||
13 | provisions of this Act.
| ||||||
14 | No obligations issued pursuant to this Act shall be | ||||||
15 | regarded as
indebtedness of the municipality issuing those | ||||||
16 | obligations or any other
taxing district for the purpose of any | ||||||
17 | limitation imposed by law.
| ||||||
18 | Obligations issued pursuant to this Act shall not be | ||||||
19 | subject to the
provisions of "An Act to authorize public | ||||||
20 | corporations to issue bonds,
other evidences of indebtedness | ||||||
21 | and tax anticipation warrants subject to
interest rate | ||||||
22 | limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as | ||||||
23 | amended.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 86-38.)
| ||||||
25 | (20 ILCS 620/9) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1009)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 9. Powers of municipalities. In addition to powers | ||||||
2 | which it may
have, any municipality has the power under | ||||||
3 | this Act:
| ||||||
4 | (a) To make and enter into all contracts necessary or | ||||||
5 | incidental to the
implementation and furtherance of an economic | ||||||
6 | development plan.
| ||||||
7 | (b) Within an economic development project area, to acquire | ||||||
8 | by purchase,
donation, lease or eminent domain, and to own, | ||||||
9 | convey, lease, mortgage or
dispose of land and other real or | ||||||
10 | personal property or rights or interests
therein; and to grant | ||||||
11 | or acquire licenses, easements and options with
respect | ||||||
12 | thereto, all in the manner and at such price the municipality
| ||||||
13 | determines is reasonably necessary to achieve the objectives of | ||||||
14 | the
economic development project. No conveyance, lease, | ||||||
15 | mortgage, disposition
of land or other property acquired by the | ||||||
16 | municipality, or agreement
relating to the development of | ||||||
17 | property, shall be made or executed except
pursuant to prior | ||||||
18 | official action of the municipality.
No conveyance, lease, | ||||||
19 | mortgage or other disposition of land, and no
agreement | ||||||
20 | relating to the development of property, shall be made without
| ||||||
21 | making public disclosure of the terms and disposition of all | ||||||
22 | bids and
proposals submitted to the municipality in connection | ||||||
23 | therewith.
| ||||||
24 | (c) To clear any area within an economic development | ||||||
25 | project area by
demolition or removal of any existing | ||||||
26 | buildings, structures, fixtures,
utilities or improvements, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and to clear and grade land.
| ||||||
2 | (d) To install, repair, construct, reconstruct or relocate | ||||||
3 | public
streets, public utilities, and other public site | ||||||
4 | improvements within or
without an economic development project | ||||||
5 | area which are essential to the
preparation of an economic | ||||||
6 | development project area for use in accordance
with an economic | ||||||
7 | development plan.
| ||||||
8 | (e) To renovate, rehabilitate, reconstruct, relocate, | ||||||
9 | repair or remodel
any existing buildings, improvements, and | ||||||
10 | fixtures within an economic
development project area.
| ||||||
11 | (f) To construct , acquire, and operate public | ||||||
12 | improvements, including but not limited to,
publicly-owned | ||||||
13 | buildings, structures, works, utilities or fixtures within any | ||||||
14 | economic
development project area , subject to the restrictions | ||||||
15 | of item (5) of subsection (e) of Section 3 of this Act .
| ||||||
16 | (g) To issue obligations as provided in this Act provided .
| ||||||
17 | (h) To fix, charge and collect fees, rents and charges for | ||||||
18 | the use of
any building, facility or property or any portion | ||||||
19 | thereof owned or leased
by the municipality within an economic | ||||||
20 | development project area.
| ||||||
21 | (i) To accept grants, guarantees, donations of property or | ||||||
22 | labor, or any
other thing of value for use in connection with | ||||||
23 | an economic development project.
| ||||||
24 | (j) To pay or cause to be paid economic development project | ||||||
25 | costs. Any
payments to be made by the municipality to | ||||||
26 | developers or other
nongovernmental persons for economic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development project costs incurred by
such developer or other | ||||||
2 | nongovernmental person shall be made only pursuant
to the prior | ||||||
3 | official action of the municipality evidencing an intent to
pay | ||||||
4 | or cause to be paid such economic development project costs. A
| ||||||
5 | municipality is not required to obtain any right, title or | ||||||
6 | interest in any
real or personal property in order to pay | ||||||
7 | economic development project
costs associated with such | ||||||
8 | property. The municipality shall adopt such
accounting | ||||||
9 | procedures as may be necessary to determine that such economic
| ||||||
10 | development project costs are properly paid.
| ||||||
11 | (k) To exercise any and all other powers necessary to | ||||||
12 | effectuate the
purposes of this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (l) To create a commission of not less than 5 or more than | ||||||
14 | 15 persons to be
appointed by the mayor or president of the | ||||||
15 | municipality with the consent of
the majority of the corporate | ||||||
16 | authorities of the municipality. Members of a
commission shall | ||||||
17 | be appointed for initial terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years,
| ||||||
18 | respectively, in such numbers as to provide that the terms of | ||||||
19 | not more than
1/3 of all such members shall expire in any one | ||||||
20 | year. Their successors
shall be appointed for a term of 5 | ||||||
21 | years. The commission, subject to
approval of the corporate | ||||||
22 | authorities, may exercise the powers enumerated in
this | ||||||
23 | Section. The commission shall also have the power to hold the | ||||||
24 | public
hearings required by this Act and make recommendations | ||||||
25 | to the corporate
authorities concerning the approval of | ||||||
26 | economic development plans, the
establishment of economic |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development project areas, and the adoption of
tax increment | ||||||
2 | allocation financing for economic development project areas.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
| ||||||
4 | (20 ILCS 620/11) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1011)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 11. Payment of project costs; revenues from | ||||||
6 | governmental municipal property. Revenues received by a taxing | ||||||
7 | district municipality from any property, building or
facility | ||||||
8 | owned, leased or operated by the taxing district municipality | ||||||
9 | or any agency or
authority established by the taxing district | ||||||
10 | municipality may be used to pay economic
development project | ||||||
11 | costs, or reduce outstanding obligations of the
taxing district | ||||||
12 | municipality incurred under this Act for economic development | ||||||
13 | project
costs. The taxing district municipality may place those | ||||||
14 | revenues in the special tax
allocation fund which shall be held | ||||||
15 | by the municipal treasurer of the taxing district or other
| ||||||
16 | person designated by the taxing district municipality . Revenue | ||||||
17 | received by a taxing district the municipality
from the sale or | ||||||
18 | other disposition of real or personal property or rights
or | ||||||
19 | interests therein acquired by a taxing district the
| ||||||
20 | municipality with the proceeds of obligations funded by tax | ||||||
21 | increment
allocation financing may be used to acquire and | ||||||
22 | operate other governmental property that is within the economic | ||||||
23 | development project area or that provides services within the | ||||||
24 | economic development project area, subject to the restrictions | ||||||
25 | of item (5) of subsection (e) of Section 3 of this Act. shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be deposited by the municipality in the special
tax allocation | ||||||
2 | fund.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 86-38.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 15-7. The New Markets Development Program Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 50 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (20 ILCS 663/50)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 50. Sunset. For fiscal years following fiscal year | ||||||
8 | 2017 2012 , qualified equity investments shall not be made under | ||||||
9 | this Act unless reauthorization is made pursuant to this | ||||||
10 | Section. For all fiscal years following fiscal year 2017 2012 , | ||||||
11 | unless the General Assembly adopts a joint resolution granting | ||||||
12 | authority to the Department to approve qualified equity | ||||||
13 | investments for the Illinois new markets development program | ||||||
14 | and clearly describing the amount of tax credits available for | ||||||
15 | the next fiscal year, or otherwise complies with the provisions | ||||||
16 | of this Section, no qualified equity investments may be | ||||||
17 | permitted to be made under this Act. The amount of available | ||||||
18 | tax credits contained in such a resolution shall not exceed the | ||||||
19 | limitation provided under Section 20. Nothing in this Section | ||||||
20 | precludes a taxpayer who makes a qualified equity investment | ||||||
21 | prior to the expiration of authority to make qualified equity | ||||||
22 | investments from claiming tax credits relating to that | ||||||
23 | qualified equity investment for each applicable credit | ||||||
24 | allowance date.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 95-1024, eff. 12-31-08.) | ||||||
2 | Section 15-10. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
3 | changing Sections 201, 207, 250, 304, 804, and 1501 as follows: | ||||||
4 | (35 ILCS 5/201) (from Ch. 120, par. 2-201) | ||||||
5 | Sec. 201. Tax Imposed. | ||||||
6 | (a) In general. A tax measured by net income is hereby | ||||||
7 | imposed on every
individual, corporation, trust and estate for | ||||||
8 | each taxable year ending
after July 31, 1969 on the privilege | ||||||
9 | of earning or receiving income in or
as a resident of this | ||||||
10 | State. Such tax shall be in addition to all other
occupation or | ||||||
11 | privilege taxes imposed by this State or by any municipal
| ||||||
12 | corporation or political subdivision thereof. | ||||||
13 | (b) Rates. The tax imposed by subsection (a) of this | ||||||
14 | Section shall be
determined as follows, except as adjusted by | ||||||
15 | subsection (d-1): | ||||||
16 | (1) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
17 | taxable years
ending prior to July 1, 1989, an amount equal | ||||||
18 | to 2 1/2% of the taxpayer's
net income for the taxable | ||||||
19 | year. | ||||||
20 | (2) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
21 | taxable years
beginning prior to July 1, 1989 and ending | ||||||
22 | after June 30, 1989, an amount
equal to the sum of (i) 2 | ||||||
23 | 1/2% of the taxpayer's net income for the period
prior to | ||||||
24 | July 1, 1989, as calculated under Section 202.3, and (ii) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 3% of the
taxpayer's net income for the period after June | ||||||
2 | 30, 1989, as calculated
under Section 202.3. | ||||||
3 | (3) In the case of an individual, trust or estate, for | ||||||
4 | taxable years
beginning after June 30, 1989, and ending | ||||||
5 | prior to January 1, 2011, an amount equal to 3% of the | ||||||
6 | taxpayer's net
income for the taxable year. | ||||||
7 | (4) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, for | ||||||
8 | taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2011, and | ||||||
9 | ending after December 31, 2010, an amount equal to the sum | ||||||
10 | of (i) 3% of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior | ||||||
11 | to January 1, 2011, as calculated under Section 202.5, and | ||||||
12 | (ii) 5% of the taxpayer's net income for the period after | ||||||
13 | December 31, 2010, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
14 | (5) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, for | ||||||
15 | taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, and | ||||||
16 | ending prior to January 1, 2015, an amount equal to 5% of | ||||||
17 | the taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
18 | (5.1) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, | ||||||
19 | for taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2015, and | ||||||
20 | ending after December 31, 2014, an amount equal to the sum | ||||||
21 | of (i) 5% of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior | ||||||
22 | to January 1, 2015, as calculated under Section 202.5, and | ||||||
23 | (ii) 3.75% of the taxpayer's net income for the period | ||||||
24 | after December 31, 2014, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
25 | (5.2) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, | ||||||
26 | for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and ending prior to January 1, 2025, an amount equal to | ||||||
2 | 3.75% of the taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
3 | (5.3) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, | ||||||
4 | for taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2025, and | ||||||
5 | ending after December 31, 2024, an amount equal to the sum | ||||||
6 | of (i) 3.75% of the taxpayer's net income for the period | ||||||
7 | prior to January 1, 2025, as calculated under Section | ||||||
8 | 202.5, and (ii) 3.25% of the taxpayer's net income for the | ||||||
9 | period after December 31, 2024, as calculated under Section | ||||||
10 | 202.5. | ||||||
11 | (5.4) In the case of an individual, trust, or estate, | ||||||
12 | for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2025, an | ||||||
13 | amount equal to 3.25% of the taxpayer's net income for the | ||||||
14 | taxable year. | ||||||
15 | (6) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years
| ||||||
16 | ending prior to July 1, 1989, an amount equal to 4% of the
| ||||||
17 | taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
18 | (7) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
19 | beginning prior to
July 1, 1989 and ending after June 30, | ||||||
20 | 1989, an amount equal to the sum of
(i) 4% of the | ||||||
21 | taxpayer's net income for the period prior to July 1, 1989,
| ||||||
22 | as calculated under Section 202.3, and (ii) 4.8% of the | ||||||
23 | taxpayer's net
income for the period after June 30, 1989, | ||||||
24 | as calculated under Section
202.3. | ||||||
25 | (8) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
26 | beginning after
June 30, 1989, and ending prior to January |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 1, 2011, an amount equal to 4.8% of the taxpayer's net | ||||||
2 | income for the
taxable year. | ||||||
3 | (9) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
4 | beginning prior to January 1, 2011, and ending after | ||||||
5 | December 31, 2010, an amount equal to the sum of (i) 4.8% | ||||||
6 | of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior to | ||||||
7 | January 1, 2011, as calculated under Section 202.5, and | ||||||
8 | (ii) 7% of the taxpayer's net income for the period after | ||||||
9 | December 31, 2010, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
10 | (10) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
11 | beginning on or after January 1, 2011, and ending prior to | ||||||
12 | January 1, 2015, an amount equal to 7% of the taxpayer's | ||||||
13 | net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
14 | (11) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
15 | beginning prior to January 1, 2015, and ending after | ||||||
16 | December 31, 2014, an amount equal to the sum of (i) 7% of | ||||||
17 | the taxpayer's net income for the period prior to January | ||||||
18 | 1, 2015, as calculated under Section 202.5, and (ii) 5.25% | ||||||
19 | of the taxpayer's net income for the period after December | ||||||
20 | 31, 2014, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
21 | (12) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
22 | beginning on or after January 1, 2015, and ending prior to | ||||||
23 | January 1, 2025, an amount equal to 5.25% of the taxpayer's | ||||||
24 | net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
25 | (13) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
26 | beginning prior to January 1, 2025, and ending after |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | December 31, 2024, an amount equal to the sum of (i) 5.25% | ||||||
2 | of the taxpayer's net income for the period prior to | ||||||
3 | January 1, 2025, as calculated under Section 202.5, and | ||||||
4 | (ii) 4.8% of the taxpayer's net income for the period after | ||||||
5 | December 31, 2024, as calculated under Section 202.5. | ||||||
6 | (14) In the case of a corporation, for taxable years | ||||||
7 | beginning on or after January 1, 2025, an amount equal to | ||||||
8 | 4.8% of the taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. | ||||||
9 | The rates under this subsection (b) are subject to the | ||||||
10 | provisions of Section 201.5. | ||||||
11 | (c) Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax.
| ||||||
12 | Beginning on July 1, 1979 and thereafter, in addition to such | ||||||
13 | income
tax, there is also hereby imposed the Personal Property | ||||||
14 | Tax Replacement
Income Tax measured by net income on every | ||||||
15 | corporation (including Subchapter
S corporations), partnership | ||||||
16 | and trust, for each taxable year ending after
June 30, 1979. | ||||||
17 | Such taxes are imposed on the privilege of earning or
receiving | ||||||
18 | income in or as a resident of this State. The Personal Property
| ||||||
19 | Tax Replacement Income Tax shall be in addition to the income | ||||||
20 | tax imposed
by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section and in | ||||||
21 | addition to all other
occupation or privilege taxes imposed by | ||||||
22 | this State or by any municipal
corporation or political | ||||||
23 | subdivision thereof. | ||||||
24 | (d) Additional Personal Property Tax Replacement Income | ||||||
25 | Tax Rates.
The personal property tax replacement income tax | ||||||
26 | imposed by this subsection
and subsection (c) of this Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in the case of a corporation, other
than a Subchapter S | ||||||
2 | corporation and except as adjusted by subsection (d-1),
shall | ||||||
3 | be an additional amount equal to
2.85% of such taxpayer's net | ||||||
4 | income for the taxable year, except that
beginning on January | ||||||
5 | 1, 1981, and thereafter, the rate of 2.85% specified
in this | ||||||
6 | subsection shall be reduced to 2.5%, and in the case of a
| ||||||
7 | partnership, trust or a Subchapter S corporation shall be an | ||||||
8 | additional
amount equal to 1.5% of such taxpayer's net income | ||||||
9 | for the taxable year. | ||||||
10 | (d-1) Rate reduction for certain foreign insurers. In the | ||||||
11 | case of a
foreign insurer, as defined by Section 35A-5 of the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Insurance Code,
whose state or country of domicile | ||||||
13 | imposes on insurers domiciled in Illinois
a retaliatory tax | ||||||
14 | (excluding any insurer
whose premiums from reinsurance assumed | ||||||
15 | are 50% or more of its total insurance
premiums as determined | ||||||
16 | under paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of Section 304,
except | ||||||
17 | that for purposes of this determination premiums from | ||||||
18 | reinsurance do
not include premiums from inter-affiliate | ||||||
19 | reinsurance arrangements),
beginning with taxable years ending | ||||||
20 | on or after December 31, 1999,
the sum of
the rates of tax | ||||||
21 | imposed by subsections (b) and (d) shall be reduced (but not
| ||||||
22 | increased) to the rate at which the total amount of tax imposed | ||||||
23 | under this Act,
net of all credits allowed under this Act, | ||||||
24 | shall equal (i) the total amount of
tax that would be imposed | ||||||
25 | on the foreign insurer's net income allocable to
Illinois for | ||||||
26 | the taxable year by such foreign insurer's state or country of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | domicile if that net income were subject to all income taxes | ||||||
2 | and taxes
measured by net income imposed by such foreign | ||||||
3 | insurer's state or country of
domicile, net of all credits | ||||||
4 | allowed or (ii) a rate of zero if no such tax is
imposed on such | ||||||
5 | income by the foreign insurer's state of domicile.
For the | ||||||
6 | purposes of this subsection (d-1), an inter-affiliate includes | ||||||
7 | a
mutual insurer under common management. | ||||||
8 | (1) For the purposes of subsection (d-1), in no event | ||||||
9 | shall the sum of the
rates of tax imposed by subsections | ||||||
10 | (b) and (d) be reduced below the rate at
which the sum of: | ||||||
11 | (A) the total amount of tax imposed on such foreign | ||||||
12 | insurer under
this Act for a taxable year, net of all | ||||||
13 | credits allowed under this Act, plus | ||||||
14 | (B) the privilege tax imposed by Section 409 of the | ||||||
15 | Illinois Insurance
Code, the fire insurance company | ||||||
16 | tax imposed by Section 12 of the Fire
Investigation | ||||||
17 | Act, and the fire department taxes imposed under | ||||||
18 | Section 11-10-1
of the Illinois Municipal Code, | ||||||
19 | equals 1.25% for taxable years ending prior to December 31, | ||||||
20 | 2003, or
1.75% for taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
21 | December 31, 2003, of the net
taxable premiums written for | ||||||
22 | the taxable year,
as described by subsection (1) of Section | ||||||
23 | 409 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
This paragraph will in | ||||||
24 | no event increase the rates imposed under subsections
(b) | ||||||
25 | and (d). | ||||||
26 | (2) Any reduction in the rates of tax imposed by this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection shall be
applied first against the rates imposed | ||||||
2 | by subsection (b) and only after the
tax imposed by | ||||||
3 | subsection (a) net of all credits allowed under this | ||||||
4 | Section
other than the credit allowed under subsection (i) | ||||||
5 | has been reduced to zero,
against the rates imposed by | ||||||
6 | subsection (d). | ||||||
7 | This subsection (d-1) is exempt from the provisions of | ||||||
8 | Section 250. | ||||||
9 | (e) Investment credit. A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit
| ||||||
10 | against the Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax for
| ||||||
11 | investment in qualified property. | ||||||
12 | (1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit equal to .5% | ||||||
13 | of
the basis of qualified property placed in service during | ||||||
14 | the taxable year,
provided such property is placed in | ||||||
15 | service on or after
July 1, 1984. There shall be allowed an | ||||||
16 | additional credit equal
to .5% of the basis of qualified | ||||||
17 | property placed in service during the
taxable year, | ||||||
18 | provided such property is placed in service on or
after | ||||||
19 | July 1, 1986, and the taxpayer's base employment
within | ||||||
20 | Illinois has increased by 1% or more over the preceding | ||||||
21 | year as
determined by the taxpayer's employment records | ||||||
22 | filed with the
Illinois Department of Employment Security. | ||||||
23 | Taxpayers who are new to
Illinois shall be deemed to have | ||||||
24 | met the 1% growth in base employment for
the first year in | ||||||
25 | which they file employment records with the Illinois
| ||||||
26 | Department of Employment Security. The provisions added to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Section by
Public Act 85-1200 (and restored by Public | ||||||
2 | Act 87-895) shall be
construed as declaratory of existing | ||||||
3 | law and not as a new enactment. If,
in any year, the | ||||||
4 | increase in base employment within Illinois over the
| ||||||
5 | preceding year is less than 1%, the additional credit shall | ||||||
6 | be limited to that
percentage times a fraction, the | ||||||
7 | numerator of which is .5% and the denominator
of which is | ||||||
8 | 1%, but shall not exceed .5%. The investment credit shall | ||||||
9 | not be
allowed to the extent that it would reduce a | ||||||
10 | taxpayer's liability in any tax
year below zero, nor may | ||||||
11 | any credit for qualified property be allowed for any
year | ||||||
12 | other than the year in which the property was placed in | ||||||
13 | service in
Illinois. For tax years ending on or after | ||||||
14 | December 31, 1987, and on or
before December 31, 1988, the | ||||||
15 | credit shall be allowed for the tax year in
which the | ||||||
16 | property is placed in service, or, if the amount of the | ||||||
17 | credit
exceeds the tax liability for that year, whether it | ||||||
18 | exceeds the original
liability or the liability as later | ||||||
19 | amended, such excess may be carried
forward and applied to | ||||||
20 | the tax liability of the 5 taxable years following
the | ||||||
21 | excess credit years if the taxpayer (i) makes investments | ||||||
22 | which cause
the creation of a minimum of 2,000 full-time | ||||||
23 | equivalent jobs in Illinois,
(ii) is located in an | ||||||
24 | enterprise zone established pursuant to the Illinois
| ||||||
25 | Enterprise Zone Act and (iii) is certified by the | ||||||
26 | Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs (now |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity) as | ||||||
2 | complying with the requirements specified in
clause (i) and | ||||||
3 | (ii) by July 1, 1986. The Department of Commerce and
| ||||||
4 | Community Affairs (now Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
5 | Opportunity) shall notify the Department of Revenue of all | ||||||
6 | such
certifications immediately. For tax years ending | ||||||
7 | after December 31, 1988,
the credit shall be allowed for | ||||||
8 | the tax year in which the property is
placed in service, | ||||||
9 | or, if the amount of the credit exceeds the tax
liability | ||||||
10 | for that year, whether it exceeds the original liability or | ||||||
11 | the
liability as later amended, such excess may be carried | ||||||
12 | forward and applied
to the tax liability of the 5 taxable | ||||||
13 | years following the excess credit
years. The credit shall | ||||||
14 | be applied to the earliest year for which there is
a | ||||||
15 | liability. If there is credit from more than one tax year | ||||||
16 | that is
available to offset a liability, earlier credit | ||||||
17 | shall be applied first. | ||||||
18 | (2) The term "qualified property" means property | ||||||
19 | which: | ||||||
20 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
21 | buildings and structural
components of buildings and | ||||||
22 | signs that are real property, but not including
land or | ||||||
23 | improvements to real property that are not a structural | ||||||
24 | component of a
building such as landscaping, sewer | ||||||
25 | lines, local access roads, fencing, parking
lots, and | ||||||
26 | other appurtenances; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
2 | Internal Revenue Code,
except that "3-year property" | ||||||
3 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of that
Code is not | ||||||
4 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection | ||||||
5 | (e); | ||||||
6 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section | ||||||
7 | 179(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code; | ||||||
8 | (D) is used in Illinois by a taxpayer who is | ||||||
9 | primarily engaged in
manufacturing, or in mining coal | ||||||
10 | or fluorite, or in retailing, or was placed in service | ||||||
11 | on or after July 1, 2006 in a River Edge Redevelopment | ||||||
12 | Zone established pursuant to the River Edge | ||||||
13 | Redevelopment Zone Act; and | ||||||
14 | (E) has not previously been used in Illinois in | ||||||
15 | such a manner and by
such a person as would qualify for | ||||||
16 | the credit provided by this subsection
(e) or | ||||||
17 | subsection (f). | ||||||
18 | (3) For purposes of this subsection (e), | ||||||
19 | "manufacturing" means
the material staging and production | ||||||
20 | of tangible personal property by
procedures commonly | ||||||
21 | regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabrication, or
| ||||||
22 | assembling which changes some existing material into new | ||||||
23 | shapes, new
qualities, or new combinations. For purposes of | ||||||
24 | this subsection
(e) the term "mining" shall have the same | ||||||
25 | meaning as the term "mining" in
Section 613(c) of the | ||||||
26 | Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of this subsection
(e), |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the term "retailing" means the sale of tangible personal | ||||||
2 | property for use or consumption and not for resale, or
| ||||||
3 | services rendered in conjunction with the sale of tangible | ||||||
4 | personal property for use or consumption and not for | ||||||
5 | resale. For purposes of this subsection (e), "tangible | ||||||
6 | personal property" has the same meaning as when that term | ||||||
7 | is used in the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and, for | ||||||
8 | taxable years ending after December 31, 2008, does not | ||||||
9 | include the generation, transmission, or distribution of | ||||||
10 | electricity. | ||||||
11 | (4) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis
| ||||||
12 | used to compute the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
13 | income tax purposes. | ||||||
14 | (5) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
15 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed | ||||||
16 | in service in Illinois by
the taxpayer, the amount of such | ||||||
17 | increase shall be deemed property placed
in service on the | ||||||
18 | date of such increase in basis. | ||||||
19 | (6) The term "placed in service" shall have the same
| ||||||
20 | meaning as under Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code. | ||||||
21 | (7) If during any taxable year, any property ceases to
| ||||||
22 | be qualified property in the hands of the taxpayer within | ||||||
23 | 48 months after
being placed in service, or the situs of | ||||||
24 | any qualified property is
moved outside Illinois within 48 | ||||||
25 | months after being placed in service, the
Personal Property | ||||||
26 | Tax Replacement Income Tax for such taxable year shall be
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | increased. Such increase shall be determined by (i) | ||||||
2 | recomputing the
investment credit which would have been | ||||||
3 | allowed for the year in which
credit for such property was | ||||||
4 | originally allowed by eliminating such
property from such | ||||||
5 | computation and, (ii) subtracting such recomputed credit
| ||||||
6 | from the amount of credit previously allowed. For the | ||||||
7 | purposes of this
paragraph (7), a reduction of the basis of | ||||||
8 | qualified property resulting
from a redetermination of the | ||||||
9 | purchase price shall be deemed a disposition
of qualified | ||||||
10 | property to the extent of such reduction. | ||||||
11 | (8) Unless the investment credit is extended by law, | ||||||
12 | the
basis of qualified property shall not include costs | ||||||
13 | incurred after
December 31, 2018 2013 , except for costs | ||||||
14 | incurred pursuant to a binding
contract entered into on or | ||||||
15 | before December 31, 2018 2013 . | ||||||
16 | (9) Each taxable year ending before December 31, 2000, | ||||||
17 | a partnership may
elect to pass through to its
partners the | ||||||
18 | credits to which the partnership is entitled under this | ||||||
19 | subsection
(e) for the taxable year. A partner may use the | ||||||
20 | credit allocated to him or her
under this paragraph only | ||||||
21 | against the tax imposed in subsections (c) and (d) of
this | ||||||
22 | Section. If the partnership makes that election, those | ||||||
23 | credits shall be
allocated among the partners in the | ||||||
24 | partnership in accordance with the rules
set forth in | ||||||
25 | Section 704(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the rules
| ||||||
26 | promulgated under that Section, and the allocated amount of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the credits shall
be allowed to the partners for that | ||||||
2 | taxable year. The partnership shall make
this election on | ||||||
3 | its Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax return for
| ||||||
4 | that taxable year. The election to pass through the credits | ||||||
5 | shall be
irrevocable. | ||||||
6 | For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2000, | ||||||
7 | a
partner that qualifies its
partnership for a subtraction | ||||||
8 | under subparagraph (I) of paragraph (2) of
subsection (d) | ||||||
9 | of Section 203 or a shareholder that qualifies a Subchapter | ||||||
10 | S
corporation for a subtraction under subparagraph (S) of | ||||||
11 | paragraph (2) of
subsection (b) of Section 203 shall be | ||||||
12 | allowed a credit under this subsection
(e) equal to its | ||||||
13 | share of the credit earned under this subsection (e) during
| ||||||
14 | the taxable year by the partnership or Subchapter S | ||||||
15 | corporation, determined in
accordance with the | ||||||
16 | determination of income and distributive share of
income | ||||||
17 | under Sections 702 and 704 and Subchapter S of the Internal | ||||||
18 | Revenue
Code. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
19 | of Section 250. | ||||||
20 | (f) Investment credit; Enterprise Zone; River Edge | ||||||
21 | Redevelopment Zone. | ||||||
22 | (1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the | ||||||
23 | tax imposed
by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for | ||||||
24 | investment in qualified
property which is placed in service | ||||||
25 | in an Enterprise Zone created
pursuant to the Illinois | ||||||
26 | Enterprise Zone Act or, for property placed in service on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or after July 1, 2006, a River Edge Redevelopment Zone | ||||||
2 | established pursuant to the River Edge Redevelopment Zone | ||||||
3 | Act. For partners, shareholders
of Subchapter S | ||||||
4 | corporations, and owners of limited liability companies,
| ||||||
5 | if the liability company is treated as a partnership for | ||||||
6 | purposes of
federal and State income taxation, there shall | ||||||
7 | be allowed a credit under
this subsection (f) to be | ||||||
8 | determined in accordance with the determination
of income | ||||||
9 | and distributive share of income under Sections 702 and 704 | ||||||
10 | and
Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. The credit | ||||||
11 | shall be .5% of the
basis for such property. The credit | ||||||
12 | shall be available only in the taxable
year in which the | ||||||
13 | property is placed in service in the Enterprise Zone or | ||||||
14 | River Edge Redevelopment Zone and
shall not be allowed to | ||||||
15 | the extent that it would reduce a taxpayer's
liability for | ||||||
16 | the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section | ||||||
17 | to
below zero. For tax years ending on or after December | ||||||
18 | 31, 1985, the credit
shall be allowed for the tax year in | ||||||
19 | which the property is placed in
service, or, if the amount | ||||||
20 | of the credit exceeds the tax liability for that
year, | ||||||
21 | whether it exceeds the original liability or the liability | ||||||
22 | as later
amended, such excess may be carried forward and | ||||||
23 | applied to the tax
liability of the 5 taxable years | ||||||
24 | following the excess credit year.
The credit shall be | ||||||
25 | applied to the earliest year for which there is a
| ||||||
26 | liability. If there is credit from more than one tax year |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that is available
to offset a liability, the credit | ||||||
2 | accruing first in time shall be applied
first. | ||||||
3 | (2) The term qualified property means property which: | ||||||
4 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
5 | buildings and
structural components of buildings; | ||||||
6 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
7 | Internal Revenue
Code, except that "3-year property" | ||||||
8 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of
that Code is not | ||||||
9 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection | ||||||
10 | (f); | ||||||
11 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section | ||||||
12 | 179(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code; | ||||||
13 | (D) is used in the Enterprise Zone or River Edge | ||||||
14 | Redevelopment Zone by the taxpayer; and | ||||||
15 | (E) has not been previously used in Illinois in | ||||||
16 | such a manner and by
such a person as would qualify for | ||||||
17 | the credit provided by this subsection
(f) or | ||||||
18 | subsection (e). | ||||||
19 | (3) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis | ||||||
20 | used to compute
the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
21 | income tax purposes. | ||||||
22 | (4) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
23 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed | ||||||
24 | in service in the Enterprise
Zone or River Edge | ||||||
25 | Redevelopment Zone by the taxpayer, the amount of such | ||||||
26 | increase shall be deemed property
placed in service on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | date of such increase in basis. | ||||||
2 | (5) The term "placed in service" shall have the same | ||||||
3 | meaning as under
Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code. | ||||||
4 | (6) If during any taxable year, any property ceases to | ||||||
5 | be qualified
property in the hands of the taxpayer within | ||||||
6 | 48 months after being placed
in service, or the situs of | ||||||
7 | any qualified property is moved outside the
Enterprise Zone | ||||||
8 | or River Edge Redevelopment Zone within 48 months after | ||||||
9 | being placed in service, the tax
imposed under subsections | ||||||
10 | (a) and (b) of this Section for such taxable year
shall be | ||||||
11 | increased. Such increase shall be determined by (i) | ||||||
12 | recomputing
the investment credit which would have been | ||||||
13 | allowed for the year in which
credit for such property was | ||||||
14 | originally allowed by eliminating such
property from such | ||||||
15 | computation, and (ii) subtracting such recomputed credit
| ||||||
16 | from the amount of credit previously allowed. For the | ||||||
17 | purposes of this
paragraph (6), a reduction of the basis of | ||||||
18 | qualified property resulting
from a redetermination of the | ||||||
19 | purchase price shall be deemed a disposition
of qualified | ||||||
20 | property to the extent of such reduction. | ||||||
21 | (7) There shall be allowed an additional credit equal | ||||||
22 | to 0.5% of the basis of qualified property placed in | ||||||
23 | service during the taxable year in a River Edge | ||||||
24 | Redevelopment Zone, provided such property is placed in | ||||||
25 | service on or after July 1, 2006, and the taxpayer's base | ||||||
26 | employment within Illinois has increased by 1% or more over |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the preceding year as determined by the taxpayer's | ||||||
2 | employment records filed with the Illinois Department of | ||||||
3 | Employment Security. Taxpayers who are new to Illinois | ||||||
4 | shall be deemed to have met the 1% growth in base | ||||||
5 | employment for the first year in which they file employment | ||||||
6 | records with the Illinois Department of Employment | ||||||
7 | Security. If, in any year, the increase in base employment | ||||||
8 | within Illinois over the preceding year is less than 1%, | ||||||
9 | the additional credit shall be limited to that percentage | ||||||
10 | times a fraction, the numerator of which is 0.5% and the | ||||||
11 | denominator of which is 1%, but shall not exceed 0.5%.
| ||||||
12 | (g) Jobs Tax Credit; Enterprise Zone, River Edge | ||||||
13 | Redevelopment Zone, and Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone. | ||||||
14 | (1) A taxpayer conducting a trade or business in an | ||||||
15 | enterprise zone
or a High Impact Business designated by the | ||||||
16 | Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity or for | ||||||
17 | taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2006, in a | ||||||
18 | River Edge Redevelopment Zone conducting a trade or | ||||||
19 | business in a federally designated
Foreign Trade Zone or | ||||||
20 | Sub-Zone shall be allowed a credit against the tax
imposed | ||||||
21 | by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section in the amount of | ||||||
22 | $500
per eligible employee hired to work in the zone during | ||||||
23 | the taxable year. | ||||||
24 | (2) To qualify for the credit: | ||||||
25 | (A) the taxpayer must hire 5 or more eligible | ||||||
26 | employees to work in an
enterprise zone, River Edge |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Redevelopment Zone, or federally designated Foreign | ||||||
2 | Trade Zone or Sub-Zone
during the taxable year; | ||||||
3 | (B) the taxpayer's total employment within the | ||||||
4 | enterprise zone, River Edge Redevelopment Zone, or
| ||||||
5 | federally designated Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone | ||||||
6 | must
increase by 5 or more full-time employees beyond | ||||||
7 | the total employed in that
zone at the end of the | ||||||
8 | previous tax year for which a jobs tax
credit under | ||||||
9 | this Section was taken, or beyond the total employed by | ||||||
10 | the
taxpayer as of December 31, 1985, whichever is | ||||||
11 | later; and | ||||||
12 | (C) the eligible employees must be employed 180 | ||||||
13 | consecutive days in
order to be deemed hired for | ||||||
14 | purposes of this subsection. | ||||||
15 | (3) An "eligible employee" means an employee who is: | ||||||
16 | (A) Certified by the Department of Commerce and | ||||||
17 | Economic Opportunity
as "eligible for services" | ||||||
18 | pursuant to regulations promulgated in
accordance with | ||||||
19 | Title II of the Job Training Partnership Act, Training
| ||||||
20 | Services for the Disadvantaged or Title III of the Job | ||||||
21 | Training Partnership
Act, Employment and Training | ||||||
22 | Assistance for Dislocated Workers Program. | ||||||
23 | (B) Hired after the enterprise zone, River Edge | ||||||
24 | Redevelopment Zone, or federally designated Foreign
| ||||||
25 | Trade Zone or Sub-Zone was designated or the trade or
| ||||||
26 | business was located in that zone, whichever is later. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (C) Employed in the enterprise zone, River Edge | ||||||
2 | Redevelopment Zone, or Foreign Trade Zone or
Sub-Zone. | ||||||
3 | An employee is employed in an
enterprise zone or | ||||||
4 | federally designated Foreign Trade Zone or Sub-Zone
if | ||||||
5 | his services are rendered there or it is the base of
| ||||||
6 | operations for the services performed. | ||||||
7 | (D) A full-time employee working 30 or more hours | ||||||
8 | per week. | ||||||
9 | (4) For tax years ending on or after December 31, 1985 | ||||||
10 | and prior to
December 31, 1988, the credit shall be allowed | ||||||
11 | for the tax year in which
the eligible employees are hired. | ||||||
12 | For tax years ending on or after
December 31, 1988, the | ||||||
13 | credit shall be allowed for the tax year immediately
| ||||||
14 | following the tax year in which the eligible employees are | ||||||
15 | hired. If the
amount of the credit exceeds the tax | ||||||
16 | liability for that year, whether it
exceeds the original | ||||||
17 | liability or the liability as later amended, such
excess | ||||||
18 | may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of | ||||||
19 | the 5
taxable years following the excess credit year. The | ||||||
20 | credit shall be
applied to the earliest year for which | ||||||
21 | there is a liability. If there is
credit from more than one | ||||||
22 | tax year that is available to offset a liability,
earlier | ||||||
23 | credit shall be applied first. | ||||||
24 | (5) The Department of Revenue shall promulgate such | ||||||
25 | rules and regulations
as may be deemed necessary to carry | ||||||
26 | out the purposes of this subsection (g). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) The credit shall be available for eligible | ||||||
2 | employees hired on or
after January 1, 1986. | ||||||
3 | (h) Investment credit; High Impact Business. | ||||||
4 | (1) Subject to subsections (b) and (b-5) of Section
5.5 | ||||||
5 | of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, a taxpayer shall be | ||||||
6 | allowed a credit
against the tax imposed by subsections (a) | ||||||
7 | and (b) of this Section for
investment in qualified
| ||||||
8 | property which is placed in service by a Department of | ||||||
9 | Commerce and Economic Opportunity
designated High Impact | ||||||
10 | Business. The credit shall be .5% of the basis
for such | ||||||
11 | property. The credit shall not be available (i) until the | ||||||
12 | minimum
investments in qualified property set forth in | ||||||
13 | subdivision (a)(3)(A) of
Section 5.5 of the Illinois
| ||||||
14 | Enterprise Zone Act have been satisfied
or (ii) until the | ||||||
15 | time authorized in subsection (b-5) of the Illinois
| ||||||
16 | Enterprise Zone Act for entities designated as High Impact | ||||||
17 | Businesses under
subdivisions (a)(3)(B), (a)(3)(C), and | ||||||
18 | (a)(3)(D) of Section 5.5 of the Illinois
Enterprise Zone | ||||||
19 | Act, and shall not be allowed to the extent that it would
| ||||||
20 | reduce a taxpayer's liability for the tax imposed by | ||||||
21 | subsections (a) and (b) of
this Section to below zero. The | ||||||
22 | credit applicable to such investments shall be
taken in the | ||||||
23 | taxable year in which such investments have been completed. | ||||||
24 | The
credit for additional investments beyond the minimum | ||||||
25 | investment by a designated
high impact business authorized | ||||||
26 | under subdivision (a)(3)(A) of Section 5.5 of
the Illinois |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Enterprise Zone Act shall be available only in the taxable | ||||||
2 | year in
which the property is placed in service and shall | ||||||
3 | not be allowed to the extent
that it would reduce a | ||||||
4 | taxpayer's liability for the tax imposed by subsections
(a) | ||||||
5 | and (b) of this Section to below zero.
