PART 810 YOUTH CAMP CODE : Sections Listing


AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Youth Camp Act [210 ILCS 100].

SOURCE: Amended March 25, 1974, effective April 4, 1974; amended at 5 Ill. Reg. 12760, effective November 13, 1981; codified at 8 Ill. Reg. 17511; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 11130, effective July 1, 1986; amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023.


Section 810.10  Statutory Authority (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 10 Ill. Reg. 11130, effective July 1, 1986)


Section 810.20  Definitions


In addition to the definitions contained in the Youth Camp Act, the following definitions shall apply:


"Act" means the Youth Camp Act [210 ILCS 100].


"Day Camp" means a parcel of land having the general characteristics and features of a youth camp operated during daylight hours only with the same group in attendance for three or more consecutive days or five or more days during a calendar year.


"Food Service Establishment" means any place where food is prepared and intended for individual portion service, and includes the site at which individual portions are provided.  The term includes any such place regardless of whether consumption is on or off the premises and regardless of whether there is a charge for the food.  The term also includes delicatessen type operations that prepare foods intended for individual portion service.  The term does not include private homes or a closed family function where food is prepared or served for individual family consumption, retail food stores or the location of food vending machines.


"Major Alteration" means the construction of a new potable water system, sewage disposal system, swimming facility, food service establishment, electrical distribution system or permanent sleeping structure.


"Major Extension" means an increase of 20 percent or more in a two year period of the capacity of the potable water system, sewage disposal system, swimming facility, food service establishment, electrical distribution system or permanent sleeping structure.


"Permanent Shelters" means any facilities or buildings which are used or intended to be used in the same location for a time period in excess of one year.


"Primitive Camp" means any camp site which in no way provides for any major artificial change from the natural surroundings such as central food service, sewage treatment facilities, or housing.  Primitive camps may be held on youth camp property which provides facilities for resident camping such as housing or food service.


"Public Water System" means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days per year.  The term Public Water System includes any collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under control of the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such system.


"Community Water System" means a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by residents or regularly serves at least 25 residents for at least 60 days a year.


"Non-Community Water System" means a public water system that is not a community water system, that has at least 15 service connections used by non-residents, or regularly serves 25 or more non-resident individuals daily for at least 60 days a year.


"Special Flood Hazard Area" means an area that would be inundated by the base flood and shown as such on either a Regulatory Flood Plain Map (published by the Illinois Department of Transportation 's Division of Water Resources), a Flood Insurance Rate Map or a Flood Hazard Boundary Map, both published by the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration or the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


"Sink waste" means the liquid waste generated by the washing of hands, food and kitchen utensils.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.25  Incorporated and Referenced Materials


a)         Materials referenced in this Part:


1)         National Electrical Code, 2017 Edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA  02269.  A copy of this Code is on file in the central and regional offices of the Illinois Department of Public Health.


2)         NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2021 edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA  02269, available at https:/


3)         Statewide Permit Number 6, Minor Non-obstructive Floodway Construction Activities, issued May 13, 1983 by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL  62702-1271.


4)         Flood Insurance Rate Maps, published by the Federal Insurance Administration or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and available at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center,


b)         All incorporations by reference of federal guidelines and the standards of nationally recognized organizations refer to the standards on the date specified and do not include any editions or amendments subsequent to the date specified.


c)         State of Illinois


1)         Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989 [225 ILCS 305]


2)         Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989 [225 ILCS 325]


3)         Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act. [225 ILCS 225]


4)         Environmental Protection Act. [415 ILCS 5]


5)         Smoke Detector Act. [425 ILCS 60]


d)         State of Illinois rules


1)         Pollution Control Board


A)        Introduction (35 Ill. Adm. Code 601)


B)        Permits (35 Ill. Adm. Code 602)


C)        Ownership and Responsible Personnel (35 Ill. Adm. Code 603)


D)        Design, Operation and Maintenance Criteria (35 Ill. Adm. Code 604)


2)         Environmental Protection Agency


A)        Introduction and Definitions (35 Ill. Adm. Code 651)


