AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 155.19 and authorized by Section 401 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19 and 401].

SOURCE: Filed February 2, 1977, effective March 1, 1977; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 892; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 19133, effective January 1, 2001; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 19288, effective December 4, 2006; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 16137, effective November 30, 2016.


Section 928.10  Authority


This Part is promulgated by the Director of the Department of Insurance under Section 401 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/401], which empowers the Director to make reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for making effective the insurance laws of this State.  The purpose of this Part is to implement Section 155.19 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19].


(Source:  Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.20  Purpose and Scope


a)         This Part establishes a uniform format for the reporting of information relating to allegations of provider liability.  Individual liability data records filed by insurers pursuant to this Part will be held confidential by the Department, to the same extent as is prescribed by Section 155.19 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19].


b)         This Part shall apply to all companies licensed to do insurance business in this State that are transacting the kind or kinds of business described as Class 2(c) of Section 4 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/4] and all other entities authorized or permitted by law as identified in Section 155.19 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19] and as defined in Section 928.30 of this Part.


(Source:  Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.30  Definitions


"Code" means the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5].


"Department" means the Illinois Department of Insurance.


"Director" means the Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance.


"Insurance Claim" means a formal or written demand for compensation under a medical professional liability insurance policy relating to allegations of liability on the part of one or more providers, as defined in this Section, for any act, error or omission in the rendering of, or failure to render, medical services for medically related injuries. Insurance claim includes any instance for which benefits or compensation are payable or eligible to be paid under any coverage under the policy.


"Insurance Claim Closed" means any insurance claim, as defined in this Section, for which all indemnity and/or expense payments have been made or for which the loss or loss expense reserve is withdrawn by the insurer.


"Insurance Claim Filed" means any insurance claim, as defined in this Section, that alleges liability on the part of any provider, as defined in this Section, for medically related injuries and/or for which coverage is provided, for which a loss or loss expense reserve is established under a medical professional liability insurance policy.


"Insurer" means an insurance company that has delivered or issued for delivery in this State a medical professional liability insurance policy.


"Lawsuit" means a complaint filed in any court in this State alleging liability on the part of one or more providers, as defined in this Section, for any act, error or omission in the rendering of, or failure to render, medical services for medically related injuries.


"Lawsuit Closed" means any lawsuit, as defined in this Section, for which final disposition has been reached.


"Lawsuit Filed" means a lawsuit filed in any court of this State that alleges liability on the part of any physician, hospital or other health care provider for medically related injuries.


"Other Entity" means any stop loss insurer, captive insurer, risk retention group, county risk retention trust, religious or charitable risk pooling trust or surplus line insurer, or any other entity authorized or permitted by law to provide medical professional liability insurance as identified in Section 155.19 of the Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19].


"Provider" means any physician, hospital facility, or other person that is licensed or otherwise authorized to furnish health care services and also includes any other entity that arranges for the delivery or furnishing of health care services. [215 ILCS 125/1-2(12)].


(Source:  Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.40  Reports


a)         All insurance claims and all lawsuits shall be reported electronically to the Director by the insurer and contain the information set forth in Exhibit B of this Part.  


b)         All insurance claims closed and all lawsuits closed that were previously reported pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section shall be reported electronically to the Director by the insurer and contain the information set forth in Exhibit B of this Part.


c)         All insurance claims and all lawsuits re-opened that were previously reported pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section shall be reported electronically to the Director by the insurer and contain the information set forth in Exhibit B of this Part.


d)         All insurance claims and all lawsuits re-closed that were previously reported pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section shall be reported electronically to the Director by the insurer and contain the information set forth in Exhibit B of this Part.


e)         All updates to insurance claims and lawsuits that were previously reported pursuant to subsections (a) through (d) of this Section shall be reported electronically to the Director by the insurer and contain the information set forth in Exhibit B of this Part.


f)         Beginning January 1, 2013, the reports required by subsections (a) through (e) of this Section shall be filed with the Director on a quarterly basis, due 45 days after the end of the quarter, and shall cover all updates and/or status changes that occurred in that quarter to all insurance claims and lawsuits filed.


g)         Beginning January 1, 2006, insurers shall only be required to file reports pursuant to subsections (a) through (e) of this Section upon request of the Director for providers who arrange for the delivery or furnishing of health care services pursuant to Section 1-2(12) of the Health Maintenance Organization Act [215 ILCS 125/1-2(12)].