For tax years ending | ||||||
6 | on or after December 31, 1987, the credit shall be
allowed | ||||||
7 | for the tax year in which the property is placed in | ||||||
8 | service, or, if
the amount of the credit exceeds the tax | ||||||
9 | liability for that year, whether
it exceeds the original | ||||||
10 | liability or the liability as later amended, such
excess | ||||||
11 | may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of | ||||||
12 | the 5
taxable years following the excess credit year. The | ||||||
13 | credit shall be
applied to the earliest year for which | ||||||
14 | there is a liability. If there is
credit from more than one | ||||||
15 | tax year that is available to offset a liability,
the | ||||||
16 | credit accruing first in time shall be applied first. | ||||||
17 | Changes made in this subdivision (h)(1) by Public Act | ||||||
18 | 88-670
restore changes made by Public Act 85-1182 and | ||||||
19 | reflect existing law. | ||||||
20 | (2) The term qualified property means property which: | ||||||
21 | (A) is tangible, whether new or used, including | ||||||
22 | buildings and
structural components of buildings; | ||||||
23 | (B) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the | ||||||
24 | Internal Revenue
Code, except that "3-year property" | ||||||
25 | as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of
that Code is not | ||||||
26 | eligible for the credit provided by this subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (h); | ||||||
2 | (C) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section | ||||||
3 | 179(d) of the
Internal Revenue Code; and | ||||||
4 | (D) is not eligible for the Enterprise Zone | ||||||
5 | Investment Credit provided
by subsection (f) of this | ||||||
6 | Section. | ||||||
7 | (3) The basis of qualified property shall be the basis | ||||||
8 | used to compute
the depreciation deduction for federal | ||||||
9 | income tax purposes. | ||||||
10 | (4) If the basis of the property for federal income tax | ||||||
11 | depreciation
purposes is increased after it has been placed | ||||||
12 | in service in a federally
designated Foreign Trade Zone or | ||||||
13 | Sub-Zone located in Illinois by the taxpayer,
the amount of | ||||||
14 | such increase shall be deemed property placed in service on
| ||||||
15 | the date of such increase in basis. | ||||||
16 | (5) The term "placed in service" shall have the same | ||||||
17 | meaning as under
Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code. | ||||||
18 | (6) If during any taxable year ending on or before | ||||||
19 | December 31, 1996,
any property ceases to be qualified
| ||||||
20 | property in the hands of the taxpayer within 48 months | ||||||
21 | after being placed
in service, or the situs of any | ||||||
22 | qualified property is moved outside
Illinois within 48 | ||||||
23 | months after being placed in service, the tax imposed
under | ||||||
24 | subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for such taxable | ||||||
25 | year shall
be increased. Such increase shall be determined | ||||||
26 | by (i) recomputing the
investment credit which would have |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | been allowed for the year in which
credit for such property | ||||||
2 | was originally allowed by eliminating such
property from | ||||||
3 | such computation, and (ii) subtracting such recomputed | ||||||
4 | credit
from the amount of credit previously allowed. For | ||||||
5 | the purposes of this
paragraph (6), a reduction of the | ||||||
6 | basis of qualified property resulting
from a | ||||||
7 | redetermination of the purchase price shall be deemed a | ||||||
8 | disposition
of qualified property to the extent of such | ||||||
9 | reduction. | ||||||
10 | (7) Beginning with tax years ending after December 31, | ||||||
11 | 1996, if a
taxpayer qualifies for the credit under this | ||||||
12 | subsection (h) and thereby is
granted a tax abatement and | ||||||
13 | the taxpayer relocates its entire facility in
violation of | ||||||
14 | the explicit terms and length of the contract under Section
| ||||||
15 | 18-183 of the Property Tax Code, the tax imposed under | ||||||
16 | subsections
(a) and (b) of this Section shall be increased | ||||||
17 | for the taxable year
in which the taxpayer relocated its | ||||||
18 | facility by an amount equal to the
amount of credit | ||||||
19 | received by the taxpayer under this subsection (h). | ||||||
20 | (i) Credit for Personal Property Tax Replacement Income | ||||||
21 | Tax.
For tax years ending prior to December 31, 2003, a credit | ||||||
22 | shall be allowed
against the tax imposed by
subsections (a) and | ||||||
23 | (b) of this Section for the tax imposed by subsections (c)
and | ||||||
24 | (d) of this Section. This credit shall be computed by | ||||||
25 | multiplying the tax
imposed by subsections (c) and (d) of this | ||||||
26 | Section by a fraction, the numerator
of which is base income |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | allocable to Illinois and the denominator of which is
Illinois | ||||||
2 | base income, and further multiplying the product by the tax | ||||||
3 | rate
imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section. | ||||||
4 | Any credit earned on or after December 31, 1986 under
this | ||||||
5 | subsection which is unused in the year
the credit is computed | ||||||
6 | because it exceeds the tax liability imposed by
subsections (a) | ||||||
7 | and (b) for that year (whether it exceeds the original
| ||||||
8 | liability or the liability as later amended) may be carried | ||||||
9 | forward and
applied to the tax liability imposed by subsections | ||||||
10 | (a) and (b) of the 5
taxable years following the excess credit | ||||||
11 | year, provided that no credit may
be carried forward to any | ||||||
12 | year ending on or
after December 31, 2003. This credit shall be
| ||||||
13 | applied first to the earliest year for which there is a | ||||||
14 | liability. If
there is a credit under this subsection from more | ||||||
15 | than one tax year that is
available to offset a liability the | ||||||
16 | earliest credit arising under this
subsection shall be applied | ||||||
17 | first. | ||||||
18 | If, during any taxable year ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
19 | 1986, the
tax imposed by subsections (c) and (d) of this | ||||||
20 | Section for which a taxpayer
has claimed a credit under this | ||||||
21 | subsection (i) is reduced, the amount of
credit for such tax | ||||||
22 | shall also be reduced. Such reduction shall be
determined by | ||||||
23 | recomputing the credit to take into account the reduced tax
| ||||||
24 | imposed by subsections (c) and (d). If any portion of the
| ||||||
25 | reduced amount of credit has been carried to a different | ||||||
26 | taxable year, an
amended return shall be filed for such taxable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year to reduce the amount of
credit claimed. | ||||||
2 | (j) Training expense credit. Beginning with tax years | ||||||
3 | ending on or
after December 31, 1986 and prior to December 31, | ||||||
4 | 2003, a taxpayer shall be
allowed a credit against the
tax | ||||||
5 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) under this Section
for all | ||||||
6 | amounts paid or accrued, on behalf of all persons
employed by | ||||||
7 | the taxpayer in Illinois or Illinois residents employed
outside | ||||||
8 | of Illinois by a taxpayer, for educational or vocational | ||||||
9 | training in
semi-technical or technical fields or semi-skilled | ||||||
10 | or skilled fields, which
were deducted from gross income in the | ||||||
11 | computation of taxable income. The
credit against the tax | ||||||
12 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) shall be 1.6% of
such | ||||||
13 | training expenses. For partners, shareholders of subchapter S
| ||||||
14 | corporations, and owners of limited liability companies, if the | ||||||
15 | liability
company is treated as a partnership for purposes of | ||||||
16 | federal and State income
taxation, there shall be allowed a | ||||||
17 | credit under this subsection (j) to be
determined in accordance | ||||||
18 | with the determination of income and distributive
share of | ||||||
19 | income under Sections 702 and 704 and subchapter S of the | ||||||
20 | Internal
Revenue Code. | ||||||
21 | Any credit allowed under this subsection which is unused in | ||||||
22 | the year
the credit is earned may be carried forward to each of | ||||||
23 | the 5 taxable
years following the year for which the credit is | ||||||
24 | first computed until it is
used. This credit shall be applied | ||||||
25 | first to the earliest year for which
there is a liability. If | ||||||
26 | there is a credit under this subsection from more
than one tax |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year that is available to offset a liability the earliest
| ||||||
2 | credit arising under this subsection shall be applied first. No | ||||||
3 | carryforward
credit may be claimed in any tax year ending on or | ||||||
4 | after
December 31, 2003. | ||||||
5 | (k) Research and development credit. | ||||||
6 | For tax years ending after July 1, 1990 and prior to
| ||||||
7 | December 31, 2003, and beginning again for tax years ending on | ||||||
8 | or after December 31, 2004, and ending prior to January 1, 2016 | ||||||
9 | January 1, 2011 , a taxpayer shall be
allowed a credit against | ||||||
10 | the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this
Section for | ||||||
11 | increasing research activities in this State. The credit
| ||||||
12 | allowed against the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) | ||||||
13 | shall be equal
to 6 1/2% of the qualifying expenditures for | ||||||
14 | increasing research activities
in this State. For partners, | ||||||
15 | shareholders of subchapter S corporations, and
owners of | ||||||
16 | limited liability companies, if the liability company is | ||||||
17 | treated as a
partnership for purposes of federal and State | ||||||
18 | income taxation, there shall be
allowed a credit under this | ||||||
19 | subsection to be determined in accordance with the
| ||||||
20 | determination of income and distributive share of income under | ||||||
21 | Sections 702 and
704 and subchapter S of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
22 | Code. | ||||||
23 | For purposes of this subsection, "qualifying expenditures" | ||||||
24 | means the
qualifying expenditures as defined for the federal | ||||||
25 | credit for increasing
research activities which would be | ||||||
26 | allowable under Section 41 of the
Internal Revenue Code and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | which are conducted in this State, "qualifying
expenditures for | ||||||
2 | increasing research activities in this State" means the
excess | ||||||
3 | of qualifying expenditures for the taxable year in which | ||||||
4 | incurred
over qualifying expenditures for the base period, | ||||||
5 | "qualifying expenditures
for the base period" means the average | ||||||
6 | of the qualifying expenditures for
each year in the base | ||||||
7 | period, and "base period" means the 3 taxable years
immediately | ||||||
8 | preceding the taxable year for which the determination is
being | ||||||
9 | made. | ||||||
10 | Any credit in excess of the tax liability for the taxable | ||||||
11 | year
may be carried forward. A taxpayer may elect to have the
| ||||||
12 | unused credit shown on its final completed return carried over | ||||||
13 | as a credit
against the tax liability for the following 5 | ||||||
14 | taxable years or until it has
been fully used, whichever occurs | ||||||
15 | first; provided that no credit earned in a tax year ending | ||||||
16 | prior to December 31, 2003 may be carried forward to any year | ||||||
17 | ending on or after December 31, 2003 , and no credit may be | ||||||
18 | carried forward to any taxable year ending on or after January | ||||||
19 | 1, 2011 . | ||||||
20 | If an unused credit is carried forward to a given year from | ||||||
21 | 2 or more
earlier years, that credit arising in the earliest | ||||||
22 | year will be applied
first against the tax liability for the | ||||||
23 | given year. If a tax liability for
the given year still | ||||||
24 | remains, the credit from the next earliest year will
then be | ||||||
25 | applied, and so on, until all credits have been used or no tax
| ||||||
26 | liability for the given year remains. Any remaining unused |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | credit or
credits then will be carried forward to the next | ||||||
2 | following year in which a
tax liability is incurred, except | ||||||
3 | that no credit can be carried forward to
a year which is more | ||||||
4 | than 5 years after the year in which the expense for
which the | ||||||
5 | credit is given was incurred. | ||||||
6 | No inference shall be drawn from this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
7 | 91st General
Assembly in construing this Section for taxable | ||||||
8 | years beginning before January
1, 1999. | ||||||
9 | (l) Environmental Remediation Tax Credit. | ||||||
10 | (i) For tax years ending after December 31, 1997 and on | ||||||
11 | or before
December 31, 2001, a taxpayer shall be allowed a | ||||||
12 | credit against the tax
imposed by subsections (a) and (b) | ||||||
13 | of this Section for certain amounts paid
for unreimbursed | ||||||
14 | eligible remediation costs, as specified in this | ||||||
15 | subsection.
For purposes of this Section, "unreimbursed | ||||||
16 | eligible remediation costs" means
costs approved by the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ("Agency") under
| ||||||
18 | Section 58.14 of the Environmental Protection Act that were | ||||||
19 | paid in performing
environmental remediation at a site for | ||||||
20 | which a No Further Remediation Letter
was issued by the | ||||||
21 | Agency and recorded under Section 58.10 of the | ||||||
22 | Environmental
Protection Act. The credit must be claimed | ||||||
23 | for the taxable year in which
Agency approval of the | ||||||
24 | eligible remediation costs is granted. The credit is
not | ||||||
25 | available to any taxpayer if the taxpayer or any related | ||||||
26 | party caused or
contributed to, in any material respect, a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | release of regulated substances on,
in, or under the site | ||||||
2 | that was identified and addressed by the remedial
action | ||||||
3 | pursuant to the Site Remediation Program of the | ||||||
4 | Environmental Protection
Act. After the Pollution Control | ||||||
5 | Board rules are adopted pursuant to the
Illinois | ||||||
6 | Administrative Procedure Act for the administration and | ||||||
7 | enforcement of
Section 58.9 of the Environmental | ||||||
8 | Protection Act, determinations as to credit
availability | ||||||
9 | for purposes of this Section shall be made consistent with | ||||||
10 | those
rules. For purposes of this Section, "taxpayer" | ||||||
11 | includes a person whose tax
attributes the taxpayer has | ||||||
12 | succeeded to under Section 381 of the Internal
Revenue Code | ||||||
13 | and "related party" includes the persons disallowed a | ||||||
14 | deduction
for losses by paragraphs (b), (c), and (f)(1) of | ||||||
15 | Section 267 of the Internal
Revenue Code by virtue of being | ||||||
16 | a related taxpayer, as well as any of its
partners. The | ||||||
17 | credit allowed against the tax imposed by subsections (a) | ||||||
18 | and
(b) shall be equal to 25% of the unreimbursed eligible | ||||||
19 | remediation costs in
excess of $100,000 per site, except | ||||||
20 | that the $100,000 threshold shall not apply
to any site | ||||||
21 | contained in an enterprise zone as determined by the | ||||||
22 | Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs (now | ||||||
23 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity). The | ||||||
24 | total credit allowed shall not exceed
$40,000 per year with | ||||||
25 | a maximum total of $150,000 per site. For partners and
| ||||||
26 | shareholders of subchapter S corporations, there shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | allowed a credit
under this subsection to be determined in | ||||||
2 | accordance with the determination of
income and | ||||||
3 | distributive share of income under Sections 702 and 704 and
| ||||||
4 | subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. | ||||||
5 | (ii) A credit allowed under this subsection that is | ||||||
6 | unused in the year
the credit is earned may be carried | ||||||
7 | forward to each of the 5 taxable years
following the year | ||||||
8 | for which the credit is first earned until it is used.
The | ||||||
9 | term "unused credit" does not include any amounts of | ||||||
10 | unreimbursed eligible
remediation costs in excess of the | ||||||
11 | maximum credit per site authorized under
paragraph (i). | ||||||
12 | This credit shall be applied first to the earliest year
for | ||||||
13 | which there is a liability. If there is a credit under this | ||||||
14 | subsection
from more than one tax year that is available to | ||||||
15 | offset a liability, the
earliest credit arising under this | ||||||
16 | subsection shall be applied first. A
credit allowed under | ||||||
17 | this subsection may be sold to a buyer as part of a sale
of | ||||||
18 | all or part of the remediation site for which the credit | ||||||
19 | was granted. The
purchaser of a remediation site and the | ||||||
20 | tax credit shall succeed to the unused
credit and remaining | ||||||
21 | carry-forward period of the seller. To perfect the
| ||||||
22 | transfer, the assignor shall record the transfer in the | ||||||
23 | chain of title for the
site and provide written notice to | ||||||
24 | the Director of the Illinois Department of
Revenue of the | ||||||
25 | assignor's intent to sell the remediation site and the | ||||||
26 | amount of
the tax credit to be transferred as a portion of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the sale. In no event may a
credit be transferred to any | ||||||
2 | taxpayer if the taxpayer or a related party would
not be | ||||||
3 | eligible under the provisions of subsection (i). | ||||||
4 | (iii) For purposes of this Section, the term "site" | ||||||
5 | shall have the same
meaning as under Section 58.2 of the | ||||||
6 | Environmental Protection Act. | ||||||
7 | (m) Education expense credit. Beginning with tax years | ||||||
8 | ending after
December 31, 1999, a taxpayer who
is the custodian | ||||||
9 | of one or more qualifying pupils shall be allowed a credit
| ||||||
10 | against the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this | ||||||
11 | Section for
qualified education expenses incurred on behalf of | ||||||
12 | the qualifying pupils.
The credit shall be equal to 25% of | ||||||
13 | qualified education expenses, but in no
event may the total | ||||||
14 | credit under this subsection claimed by a
family that is the
| ||||||
15 | custodian of qualifying pupils exceed $500. In no event shall a | ||||||
16 | credit under
this subsection reduce the taxpayer's liability | ||||||
17 | under this Act to less than
zero. This subsection is exempt | ||||||
18 | from the provisions of Section 250 of this
Act. | ||||||
19 | For purposes of this subsection: | ||||||
20 | "Qualifying pupils" means individuals who (i) are | ||||||
21 | residents of the State of
Illinois, (ii) are under the age of | ||||||
22 | 21 at the close of the school year for
which a credit is | ||||||
23 | sought, and (iii) during the school year for which a credit
is | ||||||
24 | sought were full-time pupils enrolled in a kindergarten through | ||||||
25 | twelfth
grade education program at any school, as defined in | ||||||
26 | this subsection. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Qualified education expense" means the amount incurred
on | ||||||
2 | behalf of a qualifying pupil in excess of $250 for tuition, | ||||||
3 | book fees, and
lab fees at the school in which the pupil is | ||||||
4 | enrolled during the regular school
year. | ||||||
5 | "School" means any public or nonpublic elementary or | ||||||
6 | secondary school in
Illinois that is in compliance with Title | ||||||
7 | VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and attendance at which | ||||||
8 | satisfies the requirements of Section 26-1 of the
School Code, | ||||||
9 | except that nothing shall be construed to require a child to
| ||||||
10 | attend any particular public or nonpublic school to qualify for | ||||||
11 | the credit
under this Section. | ||||||
12 | "Custodian" means, with respect to qualifying pupils, an | ||||||
13 | Illinois resident
who is a parent, the parents, a legal | ||||||
14 | guardian, or the legal guardians of the
qualifying pupils. | ||||||
15 | (n) River Edge Redevelopment Zone site remediation tax | ||||||
16 | credit.
| ||||||
17 | (i) For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2006, | ||||||
18 | a taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the tax | ||||||
19 | imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section for | ||||||
20 | certain amounts paid for unreimbursed eligible remediation | ||||||
21 | costs, as specified in this subsection. For purposes of | ||||||
22 | this Section, "unreimbursed eligible remediation costs" | ||||||
23 | means costs approved by the Illinois Environmental | ||||||
24 | Protection Agency ("Agency") under Section 58.14a of the | ||||||
25 | Environmental Protection Act that were paid in performing | ||||||
26 | environmental remediation at a site within a River Edge |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Redevelopment Zone for which a No Further Remediation | ||||||
2 | Letter was issued by the Agency and recorded under Section | ||||||
3 | 58.10 of the Environmental Protection Act. The credit must | ||||||
4 | be claimed for the taxable year in which Agency approval of | ||||||
5 | the eligible remediation costs is granted. The credit is | ||||||
6 | not available to any taxpayer if the taxpayer or any | ||||||
7 | related party caused or contributed to, in any material | ||||||
8 | respect, a release of regulated substances on, in, or under | ||||||
9 | the site that was identified and addressed by the remedial | ||||||
10 | action pursuant to the Site Remediation Program of the | ||||||
11 | Environmental Protection Act. Determinations as to credit | ||||||
12 | availability for purposes of this Section shall be made | ||||||
13 | consistent with rules adopted by the Pollution Control | ||||||
14 | Board pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure | ||||||
15 | Act for the administration and enforcement of Section 58.9 | ||||||
16 | of the Environmental Protection Act. For purposes of this | ||||||
17 | Section, "taxpayer" includes a person whose tax attributes | ||||||
18 | the taxpayer has succeeded to under Section 381 of the | ||||||
19 | Internal Revenue Code and "related party" includes the | ||||||
20 | persons disallowed a deduction for losses by paragraphs | ||||||
21 | (b), (c), and (f)(1) of Section 267 of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
22 | Code by virtue of being a related taxpayer, as well as any | ||||||
23 | of its partners. The credit allowed against the tax imposed | ||||||
24 | by subsections (a) and (b) shall be equal to 25% of the | ||||||
25 | unreimbursed eligible remediation costs in excess of | ||||||
26 | $100,000 per site. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (ii) A credit allowed under this subsection that is | ||||||
2 | unused in the year the credit is earned may be carried | ||||||
3 | forward to each of the 5 taxable years following the year | ||||||
4 | for which the credit is first earned until it is used. This | ||||||
5 | credit shall be applied first to the earliest year for | ||||||
6 | which there is a liability. If there is a credit under this | ||||||
7 | subsection from more than one tax year that is available to | ||||||
8 | offset a liability, the earliest credit arising under this | ||||||
9 | subsection shall be applied first. A credit allowed under | ||||||
10 | this subsection may be sold to a buyer as part of a sale of | ||||||
11 | all or part of the remediation site for which the credit | ||||||
12 | was granted. The purchaser of a remediation site and the | ||||||
13 | tax credit shall succeed to the unused credit and remaining | ||||||
14 | carry-forward period of the seller. To perfect the | ||||||
15 | transfer, the assignor shall record the transfer in the | ||||||
16 | chain of title for the site and provide written notice to | ||||||
17 | the Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue of the | ||||||
18 | assignor's intent to sell the remediation site and the | ||||||
19 | amount of the tax credit to be transferred as a portion of | ||||||
20 | the sale. In no event may a credit be transferred to any | ||||||
21 | taxpayer if the taxpayer or a related party would not be | ||||||
22 | eligible under the provisions of subsection (i). | ||||||
23 | (iii) For purposes of this Section, the term "site" | ||||||
24 | shall have the same meaning as under Section 58.2 of the | ||||||
25 | Environmental Protection Act. | ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 96-115, eff. 7-31-09; 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 96-937, eff. 6-23-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1496, eff. | ||||||
2 | 1-13-11; 97-2, eff. 5-6-11.)
| ||||||
3 | (35 ILCS 5/207) (from Ch. 120, par. 2-207)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 207. Net Losses.
| ||||||
5 | (a) If after applying all of the (i) modifications
provided | ||||||
6 | for in paragraph (2) of Section 203(b), paragraph (2) of | ||||||
7 | Section
203(c) and paragraph (2) of Section 203(d) and (ii) the | ||||||
8 | allocation and
apportionment provisions of Article 3 of this
| ||||||
9 | Act and subsection (c) of this Section, the taxpayer's net | ||||||
10 | income results in a loss;
| ||||||
11 | (1) for any taxable year ending prior to December 31, | ||||||
12 | 1999, such loss
shall be allowed
as a carryover or | ||||||
13 | carryback deduction in the manner allowed under Section
172 | ||||||
14 | of the Internal Revenue Code;
| ||||||
15 | (2) for any taxable year ending on or after December | ||||||
16 | 31, 1999 and prior
to December 31, 2003, such loss
shall be | ||||||
17 | allowed as a carryback to each of the 2 taxable years | ||||||
18 | preceding the
taxable year of such loss and shall be a net | ||||||
19 | operating loss carryover to each of the
20 taxable years | ||||||
20 | following the taxable year of such loss; and
| ||||||
21 | (3) for any taxable year ending on or after December | ||||||
22 | 31, 2003, such loss
shall be allowed as a net operating | ||||||
23 | loss carryover to each of the 12 taxable years
following | ||||||
24 | the taxable year of such loss, except as provided in | ||||||
25 | subsection (d).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a-5) Election to relinquish carryback and order of | ||||||
2 | application of
| ||||||
3 | (A) For losses incurred in tax years ending prior | ||||||
4 | to December 31,
2003, the taxpayer may elect to | ||||||
5 | relinquish the entire carryback period
with respect to | ||||||
6 | such loss. Such election shall be made in the form and | ||||||
7 | manner
prescribed by the Department and shall be made | ||||||
8 | by the due date (including
extensions of time) for | ||||||
9 | filing the taxpayer's return for the taxable year in
| ||||||
10 | which such loss is incurred, and such election, once | ||||||
11 | made, shall be
| ||||||
12 | (B) The entire amount of such loss shall be carried | ||||||
13 | to the earliest
taxable year to which such loss may be | ||||||
14 | carried. The amount of such loss which
shall be carried | ||||||
15 | to each of the other taxable years shall be the excess, | ||||||
16 | if
any, of the amount of such loss over the sum of the | ||||||
17 | deductions for carryback or
carryover of such loss | ||||||
18 | allowable for each of the prior taxable years to which
| ||||||
19 | such loss may be carried.
| ||||||
20 | (b) Any loss determined under subsection (a) of this | ||||||
21 | Section must be carried
back or carried forward in the same | ||||||
22 | manner for purposes of subsections (a)
and (b) of Section 201 | ||||||
23 | of this Act as for purposes of subsections (c) and
(d) of | ||||||
24 | Section 201 of this Act.
| ||||||
25 | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, for | ||||||
26 | each taxable year ending on or after December 31, 2008, for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purposes of computing the loss for the taxable year under | ||||||
2 | subsection (a) of this Section and the deduction taken into | ||||||
3 | account for the taxable year for a net operating loss carryover | ||||||
4 | under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) of this | ||||||
5 | Section, the loss and net operating loss carryover shall be | ||||||
6 | reduced in an amount equal to the reduction to the net | ||||||
7 | operating loss and net operating loss carryover to the taxable | ||||||
8 | year, respectively, required under Section 108(b)(2)(A) of the | ||||||
9 | Internal Revenue Code, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator | ||||||
10 | of which is the amount of discharge of indebtedness income that | ||||||
11 | is excluded from gross income for the taxable year (but only if | ||||||
12 | the taxable year ends on or after December 31, 2008) under | ||||||
13 | Section 108(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and that would have | ||||||
14 | been allocated and apportioned to this State under Article 3 of | ||||||
15 | this Act but for that exclusion, and the denominator of which | ||||||
16 | is the total amount of discharge of indebtedness income | ||||||
17 | excluded from gross income under Section 108(a) of the Internal | ||||||
18 | Revenue Code for the taxable year. The reduction required under | ||||||
19 | this subsection (c) shall be made after the determination of | ||||||
20 | Illinois net income for the taxable year in which the | ||||||
21 | indebtedness is discharged.
| ||||||
22 | (d) In the case of a corporation (other than a Subchapter S | ||||||
23 | corporation), no carryover deduction shall be allowed under | ||||||
24 | this Section for any taxable year ending after December 31, | ||||||
25 | 2010 and prior to December 31, 2012, and no carryover deduction | ||||||
26 | shall exceed $100,000 for any taxable year ending on or after |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | December 31, 2012 and prior to December 31, 2014; provided | ||||||
2 | that, for purposes of determining the taxable years to which a | ||||||
3 | net loss may be carried under subsection (a) of this Section, | ||||||
4 | no taxable year for which a deduction is disallowed under this | ||||||
5 | subsection , or for which the deduction would exceed $100,000 if | ||||||
6 | not for this subsection, shall be counted. | ||||||
7 | (e) In the case of a residual interest holder in a real | ||||||
8 | estate mortgage investment conduit subject to Section 860E of | ||||||
9 | the Internal Revenue Code, the net loss in subsection (a) shall | ||||||
10 | be equal to: | ||||||
11 | (1) the amount computed under subsection (a), without | ||||||
12 | regard to this subsection (e), or if that amount is | ||||||
13 | positive, zero; | ||||||
14 | (2) minus an amount equal to the amount computed under | ||||||
15 | subsection (a), without regard to this subsection (e), | ||||||
16 | minus the amount that would be computed under subsection | ||||||
17 | (a) if the taxpayer's federal taxable income were computed | ||||||
18 | without regard to Section 860E of the Internal Revenue Code | ||||||
19 | and without regard to this subsection (e). | ||||||
20 | The modification in this subsection (e) is exempt from the | ||||||
21 | provisions of Section 250. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 96-1496, eff. 1-13-11; 97-507, eff. 8-23-11.)
| ||||||
23 | (35 ILCS 5/250)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 250. Sunset of exemptions, credits, and deductions. | ||||||
25 | (a) The application
of every exemption, credit, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deduction against tax imposed by this Act that
becomes law | ||||||
2 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994 shall | ||||||
3 | be
limited by a reasonable and appropriate sunset date. A | ||||||
4 | taxpayer is not
entitled to take the exemption, credit, or | ||||||
5 | deduction for tax years beginning on
or after the sunset
date. | ||||||
6 | Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, if If a | ||||||
7 | reasonable and appropriate sunset date is not
specified in the | ||||||
8 | Public Act that creates the exemption, credit, or deduction, a
| ||||||
9 | taxpayer shall not be entitled to take the exemption, credit, | ||||||
10 | or deduction for
tax years beginning on or after 5 years after | ||||||
11 | the effective date of the Public
Act creating the
exemption, | ||||||
12 | credit, or deduction and thereafter; provided, however, that in
| ||||||
13 | the case of any Public Act authorizing the issuance of | ||||||
14 | tax-exempt obligations
that does not specify a sunset date for | ||||||
15 | the exemption or deduction of income
derived from the | ||||||
16 | obligations, the exemption or deduction shall not terminate
| ||||||
17 | until after the obligations have been paid by the issuer.
| ||||||
18 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of | ||||||
19 | this Section, the sunset date of any exemption, credit, or | ||||||
20 | deduction that is scheduled to expire in 2011, 2012, or 2013 by | ||||||
21 | operation of this Section shall be extended by 5 years. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94; 89-460, eff. 5-24-96.)
| ||||||
23 | (35 ILCS 5/304) (from Ch. 120, par. 3-304)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 304. Business income of persons other than residents.
| ||||||
25 | (a) In general. The business income of a person other than |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | a
resident shall be allocated to this State if such person's | ||||||
2 | business
income is derived solely from this State. If a person | ||||||
3 | other than a
resident derives business income from this State | ||||||
4 | and one or more other
states, then, for tax years ending on or | ||||||
5 | before December 30, 1998, and
except as otherwise provided by | ||||||
6 | this Section, such
person's business income shall be | ||||||
7 | apportioned to this State by
multiplying the income by a | ||||||
8 | fraction, the numerator of which is the sum
of the property | ||||||
9 | factor (if any), the payroll factor (if any) and 200% of the
| ||||||
10 | sales factor (if any), and the denominator of which is 4 | ||||||
11 | reduced by the
number of factors other than the sales factor | ||||||
12 | which have a denominator
of zero and by an additional 2 if the | ||||||
13 | sales factor has a denominator of zero.
For tax years ending on | ||||||
14 | or after December 31, 1998, and except as otherwise
provided by | ||||||
15 | this Section, persons other than
residents who derive business | ||||||
16 | income from this State and one or more other
states shall | ||||||
17 | compute their apportionment factor by weighting their | ||||||
18 | property,
payroll, and sales factors as provided in
subsection | ||||||
19 | (h) of this Section.
| ||||||
20 | (1) Property factor.
| ||||||
21 | (A) The property factor is a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
22 | which is the
average value of the person's real and | ||||||
23 | tangible personal property owned
or rented and used in the | ||||||
24 | trade or business in this State during the
taxable year and | ||||||
25 | the denominator of which is the average value of all
the | ||||||
26 | person's real and tangible personal property owned or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rented and
used in the trade or business during the taxable | ||||||
2 | year.
| ||||||
3 | (B) Property owned by the person is valued at its | ||||||
4 | original cost.
Property rented by the person is valued at 8 | ||||||
5 | times the net annual rental
rate. Net annual rental rate is | ||||||
6 | the annual rental rate paid by the
person less any annual | ||||||
7 | rental rate received by the person from
| ||||||
8 | (C) The average value of property shall be determined | ||||||
9 | by averaging
the values at the beginning and ending of the | ||||||
10 | taxable year but the
Director may require the averaging of | ||||||
11 | monthly values during the taxable
year if reasonably | ||||||
12 | required to reflect properly the average value of the
| ||||||
13 | person's property.
| ||||||
14 | (2) Payroll factor.
| ||||||
15 | (A) The payroll factor is a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
16 | which is the
total amount paid in this State during the | ||||||
17 | taxable year by the person
for compensation, and the | ||||||
18 | denominator of which is the total compensation
paid | ||||||
19 | everywhere during the taxable year.
| ||||||
20 | (B) Compensation is paid in this State if:
| ||||||
21 | (i) The individual's service is performed entirely | ||||||
22 | within this
| ||||||
23 | (ii) The individual's service is performed both | ||||||
24 | within and without
this State, but the service | ||||||
25 | performed without this State is incidental
to the | ||||||
26 | individual's service performed within this State; or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (iii) Some of the service is performed within this | ||||||
2 | State and either
the base of operations, or if there is | ||||||
3 | no base of operations, the place
from which the service | ||||||
4 | is directed or controlled is within this State,
or the | ||||||
5 | base of operations or the place from which the service | ||||||
6 | is
directed or controlled is not in any state in which | ||||||
7 | some part of the
service is performed, but the | ||||||
8 | individual's residence is in this State.
| ||||||
9 | (iv) Compensation paid to nonresident professional | ||||||
10 | athletes. | ||||||
11 | (a) General. The Illinois source income of a | ||||||
12 | nonresident individual who is a member of a | ||||||
13 | professional athletic team includes the portion of the | ||||||
14 | individual's total compensation for services performed | ||||||
15 | as a member of a professional athletic team during the | ||||||
16 | taxable year which the number of duty days spent within | ||||||
17 | this State performing services for the team in any | ||||||
18 | manner during the taxable year bears to the total | ||||||
19 | number of duty days spent both within and without this | ||||||
20 | State during the taxable year. | ||||||
21 | (b) Travel days. Travel days that do not involve | ||||||
22 | either a game, practice, team meeting, or other similar | ||||||
23 | team event are not considered duty days spent in this | ||||||
24 | State. However, such travel days are considered in the | ||||||
25 | total duty days spent both within and without this | ||||||
26 | State. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Definitions. For purposes of this subpart | ||||||
2 | (iv): | ||||||
3 | (1) The term "professional athletic team" | ||||||
4 | includes, but is not limited to, any professional | ||||||
5 | baseball, basketball, football, soccer, or hockey | ||||||
6 | team. | ||||||
7 | (2) The term "member of a professional | ||||||
8 | athletic team" includes those employees who are | ||||||
9 | active players, players on the disabled list, and | ||||||
10 | any other persons required to travel and who travel | ||||||
11 | with and perform services on behalf of a | ||||||
12 | professional athletic team on a regular basis. | ||||||
13 | This includes, but is not limited to, coaches, | ||||||
14 | managers, and trainers. | ||||||
15 | (3) Except as provided in items (C) and (D) of | ||||||
16 | this subpart (3), the term "duty days" means all | ||||||
17 | days during the taxable year from the beginning of | ||||||
18 | the professional athletic team's official | ||||||
19 | pre-season training period through the last game | ||||||
20 | in which the team competes or is scheduled to | ||||||
21 | compete. Duty days shall be counted for the year in | ||||||
22 | which they occur, including where a team's | ||||||
23 | official pre-season training period through the | ||||||
24 | last game in which the team competes or is | ||||||
25 | scheduled to compete, occurs during more than one | ||||||
26 | tax year. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) Duty days shall also include days on | ||||||
2 | which a member of a professional athletic team | ||||||
3 | performs service for a team on a date that does | ||||||
4 | not fall within the foregoing period (e.g., | ||||||
5 | participation in instructional leagues, the | ||||||
6 | "All Star Game", or promotional "caravans"). | ||||||
7 | Performing a service for a professional | ||||||
8 | athletic team includes conducting training and | ||||||
9 | rehabilitation activities, when such | ||||||
10 | activities are conducted at team facilities. | ||||||
11 | (B) Also included in duty days are game | ||||||
12 | days, practice days, days spent at team | ||||||
13 | meetings, promotional caravans, preseason | ||||||
14 | training camps, and days served with the team | ||||||
15 | through all post-season games in which the team | ||||||
16 | competes or is scheduled to compete. | ||||||
17 | (C) Duty days for any person who joins a | ||||||
18 | team during the period from the beginning of | ||||||
19 | the professional athletic team's official | ||||||
20 | pre-season training period through the last | ||||||
21 | game in which the team competes, or is | ||||||
22 | scheduled to compete, shall begin on the day | ||||||
23 | that person joins the team. Conversely, duty | ||||||
24 | days for any person who leaves a team during | ||||||
25 | this period shall end on the day that person | ||||||
26 | leaves the team. Where a person switches teams |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | during a taxable year, a separate duty-day | ||||||
2 | calculation shall be made for the period the | ||||||
3 | person was with each team. | ||||||
4 | (D) Days for which a member of a | ||||||
5 | professional athletic team is not compensated | ||||||
6 | and is not performing services for the team in | ||||||
7 | any manner, including days when such member of | ||||||
8 | a professional athletic team has been | ||||||
9 | suspended without pay and prohibited from | ||||||
10 | performing any services for the team, shall not | ||||||
11 | be treated as duty days. | ||||||
12 | (E) Days for which a member of a | ||||||
13 | professional athletic team is on the disabled | ||||||
14 | list and does not conduct rehabilitation | ||||||
15 | activities at facilities of the team, and is | ||||||
16 | not otherwise performing services for the team | ||||||
17 | in Illinois, shall not be considered duty days | ||||||
18 | spent in this State. All days on the disabled | ||||||
19 | list, however, are considered to be included in | ||||||
20 | total duty days spent both within and without | ||||||
21 | this State. | ||||||
22 | (4) The term "total compensation for services | ||||||
23 | performed as a member of a professional athletic | ||||||
24 | team" means the total compensation received during | ||||||
25 | the taxable year for services performed: | ||||||
26 | (A) from the beginning of the official |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pre-season training period through the last | ||||||
2 | game in which the team competes or is scheduled | ||||||
3 | to compete during that taxable year; and | ||||||
4 | (B) during the taxable year on a date which | ||||||
5 | does not fall within the foregoing period | ||||||
6 | (e.g., participation in instructional leagues, | ||||||
7 | the "All Star Game", or promotional caravans). | ||||||
8 | This compensation shall include, but is not | ||||||
9 | limited to, salaries, wages, bonuses as described | ||||||
10 | in this subpart, and any other type of compensation | ||||||
11 | paid during the taxable year to a member of a | ||||||
12 | professional athletic team for services performed | ||||||
13 | in that year. This compensation does not include | ||||||
14 | strike benefits, severance pay, termination pay, | ||||||
15 | contract or option year buy-out payments, | ||||||
16 | expansion or relocation payments, or any other | ||||||
17 | payments not related to services performed for the | ||||||
18 | team. | ||||||
19 | For purposes of this subparagraph, "bonuses" | ||||||
20 | included in "total compensation for services | ||||||
21 | performed as a member of a professional athletic | ||||||
22 | team" subject to the allocation described in | ||||||
23 | Section 302(c)(1) are: bonuses earned as a result | ||||||
24 | of play (i.e., performance bonuses) during the | ||||||
25 | season, including bonuses paid for championship, | ||||||
26 | playoff or "bowl" games played by a team, or for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | selection to all-star league or other honorary | ||||||
2 | positions; and bonuses paid for signing a | ||||||
3 | contract, unless the payment of the signing bonus | ||||||
4 | is not conditional upon the signee playing any | ||||||
5 | games for the team or performing any subsequent | ||||||
6 | services for the team or even making the team, the | ||||||
7 | signing bonus is payable separately from the | ||||||
8 | salary and any other compensation, and the signing | ||||||
9 | bonus is nonrefundable.
| ||||||
10 | (3) Sales factor.
| ||||||
11 | (A) The sales factor is a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
12 | which is the
total sales of the person in this State during | ||||||
13 | the taxable year, and the
denominator of which is the total | ||||||
14 | sales of the person everywhere during
the taxable year.
| ||||||
15 | (B) Sales of tangible personal property are in this | ||||||
16 | State if:
| ||||||
17 | (i) The property is delivered or shipped to a | ||||||
18 | purchaser, other than
the United States government, | ||||||
19 | within this State regardless of the f. o.
b. point or | ||||||
20 | other conditions of the sale; or
| ||||||
21 | (ii) The property is shipped from an office, store, | ||||||
22 | warehouse,
factory or other place of storage in this | ||||||
23 | State and either the purchaser
is the United States | ||||||
24 | government or the person is not taxable in the
state of | ||||||
25 | the purchaser; provided, however, that premises owned | ||||||
26 | or leased
by a person who has independently contracted |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with the seller for the printing
of newspapers, | ||||||
2 | periodicals or books shall not be deemed to be an | ||||||
3 | office,
store, warehouse, factory or other place of | ||||||
4 | storage for purposes of this
Sales of tangible | ||||||
5 | personal property are not in this State if the
seller | ||||||
6 | and purchaser would be members of the same unitary | ||||||
7 | business group
but for the fact that either the seller | ||||||
8 | or purchaser is a person with 80%
or more of total | ||||||
9 | business activity outside of the United States and the
| ||||||
10 | property is purchased for resale.
| ||||||
11 | (B-1) Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and similar | ||||||
12 | items of intangible
personal property.
| ||||||
13 | (i) Gross receipts from the licensing, sale, or | ||||||
14 | other disposition of a
patent, copyright, trademark, | ||||||
15 | or similar item of intangible personal property, other | ||||||
16 | than gross receipts governed by paragraph (B-7) of this | ||||||
17 | item (3),
are in this State to the extent the item is | ||||||
18 | utilized in this State during the
year the gross | ||||||
19 | receipts are included in gross income.
| ||||||
20 | (ii) Place of utilization.
| ||||||
21 | (I) A patent is utilized in a state to the | ||||||
22 | extent that it is employed
in production, | ||||||
23 | fabrication, manufacturing, or other processing in | ||||||
24 | the state or
to the extent that a patented product | ||||||
25 | is produced in the state. If a patent is
utilized | ||||||
26 | in
more than one state, the extent to which it is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | utilized in any one state shall
be a fraction equal | ||||||
2 | to the gross receipts of the licensee or purchaser | ||||||
3 | from
sales or leases of items produced, | ||||||
4 | fabricated, manufactured, or processed
within that | ||||||
5 | state using the patent and of patented items | ||||||
6 | produced within that
state, divided by the total of | ||||||
7 | such gross receipts for all states in which the
| ||||||
8 | patent is utilized.
| ||||||
9 | (II) A copyright is utilized in a state to the | ||||||
10 | extent that printing or
other publication | ||||||
11 | originates in the state. If a copyright is utilized | ||||||
12 | in more
than one state, the extent to which it is | ||||||
13 | utilized in any one state shall be a
fraction equal | ||||||
14 | to the gross receipts from sales or licenses of | ||||||
15 | materials
printed or published in that state | ||||||
16 | divided by the total of such gross receipts
for all | ||||||
17 | states in which the copyright is utilized.
| ||||||
18 | (III) Trademarks and other items of intangible | ||||||
19 | personal property
governed by this paragraph (B-1) | ||||||
20 | are utilized in the state in which the
commercial | ||||||
21 | domicile of the licensee or purchaser is located.
| ||||||
22 | (iii) If the state of utilization of an item of | ||||||
23 | property governed by
this paragraph (B-1) cannot be | ||||||
24 | determined from the taxpayer's books and
records or | ||||||
25 | from the books and records of any person related to the | ||||||
26 | taxpayer
within the meaning of Section 267(b) of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C.
