(215 ILCS 5/123C-1) (from Ch. 73, par. 735C-1)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
    Sec. 123C-1. Definitions. As used in this Article:
    A. "Affiliate" or "Affiliated company" includes a parent entity that controls a captive insurance company and:
        (1) is an affiliate of another entity if the entity directly or indirectly, through
one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the other entity.
        (2) is an affiliate of another entity if the entity is an affiliate of and is controlled
by the other entity directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries.
A subsidiary or holding company of an entity is an affiliate of that entity.
    B. "Association" means any entity meeting the requirements set forth in either of the following paragraphs (1), (2) or (3):
        (1) any organized association of individuals, legal representatives, corporations
(whether for profit or not for profit), partnerships, trusts, associations, units of government or other organizations, or any combination of the foregoing, that has been in continuous existence for at least one year, the member organizations of which collectively:
            (a) own, control, or hold with power to vote (directly or indirectly) all of the
outstanding voting securities of an association captive insurance company incorporated as a stock insurer; or
            (b) have complete voting control (directly or indirectly) over an association
captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer;
        (2) any organized association of individuals, legal representatives, corporations
(whether for profit or not for profit), partnerships, trusts, associations, units of government or other organizations, or any combination of the foregoing:
            (a) whose member organizations are engaged in businesses or activities similar or
related with respect to the liability of which such members are exposed by virtue of any related, similar, or common business, trade, product, services, premises, or operations; and
            (b) whose member organizations:
                (i) directly or indirectly own or control, and hold with power to vote, at least
80% of all of the outstanding voting securities of an association captive insurance company incorporated as a stock insurer; or
                (ii) directly or indirectly have at least 80% of the voting control over an
association captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer; or
        (3) any risk retention group, as defined in subsection (11) of Section 123B-2, domiciled
in this State and organized under this Article; however, beginning 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, a risk retention group shall no longer qualify as an association under this Article.
    Provided, however, that with respect to each of the associations described in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above, no member organization may (i) own, control, or hold with power to vote in excess of 25% of the voting securities of an association captive insurance company incorporated as a stock insurer, or (ii) have more than 25% of the voting control of an association captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer.
    C. "Association captive insurance company" means any company that insures risks of (i) the member organizations of an association, and (ii) their affiliated companies.
    D. "Captive insurance company" means any pure captive insurance company, association captive insurance company or industrial insured captive insurance company organized under the provisions of this Article.
    E. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Insurance.
    F. "Industrial insured" means an insured which (together with its affiliates) at the time of its initial procurement of insurance from an industrial insured captive insurance company:
        (1) has available to it advice with respect to the purchase of insurance through the use
of the services of a full-time employee acting as an insurance manager or buyer or the services of a regularly and continuously retained qualified insurance consultant; and
        (2) pays aggregate annual premiums in excess of $100,000 for insurance on all risks
except for life, accident and health; and
        (3) either (i) has at least 25 full-time employees, or (ii) has gross assets in excess
of $3,000,000, or (iii) has annual gross revenues in excess of $5,000,000.
    G. "Industrial insured captive insurance company" means any company that insures risks of industrial insureds that are members of the industrial insured group, and their affiliated companies.
    H. "Industrial insured group" means any group of industrial insureds that collectively:
        (1) directly or indirectly (including ownership or control through a company which is
wholly owned by such group of industrial insureds) own or control, and hold with power to vote, all of the outstanding voting securities of an industrial insured captive insurance company incorporated as a stock insurer; or
        (2) directly or indirectly (including control through a company which is wholly owned by
such group of industrial insureds) have complete voting control over an industrial insured captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer; provided, however, that no member organization may (i) own, control, or hold with power to vote in excess of 25% of the voting securities of an industrial insured captive insurance company incorporated as a stock insurer, or (ii) have more than 25% of the voting control of an industrial insured captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer.
    I. "Member organization" means any individual, legal representative, corporation (whether for profit or not for profit), partnership, association, unit of government, trust or other organization that belongs to an association or an industrial insured group.
    J. "Parent" means a corporation, partnership, individual or other legal entity that directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with power to vote more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of a company.
    K. "Personal risk liability" means liability to other persons for (i) damage because of injury to any person, (ii) damage to property, or (iii) other loss or damage, in each case resulting from any personal, familial, or household responsibilities or activities, but does not include legal liability for damages (including costs of defense, legal costs and fees, and other claims expenses) because of injuries to other persons, damage to their property, or other damage or loss to such other persons resulting from or arising out of:
        (i) any business (whether for profit or not for profit), trade, product, services
(including professional services), premises, or operations; or
        (ii) any activity of any state or local government, or any agency or political
subdivision thereof.
    L. "Pure captive insurance company" means any company that insures only risks of its parent or affiliated companies or both.
    M. "Unit of government" includes any state, regional or local government, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, or any district, authority, public educational institution or school district, public corporation or other unit of government in this State or any similar unit of government in any other state.
    N. "Control" means the power to direct, or cause the direction of, the management and policies of an entity, other than the power that results from an official position with or corporate office held in the entity. The power may be possessed directly or indirectly by any means, including through the ownership of voting securities or by contract, other than a commercial contract for goods or non-management services.
    O. "Qualified independent actuary" means a person that is either:
        (1) a member in good standing with the Casualty Actuarial Society; or
        (2) a member in good standing with the American Academy of Actuaries who has been
approved as qualified for signing casualty loss reserve opinions by the Casualty Practice Council of the American Academy of Actuaries.
    P. "Controlled unaffiliated business" means an entity:
        (1) that is not an affiliate;
        (2) that has an existing contractual relationship with an affiliate under which the
affiliate bears a potential financial loss; and
        (3) whose risks are managed by a captive insurance company under Section 123C-24 of
this Code.
    Q. "Operational risk" means any potential financial loss of an affiliate, except for a loss arising from an insurance policy issued by a captive or insurance affiliate.
    R. "Captive management company" means an entity providing administrative services to a captive insurance company.
    S. "Safety-Net Hospital" means an Illinois hospital that qualifies as a Safety-Net Hospital under Section 5-5e.1 of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-1118, eff. 11-27-18.)