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Results for "vehicle codes rights" within 100th GA Legislation.New Search
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551. HB3176ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (46) rights (8) right (4) vehicle (2)
. . . Sec. 5-5-5. Loss and Restoration of Rights. (a) Conviction and disposition shall not entail the loss by the defendant of any civil rights, except under this Section and Sections . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

552. HB3177 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (141) code (156) vehicles (58) right (6) rights (2)
. . . the meaning of Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (4) A post immobilization and post-towing notice advising the registered owner of the vehicle of the right to a hearing to challenge the validity . . .

553. HB3178 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (233) vehicle (54) rights (26) right (16) vehicles (2)
. . . activities. (3) Exercise the rights, powers, and duties vested in the Department by the Personnel Code. (4) Operate an electronic data processing . . . 11-1427.4, or 11-1427.5 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, or Section 48-3 or 48-10 of the Criminal Code of 2012. HB3178 - 76 - LRB100 05943 SLF 15970 . . .

554. HB3183 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (37) right (1) rights (8) vehicle (1)
. . . - LRB100 11031 RLC 21270 b duties, rights, and responsibilities related to State healthcare purchasing under this Code that were transferred from the Department . . . approval of his or her parole officer before driving alone in a motor vehicle. (c) The conditions under which the parole or mandatory supervised release . . .

555. HB3208 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

556. HB3208ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

557. SB1809 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (9) vehicle (1) rights (4)
. . . 5/3-2-12 new 730 ILCS 125/26.1 new Amends the Criminal Code of 2012, the Unified Code of Corrections, and the County Jail Act. Permits currently . . . or person exempted in this Section by a common carrier or by a vehicle owned or leased by an exempted manufacturer. (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) . . . shall no longer be considered law enforcement officials and all their rights as law enforcement officials shall be revoked permanently, unless employed . . .

558. SB1809sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (7) vehicle (1) rights (4)
. . . after the enacting clause with the following: "Section 5. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by changing Section 24-2 as follows: (720 ILCS 5/24-2) . . . or person exempted in this Section by a common carrier or by a vehicle owned or leased by an exempted manufacturer. (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) . . . shall no longer be considered law enforcement officials and all their rights as law enforcement officials shall be revoked permanently, unless employed . . .

559. HB3229 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (1) vehicle (11) vehicles (2) vehicle's (2) right (1)
. . . the Department of Natural Resources under Section 1.8 of the Wildlife Code. (4) Any building designated for matters before a circuit court, appellate . . . store a firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle or in a compartment or container within a vehicle located anywhere in or on the street, driveway, . . . violation of this Section while he or she is traveling along a public right of way that touches or crosses any of the premises under subsection (a), . . .

560. HB3231 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (1) vehicle (11) vehicles (2) vehicle's (2) right (1)
. . . the Department of Natural Resources under Section 1.8 of the Wildlife Code. (4) Any building designated for matters before a circuit court, appellate . . . store a firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle or in a compartment or container within a vehicle located anywhere in or on the street, driveway, . . . violation of this Section while he or she is traveling along a public right of way that touches or crosses any of the premises under subsection (a), . . .

561. HB3235 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (84) rights (2) right (4) vehicle (36)
. . . or both, to any commercial motor vehicle as defined in Section 18b-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. HB3235 - 46 - LRB100 08746 RLC 21552 b (b) . . . so filed, and of his or her right to a hearing before the court on the issue of that former conviction and of his or her right to counsel at that hearing; and unless . . .

562. HB3242 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: right (1) rights (4) vehicle (1) code (1)
. . . or entity, whether by contract, license, or otherwise, the exclusive right to access and disseminate any public record as defined in this Act. Except . . . record shall be as provided in Section 6-118 of "The Illinois Vehicle Code", approved September 29, 1969, as amended, whether furnished as a paper . . .

563. HB3247 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (125) right (5) vehicle (1)
. . . amounts held under claim of right for the taxable year pursuant to Section 1341 of the Internal Revenue Code or of any itemized deduction taken from . . . received by a driver in a ridesharing arrangement using a motor vehicle; (CC) The amount of (i) any interest income (net of the deductions allocable . . .