B)        Community Water Supplies (35 Ill. Adm. Code 652)


C)        Design, Operation and Maintenance Criteria (35 Ill. Adm. Code 653)


D)        Raw and Finished Water Quality and Quantity (35 Ill. Adm. Code 654)


3)         Public Health


A)        Control of Communicable Diseases Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 690)


B)        Food Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 750)


C)        Swimming Facility Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 820)


D)        Illinois Plumbing Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 890)


E)        Public Area Sanitary Practice Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 895)


F)         Private Sewage Disposal Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 905)


G)        Drinking Water Systems Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 910)


H)        Water Well Construction Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 920)


I)         Illinois Water Well Pump Installation Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 925)


J)         Surface Source Water Treatment Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 930)


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.30  General Requirements


a)         Permits.  Prior to the construction of a new youth camp, or major alteration or major extension of an existing youth camp, a permit must be obtained from the Department.  There shall be no fee for this permit.


1)         In addition to the application requirements in Section 6 of the Act, applications submitted to the Illinois Department of Public Health (Department) for permits shall contain the following information:


A)        Identification of the youth camp involved and the person or organization preparing the drawings and specifications.


B)        A statement describing the scope of the work proposed and the anticipated time schedule.


C)        A dimensioned plot plan of the youth camp area showing location of all structures and improvements.


D)        Drawings and/or specifications for proposed buildings and structures in sufficient detail to confirm structural soundness and compliance with applicable regulations (see Section 810.110).


E)        Detailed drawings and specifications of proposed potable water source and/or distribution system construction and a general arrangement drawing showing distances between components of the potable water system and sources of potential contamination (see Section 810.40).


F)         Detailed drawings and specifications of proposed sewage system construction and a general arrangement drawing showing distances between components of the sewage system and potable water systems or bodies of surface water, data showing estimated volume of sewage flow, and soil percolation rates for absorption fields.  Where a permit is required from the Environmental Protection Agency or a unit of local government for construction of a sewage disposal system, a copy of the permit or permit application shall be submitted (see Section 810.50).


G)        Detailed drawings and specifications for proposed swimming pool construction sealed by an engineer or architect licensed to practice in Illinois, which indicate compliance with the Department's Swimming Facility Code (see Section 810.80).


H)        Detailed drawings and specifications for proposed bathing beach construction showing water shed area, location of components of sewage systems within the water shed, area and volume of the lake or pond, slope of the bottom of the swimming area, extent of sand or gravel bottom in the swimming area, height of diving boards, depth of water in swimming and diving areas, location of buoyed lines marking wading and swimming areas, and proposed bather load (see Section 810.80).


I)         Detailed drawings and specifications for proposed recreational equipment construction involving partial or total body contact in water (see Section 810.80).


J)         Detailed drawings and specifications for proposed food service establishment construction showing interior construction of the building, floors, walls, and ceilings as well as details of food handling equipment to be installed (see Section 810.60).


K)        Drawings of proposed electrical distribution system construction showing general arrangement, size and type of wiring, grounding, overcurrent protection, and design of receptacles (see Section 810.140).


L)        Drawings of proposed sewer and water piping within buildings showing size and location of piping, fittings, and fixtures as well as materials of construction.


M)       The period of operation of the youth camp and the maximum number of children expected to occupy the youth camp at one time.


2)         The plans shall be sealed by an engineer or architect licensed to practice in Illinois if required by the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989 or the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989.


3)         Prior to the issuance of a construction permit, the permit applicant shall submit with the application a completed "Special Flood Hazard Area Request Form" provided by the Department.  If the site is within a Special Flood Hazard Area, the applicant shall forward to the Illinois Department of Transportation's Division of Water Resources the plans for the project.  No project to be located in a Special Flood Hazard Area shall be issued a permit without a statement or a copy of a statement from the Division of Water Resources that the construction complies with the requirements of Executive Order 2006-5, dated March 7, 2006 (available at  Construction of such items as water wells, septic tanks, underground utilities, light poles, pavilions, playground equipment sidewalks and driveways as specified in Statewide Permit Number 6 issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, May 13, 1983 are exempt from the above requirements.