(Source:  Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.42  Circuit Court Clerk Reporting Requirements (Repealed)


 (Source:  Repealed at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.43  Supplement A to Schedule T Reconciliation


a)         To ensure completeness of the data reported by insurers, medical professional liability losses and claim counts shall be reconciled for claims using NAIC Annual Statement Exhibit of Supplement A to Schedule T as seen in Exhibit E of this Part. Specifically, the claims numbers reported under this Section shall correspond to the claims numbers reported in Column "Number of Claims Direct Losses Paid".   Also, loss amounts filed under this Section shall correspond to the amounts reported under "Amount Direct Losses Paid". The amounts listed on the reconciliation are the sum of all the Supplement A to Schedule T Exhibits for the State of Illinois.


b)         If there are discrepancies in claim counts and/or losses for a particular year, the insurer must provide an explanation of discrepancies to the Department and make any necessary amendments to the effected claims.


(Source:  Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 16137, effective November 30, 2016)


Section 928.44  General Submission Deadlines


a)         Data Submission

Reports are due on a quarterly basis no later than 45 days after the quarter's end.  The reports shall be submitted electronically to the Illinois Department of Insurance through the following website:  Insurers are responsible for contacting the Casualty Actuarial Unit for further detail on electronic submissions.


b)         Data Reconciliation Submission

Supplement A to Schedule T Data Reconciliation Forms for the prior year shall be submitted no later than April 30 of the current year to or through mail addressed to the Illinois Department of Insurance, Casualty Actuarial Unit, 320 W. Washington St., Springfield, Illinois 62767-0001.


(Source:  Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 16137, effective November 30, 2016)


Section 928.50  Effective Date (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 24 Ill. Reg. 19133, effective January 1, 2001)


Section 928.EXHIBIT A   Illinois Medical Professional Liability Insurance Uniform Claims Data Entry Reporting Screen (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)

Section 928.EXHIBIT B   Illinois Medical Professional Liability Insurance Uniform Claims Report – Reporting Instructions


As required by Section 155.19 of the Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5/155.19] and 50 Ill. Adm. Code 928:


1.         File all opened, closed, re-opened, and re-closed medical professional liability insurance claims and lawsuits, including any updates, with the DOI on a quarterly basis.  For closed claims, include claims closed without payment.  Insurance claim means a formal or written demand for compensation under a medical professional liability insurance policy relating to allegations of liability on the part of one or more providers for any act, error or omission in the rendering of, or failure to render, medical services for medically related injuries. Insurance claim includes any instance for which benefits or compensation are payable or eligible to be paid under any coverage under the policy. Lawsuit means a complaint filed in any court in this State alleging liability on the part of one or more providers for any act, error or omission in the rendering of, or failure to render, medical services for medically related injuries.


2.         File separate reports for each defendant you insure.  Each filing of a claim or lawsuit report shall be identified with a unique claim number.  If more than one defendant/insured is associated with an incident, a unique claim number is required for each defendant/insured.  If more than one claimant/injured party is associated with an incident, a unique claim number is required for each claimant/injured party.  When there are multiple associated claims/lawsuits, report the incident identifier in the other claims information section.


3.         RESPONSES TO ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED.  For open claim reports, complete Insurer Information through Contact Person Information.  When updating reports, any information may be updated.  For closed claim reports, all fields are required.


Insurer Information


1a.       Insurer Name (not group name) (Maximum = 40 characters). 


1b.       Insurer 9-digit FEIN.  Entities without a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), contact the DOI for assigned number.


Initial Claim Information


2a.       Claim ID.  For each open claim report, assign a distinguishing claim number sufficient to enable the Department of Insurance (DOI) to track a particular claim over a period of years.  This claim number should consist of a unique sequence of letters and/or numbers. Once a claim number has been assigned, it should not be repeated for any future claim. One claim record should be reported for each named individual or entity formally alleged to have contributed to an injury or grievance and from whom a malpractice payment is being sought.  On re-opened claims, use the same claim number as the original claim file that is being re-opened.


