AUTHORITY: Implementing the Registered Interior Designers Act [225 ILCS 310] and authorized by Section 60(7) of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois (Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Law) [20 ILCS 2105/60(7)].

SOURCE: Emergency rules adopted at 15 Ill. Reg. 17411, effective November 19, 1991, for a maximum of 150 days; adopted at 16 Ill. Reg. 3194, effective February 18, 1992; amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 7614, effective May 26, 1995; emergency amendment at 24 Ill. Reg. 872, effective December 31, 1999, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 1928, effective January 19, 2000; amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 16364, effective October 18, 2013; amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023; amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 12276, effective August 2, 2024.


Section 1255.10  Application for Registration Under Section 8(c) of the Act (Grandfather) (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 19 Ill. Reg. 7614, effective May 26, 1995)


Section 1255.15  Application for Registration as a Residential Interior Designer Under Section 8(c-5) of the Act (Grandfather) (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 24 Ill. Reg. 1928, effective January 19, 2000)


Section 1255.20  Application for Registration


a)         An applicant for registration as an interior designer shall file an application, on forms provided by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation – Division of Professional Regulation (Division), that includes the following:


1)         Certification indicating the successful completion of the National Council for Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ) examination for an interior design registration meeting the requirements as defined in Section 1255.35 of this Part.


2)         Official transcripts verifying the conferral date of a degree in Interior Design or Architecture from an accredited institution meeting the requirements as defined in Section 1255.30 of this Part or an official evaluation used in satisfying the requirements under Section 1255.31 of this Part.


3)         Certification, on forms provided by the Division, of completion of the required full-time diversified interior design experience, based on applicant’s education as defined in Section 1255.40(g) of this Part.


4)         The fee required by Section 1255.65.


5)         In lieu of items listed in subsections (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3), the Division shall accept certification from the Council for Interior Design Qualifications (CIDQ), if the Division determines the applicant meets all other application requirements of this Section.


b)         An individual who holds an active license as an architect in Illinois pursuant to the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989 [225 ILCS 305] shall be issued a certificate of registration as an interior designer without examination, as provided in Section 8(d) of the Act, upon submitting to the Division an application, a copy of the active Illinois architect license, and fee as required in Section 1255.65 of this Part.


c)         If an applicant fails to submit all required items for registration under the Act within 2 years after filing an application, the application shall expire and be denied.  The applicant may, however, make a new application for registration accompanied by the required fee, and furnish proof of meeting the qualifications for registration in effect at the time of new application.


d)         Upon receipt of an application and all applicable supporting documentation in complete order, the applicant's file will be reviewed by the Division or the Board for acceptance.  Upon meeting the necessary education, examination and experience requirements, the applicant, if otherwise qualified, shall be granted a certificate of registration as a registered interior design professional in this State.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.30  Approved Programs


a)         The Division shall, upon recommendation of the Board, approve an interior design or architecture program if it meets the following minimum criteria:


1)         The educational institution is legally recognized and authorized, through appropriate agencies such as a ministry of education or higher education governing board, by the jurisdiction in which it is located at the time the degree/certificate was obtained to confer any of the degrees/certificates required for registration in accordance with Section 8 of the Act;


2)         Permanent student records are maintained by the institution which summarize the credentials for admission, attendance, grades and other records of performance;


3)         The program has a designated director and a sufficient number of instructors to make certain that the educational obligations to the student are fulfilled.  The faculty must have demonstrated competence as evidenced by degrees in their areas of teaching from professional colleges or institutions;


4)         The curriculum provides educational experience with practical application encompassing:


A)        Drafting


B)        Two-Dimensional Design


C)        Three-Dimensional Design


D)        Design and Composition Fundamentals


E)        Color Theory


F)         Fundamentals of Design


G)        Building Systems


H)        Materials


I)         Codes and Ordinances


J)         Presentation Skills


K)        Business Practices and Management


L)        History of Art, Architecture and Design


M)       Computer Aided Drafting and Design


N)        Lighting;


5)         A 2-year program shall include 8 or more of the courses listed in subsection (a)(4) and include a minimum of 40 semester/60 quarter credits of interior design coursework;


6)         A 3-year program shall include 8 or more of the courses listed in subsection (a)(4) and include a minimum of 60 semester/90 quarter credits of interior design coursework;


7)         A 4-or 5-year program shall include 8 or more of the courses listed in subsection (a)(4) and include a minimum of 60 semester/90 quarter credits of interior design coursework.