4)         A permit is not required to repair a facility in a licensed youth camp or to correct a violation of this Part when such repair or correction is made to an existing facility, and does not result in expansion of any existing appurtenances or structures.


5)         Permits for new youth camp construction or alteration, if required, shall be obtained from local health departments, zoning boards, and other governmental units having jurisdiction.


6)         An extension to a youth camp less than a major extension shall not require a permit.  However, prior to initiating construction, the applicant shall advise the Department in writing of the scope of the extension.  This shall be addressed to:  Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, 525 West Jefferson, Springfield, Illinois 62761.


b)         Local Regulations.  Nothing in this Part shall be construed as authorizing exemptions from more stringent regulations imposed by any other governmental agency having jurisdiction.


c)         Variance Procedure.  The Department may grant a variance to a specific regulation when the operator or owner of a youth camp submits a request for such variance to the Department with drawings, specifications, documents or calculations showing that the alternative methods or designs proposed will provide equivalent protection to that which would prevail under these rules.  The capability of the proposed variance to ensure protection equivalent to that provided by this Part shall be the basis for approval or denial of a variance.  The Department shall notify the applicant in writing of its decision to either grant or deny the variance within 60 days of receipt of the request.  A variance shall be requested and approved before the proposed activity can be implemented.


d)         Responsibility of Licensee.  The licensee shall be responsible for maintenance and operation of the youth camp in compliance with the Illinois Youth Camp Act and this Part.


e)         Youth Camp Location.  No permanent youth camp structure or facility shall be located in an area subject to flooding or within 100 feet of a body of stagnant water, highway, railroad track, or manufacturing area.


f)         Construction Without a Permit.  Youth camps that were constructed prior to July 1, 1986, and not licensed by the Department shall provide prior to the issuance of a license the following information in addition to the application requirements in Section 5 of the Act:  


1)         As-built plans showing an overall plan of the entire youth camp, a floor plan of all existing buildings, the location of the utilities and the capacity of the sewage and water systems.


2)         The period of operation of the youth camp and the maximum number of youths expected to occupy the youth camp at one time.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.40  Water Supplies


a)         Potable Water Quantity.


1)         The minimum daily quantity of potable water provided shall be based on a total of the following: 


Flush toilets (if provided)

25 Gal/Day/Person

Food service establishments (if provided)

3 Gal/Meal/Person

Handwashing facilities

2 Gal/Day/Person

Laundry facilities (if provided)

5 Gal/Day/Person


15 Gal/Day/Person

Swimming pools (if provided)

10 Gal/Day/Person


The number of people shall include the maximum number of youths expected in attendance and the staff.  Water shall be provided for guests on a prorated schedule based on the amount of time they are expected to spend at the camp.


b)         Potable Water Quality.


1)         All water supplies in youth camps available for drinking, bathing, or culinary purposes must come from sources that are specified in Section 810.40 (b)(2) and the quality of the water shall meet the nitrate, turbidity and bacteriological requirements contained in Sections 900.50, 900.60 and 900.70 of the Department's rules for Drinking Water Systems.


2)         Sources of potable water acceptable to this Department are as follows:


A)        A community public water system constructed, operated and sampled in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Parts 651, 652, 653 and 654.


B)        A non-community public water system constructed, operated and sampled in accordance with the Department's rules for Drinking Water Systems.


C)        A water well constructed, located and operated in accordance with the Department's Water Well Construction Code and the Department's Illinois Water Well Pump Installation Code.


D)        A surface water system constructed and operated in compliance with the Department's Surface Source Water Treatment Code.


c)         Hauled Water.  Where potable water from a source specified in Section 810.40 (b)(2) is not available within a youth camp, water shall be hauled to the camp as prescribed by Section 900.30(o) of the Department's rules for Drinking Water Systems.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.50  Sewage Disposal


a)         General.  All sewage generated within a youth camp shall discharge into a sewage disposal system approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency or a private sewage disposal system constructed in accordance with the Private Sewage Disposal Code.