2b.       Date of Principal or Alleged Injury  (MM/DD/YYYY).  Report the date of the earliest alleged error or omission that was the first necessary if not sufficient cause of the alleged medical injury.


2c.       Date Incident First Reported to Insurer (MM/DD/YYYY).  Date of alleged injury first reported to the insurer.


2d.       Date Claim Opened by Insurer (MM/DD/YYYY).


2e.       Date Claim Re-Opened by Insurer (MM/DD/YYYY).


2f.        Date of Original Closure  (MM/DD/YYYY).  Only applicable if claim was re-opened.


2g.       Date of Final Closure (MM/DD/YYYY). The date of final disposition or settlement of a claim. Payments for defense costs or indemnity may occur after the date of closure (as in a structured settlement).


Insured Information


3a.       Profession or Business Code. (1) Physician or Surgeon*; (2) Hospital; (3) Nurse*; (4) Nursing Home; (5) Dentist*; (6) Pharmacy; (7) Optometrist*; (8) Chiropractor*; (9) Podiatrist/Chiropodist*; (10) Clinic/Corporation; (11) Other* – Employee (Maximum = 25 characters). A code with an asterisk (*) requires a "Type of Practice Code" as well.


3b.       Type of Practice Code. (1) Institutional, including Academic;  (2) Professional Corporation, Partnership, or Group;  (3) Self-Employed;  (4) Hospital;  (5) Nursing Home;  (6) All Other Employees;  (7) Intern or Resident.


3c.       Insured's Name, including suffix such as MD, DO, etc.


3d.       Insured's Illinois License Number. Enter FEIN for clinics and corporations.


3e.       Medical Specialty Codes. Select the most relevant specialty code from the following table.




Physician Specialties


Allergy and Immunology


Aerospace Medicine




Cardiovascular Diseases


Child Psychiatry




Diagnostic Radiology


Emergency Medicine


Forensic Pathology




General/Family Practice


General Preventive Medicine




Internal Medicine




Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology


Nuclear Medicine


Obstetrics & Gynecology


Occupational Medicine










Public Health


Clinical Pharmacology


Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


Pulmonary Diseases


Anatomic/Clinical Pathology




Radiation Oncology


Colon & Rectal Surgery


General Surgery


Neurological Surgery


Orthopedic Surgery


Plastic Surgery


Thoracic Surgery


Urological Surgery


Other Specialty – not classified




Dental Specialties


General Dentistry (no specialty)


Dental: Public Health




Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Orthodontics and Dentofacial




Pediatric Dentistry






Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology




3f.        County of Insured's Principal Place of Practice for Rating Purposes.


3g.       Policy Limits Available, Primary Coverage. Policy limits available for the claim being reported under the insured's primary coverage.


3h.       Policy Limits Available, Excess Coverage. Policy limits available for the claim being reported under the insured's excess coverage.


Place of Injury Information


4a.       Place Where Alleged Injury Occurred Code.  Enter only one. (1) Hospital Inpatient Facility*; (2) Emergency Room; (3) Hospital Outpatient Facility*; (4) Nursing Home*; (5) Physician's Office; (6) Patient's Home; (7) Other Outpatient Facility, including Clinics*; (U) Unknown*; (X) Other* – describe place (Maximum = 25 characters).

A code with an asterisk (*) requires a "Location Within Institution Code" as well.


4b.       Location Within Institution Code.  (1) Patient's Room; (2) Labor/Delivery Room; (3) Operating Suite; (4) Recovery Room; (5) Critical Care Unit; (6) Special Procedure Room; (7) Nursery; (8) Radiology; (9) Physical Therapy Department; (U) Unknown; (X) Other – describe (Maximum = 25 characters).


4c.       County Where Alleged Injury Occurred. Full name of the county in which the injury is alleged to have occurred.


Injured Person Information


5a.       Injured Person's Name.


5b.       Injured Person's Gender.  M    F


5c.       Injured Person's Age.  Enter age of injured person at the date of injury.


Other Claim Information


6a.       Total Number of Defendants.   Enter total number of persons or corporations that you insure that are involved in the incident relating to this claim. 