267, the gross
| ||||||
2 | receipts attributable to that item shall be excluded | ||||||
3 | from both the numerator
and the denominator of the | ||||||
4 | sales factor.
| ||||||
5 | (B-2) Gross receipts from the license, sale, or other | ||||||
6 | disposition of
patents, copyrights, trademarks, and | ||||||
7 | similar items of intangible personal
property, other than | ||||||
8 | gross receipts governed by paragraph (B-7) of this item | ||||||
9 | (3), may be included in the numerator or denominator of the | ||||||
10 | sales factor
only if gross receipts from licenses, sales, | ||||||
11 | or other disposition of such items
comprise more than 50% | ||||||
12 | of the taxpayer's total gross receipts included in gross
| ||||||
13 | income during the tax year and during each of the 2 | ||||||
14 | immediately preceding tax
years; provided that, when a | ||||||
15 | taxpayer is a member of a unitary business group,
such | ||||||
16 | determination shall be made on the basis of the gross | ||||||
17 | receipts of the
entire unitary business group.
| ||||||
18 | (B-5) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
19 | 2008, except as provided in subsections (ii) through (vii), | ||||||
20 | receipts from the sale of telecommunications service or | ||||||
21 | mobile telecommunications service are in this State if the | ||||||
22 | customer's service address is in this State. | ||||||
23 | (i) For purposes of this subparagraph (B-5), the | ||||||
24 | following terms have the following meanings: | ||||||
25 | "Ancillary services" means services that are | ||||||
26 | associated with or incidental to the provision of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "telecommunications services", including but not | ||||||
2 | limited to "detailed telecommunications billing", | ||||||
3 | "directory assistance", "vertical service", and "voice | ||||||
4 | mail services". | ||||||
5 | "Air-to-Ground Radiotelephone service" means a | ||||||
6 | radio service, as that term is defined in 47 CFR 22.99, | ||||||
7 | in which common carriers are authorized to offer and | ||||||
8 | provide radio telecommunications service for hire to | ||||||
9 | subscribers in aircraft. | ||||||
10 | "Call-by-call Basis" means any method of charging | ||||||
11 | for telecommunications services where the price is | ||||||
12 | measured by individual calls. | ||||||
13 | "Communications Channel" means a physical or | ||||||
14 | virtual path of communications over which signals are | ||||||
15 | transmitted between or among customer channel | ||||||
16 | termination points. | ||||||
17 | "Conference bridging service" means an "ancillary | ||||||
18 | service" that links two or more participants of an | ||||||
19 | audio or video conference call and may include the | ||||||
20 | provision of a telephone number. "Conference bridging | ||||||
21 | service" does not include the "telecommunications | ||||||
22 | services" used to reach the conference bridge. | ||||||
23 | "Customer Channel Termination Point" means the | ||||||
24 | location where the customer either inputs or receives | ||||||
25 | the communications. | ||||||
26 | "Detailed telecommunications billing service" |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | means an "ancillary service" of separately stating | ||||||
2 | information pertaining to individual calls on a | ||||||
3 | customer's billing statement. | ||||||
4 | "Directory assistance" means an "ancillary | ||||||
5 | service" of providing telephone number information, | ||||||
6 | and/or address information. | ||||||
7 | "Home service provider" means the facilities based | ||||||
8 | carrier or reseller with which the customer contracts | ||||||
9 | for the provision of mobile telecommunications | ||||||
10 | services. | ||||||
11 | "Mobile telecommunications service" means | ||||||
12 | commercial mobile radio service, as defined in Section | ||||||
13 | 20.3 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations as | ||||||
14 | in effect on June 1, 1999. | ||||||
15 | "Place of primary use" means the street address | ||||||
16 | representative of where the customer's use of the | ||||||
17 | telecommunications service primarily occurs, which | ||||||
18 | must be the residential street address or the primary | ||||||
19 | business street address of the customer. In the case of | ||||||
20 | mobile telecommunications services, "place of primary | ||||||
21 | use" must be within the licensed service area of the | ||||||
22 | home service provider. | ||||||
23 | "Post-paid telecommunication service" means the | ||||||
24 | telecommunications service obtained by making a | ||||||
25 | payment on a call-by-call basis either through the use | ||||||
26 | of a credit card or payment mechanism such as a bank |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | card, travel card, credit card, or debit card, or by | ||||||
2 | charge made to a telephone number which is not | ||||||
3 | associated with the origination or termination of the | ||||||
4 | telecommunications service. A post-paid calling | ||||||
5 | service includes telecommunications service, except a | ||||||
6 | prepaid wireless calling service, that would be a | ||||||
7 | prepaid calling service except it is not exclusively a | ||||||
8 | telecommunication service. | ||||||
9 | "Prepaid telecommunication service" means the | ||||||
10 | right to access exclusively telecommunications | ||||||
11 | services, which must be paid for in advance and which | ||||||
12 | enables the origination of calls using an access number | ||||||
13 | or authorization code, whether manually or | ||||||
14 | electronically dialed, and that is sold in | ||||||
15 | predetermined units or dollars of which the number | ||||||
16 | declines with use in a known amount. | ||||||
17 | "Prepaid Mobile telecommunication service" means a | ||||||
18 | telecommunications service that provides the right to | ||||||
19 | utilize mobile wireless service as well as other | ||||||
20 | non-telecommunication services, including but not | ||||||
21 | limited to ancillary services, which must be paid for | ||||||
22 | in advance that is sold in predetermined units or | ||||||
23 | dollars of which the number declines with use in a | ||||||
24 | known amount. | ||||||
25 | "Private communication service" means a | ||||||
26 | telecommunication service that entitles the customer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to exclusive or priority use of a communications | ||||||
2 | channel or group of channels between or among | ||||||
3 | termination points, regardless of the manner in which | ||||||
4 | such channel or channels are connected, and includes | ||||||
5 | switching capacity, extension lines, stations, and any | ||||||
6 | other associated services that are provided in | ||||||
7 | connection with the use of such channel or channels. | ||||||
8 | "Service address" means: | ||||||
9 | (a) The location of the telecommunications | ||||||
10 | equipment to which a customer's call is charged and | ||||||
11 | from which the call originates or terminates, | ||||||
12 | regardless of where the call is billed or paid; | ||||||
13 | (b) If the location in line (a) is not known, | ||||||
14 | service address means the origination point of the | ||||||
15 | signal of the telecommunications services first | ||||||
16 | identified by either the seller's | ||||||
17 | telecommunications system or in information | ||||||
18 | received by the seller from its service provider | ||||||
19 | where the system used to transport such signals is | ||||||
20 | not that of the seller; and | ||||||
21 | (c) If the locations in line (a) and line (b) | ||||||
22 | are not known, the service address means the | ||||||
23 | location of the customer's place of primary use. | ||||||
24 | "Telecommunications service" means the electronic | ||||||
25 | transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, | ||||||
26 | audio, video, or any other information or signals to a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | point, or between or among points. The term | ||||||
2 | "telecommunications service" includes such | ||||||
3 | transmission, conveyance, or routing in which computer | ||||||
4 | processing applications are used to act on the form, | ||||||
5 | code or protocol of the content for purposes of | ||||||
6 | transmission, conveyance or routing without regard to | ||||||
7 | whether such service is referred to as voice over | ||||||
8 | Internet protocol services or is classified by the | ||||||
9 | Federal Communications Commission as enhanced or value | ||||||
10 | added. "Telecommunications service" does not include: | ||||||
11 | (a) Data processing and information services | ||||||
12 | that allow data to be generated, acquired, stored, | ||||||
13 | processed, or retrieved and delivered by an | ||||||
14 | electronic transmission to a purchaser when such | ||||||
15 | purchaser's primary purpose for the underlying | ||||||
16 | transaction is the processed data or information; | ||||||
17 | (b) Installation or maintenance of wiring or | ||||||
18 | equipment on a customer's premises; | ||||||
19 | (c) Tangible personal property; | ||||||
20 | (d) Advertising, including but not limited to | ||||||
21 | directory advertising. | ||||||
22 | (e) Billing and collection services provided | ||||||
23 | to third parties; | ||||||
24 | (f) Internet access service; | ||||||
25 | (g) Radio and television audio and video | ||||||
26 | programming services, regardless of the medium, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | including the furnishing of transmission, | ||||||
2 | conveyance and routing of such services by the | ||||||
3 | programming service provider. Radio and television | ||||||
4 | audio and video programming services shall include | ||||||
5 | but not be limited to cable service as defined in | ||||||
6 | 47 USC 522(6) and audio and video programming | ||||||
7 | services delivered by commercial mobile radio | ||||||
8 | service providers, as defined in 47 CFR 20.3; | ||||||
9 | (h) "Ancillary services"; or | ||||||
10 | (i) Digital products "delivered | ||||||
11 | electronically", including but not limited to | ||||||
12 | software, music, video, reading materials or ring | ||||||
13 | tones. | ||||||
14 | "Vertical service" means an "ancillary service" | ||||||
15 | that is offered in connection with one or more | ||||||
16 | "telecommunications services", which offers advanced | ||||||
17 | calling features that allow customers to identify | ||||||
18 | callers and to manage multiple calls and call | ||||||
19 | connections, including "conference bridging services". | ||||||
20 | "Voice mail service" means an "ancillary service" | ||||||
21 | that enables the customer to store, send or receive | ||||||
22 | recorded messages. "Voice mail service" does not | ||||||
23 | include any "vertical services" that the customer may | ||||||
24 | be required to have in order to utilize the "voice mail | ||||||
25 | service". | ||||||
26 | (ii) Receipts from the sale of telecommunications |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | service sold on an individual call-by-call basis are in | ||||||
2 | this State if either of the following applies: | ||||||
3 | (a) The call both originates and terminates in | ||||||
4 | this State. | ||||||
5 | (b) The call either originates or terminates | ||||||
6 | in this State and the service address is located in | ||||||
7 | this State. | ||||||
8 | (iii) Receipts from the sale of postpaid | ||||||
9 | telecommunications service at retail are in this State | ||||||
10 | if the origination point of the telecommunication | ||||||
11 | signal, as first identified by the service provider's | ||||||
12 | telecommunication system or as identified by | ||||||
13 | information received by the seller from its service | ||||||
14 | provider if the system used to transport | ||||||
15 | telecommunication signals is not the seller's, is | ||||||
16 | located in this State. | ||||||
17 | (iv) Receipts from the sale of prepaid | ||||||
18 | telecommunications service or prepaid mobile | ||||||
19 | telecommunications service at retail are in this State | ||||||
20 | if the purchaser obtains the prepaid card or similar | ||||||
21 | means of conveyance at a location in this State. | ||||||
22 | Receipts from recharging a prepaid telecommunications | ||||||
23 | service or mobile telecommunications service is in | ||||||
24 | this State if the purchaser's billing information | ||||||
25 | indicates a location in this State. | ||||||
26 | (v) Receipts from the sale of private |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | communication services are in this State as follows: | ||||||
2 | (a) 100% of receipts from charges imposed at | ||||||
3 | each channel termination point in this State. | ||||||
4 | (b) 100% of receipts from charges for the total | ||||||
5 | channel mileage between each channel termination | ||||||
6 | point in this State. | ||||||
7 | (c) 50% of the total receipts from charges for | ||||||
8 | service segments when those segments are between 2 | ||||||
9 | customer channel termination points, 1 of which is | ||||||
10 | located in this State and the other is located | ||||||
11 | outside of this State, which segments are | ||||||
12 | separately charged. | ||||||
13 | (d) The receipts from charges for service | ||||||
14 | segments with a channel termination point located | ||||||
15 | in this State and in two or more other states, and | ||||||
16 | which segments are not separately billed, are in | ||||||
17 | this State based on a percentage determined by | ||||||
18 | dividing the number of customer channel | ||||||
19 | termination points in this State by the total | ||||||
20 | number of customer channel termination points. | ||||||
21 | (vi) Receipts from charges for ancillary services | ||||||
22 | for telecommunications service sold to customers at | ||||||
23 | retail are in this State if the customer's primary | ||||||
24 | place of use of telecommunications services associated | ||||||
25 | with those ancillary services is in this State. If the | ||||||
26 | seller of those ancillary services cannot determine |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | where the associated telecommunications are located, | ||||||
2 | then the ancillary services shall be based on the | ||||||
3 | location of the purchaser. | ||||||
4 | (vii) Receipts to access a carrier's network or | ||||||
5 | from the sale of telecommunication services or | ||||||
6 | ancillary services for resale are in this State as | ||||||
7 | follows: | ||||||
8 | (a) 100% of the receipts from access fees | ||||||
9 | attributable to intrastate telecommunications | ||||||
10 | service that both originates and terminates in | ||||||
11 | this State. | ||||||
12 | (b) 50% of the receipts from access fees | ||||||
13 | attributable to interstate telecommunications | ||||||
14 | service if the interstate call either originates | ||||||
15 | or terminates in this State. | ||||||
16 | (c) 100% of the receipts from interstate end | ||||||
17 | user access line charges, if the customer's | ||||||
18 | service address is in this State. As used in this | ||||||
19 | subdivision, "interstate end user access line | ||||||
20 | charges" includes, but is not limited to, the | ||||||
21 | surcharge approved by the federal communications | ||||||
22 | commission and levied pursuant to 47 CFR 69. | ||||||
23 | (d) Gross receipts from sales of | ||||||
24 | telecommunication services or from ancillary | ||||||
25 | services for telecommunications services sold to | ||||||
26 | other telecommunication service providers for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | resale shall be sourced to this State using the | ||||||
2 | apportionment concepts used for non-resale | ||||||
3 | receipts of telecommunications services if the | ||||||
4 | information is readily available to make that | ||||||
5 | determination. If the information is not readily | ||||||
6 | available, then the taxpayer may use any other | ||||||
7 | reasonable and consistent method. | ||||||
8 | (B-7) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
9 | 2008, receipts from the sale of broadcasting services are | ||||||
10 | in this State if the broadcasting services are received in | ||||||
11 | this State. For purposes of this paragraph (B-7), the | ||||||
12 | following terms have the following meanings: | ||||||
13 | "Advertising revenue" means consideration received | ||||||
14 | by the taxpayer in exchange for broadcasting services | ||||||
15 | or allowing the broadcasting of commercials or | ||||||
16 | announcements in connection with the broadcasting of | ||||||
17 | film or radio programming, from sponsorships of the | ||||||
18 | programming, or from product placements in the | ||||||
19 | programming. | ||||||
20 | "Audience factor" means the ratio that the | ||||||
21 | audience or subscribers located in this State of a | ||||||
22 | station, a network, or a cable system bears to the | ||||||
23 | total audience or total subscribers for that station, | ||||||
24 | network, or cable system. The audience factor for film | ||||||
25 | or radio programming shall be determined by reference | ||||||
26 | to the books and records of the taxpayer or by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reference to published rating statistics provided the | ||||||
2 | method used by the taxpayer is consistently used from | ||||||
3 | year to year for this purpose and fairly represents the | ||||||
4 | taxpayer's activity in this State. | ||||||
5 | "Broadcast" or "broadcasting" or "broadcasting | ||||||
6 | services" means the transmission or provision of film | ||||||
7 | or radio programming, whether through the public | ||||||
8 | airwaves, by cable, by direct or indirect satellite | ||||||
9 | transmission, or by any other means of communication, | ||||||
10 | either through a station, a network, or a cable system. | ||||||
11 | "Film" or "film programming" means the broadcast | ||||||
12 | on television of any and all performances, events, or | ||||||
13 | productions, including but not limited to news, | ||||||
14 | sporting events, plays, stories, or other literary, | ||||||
15 | commercial, educational, or artistic works, either | ||||||
16 | live or through the use of video tape, disc, or any | ||||||
17 | other type of format or medium. Each episode of a | ||||||
18 | series of films produced for television shall | ||||||
19 | constitute separate "film" notwithstanding that the | ||||||
20 | series relates to the same principal subject and is | ||||||
21 | produced during one or more tax periods. | ||||||
22 | "Radio" or "radio programming" means the broadcast | ||||||
23 | on radio of any and all performances, events, or | ||||||
24 | productions, including but not limited to news, | ||||||
25 | sporting events, plays, stories, or other literary, | ||||||
26 | commercial, educational, or artistic works, either |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | live or through the use of an audio tape, disc, or any | ||||||
2 | other format or medium. Each episode in a series of | ||||||
3 | radio programming produced for radio broadcast shall | ||||||
4 | constitute a separate "radio programming" | ||||||
5 | notwithstanding that the series relates to the same | ||||||
6 | principal subject and is produced during one or more | ||||||
7 | tax periods. | ||||||
8 | (i) In the case of advertising revenue from | ||||||
9 | broadcasting, the customer is the advertiser and | ||||||
10 | the service is received in this State if the | ||||||
11 | commercial domicile of the advertiser is in this | ||||||
12 | State. | ||||||
13 | (ii) In the case where film or radio | ||||||
14 | programming is broadcast by a station, a network, | ||||||
15 | or a cable system for a fee or other remuneration | ||||||
16 | received from the recipient of the broadcast, the | ||||||
17 | portion of the service that is received in this | ||||||
18 | State is measured by the portion of the recipients | ||||||
19 | of the broadcast located in this State. | ||||||
20 | Accordingly, the fee or other remuneration for | ||||||
21 | such service that is included in the Illinois | ||||||
22 | numerator of the sales factor is the total of those | ||||||
23 | fees or other remuneration received from | ||||||
24 | recipients in Illinois. For purposes of this | ||||||
25 | paragraph, a taxpayer may determine the location | ||||||
26 | of the recipients of its broadcast using the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | address of the recipient shown in its contracts | ||||||
2 | with the recipient or using the billing address of | ||||||
3 | the recipient in the taxpayer's records. | ||||||
4 | (iii) In the case where film or radio | ||||||
5 | programming is broadcast by a station, a network, | ||||||
6 | or a cable system for a fee or other remuneration | ||||||
7 | from the person providing the programming, the | ||||||
8 | portion of the broadcast service that is received | ||||||
9 | by such station, network, or cable system in this | ||||||
10 | State is measured by the portion of recipients of | ||||||
11 | the broadcast located in this State. Accordingly, | ||||||
12 | the amount of revenue related to such an | ||||||
13 | arrangement that is included in the Illinois | ||||||
14 | numerator of the sales factor is the total fee or | ||||||
15 | other total remuneration from the person providing | ||||||
16 | the programming related to that broadcast | ||||||
17 | multiplied by the Illinois audience factor for | ||||||
18 | that broadcast. | ||||||
19 | (iv) In the case where film or radio | ||||||
20 | programming is provided by a taxpayer that is a | ||||||
21 | network or station to a customer for broadcast in | ||||||
22 | exchange for a fee or other remuneration from that | ||||||
23 | customer the broadcasting service is received at | ||||||
24 | the location of the office of the customer from | ||||||
25 | which the services were ordered in the regular | ||||||
26 | course of the customer's trade or business. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Accordingly, in such a case the revenue derived by | ||||||
2 | the taxpayer that is included in the taxpayer's | ||||||
3 | Illinois numerator of the sales factor is the | ||||||
4 | revenue from such customers who receive the | ||||||
5 | broadcasting service in Illinois. | ||||||
6 | (v) In the case where film or radio programming | ||||||
7 | is provided by a taxpayer that is not a network or | ||||||
8 | station to another person for broadcasting in | ||||||
9 | exchange for a fee or other remuneration from that | ||||||
10 | person, the broadcasting service is received at | ||||||
11 | the location of the office of the customer from | ||||||
12 | which the services were ordered in the regular | ||||||
13 | course of the customer's trade or business. | ||||||
14 | Accordingly, in such a case the revenue derived by | ||||||
15 | the taxpayer that is included in the taxpayer's | ||||||
16 | Illinois numerator of the sales factor is the | ||||||
17 | revenue from such customers who receive the | ||||||
18 | broadcasting service in Illinois.
| ||||||
19 | (C) For taxable years ending before December 31, 2008, | ||||||
20 | sales, other than sales governed by paragraphs (B), (B-1), | ||||||
21 | and (B-2), are in
this State if:
| ||||||
22 | (i) The income-producing activity is performed in | ||||||
23 | this State; or
| ||||||
24 | (ii) The income-producing activity is performed | ||||||
25 | both within and
without this State and a greater | ||||||
26 | proportion of the income-producing
activity is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | performed within this State than without this State, | ||||||
2 | based
on performance costs.
| ||||||
3 | (C-5) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
4 | 2008, sales, other than sales governed by paragraphs (B), | ||||||
5 | (B-1), (B-2), (B-5), and (B-7), are in this State if any of | ||||||
6 | the following criteria are met: | ||||||
7 | (i) Sales from the sale or lease of real property | ||||||
8 | are in this State if the property is located in this | ||||||
9 | State. | ||||||
10 | (ii) Sales from the lease or rental of tangible | ||||||
11 | personal property are in this State if the property is | ||||||
12 | located in this State during the rental period. Sales | ||||||
13 | from the lease or rental of tangible personal property | ||||||
14 | that is characteristically moving property, including, | ||||||
15 | but not limited to, motor vehicles, rolling stock, | ||||||
16 | aircraft, vessels, or mobile equipment are in this | ||||||
17 | State to the extent that the property is used in this | ||||||
18 | State. | ||||||
19 | (iii) In the case of interest, net gains (but not | ||||||
20 | less than zero) and other items of income from | ||||||
21 | intangible personal property, the sale is in this State | ||||||
22 | if: | ||||||
23 | (a) in the case of a taxpayer who is a dealer | ||||||
24 | in the item of intangible personal property within | ||||||
25 | the meaning of Section 475 of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
26 | Code, the income or gain is received from a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | customer in this State. For purposes of this | ||||||
2 | subparagraph, a customer is in this State if the | ||||||
3 | customer is an individual, trust or estate who is a | ||||||
4 | resident of this State and, for all other | ||||||
5 | customers, if the customer's commercial domicile | ||||||
6 | is in this State. Unless the dealer has actual | ||||||
7 | knowledge of the residence or commercial domicile | ||||||
8 | of a customer during a taxable year, the customer | ||||||
9 | shall be deemed to be a customer in this State if | ||||||
10 | the billing address of the customer, as shown in | ||||||
11 | the records of the dealer, is in this State; or | ||||||
12 | (b) in all other cases, if the | ||||||
13 | income-producing activity of the taxpayer is | ||||||
14 | performed in this State or, if the | ||||||
15 | income-producing activity of the taxpayer is | ||||||
16 | performed both within and without this State, if a | ||||||
17 | greater proportion of the income-producing | ||||||
18 | activity of the taxpayer is performed within this | ||||||
19 | State than in any other state, based on performance | ||||||
20 | costs. | ||||||
21 | (iv) Sales of services are in this State if the | ||||||
22 | services are received in this State. For the purposes | ||||||
23 | of this section, gross receipts from the performance of | ||||||
24 | services provided to a corporation, partnership, or | ||||||
25 | trust may only be attributed to a state where that | ||||||
26 | corporation, partnership, or trust has a fixed place of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | business. If the state where the services are received | ||||||
2 | is not readily determinable or is a state where the | ||||||
3 | corporation, partnership, or trust receiving the | ||||||
4 | service does not have a fixed place of business, the | ||||||
5 | services shall be deemed to be received at the location | ||||||
6 | of the office of the customer from which the services | ||||||
7 | were ordered in the regular course of the customer's | ||||||
8 | trade or business. If the ordering office cannot be | ||||||
9 | determined, the services shall be deemed to be received | ||||||
10 | at the office of the customer to which the services are | ||||||
11 | billed. If the taxpayer is not taxable in the state in | ||||||
12 | which the services are received, the sale must be | ||||||
13 | excluded from both the numerator and the denominator of | ||||||
14 | the sales factor. The Department shall adopt rules | ||||||
15 | prescribing where specific types of service are | ||||||
16 | received, including, but not limited to, publishing, | ||||||
17 | and utility service.
| ||||||
18 | (D) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
19 | 1995, the following
items of income shall not be included | ||||||
20 | in the numerator or denominator of the
sales factor: | ||||||
21 | dividends; amounts included under Section 78 of the | ||||||
22 | Internal
Revenue Code; and Subpart F income as defined in | ||||||
23 | Section 952 of the Internal
Revenue Code.
No inference | ||||||
24 | shall be drawn from the enactment of this paragraph (D) in
| ||||||
25 | construing this Section for taxable years ending before | ||||||
26 | December 31, 1995.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (E) Paragraphs (B-1) and (B-2) shall apply to tax years | ||||||
2 | ending on or
after December 31, 1999, provided that a | ||||||
3 | taxpayer may elect to apply the
provisions of these | ||||||
4 | paragraphs to prior tax years. Such election shall be made
| ||||||
5 | in the form and manner prescribed by the Department, shall | ||||||
6 | be irrevocable, and
shall apply to all tax years; provided | ||||||
7 | that, if a taxpayer's Illinois income
tax liability for any | ||||||
8 | tax year, as assessed under Section 903 prior to January
1, | ||||||
9 | 1999, was computed in a manner contrary to the provisions | ||||||
10 | of paragraphs
(B-1) or (B-2), no refund shall be payable to | ||||||
11 | the taxpayer for that tax year to
the extent such refund is | ||||||
12 | the result of applying the provisions of paragraph
(B-1) or | ||||||
13 | (B-2) retroactively. In the case of a unitary business | ||||||
14 | group, such
election shall apply to all members of such | ||||||
15 | group for every tax year such group
is in existence, but | ||||||
16 | shall not apply to any taxpayer for any period during
which | ||||||
17 | that taxpayer is not a member of such group.
| ||||||
18 | (b) Insurance companies.
| ||||||
19 | (1) In general. Except as otherwise
provided by | ||||||
20 | paragraph (2), business income of an insurance company for | ||||||
21 | a
taxable year shall be apportioned to this State by | ||||||
22 | multiplying such
income by a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
23 | which is the direct premiums
written for insurance upon | ||||||
24 | property or risk in this State, and the
denominator of | ||||||
25 | which is the direct premiums written for insurance upon
| ||||||
26 | property or risk everywhere. For purposes of this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection, the term
"direct premiums written" means the | ||||||
2 | total amount of direct premiums
written, assessments and | ||||||
3 | annuity considerations as reported for the
taxable year on | ||||||
4 | the annual statement filed by the company with the
Illinois | ||||||
5 | Director of Insurance in the form approved by the National
| ||||||
6 | Convention of Insurance Commissioners
or such other form as | ||||||
7 | may be
prescribed in lieu thereof.
| ||||||
8 | (2) Reinsurance. If the principal source of premiums | ||||||
9 | written by an
insurance company consists of premiums for | ||||||
10 | reinsurance accepted by it,
the business income of such | ||||||
11 | company shall be apportioned to this State
by multiplying | ||||||
12 | such income by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
| ||||||
13 | sum of (i) direct premiums written for insurance upon | ||||||
14 | property or risk
in this State, plus (ii) premiums written | ||||||
15 | for reinsurance accepted in
respect of property or risk in | ||||||
16 | this State, and the denominator of which
is the sum of | ||||||
17 | (iii) direct premiums written for insurance upon property
| ||||||
18 | or risk everywhere, plus (iv) premiums written for | ||||||
19 | reinsurance accepted
in respect of property or risk | ||||||
20 | everywhere. For purposes of this
paragraph, premiums | ||||||
21 | written for reinsurance accepted in respect of
property or | ||||||
22 | risk in this State, whether or not otherwise determinable,
| ||||||
23 | may, at the election of the company, be determined on the | ||||||
24 | basis of the
proportion which premiums written for | ||||||
25 | reinsurance accepted from
companies commercially domiciled | ||||||
26 | in Illinois bears to premiums written
for reinsurance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accepted from all sources, or, alternatively, in the
| ||||||
2 | proportion which the sum of the direct premiums written for | ||||||
3 | insurance
upon property or risk in this State by each | ||||||
4 | ceding company from which
reinsurance is accepted bears to | ||||||
5 | the sum of the total direct premiums
written by each such | ||||||
6 | ceding company for the taxable year. The election made by a | ||||||
7 | company under this paragraph for its first taxable year | ||||||
8 | ending on or after December 31, 2011, shall be binding for | ||||||
9 | that company for that taxable year and for all subsequent | ||||||
10 | taxable years, and may be altered only with the written | ||||||
11 | permission of the Department, which shall not be | ||||||
12 | unreasonably withheld.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Financial organizations.
| ||||||
14 | (1) In general. For taxable years ending before | ||||||
15 | December 31, 2008, business income of a financial
| ||||||
16 | organization shall be apportioned to this State by | ||||||
17 | multiplying such
income by a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
18 | which is its business income from
sources within this | ||||||
19 | State, and the denominator of which is its business
income | ||||||
20 | from all sources. For the purposes of this subsection, the
| ||||||
21 | business income of a financial organization from sources | ||||||
22 | within this
State is the sum of the amounts referred to in | ||||||
23 | subparagraphs (A) through
(E) following, but excluding the | ||||||
24 | adjusted income of an international banking
facility as | ||||||
25 | determined in paragraph (2):
| ||||||
26 | (A) Fees, commissions or other compensation for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial services
rendered within this State;
| ||||||
2 | (B) Gross profits from trading in stocks, bonds or | ||||||
3 | other securities
managed within this State;
| ||||||
4 | (C) Dividends, and interest from Illinois | ||||||
5 | customers, which are received
within this State;
| ||||||
6 | (D) Interest charged to customers at places of | ||||||
7 | business maintained
within this State for carrying | ||||||
8 | debit balances of margin accounts,
without deduction | ||||||
9 | of any costs incurred in carrying such accounts; and
| ||||||
10 | (E) Any other gross income resulting from the | ||||||
11 | operation as a
financial organization within this | ||||||
12 | State. In computing the amounts
referred to in | ||||||
13 | paragraphs (A) through (E) of this subsection, any | ||||||
14 | amount
received by a member of an affiliated group | ||||||
15 | (determined under Section
1504(a) of the Internal | ||||||
16 | Revenue Code but without reference to whether
any such | ||||||
17 | corporation is an "includible corporation" under | ||||||
18 | Section
1504(b) of the Internal Revenue Code) from | ||||||
19 | another member of such group
shall be included only to | ||||||
20 | the extent such amount exceeds expenses of the
| ||||||
21 | recipient directly related thereto.
| ||||||
22 | (2) International Banking Facility. For taxable years | ||||||
23 | ending before December 31, 2008:
| ||||||
24 | (A) Adjusted Income. The adjusted income of an | ||||||
25 | international banking
facility is its income reduced | ||||||
26 | by the amount of the floor amount.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (B) Floor Amount. The floor amount shall be the | ||||||
2 | amount, if any,
by multiplying the income of | ||||||
3 | the international banking facility by a fraction,
not | ||||||
4 | greater than one, which is determined as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (i) The numerator shall be:
| ||||||
6 | The average aggregate, determined on a | ||||||
7 | quarterly basis, of the
organization's | ||||||
8 | loans to banks in foreign countries, to foreign | ||||||
9 | domiciled
borrowers (except where secured | ||||||
10 | primarily by real estate) and to foreign
| ||||||
11 | governments and other foreign official | ||||||
12 | institutions, as reported for its
branches, | ||||||
13 | agencies and offices within the state on its | ||||||
14 | "Consolidated Report
of Condition", Schedule A, | ||||||
15 | Lines 2.c., 5.b., and 7.a., which was filed with
| ||||||
16 | the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and | ||||||
17 | other regulatory authorities,
for the year 1980, | ||||||
18 | minus
| ||||||
19 | The average aggregate, determined on a | ||||||
20 | quarterly basis, of such loans
than loans of | ||||||
21 | an international banking facility), as reported by | ||||||
22 | the financial
institution for its branches, | ||||||
23 | agencies and offices within the state, on
the | ||||||
24 | corresponding Schedule and lines of the | ||||||
25 | Consolidated Report of Condition
for the current | ||||||
26 | taxable year, provided, however, that in no case |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall the
amount determined in this clause (the | ||||||
2 | subtrahend) exceed the amount determined
in the | ||||||
3 | preceding clause (the minuend); and
| ||||||
4 | (ii) the denominator shall be the average | ||||||
5 | aggregate, determined on a
quarterly basis, of the | ||||||
6 | international banking facility's loans to banks in
| ||||||
7 | foreign countries, to foreign domiciled borrowers | ||||||
8 | (except where secured
primarily by real estate) | ||||||
9 | and to foreign governments and other foreign
| ||||||
10 | official institutions, which were recorded in its | ||||||
11 | financial accounts for
the current taxable year.
| ||||||
12 | (C) Change to Consolidated Report of Condition and | ||||||
13 | in Qualification.
In the event the Consolidated Report | ||||||
14 | of Condition which is filed with the
Federal Deposit | ||||||
15 | Insurance Corporation and other regulatory authorities | ||||||
16 | is
altered so that the information required for | ||||||
17 | determining the floor amount
is not found on Schedule | ||||||
18 | A, lines 2.c., 5.b. and 7.a., the financial
institution | ||||||
19 | shall notify the Department and the Department may, by
| ||||||
20 | regulations or otherwise, prescribe or authorize the | ||||||
21 | use of an alternative
source for such information. The | ||||||
22 | financial institution shall also notify
the Department | ||||||
23 | should its international banking facility fail to | ||||||
24 | qualify as
such, in whole or in part, or should there | ||||||
25 | be any amendment or change to
the Consolidated Report | ||||||
26 | of Condition, as originally filed, to the extent
such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amendment or change alters the information used in | ||||||
2 | determining the floor
| ||||||
3 | (3) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
4 | 2008, the business income of a financial organization shall | ||||||
5 | be apportioned to this State by multiplying such income by | ||||||
6 | a fraction, the numerator of which is its gross receipts | ||||||
7 | from sources in this State or otherwise attributable to | ||||||
8 | this State's marketplace and the denominator of which is | ||||||
9 | its gross receipts everywhere during the taxable year. | ||||||
10 | "Gross receipts" for purposes of this subparagraph (3) | ||||||
11 | means gross income, including net taxable gain on | ||||||
12 | disposition of assets, including securities and money | ||||||
13 | market instruments, when derived from transactions and | ||||||
14 | activities in the regular course of the financial | ||||||
15 | organization's trade or business. The following examples | ||||||
16 | are illustrative:
| ||||||
17 | (i) Receipts from the lease or rental of real or | ||||||
18 | tangible personal property are in this State if the | ||||||
19 | property is located in this State during the rental | ||||||
20 | period. Receipts from the lease or rental of tangible | ||||||
21 | personal property that is characteristically moving | ||||||
22 | property, including, but not limited to, motor | ||||||
23 | vehicles, rolling stock, aircraft, vessels, or mobile | ||||||
24 | equipment are from sources in this State to the extent | ||||||
25 | that the property is used in this State. | ||||||
26 | (ii) Interest income, commissions, fees, gains on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disposition, and other receipts from assets in the | ||||||
2 | nature of loans that are secured primarily by real | ||||||
3 | estate or tangible personal property are from sources | ||||||
4 | in this State if the security is located in this State. | ||||||
5 | (iii) Interest income, commissions, fees, gains on | ||||||
6 | disposition, and other receipts from consumer loans | ||||||
7 | that are not secured by real or tangible personal | ||||||
8 | property are from sources in this State if the debtor | ||||||
9 | is a resident of this State. | ||||||
10 | (iv) Interest income, commissions, fees, gains on | ||||||
11 | disposition, and other receipts from commercial loans | ||||||
12 | and installment obligations that are not secured by | ||||||
13 | real or tangible personal property are from sources in | ||||||
14 | this State if the proceeds of the loan are to be | ||||||
15 | applied in this State. If it cannot be determined where | ||||||
16 | the funds are to be applied, the income and receipts | ||||||
17 | are from sources in this State if the office of the | ||||||
18 | borrower from which the loan was negotiated in the | ||||||
19 | regular course of business is located in this State. If | ||||||
20 | the location of this office cannot be determined, the | ||||||
21 | income and receipts shall be excluded from the | ||||||
22 | numerator and denominator of the sales factor.
| ||||||
23 | (v) Interest income, fees, gains on disposition, | ||||||
24 | service charges, merchant discount income, and other | ||||||
25 | receipts from credit card receivables are from sources | ||||||
26 | in this State if the card charges are regularly billed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to a customer in this State. | ||||||
2 | (vi) Receipts from the performance of services, | ||||||
3 | including, but not limited to, fiduciary, advisory, | ||||||
4 | and brokerage services, are in this State if the | ||||||
5 | services are received in this State within the meaning | ||||||
6 | of subparagraph (a)(3)(C-5)(iv) of this Section. | ||||||
7 | (vii) Receipts from the issuance of travelers | ||||||
8 | checks and money orders are from sources in this State | ||||||
9 | if the checks and money orders are issued from a | ||||||
10 | location within this State. | ||||||
11 | (viii) Receipts from investment assets and | ||||||
12 | activities and trading assets and activities are | ||||||
13 | included in the receipts factor as follows: | ||||||
14 | (1) Interest, dividends, net gains (but not | ||||||
15 | less than zero) and other income from investment | ||||||
16 | assets and activities from trading assets and | ||||||
17 | activities shall be included in the receipts | ||||||
18 | factor. Investment assets and activities and | ||||||
19 | trading assets and activities include but are not | ||||||
20 | limited to: investment securities; trading account | ||||||
21 | assets; federal funds; securities purchased and | ||||||
22 | sold under agreements to resell or repurchase; | ||||||
23 | options; futures contracts; forward contracts; | ||||||
24 | notional principal contracts such as swaps; | ||||||
25 | equities; and foreign currency transactions. With | ||||||
26 | respect to the investment and trading assets and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | activities described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) | ||||||
2 | of this paragraph, the receipts factor shall | ||||||
3 | include the amounts described in such | ||||||
4 | subparagraphs. | ||||||
5 | (A) The receipts factor shall include the | ||||||
6 | amount by which interest from federal funds | ||||||
7 | sold and securities purchased under resale | ||||||
8 | agreements exceeds interest expense on federal | ||||||
9 | funds purchased and securities sold under | ||||||
10 | repurchase agreements. | ||||||
11 | (B) The receipts factor shall include the | ||||||
12 | amount by which interest, dividends, gains and | ||||||
13 | other income from trading assets and | ||||||
14 | activities, including but not limited to | ||||||
15 | assets and activities in the matched book, in | ||||||
16 | the arbitrage book, and foreign currency | ||||||
17 | transactions, exceed amounts paid in lieu of | ||||||
18 | interest, amounts paid in lieu of dividends, | ||||||
19 | and losses from such assets and activities. | ||||||
20 | (2) The numerator of the receipts factor | ||||||
21 | includes interest, dividends, net gains (but not | ||||||
22 | less than zero), and other income from investment | ||||||
23 | assets and activities and from trading assets and | ||||||
24 | activities described in paragraph (1) of this | ||||||
25 | subsection that are attributable to this State. | ||||||
26 | (A) The amount of interest, dividends, net |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | gains (but not less than zero), and other | ||||||
2 | income from investment assets and activities | ||||||
3 | in the investment account to be attributed to | ||||||
4 | this State and included in the numerator is | ||||||
5 | determined by multiplying all such income from | ||||||
6 | such assets and activities by a fraction, the | ||||||
7 | numerator of which is the gross income from | ||||||
8 | such assets and activities which are properly | ||||||
9 | assigned to a fixed place of business of the | ||||||
10 | taxpayer within this State and the denominator | ||||||
11 | of which is the gross income from all such | ||||||
12 | assets and activities. | ||||||
13 | (B) The amount of interest from federal | ||||||
14 | funds sold and purchased and from securities | ||||||
15 | purchased under resale agreements and | ||||||
16 | securities sold under repurchase agreements | ||||||
17 | attributable to this State and included in the | ||||||
18 | numerator is determined by multiplying the | ||||||
19 | amount described in subparagraph (A) of | ||||||
20 | paragraph (1) of this subsection from such | ||||||
21 | funds and such securities by a fraction, the | ||||||
22 | numerator of which is the gross income from | ||||||
23 | such funds and such securities which are | ||||||
24 | properly assigned to a fixed place of business | ||||||
25 | of the taxpayer within this State and the | ||||||
26 | denominator of which is the gross income from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | all such funds and such securities. | ||||||
2 | (C) The amount of interest, dividends, | ||||||
3 | gains, and other income from trading assets and | ||||||
4 | activities, including but not limited to | ||||||
5 | assets and activities in the matched book, in | ||||||
6 | the arbitrage book and foreign currency | ||||||
7 | transactions (but excluding amounts described | ||||||
8 | in subparagraphs (A) or (B) of this paragraph), | ||||||
9 | attributable to this State and included in the | ||||||
10 | numerator is determined by multiplying the | ||||||
11 | amount described in subparagraph (B) of | ||||||
12 | paragraph (1) of this subsection by a fraction, | ||||||
13 | the numerator of which is the gross income from | ||||||
14 | such trading assets and activities which are | ||||||
15 | properly assigned to a fixed place of business | ||||||
16 | of the taxpayer within this State and the | ||||||
17 | denominator of which is the gross income from | ||||||
18 | all such assets and activities. | ||||||
19 | (D) Properly assigned, for purposes of | ||||||
20 | this paragraph (2) of this subsection, means | ||||||
21 | the investment or trading asset or activity is | ||||||
22 | assigned to the fixed place of business with | ||||||
23 | which it has a preponderance of substantive | ||||||
24 | contacts. An investment or trading asset or | ||||||
25 | activity assigned by the taxpayer to a fixed | ||||||
26 | place of business without the State shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | presumed to have been properly assigned if: | ||||||
2 | (i) the taxpayer has assigned, in the | ||||||
3 | regular course of its business, such asset | ||||||
4 | or activity on its records to a fixed place | ||||||
5 | of business consistent with federal or | ||||||
6 | state regulatory requirements; | ||||||
7 | (ii) such assignment on its records is | ||||||
8 | based upon substantive contacts of the | ||||||
9 | asset or activity to such fixed place of | ||||||
10 | business; and | ||||||
11 | (iii) the taxpayer uses such records | ||||||
12 | reflecting assignment of such assets or | ||||||
13 | activities for the filing of all state and | ||||||
14 | local tax returns for which an assignment | ||||||
15 | of such assets or activities to a fixed | ||||||
16 | place of business is required. | ||||||
17 | (E) The presumption of proper assignment | ||||||
18 | of an investment or trading asset or activity | ||||||
19 | provided in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (2) | ||||||
20 | of this subsection may be rebutted upon a | ||||||
21 | showing by the Department, supported by a | ||||||
22 | preponderance of the evidence, that the | ||||||
23 | preponderance of substantive contacts | ||||||
24 | regarding such asset or activity did not occur | ||||||
25 | at the fixed place of business to which it was | ||||||
26 | assigned on the taxpayer's records. If the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fixed place of business that has a | ||||||
2 | preponderance of substantive contacts cannot | ||||||
3 | be determined for an investment or trading | ||||||
4 | asset or activity to which the presumption in | ||||||
5 | subparagraph (D) of paragraph (2) of this | ||||||
6 | subsection does not apply or with respect to | ||||||
7 | which that presumption has been rebutted, that | ||||||
8 | asset or activity is properly assigned to the | ||||||
9 | state in which the taxpayer's commercial | ||||||
10 | domicile is located. For purposes of this | ||||||
11 | subparagraph (E), it shall be presumed, | ||||||
12 | subject to rebuttal, that taxpayer's | ||||||
13 | commercial domicile is in the state of the | ||||||
14 | United States or the District of Columbia to | ||||||
15 | which the greatest number of employees are | ||||||
16 | regularly connected with the management of the | ||||||
17 | investment or trading income or out of which | ||||||
18 | they are working, irrespective of where the | ||||||
19 | services of such employees are performed, as of | ||||||
20 | the last day of the taxable year.