564. SB1819 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (7) rights (20) right (6) vehicle (2) rights.' (1)
. . . Sec. 5-5-5. Loss and Restoration of Rights. (a) Conviction and disposition shall not entail the loss by the defendant of any civil rights, except under this Section and Sections . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

565. SB1821enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (6) right (4) rights (12) code (10)
. . . of Article 3 of the Illinois Human Rights Act, whether or not a complaint has been filed with or adjudicated by the Human Rights Commission. (32) Inducing any party to . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

566. SB1821eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (6) right (4) rights (12) code (10)
. . . of Article 3 of the Illinois Human Rights Act, whether or not a complaint has been filed with or adjudicated by the Human Rights Commission. (32) Inducing any party to . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

567. SB1821 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (15) vehicle (7) right (7) rights (18)
. . . of Article 3 of the Illinois Human Rights Act, whether or not a complaint has been filed with or adjudicated by the Human Rights Commission. (32) Inducing any party to . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

568. SB1821sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (6) right (7) rights (14) code (11)
. . . of Article 3 of the Illinois Human Rights Act, whether or not a complaint has been filed with or adjudicated by the Human Rights Commission. (32) Inducing any party to . . . or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code. (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, . . .

569. HB3263ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (2) right (1) vehicle (1) code (5)
. . . to the Department with regard to all real and personal property and rights to property of the dealer, there is no reasonable expectation of collection . . . Fuel Tax Law, the Live Adult Entertainment Facility Surcharge Act, the Vehicle Use Tax, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Food and Beverage . . . a non-homestead exemption from any tax imposed under the Property Tax Code or any exemption from a State tax administered by the Department. (b) Except . . .

570. HB3265 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (80) code (21) right (3) vehicle's (4) vehicles (22)
. . . ILCS 5/11-208.7 Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that if proper notice is given within the first 5 calendar days after a vehicle is towed, daily storage charges shall . . . who is found to be in control of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offense, of the fact of the seizure, and of the vehicle owner's or lessee's right to an administrative hearing. Provides . . .

571. HB3266 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (64) right (18) code (6) vehicles (2)
. . . to, or any lesser interest in, land, rights, or property conveyed by the Department of Transportation under Section 4-508.1 of the Illinois Highway Code. (d) To establish presently the approximate . . . federal level; and (3) control of the access, entrance, and exit of vehicles and persons to and from the train stations along the HSR lines; (d) The . . .

572. SB1839enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (21) vehicle (2) rights (16) coding (2) right (3)
. . . Department of Transportation under Section 11-212 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (l) Records and information provided to a residential health care facility . . . of Illinois pledges and agrees that it will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in municipalities and counties by this Section to impose . . .

573. SB1839ham004 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (23) vehicle (2) rights (16) coding (2) right (4)
. . . Department of Transportation under Section 11-212 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (l) Records and information provided to a residential health care facility . . . of Illinois pledges and agrees that it will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in municipalities and counties by this Section to impose . . .

574. SB1839ham005 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (21) vehicle (2) rights (16) coding (2) right (3)
. . . Department of Transportation under Section 11-212 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (l) Records and information provided to a residential health care facility . . . of Illinois pledges and agrees that it will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in municipalities and counties by this Section to impose . . .

575. SB1851enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (41) vehicle (10) rights (2)
. . . Section 7-603.5 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (hh) (ff) Records that are exempt from disclosure under Section 1A-16.7 of the Election Code. (ii) (ff) Information which is exempted . . . and implementation; (7) a dispute resolution process, including the rights of enrollees and representatives of enrollees under the dispute process . . .

576. SB1851ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (41) vehicle (10) rights (2)
. . . Section 7-603.5 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (hh) (ff) Records that are exempt from disclosure under Section 1A-16.7 of the Election Code. 10000SB1851ham002 - 23 - LRB100 10394 . . . and implementation; (7) a dispute resolution process, including the rights of enrollees and representatives of enrollees under the dispute process . . .

577. SB1870eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (38) vehicle (1) right (1) rights (36)
. . . a newborn infant; (i) proof that a minor was present in a structure or vehicle in which the minor's parent, custodian, or guardian was involved in the . . . person as defined in the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 within 10 years of the filing date of the petition or motion to terminate parental rights. No conviction or finding of delinquency . . .

