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Section 1720.220 Definitions
In this Subpart, unless otherwise specified:
"Act" means the Illinois Police Training Act [5 ILCS 705].
"Applicant" means an individual who submits a completed application form and the required fee to the Board to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm, administer a Certification Program, or to be approved as a Range Officer.
"Board" means the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board created by Section 3 of the Illinois Police Training Act [50 ILCS 705/3].
"Certification Program" means a Board approved program that insures that an applicant meets the requirements of the federal Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-277; 18 USC 926), and the program requirements under 20 Ill. Adm. Code 1730.30, and includes a standard course-of-fire and information on the safe and lawful use of a firearm.
"Director" means the Executive Director of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.
"Federal Act" means the federal Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act of 2004 (18 USC 926).
"Firearm" means any weapon or device as defined in the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act [430 ILCS 65/1.1].
"FOID Card" means an Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card issued by the Illinois State Police under the Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card Act [430 ILCS 65].
"FOID Card Act" means the Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card Act [430 ILCS 65].
"Organization" means those local governmental agencies described in the Illinois Police Training Act [50 ILCS 705/2].
"Law Enforcement Officer" means any police officer of a governmental agency who is primarily responsible for prevention or detection of crime and the enforcement of a criminal code or traffic or highway laws of any state or any political subdivision, and has statutory powers of arrest.
"Permit" means a certification issued by the Board that authorizes the named holder to carry a concealed firearm subject to the requirements of the federal Act and this Subpart.
"Permittee" means the named holder of a certification by the Board that authorizes the individual to carry a concealed firearm subject to the requirements of the federal Act and this Subpart.
"Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer" means an individual who:
separated from service in good standing from his or her employing agency (other than for reasons of mental disability);
was authorized to perform the specified law enforcement functions and held a position for which powers of arrest were granted by statute;
served as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more before his or her separation in good standing from service with his or her agency, or separated from service in good standing (after completing any applicable probationary period of service) due to a service-connected disability as determined by the agency;
has met State firearms training and qualifications that are the same as the training and qualifications for active duty officers;
is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance; and
is not prohibited by federal law from carrying a firearm.
"Range Officer" means an individual who has obtained approval from the Board to conduct a Board approved Certification Program for qualified retired law enforcement officers.
(Source: Amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 2578, effective February 5, 2015) |