AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 457 and authorized by Sections 454 and 401 of the Illinois Insurance Code [215 ILCS 5].

SOURCE: Emergency rule adopted and codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 719, effective December 30, 1982, for a maximum of 150 days; adopted at 7 Ill. Reg. 11224, effective August 31, 1983; amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 21484, effective October 31, 2014; amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022.


Section 2902.10  Authority (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)


Section 2902.20  Purpose and Scope


a)         This Part establishes a uniform format for the filing of every manual of classifications, every manual of rules and rates, every rating plan, every schedule rating plan, loss cost multipliers, dividend plan and every modification that is intended for use in this State.


b)         This Part shall apply to all companies licensed and writing in this State, the kind of insurance commonly referred to as Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability as authorized by Class 2(c) and (d) of Section 4 of the Code and every Rating Organization licensed under Section 459 of the Code.


c)         All filings shall be submitted using the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF) or in another electronic format approved by the Director.


(Source:  Amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 21484, effective October 31, 2014)


Section 2902.30  Filings Required


All companies subject to this Section shall file the following materials with the Illinois Department of Insurance (Department):


a)         All Manuals – Every manual of classifications, every manual of rules, every rating plan, every schedule rating plan, loss cost multipliers, dividend plan and every modification of any such manual or plan used in this State or intended for use in this State; and


b)         All Rates – All rates and/or modification factors, if adopting a pure premium filed by a rating organization.


(Source:  Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)


Section 2902.40  Rule Manual Filings


a)         Manual filing requirements can be met either by a company making a direct filing on its own behalf or a company authorizing a rating organization of which it is a member or subscriber to make the filing on the company's behalf.


1)         A company that adopts a rule or rule change filed by its rating organization without modification must notify the Department 30 days prior to the effective date of use.


2)         A company that adopts a rule or rule change filed by its rating organization with modification or submits a direct filing on its own behalf must file:


A)        Manual exception pages;


B)        The manual rule number, which must be the same as the rule number being replaced; and


C)        The effective date of use.


3)         A company shall submit a complete up-to-date manual upon request. The company shall also identify the tracking number of a particular section of the manual upon request.


b)         All manual filings must include:  


1)         The name of the rating organization or company making the filing;


2)         Identification of the rule with the manual to which it applies;


3)         Notification as to whether the filing is new or supersedes a present filing.  Identification of all superseded filings as well as identification of all changes from the superseded filings is required; and


4)         The effective date of use.


c)         Companies under the same ownership or general management may submit multiple company filings under the same SERFF tracking number.


(Source:  Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)


Section 2902.50  Rate Filings


a)         Rate filing requirements can be met by:


1)         A company making a direct filing on its own behalf;


2)         A company filing to adopt its rating organization advisory rate filing;


3)         A company filing a deviation to its rating organization advisory rate filing; or


4)         A company adopting its rating organization pure premium rate filing, provided the company files its modification factor or factors used for expenses and profits.


b)         All company rate filings in SERFF must include the Company Rate Information, which shall include:


1)         Overall % indicated change;


2)         Overall % rate impact (meaning the statewide average percentage change to the accepted rates for the coverages included for each company);


3)         Written premium change for this program (meaning the statewide change in written premium based on the proposed overall percentage rate impact for each company);


4)         Number of policyholders affected for this program (meaning the number of policyholders affected by the overall percentage rate impact for each company);


5)         Written premium for this program (meaning the statewide written premium for each company);


6)         Maximum % change; and


7)         Minimum % change.


c)         All rate filings must include:


1)         The name of the company making the filing;


2)         Notification of whether the filing is new or supersedes a present filing.  Identification of the superseded filing, as well as identification of all changes from the superseded filing, is required; and


3)         Effective date of use.


d)         Documentary data for rates and changes filed under this Section must be maintained by the company or its rating organization to be available upon and in accordance with the Department's request for review by the Department's Property and Casualty Compliance Unit.


e)         Companies under the same ownership or general management may submit multiple company filings under the same SERFF tracking number.


(Source:  Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)


Section 2902.60  Exemption From Filings (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)


Section 2902.70  Submission of Filings


a)         All manual and rate filings required by this Part must be received no later than 30 days before the effective date of use.


b)         All manual filings made by a rating organization to which it will require adherence of its members and subscribers must be filed 30 days before the effective date of use.


(Source:  Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 6583, effective April 11, 2022)

Section 2902.ILLUSTRATION A   Summary Sheet (Repealed)


(Source:  Repealed at 38 Ill. Reg. 21484, effective October 31, 2014)