(305 ILCS 5/5-47)
    Sec. 5-47. Medicaid reimbursement rates; substance use disorder treatment providers and facilities.
    (a) Beginning on January 1, 2024, subject to federal approval, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, in conjunction with the Department of Human Services' Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, shall provide a 30% increase in reimbursement rates for all Medicaid-covered ASAM Level 3 residential/inpatient substance use disorder treatment services.
    No existing or future reimbursement rates or add-ons shall be reduced or changed to address this proposed rate increase. No later than 3 months after June 16, 2023 (the effective date of Public Act 103-102), the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall submit any necessary application to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to implement the requirements of this Section.
    (a-5) Beginning in State fiscal year 2025, and every State fiscal year thereafter, reimbursement rates for licensed or certified substance use disorder treatment providers of ASAM Level 3 residential/inpatient services for persons with substance use disorders shall be adjusted upward by an amount equal to the Consumer Price Index-U from the previous year, not to exceed 2% in any State fiscal year. If there is a decrease in the Consumer Price Index-U, rates shall remain unchanged for that State fiscal year. The Department shall adopt rules, including emergency rules, in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, to implement the provisions of this Section.
    As used in this Section, "Consumer Price Index-U" means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor that measures the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by all urban consumers, United States city average, all items, 1982-84 = 100.
    (b) Parity in community-based behavioral health rates; implementation plan for cost reporting. For the purpose of understanding behavioral health services cost structures and their impact on the Medical Assistance Program, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall engage stakeholders to develop a plan for the regular collection of cost reporting for all entity-based substance use disorder providers. Data shall be used to inform on the effectiveness and efficiency of Illinois Medicaid rates. The Department and stakeholders shall develop a plan by April 1, 2024. The Department shall engage stakeholders on implementation of the plan. The plan, at minimum, shall consider all of the following:
        (1) Alignment with certified community behavioral
health clinic requirements, standards, policies, and procedures.
        (2) Inclusion of prospective costs to measure what is
needed to increase services and capacity.
        (3) Consideration of differences in collection and
policies based on the size of providers.
        (4) Consideration of additional administrative time
and costs.
        (5) Goals, purposes, and usage of data collected from
cost reports.
        (6) Inclusion of qualitative data in addition to
quantitative data.
        (7) Technical assistance for providers for completing
cost reports including initial training by the Department for providers.
        (8) Implementation of a timeline which allows an
initial grace period for providers to adjust internal procedures and data collection.
    Details from collected cost reports shall be made publicly available on the Department's website and costs shall be used to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of Illinois Medicaid rates.
    (c) Reporting; access to substance use disorder treatment services and recovery supports. By no later than April 1, 2024, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, with input from the Department of Human Services' Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, shall submit a report to the General Assembly regarding access to treatment services and recovery supports for persons diagnosed with a substance use disorder. The report shall include, but is not limited to, the following information:
        (1) The number of providers enrolled in the Illinois
Medical Assistance Program certified to provide substance use disorder treatment services, aggregated by ASAM level of care, and recovery supports.
        (2) The number of Medicaid customers in Illinois with
a diagnosed substance use disorder receiving substance use disorder treatment, aggregated by provider type and ASAM level of care.
        (3) A comparison of Illinois' substance use disorder
licensure and certification requirements with those of comparable state Medicaid programs.
        (4) Recommendations for and an analysis of the impact
of aligning reimbursement rates for outpatient substance use disorder treatment services with reimbursement rates for community-based mental health treatment services.
        (5) Recommendations for expanding substance use
disorder treatment to other qualified provider entities and licensed professionals of the healing arts. The recommendations shall include an analysis of the opportunities to maximize the flexibilities permitted by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for expanding access to the number and types of qualified substance use disorder providers.
(Source: P.A. 103-102, eff. 6-16-23; 103-588, eff. 6-5-24; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)