6b.       Incident Identifier. Each reporting entity should assign a unique numeric identifier for each incident or occurrence. An occurrence is an event or series of events leading to an allegation of malpractice, and that may involve allegations against multiple individuals and entities. An occurrence is defined causally and may or may not be constrained in time. For example, multiple failures to diagnose a given illness may occur over a period of years. Such a series of events would be considered a single occurrence. Each claim submitted for providers involved in a single occurrence should be assigned the same incident identifier.


Contact Person Information


7a.       Name of Person Responsible for Preparing this Report.


7b.       Title of Person Responsible for Preparing this Report.


7c.       Contact Person Name (if different than Name of Person Responsible for Preparing this Report).


7d.       Contact Person Telephone Number.


7e.       Contact Person Email Address.


Plaintiff Attorney Information


8a.       Plaintiff Attorney's Name or Name of Law Firm.


8b.       Plaintiff Attorney's Office City.


8c.       Plaintiff's Attorney's Office State.


Claim Data Information


9a.       Nature and Substance of Claim.  Give complete description of all actions and circumstances causing the claim, including allegations made by claimant.  (Maximum = 250 characters)


9b.       Allegation Codes Related to Claim.  Enter as many codes as needed.  Use DOI 3-digit codes listed below.  (1) Diagnosis Related;  (2) Anesthesia Related;  (3) Surgery Related;  (4) Medication Related;  (5) Intravenous and Blood Products Related;  (6) Obstetrics Related;  (7) Treatment Related;  (8) Monitoring Related;  (9) Biomedical Equipment/Product Medication Related;  (10) Miscellaneous Related. 


DOI 3-digit Allegation Code choices:


Diagnosis-Related       010 – Failure to Diagnose (e.g., concluding that patient has no disease or condition worthy of follow-up or observation)

020 – Wrong Diagnosis or Misdiagnosis (e.g., original diagnosis is incorrect)

030 – Improper Performance of Test

040 – Unnecessary Diagnostic Test

050 – Delay in Diagnosis

060 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

070 – Diagnosis Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Anesthesia-Related     110 – Failure to Complete Patient Assessment

120 – Failure to Monitor

130 – Failure to Test Equipment

140 – Improper Choice of Anesthesia Agent or Equipment

150 – Improper Technique/Induction

160 – Improper Equipment Use

170 – Improper Intubation

180 – Improper Positioning

185 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

190 – Anesthesia Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Surgery-Related          210 – Failure to Perform Surgery

220 – Improper Positioning

230 – Retained Foreign Body

240 – Wrong Body Part

250 – Improper Performance of Surgery

260 – Unnecessary Surgery

270 – Delay in Surgery

280 – Improper Management of Surgical Patient

285 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

290 – Surgery Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Medication-Related    305 – Failure to Order Appropriate Medication

310 – Wrong Medication Ordered

315 – Wrong Dosage Ordered of Correct Medication

320 – Failure to Instruct on Medication

325 – Improper Management of Medication Regimen

330 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

340 – Medication Error – Not Otherwise Classified

350 – Failure to Medicate

355 – Wrong Medication Administered

360 – Wrong Dosage Administered

365 – Wrong Patient

370 – Wrong Route

380 – Improper Technique/Induction

390 – Medication Administration Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Intravenous &              410 − Failure to Monitor

Blood Products-          420 – Wrong Solution

Related                        430– Improper Performance

440 – I.V. Related – Not Otherwise Classified

450 – Failure to Ensure Contamination Free

460 – Wrong Type

470 – Improper Administration

480 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

490 – Blood Product Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Obstetrics-Related      505 – Failure to Manage Pregnancy

510 – Improper Choice of Delivery Method

520 – Improperly Performed Vaginal Delivery

530 – Improperly Performed C-Section

540 – Delay in Delivery (Induction or Surgery)

550 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

555 – Improperly Managed Labor – Not Otherwise Classified

560 – Delay in Treatment of Fetal Distress (i.e., identified but treated in untimely manner)

570 – Retained Foreign Body/Vaginal/Uterine

575 – Abandonment

580 – Wrongful Life/Birth

590 – Obstetrics Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Treatment-Related      610 – Failure to Treat

620 – Wrong Treatment/Procedure Performed

630 – Failure to Instruct Patient on Self-Care

640 – Improper Performance of Treatment/Practice

650 – Improper Management of Course of Treatment

660 – Unnecessary Treatment

665 – Delay in Treatment

670 – Premature End of Treatment (Also Abandonment)