| ||||||
21 | (4) (Blank). | ||||||
22 | (5) (Blank). | ||||||
23 | (c-1) Federally-regulated exchanges. For taxable years | ||||||
24 | ending on or after December 31, 2012, business income of a | ||||||
25 | federally-regulated exchange shall, at the option of the | ||||||
26 | federally-regulated exchange, be apportioned to this State by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | multiplying such income by a fraction, the numerator of which | ||||||
2 | is its business income from sources within this State, and the | ||||||
3 | denominator of which is its business income from all sources. | ||||||
4 | For purposes of this subsection, the business income within | ||||||
5 | this State of a federally-regulated exchange is the sum of the | ||||||
6 | following: | ||||||
7 | (1) Receipts attributable to transactions executed on | ||||||
8 | a physical trading floor if that physical trading floor is | ||||||
9 | located in this State. | ||||||
10 | (2) Receipts attributable to all other matching, | ||||||
11 | execution, or clearing transactions, including without | ||||||
12 | limitation receipts from the provision of matching, | ||||||
13 | execution, or clearing services to another entity, | ||||||
14 | multiplied by (i) for taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
15 | December 31, 2012 but before December 31, 2013, 63.77%; and | ||||||
16 | (ii) for taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
17 | 2013, 27.54%. | ||||||
18 | (3) All other receipts not governed by subparagraphs | ||||||
19 | (1) or (2) of this subsection (c-1), to the extent the | ||||||
20 | receipts would be characterized as "sales in this State" | ||||||
21 | under item (3) of subsection (a) of this Section. | ||||||
22 | "Federally-regulated exchange" means (i) a "registered | ||||||
23 | entity" within the meaning of 7 U.S.C. Section 1a(40)(A), (B), | ||||||
24 | or (C), (ii) an "exchange" or "clearing agency" within the | ||||||
25 | meaning of 15 U.S.C. Section 78c (a)(1) or (23), (iii) any such | ||||||
26 | entities regulated under any successor regulatory structure to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the foregoing, and (iv) all taxpayers who are members of the | ||||||
2 | same unitary business group as a federally-regulated exchange, | ||||||
3 | determined without regard to the prohibition in Section | ||||||
4 | 1501(a)(27) of this Act against including in a unitary business | ||||||
5 | group taxpayers who are ordinarily required to apportion | ||||||
6 | business income under different subsections of this Section; | ||||||
7 | provided that this subparagraph (iv) shall apply only if 50% or | ||||||
8 | more of the business receipts of the unitary business group | ||||||
9 | determined by application of this subparagraph (iv) for the | ||||||
10 | taxable year are attributable to the matching, execution, or | ||||||
11 | clearing of transactions conducted by an entity described in | ||||||
12 | subparagraph (i), (ii), or (iii) of this paragraph. | ||||||
13 | In no event shall the Illinois apportionment percentage | ||||||
14 | computed in accordance with this subsection (c-1) for any | ||||||
15 | taxpayer for any tax year be less than the Illinois | ||||||
16 | apportionment percentage computed under this subsection (c-1) | ||||||
17 | for that taxpayer for the first full tax year ending on or | ||||||
18 | after December 31, 2013 for which this subsection (c-1) applied | ||||||
19 | to the taxpayer. | ||||||
20 | (d) Transportation services. For taxable years ending | ||||||
21 | before December 31, 2008, business income derived from | ||||||
22 | furnishing
transportation services shall be apportioned to | ||||||
23 | this State in accordance
with paragraphs (1) and (2):
| ||||||
24 | (1) Such business income (other than that derived from
| ||||||
25 | transportation by pipeline) shall be apportioned to this | ||||||
26 | State by
multiplying such income by a fraction, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | numerator of which is the
revenue miles of the person in | ||||||
2 | this State, and the denominator of which
is the revenue | ||||||
3 | miles of the person everywhere. For purposes of this
| ||||||
4 | paragraph, a revenue mile is the transportation of 1 | ||||||
5 | passenger or 1 net
ton of freight the distance of 1 mile | ||||||
6 | for a consideration. Where a
person is engaged in the | ||||||
7 | transportation of both passengers and freight,
the | ||||||
8 | fraction above referred to shall be determined by means of | ||||||
9 | an
average of the passenger revenue mile fraction and the | ||||||
10 | freight revenue
mile fraction, weighted to reflect the | ||||||
11 | person's
| ||||||
12 | (A) relative railway operating income from total | ||||||
13 | passenger and total
freight service, as reported to the | ||||||
14 | Interstate Commerce Commission, in
the case of | ||||||
15 | transportation by railroad, and
| ||||||
16 | (B) relative gross receipts from passenger and | ||||||
17 | freight
transportation, in case of transportation | ||||||
18 | other than by railroad.
| ||||||
19 | (2) Such business income derived from transportation | ||||||
20 | by pipeline
shall be apportioned to this State by | ||||||
21 | multiplying such income by a
fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
22 | which is the revenue miles of the person in
this State, and | ||||||
23 | the denominator of which is the revenue miles of the
person | ||||||
24 | everywhere. For the purposes of this paragraph, a revenue | ||||||
25 | mile is
the transportation by pipeline of 1 barrel of oil, | ||||||
26 | 1,000 cubic feet of
gas, or of any specified quantity of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any other substance, the distance
of 1 mile for a | ||||||
2 | consideration.
| ||||||
3 | (3) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
4 | 2008, business income derived from providing | ||||||
5 | transportation services other than airline services shall | ||||||
6 | be apportioned to this State by using a fraction, (a) the | ||||||
7 | numerator of which shall be (i) all receipts from any | ||||||
8 | movement or shipment of people, goods, mail, oil, gas, or | ||||||
9 | any other substance (other than by airline) that both | ||||||
10 | originates and terminates in this State, plus (ii) that | ||||||
11 | portion of the person's gross receipts from movements or | ||||||
12 | shipments of people, goods, mail, oil, gas, or any other | ||||||
13 | substance (other than by airline) that originates in one | ||||||
14 | state or jurisdiction and terminates in another state or | ||||||
15 | jurisdiction, that is determined by the ratio that the | ||||||
16 | miles traveled in this State bears to total miles | ||||||
17 | everywhere and (b) the denominator of which shall be all | ||||||
18 | revenue derived from the movement or shipment of people, | ||||||
19 | goods, mail, oil, gas, or any other substance (other than | ||||||
20 | by airline). Where a taxpayer is engaged in the | ||||||
21 | transportation of both passengers and freight, the | ||||||
22 | fraction above referred to shall first be determined | ||||||
23 | separately for passenger miles and freight miles. Then an | ||||||
24 | average of the passenger miles fraction and the freight | ||||||
25 | miles fraction shall be weighted to reflect the taxpayer's: | ||||||
26 | (A) relative railway operating income from total |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | passenger and total freight service, as reported to the | ||||||
2 | Surface Transportation Board, in the case of | ||||||
3 | transportation by railroad; and
| ||||||
4 | (B) relative gross receipts from passenger and | ||||||
5 | freight transportation, in case of transportation | ||||||
6 | other than by railroad.
| ||||||
7 | (4) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, | ||||||
8 | 2008, business income derived from furnishing airline
| ||||||
9 | transportation services shall be apportioned to this State | ||||||
10 | by
multiplying such income by a fraction, the numerator of | ||||||
11 | which is the
revenue miles of the person in this State, and | ||||||
12 | the denominator of which
is the revenue miles of the person | ||||||
13 | everywhere. For purposes of this
paragraph, a revenue mile | ||||||
14 | is the transportation of one passenger or one net
ton of | ||||||
15 | freight the distance of one mile for a consideration. If a
| ||||||
16 | person is engaged in the transportation of both passengers | ||||||
17 | and freight,
the fraction above referred to shall be | ||||||
18 | determined by means of an
average of the passenger revenue | ||||||
19 | mile fraction and the freight revenue
mile fraction, | ||||||
20 | weighted to reflect the person's relative gross receipts | ||||||
21 | from passenger and freight
airline transportation.
| ||||||
22 | (e) Combined apportionment. Where 2 or more persons are | ||||||
23 | engaged in
a unitary business as described in subsection | ||||||
24 | (a)(27) of
Section 1501,
a part of which is conducted in this | ||||||
25 | State by one or more members of the
group, the business income | ||||||
26 | attributable to this State by any such member
or members shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be apportioned by means of the combined apportionment method.
| ||||||
2 | (f) Alternative allocation. If the allocation and | ||||||
3 | apportionment
provisions of subsections (a) through (e) and of | ||||||
4 | subsection (h) do not
fairly represent the
extent of a person's | ||||||
5 | business activity in this State, the person may
petition for, | ||||||
6 | or the Director may, without a petition, permit or require, in | ||||||
7 | respect of all or any part
of the person's business activity, | ||||||
8 | if reasonable:
| ||||||
9 | (1) Separate accounting;
| ||||||
10 | (2) The exclusion of any one or more factors;
| ||||||
11 | (3) The inclusion of one or more additional factors | ||||||
12 | which will
fairly represent the person's business | ||||||
13 | activities in this State; or
| ||||||
14 | (4) The employment of any other method to effectuate an | ||||||
15 | equitable
allocation and apportionment of the person's | ||||||
16 | business income.
| ||||||
17 | (g) Cross reference. For allocation of business income by | ||||||
18 | residents,
see Section 301(a).
| ||||||
19 | (h) For tax years ending on or after December 31, 1998, the | ||||||
20 | apportionment
factor of persons who apportion their business | ||||||
21 | income to this State under
subsection (a) shall be equal to:
| ||||||
22 | (1) for tax years ending on or after December 31, 1998 | ||||||
23 | and before December
31, 1999, 16 2/3% of the property | ||||||
24 | factor plus 16 2/3% of the payroll factor
66 2/3% of | ||||||
25 | the sales factor;
| ||||||
26 | (2) for tax years ending on or after December 31, 1999 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and before December
2000, 8 1/3% of the property factor | ||||||
2 | plus 8 1/3% of the payroll factor plus 83
of the sales | ||||||
3 | factor;
| ||||||
4 | (3) for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2000, | ||||||
5 | the sales factor.
| ||||||
6 | If, in any tax year ending on or after December 31, 1998 and | ||||||
7 | before December
31, 2000, the denominator of the payroll, | ||||||
8 | property, or sales factor is zero,
the apportionment
factor | ||||||
9 | computed in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection for that | ||||||
10 | year shall
be divided by an amount equal to 100% minus the | ||||||
11 | percentage weight given to each
factor whose denominator is | ||||||
12 | equal to zero.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 96-763, eff. 8-25-09; 97-507, eff. 8-23-11.)
| ||||||
14 | (35 ILCS 5/804) (from Ch. 120, par. 8-804)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 804. Failure to Pay Estimated Tax.
| ||||||
16 | (a) In general. In case of any underpayment of estimated | ||||||
17 | tax by a
taxpayer, except as provided in subsection (d) or (e), | ||||||
18 | the taxpayer shall
be liable to a penalty in an amount | ||||||
19 | determined at the rate prescribed by
Section 3-3 of the Uniform | ||||||
20 | Penalty and Interest Act upon the amount of the
underpayment | ||||||
21 | (determined under subsection (b)) for each required | ||||||
22 | installment.
| ||||||
23 | (b) Amount of underpayment. For purposes of subsection (a), | ||||||
24 | the
amount of the underpayment shall be the excess of:
| ||||||
25 | (1) the amount of the installment which would be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | required to be paid
under subsection (c), over
| ||||||
2 | (2) the amount, if any, of the installment paid on or | ||||||
3 | before the
last date prescribed for payment.
| ||||||
4 | (c) Amount of Required Installments.
| ||||||
5 | (1) Amount.
| ||||||
6 | (A) In General. Except as provided in paragraphs | ||||||
7 | paragraph (2) and (3) , the amount of any
required | ||||||
8 | installment shall be 25% of the required annual | ||||||
9 | payment.
| ||||||
10 | (B) Required Annual Payment. For purposes of | ||||||
11 | subparagraph (A),
the term "required annual payment" | ||||||
12 | means the lesser of :
| ||||||
13 | (i) 90% of the tax shown on the return for the | ||||||
14 | taxable year, or
if no return is filed, 90% of the | ||||||
15 | tax for such year ; ,
| ||||||
16 | (ii) for installments due prior to February 1, | ||||||
17 | 2011, and after January 31, 2012, 100% of the tax | ||||||
18 | shown on the return of the taxpayer for the
| ||||||
19 | preceding taxable year if a return showing a | ||||||
20 | liability for tax was filed by
the taxpayer for the | ||||||
21 | preceding taxable year and such preceding year was | ||||||
22 | a
taxable year of 12 months; or
| ||||||
23 | (iii) for installments due after January 31, | ||||||
24 | 2011, and prior to February 1, 2012, 150% of the | ||||||
25 | tax shown on the return of the taxpayer for the | ||||||
26 | preceding taxable year if a return showing a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | liability for tax was filed by the taxpayer for the | ||||||
2 | preceding taxable year and such preceding year was | ||||||
3 | a taxable year of 12 months.
| ||||||
4 | (2) Lower Required Installment where Annualized Income | ||||||
5 | Installment is Less
Than Amount Determined Under Paragraph | ||||||
6 | (1).
| ||||||
7 | (A) In General. In the case of any required | ||||||
8 | installment if a taxpayer
establishes that the | ||||||
9 | annualized income installment is less than the amount
| ||||||
10 | determined under paragraph (1),
| ||||||
11 | (i) the amount of such required installment | ||||||
12 | shall be the annualized
income installment, and
| ||||||
13 | (ii) any reduction in a required installment | ||||||
14 | resulting from the
application of this | ||||||
15 | subparagraph shall be recaptured by increasing the
| ||||||
16 | amount of the next required installment determined | ||||||
17 | under paragraph (1) by
the amount of such | ||||||
18 | reduction, and by increasing subsequent required
| ||||||
19 | installments to the extent that the reduction has | ||||||
20 | not previously been
recaptured under this clause.
| ||||||
21 | (B) Determination of Annualized Income | ||||||
22 | Installment. In the case of
any required installment, | ||||||
23 | the annualized income installment is the
excess, if | ||||||
24 | any, of :
| ||||||
25 | (i) an amount equal to the applicable | ||||||
26 | percentage of the tax for the
taxable year computed |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | by placing on an annualized basis the net income | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | for
months in the taxable year ending before the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | due date for the installment, over
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | (ii) the aggregate amount of any prior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | required installments for
the taxable year.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (C) Applicable Percentage.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | (D) Annualized Net Income; Individuals. For | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | individuals, net
income shall be placed on an | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | annualized basis by:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | (i) multiplying by 12, or in the case of a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | taxable year of
less than 12 months, by the number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | of months in the taxable year, the
net income | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | computed without regard to the standard exemption | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | for the months
in the taxable
year ending before | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | the month in which the installment is required to | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | be paid;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | (ii) dividing the resulting amount by the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | number of months in the
taxable year ending before | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | the month in which such installment date falls; and
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | (iii) deducting from such amount the standard |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exemption allowable for
the taxable year, such | ||||||
2 | standard exemption being determined as of the last
| ||||||
3 | date prescribed for payment of the installment.
| ||||||
4 | (E) Annualized Net Income; Corporations. For | ||||||
5 | corporations,
net income shall be placed on an | ||||||
6 | annualized basis by multiplying
by 12 the taxable | ||||||
7 | income
| ||||||
8 | (i) for the first 3 months of the taxable year, | ||||||
9 | in the case of the
installment required to be paid | ||||||
10 | in the 4th month,
| ||||||
11 | (ii) for the first 3 months or for the first 5 | ||||||
12 | months of the taxable
year, in the case of the | ||||||
13 | installment required to be paid in the 6th month,
| ||||||
14 | (iii) for the first 6 months or for the first 8 | ||||||
15 | months of the taxable
year, in the case of the | ||||||
16 | installment required to be paid in the 9th month, | ||||||
17 | and
| ||||||
18 | (iv) for the first 9 months or for the first 11 | ||||||
19 | months of the taxable
year, in the case of the | ||||||
20 | installment required to be paid in the 12th month
| ||||||
21 | of the taxable year,
| ||||||
22 | then dividing the resulting amount by the number of | ||||||
23 | months in the taxable
year (3, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 11 as the | ||||||
24 | case may be).
| ||||||
25 | (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this | ||||||
26 | subsection (c), in the case of a federally-regulated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exchange that elects to apportion its income under Section | ||||||
2 | 304(c-1) of this Act, the amount of each required | ||||||
3 | installment due prior to June 30 of the first taxable year | ||||||
4 | to which the election applies shall be 25% of the tax that | ||||||
5 | would have been shown on the return for that taxable year | ||||||
6 | if the taxpayer had not made such election. | ||||||
7 | (d) Exceptions. Notwithstanding the provisions of the | ||||||
8 | preceding
subsections, the penalty imposed by subsection (a) | ||||||
9 | shall not
be imposed if the taxpayer was not required to file | ||||||
10 | an Illinois income
tax return for the preceding taxable year, | ||||||
11 | or, for individuals, if the
taxpayer had no tax liability for | ||||||
12 | the preceding taxable year and such year
was a taxable year of | ||||||
13 | 12 months.
The penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall
also not | ||||||
14 | be imposed on any underpayments of estimated tax due before the
| ||||||
15 | effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998 which | ||||||
16 | underpayments are solely
attributable to the change in | ||||||
17 | apportionment from subsection (a) to subsection
(h) of Section | ||||||
18 | 304. The provisions of this amendatory Act of 1998 apply to tax
| ||||||
19 | years ending on or after December 31, 1998.
| ||||||
20 | (e) The penalty imposed for underpayment of estimated tax | ||||||
21 | by subsection
(a) of this Section shall not be imposed to the | ||||||
22 | extent that the Director
or his or her designate determines, | ||||||
23 | pursuant to Section 3-8 of the Uniform Penalty
and Interest Act | ||||||
24 | that the penalty should not be imposed.
| ||||||
25 | (f) Definition of tax. For purposes of subsections (b) and | ||||||
26 | (c),
the term "tax" means the excess of the tax imposed under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Article 2 of
this Act, over the amounts credited against such | ||||||
2 | tax under Sections
601(b) (3) and (4).
| ||||||
3 | (g) Application of Section in case of tax withheld under | ||||||
4 | Article 7.
For purposes of applying this Section:
| ||||||
5 | (1) tax
withheld from compensation for the taxable year | ||||||
6 | shall be deemed a payment
of estimated tax, and an equal | ||||||
7 | part of such amount shall be deemed paid
on each | ||||||
8 | installment date for such taxable year, unless the taxpayer
| ||||||
9 | establishes the dates on which all amounts were actually | ||||||
10 | withheld, in
which case the amounts so withheld shall be | ||||||
11 | deemed payments of estimated
tax on the dates on which such | ||||||
12 | amounts were actually withheld;
| ||||||
13 | (2) amounts timely paid by a partnership, Subchapter S | ||||||
14 | corporation, or trust on behalf of a partner, shareholder, | ||||||
15 | or beneficiary pursuant to subsection (f) of Section 502 or | ||||||
16 | Section 709.5 and claimed as a payment of estimated tax | ||||||
17 | shall be deemed a payment of estimated tax made on the last | ||||||
18 | day of the taxable year of the partnership, Subchapter S | ||||||
19 | corporation, or trust for which the income from the | ||||||
20 | withholding is made was computed; and | ||||||
21 | (3) all other amounts pursuant to Article 7 shall be | ||||||
22 | deemed a payment of estimated tax on the date the payment | ||||||
23 | is made to the taxpayer of the amount from which the tax is | ||||||
24 | withheld.
| ||||||
25 | (g-5) Amounts withheld under the State Salary and Annuity | ||||||
26 | Withholding
Act. An individual who has amounts withheld under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | paragraph (10) of Section 4
of the State Salary and Annuity | ||||||
2 | Withholding Act may elect to have those amounts
treated as | ||||||
3 | payments of estimated tax made on the dates on which those | ||||||
4 | amounts
are actually withheld.
| ||||||
5 | (i) Short taxable year. The application of this Section to
| ||||||
6 | taxable years of less than 12 months shall be in accordance | ||||||
7 | with
regulations prescribed by the Department.
| ||||||
8 | The changes in this Section made by Public Act 84-127 shall | ||||||
9 | apply to
taxable years ending on or after January 1, 1986.
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 96-1496, eff. 1-13-11; 97-507, eff. 8-23-11; | ||||||
11 | revised 11-18-11.)
| ||||||
12 | (35 ILCS 5/1501) (from Ch. 120, par. 15-1501)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 1501. Definitions.
| ||||||
14 | (a) In general. When used in this Act, where not
otherwise | ||||||
15 | distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the | ||||||
16 | intent
| ||||||
17 | (1) Business income. The term "business income" means | ||||||
18 | all income that may be treated as apportionable business | ||||||
19 | income under the Constitution of the United States. | ||||||
20 | Business income is net of the deductions allocable thereto. | ||||||
21 | Such term does not include compensation
or the deductions | ||||||
22 | allocable thereto.
For each taxable year beginning on or | ||||||
23 | after January 1, 2003, a taxpayer may
elect to treat all | ||||||
24 | income other than compensation as business income. This
| ||||||
25 | election shall be made in accordance with rules adopted by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Department and,
once made, shall be irrevocable.
| ||||||
2 | (1.5) Captive real estate investment trust:
| ||||||
3 | (A) The term "captive real estate investment | ||||||
4 | trust" means a corporation, trust, or association:
| ||||||
5 | (i) that is considered a real estate | ||||||
6 | investment trust for the taxable year under | ||||||
7 | Section 856 of the Internal Revenue Code;
| ||||||
8 | (ii) the certificates of beneficial interest | ||||||
9 | or shares of which are not regularly traded on an | ||||||
10 | established securities market; and | ||||||
11 | (iii) of which more than 50% of the voting | ||||||
12 | power or value of the beneficial interest or | ||||||
13 | shares, at any time during the last half of the | ||||||
14 | taxable year, is owned or controlled, directly, | ||||||
15 | indirectly, or constructively, by a single | ||||||
16 | corporation. | ||||||
17 | (B) The term "captive real estate investment | ||||||
18 | trust" does not include: | ||||||
19 | (i) a real estate investment trust of which | ||||||
20 | more than 50% of the voting power or value of the | ||||||
21 | beneficial interest or shares is owned or | ||||||
22 | controlled, directly, indirectly, or | ||||||
23 | constructively, by: | ||||||
24 | (a) a real estate investment trust, other | ||||||
25 | than a captive real estate investment trust; | ||||||
26 | (b) a person who is exempt from taxation |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, | ||||||
2 | and who is not required to treat income | ||||||
3 | received from the real estate investment trust | ||||||
4 | as unrelated business taxable income under | ||||||
5 | Section 512 of the Internal Revenue Code; | ||||||
6 | (c) a listed Australian property trust, if | ||||||
7 | no more than 50% of the voting power or value | ||||||
8 | of the beneficial interest or shares of that | ||||||
9 | trust, at any time during the last half of the | ||||||
10 | taxable year, is owned or controlled, directly | ||||||
11 | or indirectly, by a single person; | ||||||
12 | (d) an entity organized as a trust, | ||||||
13 | provided a listed Australian property trust | ||||||
14 | described in subparagraph (c) owns or | ||||||
15 | controls, directly or indirectly, or | ||||||
16 | constructively, 75% or more of the voting power | ||||||
17 | or value of the beneficial interests or shares | ||||||
18 | of such entity; or | ||||||
19 | (e) an entity that is organized outside of | ||||||
20 | the laws of the United States and that | ||||||
21 | satisfies all of the following criteria: | ||||||
22 | (1) at least 75% of the entity's total | ||||||
23 | asset value at the close of its taxable | ||||||
24 | year is represented by real estate assets | ||||||
25 | (as defined in Section 856(c)(5)(B) of the | ||||||
26 | Internal Revenue Code, thereby including |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shares or certificates of beneficial | ||||||
2 | interest in any real estate investment | ||||||
3 | trust), cash and cash equivalents, and | ||||||
4 | U.S. Government securities; | ||||||
5 | (2) the entity is not subject to tax on | ||||||
6 | amounts that are distributed to its | ||||||
7 | beneficial owners or is exempt from | ||||||
8 | entity-level taxation; | ||||||
9 | (3) the entity distributes at least | ||||||
10 | 85% of its taxable income (as computed in | ||||||
11 | the jurisdiction in which it is organized) | ||||||
12 | to the holders of its shares or | ||||||
13 | certificates of beneficial interest on an | ||||||
14 | annual basis; | ||||||
15 | (4) either (i) the shares or | ||||||
16 | beneficial interests of the entity are | ||||||
17 | regularly traded on an established | ||||||
18 | securities market or (ii) not more than 10% | ||||||
19 | of the voting power or value in the entity | ||||||
20 | is held, directly, indirectly, or | ||||||
21 | constructively, by a single entity or | ||||||
22 | individual; and | ||||||
23 | (5) the entity is organized in a | ||||||
24 | country that has entered into a tax treaty | ||||||
25 | with the United States; or | ||||||
26 | (ii) during its first taxable year for which it |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | elects to be treated as a real estate investment | ||||||
2 | trust under Section 856(c)(1) of the Internal | ||||||
3 | Revenue Code, a real estate investment trust the | ||||||
4 | certificates of beneficial interest or shares of | ||||||
5 | which are not regularly traded on an established | ||||||
6 | securities market, but only if the certificates of | ||||||
7 | beneficial interest or shares of the real estate | ||||||
8 | investment trust are regularly traded on an | ||||||
9 | established securities market prior to the earlier | ||||||
10 | of the due date (including extensions) for filing | ||||||
11 | its return under this Act for that first taxable | ||||||
12 | year or the date it actually files that return. | ||||||
13 | (C) For the purposes of this subsection (1.5), the | ||||||
14 | constructive ownership rules prescribed under Section | ||||||
15 | 318(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, as modified by | ||||||
16 | Section 856(d)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code, apply | ||||||
17 | in determining the ownership of stock, assets, or net | ||||||
18 | profits of any person.
| ||||||
19 | (2) Commercial domicile. The term "commercial | ||||||
20 | domicile" means the
place from which the trade or | ||||||
21 | business of the taxpayer is directed or managed.
| ||||||
22 | (3) Compensation. The term "compensation" means wages, | ||||||
23 | salaries,
and any other form of remuneration | ||||||
24 | paid to employees for personal services.
| ||||||
25 | (4) Corporation. The term "corporation" includes | ||||||
26 | associations, joint-stock
companies, insurance companies |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and cooperatives. Any entity, including a
limited | ||||||
2 | liability company formed under the Illinois Limited | ||||||
3 | Liability Company
Act, shall be treated as a corporation if | ||||||
4 | it is so classified for federal
income tax purposes.
| ||||||
5 | (5) Department. The term "Department" means the | ||||||
6 | Department of Revenue of
this State.
| ||||||
7 | (6) Director. The term "Director" means the Director of | ||||||
8 | Revenue of this
| ||||||
9 | (7) Fiduciary. The term "fiduciary" means a guardian, | ||||||
10 | trustee, executor,
administrator, receiver, or any person | ||||||
11 | acting in any fiduciary capacity for any
| ||||||
12 | (8) Financial organization.
| ||||||
13 | (A) The term "financial organization" means
| ||||||
14 | bank, bank holding company, trust company, savings | ||||||
15 | bank, industrial bank,
land bank, safe deposit | ||||||
16 | company, private banker, savings and loan association,
| ||||||
17 | building and loan association, credit union, currency | ||||||
18 | exchange, cooperative
bank, small loan company, sales | ||||||
19 | finance company, investment company, or any
person | ||||||
20 | which is owned by a bank or bank holding company. For | ||||||
21 | the purpose of
this Section a "person" will include | ||||||
22 | only those persons which a bank holding
company may | ||||||
23 | acquire and hold an interest in, directly or | ||||||
24 | indirectly, under the
provisions of the Bank Holding | ||||||
25 | Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841, et seq.),
except | ||||||
26 | where interests in any person must be disposed of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within certain
required time limits under the Bank | ||||||
2 | Holding Company Act of 1956.
| ||||||
3 | (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A) of this | ||||||
4 | paragraph, the term
"bank" includes (i) any entity that | ||||||
5 | is regulated by the Comptroller of the
Currency under | ||||||
6 | the National Bank Act, or by the Federal Reserve Board, | ||||||
7 | or by
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and | ||||||
8 | (ii) any federally or State chartered
operating as | ||||||
9 | a credit card bank.
| ||||||
10 | (C) For purposes of subparagraph (A) of this | ||||||
11 | paragraph, the term
"sales finance company" has the | ||||||
12 | meaning provided in the following item (i) or
| ||||||
13 | (i) A person primarily engaged in one or more | ||||||
14 | of the following
businesses: the business of | ||||||
15 | purchasing customer receivables, the business
of | ||||||
16 | making loans upon the security of customer | ||||||
17 | receivables, the
business of making loans for the | ||||||
18 | express purpose of funding purchases of
tangible | ||||||
19 | personal property or services by the borrower, or | ||||||
20 | the business of
finance leasing. For purposes of | ||||||
21 | this item (i), "customer receivable"
| ||||||
22 | (a) a retail installment contract or | ||||||
23 | retail charge agreement within
of | ||||||
24 | the Sales Finance Agency Act, the Retail | ||||||
25 | Installment Sales Act, or the
Motor Vehicle | ||||||
26 | Retail Installment Sales Act;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) an installment, charge, credit, or | ||||||
2 | similar contract or agreement
arising from
the | ||||||
3 | sale of tangible personal property or services | ||||||
4 | in a transaction involving
a deferred payment | ||||||
5 | price payable in one or more installments | ||||||
6 | subsequent
to the sale; or
| ||||||
7 | (c) the outstanding balance of a contract | ||||||
8 | or agreement described in
(a) or (b) | ||||||
9 | of this item (i).
| ||||||
10 | A customer receivable need not provide for | ||||||
11 | payment of interest on
payments. A sales | ||||||
12 | finance company may purchase a customer receivable | ||||||
13 | from, or
make a loan secured by a customer | ||||||
14 | receivable to, the seller in the original
| ||||||
15 | transaction or to a person who purchased the | ||||||
16 | customer receivable directly or
indirectly from | ||||||
17 | that seller.
| ||||||
18 | (ii) A corporation meeting each of the | ||||||
19 | following criteria:
| ||||||
20 | (a) the corporation must be a member of an | ||||||
21 | "affiliated group" within
meaning of | ||||||
22 | Section 1504(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, | ||||||
23 | determined
without regard to Section 1504(b) | ||||||
24 | of the Internal Revenue Code;
| ||||||
25 | (b) more than 50% of the gross income of | ||||||
26 | the corporation for the
must be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | interest income derived from qualifying loans. | ||||||
2 | A "qualifying
loan" is a loan made to a member | ||||||
3 | of the corporation's affiliated group that
| ||||||
4 | originates customer receivables (within the | ||||||
5 | meaning of item (i)) or to whom
customer | ||||||
6 | receivables originated by a member of the | ||||||
7 | affiliated group have been
transferred, to
the | ||||||
8 | extent the average outstanding balance of | ||||||
9 | loans from that corporation
to members of its | ||||||
10 | affiliated group during the taxable year do not | ||||||
11 | exceed
the limitation amount for that | ||||||
12 | corporation. The "limitation amount" for a
| ||||||
13 | corporation is the average outstanding | ||||||
14 | balances during the taxable year of
customer | ||||||
15 | receivables (within the meaning of item (i)) | ||||||
16 | originated by
all members of the affiliated | ||||||
17 | group.
If the average outstanding balances of | ||||||
18 | the
loans made by a corporation to members of | ||||||
19 | its affiliated group exceed the
limitation | ||||||
20 | amount, the interest income of that | ||||||
21 | corporation from qualifying
loans shall be | ||||||
22 | equal to its interest income from loans to | ||||||
23 | members of its
affiliated groups times a | ||||||
24 | fraction equal to the limitation amount | ||||||
25 | divided by
the average outstanding balances of | ||||||
26 | the loans made by that corporation to
members |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of its affiliated group;
| ||||||
2 | (c) the total of all shareholder's equity | ||||||
3 | (including, without
| ||||||
4 | capital on common and preferred stock and | ||||||
5 | retained earnings) of the
corporation plus the | ||||||
6 | total of all of its loans, advances, and other
| ||||||
7 | obligations payable or owed to members of its | ||||||
8 | affiliated group may not
exceed 20% of the | ||||||
9 | total assets of the corporation at any time | ||||||
10 | during the tax
year; and
| ||||||
11 | (d) more than 50% of all interest-bearing | ||||||
12 | obligations of the
affiliated group payable to | ||||||
13 | persons outside the group determined in | ||||||
14 | accordance
with generally accepted accounting | ||||||
15 | principles must be obligations of the
| ||||||
16 | corporation.
| ||||||
17 | This amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly is | ||||||
18 | declaratory of
| ||||||
19 | (D) Subparagraphs
(B) and (C) of this paragraph are | ||||||
20 | declaratory of
existing law and apply retroactively, | ||||||
21 | for all tax years beginning on or before
December 31, | ||||||
22 | 1996,
to all original returns, to all amended returns | ||||||
23 | filed no later than 30
days after the effective date of | ||||||
24 | this amendatory Act of 1996, and to all
notices issued | ||||||
25 | on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
26 | of 1996
under subsection (a) of Section 903, subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) of Section 904,
subsection (e) of Section 909, or | ||||||
2 | Section 912.
A taxpayer that is a "financial | ||||||
3 | organization" that engages in any transaction
with an | ||||||
4 | affiliate shall be a "financial organization" for all | ||||||
5 | purposes of this
| ||||||
6 | (E) For all tax years beginning on or
before | ||||||
7 | December 31, 1996, a taxpayer that falls within the | ||||||
8 | definition
of a
"financial organization" under | ||||||
9 | subparagraphs (B) or (C) of this paragraph, but
who | ||||||
10 | does
not fall within the definition of a "financial | ||||||
11 | organization" under the Proposed
Regulations issued by | ||||||
12 | the Department of Revenue on July 19, 1996, may
| ||||||
13 | irrevocably elect to apply the Proposed Regulations | ||||||
14 | for all of those years as
though the Proposed | ||||||
15 | Regulations had been lawfully promulgated, adopted, | ||||||
16 | and in
effect for all of those years. For purposes of | ||||||
17 | applying subparagraphs (B) or
(C) of
paragraph to | ||||||
18 | all of those years, the election allowed by this | ||||||
19 | subparagraph
applies only to the taxpayer making the | ||||||
20 | election and to those members of the
taxpayer's unitary | ||||||
21 | business group who are ordinarily required to | ||||||
22 | apportion
business income under the same subsection of | ||||||
23 | Section 304 of this Act as the
taxpayer making the | ||||||
24 | election. No election allowed by this subparagraph | ||||||
25 | shall
be made under a claim
filed under subsection (d) | ||||||
26 | of Section 909 more than 30 days after the
effective |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | date of this amendatory Act of 1996.
| ||||||
2 | (F) Finance Leases. For purposes of this | ||||||
3 | subsection, a finance lease
shall be treated as a loan | ||||||
4 | or other extension of credit, rather than as a
| ||||||
5 | regardless of how the transaction is characterized for | ||||||
6 | any other purpose,
including the purposes of any | ||||||
7 | regulatory agency to which the lessor is subject.
