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Section 407.380 Equipment and Materials
a) Equipment and materials for both indoor and outdoor use shall be appropriate to the age and developmental needs of the children served. The day care center may not use or have on the premises any unsafe children's product as described in the Children's Product Safety Act and 89 Ill. Adm. Code 386 (Children's Product Safety). The day care center must post in prominent locations regularly visited by parents written notification of the existence of the comprehensive list of unsafe children's products available on the Internet and make the website address available to parents upon request. [225 ILCS 10/5.2(b)]
b) Such equipment and materials for infants, toddlers and pre-school children shall be provided in the quantity and variety specified in Appendix A: Equipment for Infants and Toddlers, Appendix B: Equipment for Preschool Children and Appendix C: Equipment for School-Age Children.
c) The day care center shall have a method to communicate with persons who are hearing impaired, such as a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) or the Illinois Relay Center (see Appendix F). Furniture and equipment shall be adapted, when necessary, for individual children's use.
d) Play materials shall be durable and free from hazardous characteristics, including sharp or rough edges and toxic paint. In areas where infants and toddlers play or sleep, there shall be no objects that are less than 1ΒΌ inches in diameter or that have removable parts of this size.
e) Durable, safe and appropriately sized furnishings and equipment shall be provided, including:
1) Chairs and benches of appropriate size for each age group served. If chairs or benches are upholstered or padded, the furniture must meet the requirements of the Furniture Fire Safety Act [425 ILCS 45] and 41 Ill. Adm. Code 100 (Fire Prevention and Safety) and 41 Ill. Adm. Code 300 (Furniture Fire Safety Regulations).
2) Tables of height and size to accommodate comfortably a group of 10 or fewer children.
3) Low, open shelves for play materials and books within easy reach of the children.
4) Individual lockers, cubicles or separate hooks and shelves for children's personal belongings.
f) Storage shall be provided for surplus toys and supplies not currently in use.
g) Equipment, table tops, play materials and classroom surfaces shall be maintained in sound, clean conditions at all times.
1) Toys and equipment that are placed in children's mouths or are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions shall be set aside to be cleaned with water and detergent, rinsed, sanitized and air-dried before handling by another child. Machine-washable cloth toys may be used and shall be machine-washed at least weekly and when contaminated.
2) Water tables and toys used in water tables shall be emptied daily and cleaned with a mild germicidal solution before being air-dried. Children and staff shall wash their hands before using the water table.
h) Extension cords meeting Underwriters Laboratories or equivalent standards may be used provided that they are inaccessible to children and do not present any safety hazard.
i) Poisonous or potentially harmful plants shall be inaccessible to children.
j) First-aid kits shall be maintained and readily available for use.
1) Centers with a capacity of fewer than 100 children shall maintain at least 2 first-aid kits, a kit for on-site use and a travel kit for use on outings. Centers with a capacity of 100 or more children shall maintain at least 3 first-aid kits.
2) When a program operates in various parts of a building or on more than one floor, a separate first-aid kit shall be maintained in each area or floor.
3) The supplies for each first-aid kit shall be stored in a closed container that is clearly labeled as first-aid supplies and stored in a place that is accessible to child care staff at all times but out of the reach of children.
4) The on-site first-aid kits shall contain the following supplies, at minimum:
A) Disposable latex gloves;
B) Scissors;
C) Tweezers;
D) Thermometer;
E) Bandage tape;
F) Sterile gauze pads;
G) Flexible roller gauze;
H) Triangular bandage;
I) Safety pins;
J) Eye dressing;
K) Pen/pencil and note pad;
L) Cold pack;
M) Adhesive bandages; and
N) Current American Academy of Pediatrics or American Red Cross standard first-aid text or an equivalent first-aid guide.
5) The travel first-aid kits for use on outings shall contain the above supplies (a first-aid chart may replace the required text) plus the following additional items:
A) Water;
B) Soap;
C) Antiseptic cream or solution;
D) Telephone number of the child care center (preferably on a laminated card); and
E) Coins for use in a pay phone.
6) First-aid kits shall be restocked after use, and an inventory shall be taken at least annually and recorded.
7) In addition to the full first-aid kit maintained at the center, each individual classroom shall stock a supply of latex gloves and adhesive bandages and restock these supplies as needed.
8) The telephone number for Poison Control shall be posted at each telephone (1-800-942-5969).
k) Day care centers are not required to have a portable fire extinguisher. However, if the day care center installs a portable fire extinguisher of its own volition, the extinguisher must be installed, tested, maintained, and tagged by businesses licensed by the Office of the State Fire Marshal under the Fire Equipment Distributor and Employee Regulation Act [225 ILCS 215] and 41 Ill. Adm. Code 250 (Fire Equipment Distributor and Employee Standards).
(Source: Amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 4700, effective March 22, 2010) |