1)         A permit must be obtained in accordance with Section 810.30 of this Part to construct a sewage disposal system designed to discharge to a subsurface seepage field or designed to discharge less than 1,500 gallons per day to the ground surface or to a body of water.


2)         If a sewage disposal system is designed to discharge 1,500 or more gallons per day to the ground surface or to a body of water, a permit for construction must also be obtained from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as required by the Environmental Protection Act.


3)         Existing malfunctioning sewage disposal systems shall be reconstructed and maintained in compliance with the Private Sewage Disposal Code or the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency if they discharge sewage which does not meet the effluent requirements of Section 905.110(b) of the Private Sewage Disposal Code to the ground surface or to a body of water other than a sewage treatment lagoon.


b)         Pit and Vault Privies.  All pit and vault privies must meet the requirements set forth in the Private Sewage Disposal Code and shall be constructed in such a manner that surface water does not flow into the vault or privy.


c)         Other Sanitary Facilities.  A sanitary dumping station constructed in accordance with the Private Sewage Disposal Code or an individual sewer riser at each space shall be provided in all youth camps that permit overnight camping in recreational vehicles capable of sewage discharge.


d)         License Requirements.  The license requirements of the Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act shall be met by those individuals who construct, install, repair, modify, maintain, clean or pump private sewage disposal systems.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.60  Food Code


All food service establishments in youth camps shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the Food Code.  This applies to all food service establishments whether permanent, temporary or mobile, but does not include individuals or groups of individuals preparing their own meals away from any permanent, temporary or mobile food service establishment.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.70  Refuse Disposal


a)         General.  Youth camps shall be kept free of litter, accumulations of rubbish and garbage, glass, cans, objects with protruding nails, paper, rags, wood scraps, abandoned vehicles, and abandoned or discarded equipment.


b)         Containers.


1)         All refuse, which includes garbage, rubbish, bottles, and cans stored within a youth camp for more than 24 hours shall be kept in watertight, fly-proof, rodent-proof metal or durable plastic containers. Refuse that is stored less than 24 hours shall be placed in sealed plastic bags which shall be collected daily and placed in refuse containers or disposed of at a solid waste site operated in compliance with the Environmental Protection Act.  All refuse shall be protected from insects and rodents.


2)         Refuse containers shall be located within 250 feet of each camping site, picnic site, or food service establishment within a youth camp.


c)         Collection.  All refuse stored within a youth camp shall be collected at least once each week for disposal at a solid waste disposal site operated in compliance with the Environmental Protection Act.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.80  Swimming Facilities


a)         Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches.  All swimming pools and bathing beaches within youth camps shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the Department's Swimming Facility Code.


b)         Lifeguards.  Lifeguards are required when there are one or more swimmers at a swimming pool or bathing beach.  Lifeguards shall meet the requirements contained in Section 820.300(b)(3) of the Swimming Facility Code.


c)         Partial Water Contact Sports.  Water quality in lakes and ponds within youth camps where partial water contact sports or activities, such as but not limited to water skiing and water polo, are permitted shall meet the minimum standards for bathing beach water quality in the Swimming Facility Code.


d)         Bathing Beach Safety.  Water skiers and motor powered boats, other than boats used for lifesaving, shall not be permitted in designated bathing beach swimming areas.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.90  First Aid and Safety


a)         First Aid Equipment.  All youth camps shall have an area designated for emergency care equipped with at least one first aid kit which contains a minimum of the following:  


1)         2 units – 3" bandage compress


2)         2 units – triangular bandages


3)         1 units – scissors


4)         1 unit – tweezers


5)         2 units – eye dressing packet


6)         1 unit – 1" adhesive tape


7)         1 box – adhesive bandages of various sizes


8)         1 unit – antiseptic


b)         Emergency Communication.  The location of the nearest available emergency telephone and the nearest hospital shall be clearly posted at all Youth Camps.  The telephone numbers of the nearest hospital, ambulance, local police, state police, and fire department, or a single easily identified emergency telephone number established by the telephone company, shall be clearly posted and readily identifiable as an emergency number at the designated telephone.  A telephone shall be located in or conveniently near all youth camps except primitive camps.


