AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Sections 4 and 11(c) of the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act [520 ILCS 10/4 and 11(c)].
SOURCE: Adopted at 13 Ill. Reg. 14934, effective September 11, 1989; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 18264, effective October 29, 1990; amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 13341, effective September 3, 1991; amended at 17 Ill. Reg. 18799, effective October 19, 1993; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 5838, effective April 5, 1994; recodified by changing the agency name from Department of Conservation to Department of Natural Resources at 20 Ill. Reg. 9389; amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 10040, effective June 23, 2003.
Section 1070.10 Definitions
Animal those organisms commonly included in the science of zoology and generally distinguished from plants by possession of a nervous system and the ability to move from place to place, including all invertebrates such as sponges and mollusks as well as vertebrates such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. (Section 2 of the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act) (the Act) [520 ILCS 10/2]
Animal Product the fur, hide, skin, teeth, feathers, tusks, claws, eggs, nests or the body or any portion thereof whether in a green or raw state or as a product manufactured or refined from an animal protected under the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act (Section 2 of the Act) or under this Part.
Board the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. (Section 2 of the Act)
Department the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. (Section 2 of the Act)
Director the Director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. (Section 2 of the Act)
Endangered Species any species of plant or animal classified as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205, effective December 28, 1973) and amendments thereto, plus such other species which the Board may list as in danger of extinction in the wild in Illinois due to one or more causes including but not limited to, the destruction, diminution or disturbance of habitat, overexploitation, predation, pollution, disease, or other natural or manmade factors affecting its prospects of survival, but not including nursery plant stock obtained from a non-wild source, nor pre-act or legally obtained birds of prey held by licensed falconers. (Section 2 of the Act)
Federal Endangered Plant A plant appearing on the Federal Endangered Species List.
Illinois List those species of animals and plants listed by the Board as endangered or threatened. (Section 2 of the Act)
Person any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, trust, association, private entity, government agency, or their agents, and representatives. (Section 2 of the Act)
Plant any organism not considered to be an animal, including such organisms as algae, fungi, bryophytes, and ferns, as well as flowering plants and conifers. (Section 2 of the Act)
Plant Product any plant body or part thereof removed from natural habitat, including seeds, fruits, roots, stems, flowers, leaves, or products made from any of these, including extracts and powders. (Section 2 of the Act)
Program Manager the supervisor of the Endangered and Threatened Species Conservation Program in the Department.
Scrap to dispose of a specimen or product of an endangered or threatened species in a manner which permanently removes that specimen or product from the possession of the permit holder and renders the specimen or product unsuitable for possession by any other person. This shall include, but not be limited to euthanasia, burning, or burial.
Specimen a live individual of any animal or plant species.
Take in reference to animals and animal products, to harm, hunt, shoot, pursue, lure, wound, kill, destroy, harass, gig, spear, ensnare, trap, capture, collect, or to attempt to engage in such conduct. In reference to plants and plant products, to collect, pick, cut, dig up, kill, destroy, bury, crush, or harm in any way.
Threatened Species any species of plant or animal classified as threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205, effective December 28, 1973) and amendments thereto, plus such other species which the Board may list as likely to become endangered in Illinois within the foreseeable future. (Section 2 of the Act)
(Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 10040, effective June 23, 2003)
Section 1070.20 Permit Requirements
a) It shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess, transport, purchase, or dispose of specimens or products of an endangered or threatened animal or federal endangered plant after the date of listing unless a valid permit for such activity has been issued pursuant to this Part or as otherwise provided for in this Section or 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1590 (Falconry and the Captive Propagation of Raptors) or [515 ILCS 5/20-85]; [520 ILCS 5/3.11, 3.12, 3.15, 3.16, 3.18 and 3.21].
b) Any person having a current, valid permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205, effective December 28, 1973) or an Exhibitor Permit issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the taking, possession, transportation, purchase, or disposal of species designated as endangered or threatened by the Secretary of the Interior of the United States and not known to occur within the State of Illinois, shall be considered to have met the requirements for issuance of a permit pursuant to this Part and shall be issued a permit upon request.
c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), any person may possess or transport a species on the Illinois list within Illinois for purposes such as circuses, theatrical acts, carnivals, or displays, provided that the listed species is held under a current, valid permit for such purposes issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205, effective December 28, 1973) or an Exhibitor Permit issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the appropriate authorities of a state other than Illinois, for a period not to exceed 30 days in any calendar year.
d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), any employee or agent of the Department or the Board or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who is designated by that agency for such purposes, shall be authorized, when acting in the course of his official duties, to take endangered or threatened animals without a permit if such action is necessary to aid a sick, injured or orphaned specimen; or dispose of a dead specimen; or salvage a dead specimen which may be useful for scientific study or educational purposes.
e) Any taking pursuant to subsection (d) must be reported in writing to the Program Manager within 10 working days.
f) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, purchase, or dispose of specimens or products of an endangered or threatened animal or federal endangered plant which was in the possession of that person prior to May 1, 1973, or acquired legally out-of-state unless a valid limited permit for such activity has been issued pursuant to this Part, which permit shall be issued upon proof of pre-Act or legal acquisition.
g) It shall be unlawful for any person to propagate or attempt to propagate any endangered or threatened animal or federal endangered plant unless a valid permit specifically allowing such activity has been issued pursuant to this Part.
h) It shall be unlawful for any person to perform taxidermic services upon any product of an endangered or threatened species except as allowed by this Part.
i) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess an endangered or threatened animal for purposes of veterinary rehabilitation for a period exceeding 90 days unless a valid permit for such activity has been issued pursuant to this Part. Only persons holding a rehabilitation permit issued by the Department shall possess endangered or threatened animals for such purposes. All rehabilitators are required to notify the Program Manager within 10 working days of the receipt of any endangered or threatened animals. Release of rehabilitated animals shall be only at the location at which the animal was collected or at another location approved by the Department.
j) Permits issued under this Part or valid copies thereof must be in the possession of the holder or his agent when engaged in activities involving endangered or threatened animals or federal endangered plants and presented upon demand to any authorized officer or agent of the Department or any police officer of the State of Illinois or of any unit of local government within the State of Illinois.
k) No person shall transfer a permit issued pursuant to this Part to another person.
l) Except as otherwise stated on the face of a permit, any person who is under the direct control of the permittee, or who is employed by or under contract to the permittee for the purposes authorized by the permit, may carry out the activity authorized by the permit.
m) The authorizations on the face of a permit which allow specific activities (e.g., taking, possession, disposal), specify numbers or quantities of specimens or products, or otherwise permit a specifically limited matter, are to be strictly construed and shall not be interpreted to permit similar or related matters outside the scope of strict construction.
n) A permittee who furnishes his permit to the Director for endorsement or correction in compliance with this Part may continue those activities authorized by the permit pending its return.
o) All correspondence regarding permits issued pursuant to this Section shall be addressed to:
Endangered Species Program Manager
Resource Protection and Stewardship
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield IL 62702-1271
(Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 10040, effective June 23, 2003)