Section 380.570  Fire Safety and Disaster Preparedness


a)         For the purpose of this Section only, "disaster" means an occurrence, as a result of a natural force or mechanical failure such as water, wind or fire, or a lack of essential resources such as electrical power, that poses a threat to the safety and welfare of consumers, personnel and others present in the facility.


b)         Each facility shall have policies covering disaster preparedness for staff, consumers, and others to follow.  The policy shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


1)         Proper instruction in, and training on, the use of fire extinguishers for all personnel employed on the premises;


2)         A diagram of the evacuation route, which shall be posted and made familiar to all personnel employed on the premises;


3)         A written plan for moving consumers to safe locations within the facility in the event of a tornado warning or severe thunderstorm warning; and


4)         An established means of facility notification when the National Weather Service issues a tornado or severe thunderstorm warning that covers the area in which the facility is located.  The notification mechanism shall be other than commercial radio or television.  Approved notification measures include being within range of local tornado warning sirens, maintaining an operable National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio in the facility, or arrangements with local public safety agencies (police, fire, emergency management agency) to be notified if a warning is issued.


c)         The facility shall develop, implement, maintain and annually review a disaster preparedness plan requiring that:


1)         Records and reports of fire and disaster training are maintained;


2)         A record of actions taken to correct noted deficiencies in fire and disaster drills or inspections is maintained;


3)         Employees know and practice how to react to fire, severe weather, disasters, missing persons, psychiatric and medical emergencies, and deaths;


4)         Consumers receiving supports on site know how to react to fire or severe weather or are receiving training;


5)         Employees and consumers are trained in the location of firefighting equipment, first aid kits, evacuation routes and procedures;


6)         A land-line telephone is available with the listing of telephone numbers of the nearest poison control center, the police, the fire department and emergency medical personnel; and


7)         The facility has a written plan for alternative arrangements if the facility becomes uninhabitable.


d)         The facility shall implement procedures for evacuation ensuring that:


1)         Evacuation drills are conducted at a frequency determined by the facility to be appropriate based on the needs and abilities of the consumers receiving supports at the site, but no less than annually on each shift if 24-hour supports are provided.


2)         Special provision shall be made for those consumers who cannot evacuate the building without assistance.


3)         All employees are trained to carry out their assigned evacuation tasks, and the training shall be documented.


4)         Inefficiency or problems identified during an evacuation drill shall result in specific corrective action.


5)         Evacuation drills shall include actual evacuation of consumers to safe areas.


6)         A written evaluation of each drill shall be submitted to the executive director and shall be maintained for one year.


e)         At least one approved fire extinguisher shall be available in each level of service within a facility, inspected annually and recharged when necessary. If the facility has multiple floors, one fire extinguisher shall be available on each floor.


f)         At least one first aid kit shall be available and inspected and re-supplied regularly.


g)         Disaster Reporting


1)         Upon the occurrence of any disaster requiring hospital service, police, fire department or coroner, the executive director or designee shall provide a preliminary report to the Department either by using the Department hotline or by directly contacting the appropriate Department central office during business hours.  This preliminary report shall include, at a minimum:


A)        The name and location of the facility;


B)        The type of disaster;


C)        The number of injuries or deaths to consumers;


D)        The number of beds not usable due to the occurrence;


E)        An estimate of the extent of damages to the facility;


F)         The type of assistance needed, if any; and


G)        A list of other State or local agencies notified about the problem.


2)         If the disaster will not require direct Department assistance, the facility shall provide a preliminary report within 24 hours after the occurrence. The facility shall also submit a full written account to the Department within seven days after the occurrence, which includes the information specified in subsection (h)(1) and a statement of actions taken by the facility after the preliminary report.


h)         Each facility shall establish and implement written policies and procedures to provide for the health, safety, welfare and comfort of all consumers when extreme temperatures are present within the facility for a prolonged period of time, including a written temporary transfer plan.


i)          Coordination with Local Authorities


1)         Each facility shall annually forward copies of all disaster policies and plans required under this Section to the local health authority and local emergency management agency having jurisdiction.


2)         Each facility shall annually forward copies of its emergency water supply agreements, required under Section 380.670(e)(1)(C), to the local health authority and local emergency management agency having jurisdiction.


3)         Each facility shall provide a description of its emergency source of electrical power, including the services connected to the source, to the local health authority and local emergency management agency having jurisdiction.  The facility shall inform the local health authority and local emergency management agency at any time that the emergency source of power or services connected to the source are changed.


4)         When requested by the local health authority and the local emergency management agency, the facility shall participate in emergency planning activities.