Section 845.800  Facility Operating Record


a)         Each owner or operator of a CCR surface impoundment subject to the requirements of this Part must maintain files of all information required by this Section in a written operating record at the facility.


b)         Unless specified otherwise, each file must be retained for at least three years past the date the Agency approved the owner's or operator's request to terminate post-closure care, when closure is with a final cover system, or the completion of groundwater monitoring under Section 845.740(b), when closure is by removal.


c)         An owner or operator of more than one CCR surface impoundment subject to the provisions of this Part may comply with the requirements of this Section in one recordkeeping system provided the system identifies each file by the name and identification number of each CCR surface impoundment. The files may be maintained on microfilm, on a computer, on computer disks, on a storage system accessible by a computer, on magnetic tape disks, or on microfiche.


d)         Unless otherwise required below, the owner or operator of a CCR surface impoundment must place the following information, as it becomes available, in the facility's operating record:


1)         Copies of all permit applications and permits issued under this Part;


2)         Documentation recording the public meetings held under Section 845.240;


3)         Weekly CQA reports under Section 845.290(b);


4)         Hazard potential classification assessments for CCR surface impoundments (see Section 845.440(a)(3)(D));


5)         Structural stability assessments for CCR surface impoundments (see Section 845.450(d)(4));


6)         Safety factor assessments for CCR surface impoundments (see Section 845.460(c)(4));


7)         The CCR fugitive dust control plan and any subsequent amendment of the plan (see Section 845.500(b)(6)), except that only the most recent fugitive dust control plan must be maintained in the facility's operating record, irrespective of the time requirement specified in subsection (b);


8)         Inflow design flood control system plans for CCR surface impoundments (see Section 845.510(c)(4)(D));


9)         Emergency Action Plan (see Section 845.520(a)), except that only the most recent EAP must be maintained in the facility's operating record irrespective of the time requirement specified in subsection (b);


10)        Documentation prepared by the owner or operator recording all activations of the EAP (see Section 845.520(f));


11)        Documentation prepared by the owner or operator recording the annual face-to-face meeting or exercise between representatives of the owner or operator of the CCR surface impoundment and the local emergency responders (see Section 845.520(g));


12)        Safety and Health Plan (see Section 845.530(a));


13)        Documentation recording the results of each inspection and instrumentation monitoring by a qualified person (see Section 845.540(a)(2));


14)        Annual consolidated report (see Section 845.550), which contains the following:


A)        The annual CCR fugitive dust control report (see Section 845.500(c));


B)        The annual inspection report (see Section 845.540(b)(3)); and


C)        The annual groundwater monitoring and corrective action report (see Section 845.610(e));


15)        All groundwater monitoring data submitted to the Agency and any analysis performed (see Section 845.610(b)(3)(D));


16)        Within 30 days after detecting one or more monitored constituents above the groundwater protection standard, the notifications required by Section 845.650(d) and (e);


17)        The semi-annual report describing the progress in selecting and designing the remedy (see Section 845.670(a));


18)        Within 30 days after completing the corrective action plan, the notification required by Section 845.680(e);


19)        USEPA-approved or denied demonstration as required by Section 845.700(d)(2)(F);


20)        The preliminary written closure plan and any amendment of the plan (see Section 845.720(a)) except that only the most recent closure plan must be maintained in the facility's operating record, irrespective of the time requirement specified in subsection (b);


21)        The written demonstrations, including the certification required by Section 845.730(b)(3), for a time extension for initiating closure (see Section 845.730(b)(2));


22)        The notification of intent to close a CCR surface impoundment (see Section 845.730(d));


23)        The monthly reports for closure by removal (see Section 845.740(d));


24)        The closure report and certification (see Section 845.760(e)(3)), or the completion of groundwater monitoring report and certification (see Section 845.740(f));


25)        The notification of completion of closure of a CCR surface impoundment (see Section 845.760(f));


26)        The notification recording a notation on the deed (see Section 845.760(h));


27)        The preliminary written retrofit plan for a CCR surface impoundment (see Section 845.770(a)(3));


28)        The notification of intent to initiate retrofit of a CCR surface impoundment (see Section 845.770(d));


29)        The retrofit completion report and certification (see Section 845.770(g)(3));


30)        The notification of completion of retrofit activities (see Section 845.770(h));


31)        The notification of completion of post-closure care period (see Section 845.780(f));


32)        The completion of CCR removal and decontamination report and certification (see Section 845.740(e)); and


33)        The most current cost estimates (see Section 845.940(d)).