(215 ILCS 161/40)
    Sec. 40. Prohibitions; medical plan preconditions.
    (a) No vision care organization that issues, delivers, amends, or renews a vision care plan on or after the effective date of this Act shall issue a vision care plan contract that requires:
        (1) an eye care provider to contract with a plan that offers supplemental or specialty
health care services as a condition of contracting with a plan that offers basic health services; or
        (2) an eye care provider to contract with a vision care plan as a condition to
participation in a medical plan or in-network.
    (b) A vision care plan may enter into an agreement with a health care plan to deliver routine vision care services that are covered under the enrollee's plan.
    (c) A vision care plan may act as a network regarding routine vision care services offered by a health care plan.
(Source: P.A. 103-482, eff. 8-4-23.)