578. SB1870 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (38) vehicle (1) right (1) rights (36)
. . . a newborn infant; (i) proof that a minor was present in a structure or vehicle in which the minor's parent, custodian, or guardian was involved in the . . . person as defined in the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 within 10 years of the filing date of the petition or motion to terminate parental rights. No conviction or finding of delinquency . . .

579. SB1871enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (179) code (68) vehicles (200) right (1) codes (4)
. . . in Section 1-209 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, semitrailers as defined in Section 1-187 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and pole trailers as defined in Section 1-161 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, when during a 12-month period the . . . Sec. 2. Definitions. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of that . . .

580. SB1871eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (179) code (68) vehicles (200) right (1) codes (4)
. . . in Section 1-209 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, semitrailers as defined in Section 1-187 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and pole trailers as defined in Section 1-161 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, when during a 12-month period the . . . Sec. 2. Definitions. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of that . . .

581. SB1871sam003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (167) code (68) vehicles (200) right (1) codes (4)
. . . (c) of Section 3-55 means for motor vehicles, as defined in Section 1-146 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and trailers, as defined in Section 1-209 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, when on 15 or more occasions in a 12-month . . . Sec. 2. Definitions. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of that . . .

582. HB3302 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (49) vehicle (68) vehicles (32) right (8)
. . . under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, but excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle Code. Horticultural polyhouses or hoop houses . . . any such amount from the lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund of that amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount . . .

583. SB1877 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (1) vehicle (11) vehicles (2) vehicle's (2) right (1)
. . . the Department of Natural Resources under Section 1.8 of the Wildlife Code. (4) Any building designated for matters before a circuit court, appellate . . . store a firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle or in a compartment or container within a vehicle located anywhere in or on the street, driveway, . . . violation of this Section while he or she is traveling along a public right of way that touches or crosses any of the premises under subsection (a), . . .

584. HB3333 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (41) code (14) vehicles (4) vehicle's (6) right (1)
. . . produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must . . . (2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as part of a funeral procession; . . .

585. HB3338 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (19) vehicle (12) right (2) vehicles (2) vehicle's (2)
. . . Department of Transportation under Section 11-212 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. (l) Records and information provided to a residential health care facility . . . must notify the law enforcement officer of the report and his or her right to provide a statement regarding the reported violation. (c) The Board . . .

586. HB3342enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (271) vehicle (57) right (13) rights (142) vehicles (20) codes (8)
. . . law to the contrary, for any motor vehicle, as defined in Section 1-146 of the Vehicle Code, that is sold on or after January 1, 2015 for the purpose of leasing the vehicle for a defined period that is longer than . . . the Department with respect to the sale of the motor vehicle to the lessor, then the right to the discount provided in this Act shall be transferred . . .

587. HB3342sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (1) code (2) right (1) rights (2)
. . . as an employee of a repossession agency, a financial institution, or a vehicle dealer within the 5 years immediately preceding the filing of an application, . . . Section 5-5.5-25 of the Unified Code of Corrections or a certificate of relief from disabilities under Section 5-5.5-10 of the Unified Code of Corrections. (8) Any other mitigating . . . - 20 - LRB100 08528 SMS 27818 a impair the right of a quorum to exercise all of the rights and perform all of the duties of the Board. (e) The . . .

588. HB3342sam003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (271) vehicle (57) right (13) rights (142) vehicles (20) codes (8)
. . . the Department with respect to the sale of the motor vehicle to the lessor, then the right to the discount provided in this Act shall be transferred . . . Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; . . .

589. HB3355 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (15) rights (8) vehicle (9) right (1)
. . . 38, par. 1005-8-6 Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that in imposing a sentence for a Class 3 or 4 felony, other than a violent crime as defined in the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act, the . . . upon a charge for a violation of Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, the individual must undergo . . .

590. HB3355ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (140) vehicle (45) rights (10) right (4)
. . . 4-103.2, or 4-103.3 of the Illinois Vehicle Code relating to the possession of a stolen or converted motor vehicle, or a violation of Section 17-36 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, . . . corpus action under Article X of the Code of Civil Procedure or under federal law (28 U.S.C. 2254), a petition for claim under the Court of Claims Act, an action under the federal Civil Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 1983), or a second or . . .

591. HB3359enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (40) rights (38) vehicle (3) right (39)
. . . not a proceeding for the exercise of the right of eminent domain and in every other action wherein the right of trial by jury is or may be given by law. . . . issued after hearings regarding vehicle immobilization and impoundment made pursuant to Sections 3-704.1, 6-306.5, and 11-208.3 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, $25. (H) No fees shall be charged by . . .

