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Section 550.30 Raccoon, Opossum, Striped Skunk, Red Fox, Gray Fox, Coyote, Bobcat and Woodchuck (Groundhog) Hunting on Department-Owned, -Leased or -Managed Sites
a) All the regulations in 17 Ill. Adm. Code 510 General Hunting and Trapping apply in this Section, unless this Section is more restrictive.
b) For sites where hunter quotas exist and permits are required a drawing shall be held prior to the opening of the season. The date and location of the drawing shall be announced by the Department by public announcement and the drawing may be held at the site. The number of permits per site shall be determined pursuant to 17 Ill. Adm. Code 510.20. Sites that require use of windshield cards by hunters as specified in 17 Ill. Adm. Code 510.10 are followed by (1).
c) .22 caliber or smaller rimfire firearms permitted from sunset to sunrise unless otherwise specified; use of a shotgun with slugs to take furbearing mammals is prohibited except as provided in Section 550.10(a).
d) Coyote and striped skunk season shall coincide with the statewide fox season unless otherwise specified.
e) No woodchuck (groundhog) hunting allowed unless otherwise specified.
f) Coyote hunting with a .224 caliber or smaller centerfire rifle is allowed on the sites listed in subsection (g) that are followed by a (2), unless otherwise indicated, from the close of archery deer or late-winter deer season, if open, to the end of fox season (statewide hours). Ammunition must be designed to fragment/deform on impact (e.g. soft-point, hollow point or polymer tipped no full-metal jacket rounds). Night-vision and thermal optics are allowed if used in compliance with Section 233(i) of the Wildlife Code. No hunting with a .224 caliber or smaller centerfire rifles shall occur within 300 yards of campgrounds, boat ramps, day-use areas or occupied dwellings.
g) Statewide regulations as provided for in this Section apply at the following sites unless otherwise indicated:
Alvah Borah State Habitat Area (1)
Anderson Lake State Conservation Area (all hunting to begin after the close of duck season)
Apple River Canyon State Park − Thompson and Salem Units (1)
Argyle Lake State Park (1)
Banner Marsh State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote only; coyotes can be taken with archery equipment when the site is open to archery deer hunting during archery shooting hours; coyotes can be taken with shotguns on days when the site is open to upland hunting with upland shooting hours)
Beaver Dam State Park (archery or shotgun only)
Big Bend State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote season from August 1 through the following February 28)
Big River State Forest (1)
Burning Star State Fish and Wildlife Area (No hunting on Island Lake waterfowl rest area from November 1 through February 28) (1)
Cache River State Natural Area
Campbell Pond State Wildlife Management Area (1)
Cape Bend State Fish and Wildlife Area
Carlyle Lake Lands and Waters Corps of Engineers Management Lands
Carlyle Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (subimpoundment area closed 7 days prior to and during the waterfowl season) (1)
Castle Rock State Park (coyote only; open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during shotgun, muzzleloader or archery seasons only) (1)
Cave-In-Rock State Park Kaegi Tract (1)
Chauncey Marsh State Natural Area (1)
Clinton Lake State Recreation Area (1)
Coffeen Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote only; shotgun or bow and arrow) (1)
Copperhead Hollow State Wildlife Area (woodchuck hunting season opens June 1 and closes September 30; .22 caliber rimfire or smaller rifles or shotguns loaded with shot only) (1) (2)
Crawford County State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Cretaceous Hills State Natural Area (1)
Cypress Pond State Natural Area
Deer Pond State Natural Area
Des Plaines State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote may be taken with a shotgun from the day after the archery deer season closes until February 28; pursuit of coyotes with dogs is prohibited; archery deer hunters may take coyotes during the archery deer season) (1)
Devil's Island State Fish and Wildlife Area
Dixon Springs State Park Dog Island State Wildlife Management Area (1)
Eagle Creek State Park (season opens day after second firearm deer season; closes December 20; hunting sunset to sunrise only; raccoon only) (1)
Eldon Hazlet State Park (north of Allen Branch and west of Peppenhorst Branch)
Embarras River Bottoms State Habitat Area (1)
Ferne Clyffe State Park Cedar Draper Bluffs Hunting Area
