Public Act 096-1485 Public Act 1485 96TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY
| Public Act 096-1485 | HB6065 Enrolled | LRB096 20790 MJR 36544 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Care | of Students with Diabetes Act. | Section 5. Legislative findings. The General Assembly | finds the following: | (1) Diabetes is a serious chronic disease in which the | pancreas does not make insulin (Type 1) or the body cannot | use insulin properly (Type 2).
| (2) Diabetes must be managed 24 hours a day to avoid | the potentially life-threatening, short-term consequences | of low blood sugar and prevent or delay the serious | complications caused by blood sugar levels that are too | high for too long, such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery | disease, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, | blindness, kidney failure, amputation, and stroke.
| (3) Federal law affords people with diabetes specific | rights and protections. These laws include Section 504 of | the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with | Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, and the | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA | Amendments Act of 2008.
| (4) Federal laws enforced consistently in schools | provide students with diabetes equal educational | opportunities and a healthy and safe environment. | (5) A school nurse is the most appropriate person in a | school setting to provide for all students' healthcare | needs; however, a school nurse may not be available when | needed, and many schools do not have a full-time nurse.
| (6) Many students are capable of checking their blood | glucose levels, calculating a carbohydrate-to-insulin | ratio, and administering insulin independently. Allowing | capable students to manage diabetes independently in | school is consistent with the recommendations of pediatric | endocrinologists and certified diabetes educators and | other specialists.
| (7) Because appropriate and consistent diabetes care | decreases the risks of serious short-term and long-term | complications, increases a student's learning | opportunities, and promotes individual and public health | benefits, the General Assembly deems it in the public | interest to enact this Act.
| Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| "Delegated care aide" means a school employee who has | agreed to receive training in diabetes care and to assist | students in implementing their diabetes care plan and has | entered into an agreement with a parent or guardian and the |
| school district or private school.
| "Diabetes care plan" means a document that specifies the | diabetes-related services needed by a student at school and at | school-sponsored activities and identifies the appropriate | staff to provide and supervise these services.
| "Health care provider" means a physician licensed to | practice medicine in all of its branches, advanced practice | nurse who has a written agreement with a collaborating | physician who authorizes the provision of diabetes care, or a | physician assistant who has a written supervision agreement | with a supervising physician who authorizes the provision of | diabetes care. | "Principal" means the principal of the school.
| "School" means any primary or secondary public, charter, or | private school located in this State.
| "School employee" means a person who is employed by a | public school district or private school, a person who is | employed by a local health department and assigned to a school, | or a person who contracts with a school or school district to | perform services in connection with a student's diabetes care | plan.
This definition must not be interpreted as requiring a | school district or private school to hire additional personnel | for the sole purpose of serving as a designated care aide. | Section 15. Diabetes care plan.
| (a) A diabetes care plan shall serve as the basis of a |
| student's Section 504 plan (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794) and shall be | signed by a student's parent or guardian and submitted to the | school for any student with diabetes who seeks assistance with | diabetes care in the school setting, unless the student has | been managing his or her diabetes care in the school setting | before the effective date of this Act, in which case the | student's parent or guardian may sign and submit a diabetes | care plan under this Act. It is the responsibility of the | student's parent or guardian to share the health care | provider's instructions concerning the student's diabetes | management during the school day.
The diabetes care plan shall | include the treating health care provider's instructions | concerning the student's diabetes management during the school | day, including a copy of the signed prescription and the | methods of insulin administration. | (b) The services and accommodations specified in a diabetes | care plan shall be reasonable, reflect the current standard of | diabetes care, include appropriate safeguards to ensure that | syringes and lancets are disposed of properly, and include | requirements for diet, glucose testing, insulin | administration, and treatment for hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, | and emergency situations.
| (c) A diabetes care plan shall include a uniform record of | glucometer readings and insulin administered by the school | nurse or delegated care aide during the school day using a | standardized format provided by the State Board of Education. |
| (d) A diabetes care plan shall include procedures regarding | when a delegated care aide shall consult with the parent or | guardian, school nurse, where available, or health care | provider to confirm that an insulin dosage is appropriate. | (e) A diabetes care plan shall be submitted to the school | at the beginning of the school year; upon enrollment, as soon | as practical following a student's diagnosis; or when a | student's care needs change during the school year.
