Public Act 097-0441 Public Act 0441 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY
| Public Act 097-0441 | HB0653 Enrolled | LRB097 03481 RPM 43518 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This amendatory Act may be referred | to as Paul's Law. | Section 5. The Community-Integrated Living Arrangements | Licensure and
Certification Act is amended by changing Sections | 4 and 9 and by adding Sections 13, 14, and 15 as follows:
| (210 ILCS 135/4) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 1704)
| Sec. 4.
(a) Any community mental health or developmental | services agency who
wishes to develop and support a variety of | community-integrated living
arrangements may do so pursuant to | a license issued by the Department under this Act.
However, | programs established under or otherwise subject to the Child
| Care Act of 1969, the Nursing Home Care Act, or the MR/DD | Community Care Act, as now or
hereafter amended, shall remain
| subject thereto, and this Act shall not be construed to limit | the
application of those Acts.
| (b) The system of licensure established under this Act | shall be for the purposes of:
| (1) Insuring that all recipients residing in | community-integrated living
arrangements are receiving |
| appropriate community-based services, including
treatment, | training and habilitation or rehabilitation;
| (2) Insuring that recipients' rights are protected and | that all programs
provided to and placements arranged for
| recipients comply with this Act, the Mental Health and | Developmental
Disabilities Code, and applicable Department | rules and regulations;
| (3) Maintaining the integrity of communities by | requiring regular
monitoring and inspection of placements | and other services provided in
community-integrated living | arrangements.
| The licensure system shall be administered by a quality | assurance unit
within the Department which shall be | administratively independent of units
responsible for funding | of agencies or community services.
| (c) As a condition of being licensed by the Department as a | community
mental health or developmental services agency under | this Act, the agency
shall certify to the Department that:
| (1) All recipients residing in community-integrated | living arrangements
are receiving appropriate | community-based services, including treatment,
training | and habilitation or rehabilitation;
| (2) All programs provided to and placements arranged | for recipients are
supervised by the agency; and
| (3) All programs provided to and placements arranged | for recipients
comply with this Act, the Mental Health and |
| Developmental Disabilities
Code, and applicable Department | rules and regulations.
| (d) An applicant for licensure as a community mental health | or
developmental services agency under this Act shall submit an | application
pursuant to the application process established by | the Department by rule
and shall pay an application fee in an | amount established by the
Department, which amount shall not be | more than $200.
| (e) If an applicant meets the requirements established by | the Department
to be licensed as a community mental health or | developmental services
agency under this Act, after payment of | the licensing fee, the Department
shall issue a license valid | for 3 years from the date thereof unless
suspended or revoked | by the Department or voluntarily surrendered by the agency.
| (f) Upon application to the Department, the Department may | issue a
temporary permit to an applicant for a 6-month period | to allow the holder
of such permit reasonable time to become | eligible for a license under this Act.
| (g)(1) The Department may conduct site visits to an agency | licensed under this
Act, or to any program or placement | certified by the agency, and inspect
the records or premises, | or both, of such agency, program or placement as
it deems | appropriate, for the
purpose of determining compliance with | this Act, the Mental Health and
Developmental Disabilities | Code, and applicable Department rules and regulations.
| (2) If the Department determines that an agency licensed |
| under this Act
is not in compliance with this Act or the rules | and regulations promulgated
under this Act, the Department | shall serve a notice of violation
upon the licensee. Each | notice of violation shall be prepared in writing
and shall | specify the nature of the violation, the statutory provision or
| rule alleged to have been violated, and that the licensee
| submit a plan of correction to the Department if required. The | notice shall also
inform the licensee of any other action which | the Department might take
pursuant to this Act and of the right | to a hearing.
| (g-5) As determined by the Department, a disproportionate | number or percentage of licensure complaints; a | disproportionate number or percentage of substantiated cases | of abuse, neglect, or exploitation involving an agency; an | apparent unnatural death of an individual served by an agency; | any egregious or life-threatening abuse or neglect within an | agency; or any other significant event as determined by the | Department shall initiate a review of the agency's license by | the Department, as well as a review of its service agreement | for funding. The Department shall adopt rules to establish the | process by which the determination to initiate a review shall | be made and the timeframe to initiate a review upon the making | of such determination. | (h) Upon the expiration of any license issued under this | Act, a license
renewal application shall be required of and a | license renewal fee in an
amount established by the Department |
| shall be
charged to a community mental health or
developmental | services agency, provided that such fee shall not be more than | $200.
| (Source: P.A. 96-339, eff. 7-1-10 .)
| (210 ILCS 135/9) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 1709)
| Sec. 9.
By July 1, 1989, the Department shall adopt rules | pursuant to
the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to | establish minimum standards
for licensing community-integrated | living arrangements under this Act.
