(215 ILCS 93/20)
    Sec. 20. Establishment of Class of Business.
    (a) A small employer carrier may establish a separate class of business only to reflect substantial differences in expected claims experience or administrative costs related to the following reasons:
        (1) the small employer carrier uses more than one type of system for the marketing and
sale of health benefit plans to small employers;
        (2) the small employer carrier has acquired a class of business from another small
employer carrier; or
        (3) the small employer carrier provides coverage to one or more association groups.
    (b) A small employer carrier may establish up to 4 separate classes of business under subsection (a).
    (c) The Director may approve the establishment of additional classes of business upon application to the Director and a finding by the Director that such action would enhance the efficiency and fairness of the small employer marketplace.
(Source: P.A. 91-510, eff. 1-1-00.)