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Section 400.1200 Definitions
"AGR" means Active Guard Reserve.
"ANG" means the Illinois Air National Guard.
"Appropriate Nonpunitive Administrative Measures" means such actions as reprimands, administrative reduction in rank, administrative separation from SMF, etc.).
"ARNG" means the Illinois Army National Guard.
"Commander", as used in this Subpart, means a commissioned or warrant officer who, by virtue of his or her or grade and assignment, exercises primary command authority over a military unit or organization recognized as a command. This term includes active duty and SMF commanders, whether in a Title 10 (U.S. Military) or Title 32 (National Guard) status, of installations or schools when a member's SMF commander is not also at the installation or school.
"Department" or "DMA" means the Illinois Department of Military Affairs.
"ETS" means expiration of term of service.
"Federal Uniform Code of Military Justice" or "UCMJ" means 10 USC 801 et seq.
"IDT" means inactive duty training.
"Illinois Code of Military Justice" or "Code" means 20 ILCS 1807.
"Imposing Commander" refers to the commander who actually imposes the NJP. The Adjutant General shall not act as an imposing commander, and he or she shall delegate NJP authority to an officer he or she deems appropriate. This delegation may be oral or in writing, and the delegation may specify a category of cases or only a particular case.
"Manual" means this Part, the Illinois Manual for Courts-Martial and Nonjudicial Punishment.
"Member" means a member of the State Military Force.
"Members of His or Her Command" refers to the assigned members of the unit or organization commanded, and to other members who are on temporary duty with, or otherwise attached to, the unit or organization. Attachment orders are not necessary if the commander exercises the usual responsibilities and attributes of command over the member.
"Minor Offense" means an offense made punishable by the military law of the United States, the laws of the State of Illinois, or the laws of the state in which the offense is committed (e.g., absence without leave (AWOL), disrespect).
"Next Superior Commander" refers to the next superior in the chain of command, or another authority designated by the Adjutant General as being next superior for NJP purposes.
"NGIL Forms" means the forms initiating and recording all nonjudicial punishment proceedings. Those forms can be seen on the websites at www.il.ngb.army.mil or www.goang.com/locations/illinois. The following are the NGIL Forms referenced in this Subpart:
"NGIL Form 60-R" means the form titled Record of Nonjudicial Punishment Proceedings. This form includes identifying information, the allegations, the record of the proceedings, and the outcome of the proceedings.
"NGIL Form 61-R" means the form titled Record of Supplementary Nonjudicial Punishment Action. This form is used when the outcome recorded on the NGIL Form 60-R is appealed and an appropriate authority suspends, mitigates, remits or sets aside a punishment.
"NGIL Form 62-R" means the form titled Record of Vacation of Suspended Nonjudicial Punishment.
"NGIL Form 63-R" means the form titled Request to Superior to Exercise Nonjudicial Punishment Authority. This form is used when a notifying commander who does not have certain punishment authorities pertaining to the SMF member through the NJP procedure requests that a superior commander who does exercise NJP authority reduce the rank.
"NGIL-HRO" means the Illinois National Guard Human Resources Office.
"NGIL-JA" means an Illinois National Guard Office of the Staff Judge Advocate.
"Nonjudicial Punishment" or "NJP" means disciplinary action without a judicial process (i.e., court-martial).
"Notifying Commander" refers to the commander who initiates NJP proceedings and completes item 1 of NGIL Form 60-R.
"Remission of Punishment" or "Remit Punishment" means to rescind punishment that has been imposed.
"SMF" means the State Military Forces subject to the Illinois Code of Military Justice. |