b)         In determining whether a program should be approved, the Division shall take into consideration, but not be bound by, accreditation or approval by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) or the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) formerly known as the Foundation for Interior Design Education Research or FIDER.


c)         The Division has determined that all interior design programs accredited or approved by CIDA or FIDER as of July 1, 1995 meet the minimum criteria set forth in this Section and are, therefore, approved.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.31  Non-Approved Programs


The Division, upon recommendation of the Board, will issue a registration to an applicant with a degree that satisfies the NCIDQ eligibility requirements under the Foreign Education Evaluation pathway or the Alternative Review Program (ARP), so long as the applicant is approved by CIDQ to sit for and successfully passes the examination specified in Section 1255.35.


(Source:  Added at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.35  Examination


a)         The examination for registration as a registered interior designer is the computer-based NCIDQ examination prepared by CIDQ.


b)         Applicants must take and pass all three sections of the NCIDQ examination, the Fundamentals Exam (IDFX), the Professional Exam (IDPX), and the Practicum Exam (PRAC), within their specific eligibility timeline as determined by NCIDQ.


c)         The passing score on the examination shall be the passing score established by CIDQ.


(Source:  Added at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.40  Full-time Diversified Professional Experience


a)         Required diversified professional experience in interior design shall meet the minimum requirements outlined in Section 8(a) of the Act and shall be in any one or combination of the following interior design related fields:


1)         Commercial Design


2)         Institutional/Educational


3)         Governmental


4)         Hospitality/Restaurant


5)         Facilities Management


6)         Residential Design


7)         Kitchen/Bath


8)         Store Planning/Retail


9)         Industrial/Manufacturing


10)         Health Care


b)         All experience shall have been acquired after completion of a minimum of 2 years of a design or interior design related education program. 


c)         "Full-time" experience is defined as a minimum of 1,800 hours during a 12-month period.  No more than one year credit will be given in a 12-month period.


d)         "Part-time" experience is defined as a minimum of 900 hours during a 12-month period.  No more than one half year credit will be given in a 12-month period.


e)         Approved experience consists of successful performance of work relating to the profession of interior design, as described in Section 3 of the Act, verified by a supervising or sponsor interior designer, architect or owner/manager in an interior design setting.


f)         One year of experience will be granted for 2 academic years of full-time teaching experience as defined by the institution in an approved interior design program under Section 1255.30.  A maximum of one year of experience for teaching will be awarded.  Teaching experience claimed by an applicant must be validated by an official of the school offering the design program.


g)         Required diversified professional experience for registration:


1)         A graduate of a 4 or 5-year accredited interior design or architecture program requires a minimum of 2 years of interior design experience.


2)         A graduate of a 3-year accredited interior design or architecture program requires a minimum of 3 years of interior design experience.


3)         A graduate of a 2-year accredited interior design or architecture program requires a minimum of 4 years interior design experience.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.45  Seal and Signature Requirements


Every registered interior designer shall have a reproducible seal, or facsimile, the print of which shall contain the name of the registered interior designer, the registration number, and words "Registered Interior Designer, State of Illinois".  The registered interior designer shall affix the signature, current date, date of registration expiration and seal to the first sheet of any bound set or loose sheets of technical submissions utilized as contract documents between the parties to the contract or contracts or prepared for the review and approval of any governmental or public authority having jurisdiction to issue a permit by that registered interior designer or under that registered interior designer's responsible control.


a)         The individual registrant's written signature and date of signing, along with the date of registration expiration, shall be placed adjacent to the seal.


b)         The registrant may provide, at the registrant's sole discretion, an original signature in the registrant's handwriting, a scanned copy of the document bearing an original signature, or a signature generated by a computer.


c)         The following is a suggested facsimile of the design and lettering of the seal:




A close-up of a stamp

Description automatically generated



[Date Signed]

Registration Expires:  [Date]


(Source:  Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 12276, effective August 2, 2024)


Section 1255.50  Endorsement


a)         An applicant who is licensed/registered under the laws of another state or territory of the United States or of a foreign country and who wishes to register as an interior designer shall file an application, on forms provided by the Division, together with:


1)         Official transcripts verifying the conferral date of a degree in Interior Design or Architecture from an accredited institution meeting the requirements as set forth in Section 1255.30 of this Part or an official evaluation used in satisfying the requirements under Section 1255.31 of this Part;