c)         Transportation.  Transportation for emergency use shall be available at all youth camps except primitive camps at all times that the camp is in operation.


d)         First Aid Personnel.  A minimum of one person with a current American Red Cross Standard First Aid Certificate or equivalent, shall be on the premises at all times when a youth camp is in operation.


e)         Traffic Safety.  At all youth camps, tents and buildings shall be set back from roadways at least five feet to permit safe visibility by both campers and drivers.


f)         Open Fires.  All open fires in youth camps shall be at least 10 feet from buildings, vehicles or tents.


g)         Maintenance of Structures and Equipment.  Deteriorated structures and equipment in youth camps shall be either repaired or removed. In evaluating the structure, the Department shall consider the ability to support the loads for the purpose in which it is intended as determined by an on-site inspection and engineering evaluation.  The Department shall also evaluate the structure or equipment to ensure that conditions which may cause injury are eliminated.  Based on the above, the licensee shall either repair or remove the deteriorated structure.  Such conditions as rusted playground equipment, leaking roofs, split or rotten support members, and protruding nails shall be required to be corrected.


h)         Activity Areas.  Unsupervised youth camp activity areas shall not be located adjacent to highways, railroad tracks, abandoned wells, or cliffs if these features are readily accessible to children.


i)          Unstable Refuse Bins.  Metal refuse bins having an internal volume one cubic yard or greater which will tip over when subjected to a vertical downward force of 191 pounds or a horizontal force of 70 pounds applied at a point or in a direction most likely to cause tipping shall be either removed from youth camps or modified in such a way that they will not tip when subjected to these forces.


(Source:  Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 11130, effective July 1, 1986)


Section 810.100  Communicable Disease and Accident Reporting


a)         Accidents.  All deaths in a youth camp and those injuries occurring in a youth camp which receive care from a health care provider shall be reported to the Department of Public Health.


b)         Diseases.  All outbreaks of disease in a youth camp which involve two or more persons shall be reported to the Department pursuant to the Department's rules concerning the Control of Communicable Diseases Code.


c)         Reporting.  For all the above accidents and illnesses, the Injury and Illness Report as provided by the Department is to be completed and returned to the Department either by mailing or personally delivering it or electronically sending it to within 48 hours of the occurrence.


d)         First Aid Record.  Each youth camp shall maintain and keep current a record of first aid cases treated by designated first aid personnel during the camp operating period.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.110  Housing


a)         Structural Soundness.  Permanent buildings shall be structurally sound.  Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, roof, and stairway shall be sound and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon.


b)         Protection from the Elements.  Every roof and exterior wall shall be constructed and maintained to keep rain, sleet, and snow from the interior of permanent buildings used for living or sleeping purposes.


c)         Location.  Permanent buildings shall be separated by at least 10 feet from other permanent buildings and at least 25 feet from any public road.


d)         Space Requirements.


1)         At least one-half of the floor area in each room used for living or sleeping purposes in a permanent building shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven feet.


2)         Sleeping rooms in permanent buildings shall contain a minimum of 40 square feet of floor space and a minimum of 300 cubic feet of air space per occupant where single deck bunks are used.


3)         Sleeping rooms in permanent buildings shall contain a minimum of 30 square feet of floor space and a minimum of 300 cubic feet of air space per occupant where double deck bunks are used.


4)         No less than 30 inches of clear space shall be provided above any occupied bunk or bed. Bunks and beds shall be placed no closer than 30 inches side to side and 30 inches end to end.


e)         Windows.


1)         Each room used for living or sleeping purposes in a permanent building shall have at least one window or skylight opening directly to the outdoors.


2)         Total window or skylight area in a room used for living or sleeping purposes in a permanent building shall equal at least ten percent of the usable floor space in the room.