These rules shall govern | the operation and conduct of community-integrated
living | arrangements and shall provide for the license application
| process; agency standards and financial requirements; | licensing,
certification and license renewal procedures; | revocation of licenses;
notification to recipients of their | rights and the ability to contact the
Guardianship and Advocacy | Commission; emergency actions which can be taken
by the | Department to protect recipients' rights, welfare, and safety; | and
any other rules deemed necessary to implement the | provisions of this Act.
| By December 31, 1996, the Department shall adopt rules | under the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act that specify | the components of reimbursement for
community-integrated | living arrangements and include costs as reported on the
| Interagency Statistical and Financial Report.
| By December 31, 2011, the Department shall adopt rules |
| under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act that govern the | assignment and operations of monitors and receiverships for | community-integrated living arrangements wherein the | Department has identified systemic risks to individuals | served. The rules shall specify the criteria for determining | the need for independent monitors and receivers, their conduct | once established, and their reporting requirements to the | Department. These monitors and receivers shall be independent | entities appointed by the Department and not staff from State | agencies. This paragraph does not limit, however, the | Department's authority to take necessary action through its own | or other State staff. | (Source: P.A. 89-31, eff. 6-23-95.)
| (210 ILCS 135/13 new) | Sec. 13. Registry checks for employees. | (a) Within 60 days after the effective date of this | amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department | shall require all of its community developmental services | agencies to conduct required registry checks on employees at | the time of hire and annually thereafter during employment. The | required registries to be checked are the Health Care Worker | Registry, the Department of Children and Family Services' State | Central Register, and the Illinois Sex Offender Registry. A | person may not be employed if he or she is found to have | disqualifying convictions or substantiated cases of abuse or |
| neglect. At the time of the annual registry checks, if a | current employee's name has been placed on a registry with | disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated cases | of abuse or neglect, then the employee must be terminated. | Disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated cases | of abuse or neglect are defined for the Department of Children | and Family Services' State Central Register by the Department | of Children and Family Services' standards for background | checks in Part 385 of Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative | Code. Disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated | cases of abuse or neglect are defined for the Health Care | Worker Registry by the Health Care Worker Background Check Act | and the Department's standards for abuse and neglect | investigations in Section 1-17 of the Department of Human | Services Act. | (b) In collaboration with the Department of Children and | Family Services and the Department of Public Health, the | Department of Human Services shall establish a waiver process | from the prohibition of employment or termination of employment | requirements in subsection (a) of this Section for any | applicant or employee listed under the Department of Children | and Family Services' State Central Register seeking to be hired | or maintain his or her employment with a community | developmental services agency under this Act. The waiver | process for applicants and employees outlined under Section 40 | of the Health Care Worker Background Check Act shall remain in |
| effect for individuals listed on the Health Care Worker | Registry. | (c) In order to effectively and efficiently comply with | subsection (a), the Department of Children and Family Services | shall take immediate actions to streamline the process for | checking the State Central Register for employees hired by | community developmental services agencies referenced in this | Act. These actions may include establishing a website for | registry checks or establishing a registry check process | similar to the Health Care Worker Registry. | (210 ILCS 135/14 new) | Sec. 14. Transparency for individuals and guardians. By | October 1, 2011, the Department shall make available to | individuals and guardians upon enrollment a document listing | telephone numbers and other contact information to report | suspected cases of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The | information provided shall include a delineation of the | individuals' rights. By July 1, 2012, the Department shall make | available through its website information on each agency | regarding licensure and quality assurance survey results; | licensure and contract status; and substantiated findings of | abuse, egregious neglect, and exploitation. The Department | shall adopt rules regarding the posting of this information and | shall inform individuals and guardians of its availability | during the initial provider selection process. |
| (210 ILCS 135/15 new) | Sec. 15. Designation of representative. Any adult resident | of a community-integrated living arrangement who does not have | a legal guardian and has not been adjudicated incompetent may | designate another adult of his or her choice to serve as the | representative of the resident for the sole purpose of | receiving notification from the agency or from the Department | concerning any incident or condition regarding the health, | safety, or well-being of the resident. The designation shall be | made in writing and signed by the resident, the designated | representative, and a representative of the agency. The agency | shall inform the resident of his or her right to designate | another adult as a representative for such purposes. The | designation may be revoked in writing by the resident at any | time. The agency shall provide a designation of representative | form that is substantially the same as the following: | "DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE | I, (insert name), am....... years old and reside at........ | I have not been adjudicated incompetent and do not have a legal | guardian. | I hereby delegate (insert name, phone number, and e-mail |
| address of designated representative), an adult who resides | at.........., as my representative for the sole purpose of | receiving notification of any incident that may affect my | health, safety or well-being while a resident at.........., and | hereby give my consent to (insert name of agency) to | communicate with (insert name of designated representative) | about any such incident. | I understand that I may revoke this Designation of | Representative at any time by notifying (insert name of agency) | in writing that I wish to do so. | I also understand that by executing this document I am waiving | my right to confidentiality, but only to the extent of the | authority conveyed in this document. | (Insert Name of Resident) | ..................... | Signature of Resident | (Insert Name of Representative) | ........................... | Signature of Representative |
| (Insert Name of Agency Representative) | ........................... | Signature of Representative".
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law. |
Effective Date: 8/19/2011