2)         Certification, on forms provided by the Division, for all the required full-time diversified interior design experience, based on applicant’s education as defined in Section 1255.40(g) of this Part;


3)         Certification from the state or territory of the United States or the foreign country in which the applicant was originally licensed/registered and any location in which the applicant predominantly practices and is currently licensed/registered, stating:


A)        The time during which the applicant was licensed/registered;


B)        Whether the file of the applicant contains any record of disciplinary actions taken or pending; and


C)        Examinations taken and examination scores received;


4)         The required fee specified in Section 1255.65.


b)         In lieu of subsections (a)(1) and (2), the Division will accept certification from CIDQ if the applicant otherwise meets the requirements for registration under this Part, subject to review by the Division or Board.


c)         The Division may require additional information to determine:


1)         if the requirements in the state, territory of the United States or foreign country at the time the applicant was licensed/registered were substantially equivalent to the requirements then in effect in Illinois; or


2)         if the requirements of another state, territory of the United States or foreign country, together with education and professional experience qualifications of the applicant, are substantially equivalent to the requirements in Illinois at the time of application.


d)         The Division, upon recommendation of the Board, shall determine substantial equivalency based on, but not limited to, certification from the National Council of Interior Design Qualifications; education, training and experience, including, but not limited to, whether the applicant has special honors or awards, has articles published in professional journals, or has written textbooks relating to interior design; and any other attribute that the Director of the Division accepts as evidence that the applicant has outstanding and proven ability in interior design.


e)         The Division shall either issue registration by endorsement or notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for denying the application.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.60  Renewal


a)         Every registration issued under the Act shall expire on August 31 of odd-numbered years.  The holder of a registration may renew such registration during the month preceding the expiration date by paying the required fee and meeting the continuing education requirements set forth in Section 1255.61 of this Part.


b)         It is the responsibility of each registrant to notify the Division of any change of mailing or email address.  Failure to receive a renewal notice from the Division shall not constitute an excuse for failure to pay the renewal fee or to renew one's registration.


c)         It is the responsibility of each registrant to notify the Division of any discipline as specified in Section 13 of the Registered Interior Designers Act [225 ILCS 310] or conviction of or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to any crime that is a felony under the laws of the United States or any state or territory thereof, or that is a misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, or any crime that is directly related to the profession of interior design during the last renewal.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.61  Continuing Education Requirements


The continuing education required as a condition for registration renewal under the Registered Interior Designers Act [225 ILCS 310] is set forth in this Section.  All registrations shall meet these requirements.


a)         Continuing Education Requirements


1)         Beginning with the August 31, 2025, renewal, and every renewal thereafter, in order to renew a registration, a registrant shall be required to complete 10 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the profession of interior design, or be exempt from the CE requirements, as provided in subsection (i).  Failure to comply with these requirements will result in non-renewal of the registrant’s registration, other disciplinary action, or both.


A)        One hour of the total CE hours required shall be in Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, which shall meet the requirements of 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1130.400.  A registrant completing a course on sexual harassment prevention developed or offered by the Illinois Department of Human Rights, offered by the registrant’s employer or an acceptable provider listed within this Section, that complies with the minimum training requirements specified in Section 2-109 of the Illinois Human Rights Act [775 ILCS 5] may count that course toward the one-hour requirement under this Section.


B)        One hour of the total CE hours required shall pertain to the subjects of professional conduct and/or interior design professional ethics.


2)         A pre-renewal period is the 24 months preceding September 1 of each odd-numbered year. All CE hours must be completed during the pre-renewal period.


3)         All required CE hours may be completed online; however, each self-administered course shall include an examination that will be graded by the sponsor.


4)         A CE hour means a minimum of 50 minutes of technical instruction or participation.  No credit will be allowed for introductory remarks, meals, breaks or administrative matters related to courses of study.  If the program involves one or more hours of education, credit may be issued in one-half hour increments.


5)         Registered interior designers registered in Illinois but residing and practicing in other states must comply with the CE requirements set forth in this Section.