3)         In a room used for living or sleeping purposes in a permanent building, the total openable window area shall equal at least 45 percent of the minimum required window or skylight area required for the room except where comparable mechanical ventilation is provided.


4)         Doors and openable windows used for ventilation in permanent buildings in rooms used for sleeping, food preparation or eating shall be screened.


f)         Exits.


1)         No building containing two or more sleeping rooms shall have arrangements such that access to a sleeping room or access to toilet facilities requires the occupants to pass through another sleeping room.


2)         All buildings of more than one story where sleeping or living quarters are located on a floor above ground level shall have at least two means of exit from the upper floor to the outside of the building and shall have at least one easily accessible fire extinguisher (i.e., located not more than five feet off of the ground with no objects placed in front of the extinguisher that block access to it) in working order on each floor.


3)         Each room used for living or sleeping purposes that does not have a door opening to the outdoors shall have at least one openable window with opening dimensions of at least eighteen inches by two feet to allow emergency egress to the outdoors.


4)         Each room used for living or sleeping purposes that houses fifteen or more persons shall have at least two openable windows with opening dimensions of at least eighteen inches by two feet to allow emergency egress to the outdoors or at least two doors that lead to the outside of the building.


g)         Heating and Lighting.


1)         Each room used for living or sleeping purposes in a permanent building operated between September 15 and June 1 shall be provided with safe, operable heating equipment capable of maintaining a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the room.


2)         Fireplaces, stoves, furnaces and space heaters using combustible fuel within buildings shall be vented to the outside and shall have provisions for supply of combustion air from the outside.


3)         Each room used for living or sleeping purposes occupied between sunset and sunrise hours in a permanent building shall be provided with artificial lighting equal to or greater than the equivalent of one 25 watt incandescent bulb per 100 square feet of usable floor area.


h)         Cleanliness.  All buildings used for sleeping, living, food preparation, or eating shall be kept clean and free of insects, vermin and rodents.  Restrooms shall be maintained in a clean condition and in good repair in accordance with the Public Area Sanitary Practice Code.


i)          Smoke Detectors.  Each floor level of all permanent buildings used for sleeping shall be provided with a minimum of one smoke detector constructed, installed and operated in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), 2021 edition.  Battery operated smoke detectors in buildings not occupied for three or more months shall be removed and stored in containers until the next occupancy to prevent dust and insects from damaging the units.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.120  Sanitary Facilities


a)         Plumbing.  All plumbing shall be in accordance with the Illinois Plumbing Code which was current at the time of construction.


b)         Shower Facilities.  Each youth camp, other than a primitive camp or a day camp, shall provide showers for the occupants.


1)         A minimum of one shower head shall be provided for each 20 persons or fraction thereof to be accommodated.


2)         An enclosed, dry area shall be provided adjacent to the shower area for dressing.


3)         The shower room and dressing area floors shall be concrete with nonslip surface, sloped to drain.  No duck boards or mats shall be permitted.


4)         The shower area shall contain at least seven square feet of floor space for each shower head.


5)         Showers shall be provided with hot and cold running water which may be tempered or blended.


6)         Water heaters shall be equipped with pressure-temperature relief valves.  The discharge line from the pressure-temperature relief valve shall not be reduced in size and shall discharge to atmosphere within six inches of the floor and shall be directed toward the floor.


c)         Hand Washing Facilities.  All youth camps shall be provided with sinks, lavatories, or group washing stands for hand washing which shall be located within or near the living quarters of the youth camp.


1)         One lavatory or equivalent shall be provided for each 20 persons or fraction thereof to be accommodated.  Where wash basins are provided instead of lavatories, there shall be one wash basin for each 10 persons or fraction thereof to be accommodated.


2)         Lavatories, sinks, and wash basins shall drain to systems specified in Section 810.50.


d)         Toilet Facilities.  Each youth camp shall provide toilet facilities for the occupants.


1)         A minimum of one water closet or one privy seat shall be provided for each 20 persons or fraction thereof to be accommodated.