Fort de Chartres State Historic Site (muzzleloading firearms or bow and arrow only)
Fox Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote and bobcat hunting only, coyote and bobcat may be taken by archery and firearm deer hunters during their respective seasons; pursuit of coyotes and bobcats with dogs is prohibited) (1)
Fox Ridge State Park (1)
Freeman Mine (1)
Giant City State Park (except for archery or firearm deer hunters, coyote season opens the day after the second firearm deer season and closes March 31; woodchuck hunting season opens the day after the second firearm deer season and closes March 31)
Green River State Wildlife Area (skunk and coyote close the last day of February; .22 rimfire firearms permitted from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise) (1)
Hamilton County State Conservation Area (1)
Hanover Bluff State Natural Area (1)
Harry "Babe" Woodyard State Natural Area (1)
Hennepin Canal State Trail (archery only; coyote and raccoon only; season open only when the site archery deer season is open) (1) Hidden Springs State Forest (1)
Horseshoe Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area Alexander County (Public Hunting Area except Controlled Hunting Area)
Horseshoe Lake State Park Madison County (bow and arrow only; for hunters with a valid site issued archery deer permit only; site opens to statewide regulations during the month of February)
Horseshoe Lake State Park Madison County Gabaret, Mosenthein, Chouteau Island Units (1)
Iroquois County State Wildlife Management Area (season opens the day after permit pheasant season) (1)
Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area (statewide seasons for coyote and striped skunk. Centerfire rifle coyote hunting hours are from 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise during the controlled pheasant hunting season) (1) (2)
Johnson Sauk Trail State Recreation Area (archery only; coyote and fox only; site coyote season runs concurrently with the site archery deer season; site fox season begins when the statewide fox season opens, runs concurrently with the site archery deer season, and closes the earlier of either the statewide fox season closing or the site archery deer season closing) (1)
Jubilee College State Park (coyote only; open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during archery, firearm, and muzzleloader seasons only)
Kankakee River State Park (coyote, fox, skunk and opossum may be taken during their respective seasons that fall within the archery deer season by archery only; shotgun only hunting opens the day after the close of the site upland game season or archery deer season, whichever is later, and closes with the close of the statewide fox season) (1)
Kaskaskia River State Fish and Wildlife Area (Doza Creek Waterfowl Management Area closed 7 days prior to and during duck season; the defined Baldwin Lake Waterfowl Rest Area is closed)
Kickapoo State Recreation Area (1)
Kinkaid Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area
Kishwaukee River State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote only; open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during shotgun or archery seasons only) (1)
Lincoln Trail State Park (hunting hours sunset to sunrise only; raccoon only) (1)
Lowden-Miller State Forest (coyote only; open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during shotgun or archery seasons only) (1)
Mackinaw-State Fish and Wildlife Area (raccoon, opossum open to statewide regulations; skunk, red fox, gray fox, coyote and woodchuck open to archery during the archery deer season and statewide regulations after the close of archery deer season) (1)
Marseilles State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote only; November 5 through the first Thursday after January 10; hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset; use of dogs is prohibited; unauthorized personnel may not be on the site outside of the posted check station operating hours; hunters must enter the site only from designated parking lots)
Marshall State Fish and Wildlife Area (raccoon, opossum open to statewide regulations; skunk, red fox, gray fox, coyote and woodchuck open to archery during the archery deer season and statewide regulations after the close of archery deer season) (1)
Marshall State Fish and Wildlife Area Duck Ranch Unit (raccoon and opossum only; opens the day after the close of duck season)
Matthiessen State Park (coyote only with a shotgun from the date after the archery deer season closes until February 28; use of dogs is prohibited; archery deer hunters may take coyotes during the archery deer season) (1)