6)         The CE hours used to satisfy the CE requirements in another jurisdiction may also be used to satisfy the CE requirements of this Section so long as the CE activities meet the requirements of this Section.


b)         All CE programs, activities or courses shall emphasize health, safety and welfare subjects and:


1)         Contribute to the advancement, extension or enhancement of the professional skills and/or scientific knowledge of the profession of interior design;


2)         Foster the enhancement of general or specialized practice and values of interior design, related professions and interior design ethics;


3)         Be developed and presented by persons with education and/or experience in the subject matter of the program; and


4)         Specify the course objectives and course content.


c)         CE Activities shall include, but are not limited to:


1)         Successful completion of courses, programs, presentations, meetings, seminars, etc., relevant to the profession of interior design or architecture.  Credit will be given for self-study courses only if an examination has been completed by the registrant and graded by the sponsor.


2)         Successful completion of higher education courses in interior design or architecture taken at college or university programs accredited by NASAD or CIDA.  One CE hour per credit hour earned (not the actual hours spent in class) may be awarded.


3)         Presenting a course, program, etc., as listed in subsection (c)(1) will receive twice the listed CE credit given for said course, program, etc., but shall only be accepted for the first offering or presentation.  Full-time faculty may not claim teaching credit associated with their regular duties.


4)         Authoring published papers, articles, books, or accepted registration examination items.  Two CE hours may be awarded per paper, article, etc., and a maximum of four CE hours will be awarded per pre-renewal period.


5)         Active participation in educational outreach activities that involve K-12 or higher education students which pertain to professional registration or the interior design profession.  One hour of CE will be given per each one hour of outreach activities participation and a maximum of three CE hours may be awarded per pre-renewal period.


6)         Active participation on a board or committee in professional or technical societies or in accrediting organizations relating to interior design.  Two CE hours will be awarded per committee membership or office held and a maximum of four CE hours will be awarded per pre-renewal period.


d)         The Division shall not pre-approve individual courses or programs.


e)         Acceptable providers for continuing education activities shall include, but not be limited to:


1)         American Society of Interior Designers (ASID);


2)         International Interior Designer Association (IIDA);


3)         Council of Interior Design Qualification (CIDQ);


4)         International Design Continuing Education Council (IDCEC);


5)         American Institute of Architects (AIA);


6)         Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI);


7)         International Facility Management Association (IFMA);


8)         National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA);


9)         Colleges, universities, or other educational institutions;


10)        Technical or professional societies or organizations including manufacturers relating to interior design.


f)        The Division may conduct random audits of registrants to verify compliance with this Section.


g)         For auditing or restoration purposes, it shall be the responsibility of a registrant to maintain a record of CE hours for six years that includes:


1)         Documentation consisting of:


A)        the name and address of the sponsor or provider;


B)        the number of CE hours attended in each program;


C)        the date and place of the program, including a certificate of attendance; and


D)        a brief statement of the subject matter, printed program schedules, registration receipts or other proof of participation; or


2)         Transcripts or records of CE hours maintained by an acceptable provider as set forth in subsection (e).


h)         Certification of Compliance with CE Requirements


1)         Each renewal applicant shall certify, on the renewal application, full compliance with the CE requirements set forth in this Section.


2)         The Division may require additional evidence demonstrating compliance with the CE requirements as set forth in subsection (f).  This additional evidence shall be required in the context of the Division’s random audit.  It is the responsibility of each renewal applicant to retain or otherwise produce evidence of compliance.


3)         When there appears to be a lack of compliance with CE requirements, a registrant shall be notified in writing and may request an interview with the Board.  At that time the Board may recommend that steps be taken to begin formal disciplinary proceedings in accordance with Section 10-65 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100].


i)          Waiver of CE Requirements

A registrant may be exempt from CE requirements if one of the following situations occurs.  If an exemption is claimed, it is required that the renewal fee an any documentation needed to support the exemption be submitted for renewal of a registration.  Waiver requests must be made before the end of the renewal period.  Waiver requests sent after the end of the renewal period shall not be considered.


1)         A registrant shall not be required to report CE hours during the first biennial renewal period in which the registrant obtained initial registration in Illinois but shall be subject to the CE requirements for all subsequent biennial renewal periods.


2)         Waiver Requests.  Registrants may submit a waiver request in the following circumstances:


A)        A registrant who is on full-time active duty in the military service or Armed Forces of the United States or is a registrant who is called to temporary active duty in the military service or Armed Forces of the United States for a period of time exceeding 120 consecutive days during the renewal period, when that activity or location restricts participation in a CE program or activity.