A | ||||||
8 | finance lease is any transaction in the form of a lease | ||||||
9 | in which the lessee
is treated as the owner of the | ||||||
10 | leased asset entitled to any deduction for
| ||||||
11 | depreciation allowed under Section 167 of the Internal | ||||||
12 | Revenue Code.
| ||||||
13 | (9) Fiscal year. The term "fiscal year" means an | ||||||
14 | accounting period of
12 months ending on the last day of | ||||||
15 | any month other than December.
| ||||||
16 | (9.5) Fixed place of business. The term "fixed place of | ||||||
17 | business" has the same meaning as that term is given in | ||||||
18 | Section 864 of the Internal Revenue Code and the related | ||||||
19 | Treasury regulations.
| ||||||
20 | (10) Includes and including. The terms "includes" and | ||||||
21 | "including" when
used in a definition contained in this Act | ||||||
22 | shall not be deemed to exclude
other things otherwise | ||||||
23 | within the meaning of the term defined.
| ||||||
24 | (11) Internal Revenue Code. The term "Internal Revenue | ||||||
25 | Code" means the
United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | ||||||
26 | or any successor law or laws
relating to federal income |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taxes in effect for the taxable year.
| ||||||
2 | (11.5) Investment partnership. | ||||||
3 | (A) The term "investment partnership" means any | ||||||
4 | entity that is treated as a partnership for federal | ||||||
5 | income tax purposes that meets the following | ||||||
6 | requirements: | ||||||
7 | (i) no less than 90% of the partnership's cost | ||||||
8 | of its total assets consists of qualifying | ||||||
9 | investment securities, deposits at banks or other | ||||||
10 | financial institutions, and office space and | ||||||
11 | equipment reasonably necessary to carry on its | ||||||
12 | activities as an investment partnership; | ||||||
13 | (ii) no less than 90% of its gross income | ||||||
14 | consists of interest, dividends, and gains from | ||||||
15 | the sale or exchange of qualifying investment | ||||||
16 | securities; and
| ||||||
17 | (iii) the partnership is not a dealer in | ||||||
18 | qualifying investment securities. | ||||||
19 | (B) For purposes of this paragraph (11.5), the term | ||||||
20 | "qualifying investment securities" includes all of the | ||||||
21 | following:
| ||||||
22 | (i) common stock, including preferred or debt | ||||||
23 | securities convertible into common stock, and | ||||||
24 | preferred stock; | ||||||
25 | (ii) bonds, debentures, and other debt | ||||||
26 | securities; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (iii) foreign and domestic currency deposits | ||||||
2 | secured by federal, state, or local governmental | ||||||
3 | agencies; | ||||||
4 | (iv) mortgage or asset-backed securities | ||||||
5 | secured by federal, state, or local governmental | ||||||
6 | agencies; | ||||||
7 | (v) repurchase agreements and loan | ||||||
8 | participations; | ||||||
9 | (vi) foreign currency exchange contracts and | ||||||
10 | forward and futures contracts on foreign | ||||||
11 | currencies; | ||||||
12 | (vii) stock and bond index securities and | ||||||
13 | futures contracts and other similar financial | ||||||
14 | securities and futures contracts on those | ||||||
15 | securities;
| ||||||
16 | (viii) options for the purchase or sale of any | ||||||
17 | of the securities, currencies, contracts, or | ||||||
18 | financial instruments described in items (i) to | ||||||
19 | (vii), inclusive;
| ||||||
20 | (ix) regulated futures contracts;
| ||||||
21 | (x) commodities (not described in Section | ||||||
22 | 1221(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code) or | ||||||
23 | futures, forwards, and options with respect to | ||||||
24 | such commodities, provided, however, that any item | ||||||
25 | of a physical commodity to which title is actually | ||||||
26 | acquired in the partnership's capacity as a dealer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in such commodity shall not be a qualifying | ||||||
2 | investment security;
| ||||||
3 | (xi) derivatives; and
| ||||||
4 | (xii) a partnership interest in another | ||||||
5 | partnership that is an investment partnership.
| ||||||
6 | (12) Mathematical error. The term "mathematical error" | ||||||
7 | includes the
following types of errors, omissions, or | ||||||
8 | defects in a return filed by a
taxpayer which prevents | ||||||
9 | acceptance of the return as filed for processing:
| ||||||
10 | (A) arithmetic errors or incorrect computations on | ||||||
11 | the return or
supporting schedules;
| ||||||
12 | (B) entries on the wrong lines;
| ||||||
13 | (C) omission of required supporting forms or | ||||||
14 | schedules or the omission
of the information in whole | ||||||
15 | or in part called for thereon; and
| ||||||
16 | (D) an attempt to claim, exclude, deduct, or | ||||||
17 | improperly report, in a
directly contrary to the | ||||||
18 | provisions of the Act and regulations thereunder
any | ||||||
19 | item of income, exemption, deduction, or credit.
| ||||||
20 | (13) Nonbusiness income. The term "nonbusiness income" | ||||||
21 | means all income
other than business income or | ||||||
22 | compensation.
| ||||||
23 | (14) Nonresident. The term "nonresident" means a | ||||||
24 | person who is not a
| ||||||
25 | (15) Paid, incurred and accrued. The terms "paid", | ||||||
26 | "incurred" and
shall be construed according to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the method of accounting upon the basis
of which the | ||||||
2 | person's base income is computed under this Act.
| ||||||
3 | (16) Partnership and partner. The term "partnership" | ||||||
4 | includes a syndicate,
group, pool, joint venture or other | ||||||
5 | unincorporated organization, through
or by means of which | ||||||
6 | any business, financial operation, or venture is carried
| ||||||
7 | on, and which is not, within the meaning of this Act, a | ||||||
8 | trust or estate
or a corporation; and the term "partner" | ||||||
9 | includes a member in such syndicate,
group, pool, joint | ||||||
10 | venture or organization.
| ||||||
11 | The term "partnership" includes any entity, including | ||||||
12 | a limited
liability company formed under the Illinois
| ||||||
13 | Limited Liability Company Act, classified as a partnership | ||||||
14 | for federal income tax purposes.
| ||||||
15 | The term "partnership" does not include a syndicate, | ||||||
16 | group, pool,
joint venture, or other unincorporated | ||||||
17 | organization established for the
sole purpose of playing | ||||||
18 | the Illinois State Lottery.
| ||||||
19 | (17) Part-year resident. The term "part-year resident" | ||||||
20 | means an individual
who became a resident during the | ||||||
21 | taxable year or ceased to be a resident
during the taxable | ||||||
22 | year. Under Section 1501(a)(20)(A)(i) residence
commences | ||||||
23 | with presence in this State for other than a temporary or | ||||||
24 | transitory
purpose and ceases with absence from this State | ||||||
25 | for other than a temporary or
transitory purpose. Under | ||||||
26 | Section 1501(a)(20)(A)(ii) residence commences
with the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | establishment of domicile in this State and ceases with the
| ||||||
2 | establishment of domicile in another State.
| ||||||
3 | (18) Person. The term "person" shall be construed to | ||||||
4 | mean and include
an individual, a trust, estate, | ||||||
5 | partnership, association, firm, company,
corporation, | ||||||
6 | limited liability company, or fiduciary. For purposes of | ||||||
7 | Section
1301 and 1302 of this Act, a "person" means (i) an | ||||||
8 | individual, (ii) a
corporation, (iii) an officer, agent, or | ||||||
9 | employee of a
corporation, (iv) a member, agent or employee | ||||||
10 | of a partnership, or (v)
a member,
manager, employee, | ||||||
11 | officer, director, or agent of a limited liability company
| ||||||
12 | who in such capacity commits an offense specified in | ||||||
13 | Section 1301 and 1302.
| ||||||
14 | (18A) Records. The term "records" includes all data | ||||||
15 | maintained by the
taxpayer, whether on paper, microfilm, | ||||||
16 | microfiche, or any type of
machine-sensible data | ||||||
17 | compilation.
| ||||||
18 | (19) Regulations. The term "regulations" includes | ||||||
19 | rules promulgated and
forms prescribed by the Department.
| ||||||
20 | (20) Resident. The term "resident" means:
| ||||||
21 | (A) an individual (i) who is
in this State for | ||||||
22 | other than a temporary or transitory purpose during the
| ||||||
23 | taxable year; or (ii) who is domiciled in this State | ||||||
24 | but is absent from
the State for a temporary or | ||||||
25 | transitory purpose during the taxable year;
| ||||||
26 | (B) The estate of a decedent who at his or her |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | death was domiciled in
| ||||||
2 | (C) A trust created by a will of a decedent who at | ||||||
3 | his death was
in this State; and
| ||||||
4 | (D) An irrevocable trust, the grantor of which was | ||||||
5 | domiciled in this
at the time such trust became | ||||||
6 | irrevocable. For purpose of this subparagraph,
a trust | ||||||
7 | shall be considered irrevocable to the extent that the | ||||||
8 | grantor is
not treated as the owner thereof under | ||||||
9 | Sections 671 through 678 of the Internal
Revenue Code.
| ||||||
10 | (21) Sales. The term "sales" means all gross receipts | ||||||
11 | of the taxpayer
not allocated under Sections 301, 302 and | ||||||
12 | 303.
| ||||||
13 | (22) State. The term "state" when applied to a | ||||||
14 | jurisdiction other than
this State means any state of the | ||||||
15 | United States, the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth | ||||||
16 | of Puerto Rico, any Territory or Possession of the United
| ||||||
17 | States, and any foreign country, or any political | ||||||
18 | subdivision of any of the
foregoing. For purposes of the | ||||||
19 | foreign tax credit under Section 601, the
term "state" | ||||||
20 | means any state of the United States, the District of | ||||||
21 | Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any | ||||||
22 | territory or possession of the
United States, or any | ||||||
23 | political subdivision of any of the foregoing,
effective | ||||||
24 | for tax years ending on or after December 31, 1989.
| ||||||
25 | (23) Taxable year. The term "taxable year" means the | ||||||
26 | calendar year, or
the fiscal year ending during such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | calendar year, upon the basis of which
the base income is | ||||||
2 | computed under this Act. "Taxable year" means, in the
case | ||||||
3 | of a return made for a fractional part of a year under the | ||||||
4 | provisions
of this Act, the period for which such return is | ||||||
5 | made.
| ||||||
6 | (24) Taxpayer. The term "taxpayer" means any person | ||||||
7 | subject to the tax
imposed by this Act.
| ||||||
8 | (25) International banking facility. The term | ||||||
9 | international banking
facility shall have the same meaning | ||||||
10 | as is set forth in the Illinois Banking
Act or as is set | ||||||
11 | forth in the laws of the United States or regulations of
| ||||||
12 | the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
| ||||||
13 | (26) Income Tax Return Preparer.
| ||||||
14 | (A) The term "income tax return preparer"
means any | ||||||
15 | person who prepares for compensation, or who employs | ||||||
16 | one or more
persons to prepare for compensation, any | ||||||
17 | return of tax imposed by this Act
or any claim for | ||||||
18 | refund of tax imposed by this Act. The preparation of a
| ||||||
19 | substantial portion of a return or claim for refund | ||||||
20 | shall be treated as
the preparation of that return or | ||||||
21 | claim for refund.
| ||||||
22 | (B) A person is not an income tax return preparer | ||||||
23 | if all he or she does
| ||||||
24 | (i) furnish typing, reproducing, or other | ||||||
25 | mechanical assistance;
| ||||||
26 | (ii) prepare returns or claims for refunds for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the employer by whom he
or she is regularly and | ||||||
2 | continuously employed;
| ||||||
3 | (iii) prepare as a fiduciary returns or claims | ||||||
4 | for refunds for any
person; or
| ||||||
5 | (iv) prepare claims for refunds for a taxpayer | ||||||
6 | in response to any
of deficiency issued to | ||||||
7 | that taxpayer or in response to any waiver of
| ||||||
8 | restriction after the commencement of an audit of | ||||||
9 | that taxpayer or of another
taxpayer if a | ||||||
10 | determination in the audit of the other taxpayer | ||||||
11 | directly or
indirectly affects the tax liability | ||||||
12 | of the taxpayer whose claims he or she is
| ||||||
13 | preparing.
| ||||||
14 | (27) Unitary business group. | ||||||
15 | (A) The term "unitary business group" means
a group | ||||||
16 | of persons related through common ownership whose | ||||||
17 | business activities
are integrated with, dependent | ||||||
18 | upon and contribute to each other. The group
will not | ||||||
19 | include those members whose business activity outside | ||||||
20 | the United
States is 80% or more of any such member's | ||||||
21 | total business activity; for
purposes of this | ||||||
22 | paragraph and clause (a)(3)(B)(ii) of Section 304,
| ||||||
23 | business
activity within the United States shall be | ||||||
24 | measured by means of the factors
ordinarily applicable | ||||||
25 | under subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), or (h)
of Section
| ||||||
26 | 304 except that, in the case of members ordinarily |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | required to apportion
business income by means of the 3 | ||||||
2 | factor formula of property, payroll and sales
| ||||||
3 | specified in subsection (a) of Section 304, including | ||||||
4 | the
formula as weighted in subsection (h) of Section | ||||||
5 | 304, such members shall
not use the sales factor in the | ||||||
6 | computation and the results of the property
and payroll | ||||||
7 | factor computations of subsection (a) of Section 304 | ||||||
8 | shall be
divided by 2 (by one if either
the property or | ||||||
9 | payroll factor has a denominator of zero). The | ||||||
10 | computation
required by the preceding sentence shall, | ||||||
11 | in each case, involve the division of
the member's | ||||||
12 | property, payroll, or revenue miles in the United | ||||||
13 | States,
insurance premiums on property or risk in the | ||||||
14 | United States, or financial
organization business | ||||||
15 | income from sources within the United States, as the
| ||||||
16 | case may be, by the respective worldwide figures for | ||||||
17 | such items. Common
ownership in the case of | ||||||
18 | corporations is the direct or indirect control or
| ||||||
19 | ownership of more than 50% of the outstanding voting | ||||||
20 | stock of the persons
carrying on unitary business | ||||||
21 | activity. Unitary business activity can
ordinarily be | ||||||
22 | illustrated where the activities of the members are: | ||||||
23 | (1) in the
same general line (such as manufacturing, | ||||||
24 | wholesaling, retailing of tangible
personal property, | ||||||
25 | insurance, transportation or finance); or (2) are | ||||||
26 | steps in a
vertically structured enterprise or process |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (such as the steps involved in the
production of | ||||||
2 | natural resources, which might include exploration, | ||||||
3 | mining,
refining, and marketing); and, in either | ||||||
4 | instance, the members are functionally
integrated | ||||||
5 | through the exercise of strong centralized management | ||||||
6 | (where, for
example, authority over such matters as | ||||||
7 | purchasing, financing, tax compliance,
product line, | ||||||
8 | personnel, marketing and capital investment is not | ||||||
9 | left to each
| ||||||
10 | (B) In no event, shall any
unitary business group | ||||||
11 | include members
which are ordinarily required to | ||||||
12 | apportion business income under different
subsections | ||||||
13 | of Section 304 except that for tax years ending on or | ||||||
14 | after
December 31, 1987 this prohibition shall not | ||||||
15 | apply to a holding company that would otherwise be a | ||||||
16 | member of a unitary business group with taxpayers that | ||||||
17 | apportion business income under any of subsections | ||||||
18 | (b), (c), (c-1), or (d) of Section 304. If a unitary | ||||||
19 | business
group would, but for the preceding sentence, | ||||||
20 | include members that are
ordinarily required to | ||||||
21 | apportion business income under different subsections | ||||||
22 | of
Section 304, then for each subsection of Section 304 | ||||||
23 | for which there are two or
more members, there shall be | ||||||
24 | a separate unitary business group composed of such
| ||||||
25 | members. For purposes of the preceding two sentences, a | ||||||
26 | member is "ordinarily
required to apportion business |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | income" under a particular subsection of Section
304 if | ||||||
2 | it would be required to use the apportionment method | ||||||
3 | prescribed by such
subsection except for the fact that | ||||||
4 | it derives business income solely from
Illinois. As | ||||||
5 | used in this paragraph, the phrase "United States" | ||||||
6 | means only the 50 states and the District of Columbia, | ||||||
7 | but does not include any territory or possession of the | ||||||
8 | United States or any area over which the United States | ||||||
9 | has asserted jurisdiction or claimed exclusive rights | ||||||
10 | with respect to the exploration for or exploitation of | ||||||
11 | natural resources.
| ||||||
12 | (C) Holding companies. | ||||||
13 | (i) For purposes of this subparagraph, a | ||||||
14 | "holding company" is a corporation (other than a | ||||||
15 | corporation that is a financial organization under | ||||||
16 | paragraph (8) of this subsection (a) of Section | ||||||
17 | 1501 because it is a bank holding company under the | ||||||
18 | provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 | ||||||
19 | (12 U.S.C. 1841, et seq.) or because it is owned by | ||||||
20 | a bank or a bank holding company) that owns a | ||||||
21 | controlling interest in one or more other | ||||||
22 | taxpayers ("controlled taxpayers"); that, during | ||||||
23 | the period that includes the taxable year and the 2 | ||||||
24 | immediately preceding taxable years or, if the | ||||||
25 | corporation was formed during the current or | ||||||
26 | immediately preceding taxable year, the taxable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | years in which the corporation has been in | ||||||
2 | existence, derived substantially all its gross | ||||||
3 | income from dividends, interest, rents, royalties, | ||||||
4 | fees or other charges received from controlled | ||||||
5 | taxpayers for the provision of services, and gains | ||||||
6 | on the sale or other disposition of interests in | ||||||
7 | controlled taxpayers or in property leased or | ||||||
8 | licensed to controlled taxpayers or used by the | ||||||
9 | taxpayer in providing services to controlled | ||||||
10 | taxpayers; and that incurs no substantial expenses | ||||||
11 | other than expenses (including interest and other | ||||||
12 | costs of borrowing) incurred in connection with | ||||||
13 | the acquisition and holding of interests in | ||||||
14 | controlled taxpayers and in the provision of | ||||||
15 | services to controlled taxpayers or in the leasing | ||||||
16 | or licensing of property to controlled taxpayers. | ||||||
17 | (ii) The income of a holding company which is a | ||||||
18 | member of more than one unitary business group | ||||||
19 | shall be included in each unitary business group of | ||||||
20 | which it is a member on a pro rata basis, by | ||||||
21 | including in each unitary business group that | ||||||
22 | portion of the base income of the holding company | ||||||
23 | that bears the same proportion to the total base | ||||||
24 | income of the holding company as the gross receipts | ||||||
25 | of the unitary business group bears to the combined | ||||||
26 | gross receipts of all unitary business groups (in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | both cases without regard to the holding company) | ||||||
2 | or on any other reasonable basis, consistently | ||||||
3 | applied. | ||||||
4 | (iii) A holding company shall apportion its | ||||||
5 | business income under the subsection of Section | ||||||
6 | 304 used by the other members of its unitary | ||||||
7 | business group. The apportionment factors of a | ||||||
8 | holding company which would be a member of more | ||||||
9 | than one unitary business group shall be included | ||||||
10 | with the apportionment factors of each unitary | ||||||
11 | business group of which it is a member on a pro | ||||||
12 | rata basis using the same method used in clause | ||||||
13 | (ii). | ||||||
14 | (iv) The provisions of this subparagraph (C) | ||||||
15 | are intended to clarify existing law. | ||||||
16 | (D) If including the base income and factors of a | ||||||
17 | holding company in more than one unitary business group | ||||||
18 | under subparagraph (C) does not fairly reflect the | ||||||
19 | degree of integration between the holding company and | ||||||
20 | one or more of the unitary business groups, the | ||||||
21 | dependence of the holding company and one or more of | ||||||
22 | the unitary business groups upon each other, or the | ||||||
23 | contributions between the holding company and one or | ||||||
24 | more of the unitary business groups, the holding | ||||||
25 | company may petition the Director, under the | ||||||
26 | procedures provided under Section 304(f), for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | permission to include all base income and factors of | ||||||
2 | the holding company only with members of a unitary | ||||||
3 | business group apportioning their business income | ||||||
4 | under one subsection of subsections (a), (b), (c), or | ||||||
5 | (d) of Section 304. If the petition is granted, the | ||||||
6 | holding company shall be included in a unitary business | ||||||
7 | group only with persons apportioning their business | ||||||
8 | income under the selected subsection of Section 304 | ||||||
9 | until the Director grants a petition of the holding | ||||||
10 | company either to be included in more than one unitary | ||||||
11 | business group under subparagraph (C) or to include its | ||||||
12 | base income and factors only with members of a unitary | ||||||
13 | business group apportioning their business income | ||||||
14 | under a different subsection of Section 304. | ||||||
15 | (E) If the unitary business group members' | ||||||
16 | accounting periods differ,
the common parent's | ||||||
17 | accounting period or, if there is no common parent, the
| ||||||
18 | accounting period of the member that is expected to | ||||||
19 | have, on a recurring basis,
the greatest Illinois | ||||||
20 | income tax liability must be used to determine whether | ||||||
21 | to
use the apportionment method provided in subsection | ||||||
22 | (a) or subsection (h) of
Section 304. The
prohibition | ||||||
23 | against membership in a unitary business group for | ||||||
24 | taxpayers
ordinarily required to apportion income | ||||||
25 | under different subsections of Section
304 does not | ||||||
26 | apply to taxpayers required to apportion income under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection
(a) and subsection (h) of Section
304. The | ||||||
2 | provisions of this amendatory Act of 1998 apply to tax
| ||||||
3 | years ending on or after December 31, 1998.
| ||||||
4 | (28) Subchapter S corporation. The term "Subchapter S | ||||||
5 | corporation"
means a corporation for which there is in | ||||||
6 | effect an election under Section
1362 of the Internal | ||||||
7 | Revenue Code, or for which there is a federal election
to | ||||||
8 | opt out of the provisions of the Subchapter S Revision Act | ||||||
9 | of 1982 and
have applied instead the prior federal | ||||||
10 | Subchapter S rules as in effect on July
1, 1982.
| ||||||
11 | (30) Foreign person. The term "foreign person" means | ||||||
12 | any person who is a nonresident alien individual and any | ||||||
13 | nonindividual entity, regardless of where created or | ||||||
14 | organized, whose business activity outside the United | ||||||
15 | States is 80% or more of the entity's total business | ||||||
16 | activity.
| ||||||
17 | (b) Other definitions.
| ||||||
18 | (1) Words denoting number, gender, and so forth,
when | ||||||
19 | used in this Act, where not otherwise distinctly expressed | ||||||
20 | or manifestly
incompatible with the intent thereof:
| ||||||
21 | (A) Words importing the singular include and apply | ||||||
22 | to several persons,
parties or things;
| ||||||
23 | (B) Words importing the plural include the | ||||||
24 | singular; and
| ||||||
25 | (C) Words importing the masculine gender include |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the feminine as well.
| ||||||
2 | (2) "Company" or "association" as including successors | ||||||
3 | and assigns. The
word "company" or "association", when used | ||||||
4 | in reference to a corporation,
shall be deemed to embrace | ||||||
5 | the words "successors and assigns of such company
or | ||||||
6 | association", and in like manner as if these last-named | ||||||
7 | words, or words
of similar import, were expressed.
| ||||||
8 | (3) Other terms. Any term used in any Section of this | ||||||
9 | Act with respect
to the application of, or in connection | ||||||
10 | with, the provisions of any other
Section of this Act shall | ||||||
11 | have the same meaning as in such other Section.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 96-641, eff. 8-24-09; 97-507, eff. 8-23-11.)
| ||||||
13 | Section 15-15. The Economic Development for a Growing | ||||||
14 | Economy Tax Credit Act is amended by changing Section 5-15 as | ||||||
15 | follows: | ||||||
16 | (35 ILCS 10/5-15) | ||||||
17 | Sec. 5-15. Tax Credit Awards. Subject to the conditions set | ||||||
18 | forth in this
Act, a Taxpayer is
entitled to a Credit against | ||||||
19 | or, as described in subsection (g) of this Section, a payment | ||||||
20 | towards taxes imposed pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)
of | ||||||
21 | Section 201 of the Illinois
Income Tax Act that may be imposed | ||||||
22 | on the Taxpayer for a taxable year beginning
on or
after | ||||||
23 | January 1, 1999,
if the Taxpayer is awarded a Credit by the | ||||||
24 | Department under this Act for that
taxable year. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) The Department shall make Credit awards under this Act | ||||||
2 | to foster job
creation and retention in Illinois. | ||||||
3 | (b) A person that proposes a project to create new jobs in | ||||||
4 | Illinois must
enter into an Agreement with the
Department for | ||||||
5 | the Credit under this Act. | ||||||
6 | (c) The Credit shall be claimed for the taxable years | ||||||
7 | specified in the
Agreement. | ||||||
8 | (d) The Credit shall not exceed the Incremental Income Tax | ||||||
9 | attributable to
the project that is the subject of the | ||||||
10 | Agreement. | ||||||
11 | (e) Nothing herein shall prohibit a Tax Credit Award to an | ||||||
12 | Applicant that uses a PEO if all other award criteria are | ||||||
13 | satisfied.
| ||||||
14 | (f) In lieu of the Credit allowed under this Act against | ||||||
15 | the taxes imposed pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
16 | Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act for any taxable year | ||||||
17 | ending on or after December 31, 2009, the Taxpayer may elect to | ||||||
18 | claim the Credit against its obligation to pay over withholding | ||||||
19 | under Section 704A of the Illinois Income Tax Act. | ||||||
20 | (1) The election under this subsection (f) may be made | ||||||
21 | only by a Taxpayer that (i) is primarily engaged in one of | ||||||
22 | the following business activities: water purification and | ||||||
23 | treatment, motor vehicle metal stamping, automobile | ||||||
24 | manufacturing, automobile and light duty motor vehicle | ||||||
25 | manufacturing, motor vehicle manufacturing, light truck | ||||||
26 | and utility vehicle manufacturing, heavy duty truck |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | manufacturing, motor vehicle body manufacturing, cable | ||||||
2 | television infrastructure design or manufacturing, or | ||||||
3 | wireless telecommunication or computing terminal device | ||||||
4 | design or manufacturing for use on public networks and (ii) | ||||||
5 | meets the following criteria: | ||||||
6 | (A) the Taxpayer (i) had an Illinois net loss or an | ||||||
7 | Illinois net loss deduction under Section 207 of the | ||||||
8 | Illinois Income Tax Act for the taxable year in which | ||||||
9 | the Credit is awarded, (ii) employed a minimum of 1,000 | ||||||
10 | full-time employees in this State during the taxable | ||||||
11 | year in which the Credit is awarded, (iii) has an | ||||||
12 | Agreement under this Act on December 14, 2009 (the | ||||||
13 | effective date of Public Act 96-834), and (iv) is in | ||||||
14 | compliance with all provisions of that Agreement; | ||||||
15 | (B) the Taxpayer (i) had an Illinois net loss or an | ||||||
16 | Illinois net loss deduction under Section 207 of the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Income Tax Act for the taxable year in which | ||||||
18 | the Credit is awarded, (ii) employed a minimum of 1,000 | ||||||
19 | full-time employees in this State during the taxable | ||||||
20 | year in which the Credit is awarded, and (iii) has | ||||||
21 | applied for an Agreement within 365 days after December | ||||||
22 | 14, 2009 (the effective date of Public Act 96-834); | ||||||
23 | (C) the Taxpayer (i) had an Illinois net operating | ||||||
24 | loss carryforward under Section 207 of the Illinois | ||||||
25 | Income Tax Act in a taxable year ending during calendar | ||||||
26 | year 2008, (ii) has applied for an Agreement within 150 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
2 | the 96th General Assembly, (iii) creates at least 400 | ||||||
3 | new jobs in Illinois, (iv) retains at least 2,000 jobs | ||||||
4 | in Illinois that would have been at risk of relocation | ||||||
5 | out of Illinois over a 10-year period, and (v) makes a | ||||||
6 | capital investment of at least $75,000,000; | ||||||
7 | (D) the Taxpayer (i) had an Illinois net operating | ||||||
8 | loss carryforward under Section 207 of the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Income Tax Act in a taxable year ending during calendar | ||||||
10 | year 2009, (ii) has applied for an Agreement within 150 | ||||||
11 | days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
12 | the 96th General Assembly, (iii) creates at least 150 | ||||||
13 | new jobs, (iv) retains at least 1,000 jobs in Illinois | ||||||
14 | that would have been at risk of relocation out of | ||||||
15 | Illinois over a 10-year period, and (v) makes a capital | ||||||
16 | investment of at least $57,000,000; or | ||||||
17 | (E) the Taxpayer (i) employed at least 2,500 | ||||||
18 | full-time employees in the State during the year in | ||||||
19 | which the Credit is awarded, (ii) commits to make at | ||||||
20 | least $500,000,000 in combined capital improvements | ||||||
21 | and project costs under the Agreement, (iii) applies | ||||||
22 | for an Agreement between January 1, 2011 and June 30, | ||||||
23 | 2011, (iv) executes an Agreement for the Credit during | ||||||
24 | calendar year 2011, and (v) was incorporated no more | ||||||
25 | than 5 years before the filing of an application for an | ||||||
26 | Agreement. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1.5) The election under this subsection (f) may also | ||||||
2 | be made by a Taxpayer for any Credit awarded pursuant to an | ||||||
3 | agreement that was executed between January 1, 2011 and | ||||||
4 | June 30, 2011, if the Taxpayer (i) is primarily engaged in | ||||||
5 | the manufacture of inner tubes or tires, or both, from | ||||||
6 | natural and synthetic rubber, (ii) employs a minimum of | ||||||
7 | 2,400 full-time employees in Illinois at the time of | ||||||
8 | application, (iii) creates at least 350 full-time jobs and | ||||||
9 | retains at least 250 full-time jobs in Illinois that would | ||||||
10 | have been at risk of being created or retained outside of | ||||||
11 | Illinois, and (iv) makes a capital investment of at least | ||||||
12 | $200,000,000 at the project location. | ||||||
13 | (1.6) The election under this subsection (f) may also | ||||||
14 | be made by a Taxpayer for any Credit awarded pursuant to an | ||||||
15 | agreement that was executed within 150 days after the | ||||||
16 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General | ||||||
17 | Assembly, if the Taxpayer (i) is primarily engaged in the | ||||||
18 | operation of a discount department store, (ii) maintains | ||||||
19 | its corporate headquarters in Illinois, (iii) employs a | ||||||
20 | minimum of 4,250 full time employees at its corporate | ||||||
21 | headquarters in Illinois at the time of application, (iv) | ||||||
22 | retains at least 4,250 full time jobs in Illinois that | ||||||
23 | would have been at risk of being relocated outside of | ||||||
24 | Illinois, (v) had a minimum of $40,000,000,000 in total | ||||||
25 | revenue in 2010, and (vi) makes a capital investment of at | ||||||
26 | least $300,000,000 at the project location. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1.7) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the | ||||||
2 | election under this subsection (f) may also be made by a | ||||||
3 | Taxpayer for any Credit awarded pursuant to an agreement | ||||||
4 | that was executed or applied for on or after July 1, 2011 | ||||||
5 | and on or before March 31, 2012, if the Taxpayer is | ||||||
6 | primarily engaged in the manufacture of original and | ||||||
7 | aftermarket filtration parts and products for automobiles, | ||||||
8 | motor vehicles, light duty motor vehicles, light trucks and | ||||||
9 | utility vehicles, and heavy duty trucks, (ii) employs a | ||||||
10 | minimum of 1,000 full-time employees in Illinois at the | ||||||
11 | time of application, (iii) creates at least 250 full-time | ||||||
12 | jobs in Illinois, (iv) relocates its corporate | ||||||
13 | headquarters to Illinois from another state, and (v) makes | ||||||
14 | a capital investment of at least $4,000,000 at the project | ||||||
15 | location. | ||||||
16 | (2) An election under this subsection shall allow the | ||||||
17 | credit to be taken against payments otherwise due under | ||||||
18 | Section 704A of the Illinois Income Tax Act during the | ||||||
19 | first calendar year beginning after the end of the taxable | ||||||
20 | year in which the credit is awarded under this Act. | ||||||
21 | (3) The election shall be made in the form and manner | ||||||
22 | required by the Illinois Department of Revenue and, once | ||||||
23 | made, shall be irrevocable. | ||||||
24 | (4) If a Taxpayer who meets the requirements of | ||||||
25 | subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of this subsection (f) | ||||||
26 | elects to claim the Credit against its withholdings as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provided in this subsection (f), then, on and after the | ||||||
2 | date of the election, the terms of the Agreement between | ||||||
3 | the Taxpayer and the Department may not be further amended | ||||||
4 | during the term of the Agreement. | ||||||
5 | (g) A pass-through entity that has been awarded a credit | ||||||
6 | under this Act, its shareholders, or its partners may treat | ||||||
7 | some or all of the credit awarded pursuant to this Act as a tax | ||||||
8 | payment for purposes of the Illinois Income Tax Act. The term | ||||||
9 | "tax payment" means a payment as described in Article 6 or | ||||||
10 | Article 8 of the Illinois Income Tax Act or a composite payment | ||||||
11 | made by a pass-through entity on behalf of any of its | ||||||
12 | shareholders or partners to satisfy such shareholders' or | ||||||
13 | partners' taxes imposed pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of | ||||||
14 | Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. In no event shall | ||||||
15 | the amount of the award credited pursuant to this Act exceed | ||||||
16 | the Illinois income tax liability of the pass-through entity or | ||||||
17 | its shareholders or partners for the taxable year. | ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 96-834, eff. 12-14-09; 96-836, eff. 12-16-09; | ||||||
19 | 96-905, eff. 6-4-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1534, eff. | ||||||
20 | 3-4-11; 97-2, eff. 5-6-11.) | ||||||
21 | Section 15-17. The Business Location Efficiency Incentive | ||||||
22 | Act is amended by changing Section 25 as follows: | ||||||
23 | (35 ILCS 11/25) | ||||||
24 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2011)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 25. Repeal. This Act is repealed on December 31, 2016 | ||||||
2 | 2011 .
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 94-966, eff. 1-1-07.) | ||||||
4 | Section 15-18. The Small Business Job Creation Tax Credit | ||||||
5 | Act is amended by changing Sections 10 and 25 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 25/10)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act: | ||||||
8 | "Applicant" means a person that is operating a business | ||||||
9 | located within the State of Illinois that is engaged in | ||||||
10 | interstate or intrastate commerce and either: | ||||||
11 | (1) has no more than 50 full-time employees, without | ||||||
12 | regard to the location of employment of such employees at | ||||||
13 | the beginning of the incentive period; or | ||||||
14 | (2) hired within the incentive period an employee who | ||||||
15 | had participated as worker-trainee in the Put Illinois to | ||||||
16 | Work Program during 2010. | ||||||
17 | In the case of any person that is a member of a unitary | ||||||
18 | business group within the meaning of subdivision (a)(27) of | ||||||
19 | Section 1501 of the Illinois Income Tax Act, "applicant" refers | ||||||
20 | to the unitary business group. | ||||||
21 | "Certificate" means the tax credit certificate issued by | ||||||
22 | the Department under Section 35 of this Act. | ||||||
23 | "Certificate of eligibility" means the certificate issued | ||||||
24 | by the Department under Section 20 of this Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Credit" means the amount awarded by the Department to an | ||||||
2 | applicant by issuance of a certificate under Section 35 of this | ||||||
3 | Act for each new full-time equivalent employee hired or job | ||||||
4 | created. | ||||||
5 | "Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
6 | Opportunity. | ||||||
7 | "Director" means the Director of the Department. | ||||||
8 | "Full-time employee" means an individual who is employed | ||||||
9 | for a basic wage for at least 35 hours each week or who renders | ||||||
10 | any other standard of service generally accepted by industry | ||||||
11 | custom or practice as full-time employment. | ||||||
12 | "Incentive period" means the period beginning on July 1 and | ||||||
13 | ending on June 30 of the following year. The first incentive | ||||||
14 | period shall begin on July 1, 2010 and the last incentive | ||||||
15 | period shall end ending on June 30, 2016 2011 . | ||||||
16 | "Basic wage" means compensation for employment that is no | ||||||
17 | less than $10 per hour or the equivalent salary for a new | ||||||
18 | employee. | ||||||
19 | "New employee" means a full-time employee: | ||||||
20 | (1) who first became employed by an applicant with less | ||||||
21 | than 50 full-time employees within the incentive period | ||||||
22 | whose hire results in a net increase in the applicant's | ||||||
23 | full-time Illinois employees and who is receiving a basic | ||||||
24 | wage as compensation; or | ||||||
25 | (2) who participated as a worker-trainee in the Put | ||||||
26 | Illinois to Work Program during 2010 and who is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsequently hired during the incentive period by an | ||||||
2 | applicant and who is receiving a basic wage as | ||||||
3 | compensation. | ||||||
4 | The term "new employee" does not include: | ||||||
5 | (1) a person who was previously employed in Illinois by | ||||||
6 | the applicant or a related member prior to the onset of the | ||||||
7 | incentive period; or | ||||||
8 | (2) any individual who has a direct or indirect | ||||||
9 | ownership interest of at least 5% in the profits, capital, | ||||||
10 | or value of the applicant or a related member. | ||||||
11 | "Noncompliance date" means, in the case of an applicant | ||||||
12 | that is not complying with the requirements of the provisions | ||||||
13 | of this Act, the day following the last date upon which the | ||||||
14 | taxpayer was in compliance with the requirements of the | ||||||
15 | provisions of this Act, as determined by the Director, pursuant | ||||||
16 | to Section 45 of this Act. | ||||||
17 | "Put Illinois to Work Program" means a worker training and | ||||||
18 | employment program that was established by the State of | ||||||
19 | Illinois with funding from the United States Department of | ||||||
20 | Health and Human Services of Emergency Temporary Assistance to | ||||||
21 | Needy Families funds authorized by the American Recovery and | ||||||
22 | Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA TANF Funds). These ARRA TANF | ||||||
23 | funds were in turn used by the State of Illinois to fund the | ||||||
24 | Put Illinois to Work Program. | ||||||
25 | "Related member" means a person that, with respect to the | ||||||
26 | applicant during any portion of the incentive period, is any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | one of the following, | ||||||
2 | (1) An individual, if the individual and the members of | ||||||
3 | the individual's family (as defined in Section 318 of the | ||||||
4 | Internal Revenue Code) own directly, indirectly, | ||||||
5 | beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at | ||||||
6 | least 50% of the value of the outstanding profits, capital, | ||||||
7 | stock, or other ownership interest in the applicant. | ||||||
8 | (2) A partnership, estate, or trust and any partner or | ||||||
9 | beneficiary, if the partnership, estate, or trust and its | ||||||
10 | partners or beneficiaries own directly, indirectly, | ||||||
11 | beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at | ||||||
12 | least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or other | ||||||
13 | ownership interest in the applicant. | ||||||
14 | (3) A corporation, and any party related to the | ||||||
15 | corporation in a manner that would require an attribution | ||||||
16 | of stock from the corporation under the attribution rules | ||||||
17 | of Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, if the | ||||||
18 | applicant and any other related member own, in the | ||||||
19 | aggregate, directly, indirectly, beneficially, or | ||||||
20 | constructively, at least 50% of the value of the | ||||||
21 | corporation's outstanding stock. | ||||||
22 | (4) A corporation and any party related to that | ||||||
23 | corporation in a manner that would require an attribution | ||||||
24 | of stock from the corporation to the party or from the | ||||||
25 | party to the corporation under the attribution rules of | ||||||
26 | Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, if the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | corporation and all such related parties own, in the | ||||||
2 | aggregate, at least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or | ||||||
3 | other ownership interest in the applicant. | ||||||
4 | (5) A person to or from whom there is attribution of | ||||||
5 | stock ownership in accordance with Section 1563(e) of the | ||||||
6 | Internal Revenue Code, except that for purposes of | ||||||
7 | determining whether a person is a related member under this | ||||||
8 | paragraph, "20%" shall be substituted for "5%" whenever | ||||||
9 | "5%" appears in Section 1563(e) of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
10 | Code.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 96-888, eff. 4-13-10; 96-1498, eff. 1-18-11.) | ||||||
12 | (35 ILCS 25/25)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 25. Tax credit. | ||||||
14 | (a) Subject to the conditions set forth in this Act, an | ||||||
15 | applicant is entitled to a credit against payment of taxes | ||||||
16 | withheld under Section 704A of the Illinois Income Tax Act: | ||||||
17 | (1) for new employees who participated as | ||||||
18 | worker-trainees in the Put Illinois to Work Program during | ||||||
19 | 2010: | ||||||
20 | (A) in the first calendar year ending on or after | ||||||
21 | the date that is 6 months after December 31, 2010, or | ||||||
22 | the date of hire, whichever is later. Under this | ||||||
23 | subparagraph, the applicant is entitled to one-half of | ||||||
24 | the credit allowable for each new employee who is | ||||||
25 | employed for at least 6 months after the date of hire; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and | ||||||
2 | (B) in the first calendar year ending on or after | ||||||
3 | the date that is 12 months after December 31, 2010, or | ||||||
4 | the date of hire, whichever is later. Under this | ||||||
5 | subparagraph, the applicant is entitled to one-half of | ||||||
6 | the credit allowable for each new employee who is | ||||||
7 | employed for at least 12 months after the date of hire; | ||||||
8 | (2) for all other new employees, in the first calendar | ||||||
9 | year ending on or after the date that is 12 months after | ||||||
10 | the date of hire of a new employee. The credit shall be | ||||||
11 | allowed as a credit to an applicant for each full-time | ||||||
12 | employee hired during the incentive period that results in | ||||||
13 | a net increase in full-time Illinois employees, where the | ||||||
14 | net increase in the employer's full-time Illinois | ||||||
15 | employees is maintained for at least 12 months. | ||||||
16 | (b) The Department shall make credit awards under this Act | ||||||
17 | to further job creation. | ||||||
18 | (c) The credit shall be claimed for the first calendar year | ||||||
19 | ending on or after the date on which the certificate is issued | ||||||
20 | by the Department. | ||||||
21 | (d) The credit shall not exceed $2,500 per new employee | ||||||
22 | hired. | ||||||
23 | (e) The net increase in full-time Illinois employees, | ||||||
24 | measured on an annual full-time equivalent basis, shall be the | ||||||
25 | total number of full-time Illinois employees of the applicant | ||||||
26 | on the final day of the incentive period June 30, 2011 , minus |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the number of full-time Illinois employees employed by the | ||||||
2 | employer on the first day of that same incentive period July 1, | ||||||
3 | 2010 . For purposes of the calculation, an employer that begins | ||||||
4 | doing business in this State during the incentive period, as | ||||||
5 | determined by the Director, shall be treated as having zero | ||||||
6 | Illinois employees on the first day of the incentive period | ||||||
7 | July 1, 2010 . | ||||||
8 | (f) The net increase in the number of full-time Illinois | ||||||
9 | employees of the applicant under subsection (e) must be | ||||||
10 | sustained continuously for at least 12 months, starting with | ||||||
11 | the date of hire of a new employee during the incentive period. | ||||||
12 | Eligibility for the credit does not depend on the continuous | ||||||
13 | employment of any particular individual. For purposes of this | ||||||
14 | subsection (f), if a new employee ceases to be employed before | ||||||
15 | the completion of the 12-month period for any reason, the net | ||||||
16 | increase in the number of full-time Illinois employees shall be | ||||||
17 | treated as continuous if a different new employee is hired as a | ||||||
18 | replacement within a reasonable time for the same position.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 96-888, eff. 4-13-10; 96-1498, eff. 1-18-11.) | ||||||
20 | Section 15-20. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing | ||||||
21 | Sections 3-5, 3-10, and 3-90 as follows:
| ||||||
22 | (35 ILCS 105/3-5)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible | ||||||
24 | personal property
is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) Personal property purchased from a corporation, | ||||||
2 | society, association,
foundation, institution, or | ||||||
3 | organization, other than a limited liability
company, that is | ||||||
4 | organized and operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
| ||||||
5 | for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the | ||||||
6 | personal property
was not purchased by the enterprise for the | ||||||
7 | purpose of resale by the
| ||||||
8 | (2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit | ||||||
9 | Illinois county
fair association for use in conducting, | ||||||
10 | operating, or promoting the
county fair.
| ||||||
11 | (3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit
arts or | ||||||
12 | cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | ||||||
13 | the
Department by
rule, that it has received an exemption under | ||||||
14 | Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and that is | ||||||
15 | organized and operated primarily for the
or | ||||||
16 | support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | ||||||
17 | services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | ||||||
18 | music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | ||||||
19 | orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | ||||||
20 | organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| ||||||
21 | and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | ||||||
22 | of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | ||||||
23 | an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | ||||||
24 | tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | ||||||
25 | number issued by
the Department.
| ||||||
26 | (4) Personal property purchased by a governmental body, by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or | ||||||
2 | institution organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, | ||||||
3 | religious, or educational purposes, or
by a not-for-profit | ||||||
4 | corporation, society, association, foundation,
institution, or | ||||||
5 | organization that has no compensated officers or employees
and | ||||||
6 | that is organized and operated primarily for the recreation of | ||||||
7 | persons
55 years of age or older. A limited liability company | ||||||
8 | may qualify for the
exemption under this paragraph only if the | ||||||
9 | limited liability company is
organized and operated | ||||||
10 | exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July
1, | ||||||
11 | 1987, however, no entity otherwise eligible for this exemption | ||||||
12 | shall make
tax-free purchases unless it has an active exemption | ||||||
13 | identification number
issued by the Department.
| ||||||
14 | (5) Until July 1, 2003, a passenger car that is a | ||||||
15 | replacement vehicle to
the extent that the
purchase price of | ||||||
16 | the car is subject to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
| ||||||
17 | (6) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | ||||||
18 | 2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and | ||||||
19 | equipment, including
repair and replacement
parts, both new and | ||||||
20 | used, and including that manufactured on special order,
| ||||||
21 | certified by the purchaser to be used primarily for graphic | ||||||
22 | arts production,
and including machinery and equipment | ||||||
23 | purchased for lease.
Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals | ||||||
24 | acting as catalysts but only if
chemicals or chemicals | ||||||
25 | acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
upon a | ||||||
26 | graphic arts product.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (7) Farm chemicals.
| ||||||
2 | (8) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | ||||||
3 | coinage issued by
the State of Illinois, the government of the | ||||||
4 | United States of America, or the
government of any foreign | ||||||
5 | country, and bullion.
| ||||||
6 | (9) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored | ||||||
7 | student
organization affiliated with an elementary or | ||||||
8 | secondary school located in
| ||||||
9 | (10) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle | ||||||
10 | of the
second division that is a self-contained motor vehicle | ||||||
11 | designed or
permanently converted to provide living quarters | ||||||
12 | for recreational, camping,
or travel use, with direct walk | ||||||
13 | through to the living quarters from the
driver's seat, or a | ||||||
14 | motor vehicle of the second division that is of the
van | ||||||
15 | configuration designed for the transportation of not less than | ||||||
16 | 7 nor
more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of | ||||||
17 | the Illinois
Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting, | ||||||
18 | as defined in the
Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax | ||||||
19 | Act.
| ||||||
20 | (11) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used,
| ||||||
21 | including that manufactured on special order, certified by the | ||||||
22 | purchaser
to be used primarily for production agriculture or | ||||||
23 | State or federal
agricultural programs, including individual | ||||||
24 | replacement parts for
the machinery and equipment, including | ||||||
25 | machinery and equipment
for lease,
and including | ||||||
26 | implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | ||||||
2 | chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | ||||||
3 | be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| ||||||
4 | but excluding other motor
vehicles required to be
registered | ||||||
5 | under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or | ||||||
6 | hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | ||||||
7 | plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| ||||||
8 | this item (11).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry | ||||||
9 | boxes shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | ||||||
10 | required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | ||||||
11 | vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | ||||||
12 | tender
is separately stated.
| ||||||
13 | Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | ||||||
14 | farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | ||||||
15 | installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | ||||||
16 | limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | ||||||
17 | or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | ||||||
18 | limited to, soil testing
sensors, computers, monitors, | ||||||
19 | software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | ||||||
20 | such equipment.
| ||||||
21 | Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | ||||||
22 | sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| ||||||
23 | computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | ||||||
24 | facilities, equipment,
activities such as, but not limited | ||||||
25 | to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | ||||||
26 | crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agricultural chemicals. This item (11) is exempt
from the | ||||||
2 | provisions of
Section 3-90.
| ||||||
3 | (12) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | ||||||
4 | common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | ||||||
5 | consumption, shipment, or
storage in the conduct of its | ||||||
6 | business as an air common carrier, for a
flight destined for or | ||||||
7 | returning from a location or locations
outside the United | ||||||
8 | States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| ||||||
9 | stopovers.
| ||||||
10 | (13) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
| ||||||
11 | stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | ||||||
12 | food and
beverages purchased at retail from a retailer, to the | ||||||
13 | extent that the proceeds
of the service charge are in fact | ||||||
14 | turned over as tips or as a substitute
for tips to the | ||||||
15 | employees who participate directly in preparing, serving,
| ||||||
16 | hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function with | ||||||
17 | respect to which
the service charge is imposed.
| ||||||
18 | (14) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | ||||||
19 | and production
including (i) rigs and parts of rigs, | ||||||
20 | rotary
rigs, cable tool rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | ||||||
21 | tubular goods,
including casing and drill strings, (iii) pumps | ||||||
22 | and pump-jack units, (iv)
storage tanks and flow lines, (v) any | ||||||
23 | individual replacement part for oil
field exploration, | ||||||
24 | drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and
| ||||||
25 | equipment purchased
for lease; but excluding motor vehicles | ||||||
26 | required to be registered under the
Illinois Vehicle Code.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (15) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | ||||||
2 | repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that
| ||||||
3 | manufactured on special order, certified by the purchaser to be | ||||||
4 | used
primarily for photoprocessing, and including
| ||||||
5 | photoprocessing machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
| ||||||
6 | (16) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | ||||||
7 | offhighway hauling,
processing, maintenance, and reclamation | ||||||
8 | equipment,
including replacement parts and equipment, and
| ||||||
9 | including equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor
| ||||||
10 | vehicles required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle | ||||||
11 | Code.
| ||||||
12 | (17) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and | ||||||
13 | equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the | ||||||
14 | retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the | ||||||
15 | production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
| ||||||
16 | as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal | ||||||
17 | use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
| ||||||
18 | (18) Manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment | ||||||
19 | used
primarily in the process of manufacturing or assembling | ||||||
20 | tangible
personal property for wholesale or retail sale or | ||||||
21 | lease, whether that sale
or lease is made directly by the | ||||||
22 | manufacturer or by some other person,
whether the materials | ||||||
23 | used in the process are
owned by the manufacturer or some other | ||||||
24 | person, or whether that sale or
lease is made apart from or as | ||||||
25 | an incident to the seller's engaging in
the service occupation | ||||||
26 | of producing machines, tools, dies, jigs,
patterns, gauges, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | other similar items of no commercial value on
special order for | ||||||
2 | a particular purchaser.
| ||||||
3 | (19) Personal property delivered to a purchaser or | ||||||
4 | purchaser's donee
inside Illinois when the purchase order for | ||||||
5 | that personal property was
received by a florist located | ||||||
6 | outside Illinois who has a florist located
inside Illinois | ||||||
7 | deliver the personal property.
| ||||||
8 | (20) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | ||||||
9 | for direct
agricultural production.
| ||||||
10 | (21) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | ||||||
11 | meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | ||||||
12 | Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| ||||||
13 | Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | ||||||
14 | Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | ||||||
15 | racing for prizes. This item (21) is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
16 | of Section 3-90, and the exemption provided for under this item | ||||||
17 | (21) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no | ||||||
18 | claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after January 1, | ||||||
19 | 2008
for such taxes paid during the period beginning May 30, | ||||||
20 | 2000 and ending on January 1, 2008.
| ||||||
21 | (22) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | ||||||
22 | any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| ||||||
23 | analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a | ||||||
24 | lessor who leases
equipment, under a lease of one year or | ||||||
25 | longer executed or in effect at the
time the lessor would | ||||||
26 | otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
2 | identification number by
Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
3 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | ||||||
4 | manner that does not qualify for
this exemption or is used in | ||||||
5 | any other non-exempt manner, the lessor
shall be liable for the
| ||||||
6 | tax imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | ||||||
7 | case may
be, based on the fair market value of the property at | ||||||
8 | the time the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect | ||||||
9 | or attempt to collect an
amount (however
designated) that | ||||||
10 | purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
| ||||||
11 | Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax | ||||||
12 | has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly | ||||||
13 | collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have | ||||||
14 | a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. | ||||||
15 | If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any | ||||||
16 | reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the | ||||||
17 | Department.
| ||||||
18 | (23) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
| ||||||
19 | property, under
lease of
one year or longer executed or in | ||||||
20 | effect at the time
the lessor would otherwise be subject to the | ||||||
21 | tax imposed by this Act,
to a governmental body
that has been | ||||||
22 | issued an active sales tax exemption identification number by | ||||||
23 | the
Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation | ||||||
24 | Tax Act.
If the
property is leased in a manner that does not | ||||||
25 | qualify for
this exemption
or used in any other non-exempt | ||||||
26 | manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may
be, based | ||||||
2 | on the fair market value of the property at the time the
| ||||||
3 | non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt | ||||||
4 | to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports to | ||||||
5 | reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | ||||||
6 | Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
| ||||||
7 | paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such | ||||||
8 | amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to | ||||||
9 | claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, | ||||||
10 | that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the | ||||||
11 | lessor is liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| ||||||
12 | (24) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
13 | December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
14 | before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | ||||||
15 | disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| ||||||
16 | disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | ||||||
17 | manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | ||||||
18 | corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | ||||||
19 | that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | ||||||
20 | number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| ||||||
21 | who reside within the declared disaster area.
| ||||||
22 | (25) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
23 | December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
24 | before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | ||||||
25 | performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | ||||||
26 | but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | ||||||
2 | line extensions,
water distribution and purification | ||||||
3 | facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | ||||||
4 | sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | ||||||
5 | federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | ||||||
6 | when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | ||||||
7 | declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| ||||||
8 | (26) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased | ||||||
9 | at a "game
and hunting preserve area" as that term is
| ||||||
10 | used in
the Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the | ||||||
11 | provisions
Section 3-90.
| ||||||
12 | (27) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
13 | 1-146
of the
Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | ||||||
14 | corporation, limited liability company,
society, association, | ||||||
15 | foundation, or institution that is determined by the
Department | ||||||
16 | to be organized and operated exclusively for educational | ||||||
17 | purposes.
For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | ||||||
18 | limited liability company,
society, association, foundation, | ||||||
19 | or institution organized and operated
exclusively for | ||||||
20 | educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| ||||||
21 | private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | ||||||
22 | branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | ||||||
23 | that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | ||||||
24 | course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | ||||||
25 | vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| ||||||
26 | operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | ||||||
2 | follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | ||||||
3 | industrial, business, or commercial
| ||||||
4 | (28) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | ||||||
5 | including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | ||||||
6 | benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | ||||||
7 | a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | ||||||
8 | the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | ||||||
9 | district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| ||||||
10 | parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | ||||||
11 | does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | ||||||
12 | private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | ||||||
13 | entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | ||||||
14 | another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| ||||||
15 | purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | ||||||
16 | from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | ||||||
17 | exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-90.
| ||||||
18 | (29) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, | ||||||
19 | 2001, new or
used automatic vending
machines that prepare and | ||||||
20 | serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other | ||||||
21 | items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | ||||||
22 | January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | ||||||
23 | for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and | ||||||
24 | vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the | ||||||
25 | gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
| ||||||
26 | coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
| ||||||
2 | (30) Beginning January 1, 2001 and through June 30, 2016 | ||||||
3 | June 30, 2011 , food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
4 | consumed off the premises
where it is sold (other than | ||||||
5 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and food that
has been | ||||||
6 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
| ||||||
7 | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and | ||||||
8 | insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes, and needles used by | ||||||
9 | diabetics, for human use, when
purchased for use by a person | ||||||
10 | receiving medical assistance under Article V of
the Illinois | ||||||
11 | Public Aid Code who resides in a licensed long-term care | ||||||
12 | facility,
as defined in the Nursing Home Care Act, or in a | ||||||
13 | licensed facility as defined in the ID/DD Community Care Act or | ||||||
14 | the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act.
| ||||||
15 | (31) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
16 | of the 92nd General Assembly,
computers and communications | ||||||
17 | equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | ||||||
18 | in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients | ||||||
19 | purchased by a lessor who leases
the equipment, under a lease | ||||||
20 | of one year or longer executed or in effect at the
time the | ||||||
21 | lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this | ||||||
22 | Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
23 | identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
24 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | ||||||
25 | manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is
used in | ||||||
26 | any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | tax
imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | ||||||
2 | case may be, based on
the fair market value of the property at | ||||||
3 | the time the nonqualifying use
occurs. No lessor shall collect | ||||||
4 | or attempt to collect an amount (however
designated) that | ||||||
5 | purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
| ||||||
6 | Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax | ||||||
7 | has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly | ||||||
8 | collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have | ||||||
9 | a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. | ||||||
10 | If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any | ||||||
11 | reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the | ||||||
12 | Department.
This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of | ||||||
13 | Section 3-90.
| ||||||
14 | (32) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
15 | of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property purchased by a | ||||||
16 | lessor who leases the property,
under a lease of one year or | ||||||
17 | longer executed or in effect at the time the
lessor would | ||||||
18 | otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
| ||||||
19 | governmental body that has been issued an active sales tax | ||||||
20 | exemption
identification number by the Department under | ||||||
21 | Section 1g of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act. If the | ||||||
22 | property is leased in a manner that does not
qualify for this | ||||||
23 | exemption or used in any other nonexempt manner, the lessor
| ||||||
24 | shall be liable for the tax imposed under this Act or the | ||||||
25 | Service Use Tax Act,
as the case may be, based on the fair | ||||||
26 | market value of the property at the time
the nonqualifying use |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt to collect
an amount | ||||||
2 | (however designated) that purports to reimburse that lessor for | ||||||
3 | the
tax imposed by this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | ||||||
4 | case may be, if the
tax has not been paid by the lessor. If a | ||||||
5 | lessor improperly collects any such
amount from the lessee, the | ||||||
6 | lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund
of that | ||||||
7 | amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount is not | ||||||
8 | refunded to
the lessee for any reason, the lessor is liable to | ||||||
9 | pay that amount to the
Department. This paragraph is exempt | ||||||
10 | from the provisions of Section 3-90.
| ||||||
11 | (33) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, | ||||||
12 | the use in this State of motor vehicles of
the second division | ||||||
13 | with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds and
that | ||||||
14 | are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed under | ||||||
15 | Section
3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July | ||||||
16 | 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of | ||||||
17 | motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle | ||||||
18 | weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject | ||||||
19 | to the commercial distribution fee imposed under Section | ||||||
20 | 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are | ||||||
21 | primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, | ||||||
22 | this exemption applies to repair and
replacement parts added | ||||||
23 | after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if
that | ||||||
24 | motor
vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for the | ||||||
25 | rolling stock exemption
otherwise provided for in this Act. For | ||||||
26 | purposes of this paragraph, the term "used for commercial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in | ||||||
2 | furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, | ||||||
3 | whether for-hire or not.
| ||||||
4 | (34) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property | ||||||
5 | used in the construction or maintenance of a community water | ||||||
6 | supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental | ||||||
7 | Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit | ||||||
8 | corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under | ||||||
9 | Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is | ||||||
10 | exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90. | ||||||
11 | (35) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts, | ||||||
12 | equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or | ||||||
13 | upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment, | ||||||
14 | completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the | ||||||
15 | aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in | ||||||
16 | the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement, | ||||||
17 | repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any | ||||||
18 | materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable | ||||||
19 | supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and | ||||||
20 | maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such | ||||||
21 | engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any | ||||||
22 | such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not | ||||||
23 | limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose | ||||||
24 | lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective | ||||||
25 | films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that | ||||||
26 | (i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation | ||||||
2 | Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct | ||||||
3 | operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation | ||||||
4 | Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated | ||||||
5 | by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air | ||||||
6 | service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129 | ||||||
7 | of the Federal Aviation Regulations. | ||||||
8 | (36) Tangible personal property purchased by a | ||||||
9 | public-facilities corporation, as described in Section | ||||||
10 | 11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of | ||||||
11 | constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but | ||||||
12 | only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is | ||||||
13 | transferred to the municipality without any further | ||||||
14 | consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time | ||||||
15 | of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the | ||||||
16 | retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments | ||||||
17 | issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with | ||||||
18 | the development of the municipal convention hall. This | ||||||
19 | exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as | ||||||
20 | provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code. | ||||||
21 | This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; | ||||||
23 | 96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. | ||||||
24 | 7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; 97-431, eff. | ||||||
25 | 8-16-11; revised 9-12-11.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (35 ILCS 105/3-10)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 3-10. Rate of tax. Unless otherwise provided in this | ||||||
3 | Section, the tax
imposed by this Act is at the rate of 6.25% of | ||||||
4 | either the selling price or the
fair market value, if any, of | ||||||
5 | the tangible personal property. In all cases
where property | ||||||
6 | functionally used or consumed is the same as the property that
| ||||||
7 | was purchased at retail, then the tax is imposed on the selling | ||||||
8 | price of the
property. In all cases where property functionally | ||||||
9 | used or consumed is a
by-product or waste product that has been | ||||||
10 | refined, manufactured, or produced
from property purchased at | ||||||
11 | retail, then the tax is imposed on the lower of the
fair market | ||||||
12 | value, if any, of the specific property so used in this State | ||||||
13 | or on
the selling price of the property purchased at retail. | ||||||
14 | For purposes of this
Section "fair market value" means the | ||||||
15 | price at which property would change
hands between a willing | ||||||
16 | buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any
compulsion | ||||||
17 | to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the
| ||||||
18 | relevant facts. The fair market value shall be established by | ||||||
19 | Illinois sales by
the taxpayer of the same property as that | ||||||
20 | functionally used or consumed, or if
there are no such sales by | ||||||
21 | the taxpayer, then comparable sales or purchases of
property of | ||||||
22 | like kind and character in Illinois.
| ||||||
23 | Beginning on July 1, 2000 and through December 31, 2000, | ||||||
24 | with respect to
motor fuel, as defined in Section 1.1 of the | ||||||
25 | Motor Fuel Tax
Law, and gasohol, as defined in Section 3-40 of | ||||||
26 | the Use Tax Act, the tax is
imposed at the rate of 1.25%.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Beginning on August 6, 2010 through August 15, 2010, with | ||||||
2 | respect to sales tax holiday items as defined in Section 3-6 of | ||||||
3 | this Act, the
tax is imposed at the rate of 1.25%. | ||||||
4 | With respect to gasohol, the tax imposed by this Act | ||||||
5 | applies to (i) 70%
of the proceeds of sales made on or after | ||||||
6 | January 1, 1990, and before
July 1, 2003, (ii) 80% of the | ||||||
7 | proceeds of sales made
on or after July 1, 2003 and on or | ||||||
8 | before December 31, 2018 2013 , and (iii) 100% of the proceeds | ||||||
9 | of sales made
If, at any time, however, the tax | ||||||
10 | under this Act on sales of gasohol is
imposed at the
rate of | ||||||
11 | 1.25%, then the tax imposed by this Act applies to 100% of the | ||||||
12 | proceeds
of sales of gasohol made during that time.
| ||||||
13 | With respect to majority blended ethanol fuel, the tax | ||||||
14 | imposed by this Act
not apply
to the proceeds of sales | ||||||
15 | made on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before
31, | ||||||
16 | 2018 2013 but applies to 100% of the proceeds of sales made | ||||||
17 | thereafter.
| ||||||
18 | With respect to biodiesel blends with no less than 1% and | ||||||
19 | no more than 10%
biodiesel, the tax imposed by this Act applies | ||||||
20 | to (i) 80% of the
proceeds of sales made on or after July 1, | ||||||
21 | 2003 and on or before December 31, 2018
2013 and (ii) 100% of | ||||||
22 | the proceeds of sales made
If, at any time, | ||||||
23 | however, the tax under this Act on sales of biodiesel blends
| ||||||
24 | with no less than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
is imposed | ||||||
25 | at the rate of
1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act applies | ||||||
26 | to 100% of the proceeds of sales of biodiesel
blends with no |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | less than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
during that | ||||||
2 | time.
| ||||||
3 | With respect to 100% biodiesel and biodiesel blends with | ||||||
4 | more than 10%
but no more than 99% biodiesel, the tax imposed | ||||||
5 | by this Act does not apply to
proceeds of sales made on or | ||||||
6 | after July 1, 2003 and on or before
December 31, 2018 2013 but | ||||||
7 | applies to 100% of the proceeds of sales made
| ||||||
8 | With respect to food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
9 | consumed off the
premises where it is sold (other than | ||||||
10 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and
food that has been | ||||||
11 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
| ||||||
12 | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, | ||||||
13 | modifications to a motor
vehicle for the purpose of rendering | ||||||
14 | it usable by a disabled person, and
insulin, urine testing | ||||||
15 | materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for
human | ||||||
16 | use, the tax is imposed at the rate of 1%. For the purposes of | ||||||
17 | this
Section, until September 1, 2009: the term "soft drinks" | ||||||
18 | means any complete, finished, ready-to-use,
non-alcoholic | ||||||
19 | drink, whether carbonated or not, including but not limited to
| ||||||
20 | soda water, cola, fruit juice, vegetable juice, carbonated | ||||||
21 | water, and all other
preparations commonly known as soft drinks | ||||||
22 | of whatever kind or description that
are contained in any | ||||||
23 | closed or sealed bottle, can, carton, or container,
regardless | ||||||
24 | of size; but "soft drinks" does not include coffee, tea, | ||||||
25 | non-carbonated
water, infant formula, milk or milk products as | ||||||
26 | defined in the Grade A
Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Act, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or drinks containing 50% or more
natural fruit or vegetable | ||||||
2 | juice.
| ||||||
3 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
4 | beginning September 1, 2009, "soft drinks" means non-alcoholic | ||||||
5 | beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft | ||||||
6 | drinks" do not include beverages that contain milk or milk | ||||||
7 | products, soy, rice or similar milk substitutes, or greater | ||||||
8 | than 50% of vegetable or fruit juice by volume. | ||||||
9 | Until August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other | ||||||
10 | provisions of this
Act, "food for human consumption that is to | ||||||
11 | be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" includes all | ||||||
12 | food sold through a vending machine, except soft
drinks and | ||||||
13 | food products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine,
| ||||||
14 | regardless of the location of the vending machine. Beginning | ||||||
15 | August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other provisions of | ||||||
16 | this Act, "food for human consumption that is to be consumed | ||||||
17 | off the premises where it is sold" includes all food sold | ||||||
18 | through a vending machine, except soft drinks, candy, and food | ||||||
19 | products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine, | ||||||
20 | regardless of the location of the vending machine.
| ||||||
21 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
22 | beginning September 1, 2009, "food for human consumption that | ||||||
23 | is to be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" does not | ||||||
24 | include candy. For purposes of this Section, "candy" means a | ||||||
25 | preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial | ||||||
26 | sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or | ||||||
2 | pieces. "Candy" does not include any preparation that contains | ||||||
3 | flour or requires refrigeration. | ||||||
4 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
5 | beginning September 1, 2009, "nonprescription medicines and | ||||||
6 | drugs" does not include grooming and hygiene products. For | ||||||
7 | purposes of this Section, "grooming and hygiene products" | ||||||
8 | includes, but is not limited to, soaps and cleaning solutions, | ||||||
9 | shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirants, and sun tan | ||||||
10 | lotions and screens, unless those products are available by | ||||||
11 | prescription only, regardless of whether the products meet the | ||||||
12 | definition of "over-the-counter-drugs". For the purposes of | ||||||
13 | this paragraph, "over-the-counter-drug" means a drug for human | ||||||
14 | use that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug | ||||||
15 | as required by 21 C.F.R. § 201.66. The "over-the-counter-drug" | ||||||
16 | label includes: | ||||||
17 | (A) A "Drug Facts" panel; or | ||||||
18 | (B) A statement of the "active ingredient(s)" with a | ||||||
19 | list of those ingredients contained in the compound, | ||||||
20 | substance or preparation. | ||||||
21 | If the property that is purchased at retail from a retailer | ||||||
22 | is acquired
outside Illinois and used outside Illinois before | ||||||
23 | being brought to Illinois
for use here and is taxable under | ||||||
24 | this Act, the "selling price" on which
the tax is computed | ||||||
25 | shall be reduced by an amount that represents a
reasonable | ||||||
26 | allowance for depreciation for the period of prior out-of-state |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | use.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-37, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, | ||||||
3 | eff. 7-13-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1012, eff. 7-7-10.)
| ||||||
4 | (35 ILCS 105/3-90)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3-90. Sunset of exemptions, credits, and deductions. | ||||||
6 | (a) The application
of every exemption, credit, and | ||||||
7 | deduction against tax imposed by this Act that
becomes law | ||||||
8 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994 shall | ||||||
9 | be
limited by a reasonable and appropriate sunset date. A | ||||||
10 | taxpayer is not
entitled to take the exemption, credit, or | ||||||
11 | deduction beginning on the sunset
date and thereafter. Except | ||||||
12 | as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, if If a | ||||||
13 | reasonable and appropriate sunset date is not
specified in the | ||||||
14 | Public Act that creates the exemption, credit, or deduction, a
| ||||||
15 | taxpayer shall not be entitled to take the exemption, credit, | ||||||
16 | or deduction
beginning 5 years after the effective date of the | ||||||
17 | Public Act creating the
exemption, credit, or deduction and | ||||||
18 | thereafter.
| ||||||
19 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of | ||||||
20 | this Section, the sunset date of any exemption, credit, or | ||||||
21 | deduction that is scheduled to expire in 2011, 2012, or 2013 by | ||||||
22 | operation of this Section shall be extended by 5 years. | ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94; 89-235, eff.
| ||||||
24 | Section 15-25. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | changing Sections 3-5, 3-10, and 3-75 as follows:
| ||||||
2 | (35 ILCS 110/3-5)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible | ||||||
4 | personal property
is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| ||||||
5 | (1) Personal property purchased from a corporation, | ||||||
6 | society,
association, foundation, institution, or | ||||||
7 | organization, other than a limited
liability company, that is | ||||||
8 | organized and operated as a not-for-profit service
enterprise | ||||||
9 | for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the | ||||||
10 | personal
property was not purchased by the enterprise for the | ||||||
11 | purpose of resale by the
| ||||||
12 | (2) Personal property purchased by a non-profit Illinois | ||||||
13 | county fair
association for use in conducting, operating, or | ||||||
14 | promoting the county fair.
| ||||||
15 | (3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit arts
or | ||||||
16 | cultural
organization that establishes, by proof required by | ||||||
17 | the Department by rule,
that it has received an exemption under | ||||||
18 | Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and that is | ||||||
19 | organized and operated primarily for the
or | ||||||
20 | support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | ||||||
21 | services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | ||||||
22 | music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | ||||||
23 | orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | ||||||
24 | organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| ||||||
25 | and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | ||||||
2 | an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | ||||||
3 | tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | ||||||
4 | number issued by
the Department.
| ||||||
5 | (4) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | ||||||
6 | coinage issued
by the State of Illinois, the government of the | ||||||
7 | United States of America,
or the government of any foreign | ||||||
8 | country, and bullion.
| ||||||
9 | (5) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | ||||||
10 | 2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and | ||||||
11 | equipment, including
repair and
replacement parts, both new and | ||||||
12 | used, and including that manufactured on
special order or | ||||||
13 | purchased for lease, certified by the purchaser to be used
| ||||||
14 | primarily for graphic arts production.
Equipment includes | ||||||
15 | chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts but only if
the | ||||||
16 | chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and | ||||||
17 | immediate
change upon a graphic arts product.
| ||||||
18 | (6) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored | ||||||
19 | student
organization affiliated with an elementary or | ||||||
20 | secondary school located
in Illinois.
| ||||||
21 | (7) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | ||||||
22 | including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | ||||||
23 | purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or | ||||||
24 | State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | ||||||
25 | replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | ||||||
26 | machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | ||||||
2 | Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | ||||||
3 | chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | ||||||
4 | be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| ||||||
5 | but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | ||||||
6 | under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or | ||||||
7 | hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | ||||||
8 | plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| ||||||
9 | this item (7).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | ||||||
10 | shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | ||||||
11 | required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | ||||||
12 | vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | ||||||
13 | tender
is separately stated.
| ||||||
14 | Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | ||||||
15 | farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | ||||||
16 | installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | ||||||
17 | limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | ||||||
18 | or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | ||||||
19 | limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | ||||||
20 | software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | ||||||
21 | such equipment.
| ||||||
22 | Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | ||||||
23 | sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| ||||||
24 | computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | ||||||
25 | facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | ||||||
26 | to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | ||||||
2 | agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the | ||||||
3 | provisions of
Section 3-75.
| ||||||
4 | (8) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | ||||||
5 | common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | ||||||
6 | consumption, shipment, or
storage in the conduct of its | ||||||
7 | business as an air common carrier, for a
flight destined for or | ||||||
8 | returning from a location or locations
outside the United | ||||||
9 | States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| ||||||
10 | stopovers.
| ||||||
11 | (9) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately | ||||||
12 | stated on
customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | ||||||
13 | food and beverages
acquired as an incident to the purchase of a | ||||||
14 | service from a serviceman, to
the extent that the proceeds of | ||||||
15 | the service charge are in fact
turned over as tips or as a | ||||||
16 | substitute for tips to the employees who
participate directly | ||||||
17 | in preparing, serving, hosting or cleaning up the
food or | ||||||
18 | beverage function with respect to which the service charge is | ||||||
19 | imposed.
| ||||||
20 | (10) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | ||||||
21 | and production
equipment, including
(i) rigs and parts of rigs, | ||||||
22 | rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | ||||||
23 | tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | ||||||
24 | and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | ||||||
25 | individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| ||||||
26 | drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | ||||||
2 | required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| ||||||
3 | (11) Proceeds from the sale of photoprocessing machinery | ||||||
4 | and
equipment, including repair and replacement parts, both new | ||||||
5 | and
used, including that manufactured on special order, | ||||||
6 | certified by the
purchaser to be used primarily for | ||||||
7 | photoprocessing, and including
photoprocessing machinery and | ||||||
8 | equipment purchased for lease.
| ||||||
9 | (12) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | ||||||
10 | offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation | ||||||
11 | equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | ||||||
12 | including
equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor | ||||||
13 | vehicles required to be
registered under the Illinois Vehicle | ||||||
14 | Code.
| ||||||
15 | (13) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | ||||||
16 | for direct
agricultural production.
| ||||||
17 | (14) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | ||||||
18 | meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | ||||||
19 | Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| ||||||
20 | Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | ||||||
21 | Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | ||||||
22 | racing for prizes. This item (14) is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
23 | of Section 3-75, and the exemption provided for under this item | ||||||
24 | (14) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no | ||||||
25 | claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after the effective | ||||||
26 | date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such taxes paid during the period beginning May 30, 2000 and | ||||||
2 | ending on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th | ||||||
3 | General Assembly.
| ||||||
4 | (15) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | ||||||
5 | any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| ||||||
6 | analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a | ||||||
7 | lessor who leases
equipment, under a lease of one year or | ||||||
8 | longer executed or in effect at the
the lessor would | ||||||
9 | otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act,
to a
| ||||||
10 | hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
11 | identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
12 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
If the
equipment is leased in a | ||||||
13 | manner that does not qualify for
this exemption
or is used in | ||||||
14 | any other non-exempt manner,
the lessor shall be liable for the
| ||||||
15 | tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may
| ||||||
16 | be, based on the fair market value of the property at the time | ||||||
17 | the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or | ||||||
18 | attempt to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports | ||||||
19 | to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | ||||||
20 | Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | ||||||
21 | the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | ||||||
22 | from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | ||||||
23 | refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | ||||||
24 | is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | ||||||
25 | liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| ||||||
26 | (16) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | property, under
lease of one year or longer executed or in | ||||||
2 | effect at the time
the lessor would otherwise be subject to the | ||||||
3 | tax imposed by this Act,
to a governmental body
that has been | ||||||
4 | issued an active tax exemption identification number by the
| ||||||
5 | Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax | ||||||
6 | Act.
If the
property is leased in a manner that does not | ||||||
7 | qualify for
this exemption
or is used in any other non-exempt | ||||||
8 | manner,
the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under | ||||||
9 | this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may
be, based on the | ||||||
10 | fair market value of the property at the time the
| ||||||
11 | non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt | ||||||
12 | to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports to | ||||||
13 | reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | ||||||
14 | Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | ||||||
15 | the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | ||||||
16 | from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | ||||||
17 | refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | ||||||
18 | is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | ||||||
19 | liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| ||||||
20 | (17) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
21 | December
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
22 | before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | ||||||
23 | disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| ||||||
24 | disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | ||||||
25 | manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | ||||||
26 | corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | ||||||
2 | number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| ||||||
3 | who reside within the declared disaster area.
| ||||||
4 | (18) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
5 | December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
6 | before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | ||||||
7 | performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | ||||||
8 | but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| ||||||
9 | bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | ||||||
10 | line extensions,
water distribution and purification | ||||||
11 | facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | ||||||
12 | sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | ||||||
13 | federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | ||||||
14 | when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | ||||||
15 | declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| ||||||
16 | (19) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased | ||||||
17 | at a "game
and hunting preserve area" as that term is
| ||||||
18 | used in
the Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the | ||||||
19 | provisions
Section 3-75.
| ||||||
20 | (20) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
21 | 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | ||||||
22 | corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | ||||||
23 | foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | ||||||
24 | to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| ||||||
25 | purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | ||||||
26 | limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or institution organized and
exclusively for | ||||||
2 | educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| ||||||
3 | private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | ||||||
4 | branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | ||||||
5 | that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | ||||||
6 | course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | ||||||
7 | vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| ||||||
8 | operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | ||||||
9 | than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | ||||||
10 | follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | ||||||
11 | industrial, business, or commercial
| ||||||
12 | (21) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | ||||||
13 | including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | ||||||
14 | benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | ||||||
15 | a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | ||||||
16 | the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | ||||||
17 | district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| ||||||
18 | parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | ||||||
19 | does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | ||||||
20 | private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | ||||||
21 | entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | ||||||
22 | another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| ||||||
23 | purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | ||||||
24 | from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | ||||||
25 | exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-75.
| ||||||
26 | (22) Beginning January 1, 2000
and through December 31, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2001, new or used automatic vending
machines that prepare and | ||||||
2 | serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other | ||||||
3 | items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | ||||||
4 | January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | ||||||
5 | for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated
and | ||||||
6 | vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the | ||||||
7 | gross receipts
derived from
the use of the commercial, | ||||||
8 | coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
| ||||||
9 | is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| ||||||
10 | (23) Beginning August 23, 2001 and through June 30, 2016 | ||||||
11 | June 30, 2011 , food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
12 | consumed off the
where it is sold (other than | ||||||
13 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and food that
has been | ||||||
14 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
| ||||||
15 | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and | ||||||
16 | insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes, and needles used by | ||||||
17 | diabetics, for human use, when
purchased for use by a person | ||||||
18 | receiving medical assistance under Article V of
the Illinois | ||||||
19 | Public Aid Code who resides in a licensed long-term care | ||||||
20 | facility,
as defined in the Nursing Home Care Act, or in a | ||||||
21 | licensed facility as defined in the ID/DD Community Care Act or | ||||||
22 | the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act.
| ||||||
23 | (24) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
24 | of the 92nd
General Assembly, computers and communications | ||||||
25 | equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | ||||||
26 | in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purchased by a lessor who leases
the equipment, under a lease | ||||||
2 | of one year or longer executed or in effect at the
time the | ||||||
3 | lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this | ||||||
4 | Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
5 | identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
6 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | ||||||
7 | manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is
used in | ||||||
8 | any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
| ||||||
9 | tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may | ||||||
10 | be, based on the
fair market value of the property at the time | ||||||
11 | the nonqualifying use occurs.
No lessor shall collect or | ||||||
12 | attempt to collect an amount (however
designated) that purports | ||||||
13 | to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | ||||||
14 | Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | ||||||
15 | the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | ||||||
16 | from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | ||||||
17 | refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | ||||||
18 | is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | ||||||
19 | liable to pay that amount to the Department.
This paragraph is | ||||||
20 | exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| ||||||
21 | (25) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
22 | of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property purchased by a | ||||||
23 | lessor
who leases the property, under a lease of one year or | ||||||
24 | longer executed or in
effect at the time the lessor would | ||||||
25 | otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by
this Act, to a | ||||||
26 | governmental body that has been issued an active tax exemption
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | identification number by the Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
2 | Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act. If the property is leased in a | ||||||
3 | manner that does not
qualify for this exemption or is used in | ||||||
4 | any other nonexempt manner, the
lessor shall be liable for the | ||||||
5 | tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act,
as the case may | ||||||
6 | be, based on the fair market value of the property at the time
| ||||||
7 | the nonqualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or | ||||||
8 | attempt to collect
an amount (however designated) that purports | ||||||
9 | to reimburse that lessor for the
tax imposed by this Act or the | ||||||
10 | Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has
not been paid by | ||||||
11 | the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount
| ||||||
12 | from the lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | ||||||
13 | refund of that
amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount | ||||||
14 | is not refunded to the lessee
for any reason, the lessor is | ||||||
15 | liable to pay that amount to the Department.
This paragraph is | ||||||
16 | exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| ||||||
17 | (26) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property | ||||||
18 | used in the construction or maintenance of a community water | ||||||
19 | supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental | ||||||
20 | Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit | ||||||
21 | corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under | ||||||
22 | Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is | ||||||
23 | exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| ||||||
24 | (27) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts, | ||||||
25 | equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or | ||||||
26 | upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the | ||||||
2 | aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in | ||||||
3 | the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement, | ||||||
4 | repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any | ||||||
5 | materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable | ||||||
6 | supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and | ||||||
7 | maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such | ||||||
8 | engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any | ||||||
9 | such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not | ||||||
10 | limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose | ||||||
11 | lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective | ||||||
12 | films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that | ||||||
13 | (i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate | ||||||
14 | an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation | ||||||
15 | Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct | ||||||
16 | operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation | ||||||
17 | Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated | ||||||
18 | by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air | ||||||
19 | service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129 | ||||||
20 | of the Federal Aviation Regulations. | ||||||
21 | (28) Tangible personal property purchased by a | ||||||
22 | public-facilities corporation, as described in Section | ||||||
23 | 11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of | ||||||
24 | constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but | ||||||
25 | only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is | ||||||
26 | transferred to the municipality without any further |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time | ||||||
2 | of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the | ||||||
3 | retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments | ||||||
4 | issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with | ||||||
5 | the development of the municipal convention hall. This | ||||||
6 | exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as | ||||||
7 | provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code. | ||||||
8 | This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75. | ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; | ||||||
10 | 96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. | ||||||
11 | 7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; 97-431, eff. | ||||||
12 | 8-16-11; revised 9-12-11.)
| ||||||
13 | (35 ILCS 110/3-10) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.33-10)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 3-10. Rate of tax. Unless otherwise provided in this | ||||||
15 | Section,
the tax imposed by this Act is at the rate of 6.25% of | ||||||
16 | the selling
price of tangible personal property transferred as | ||||||
17 | an incident to the sale
of service, but, for the purpose of | ||||||
18 | computing this tax, in no event shall
the selling price be less | ||||||
19 | than the cost price of the property to the
| ||||||
20 | Beginning on July 1, 2000 and through December 31, 2000, | ||||||
21 | with respect to
motor fuel, as defined in Section 1.1 of the | ||||||
22 | Motor Fuel Tax
Law, and gasohol, as defined in Section 3-40 of | ||||||
23 | the Use Tax Act, the tax is
imposed at
the rate of 1.25%.
| ||||||
24 | With respect to gasohol, as defined in the Use Tax Act, the | ||||||
25 | tax imposed
by this Act applies to (i) 70% of the selling price |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of property transferred
as an incident to the sale of service | ||||||
2 | on or after January 1, 1990,
and before July 1, 2003, (ii) 80% | ||||||
3 | of the selling price of
property transferred as an incident to | ||||||
4 | the sale of service on or after July
1, 2003 and on or before | ||||||
5 | December 31, 2018 2013 , and (iii)
100% of the selling price | ||||||
6 | thereafter.