2)         Urinals constructed of nonabsorbent materials may be substituted for male toilet seats on the basis of one urinal for one toilet seat up to a maximum of one-third of the required toilet seats.


e)         Beds and Bedding.  Youth camps which provide beds and bedding shall comply with the following:  


1)         A separate bed shall be provided for each camper.  A double deck bunk bed shall be considered to be two beds.


2)         Sheets and pillow cases, when provided, shall be laundered at least each week and before use by each new camper.


3)         Blankets, when provided, shall be laundered at least annually.


4)         Mattresses and pillows, when provided, shall be covered with removable covers which shall be washed before use by each new camper; however, plastic covered mattresses and pillows shall not require covers.


5)         Mattress bags, when provided, shall be laundered at least annually and before use by each new camper.  The mattress filling shall be changed each time the mattress bag is washed.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.130  Stable Sanitation


a)         General.  Stables and corrals in youth camps shall be located on a well-drained, gently sloping site to prevent ponding of surface water and shall be maintained in such a manner as to not create a nuisance, source of objectionable odors, or breeding area for flies.


b)         Toilet Facilities.  At least one toilet and one lavatory shall be provided within 100 feet of the stable area.


c)         Manure Disposal.  Manure accumulations shall be removed from stable stalls daily.


d)         Manure Storage.  Manure storage shall be at least 300 feet from sleeping and eating facilities.


(Source:  Amended at 5 Ill. Reg. 12760, effective November 13, 1981)


Section 810.140  Electrical Safety


a)         New Installations.  All electrical distribution systems constructed after July 1, 2023, shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's National Electrical Code 2017 edition (NFPA 70-2017).


b)         Existing Installations.  The following minimum requirements shall apply at any and all portions of electrical systems installed prior to July 1, 2023:


1)         Conductors.  The type and size of all conductors shall comply with their approved use as indicated in the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1984).


2)         Overcurrent Protection.  All electrical power distribution system conductors in youth camps shall be protected against overcurrent by circuit breakers or fuses sized for the rated current carrying capacity of the conductors.


3)         Receptacles.  Receptacles serving recreational vehicles shall be of the grounding type of either 5, 20, 30 or 50 amps.  When tested by a receptacle tester, they shall not indicate any open ground, open neutral or open hot conductors or any reversed wiring conditions.


4)         Weatherproof Equipment.  All switches, circuit breakers, receptacles, control equipment, junction boxes, and metering devices located outside shall be weatherproof equipment when in use or a cover must be placed over them so they are weatherproof when in use.


5)         Splices.  All electrical power distribution feeders shall be continuous from fitting to fitting, and all splices shall comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1984).


6)         Clearances.


A)        In areas that are subject to movement of vehicles, overhead electrical power distribution wiring shall be at least 15 feet above grade.  In areas that are not subject to movement of vehicles, overhead electrical power distribution wiring shall be at least 10 feet above grade, sidewalks, platforms, or any projections from which they may be reached.


B)        A horizontal clearance of three feet shall be maintained between vehicles and the support for overhead conductors.


C)        Outdoor receptacles shall be located at least 18 inches above ground level.


7)         Adequacy of Supports.  Any structure used to support electrical wiring or equipment shall be capable of supporting the required structural loads.  Electrical equipment shall not be attached to trees.


8)         Tree Branches.  Dead Tree branches which overhang distribution wiring shall be removed and live branches which touch distribution wiring shall be trimmed.


c)         All electrical systems shall be maintained in a safe state of repair.  All damaged or defective equipment shall be repaired or replaced.  All loose equipment shall be secured.  All face plates and panel fronts shall be in place and all live parts shall be covered to prevent accidental contact.  All components of the electrical system shall be periodically inspected by the licensee to determine if they are properly functioning.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 5205, effective March 21, 2023)


Section 810.150  Construction Requirements in Flood Plains (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 10 Ill. Reg. 11130, effective July 1, 1986)


Section 810.APPENDIX A  First Aid Kit Contents (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 10 Ill. Reg. 11130, effective July 1, 1986)