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Section 510.10 General Site Regulations
a) Regulations
1) All the regulations cited in this Part apply to all Department species rules, unless the species rule is more restrictive.
2) The legal possession of a concealed firearm by a validly licensed concealed carry licensee (see 430 ILCS 66) is allowed within designated areas as defined in subsection (b)(2), subject to Section 2.33 of the Wildlife Code on illegal devices and State refuges, the prohibitions set forth in Section 65 of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act and any applicable federal regulations. Violation is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520 ILCS 5/2.33), except that violation of Section 2.33(g), (i), (p), (y) and (cc) are Class A misdemeanors with a minimum $500 fine and a maximum $5,000 fine, in addition to other statutory penalties. Nothing in this Part shall be construed to criminalize the legal possession of a concealed firearm by a validly licensed concealed carry licensee (see 430 ILCS 66).
b) Definitions
1) Unauthorized person – any individual who is not a Department employee, an individual who is not present for the purpose of hunting or trapping, or is an individual who does not fall under the definition of "non-hunting or non-trapping partner" pursuant to subsections (b)(10) and (d)(8).
2) Designated area – a defined location at a site with a set boundary within which only a specified recreational activity such as hunting or trapping may take place during a publicly announced time period.
3) Hunting/Trapping area – any portion of a site where actual hunting and/or trapping takes place. It does not include places such as parking lots, check stations, pavilions, or picnic areas associated with a hunting/trapping area.
4) Restricted area – a defined location at a site with a set boundary within which hunting and/or trapping is prohibited.
5) Refuge area – a defined location at a site with a set boundary within which no public activity or presence is allowed, except as authorized by the Department when it is determined that activity such as nature studies, hiking, fishing or camping would not be detrimental to the purpose of the refuge.
6) Adult – a person 18 years of age or older.
7) Waterfowl rest area – a defined location at a site with a set boundary within which no public activity or presence is allowed for a specified period of time, except as authorized by the Department.
8) Hunter or trapper quota – The maximum number of hunters or trappers that can be accommodated at a site at any one time. Hunter and trapper quotas are determined by the formula of one hunter or trapper per 10-40 huntable acres. The number of huntable acres is determined by, but not limited to, the biological studies on the number of available animals within a species, the condition, topography and configuration of the land at the site, the condition of the roads at the site and the number of employees available to work at the site.
9) Publicly announced – The information referred to will be included on the Department's Internet Home Page at www.dnr.illinois.gov, provided to outdoor writers for newspapers, and placed on the Department's Toll Free Hotline.
10) Non-hunting or non-trapping partner – a person who accompanies a hunter or trapper and does not hunt or trap during the trip.
c) It shall be unlawful:
1) For any person to possess any alcoholic beverage or illegal drug or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, illegal drugs, or intoxicating compounds while in any hunting/trapping area for the purpose of hunting or trapping.
2) To hunt or trap on any site with a manned check station without first declaring game killed on a previous hunt and in possession either on the hunter's person or in their vehicle.
3) To construct or use any tree stand or ground blind using nails, screws or any device which pierces or cuts the bark of the tree on which it is installed.
4) To hunt or trap in a restricted area.
5) For unauthorized persons to use or occupy in any manner designated hunting areas during the permit dove hunting season and controlled pheasant hunting season at sites holding such seasons, or during any hunting season where such restrictions are so posted at the site, when authorized hunting is in progress.
6) To enter a refuge, restricted area or waterfowl rest area unless authorized by the Department.
7) To hunt or trap on any Department-owned or -managed land that is not a designated area pursuant to applicable species rules (17 Ill. Adm. Code 530, 550, 570, 590, 650, 660, 670, 680, 690, 710, 715, 720, 730, and 740).
8) To buy, sell or commercialize hunting or trapping rights, directly or indirectly, except that this does not apply to Department of Natural Resources hunting or trapping fees or to the operation of controlled pheasant hunting on Department lands pursuant to a written concession agreement.
9) To hunt or trap without a valid permit where permits are required.
10) To hunt with any weapon except those weapons that are authorized by rule for the species that is being hunted unless otherwise specified by a more restrictive administrative rule.
11) To track deer with dogs on any Department owned or managed site during hours when deer hunting is being conducted on the site.
12) To use or occupy a ground blind during any firearm deer season, unless at least 400 square inches of solid, vivid blaze orange or blaze pink material is securely attached to the uppermost portion of the blind and a substantial amount of orange is visible for 360 degrees.
d) Specific Management Procedures
1) Specific management procedures will be posted at either check stations or site parking lots at the site so the procedures will be visible to the public.
2) Where there is a check station in operation, or where designated, hunters must sign in and/or sign out, and report harvest upon completing their hunt via physical check stations, registration kiosks, or electronically, as posted. Some areas require the wearing of a back patch and depositing hunting license (or Firearm Owner's Identification card if the hunter is exempt from buying a license).
3) In the event that Department budget or site staffing reductions make the operation of check stations, onsite drawings, and/or other restrictive regulations impractical, State sites may be opened to statewide regulations, have reduced drawings, hunting opportunities allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, or be closed to hunting. On sites where permits are issued, permittees may still hunt as allowed by their permit. Notice of these modifications will be posted at the site if any modification is implemented, as authorized by this subsection (d)(3).
4) Statewide regulations shall apply at sites where windshield cards are issued, except that each hunter must obtain a free site windshield card online from the Department website. This windshield card must be displayed under the vehicle windshield, face up, and with the windshield card number visible. Hunters must report their annual harvest online (even if the hunter did not hunt) by February 15 or two weeks after the season closes for those seasons ending after February 1.
5) Department will have the authority to issue site specific deer permits in addition to any other deer permits issued by the Department (see Parts 650, 660, 670 and 680) and to designate the sex of deer (antlered or antlerless) that hunters may harvest through site-specific regulations.
6) All hunter or trapper quotas are filled on a first come-first served basis unless a drawing or special permit is used. The Department shall use a special permit or drawing whenever past hunter or trapper participation at a particular site reveals that the demand exceeds the quota established by the Department. Hunters or trappers will be notified as expeditiously as possible through site postings, news releases or public announcements when quotas are established.
7) During pheasant, rabbit, quail and partridge season, hunters are required to wear a cap and upper outer garment of solid and vivid blaze orange or blaze pink of at least 400 square inches while hunting pheasant, quail, Hungarian partridge, rabbit, snipe, rail and woodcock.
8) Non-hunting or non-trapping partners may accompany hunters and trappers on their hunting or trapping trips. Partners must be unarmed and remain with the hunter or trapper throughout the trip. On sites where special permits are required, each permit holder or party is limited to one non-hunting or non-trapping partner per trip. On sites with waterfowl blinds, non-hunters count towards the blind's maximum occupancy.
(Source: Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 15511, effective October 17, 2024) |