If, at any time, however, the tax under this Act on | ||||||
7 | sales of gasohol, as
defined in
the Use Tax Act, is imposed at | ||||||
8 | the rate of 1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act applies to | ||||||
9 | 100% of the proceeds of sales of gasohol
made during that time.
| ||||||
10 | With respect to majority blended ethanol fuel, as defined | ||||||
11 | in the Use Tax Act,
imposed by this Act does not apply | ||||||
12 | to the selling price of property transferred
as an incident to | ||||||
13 | the sale of service on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before
| ||||||
14 | December 31, 2018 2013 but applies to 100% of the selling price | ||||||
15 | thereafter.
| ||||||
16 | With respect to biodiesel blends, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
17 | Act, with no less
than 1% and no
more than 10% biodiesel, the | ||||||
18 | tax imposed by this Act
applies to (i) 80% of the selling price | ||||||
19 | of property transferred as an incident
to the sale of service | ||||||
20 | on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before December 31, 2018
| ||||||
21 | 2013 and (ii) 100% of the proceeds of the selling price
| ||||||
22 | thereafter.
If, at any time, however, the tax under this Act on | ||||||
23 | sales of biodiesel blends,
defined in the Use Tax Act, with | ||||||
24 | no less than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
is imposed at | ||||||
25 | the rate of 1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act applies to | ||||||
26 | 100% of the proceeds of sales of biodiesel
blends with no less |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
during that time.
| ||||||
2 | With respect to 100% biodiesel, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
3 | Act, and biodiesel
blends, as defined in the Use Tax Act, with
| ||||||
4 | more than 10% but no more than 99% biodiesel, the tax imposed | ||||||
5 | by this Act
does not apply to the proceeds of the selling price | ||||||
6 | of property transferred
as an incident to the sale of service | ||||||
7 | on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before
December 31, 2018 | ||||||
8 | 2013 but applies to 100% of the selling price thereafter.
| ||||||
9 | At the election of any registered serviceman made for each | ||||||
10 | fiscal year,
sales of service in which the aggregate annual | ||||||
11 | cost price of tangible
personal property transferred as an | ||||||
12 | incident to the sales of service is
less than 35%, or 75% in | ||||||
13 | the case of servicemen transferring prescription
drugs or | ||||||
14 | servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the aggregate
| ||||||
15 | annual total gross receipts from all sales of service, the tax | ||||||
16 | imposed by
this Act shall be based on the serviceman's cost | ||||||
17 | price of the tangible
personal property transferred as an | ||||||
18 | incident to the sale of those services.
| ||||||
19 | The tax shall be imposed at the rate of 1% on food prepared | ||||||
20 | for
immediate consumption and transferred incident to a sale of | ||||||
21 | service subject
to this Act or the Service Occupation Tax Act | ||||||
22 | by an entity licensed under
the Hospital Licensing Act, the | ||||||
23 | Nursing Home Care Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, the | ||||||
24 | Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act, or the
Child Care
| ||||||
25 | Act of 1969. The tax shall
also be imposed at the rate of 1% on | ||||||
26 | food for human consumption that is to be
consumed off the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages,
soft | ||||||
2 | drinks, and food that has been prepared for immediate | ||||||
3 | consumption and is
not otherwise included in this paragraph) | ||||||
4 | and prescription and nonprescription
medicines, drugs, medical | ||||||
5 | appliances, modifications to a motor vehicle for the
purpose of | ||||||
6 | rendering it usable by a disabled person, and insulin, urine | ||||||
7 | testing
syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for
| ||||||
8 | human use. For the purposes of this Section, until September 1, | ||||||
9 | 2009: the term "soft drinks" means any
complete, finished, | ||||||
10 | ready-to-use, non-alcoholic drink, whether carbonated or
not, | ||||||
11 | including but not limited to soda water, cola, fruit juice, | ||||||
12 | vegetable
juice, carbonated water, and all other preparations | ||||||
13 | commonly known as soft
drinks of whatever kind or description | ||||||
14 | that are contained in any closed or
sealed bottle, can, carton, | ||||||
15 | or container, regardless of size; but "soft drinks"
does not | ||||||
16 | include coffee, tea, non-carbonated water, infant formula, | ||||||
17 | milk or
milk products as defined in the Grade A Pasteurized | ||||||
18 | Milk and Milk Products Act,
or drinks containing 50% or more | ||||||
19 | natural fruit or vegetable juice.
| ||||||
20 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
21 | beginning September 1, 2009, "soft drinks" means non-alcoholic | ||||||
22 | beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft | ||||||
23 | drinks" do not include beverages that contain milk or milk | ||||||
24 | products, soy, rice or similar milk substitutes, or greater | ||||||
25 | than 50% of vegetable or fruit juice by volume. | ||||||
26 | Until August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provisions of this Act, "food for human
consumption that is to | ||||||
2 | be consumed off the premises where it is sold" includes
all | ||||||
3 | food sold through a vending machine, except soft drinks and | ||||||
4 | food products
that are dispensed hot from a vending machine, | ||||||
5 | regardless of the location of
the vending machine. Beginning | ||||||
6 | August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other provisions of | ||||||
7 | this Act, "food for human consumption that is to be consumed | ||||||
8 | off the premises where it is sold" includes all food sold | ||||||
9 | through a vending machine, except soft drinks, candy, and food | ||||||
10 | products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine, | ||||||
11 | regardless of the location of the vending machine.
| ||||||
12 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
13 | beginning September 1, 2009, "food for human consumption that | ||||||
14 | is to be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" does not | ||||||
15 | include candy. For purposes of this Section, "candy" means a | ||||||
16 | preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial | ||||||
17 | sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other | ||||||
18 | ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or | ||||||
19 | pieces. "Candy" does not include any preparation that contains | ||||||
20 | flour or requires refrigeration. | ||||||
21 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
22 | beginning September 1, 2009, "nonprescription medicines and | ||||||
23 | drugs" does not include grooming and hygiene products. For | ||||||
24 | purposes of this Section, "grooming and hygiene products" | ||||||
25 | includes, but is not limited to, soaps and cleaning solutions, | ||||||
26 | shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirants, and sun tan |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | lotions and screens, unless those products are available by | ||||||
2 | prescription only, regardless of whether the products meet the | ||||||
3 | definition of "over-the-counter-drugs". For the purposes of | ||||||
4 | this paragraph, "over-the-counter-drug" means a drug for human | ||||||
5 | use that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug | ||||||
6 | as required by 21 C.F.R. § 201.66. The "over-the-counter-drug" | ||||||
7 | label includes: | ||||||
8 | (A) A "Drug Facts" panel; or | ||||||
9 | (B) A statement of the "active ingredient(s)" with a | ||||||
10 | list of those ingredients contained in the compound, | ||||||
11 | substance or preparation. | ||||||
12 | If the property that is acquired from a serviceman is | ||||||
13 | acquired outside
Illinois and used outside Illinois before | ||||||
14 | being brought to Illinois for use
here and is taxable under | ||||||
15 | this Act, the "selling price" on which the tax
is computed | ||||||
16 | shall be reduced by an amount that represents a reasonable
| ||||||
17 | allowance for depreciation for the period of prior out-of-state | ||||||
18 | use.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-37, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, | ||||||
20 | eff. 7-13-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-38, | ||||||
21 | eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; revised 9-12-11.)
| ||||||
22 | (35 ILCS 110/3-75)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 3-75. Sunset of exemptions, credits, and deductions. | ||||||
24 | (a) The application
of every exemption, credit, and | ||||||
25 | deduction against tax imposed by this Act that
becomes law |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994 shall | ||||||
2 | be
limited by a reasonable and appropriate sunset date. A | ||||||
3 | taxpayer is not
entitled to take the exemption, credit, or | ||||||
4 | deduction beginning on the sunset
date and thereafter. Except | ||||||
5 | as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, if If a | ||||||
6 | reasonable and appropriate sunset date is not
specified in the | ||||||
7 | Public Act that creates the exemption, credit, or deduction, a
| ||||||
8 | taxpayer shall not be entitled to take the exemption, credit, | ||||||
9 | or deduction
beginning 5 years after the effective date of the | ||||||
10 | Public Act creating the
exemption, credit, or deduction and | ||||||
11 | thereafter.
| ||||||
12 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of | ||||||
13 | this Section, the sunset date of any exemption, credit, or | ||||||
14 | deduction that is scheduled to expire in 2011, 2012, or 2013 by | ||||||
15 | operation of this Section shall be extended by 5 years. | ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94; 89-235, eff.
| ||||||
17 | Section 15-30. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
18 | changing Sections 3-5, 3-10, and 3-55 as follows:
| ||||||
19 | (35 ILCS 115/3-5)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. The following tangible personal | ||||||
21 | property is
exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| ||||||
22 | (1) Personal property sold by a corporation, society, | ||||||
23 | association,
foundation, institution, or organization, other | ||||||
24 | than a limited liability
company, that is organized and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit | ||||||
2 | of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
| ||||||
3 | was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale | ||||||
4 | by the
| ||||||
5 | (2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit | ||||||
6 | Illinois county fair
association for use in conducting, | ||||||
7 | operating, or promoting the county fair.
| ||||||
8 | (3) Personal property purchased by any not-for-profit
arts | ||||||
9 | or cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | ||||||
10 | the
Department by
rule, that it has received an exemption under | ||||||
11 | Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and that is | ||||||
12 | organized and operated primarily for the
or | ||||||
13 | support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | ||||||
14 | services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | ||||||
15 | music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | ||||||
16 | orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | ||||||
17 | organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| ||||||
18 | and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | ||||||
19 | of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | ||||||
20 | an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | ||||||
21 | tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | ||||||
22 | number issued by
the Department.
| ||||||
23 | (4) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | ||||||
24 | coinage
issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the | ||||||
25 | United States of
America, or the government of any foreign | ||||||
26 | country, and bullion.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | ||||||
2 | 2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and | ||||||
3 | equipment, including
repair and
replacement parts, both new and | ||||||
4 | used, and including that manufactured on
special order or | ||||||
5 | purchased for lease, certified by the purchaser to be used
| ||||||
6 | primarily for graphic arts production.
Equipment includes | ||||||
7 | chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if
| ||||||
8 | chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and | ||||||
9 | immediate change
upon a graphic arts product.
| ||||||
10 | (6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student | ||||||
11 | organization
affiliated with an elementary or secondary school | ||||||
12 | located in Illinois.
| ||||||
13 | (7) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | ||||||
14 | including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | ||||||
15 | purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or | ||||||
16 | State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | ||||||
17 | replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | ||||||
18 | machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including | ||||||
19 | implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | ||||||
20 | Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | ||||||
21 | chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | ||||||
22 | be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| ||||||
23 | but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | ||||||
24 | under the Illinois
Horticultural polyhouses or | ||||||
25 | hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | ||||||
26 | plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this item (7).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | ||||||
2 | shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | ||||||
3 | required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | ||||||
4 | vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | ||||||
5 | tender
is separately stated.
| ||||||
6 | Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | ||||||
7 | farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | ||||||
8 | installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | ||||||
9 | limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | ||||||
10 | or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | ||||||
11 | limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | ||||||
12 | software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | ||||||
13 | such equipment.
| ||||||
14 | Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | ||||||
15 | sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| ||||||
16 | computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | ||||||
17 | facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | ||||||
18 | to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | ||||||
19 | crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | ||||||
20 | agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the | ||||||
21 | provisions of
Section 3-55.
| ||||||
22 | (8) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | ||||||
23 | common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | ||||||
24 | consumption, shipment,
or storage in the conduct of its | ||||||
25 | business as an air common carrier, for
a flight destined for or | ||||||
26 | returning from a location or locations
outside the United |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| ||||||
2 | stopovers.
| ||||||
3 | (9) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
| ||||||
4 | stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | ||||||
5 | food and
beverages, to the extent that the proceeds of the | ||||||
6 | service charge are in fact
turned over as tips or as a | ||||||
7 | substitute for tips to the employees who
participate directly | ||||||
8 | in preparing, serving, hosting or cleaning up the
food or | ||||||
9 | beverage function with respect to which the service charge is | ||||||
10 | imposed.
| ||||||
11 | (10) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | ||||||
12 | and production
including (i) rigs and parts of rigs, | ||||||
13 | rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | ||||||
14 | tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | ||||||
15 | and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | ||||||
16 | individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| ||||||
17 | drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and | ||||||
18 | equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | ||||||
19 | required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| ||||||
20 | (11) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | ||||||
21 | repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that | ||||||
22 | manufactured on
special order, certified by the purchaser to be | ||||||
23 | used primarily for
photoprocessing, and including | ||||||
24 | photoprocessing machinery and equipment
purchased for lease.
| ||||||
25 | (12) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | ||||||
26 | offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | ||||||
2 | including
purchased for lease, but excluding motor | ||||||
3 | vehicles required to be registered
under the Illinois Vehicle | ||||||
4 | Code.
| ||||||
5 | (13) Beginning January 1, 1992 and through June 30, 2016 | ||||||
6 | June 30, 2011 , food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
7 | consumed off the premises
where it is sold (other than | ||||||
8 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and food that
has been | ||||||
9 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
| ||||||
10 | non-prescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and | ||||||
11 | insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes, and needles used by | ||||||
12 | diabetics, for human use,
when purchased for use by a person | ||||||
13 | receiving medical assistance under
Article V of the Illinois | ||||||
14 | Public Aid Code who resides in a licensed
long-term care | ||||||
15 | facility, as defined in the Nursing Home Care Act, or in a | ||||||
16 | licensed facility as defined in the ID/DD Community Care Act or | ||||||
17 | the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act.
| ||||||
18 | (14) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | ||||||
19 | for direct
agricultural production.
| ||||||
20 | (15) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | ||||||
21 | meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | ||||||
22 | Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| ||||||
23 | Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | ||||||
24 | Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | ||||||
25 | racing for prizes. This item (15) is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
26 | of Section 3-55, and the exemption provided for under this item |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (15) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no | ||||||
2 | claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after January 1, | ||||||
3 | 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88)
for such taxes | ||||||
4 | paid during the period beginning May 30, 2000 and ending on | ||||||
5 | January 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88).
| ||||||
6 | (16) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | ||||||
7 | any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| ||||||
8 | analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor | ||||||
9 | who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one year or longer | ||||||
10 | executed or in effect at the
time of the purchase, to a
| ||||||
11 | hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
12 | identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of the | ||||||
13 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
| ||||||
14 | (17) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
| ||||||
15 | property, under a
lease of one year or longer executed or in | ||||||
16 | effect at the time of the purchase,
to a governmental body
that | ||||||
17 | has been issued an active tax exemption identification number | ||||||
18 | by the
Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation | ||||||
19 | Tax Act.
| ||||||
20 | (18) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
21 | December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
22 | before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | ||||||
23 | disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| ||||||
24 | disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | ||||||
25 | manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | ||||||
26 | corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | ||||||
2 | number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| ||||||
3 | who reside within the declared disaster area.
| ||||||
4 | (19) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
5 | December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
6 | before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | ||||||
7 | performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | ||||||
8 | but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| ||||||
9 | bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | ||||||
10 | line extensions,
water distribution and purification | ||||||
11 | facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | ||||||
12 | sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | ||||||
13 | federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | ||||||
14 | when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | ||||||
15 | declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| ||||||
16 | (20) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a | ||||||
17 | "game breeding
hunting preserve area" as that term is used
| ||||||
18 | in the
Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the | ||||||
19 | provisions
Section 3-55.
| ||||||
20 | (21) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
21 | 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | ||||||
22 | corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | ||||||
23 | foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | ||||||
24 | to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| ||||||
25 | purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | ||||||
26 | limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or institution organized and
exclusively for | ||||||
2 | educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| ||||||
3 | private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | ||||||
4 | branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | ||||||
5 | that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | ||||||
6 | course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | ||||||
7 | vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| ||||||
8 | operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | ||||||
9 | than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | ||||||
10 | follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | ||||||
11 | industrial, business, or commercial
| ||||||
12 | (22) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | ||||||
13 | including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | ||||||
14 | benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | ||||||
15 | a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | ||||||
16 | the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | ||||||
17 | district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| ||||||
18 | parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | ||||||
19 | does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | ||||||
20 | private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | ||||||
21 | entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | ||||||
22 | another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| ||||||
23 | purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | ||||||
24 | from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | ||||||
25 | exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-55.
| ||||||
26 | (23) Beginning January 1, 2000
and through December 31, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2001, new or used automatic vending
machines that prepare and | ||||||
2 | serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other | ||||||
3 | items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | ||||||
4 | January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | ||||||
5 | for
machines used in commercial, coin-operated amusement
and | ||||||
6 | vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the | ||||||
7 | gross receipts
derived from
the use of the commercial, | ||||||
8 | coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
This paragraph | ||||||
9 | is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-55.
| ||||||
10 | (24) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
11 | of the 92nd General Assembly,
computers and communications | ||||||
12 | equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | ||||||
13 | in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients | ||||||
14 | sold to a lessor who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one | ||||||
15 | year or longer executed or in effect at the
time of the | ||||||
16 | purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an active tax
| ||||||
17 | exemption identification number by the Department under | ||||||
18 | Section 1g of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. This paragraph | ||||||
19 | is exempt from the provisions of
Section 3-55.
| ||||||
20 | (25) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
21 | of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property sold to a | ||||||
22 | lessor who
leases the property, under a lease of one year or | ||||||
23 | longer executed or in effect
at the time of the purchase, to a | ||||||
24 | governmental body that has been issued an
active tax exemption | ||||||
25 | identification number by the Department under Section 1g
of the | ||||||
26 | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. This paragraph is exempt from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
provisions of Section 3-55.
| ||||||
2 | (26) Beginning on January 1, 2002 and through June 30, | ||||||
3 | 2016, tangible personal property
from an Illinois | ||||||
4 | retailer by a taxpayer engaged in centralized purchasing
| ||||||
5 | activities in Illinois who will, upon receipt of the property | ||||||
6 | in Illinois,
temporarily store the property in Illinois (i) for | ||||||
7 | the purpose of subsequently
transporting it outside this State | ||||||
8 | for use or consumption thereafter solely
outside this State or | ||||||
9 | (ii) for the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
| ||||||
10 | manufactured into, attached to, or incorporated into other | ||||||
11 | tangible personal
property to be transported outside this State | ||||||
12 | and thereafter used or consumed
solely outside this State. The | ||||||
13 | Director of Revenue shall, pursuant to rules
adopted in | ||||||
14 | accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, | ||||||
15 | issue a
permit to any taxpayer in good standing with the | ||||||
16 | Department who is eligible for
the exemption under this | ||||||
17 | paragraph (26). The permit issued under
this paragraph (26) | ||||||
18 | shall authorize the holder, to the extent and
in the manner | ||||||
19 | specified in the rules adopted under this Act, to purchase
| ||||||
20 | tangible personal property from a retailer exempt from the | ||||||
21 | taxes imposed by
this Act. Taxpayers shall maintain all | ||||||
22 | necessary books and records to
substantiate the use and | ||||||
23 | consumption of all such tangible personal property
outside of | ||||||
24 | the State of Illinois.
| ||||||
25 | (27) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property | ||||||
26 | used in the construction or maintenance of a community water |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental | ||||||
2 | Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit | ||||||
3 | corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under | ||||||
4 | Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is | ||||||
5 | exempt from the provisions of Section 3-55.
| ||||||
6 | (28) Tangible personal property sold to a | ||||||
7 | public-facilities corporation, as described in Section | ||||||
8 | 11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of | ||||||
9 | constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but | ||||||
10 | only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is | ||||||
11 | transferred to the municipality without any further | ||||||
12 | consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time | ||||||
13 | of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the | ||||||
14 | retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments | ||||||
15 | issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with | ||||||
16 | the development of the municipal convention hall. This | ||||||
17 | exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as | ||||||
18 | provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code. | ||||||
19 | This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-55. | ||||||
20 | (29) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts, | ||||||
21 | equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or | ||||||
22 | upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment, | ||||||
23 | completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the | ||||||
24 | aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in | ||||||
25 | the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement, | ||||||
26 | repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable | ||||||
2 | supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and | ||||||
3 | maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such | ||||||
4 | engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any | ||||||
5 | such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not | ||||||
6 | limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose | ||||||
7 | lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective | ||||||
8 | films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that | ||||||
9 | (i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate | ||||||
10 | an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation | ||||||
11 | Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct | ||||||
12 | operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation | ||||||
13 | Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated | ||||||
14 | by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air | ||||||
15 | service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129 | ||||||
16 | of the Federal Aviation Regulations. | ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; | ||||||
18 | 96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. | ||||||
19 | 7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-73, eff. 6-30-11; 97-227, eff. | ||||||
20 | 1-1-12; 97-431, eff. 8-16-11; revised 9-12-11.)
| ||||||
21 | (35 ILCS 115/3-10) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.103-10)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 3-10. Rate of tax. Unless otherwise provided in this | ||||||
23 | Section,
the tax imposed by this Act is at the rate of 6.25% of | ||||||
24 | the "selling price",
as defined in Section 2 of the Service Use | ||||||
25 | Tax Act, of the tangible
personal property. For the purpose of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | computing this tax, in no event
shall the "selling price" be | ||||||
2 | less than the cost price to the serviceman of
the tangible | ||||||
3 | personal property transferred. The selling price of each item
| ||||||
4 | of tangible personal property transferred as an incident of a | ||||||
5 | sale of
service may be shown as a distinct and separate item on | ||||||
6 | the serviceman's
billing to the service customer. If the | ||||||
7 | selling price is not so shown, the
selling price of the | ||||||
8 | tangible personal property is deemed to be 50% of the
| ||||||
9 | serviceman's entire billing to the service customer. When, | ||||||
10 | however, a
serviceman contracts to design, develop, and produce | ||||||
11 | special order machinery or
equipment, the tax imposed by this | ||||||
12 | Act shall be based on the serviceman's
cost price of the | ||||||
13 | tangible personal property transferred incident to the
| ||||||
14 | completion of the contract.
| ||||||
15 | Beginning on July 1, 2000 and through December 31, 2000, | ||||||
16 | with respect to
motor fuel, as defined in Section 1.1 of the | ||||||
17 | Motor Fuel Tax
Law, and gasohol, as defined in Section 3-40 of | ||||||
18 | the Use Tax Act, the tax is
imposed at
the rate of 1.25%.
| ||||||
19 | With respect to gasohol, as defined in the Use Tax Act, the | ||||||
20 | tax imposed
by this Act shall apply to (i) 70% of the cost | ||||||
21 | price of property
transferred as
an incident to the sale of | ||||||
22 | service on or after January 1, 1990, and before
July 1, 2003, | ||||||
23 | (ii) 80% of the selling price of property transferred as an
| ||||||
24 | incident to the sale of service on or after July
1, 2003 and on | ||||||
25 | or before December 31, 2018 2013 , and (iii) 100%
the cost | ||||||
26 | price
If, at any time, however, the tax under this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act on sales of gasohol, as
defined in
the Use Tax Act, is | ||||||
2 | imposed at the rate of 1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act | ||||||
3 | applies to 100% of the proceeds of sales of gasohol
made during | ||||||
4 | that time.
| ||||||
5 | With respect to majority blended ethanol fuel, as defined | ||||||
6 | in the Use Tax Act,
imposed by this Act does not apply | ||||||
7 | to the selling price of property transferred
as an incident to | ||||||
8 | the sale of service on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before
| ||||||
9 | December 31, 2018 2013 but applies to 100% of the selling price | ||||||
10 | thereafter.
| ||||||
11 | With respect to biodiesel blends, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
12 | Act, with no less
than 1% and no
more than 10% biodiesel, the | ||||||
13 | tax imposed by this Act
applies to (i) 80% of the selling price | ||||||
14 | of property transferred as an incident
to the sale of service | ||||||
15 | on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before December 31, 2018
| ||||||
16 | 2013 and (ii) 100% of the proceeds of the selling price
| ||||||
17 | thereafter.
If, at any time, however, the tax under this Act on | ||||||
18 | sales of biodiesel blends,
defined in the Use Tax Act, with | ||||||
19 | no less than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
is imposed at | ||||||
20 | the rate of 1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act applies to | ||||||
21 | 100% of the proceeds of sales of biodiesel
blends with no less | ||||||
22 | than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
during that time.
| ||||||
23 | With respect to 100% biodiesel, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
24 | Act, and biodiesel
blends, as defined in the Use Tax Act, with
| ||||||
25 | more than 10% but no more than 99% biodiesel material, the tax | ||||||
26 | imposed by this
does not apply to the proceeds of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | selling price of property transferred
as an incident to the | ||||||
2 | sale of service on or after July 1, 2003 and on or before
| ||||||
3 | December 31, 2018 2013 but applies to 100% of the selling price | ||||||
4 | thereafter.
| ||||||
5 | At the election of any registered serviceman made for each | ||||||
6 | fiscal year,
sales of service in which the aggregate annual | ||||||
7 | cost price of tangible
personal property transferred as an | ||||||
8 | incident to the sales of service is
less than 35%, or 75% in | ||||||
9 | the case of servicemen transferring prescription
drugs or | ||||||
10 | servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the aggregate
| ||||||
11 | annual total gross receipts from all sales of service, the tax | ||||||
12 | imposed by
this Act shall be based on the serviceman's cost | ||||||
13 | price of the tangible
personal property transferred incident to | ||||||
14 | the sale of those services.
| ||||||
15 | The tax shall be imposed at the rate of 1% on food prepared | ||||||
16 | for
immediate consumption and transferred incident to a sale of | ||||||
17 | service subject
to this Act or the Service Occupation Tax Act | ||||||
18 | by an entity licensed under
the Hospital Licensing Act, the | ||||||
19 | Nursing Home Care Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, the | ||||||
20 | Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act, or the
Child Care | ||||||
21 | Act of 1969. The tax shall
also be imposed at the rate of 1% on | ||||||
22 | food for human consumption that is
to be consumed off the
| ||||||
23 | premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft | ||||||
24 | drinks, and
food that has been prepared for immediate | ||||||
25 | consumption and is not
otherwise included in this paragraph) | ||||||
26 | and prescription and
nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appliances, modifications to a motor
vehicle for the purpose of | ||||||
2 | rendering it usable by a disabled person, and
insulin, urine | ||||||
3 | testing materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for
| ||||||
4 | human use. For the purposes of this Section, until September 1, | ||||||
5 | 2009: the term "soft drinks" means any
complete, finished, | ||||||
6 | ready-to-use, non-alcoholic drink, whether carbonated or
not, | ||||||
7 | including but not limited to soda water, cola, fruit juice, | ||||||
8 | vegetable
juice, carbonated water, and all other preparations | ||||||
9 | commonly known as soft
drinks of whatever kind or description | ||||||
10 | that are contained in any closed or
sealed can, carton, or | ||||||
11 | container, regardless of size; but "soft drinks" does not
| ||||||
12 | include coffee, tea, non-carbonated water, infant formula, | ||||||
13 | milk or milk
products as defined in the Grade A Pasteurized | ||||||
14 | Milk and Milk Products Act, or
drinks containing 50% or more | ||||||
15 | natural fruit or vegetable juice.
| ||||||
16 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
17 | beginning September 1, 2009, "soft drinks" means non-alcoholic | ||||||
18 | beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft | ||||||
19 | drinks" do not include beverages that contain milk or milk | ||||||
20 | products, soy, rice or similar milk substitutes, or greater | ||||||
21 | than 50% of vegetable or fruit juice by volume. | ||||||
22 | Until August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other | ||||||
23 | provisions of this Act, "food for human consumption
that is to | ||||||
24 | be consumed off the premises where it is sold" includes all | ||||||
25 | food
sold through a vending machine, except soft drinks and | ||||||
26 | food products that are
dispensed hot from a vending machine, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | regardless of the location of the vending
machine. Beginning | ||||||
2 | August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other provisions of | ||||||
3 | this Act, "food for human consumption that is to be consumed | ||||||
4 | off the premises where it is sold" includes all food sold | ||||||
5 | through a vending machine, except soft drinks, candy, and food | ||||||
6 | products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine, | ||||||
7 | regardless of the location of the vending machine.
| ||||||
8 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
9 | beginning September 1, 2009, "food for human consumption that | ||||||
10 | is to be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" does not | ||||||
11 | include candy. For purposes of this Section, "candy" means a | ||||||
12 | preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial | ||||||
13 | sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other | ||||||
14 | ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or | ||||||
15 | pieces. "Candy" does not include any preparation that contains | ||||||
16 | flour or requires refrigeration. | ||||||
17 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
18 | beginning September 1, 2009, "nonprescription medicines and | ||||||
19 | drugs" does not include grooming and hygiene products. For | ||||||
20 | purposes of this Section, "grooming and hygiene products" | ||||||
21 | includes, but is not limited to, soaps and cleaning solutions, | ||||||
22 | shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirants, and sun tan | ||||||
23 | lotions and screens, unless those products are available by | ||||||
24 | prescription only, regardless of whether the products meet the | ||||||
25 | definition of "over-the-counter-drugs". For the purposes of | ||||||
26 | this paragraph, "over-the-counter-drug" means a drug for human |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | use that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug | ||||||
2 | as required by 21 C.F.R. § 201.66. The "over-the-counter-drug" | ||||||
3 | label includes: | ||||||
4 | (A) A "Drug Facts" panel; or | ||||||
5 | (B) A statement of the "active ingredient(s)" with a | ||||||
6 | list of those ingredients contained in the compound, | ||||||
7 | substance or preparation. | ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-37, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, | ||||||
9 | eff. 7-13-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-38, | ||||||
10 | eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; revised 9-12-11.)
| ||||||
11 | (35 ILCS 115/3-55)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 3-55. Sunset of exemptions, credits, and deductions. | ||||||
13 | (a) The application
of every exemption, credit, and | ||||||
14 | deduction against tax imposed by this Act that
becomes law | ||||||
15 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994 shall | ||||||
16 | be
limited by a reasonable and appropriate sunset date. A | ||||||
17 | taxpayer is not
entitled to take the exemption, credit, or | ||||||
18 | deduction beginning on the sunset
date and thereafter. Except | ||||||
19 | as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, if If a | ||||||
20 | reasonable and appropriate sunset date is not
specified in the | ||||||
21 | Public Act that creates the exemption, credit, or deduction, a
| ||||||
22 | taxpayer shall not be entitled to take the exemption, credit, | ||||||
23 | or deduction
beginning 5 years after the effective date of the | ||||||
24 | Public Act creating the
exemption, credit, or deduction and | ||||||
25 | thereafter.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of | ||||||
2 | this Section, the sunset date of any exemption, credit, or | ||||||
3 | deduction that is scheduled to expire in 2011, 2012, or 2013 by | ||||||
4 | operation of this Section shall be extended by 5 years. | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)
| ||||||
6 | Section 15-35. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended | ||||||
7 | by changing Sections 2-5, 2-10, and 2-70 as follows:
| ||||||
8 | (35 ILCS 120/2-5)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 2-5. Exemptions. Gross receipts from proceeds from the | ||||||
10 | sale of
the following tangible personal property are exempt | ||||||
11 | from the tax imposed
by this Act:
| ||||||
12 | (1) Farm chemicals.
| ||||||
13 | (2) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | ||||||
14 | including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | ||||||
15 | purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or | ||||||
16 | State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | ||||||
17 | replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | ||||||
18 | machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including | ||||||
19 | implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | ||||||
20 | Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | ||||||
21 | chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | ||||||
22 | be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| ||||||
23 | but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | ||||||
24 | under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | ||||||
2 | plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| ||||||
3 | this item (2).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | ||||||
4 | shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | ||||||
5 | required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | ||||||
6 | vehicle required to be licensed, if the selling price of the | ||||||
7 | tender
is separately stated.
| ||||||
8 | Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | ||||||
9 | farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | ||||||
10 | installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | ||||||
11 | limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | ||||||
12 | or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | ||||||
13 | limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | ||||||
14 | software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | ||||||
15 | such equipment.
| ||||||
16 | Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | ||||||
17 | sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| ||||||
18 | computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | ||||||
19 | facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | ||||||
20 | to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | ||||||
21 | crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | ||||||
22 | agricultural chemicals. This item (2) (7) is exempt
from the | ||||||
23 | provisions of
Section 2-70.
| ||||||
24 | (3) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and | ||||||
25 | equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the | ||||||
26 | retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
| ||||||
2 | as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal | ||||||
3 | use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
| ||||||
4 | (4) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again September 1, | ||||||
5 | 2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and | ||||||
6 | equipment, including
repair and
replacement parts, both new and | ||||||
7 | used, and including that manufactured on
special order or | ||||||
8 | purchased for lease, certified by the purchaser to be used
| ||||||
9 | primarily for graphic arts production.
Equipment includes | ||||||
10 | chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts but only if
the | ||||||
11 | chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and | ||||||
12 | immediate
change upon a
graphic arts product.
| ||||||
13 | (5) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle | ||||||
14 | of the second division that is a self contained motor vehicle | ||||||
15 | designed or permanently converted to provide living quarters | ||||||
16 | for recreational, camping, or travel use, with direct walk | ||||||
17 | through access to the living quarters from the driver's seat, | ||||||
18 | or a motor vehicle of the second division that is of the van | ||||||
19 | configuration designed for the transportation of not less than | ||||||
20 | 7 nor more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of | ||||||
21 | the Illinois Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting, | ||||||
22 | as defined in the Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax | ||||||
23 | Act. This paragraph is exempt from
the provisions of Section | ||||||
24 | 2-70.
| ||||||
25 | (6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student | ||||||
26 | organization
affiliated with an elementary or secondary school |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | located in Illinois.
| ||||||
2 | (7) Until July 1, 2003, proceeds of that portion of the | ||||||
3 | selling price of
a passenger car the
sale of which is subject | ||||||
4 | to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
| ||||||
5 | (8) Personal property sold to an Illinois county fair | ||||||
6 | association for
use in conducting, operating, or promoting the | ||||||
7 | county fair.
| ||||||
8 | (9) Personal property sold to a not-for-profit arts
or | ||||||
9 | cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | ||||||
10 | the Department
rule, that it has received an exemption under | ||||||
11 | Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and that is | ||||||
12 | organized and operated primarily for the
or | ||||||
13 | support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | ||||||
14 | services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | ||||||
15 | music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | ||||||
16 | orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | ||||||
17 | organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| ||||||
18 | and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | ||||||
19 | of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | ||||||
20 | an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | ||||||
21 | tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | ||||||
22 | number issued by
the Department.
| ||||||
23 | (10) Personal property sold by a corporation, society, | ||||||
24 | association,
foundation, institution, or organization, other | ||||||
25 | than a limited liability
company, that is organized and | ||||||
26 | operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
| ||||||
2 | was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale | ||||||
3 | by the
| ||||||
4 | (11) Personal property sold to a governmental body, to a | ||||||
5 | corporation,
society, association, foundation, or institution | ||||||
6 | organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, religious, | ||||||
7 | or educational purposes, or to a
not-for-profit corporation, | ||||||
8 | society, association, foundation, institution,
or organization | ||||||
9 | that has no compensated officers or employees and that is
| ||||||
10 | organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons | ||||||
11 | 55 years of
age or older. A limited liability company may | ||||||
12 | qualify for the exemption under
this paragraph only if the | ||||||
13 | limited liability company is organized and operated
| ||||||
14 | exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July 1, | ||||||
15 | 1987, however, no
entity otherwise eligible for this exemption | ||||||
16 | shall make tax-free purchases
unless it has an active | ||||||
17 | identification number issued by the Department.
| ||||||
18 | (12) Tangible personal property sold to
interstate | ||||||
19 | carriers
for hire for use as
rolling stock moving in interstate | ||||||
20 | commerce or to lessors under leases of
one year or longer | ||||||
21 | executed or in effect at the time of purchase by
interstate | ||||||
22 | carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
| ||||||
23 | commerce and equipment operated by a telecommunications | ||||||
24 | provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal | ||||||
25 | Communications Commission, which is permanently
installed in | ||||||
26 | or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (12-5) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, | ||||||
2 | motor vehicles of the second division
with a gross vehicle | ||||||
3 | weight in excess of 8,000 pounds
subject to the | ||||||
4 | commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of
| ||||||
5 | the Illinois
Vehicle Code. Beginning on July 1, 2004 and | ||||||
6 | through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of motor vehicles | ||||||
7 | of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating | ||||||
8 | in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject to the | ||||||
9 | commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of | ||||||
10 | the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used | ||||||
11 | for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
exemption | ||||||
12 | applies to repair and replacement parts added
after the
initial | ||||||
13 | purchase of such a motor vehicle if that motor vehicle is used | ||||||
14 | in a
manner that
would qualify for the rolling stock exemption | ||||||
15 | otherwise provided for in this
Act. For purposes of this | ||||||
16 | paragraph, "used for commercial purposes" means the | ||||||
17 | transportation of persons or property in furtherance of any | ||||||
18 | commercial or industrial enterprise whether for-hire or not.
| ||||||
19 | (13) Proceeds from sales to owners, lessors, or
shippers of
| ||||||
20 | tangible personal property that is utilized by interstate | ||||||
21 | carriers for
hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate | ||||||
22 | commerce
and equipment operated by a telecommunications | ||||||
23 | provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal | ||||||
24 | Communications Commission, which is
permanently installed in | ||||||
25 | or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
| ||||||
26 | (14) Machinery and equipment that will be used by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purchaser, or a
lessee of the purchaser, primarily in the | ||||||
2 | process of manufacturing or
assembling tangible personal | ||||||
3 | property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease, whether the | ||||||
4 | sale or lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by
some | ||||||
5 | other person, whether the materials used in the process are | ||||||
6 | owned by
the manufacturer or some other person, or whether the | ||||||
7 | sale or lease is made
apart from or as an incident to the | ||||||
8 | seller's engaging in the service
occupation of producing | ||||||
9 | machines, tools, dies, jigs, patterns, gauges, or
other similar | ||||||
10 | items of no commercial value on special order for a particular
| ||||||
11 | purchaser.
| ||||||
12 | (15) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately | ||||||
13 | stated on
customers' bills for purchase and consumption of food | ||||||
14 | and beverages, to the
extent that the proceeds of the service | ||||||
15 | charge are in fact turned over as
tips or as a substitute for | ||||||
16 | tips to the employees who participate directly
in preparing, | ||||||
17 | serving, hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function
| ||||||
18 | with respect to which the service charge is imposed.
| ||||||
19 | (16) Petroleum products sold to a purchaser if the seller
| ||||||
20 | is prohibited by federal law from charging tax to the | ||||||
21 | purchaser.
| ||||||
22 | (17) Tangible personal property sold to a common carrier by | ||||||
23 | rail or
motor that
receives the physical possession of the | ||||||
24 | property in Illinois and that
transports the property, or | ||||||
25 | shares with another common carrier in the
transportation of the | ||||||
26 | property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill
of lading |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | showing the seller of the property as the shipper or consignor | ||||||
2 | of
the property to a destination outside Illinois, for use | ||||||
3 | outside Illinois.
| ||||||
4 | (18) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | ||||||
5 | coinage
issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the | ||||||
6 | United States of
America, or the government of any foreign | ||||||
7 | country, and bullion.
| ||||||
8 | (19) Until July 1 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | ||||||
9 | and production
equipment, including
(i) rigs and parts of rigs, | ||||||
10 | rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | ||||||
11 | tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | ||||||
12 | and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | ||||||
13 | individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| ||||||
14 | drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and | ||||||
15 | equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | ||||||
16 | required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| ||||||
17 | (20) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | ||||||
18 | repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that | ||||||
19 | manufactured on
special order, certified by the purchaser to be | ||||||
20 | used primarily for
photoprocessing, and including | ||||||
21 | photoprocessing machinery and equipment
purchased for lease.
| ||||||
22 | (21) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | ||||||
23 | offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation | ||||||
24 | equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | ||||||
25 | including
equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor | ||||||
26 | vehicles required to be
registered under the Illinois Vehicle |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code.
| ||||||
2 | (22) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | ||||||
3 | carrier,
certified by the carrier to be used for consumption, | ||||||
4 | shipment, or storage
in the conduct of its business as an air | ||||||
5 | common carrier, for a flight
destined for or returning from a | ||||||
6 | location or locations
outside the United States without regard | ||||||
7 | to previous or subsequent domestic
| ||||||
8 | (23) A transaction in which the purchase order is received | ||||||
9 | by a florist
who is located outside Illinois, but who has a | ||||||
10 | florist located in Illinois
deliver the property to the | ||||||
11 | purchaser or the purchaser's donee in Illinois.
| ||||||
12 | (24) Fuel consumed or used in the operation of ships, | ||||||
13 | barges, or vessels
that are used primarily in or for the | ||||||
14 | transportation of property or the
conveyance of persons for | ||||||
15 | hire on rivers bordering on this State if the
fuel is delivered | ||||||
16 | by the seller to the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel
while | ||||||
17 | it is afloat upon that bordering river.