675 – Failure to Supervise Treatment/Procedure

680 – Failure to Obtain Consent/Lack of Informed Consent

685 – Failure to Refer or Seek Consultation

690 – Treatment Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Monitoring-Related    710 – Failure to Monitor

720 – Failure to Respond to Patient

730 – Failure to Report on Patient Condition

790 – Monitoring Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Biomedical                   810 − Failure to Inspect/Monitor

Equipment/                   820 − Improper Maintenance

Product-Related           830 – Improper Use

840 – Failure to Respond to Warning

850 – Failure to Instruct Patient on Use of Equipment/Product

860 – Malfunction/Failure

890 – Biomedical Equipment/Product-Related – Not Otherwise Classified


Miscellaneous-             920 − Failure to Protect Third Parties (e.g., failure to warn/protect

Related                                  from violent patient behavior)

930 – Breach of Confidentiality/Privacy

940 – Failure to Maintain Appropriate Infection Control

950 – Failure to Follow Institutional Policy or Procedure

960 – Other (Provide Detailed Description) 

990 – Failure to Review Providing Performance


9c.       Severity of Injury Code. Select only one − Select code for principal injury if several injuries are involved.



1.    Emotional Only (e.g., fright, no physical damage)

2.    Insignificant (e.g., lacerations, contusions, minor scars, rash; no delay)

3.    Minor (e.g., infections, misset fracture, fall in hospital; recovery delayed)

4.    Major (e.g., burns, surgical material left, drug side effect, brain damage; recovery delayed)


5.    Minor (e.g., loss of fingers, loss or damage to organs; includes non-disabling injuries)

6.    Significant (e.g., deafness, loss of limb, loss of eye, loss of one     kidney or lung)

7.    Major (e.g., paraplegia, blindness, loss of two limbs, brain damage)

8.    Grave (e.g., quadriplegia, severe brain damage, lifelong care or fatal prognosis)

9.    Death


9d.       Claim Disposition Code.  Enter code representing the final disposition of the claim. (1) Settled by Parties*; (2) Disposed of by a Court**; (3) Disposed of by Binding Arbitration***; (4) Suit Abandoned****; (5) Claim Abandoned.

A code with an (*) requires a "Settlement Code" as well.

A code with an (**) requires "Court Information" to be completed as well.

A code with an (***) requires a "Binding Arbitration Code" as well.

A code with an (****) requires a "County of Circuit Court" and "Docket Number" as well.


9e.       Settlement Code.  (1) Before Filing Suit or Demanding Arbitration Hearing;  (2) Before Trial or Hearing;  (3) During Trial or Hearing;  (4) After Trial or Hearing but Before Judgment or Decision/Award;  (5) After Judgment or Decision but Before Appeal;  (6) During Appeal;  (7) After Appeal;  (8) As a result of Review Panel or Non-Binding Arbitration**;  (9) As a Result of Mediation;  (10) As a Result of High/Low Settlement***.

A code with an (**) requires a "Review Panel or Non-Binding Arbitration Code" as well.

A code with an (***) requires all applicable "Court Information" except "Court Code".


9f.        Review Panel or Non-Binding Arbitration Code.  (1) Finding for Plaintiff;  (2) Finding for Defendant.


9g.       Binding Arbitration Code  (1) Award for Plaintiff;  (2) Award for Defendant.


Court Information


10a.     Court Code. (1) Directed Verdict for Plaintiff;  (2) Directed Verdict for Defendant;  (3) Judgment Notwithstanding Verdict for Plaintiff (judgment for defendant);  (4) Judgment Notwithstanding Verdict for Defendant (judgment for plaintiff);  (5) Judgment for Plaintiff;  (6) Judgment for Defendant;  (7) Decision for Plaintiff on Appeal;  (8) Decision for Defendant on Appeal;  (9) Voluntary Dismissal;  (10) Involuntary Dismissal;  (11) All Other Actions.


10b.     County of Circuit Court.  County of Circuit Court where lawsuit occurred.


10c.     Docket Number.


