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Section 800.70 Application for Licensure
a) An application for a license to operate Transitional Housing for sex offenders who are on parole, probation, or supervision, for renewal of a license, or to relocate a licensed facility shall be completed and signed by the governing body of the facility or its authorized representatives on forms prescribed and furnished by the Department. Forms are available by sending a written request to:
Illinois Department of Corrections 1301 Concordia Court P. O. Box 19277 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9277 Attn: Sex Offender Transitional Housing Licensing Administrator
b) The application shall be signed and dated by the organization representative and at least two of the corporate officers in the case of a corporate applicant, or by all partners or associates in the case of a partnership or association, shall be notarized, and shall include the following:
1) Articles of incorporation and bylaws, including a statement indicating the facility's corporate status is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State and whether the institution is for profit or not-for-profit; or a copy of the entity's partnership agreement; or statement of ownership; or articles of organization; and a list of assumed names under which the entity is doing business, as applicable.
2) A statement of purpose and range of services and a general description of the type of security established or to be established.
3) The names and addresses of all owners or controlling parties of the organization and whether they are individuals, partnerships, corporate bodies, or subdivisions of other bodies, such as public agencies or religious, fraternal, or other charitable organizations. In the case of corporations, the names and addresses of all officers, directors, and stockholders owning five percent or more of the stock of the corporation, either beneficial or of record, shall be disclosed.
4) Annual current operating budget and projected budget showing anticipated expenses and income and emergency reserve.
5) Certification of compliance with applicable local building, zoning, health, sanitation, or other safety requirements as specified in federal, State, or local laws, and with fire safety requirements of the State Fire Marshal.
6) Proof of fire, hazard, liability and other insurance coverage appropriate to the administration of Transitional Housing.
7) A facility site plan of the proposed site in which the specific use of each building and the specific floor plan and an explanation of the facility locking, lighting, and communication features are included. All secure doors, windows, and perimeter structures, including fencing and gates, shall be shown.
8) The program and operations plan for Transitional Housing.
9) The staffing plan that provides for continuous supervision and security that includes the number of staff, their minimum qualifications, pre-service orientation and on-going training for staff, and complete job descriptions and job titles.
10) Documentation of background checks in accordance with Section 800.110.
11) The appropriate application fee per Section 800.60.
12) If applying for a Level II license, a copy of the Department of Human Services license.
c) A new application shall be required whenever:
1) An application for license has been withdrawn and the facility seeks to reapply;
2) There is a change of facility location;
3) There is a change of licensee's ownership, name, supervising agency, or corporate status or the individual who holds a license has died; or
4) A new license is sought after the Department has either revoked a license or refused to renew a license.
d) A new application may be submitted at any time after a license has been voluntarily surrendered or withdrawn by the applicant.
e) If the Department has refused to renew a license or has revoked a license, the facility may not reapply for licensure before the expiration of 12 months after the Department's action.
f) If the applicant's mailing address, but not the physical location, changes, the Department shall be notified immediately, but no later than ten days after the change. A current phone number and, if available, a fax number shall be provided to the Department.
g) The Department shall issue a license or a notification of refusal to issue a license within 180 days after the date the application was received and determined to be complete. |