Parents | shall be responsible for informing the school in a timely | manner of any changes to the diabetes care plan and their | emergency contact numbers. | Section 20. Delegated care aides.
| (a) Delegated care aides shall perform the duties necessary | to assist a student with diabetes in accordance with his or her | diabetes care plan and in compliance with any guidelines | provided during training under Section 25 of this Act.
| (b) In accordance with the diabetes care plan or when an | unexpected snack or meal requires a dose of insulin not | anticipated by a student's diabetes care plan, the delegated | care aide shall consult with the parent or guardian, school | nurse, where available, or health care provider to confirm that | the insulin dosage is appropriate given the number of | carbohydrates to be taken and the student's blood glucose level | as determined by a glucometer reading. | (c) The principal shall facilitate compliance with the |
| provisions of a diabetes care plan.
| (d) Delegated care aides are authorized to provide | assistance by a student's parents or guardian and the school | district or private school. | Section 25. Training for school employees and delegated | care aides.
| (a) In schools that have a student with diabetes, all | school employees shall receive training in the basics of | diabetes care, how to identify when a student with diabetes | needs immediate or emergency medical attention, and whom to | contact in the case of an emergency during a regular in-service | training as provided for by Section 10-22.39 of the School | Code. | (b) Delegated care aides shall be trained to perform the | tasks necessary to assist a student with diabetes in accordance | with his or her diabetes care plan, including training to do | the following:
| (1) check blood glucose and record results;
| (2) recognize and respond to the symptoms of | hypoglycemia according to the diabetes care plan;
| (3) recognize and respond to the symptoms of | hyperglycemia according to the diabetes care plan;
| (4) estimate the number of carbohydrates in a snack or | lunch;
| (5) administer insulin according to the student's |
| diabetes care plan and keep a record of the amount | administered; and | (6) respond in an emergency, including how to | administer glucagon and call 911. | (c) The school district shall coordinate staff training. | (d) Initial training shall be provided by a licensed | healthcare provider with expertise in diabetes or a certified | diabetic educator and individualized by a student's parent or | guardian. Training must be consistent with the guidelines | provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in | the guide for school personnel entitled "Helping the Student | with Diabetes Succeed". The training shall be updated when the | diabetes care plan is changed and at least annually.
| (e) School nurses, where available, or health care | providers may provide technical assistance or consultation or | both to delegated care aides. | (f) An information sheet shall be provided to any school | employee who transports a student for school-sponsored | activities. It shall identify the student with diabetes, | identify potential emergencies that may occur as a result of | the student's diabetes and the appropriate responses to such | emergencies, and provide emergency contact information. | Section 30. Self-management.
Provided that the student is | authorized according to his or her diabetes care plan, a | student shall be permitted to do the following: |
| (1) check blood glucose when and wherever needed; | (2) administer insulin with the insulin delivery | system used by the student;
| (3) treat hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and otherwise | attend to the care and management of his or her diabetes in | the classroom, in any area of the school or school grounds | and at any school-related activity or event in accordance | with the diabetes care plan; and | (4)
possess on his or her person, at all times, the | supplies and equipment necessary to monitor and treat | diabetes, including, but not limited to, glucometers, | lancets, test strips, insulin, syringes, insulin pens and | needle tips, insulin pumps, infusion sets, alcohol swabs, a | glucagon injection kit, glucose tablets, and food and | drink, in accordance with the diabetes care plan.
| Section 35. Restricting access to school prohibited.
A | school district shall not restrict the assignment of a student | with diabetes to a particular school on the basis that the | school does not have a full-time school nurse, nor shall a | school deny a student access to any school or school-related | activities on the basis that a student has diabetes.
| Section 40. Protections against retaliation.
A school | employee shall not be subject to any penalty, sanction, | reprimand, discharge, demotion, denial of a promotion, |
| withdrawal of benefits, or other disciplinary action for | choosing not to agree to serve as a delegated care aide.
| Section 45. Civil immunity.
| (a) A school or a school employee is not liable for civil | or other damages as a result of conduct, other than willful or | wanton misconduct, related to the care of a student with | diabetes.
| (b) A school employee shall not be subject to any | disciplinary proceeding resulting from an action taken in | compliance with this Act, unless the action constitutes willful | or wanton misconduct.
| Section 50. Federal law. Nothing in this Act shall limit | any rights available under federal law. | Section 95. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | Section 8.34 as follows: | (30 ILCS 805/8.34 new) | Sec. 8.34. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 | of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the | implementation of any mandate created by this amendatory Act of | the 96th General Assembly.
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law.
Effective Date: 12/1/2010