10d.     Date of Award. (MM/DD/YYYY)


10e.     Was the Circuit Court decision appealed?  Y or N

If "Y", Describe the Result of the Appeal. (Maximum = 25 characters)


10f.      Describe any Other Post Trial Motions. (Maximum = 25 characters)


10g.     Economic Damages.  Amount of economic damages awarded by the court.  (whole dollar amounts only)


10h.     Non-economic Damages.  Amount of non-economic damages awarded by the court.  (whole dollar amounts only)


10i.      Liability Doctrine. Indicate whether liability was governed by the doctrine of joint and several liability (J) or whether liability was separate (S).


Claim Payment Information


11a.     Total Direct Indemnity Paid/Payable by You Under this Policy on Behalf of this Insured/Defendant.  (whole dollar amounts only)


11b.     Economic Damages. If 9d Claim Disposition Code is (2) Disposed of by a Court, enter the amount that was paid/payable by you for economic damages, as indicated by the court award.  This amount plus 11c. Non-Economic Damages must equal amount reported in 11a. Total Direct Indemnity Paid/Payable by You Under this Policy on Behalf of this Insured/Defendant. (whole dollar amounts only)


11c.     Non-Economic Damages.  If 9d Claim Disposition Code is (2) Disposed of by a Court, enter amount that was paid/payable by you for non-economic damages, as indicated by the court award.  This amount plus 11b. Economic Damages must equal amount reported in 11a. Total Direct Indemnity Paid/Payable by You Under this Policy on Behalf of this Insured/Defendant. (whole dollar amounts only)


11d.     Direct Loss Adjustment Expense Paid/Payable by You under this Policy to Defense Counsel. (whole dollar amounts only)


11e.     All Other Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses Paid/Payable by You for this Insured/Defendant for this claim, including filing fees, telephone charges, photocopy fees, expenses of defense counsel, etc. (whole dollar amounts only)


11f.      Direct Indemnity Paid/Payable by You Under All Policies for this Insured/Defendant. (whole dollar amounts only)


11g.     Other Indemnity Paid by or on Behalf of this Insured/Defendant. (whole dollar amounts only)

D)        Deductibles paid by insured/defendant for this claim under this policy;

E)        Indemnity paid under any excess limits policy issued by you;

R)        Amount paid by insured/defendant under self-insured retention;

S)         Amount you paid above any stop loss limit.


11h.     Claimed Medical Expense.  Amount of medical expense claimed by the plaintiff/injured party. (whole dollar amounts only)


11i.      Claimed Wage Loss.  Amount of wage loss claimed by the plaintiff/injured party. (whole dollar amounts only)


11j.      Trial Type. If trial was started, indicate whether it was a bench trial (B) or jury trial (J).


(Source:  Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 16137, effective November 30, 2016)


Section 928.EXHIBIT C   Illinois Medical Professional Liability Insurance Uniform Claims Reporting (IMPLIUCR) – Data Entry Navigational User's Guide (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.EXHIBIT D   Illinois Medical Professional Liability Insurance Uniform Claims Reporting (IMPLIUCR) – Batch Reporting Requirements and Navigational User's Guide (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 36 Ill. Reg. 18677, effective December 17, 2012)


Section 928.EXHIBIT E   Supplement A to Schedule T Reconciliation Form




Company Name:




Line Number


Loss paid – number of claims

Losses paid – dollar amount


Schedule T, Supplement A




Part 928 claim report totals




Difference (line 1 - line 2)



Adjustments to Schedule T


Sch T – payments reported in current year on claims closed in prior years




Sch T – claims not reported in Part 928 claims data for other reasons (claim not reportable in this State, etc.; specify in separate explanation)




Correction for other discrepancies (occurrence vs. claims reporting, other accounting issues, etc.; specify in separate explanation)




Adjustments to Schedule T (line 1 - line 4 - line 5 - line 6)



Adjustments to 928 Claims Data


Claims not reported on Schedule T for other reasons (reported for another state, etc.; specify in separate explanation)




Other adjustments needed for claims data to reconcile to Schedule T




Adjustments to claims data (line 2 - line 8 - line 9)



Reconciled Amounts


Difference in adjusted amounts (line 7 - line 10) - this line should equal 0.



Explanation for adjustments on line 5:

Explanation for adjustments on line 6:

Explanation for adjustments on line 8:

Explanation for adjustments on line 9:


(Source:  Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 16137, effective November 30, 2016)