B)        A registrant who demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Division that meeting these requirements would be an undue hardship by reason of disability, illness, or other clearly mitigating circumstances shall submit supporting documentation.


i)          The documentation shall be in the form of a sworn statement by the registrant, statement from a licensed healthcare provider, or medical record showing the disability, illness, or circumstance preventing the registrant’s participation in the CE program or activity during a substantial part of the renewal period.


ii)         If the Division finds undue hardship is demonstrated, the Division will waive enforcement, extend the time within which the applicant shall comply, or establish a particular program or schedule of CE for the renewal period in which the undue hardship existed.


iii)        Consecutive waiver requests made for reasons of disability, illness, or other circumstances may be prima facie evidence for non-renewal of applicant’s registration based on an inability to actively engage in the registered profession.


3)         Any renewal applicant who, prior to the expiration date of the registration, submits a request for a waiver, in whole or in part, pursuant to the provisions of this subsection (i) shall be deemed to be in good standing until a final decision on the application is made by the Division.


(Source:  Added at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.65  Fees


The following fees shall be paid to the Department and are not refundable:


a)         Application Fees.  The fee for application for a certificate of registration as a registered interior designer is $100.


b)         Renewal Fees.  The fee for the renewal of a certificate of registration shall be calculated at the rate of $30 per year.


c)         General Fees


1)         The fee for the restoration of a certificate of registration other than from inactive status is $50 plus payment of all lapsed renewal fees, but not to exceed $230.


2)         Registrants may print out a certificate of registration through the Department website.  There is no charge for the issuance of a replacement certificate of registration for a registration that has been lost or destroyed, or for issuance of a certificate of registration with a change of name or address.


3)         The fee for a certification of a registrant's record for any purpose is $20.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.70  Inactive Status


a)         Registered interior designers who notify the Division in writing on forms provided by the Division may elect to place their registration on inactive status and shall be excused from the payment of renewal fees until they notify the Division in writing of the desire to resume active status.


b)         Any registered interior designer seeking restoration from inactive status shall do so in accordance with Section 1255.80.


c)         Any person whose registration is on inactive status shall not use the title "registered interior designer"  in the State of Illinois.


(Source:  Amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 16364, effective October 18, 2013)


Section 1255.80  Restoration


a)         Any registered interior designer whose registration has expired or has been placed on inactive status for 5 years or less may have the certificate of registration restored by submitting an application on forms provided by the Division, paying the fees required by Section 1255.65, and submitting proof of completing the required CE as defined in Section 1255.65 of this Part and gained within the 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application.


b)         Any person seeking restoration of a certificate of registration that has been expired or placed on inactive status for more than 5 years shall file an application, on forms supplied by the Division, for review by the Board, together with the fee required by Section 1255.65, and submitting proof of completing the required CE as defined in Section 1255.65 of this Part and gained within the 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application. The applicant shall also submit at least one of the following:


1)         Sworn evidence of active practice in another jurisdiction.  The evidence shall include a statement from the appropriate board or licensing authority in the other jurisdiction that the registrant was authorized to practice during the term of the active practice;


2)         An affidavit attesting to military service as provided in Section 9 of the Act;


3)         Proof of passage of the NCIDQ examination for an interior designer registration during the period the registration was lapsed or on inactive status; or


4)         Other evidence of continued active practice of interior design for at least the last 2 years.  Evidence shall be satisfied by one of the below:


A)        Employment under the supervision and control of a licensed or registered interior design professional;


B)        Lawfully practicing interior design as an employee of a governmental agency; or


C)        Teaching interior design in a college or university program accredited by the CIDA or NASAD.


c)         When the accuracy of any submitted documentation, or the relevance of sufficiency of the course work or experience is questioned by the Division, or the Board, because of a lack of information, discrepancies or conflicts in information given, or a need for clarification, the registrant seeking restoration of a registration shall be required to:


1)         Provide information as may be necessary and/or explain the relevance or sufficiency during an oral interview; or


2)         Appear for an interview before the Board when the information available to the Board is insufficient to evaluate the individual's current competency to practice under the Act.


d)         Upon the recommendation of the Board, and approval by the Director, an applicant shall have the registration restored or be notified in writing of the reason for denying the application.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)


Section 1255.90  Granting Variances


The Director may grant variances from the requirements of this Part in individual cases when the Director finds that:


a)         The provision from which the variance is granted is not statutorily mandated;


b)         No party will be injured by the granting of the variance; and


c)         The rule from which the variance is granted would, in the particular case, be unreasonable or unnecessarily burdensome.


(Source:  Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6274, effective April 20, 2023)