592. HB3359eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (40) rights (38) vehicle (3) right (39)
. . . not a proceeding for the exercise of the right of eminent domain and in every other action wherein the right of trial by jury is or may be given by law. . . . issued after hearings regarding vehicle immobilization and impoundment made pursuant to Sections 3-704.1, 6-306.5, and 11-208.3 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, $25. (H) No fees shall be charged by . . .

593. HB3359 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (44) rights (40) vehicle (3) right (39)
. . . issued after hearings regarding vehicle immobilization and impoundment made pursuant to Sections 3-704.1, 6-306.5, and 11-208.3 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, $25. (H) No fees shall be charged by . . . of this Section constitutes a civil rights violation under the Illinois Human Rights Act. All proceeds from the collection of any civil penalty imposed pursuant to the Illinois Human Rights Act under this subsection shall be HB3359 . . .

594. HB3387 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (59) vehicle (7) rights (2) right (7)
. . . (ii) Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance; or (iii) Section 11-503 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, . . . (h) of Section 2-702 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (c) Sealing. (1) Applicability. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the contrary, and cumulative with any rights to expungement of criminal records, this . . .

595. HB3395 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (234) vehicle (21) rights (12) right (8) vehicles (4)
. . . (ii) Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance; or (iii) Section 11-503 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, . . . (h) of Section 2-702 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (c) Sealing. (1) Applicability. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the contrary, and cumulative with any rights to expungement of criminal records, this . . .

596. HB3419 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (33) right (1) vehicle (2) rights (2)
. . . bidders or offerors are bidding, the purchasing agency is within its right to specify that Illinois labor and manufacturing locations be used as a . . . Finance Agency Act, the Retail Installment Sales Act, or the Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act; (b) an installment, charge, credit, or similar . . . term defined. (11) Internal Revenue Code. The term "Internal Revenue Code" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor law or laws . . .

597. HB3418enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (27) vehicles (4) rights (10) codes (8) right (7) vehicle (1)
. . . racing. Any property designed exclusively for the racing of motor vehicles. Such abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years. (4) Academic or . . . 8-3-18 of the Illinois Municipal Code. (Source: P.A. 97-577, eff. 1-1-12; 97-636, eff. 6-1-12; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.) Section 15. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by changing Section 11-74.4-3 . . . or platting that failed to create rights-of-ways for streets or alleys or that created inadequate right-of-way widths for streets, alleys, or other public rights-of-way or that omitted easements for . . .

598. HB3418eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (27) vehicles (4) rights (10) codes (8) right (7) vehicle (1)
. . . racing. Any property designed exclusively for the racing of motor vehicles. Such abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years. (4) Academic or . . . 8-3-18 of the Illinois Municipal Code. (Source: P.A. 97-577, eff. 1-1-12; 97-636, eff. 6-1-12; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.) Section 15. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by changing Section 11-74.4-3 . . . or platting that failed to create rights-of-ways for streets or alleys or that created inadequate right-of-way widths for streets, alleys, or other public rights-of-way or that omitted easements for . . .

599. HB3418ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (27) vehicles (4) rights (10) codes (8) right (7) vehicle (1)
. . . racing. Any property designed exclusively for the racing of motor vehicles. Such abatement shall not exceed a period of 10 years. (4) Academic or . . . 8-3-18 of the Illinois Municipal Code. (Source: P.A. 97-577, eff. 1-1-12; 97-636, eff. 6-1-12; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.) Section 15. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by changing Section 11-74.4-3 . . . or platting that failed to create rights-of-ways for streets or alleys or that created inadequate right-of-way widths for streets, alleys, or other public rights-of-way or that omitted easements for . . .

600. HB3421 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (255) vehicle (65) rights (10) right (19)
. . . crime as defined in Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act, if the judge determines, based on the factors in Section 110-5 of this Code, that this will reasonably ensure the . . . an alleged violation of the Criminal Code of 1961, the Criminal Code of HB3421 - 107 - LRB100 05621 SLF 15635 b 2012, the Illinois Vehicle Code, the Wildlife Code, the Fish and Aquatic Life Code, the . . .

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