SR0167LRB103 31710 MST 60276 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate the Garden of Prayer Youth Center on celebrating
445 years of providing services to at-risk children throughout
5the State of Illinois; and
6    WHEREAS, In 1970, Reverend Shole and Doris Jordan
7purchased a 54 acre farm in Momence and became foster parents
8with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS);
9they opened their hearts and their home to children and
10families in need of food, clothing, shelter, and love; and
11    WHEREAS, In 1978, Doris Jordan established their home as a
12mission and named it the Garden of Prayer Deliverance Center;
13they dedicated 47 acres of their land and their farm house for
14the sole purpose of housing those in immediate need of food and
15shelter; and
16    WHEREAS, Reverend Shole Jordan, a Navy veteran, retired as
17a union welder from the General Motors Chicago Plant on 103rd
18Street, and Doris Jordan was retired from St. Luke
19Presbyterian Hospital of Chicago as a nursing aide; they
20decided to move to a new home in 1978 and left their farm and
21their farmhouse in the care of Vurnice Maloney to continue the
22mission of serving at-risk children and families; and



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1    WHEREAS, In 1994, Vurnice Maloney, a registered nurse,
2retired from the Shapiro Developmental Center in Kankakee as a
3unit director and devoted her time and attention to the growth
4and expansion of the Garden of Prayer Youth Center; and
5    WHEREAS, With guidance from Lorine Samuels, Franklin and
6Vurnice Maloney incorporated the Garden of Prayer Youth Center
7as a 501c3 not-for-profit organization in March of 1995; and
8    WHEREAS, Vurnice and Franklin Maloney became licensed
9foster parents and provided emergency foster care to at-risk
10male teens involved with DCFS and Juvenile Justice; Vurnice
11Maloney expanded the reach of the Garden of Prayer Youth
12Center by establishing an adoption preservation program, a
13counseling service, a mentoring program, and a summer camp and
14by providing supplemental education services; she also
15implemented Teen REACH Afterschool programming serving
16students from Lorenzo R. Smith School in Pembroke and students
17from Momence Jr. High School; and
18    WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Vurnice Maloney, the
19Garden of Prayer Youth Center received the Illinois Governor's
20Hometown and Governor's Cup Award in 2004; it received awards
21and recognitions from DCFS, the Illinois House of
22Representatives, and the city and county of Kankakee; and



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1    WHEREAS, On October 1, 2006, Michael Maloney became the
2executive director of the Garden of Prayer Youth Center and
3continued the vision and mission of his grandparents and
4parents and established the organization as a licensed child
5welfare agency in 2007; and
6    WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Michael Maloney, the
7Garden of Prayer Youth Center has become an accredited
8trauma-informed agency that has expanded to operate two
9therapeutic group homes for teens and two child care centers
10serving children ages six weeks to 12 years; it provides
11specialized and emergency foster care and parent mentoring and
12continues to provide summer camp and Teen REACH afterschool
13programming; and
14    WHEREAS, The Garden of Prayer Youth Center and its board
15of directors ensure that the agency consistently meets and
16exceeds the highest standards set by the Commission on
17Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and National
18Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs
19(NAC); the Garden of Prayer Early Education Centers are the
20only NAC accredited child care centers in Kankakee County
21awarded the Gold Circle of Quality; and
22    WHEREAS, The Garden of Prayer Youth Center is the largest



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1African American-owned and led business in Kankakee County
2with over 70 employees and nine locations; it is the only
3African American child welfare agency located outside of Cook
4County and the City of Chicago; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
7Garden of Prayer Youth Center on celebrating 45 years of
8providing services to at-risk children throughout the State of
9Illinois, and we wish them many more successful years; and be
10it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the Garden of Prayer Youth Center as a symbol of
13our respect and esteem.