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2    WHEREAS, In May of 2017, the world witnessed a coordinated
3global cyberattack known as WannaCry; it was one of the largest
4cyberattacks ever, impacting over 150 countries and infecting
5more than 250,000 computers and devices; and
6    WHEREAS, WannaCry is a type of malicious software (malware)
7classified as ransomware; it encrypts essential files on a
8Windows device and requires that you pay a ransom to unlock
9those files; and
10    WHEREAS, Although WannaCry was focused on organizations
11and businesses; it was unique in that it was not targeted at
12any one industry or region, and it used malware that can move
13through a corporate network from a single entry point; and
14    WHEREAS, For organizations that have older equipment or
15legacy software, such as hospitals, manufacturing plants, and
16power plants, deploying a patch to fix a malware vulnerability
17can be complicated and disruptive; power plants (coal, nuclear,
18and renewables) provide virtually all of the power needs for
19almost 13 million Illinoisans; and
20    WHEREAS, Cyberattacks are an increasing concern for the
21Illinois power grid as a widespread outage could cause



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1catastrophic damage to the economy of Illinois; therefore, be
5CONCURRING HEREIN, that the International Cybersecurity Task
6Force is created within the Illinois Commerce Commission; and
7be it further
8    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall review the Joint
9Analysis Report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
10and the Federal Bureau of Investigation dated December 29, 2016
11and entitled "Grizzly Steppe - Russian Malicious Cyber
12Activity" and develop strategies to either implement or reject
13the recommendations made in the report; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall make recommendations to
15Midcontinent Independent System Operator and PJM
16Interconnection LLP relative to insulation of Illinois
17businesses and consumers from cyberattacks; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of the
19following members:
20        (1) two members from businesses that supply
21    electricity that serve 20,000 or more customers, appointed



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1    by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives;
2        (2) two members from businesses that supply natural gas
3    that serve 20,000 or more customers, appointed by the
4    Minority Leader of the Senate;
5        (3) one member from a water supplier that serves 20,000
6    or more customers, appointed by the Speaker of the House of
7    Representatives;
8        (4) one member from the nuclear power industry,
9    appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
10        (5) one member from the wind power industry, appointed
11    by the President of the Senate;
12        (6) one member from the solar power industry, appointed
13    by the President of the Senate;
14        (7) one member from the Illinois Chamber of Commerce,
15    appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
16    Representatives;
17        (8) one member from the Illinois Hospital Association,
18    appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;



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1        (9) one member of the American Civil Liberties Union,
2    appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
3        (10) two members of telecommunication businesses that
4    serve 20,000 or more customers, appointed by the Governor;
5        (11) two members of the Illinois Commerce Commission,
6    appointed by the Governor;
7        (12) the Mayor of Chicago, or his or her designee;
8        (13) the Mayor of Aurora, or his or her designee;
9        (14) the Mayor of Springfield, or his or her designee;
10        (15) a mayor from the Quad Cities area, or his or her
11    designee, appointed by the President of the Senate;
12        (16) a mayor from the Metropolitan East St. Louis area,
13    or his or her designee, appointed by the Minority Leader of
14    the Senate;
15        (17) two members of the majority party of the House of
16    Representatives, appointed by the Speaker, one of whom is
17    to be Chair and the other Co-Chair of the Task Force;



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1        (18) two members of the minority party of the House of
2    Representatives, appointed by the Minority Leader;
3        (19) two members of the majority party of the Senate,
4    appointed by the President; and
5        (20) two members of the minority party of the Senate,
6    appointed by the Minority Leader; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That the members of the Task Force shall serve
8without compensation; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall submit its report to
10the General Assembly no later than December 31, 2018 and the
11Task Force shall be dissolved upon submission of the report.