| ||||||
18 | (25) Except as provided in item (25-5) of this Section, a
| ||||||
19 | motor vehicle sold in this State to a nonresident even though | ||||||
20 | the
motor vehicle is delivered to the nonresident in this | ||||||
21 | State, if the motor
vehicle is not to be titled in this State, | ||||||
22 | and if a drive-away permit
is issued to the motor vehicle as | ||||||
23 | provided in Section 3-603 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code or if | ||||||
24 | the nonresident purchaser has vehicle registration
plates to | ||||||
25 | transfer to the motor vehicle upon returning to his or her home
| ||||||
26 | state. The issuance of the drive-away permit or having
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | out-of-state registration plates to be transferred is prima | ||||||
2 | facie evidence
that the motor vehicle will not be titled in | ||||||
3 | this State.
| ||||||
4 | (25-5) The exemption under item (25) does not apply if the | ||||||
5 | state in which the motor vehicle will be titled does not allow | ||||||
6 | a reciprocal exemption for a motor vehicle sold and delivered | ||||||
7 | in that state to an Illinois resident but titled in Illinois. | ||||||
8 | The tax collected under this Act on the sale of a motor vehicle | ||||||
9 | in this State to a resident of another state that does not | ||||||
10 | allow a reciprocal exemption shall be imposed at a rate equal | ||||||
11 | to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in the state in | ||||||
12 | which the purchaser is a resident, except that the tax shall | ||||||
13 | not exceed the tax that would otherwise be imposed under this | ||||||
14 | Act. At the time of the sale, the purchaser shall execute a | ||||||
15 | statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of his or her | ||||||
16 | intent to title the vehicle in the state in which the purchaser | ||||||
17 | is a resident within 30 days after the sale and of the fact of | ||||||
18 | the payment to the State of Illinois of tax in an amount | ||||||
19 | equivalent to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in | ||||||
20 | his or her state of residence and shall submit the statement to | ||||||
21 | the appropriate tax collection agency in his or her state of | ||||||
22 | residence. In addition, the retailer must retain a signed copy | ||||||
23 | of the statement in his or her records. Nothing in this item | ||||||
24 | shall be construed to require the removal of the vehicle from | ||||||
25 | this state following the filing of an intent to title the | ||||||
26 | vehicle in the purchaser's state of residence if the purchaser |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | titles the vehicle in his or her state of residence within 30 | ||||||
2 | days after the date of sale. The tax collected under this Act | ||||||
3 | in accordance with this item (25-5) shall be proportionately | ||||||
4 | distributed as if the tax were collected at the 6.25% general | ||||||
5 | rate imposed under this Act.
| ||||||
6 | (25-7) Beginning on July 1, 2007, no tax is imposed under | ||||||
7 | this Act on the sale of an aircraft, as defined in Section 3 of | ||||||
8 | the Illinois Aeronautics Act, if all of the following | ||||||
9 | conditions are met: | ||||||
10 | (1) the aircraft leaves this State within 15 days after | ||||||
11 | the later of either the issuance of the final billing for | ||||||
12 | the sale of the aircraft, or the authorized approval for | ||||||
13 | return to service, completion of the maintenance record | ||||||
14 | entry, and completion of the test flight and ground test | ||||||
15 | for inspection, as required by 14 C.F.R. 91.407; | ||||||
16 | (2) the aircraft is not based or registered in this | ||||||
17 | State after the sale of the aircraft; and | ||||||
18 | (3) the seller retains in his or her books and records | ||||||
19 | and provides to the Department a signed and dated | ||||||
20 | certification from the purchaser, on a form prescribed by | ||||||
21 | the Department, certifying that the requirements of this | ||||||
22 | item (25-7) are met. The certificate must also include the | ||||||
23 | name and address of the purchaser, the address of the | ||||||
24 | location where the aircraft is to be titled or registered, | ||||||
25 | the address of the primary physical location of the | ||||||
26 | aircraft, and other information that the Department may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reasonably require. | ||||||
2 | For purposes of this item (25-7): | ||||||
3 | "Based in this State" means hangared, stored, or otherwise | ||||||
4 | used, excluding post-sale customizations as defined in this | ||||||
5 | Section, for 10 or more days in each 12-month period | ||||||
6 | immediately following the date of the sale of the aircraft. | ||||||
7 | "Registered in this State" means an aircraft registered | ||||||
8 | with the Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division, | ||||||
9 | or titled or registered with the Federal Aviation | ||||||
10 | Administration to an address located in this State. | ||||||
11 | This paragraph (25-7) is exempt from the provisions
| ||||||
12 | Section 2-70.
| ||||||
13 | (26) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | ||||||
14 | for direct
agricultural production.
| ||||||
15 | (27) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | ||||||
16 | meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | ||||||
17 | Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| ||||||
18 | Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | ||||||
19 | Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | ||||||
20 | racing for prizes. This item (27) is exempt from the provisions | ||||||
21 | of Section 2-70, and the exemption provided for under this item | ||||||
22 | (27) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no | ||||||
23 | claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after January 1, | ||||||
24 | 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88)
for such taxes | ||||||
25 | paid during the period beginning May 30, 2000 and ending on | ||||||
26 | January 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (28) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | ||||||
2 | any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| ||||||
3 | analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor | ||||||
4 | who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one year or longer | ||||||
5 | executed or in effect at the
time of the purchase, to a
| ||||||
6 | hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | ||||||
7 | identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of | ||||||
8 | this Act.
| ||||||
9 | (29) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
| ||||||
10 | property, under a
lease of one year or longer executed or in | ||||||
11 | effect at the time of the purchase,
to a governmental body
that | ||||||
12 | has been issued an active tax exemption identification number | ||||||
13 | by the
Department under Section 1g of this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (30) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
15 | December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
16 | before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | ||||||
17 | disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| ||||||
18 | disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | ||||||
19 | manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | ||||||
20 | corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | ||||||
21 | that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | ||||||
22 | number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| ||||||
23 | who reside within the declared disaster area.
| ||||||
24 | (31) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | ||||||
25 | December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | ||||||
26 | before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | ||||||
2 | but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| ||||||
3 | bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | ||||||
4 | line extensions,
water distribution and purification | ||||||
5 | facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | ||||||
6 | sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | ||||||
7 | federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | ||||||
8 | when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | ||||||
9 | declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| ||||||
10 | (32) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a | ||||||
11 | "game breeding
hunting preserve area" as that term is used
| ||||||
12 | in the
Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the | ||||||
13 | provisions
Section 2-70.
| ||||||
14 | (33) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
15 | 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | ||||||
16 | corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | ||||||
17 | foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | ||||||
18 | to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| ||||||
19 | purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | ||||||
20 | limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, | ||||||
21 | or institution organized and
exclusively for | ||||||
22 | educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| ||||||
23 | private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | ||||||
24 | branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | ||||||
25 | that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | ||||||
26 | course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| ||||||
2 | operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | ||||||
3 | than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | ||||||
4 | follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | ||||||
5 | industrial, business, or commercial
| ||||||
6 | (34) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | ||||||
7 | including food, purchased
through fundraising events for the | ||||||
8 | benefit of a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | ||||||
9 | a group of those schools, or one or more school districts if
| ||||||
10 | the events are sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | ||||||
11 | district that
consists primarily of volunteers and includes | ||||||
12 | parents and teachers of the
school children. This paragraph | ||||||
13 | does not apply to fundraising events (i) for
the benefit of | ||||||
14 | private home instruction or (ii) for which the fundraising
| ||||||
15 | entity purchases the personal property sold at the events from | ||||||
16 | another
individual or entity that sold the property for the | ||||||
17 | purpose of resale by the
fundraising entity and that profits | ||||||
18 | from the sale to the fundraising entity.
This paragraph is | ||||||
19 | exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
| ||||||
20 | (35) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, | ||||||
21 | 2001, new or used
automatic vending machines that prepare and | ||||||
22 | serve hot food and beverages,
including coffee, soup, and other | ||||||
23 | items, and replacement parts for these
machines. Beginning | ||||||
24 | January 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines
and parts | ||||||
25 | for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and | ||||||
26 | vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
| ||||||
2 | coin-operated amusement and vending machines. This paragraph | ||||||
3 | is exempt from
the provisions of Section 2-70.
| ||||||
4 | (35-5) Beginning August 23, 2001 and through June 30, 2016 | ||||||
5 | June 30, 2011 , food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
6 | consumed off
the premises where it is sold (other than | ||||||
7 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks,
and food that has been | ||||||
8 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription
and | ||||||
9 | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and | ||||||
10 | insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes, and needles used by | ||||||
11 | diabetics, for human use, when
purchased for use by a person | ||||||
12 | receiving medical assistance under Article V of
the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Public Aid Code who resides in a licensed long-term care | ||||||
14 | facility,
as defined in the Nursing Home Care Act, or a | ||||||
15 | licensed facility as defined in the ID/DD Community Care Act or | ||||||
16 | the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act.
| ||||||
17 | (36) Beginning August 2, 2001, computers and | ||||||
18 | communications equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and | ||||||
19 | equipment used in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of | ||||||
20 | hospital patients sold to a lessor who leases the
equipment, | ||||||
21 | under a lease of one year or longer executed or in effect at | ||||||
22 | the
time of the purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an | ||||||
23 | active tax
exemption identification number by the Department | ||||||
24 | under Section 1g of this Act.
This paragraph is exempt from the | ||||||
25 | provisions of Section 2-70.
| ||||||
26 | (37) Beginning August 2, 2001, personal property sold to a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | lessor who
leases the property, under a lease of one year or | ||||||
2 | longer executed or in effect
at the time of the purchase, to a | ||||||
3 | governmental body that has been issued an
active tax exemption | ||||||
4 | identification number by the Department under Section 1g
of | ||||||
5 | this Act. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of | ||||||
6 | Section 2-70.
| ||||||
7 | (38) Beginning on January 1, 2002 and through June 30, | ||||||
8 | 2016, tangible personal property purchased
from an Illinois | ||||||
9 | retailer by a taxpayer engaged in centralized purchasing
| ||||||
10 | activities in Illinois who will, upon receipt of the property | ||||||
11 | in Illinois,
temporarily store the property in Illinois (i) for | ||||||
12 | the purpose of subsequently
transporting it outside this State | ||||||
13 | for use or consumption thereafter solely
outside this State or | ||||||
14 | (ii) for the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
| ||||||
15 | manufactured into, attached to, or incorporated into other | ||||||
16 | tangible personal
property to be transported outside this State | ||||||
17 | and thereafter used or consumed
solely outside this State. The | ||||||
18 | Director of Revenue shall, pursuant to rules
adopted in | ||||||
19 | accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, | ||||||
20 | issue a
permit to any taxpayer in good standing with the | ||||||
21 | Department who is eligible for
the exemption under this | ||||||
22 | paragraph (38). The permit issued under
this paragraph (38) | ||||||
23 | shall authorize the holder, to the extent and
in the manner | ||||||
24 | specified in the rules adopted under this Act, to purchase
| ||||||
25 | tangible personal property from a retailer exempt from the | ||||||
26 | taxes imposed by
this Act. Taxpayers shall maintain all |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | necessary books and records to
substantiate the use and | ||||||
2 | consumption of all such tangible personal property
outside of | ||||||
3 | the State of Illinois.
| ||||||
4 | (39) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property | ||||||
5 | used in the construction or maintenance of a community water | ||||||
6 | supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental | ||||||
7 | Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit | ||||||
8 | corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under | ||||||
9 | Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is | ||||||
10 | exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
| ||||||
11 | (40) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts, | ||||||
12 | equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or | ||||||
13 | upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment, | ||||||
14 | completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the | ||||||
15 | aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in | ||||||
16 | the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement, | ||||||
17 | repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any | ||||||
18 | materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable | ||||||
19 | supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and | ||||||
20 | maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such | ||||||
21 | engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any | ||||||
22 | such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not | ||||||
23 | limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose | ||||||
24 | lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective | ||||||
25 | films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that | ||||||
26 | (i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation | ||||||
2 | Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct | ||||||
3 | operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation | ||||||
4 | Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated | ||||||
5 | by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air | ||||||
6 | service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129 | ||||||
7 | of the Federal Aviation Regulations. | ||||||
8 | (41) Tangible personal property sold to a | ||||||
9 | public-facilities corporation, as described in Section | ||||||
10 | 11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of | ||||||
11 | constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but | ||||||
12 | only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is | ||||||
13 | transferred to the municipality without any further | ||||||
14 | consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time | ||||||
15 | of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the | ||||||
16 | retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments | ||||||
17 | issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with | ||||||
18 | the development of the municipal convention hall. This | ||||||
19 | exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as | ||||||
20 | provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code. | ||||||
21 | This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; | ||||||
23 | 96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. | ||||||
24 | 7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-73, eff. 6-30-11; 97-227, eff. | ||||||
25 | 1-1-12; 97-431, eff. 8-16-11; revised 9-12-11.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (35 ILCS 120/2-10)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 2-10. Rate of tax. Unless otherwise provided in this | ||||||
3 | Section,
the tax imposed by this Act is at the rate of 6.25% of | ||||||
4 | gross receipts
from sales of tangible personal property made in | ||||||
5 | the course of business.
| ||||||
6 | Beginning on July 1, 2000 and through December 31, 2000, | ||||||
7 | with respect to
motor fuel, as defined in Section 1.1 of the | ||||||
8 | Motor Fuel Tax
Law, and gasohol, as defined in Section 3-40 of | ||||||
9 | the Use Tax Act, the tax is
imposed at the rate of 1.25%.
| ||||||
10 | Beginning on August 6, 2010 through August 15, 2010, with | ||||||
11 | respect to sales tax holiday items as defined in Section 2-8 of | ||||||
12 | this Act, the
tax is imposed at the rate of 1.25%. | ||||||
13 | Within 14 days after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
14 | Act of the 91st
General Assembly, each retailer of motor fuel | ||||||
15 | and gasohol shall cause the
following notice to be posted in a | ||||||
16 | prominently visible place on each retail
dispensing device that | ||||||
17 | is used to dispense motor
fuel or gasohol in the State of | ||||||
18 | Illinois: "As of July 1, 2000, the State of
Illinois has | ||||||
19 | eliminated the State's share of sales tax on motor fuel and
| ||||||
20 | gasohol through December 31, 2000. The price on this pump | ||||||
21 | should reflect the
elimination of the tax." The notice shall be | ||||||
22 | printed in bold print on a sign
that is no smaller than 4 | ||||||
23 | inches by 8 inches. The sign shall be clearly
visible to | ||||||
24 | customers. Any retailer who fails to post or maintain a | ||||||
25 | required
sign through December 31, 2000 is guilty of a petty | ||||||
26 | offense for which the fine
shall be $500 per day per each |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | retail premises where a violation occurs.
| ||||||
2 | With respect to gasohol, as defined in the Use Tax Act, the | ||||||
3 | tax imposed
by this Act applies to (i) 70% of the proceeds of | ||||||
4 | sales made on or after
January 1, 1990, and before July 1, | ||||||
5 | 2003, (ii) 80% of the proceeds of
sales made on or after July | ||||||
6 | 1, 2003 and on or before December 31,
2018 2013 , and (iii) 100% | ||||||
7 | of the proceeds of sales
made thereafter.
If, at any time, | ||||||
8 | however, the tax under this Act on sales of gasohol, as
defined | ||||||
9 | in
the Use Tax Act, is imposed at the rate of 1.25%, then the
| ||||||
10 | tax imposed by this Act applies to 100% of the proceeds of | ||||||
11 | sales of gasohol
made during that time.
| ||||||
12 | With respect to majority blended ethanol fuel, as defined | ||||||
13 | in the Use Tax Act,
imposed by this Act does not apply | ||||||
14 | to the proceeds of sales made on or after
July 1, 2003 and on or | ||||||
15 | before December 31, 2018 2013 but applies to 100% of the
| ||||||
16 | proceeds of sales made thereafter.
| ||||||
17 | With respect to biodiesel blends, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
18 | Act, with no less
than 1% and no
more than 10% biodiesel, the | ||||||
19 | tax imposed by this Act
applies to (i) 80% of the proceeds of | ||||||
20 | sales made on or after July 1, 2003
and on or before December | ||||||
21 | 31, 2018 2013 and (ii) 100% of the
proceeds of sales made | ||||||
22 | thereafter.
If, at any time, however, the tax under this Act on | ||||||
23 | sales of biodiesel blends,
defined in the Use Tax Act, with | ||||||
24 | no less than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
is imposed at | ||||||
25 | the rate of 1.25%, then the
tax imposed by this Act applies to | ||||||
26 | 100% of the proceeds of sales of biodiesel
blends with no less |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than 1% and no more than 10% biodiesel
during that time.
| ||||||
2 | With respect to 100% biodiesel, as defined in the Use Tax | ||||||
3 | Act, and biodiesel
blends, as defined in the Use Tax Act, with
| ||||||
4 | more than 10% but no more than 99% biodiesel, the tax imposed | ||||||
5 | by this Act
does not apply to the proceeds of sales made on or | ||||||
6 | after July 1, 2003
and on or before December 31, 2018 2013 but | ||||||
7 | applies to 100% of the
proceeds of sales made thereafter.
| ||||||
8 | With respect to food for human consumption that is to be | ||||||
9 | consumed off the
premises where it is sold (other than | ||||||
10 | alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and
food that has been | ||||||
11 | prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
| ||||||
12 | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, | ||||||
13 | modifications to a motor
vehicle for the purpose of rendering | ||||||
14 | it usable by a disabled person, and
insulin, urine testing | ||||||
15 | materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for
human | ||||||
16 | use, the tax is imposed at the rate of 1%. For the purposes of | ||||||
17 | this
Section, until September 1, 2009: the term "soft drinks" | ||||||
18 | means any complete, finished, ready-to-use,
non-alcoholic | ||||||
19 | drink, whether carbonated or not, including but not limited to
| ||||||
20 | soda water, cola, fruit juice, vegetable juice, carbonated | ||||||
21 | water, and all other
preparations commonly known as soft drinks | ||||||
22 | of whatever kind or description that
are contained in any | ||||||
23 | closed or sealed bottle, can, carton, or container,
regardless | ||||||
24 | of size; but "soft drinks" does not include coffee, tea, | ||||||
25 | non-carbonated
water, infant formula, milk or milk products as | ||||||
26 | defined in the Grade A
Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Act, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or drinks containing 50% or more
natural fruit or vegetable | ||||||
2 | juice.
| ||||||
3 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
4 | beginning September 1, 2009, "soft drinks" means non-alcoholic | ||||||
5 | beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft | ||||||
6 | drinks" do not include beverages that contain milk or milk | ||||||
7 | products, soy, rice or similar milk substitutes, or greater | ||||||
8 | than 50% of vegetable or fruit juice by volume. | ||||||
9 | Until August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other | ||||||
10 | provisions of this
Act, "food for human consumption that is to | ||||||
11 | be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" includes all | ||||||
12 | food sold through a vending machine, except soft
drinks and | ||||||
13 | food products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine,
| ||||||
14 | regardless of the location of the vending machine. Beginning | ||||||
15 | August 1, 2009, and notwithstanding any other provisions of | ||||||
16 | this Act, "food for human consumption that is to be consumed | ||||||
17 | off the premises where it is sold" includes all food sold | ||||||
18 | through a vending machine, except soft drinks, candy, and food | ||||||
19 | products that are dispensed hot from a vending machine, | ||||||
20 | regardless of the location of the vending machine.
| ||||||
21 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
22 | beginning September 1, 2009, "food for human consumption that | ||||||
23 | is to be consumed off the premises where
it is sold" does not | ||||||
24 | include candy. For purposes of this Section, "candy" means a | ||||||
25 | preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial | ||||||
26 | sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or | ||||||
2 | pieces. "Candy" does not include any preparation that contains | ||||||
3 | flour or requires refrigeration. | ||||||
4 | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Act, | ||||||
5 | beginning September 1, 2009, "nonprescription medicines and | ||||||
6 | drugs" does not include grooming and hygiene products. For | ||||||
7 | purposes of this Section, "grooming and hygiene products" | ||||||
8 | includes, but is not limited to, soaps and cleaning solutions, | ||||||
9 | shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirants, and sun tan | ||||||
10 | lotions and screens, unless those products are available by | ||||||
11 | prescription only, regardless of whether the products meet the | ||||||
12 | definition of "over-the-counter-drugs". For the purposes of | ||||||
13 | this paragraph, "over-the-counter-drug" means a drug for human | ||||||
14 | use that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug | ||||||
15 | as required by 21 C.F.R. § 201.66. The "over-the-counter-drug" | ||||||
16 | label includes: | ||||||
17 | (A) A "Drug Facts" panel; or | ||||||
18 | (B) A statement of the "active ingredient(s)" with a | ||||||
19 | list of those ingredients contained in the compound, | ||||||
20 | substance or preparation.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-37, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, | ||||||
22 | eff. 7-13-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1012, eff. 7-7-10.)
| ||||||
23 | (35 ILCS 120/2-70)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 2-70. Sunset of exemptions, credits, and deductions. | ||||||
25 | (a) The application
of every exemption, credit, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deduction against tax imposed by this Act that
becomes law | ||||||
2 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994 shall | ||||||
3 | be
limited by a reasonable and appropriate sunset date. A | ||||||
4 | taxpayer is not
entitled to take the exemption, credit, or | ||||||
5 | deduction beginning on the sunset
date and thereafter. Except | ||||||
6 | as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, if If a | ||||||
7 | reasonable and appropriate sunset date is not
specified in the | ||||||
8 | Public Act that creates the exemption, credit, or deduction, a
| ||||||
9 | taxpayer shall not be entitled to take the exemption, credit, | ||||||
10 | or deduction
beginning 5 years after the effective date of the | ||||||
11 | Public Act creating the
exemption, credit, or deduction and | ||||||
12 | thereafter.
| ||||||
13 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of | ||||||
14 | this Section, the sunset date of any exemption, credit, or | ||||||
15 | deduction that is scheduled to expire in 2011, 2012, or 2013 by | ||||||
16 | operation of this Section shall be extended by 5 years. | ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 88-660, eff. 9-16-94.)
| ||||||
18 | Section 15-37. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | ||||||
19 | Section 18-165 as follows:
| ||||||
20 | (35 ILCS 200/18-165)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 18-165. Abatement of taxes.
| ||||||
22 | (a) Any taxing district, upon a majority vote of its | ||||||
23 | governing authority,
may, after the determination of the | ||||||
24 | assessed valuation of its property, order
the clerk of that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | county to abate any portion of its taxes on the following
types | ||||||
2 | of property:
| ||||||
3 | (1) Commercial and industrial.
| ||||||
4 | (A) The property of any commercial or industrial | ||||||
5 | firm,
including but not limited to the property of (i) | ||||||
6 | any firm that
is used for collecting, separating, | ||||||
7 | storing, or processing recyclable
materials, locating | ||||||
8 | within the taxing district during the immediately | ||||||
9 | preceding
year from another state, territory, or | ||||||
10 | country, or having been newly created
within this State | ||||||
11 | during the immediately preceding year, or expanding an
| ||||||
12 | existing facility, or (ii) any firm that is used for | ||||||
13 | the generation and
transmission of
electricity | ||||||
14 | locating within the taxing district during the | ||||||
15 | immediately
preceding year or expanding its presence | ||||||
16 | within the taxing district during the
immediately | ||||||
17 | preceding year by construction of a new electric | ||||||
18 | generating
facility that uses natural gas as its fuel, | ||||||
19 | or any firm that is used for
production operations at a | ||||||
20 | new,
expanded, or reopened coal mine within the taxing | ||||||
21 | district, that
has been certified as a High Impact | ||||||
22 | Business by the Illinois Department of
Commerce and | ||||||
23 | Economic Opportunity. The property of any firm used for | ||||||
24 | the
generation and transmission of electricity shall | ||||||
25 | include all property of the
firm used for transmission | ||||||
26 | facilities as defined in Section 5.5 of the Illinois
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Enterprise Zone Act. The abatement shall not exceed a | ||||||
2 | period of 10 years
and the aggregate amount of abated | ||||||
3 | taxes for all taxing districts combined
shall not | ||||||
4 | exceed $4,000,000.
| ||||||
5 | (A-5) Any property in the taxing district of a new | ||||||
6 | electric generating
facility, as defined in Section | ||||||
7 | 605-332 of the Department of Commerce and
Economic | ||||||
8 | Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of | ||||||
9 | Illinois.
The abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 | ||||||
10 | years.
The abatement shall be subject to the following | ||||||
11 | limitations:
| ||||||
12 | (i) if the equalized assessed valuation of the | ||||||
13 | new electric generating
facility is equal to or | ||||||
14 | greater than $25,000,000 but less
than | ||||||
15 | $50,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) | ||||||
16 | over the entire term
of the abatement, 5% of the | ||||||
17 | taxing district's aggregate taxes from the
new | ||||||
18 | electric generating facility and (ii) in any one
| ||||||
19 | year of abatement, 20% of the taxing district's | ||||||
20 | taxes from the
new electric generating facility;
| ||||||
21 | (ii) if the equalized assessed valuation of | ||||||
22 | the new electric
generating facility is equal to or | ||||||
23 | greater than $50,000,000 but less
than | ||||||
24 | $75,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed (i) | ||||||
25 | over the entire term
of the abatement, 10% of the | ||||||
26 | taxing district's aggregate taxes from the
new |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | electric generating facility and (ii) in any one
| ||||||
2 | year of abatement, 35% of the taxing district's | ||||||
3 | taxes from the
new electric generating facility;
| ||||||
4 | (iii) if the equalized assessed valuation of | ||||||
5 | the new electric
generating facility
is equal to or | ||||||
6 | greater than $75,000,000 but less
than | ||||||
7 | $100,000,000, then the abatement may not exceed | ||||||
8 | (i) over the entire term
of the abatement, 20% of | ||||||
9 | the taxing district's aggregate taxes from the
new | ||||||
10 | electric generating facility and (ii) in any one
| ||||||
11 | year of abatement, 50% of the taxing district's | ||||||
12 | taxes from the
new electric generating facility;
| ||||||
13 | (iv) if the equalized assessed valuation of | ||||||
14 | the new electric
generating facility is equal to or | ||||||
15 | greater than $100,000,000 but less
than | ||||||
16 | $125,000,000, then the
abatement may not exceed | ||||||
17 | (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 30% of | ||||||
18 | the
taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new | ||||||
19 | electric generating facility
and (ii) in any one | ||||||
20 | year of abatement, 60% of the taxing
district's | ||||||
21 | taxes from the new electric generating facility;
| ||||||
22 | (v) if the equalized assessed valuation of the | ||||||
23 | new electric generating
facility is equal to or | ||||||
24 | greater than $125,000,000 but less
than | ||||||
25 | $150,000,000, then the
abatement may not exceed | ||||||
26 | (i) over the entire term of the abatement, 40% of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
taxing district's aggregate taxes from the new | ||||||
2 | electric generating facility
and (ii) in any one | ||||||
3 | year of abatement, 60% of the taxing
district's | ||||||
4 | taxes from the new electric generating facility;
| ||||||
5 | (vi) if the equalized assessed valuation of | ||||||
6 | the new electric
generating facility is equal to or | ||||||
7 | greater than $150,000,000, then the
abatement may | ||||||
8 | not exceed (i) over the entire term of the | ||||||
9 | abatement, 50% of the
taxing district's aggregate | ||||||
10 | taxes from the new electric generating facility
| ||||||
11 | and (ii) in any one year of abatement, 60% of the | ||||||
12 | taxing
district's taxes from the new electric | ||||||
13 | generating facility.
| ||||||
14 | The abatement is not effective unless
the owner of | ||||||
15 | the new electric generating facility agrees to
repay to | ||||||
16 | the taxing district all amounts previously abated, | ||||||
17 | together with
interest computed at the rate and in the | ||||||
18 | manner provided for delinquent taxes,
in the event that | ||||||
19 | the owner of the new electric generating facility | ||||||
20 | closes the
new electric generating facility before the | ||||||
21 | expiration of the
entire term of the abatement.
| ||||||
22 | The authorization of taxing districts to abate | ||||||
23 | taxes under this
subdivision (a)(1)(A-5) expires on | ||||||
24 | January 1, 2010.
| ||||||
25 | (B) The property of any commercial or industrial
| ||||||
26 | development of at least 500 acres having been created |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within the taxing
district. The abatement shall not | ||||||
2 | exceed a period of 20 years and the
aggregate amount of | ||||||
3 | abated taxes for all taxing districts combined shall | ||||||
4 | not
exceed $12,000,000.
| ||||||
5 | (C) The property of any commercial or industrial | ||||||
6 | firm currently
located in the taxing district that | ||||||
7 | expands a facility or its number of
employees. The | ||||||
8 | abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years and the
| ||||||
9 | aggregate amount of abated taxes for all taxing | ||||||
10 | districts combined shall not
exceed $4,000,000. The | ||||||
11 | abatement period may be renewed at the option of the
| ||||||
12 | taxing districts.
| ||||||
13 | (2) Horse racing. Any property in the taxing district | ||||||
14 | which
is used for the racing of horses and upon which | ||||||
15 | capital improvements consisting
of expansion, improvement | ||||||
16 | or replacement of existing facilities have been made
since | ||||||
17 | July 1, 1987. The combined abatements for such property | ||||||
18 | from all taxing
districts in any county shall not exceed | ||||||
19 | $5,000,000 annually and shall not
exceed a period of 10 | ||||||
20 | years.
| ||||||
21 | (3) Auto racing. Any property designed exclusively for | ||||||
22 | the racing of
motor vehicles. Such abatement shall not | ||||||
23 | exceed a period of 10 years.
| ||||||
24 | (4) Academic or research institute. The property of any | ||||||
25 | academic or
research institute in the taxing district that | ||||||
26 | (i) is an exempt organization
under paragraph (3) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, (ii)
operates | ||||||
2 | for the benefit of the public by actually and exclusively | ||||||
3 | performing
scientific research and making the results of | ||||||
4 | the research available to the
interested public on a | ||||||
5 | non-discriminatory basis, and (iii) employs more than
100 | ||||||
6 | employees. An abatement granted under this paragraph shall | ||||||
7 | be for at
least 15 years and the aggregate amount of abated | ||||||
8 | taxes for all taxing
districts combined shall not exceed | ||||||
9 | $5,000,000.
| ||||||
10 | (5) Housing for older persons. Any property in the | ||||||
11 | taxing district that
is devoted exclusively to affordable | ||||||
12 | housing for older households. For
purposes of this | ||||||
13 | paragraph, "older households" means those households (i)
| ||||||
14 | living in housing provided under any State or federal | ||||||
15 | program that the
Department of Human Rights determines is | ||||||
16 | specifically designed and operated to
assist elderly | ||||||
17 | persons and is solely occupied by persons 55 years of age | ||||||
18 | or
older and (ii) whose annual income does not exceed 80% | ||||||
19 | of the area gross median
income, adjusted for family size, | ||||||
20 | as such gross income and median income are
determined from | ||||||
21 | time to time by the United States Department of Housing and
| ||||||
22 | Urban Development. The abatement shall not exceed a period | ||||||
23 | of 15 years, and
the aggregate amount of abated taxes for | ||||||
24 | all taxing districts shall not exceed
| ||||||
25 | (6) Historical society. For assessment years 1998 | ||||||
26 | through 2018 2013 , the
property of an historical society |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | qualifying as an exempt organization under
Section | ||||||
2 | 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
3 | (7) Recreational facilities. Any property in the | ||||||
4 | taxing district (i)
that is used for a municipal airport, | ||||||
5 | (ii) that
is subject to a leasehold assessment under | ||||||
6 | Section 9-195 of this Code and (iii)
is sublet from a | ||||||
7 | park district that is leasing the property from a
| ||||||
8 | municipality, but only if the property is used exclusively | ||||||
9 | for recreational
facilities or for parking lots used | ||||||
10 | exclusively for those facilities. The
abatement shall not | ||||||
11 | exceed a period of 10 years.
| ||||||
12 | (8) Relocated corporate headquarters. If approval | ||||||
13 | occurs within 5 years
after the effective date of this | ||||||
14 | amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
any property | ||||||
15 | or a portion of any property in a taxing district that is | ||||||
16 | used by
an eligible business for a corporate headquarters | ||||||
17 | as defined in the Corporate
Headquarters Relocation Act. | ||||||
18 | Instead of an abatement under this paragraph (8),
a taxing | ||||||
19 | district may enter into an agreement with an eligible | ||||||
20 | business to make
annual payments to that eligible business | ||||||
21 | in an amount not to exceed the
property taxes paid directly | ||||||
22 | or indirectly by that eligible business to the
taxing | ||||||
23 | district and any other taxing districts for
premises | ||||||
24 | occupied pursuant to a written lease and may make those | ||||||
25 | payments
without the need for an annual appropriation. No | ||||||
26 | school district, however, may
enter into an agreement with, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or abate taxes for, an eligible business unless
the | ||||||
2 | municipality in which the corporate headquarters is | ||||||
3 | located agrees to
provide funding to the school district in | ||||||
4 | an amount equal to the amount abated
or paid by the school | ||||||
5 | district as provided in this paragraph (8).
Any abatement | ||||||
6 | ordered or
agreement entered into under this paragraph (8) | ||||||
7 | may be effective for the entire
term specified by the | ||||||
8 | taxing district, except the term of the abatement or
annual | ||||||
9 | payments may not exceed 20 years. | ||||||
10 | (9) United States Military Public/Private Residential | ||||||
11 | Developments. Each building, structure, or other | ||||||
12 | improvement designed, financed, constructed, renovated, | ||||||
13 | managed, operated, or maintained after January 1, 2006 | ||||||
14 | under a "PPV Lease", as set forth under Division 14 of | ||||||
15 | Article 10, and any such PPV Lease.
| ||||||
16 | (10) Property located in a business corridor that | ||||||
17 | qualifies for an abatement under Section 18-184.10. | ||||||
18 | (b) Upon a majority vote of its governing authority, any | ||||||
19 | municipality
may, after the determination of the assessed | ||||||
20 | valuation of its property, order
the county clerk to abate any | ||||||
21 | portion of its taxes on any property that is
located within the | ||||||
22 | corporate limits of the municipality in accordance with
Section | ||||||
23 | 8-3-18 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 96-1136, eff. 7-21-10; 97-577, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 15-40. The Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Transfer Tax Act is amended by changing Section 2 as follows:
| ||||||
2 | (35 ILCS 405/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 405A-2)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 2. Definitions.
| ||||||
4 | "Federal estate tax" means the tax due to the United States | ||||||
5 | with respect
to a taxable transfer under Chapter 11 of the | ||||||
6 | Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
7 | "Federal generation-skipping transfer tax" means the tax | ||||||
8 | due to the
United States with respect to a taxable transfer | ||||||
9 | under Chapter 13 of the
Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
10 | "Federal return" means the federal estate tax return with | ||||||
11 | respect to the
federal estate tax and means the federal | ||||||
12 | generation-skipping transfer tax
with respect to the | ||||||
13 | federal generation-skipping transfer tax.
| ||||||
14 | "Federal transfer tax" means the federal estate tax or the | ||||||
15 | federal
generation-skipping transfer tax.
| ||||||
16 | "Illinois estate tax" means the tax due to this State with | ||||||
17 | respect to a
taxable transfer.
| ||||||
18 | "Illinois generation-skipping transfer tax" means the tax | ||||||
19 | due to this State
with respect to a taxable transfer that gives | ||||||
20 | rise to a federal
generation-skipping transfer tax.
| ||||||
21 | "Illinois transfer tax" means the Illinois estate tax or | ||||||
22 | the Illinois
generation-skipping transfer tax.
| ||||||
23 | "Internal Revenue Code" means, unless otherwise provided, | ||||||
24 | the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended from time to | ||||||
25 | time.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Non-resident trust" means a trust that is not a resident | ||||||
2 | of this State
for purposes of the Illinois Income Tax Act, as | ||||||
3 | amended from time to time.
| ||||||
4 | "Person" means and includes any individual, trust, estate, | ||||||
5 | partnership,
association, company or corporation.
| ||||||
6 | "Qualified heir" means a qualified heir as defined in | ||||||
7 | Section 2032A(e)(1)
of the Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
8 | "Resident trust" means a trust that is a resident of this | ||||||
9 | State for
purposes of the Illinois Income Tax Act, as amended | ||||||
10 | from time to time.
| ||||||
11 | "State" means any state, territory or possession of the | ||||||
12 | United States and
the District of Columbia.
| ||||||
13 | "State tax credit" means:
| ||||||
14 | (a) For persons dying on or after January 1, 2003 and
| ||||||
15 | through December 31, 2005, an amount
to the full credit | ||||||
16 | calculable under Section 2011 or Section 2604 of the
Internal | ||||||
17 | Revenue
Code as the credit would have been computed and allowed | ||||||
18 | under the Internal
Code as in effect on December 31, | ||||||
19 | 2001, without the reduction in the State
Death Tax
Credit as | ||||||
20 | provided in Section 2011(b)(2) or the termination of the State | ||||||
21 | Death
Tax Credit
as provided in Section 2011(f) as enacted by | ||||||
22 | the Economic Growth and Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2001, | ||||||
23 | but recognizing the increased applicable exclusion
| ||||||
24 | through December 31, 2005.
| ||||||
25 | (b) For persons dying after December 31, 2005 and on or | ||||||
26 | before December 31,
2009, and for persons dying after December |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 31, 2010, an amount equal to the full
calculable under | ||||||
2 | Section 2011 or 2604 of the Internal Revenue Code as the
credit | ||||||
3 | would
have been computed and allowed under the Internal Revenue | ||||||
4 | Code as in effect on
December 31, 2001, without the reduction | ||||||
5 | in the State Death Tax Credit as
provided in
Section 2011(b)(2) | ||||||
6 | or the termination of the State Death Tax Credit as provided
| ||||||
7 | Section 2011(f) as enacted by the Economic Growth and Tax | ||||||
8 | Relief Reconciliation
Act of
2001, but recognizing the | ||||||
9 | exclusion amount of only (i) $2,000,000 for persons dying prior | ||||||
10 | to January 1, 2012, (ii) $3,000,000 for persons dying on or | ||||||
11 | after January 1, 2012 and prior to January 1, 2013, and (iii) | ||||||
12 | $4,000,000 for persons dying on or after January 1, 2013 , and | ||||||
13 | with reduction to the adjusted taxable estate for any qualified | ||||||
14 | terminable interest property election as defined in subsection | ||||||
15 | (b-1) of this Section.
| ||||||
16 | (b-1) The person required to file the Illinois return may | ||||||
17 | elect on a timely filed Illinois return a marital deduction for | ||||||
18 | qualified terminable interest property under Section | ||||||
19 | 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code for purposes of the | ||||||
20 | Illinois estate tax that is separate and independent of any | ||||||
21 | qualified terminable interest property election for federal | ||||||
22 | estate tax purposes. For purposes of the Illinois estate tax, | ||||||
23 | the inclusion of property in the gross estate of a surviving | ||||||
24 | spouse is the same as under Section 2044 of the Internal | ||||||
25 | Revenue Code. | ||||||
26 | In the case of any trust for which a State or federal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | qualified terminable interest property election is made, the | ||||||
2 | trustee may not retain non-income producing assets for more | ||||||
3 | than a reasonable amount of time without the consent of the | ||||||
4 | surviving spouse.
| ||||||
5 | "Taxable transfer" means an event that gives rise to a | ||||||
6 | state tax credit,
including any credit as a result of the | ||||||
7 | imposition of an
additional tax under Section 2032A(c) of the | ||||||
8 | Internal Revenue Code.
| ||||||
9 | "Transferee" means a transferee within the meaning of | ||||||
10 | Section 2603(a)(1)
and Section 6901(h) of the Internal Revenue | ||||||
11 | Code.
| ||||||
12 | "Transferred property" means:
| ||||||
13 | (1) With respect to a taxable transfer occurring at the | ||||||
14 | death of an
individual, the
deceased individual's gross | ||||||
15 | estate as defined in Section 2031 of the
Internal Revenue | ||||||
16 | Code.
| ||||||
17 | (2) With respect to a taxable transfer occurring as a | ||||||
18 | result of a
taxable termination as defined in Section | ||||||
19 | 2612(a) of the Internal Revenue Code,
the taxable amount | ||||||
20 | determined under Section 2622(a) of the Internal Revenue
| ||||||
21 | Code.
| ||||||
22 | (3) With respect to a taxable transfer occurring as a | ||||||
23 | result of a
taxable distribution as defined in Section | ||||||
24 | 2612(b) of the Internal Revenue Code,
the taxable amount | ||||||
25 | determined under Section 2621(a) of the Internal Revenue
| ||||||
26 | Code.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) With respect to an event which causes the | ||||||
2 | imposition of an
additional estate tax under Section | ||||||
3 | 2032A(c) of the Internal Revenue Code,
qualified real | ||||||
4 | property that was disposed of or which ceased to be used | ||||||
5 | for
the qualified use, within the meaning of Section | ||||||
6 | 2032A(c)(1) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
| ||||||
7 | "Trust" includes a trust as defined in Section 2652(b)(1) | ||||||
8 | of the Internal
Revenue Code.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 96-789, eff. 9-8-09; 96-1496, eff. 1-13-11.)".