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2    WHEREAS, Reliable, clean, and affordable electricity is
3vital to Illinois for economic growth, jobs, and the overall
4interests of its citizens; and
5    WHEREAS, Illinois' nuclear power plants provide over half
6of the State's total electricity generation and are licensed to
7generate affordable electricity for Illinois families and
8businesses into the future; and
9    WHEREAS, Illinois had the twentieth lowest average price of
10electricity across all sectors in 2019, and low-cost energy
11resources give the State a significant advantage for attracting
12and retaining businesses of all kinds and provide reliable
13electricity to Illinois families; and
14    WHEREAS, Nuclear plants help Illinois avoid 45 million
15metric tons of carbon emissions each year, equivalent to almost
1610 million cars or 70% of current State carbon emissions; and
17    WHEREAS, Within Illinois, six nuclear plants comprise
18approximately 54% of the State's generation and 29% of its
19generating capacity; and
20    WHEREAS, Illinois' nuclear plants account for $149 million



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1in estimated annual State tax revenues; and
2    WHEREAS, Industry analysts and consultants, academic
3analyses and studies, and market publications have reached
4various conclusions regarding the economic viability of the
5Braidwood, Byron, Dresden, and LaSalle nuclear power plants;
6the shutdown of one or more of these valuable assets prior to
7its license expiration will most likely cause economic, social,
8and environmental harm to Illinois families and businesses; and
9    WHEREAS, Closing even a few nuclear power plants could make
10achieving State and national carbon reduction goals difficult
11or impossible; and
12    WHEREAS, It is of the highest importance that the State of
13Illinois preserve its existing clean energy resources as a
14means of achieving its clean energy goals, keeping energy costs
15stable and reliable, and preserving jobs; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Illinois
18Commerce Commission to prepare a report examining the impact on
19residential, commercial, and industrial electric rates from
20the closure of Illinois' Braidwood, Byron, Dresden, and LaSalle
21nuclear power plants prior to the expiration of their
22respective licenses; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we urge the Illinois Power Agency to prepare
2a report showing how the closure of the Braidwood, Byron,
3Dresden, and LaSalle nuclear power plants prior to the
4expiration of their respective licenses will affect
5reliability and capacity for the Midwest region; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That we request the findings in those reports to
8include potential market-based solutions to address any
9negative impacts on residential, commercial, and industrial
10electric rates, the negative affect on reliability and capacity
11for the Midwest region, and the negative environmental impacts
12from the closure of Illinois' nuclear power plants prior to the
13expiration of their respective licenses, including an
14examination of a Fixed Resource Requirement that prioritizes
15carbon-free generators; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That we request the findings in those reports to
17include multiple scenarios, wherein one, two, three, and four
18of these nuclear power plants close prior to the expiration of
19their respective licenses; and be it further
20    RESOLVED, That we request the findings from those reports
21to be presented to the General Assembly and the Governor before
22November 10, 2020 for consideration and appropriate action; and



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1be it further
2    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
3delivered to Governor JB Pritzker, Director of the Illinois
4Power Agency Anthony Star, and Chairman of the Illinois
5Commerce Commission Carrie Zalewski.