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Section 180.18 Search Requests and Reports
General requirements. The filing officer maintains for public inspection a searchable index for all records of UCC documents. The index shall provide for the retrieval of a record by the name of the debtor and by the file number of the initial financing statement of each filed UCC record relating to the initial financing statement.
a) Search requests. Search requests shall contain the following information:
1) Name searched. A search request should set forth the name of the debtor to be searched and must specify whether the debtor is an individual or an organization. A search request will be processed using the name in the exact form it is submitted. Each search request shall be limited to one debtor name.
2) Requesting party. The name and address of the person to whom the search report is to be sent.
3) Fee. The appropriate fee shall be enclosed, payable by a method described in Section 180.13 of this Part.
4) Search request with filing. If a filer requests a search at the time a UCC record is filed, a UCC-11 form designating the exact debtor name from the initial financing statement shall be submitted. The requesting party shall be the name and address to whom the search report should be sent, and the search request shall be deemed to request a search that would retrieve all financing statements filed on or prior to the date the UCC record is filed. The filer shall submit the search request on a UCC-11 form.
b) Rules applied to search requests. Search results are produced by the application of standardized search logic to the name presented to the filing officer. Human judgment does not play a role in determining the results of the search. The following rules apply to searches:
1) There is no limit to the number of matches that may be returned in response to the search criteria.
2) No distinction is made between upper and lower case letters.
3) Punctuation marks and accents are disregarded.
4) Words and abbreviations at the end of a name that indicate the existence or nature of an organization as set forth in the "Ending Noise Words" list as promulgated and adopted by the International Association of Commercial Administrators are disregarded. Such words include, but are not limited to, the following:
5) The word "the" if used anyplace in the search criteria is disregarded.
6) All spaces are disregarded.
7) For first and middle names of individuals, initials are treated as the logical equivalent of all names that begin with such initials, and first name and no middle name or initial is equated with all middle names and initials. For example, a search request for "John A. Smith" would cause the search to retrieve all filings against all individual debtors with "John" or the initial "J" as the first name, "Smith" as the last name, and with the initial "A" or any name beginning with "A" in the middle name field. If the search were for "John Smith" (first and last names with no designation in the middle name field), the search would retrieve all filings against individual debtors with "John" or the initial "J" as the first name, "Smith" as the last name and with any name or initial or no name or initial in the middle name field.
8) After using the preceding rules to modify the name to be searched, the search will reveal only names of debtors that are contained in unlapsed financing statements and exactly match the name requested, as modified.
9) The word "AND" is converted to "&" and the "&" symbol is left the same. The results searching "AND" and "&" will be identical.
c) Optional information. A UCC search request may contain any of the following information:
1) The request may limit the records requested by limiting them by the address of the debtor, the city of the debtor, the date of filing (or a range of filing dates) on the financing statements. A report created by the filing officer in response to such a request shall contain the statement "A limited search may not reveal all filings against the debtor searched and the searcher bears the risk of relying on such a search".
2) The request may ask for copies of UCC records identified on the primary search response.
3) Instructions on the mode of delivery desired, if other than by ordinary mail, which will be honored if the requested mode is available to the filing office.
4) UCC or Federal Tax Lien Search Requests. All information requests submitted on a UCC-11 Information Request Form will be assumed to be a UCC information search unless otherwise identified as a Federal Tax Lien search. Only one type of search may be requested per form. A separate fee and form are required for each search requested.
d) Search responses. Reports created in response to a search request shall include the following:
1) Filing officer. Identification of the filing officer and the certification of the filing officer required by law.
2) Report date. The date the report was generated.
3) Name searched. Identification of the name searched.
4) Certification date. The certification date and time for which the search is effective.
5) Identification of initial financing statements. Identification of each unlapsed initial financing statement filed on or prior to the certification date and time corresponding to the search criteria, by name of debtor, by identification number, and by file date and file time.
6) History of financing statement. For each initial financing statement on the report, a listing of all related UCC records filed by the filing officer on or prior to the certification date.
7) Copies. Copies of all UCC records revealed by the search and requested by the searcher.
8) Extensive search requests. The filing officer will need additional time to process any information or search request that is in excess of 100 pages in length due to system limitations for printing lengthy search requests as described under the provisions of 810 ILCS 5/9-524(1) and (2).
(Source: Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 3931, effective February 27, 2012) |