Mautino State Fish and Wildlife Area (archery only; coyote and raccoon only; season open only when the site archery deer season is open) (1)
Mazonia State Fish and Wildlife Area (archery only; coyote, fox, raccoon, skunk and opossum may be taken during their respective seasons that fall within the archery deer hunting season; statewide hours) (1)
Meeker State Habitat Area (1)
Mermet Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (hunting limited to upland game area; hunting hours ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset) (1)
Middle Fork State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Mississippi River State Fish and Waterfowl Management Area (Pools 25 and 26)
Mississippi River Pools 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 24 (groundhog hunting allowed)
Momence Wetlands State Natural Area (archery only; coyote, fox, raccoon, skunk and opossum may be taken during their respective seasons that fall within the archery deer hunting season; statewide hours) (1)
Newton Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote and bobcat hunting only; coyote and bobcat may be taken during their respective seasons that fall within the archery deer season by archery deer hunters only; coyotes may be taken with a shotgun from the day after the archery season closes until February 28; bobcats may be taken with shotgun from the day after archery season closes until the end of bobcat hunting season; pursuit of coyotes and bobcats with dogs is prohibited) (1)
Oakford State Conservation Area
Peabody River King State Fish and Wildlife Area (except South Subunit; shotgun or bow only; coyote season open from August 1 through the following February 28 and during the spring turkey season to hunters with a valid, unfilled turkey permit; use of dogs for hunting coyotes is prohibited)
Pyramid State Park Captain, Denmark, East Conant, Galum, and Park Units (no hunting on waterfowl refuge) (1)
Rall Woods State Natural Area (1)
Ralph Clover State Natural Area
Randolph County State Conservation Area
Rauchfuss Hill State Recreation Area
Ray Norbut State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Ray Norbut State Fish and Wildlife Area Dutch Creek Unit (opens day after second firearm deer season) (1)
Red Hills State Park (coyote and bobcat hunting only; coyote and bobcat may be taken during their respective seasons that fall within the archery deer season by archery deer hunters only; coyotes may be taken with a shotgun from the day after the archery season closes until February 28; bobcats may be taken with shotgun from the day after archery season closes until the end of bobcat hunting season; pursuit of coyotes and bobcats with dogs is prohibited) (1)
Rend Lake Project Lands and Waters Corps of Engineers Managed Lands
Rend Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area
Rivers Project Office Corps of Engineers Managed Lands (1)
Sahara Woods State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Saline County State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Sam Dale Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Sam Parr State Park (1)
Sand Ridge State Forest (coyote and striped skunk seasons opening of the statewide raccoon season until the day before opening of the statewide spring turkey season) (1)
Sangamon County State Conservation Area
Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area (statewide seasons for coyote and striped skunk) (1)
Sangchris Lake State Park (fox, coyote and striped skunk hunting only; statewide seasons for fox, coyote and striped skunk, except, during central zone duck and Canada goose season, hunters pursuing waterfowl or upland game may take fox, coyote and striped skunk with shotgun only in accordance with site-specific regulations set forth in 17 Ill. Adm. Code 530 and 590) (1)
Shabbona Lake State Park (archery only, coyote only, open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during archery deer season only)
Shawnee National Forest, Oakwood Bottoms and LaRue Scatters (season closes 7 days before opening of duck season and remains closed through the duck season; at Oakwood Bottoms non-toxic shot only)
Shelbyville State Fish and Wildlife Area (1)
Sielbeck Forest State Natural Area
Siloam Springs State Park (raccoon and bobcat only) (1)
Siloam Springs State Park Buckhorn Unit (raccoon and bobcat only) (1)
Silver Springs State Fish and Wildlife Area (coyote may be taken with a shotgun from the day after the archery deer season closes until February 28; pursuit of coyotes with dogs is prohibited; archery deer hunters may take coyotes during the archery deer season)
Skinner Farm State Habitat Area
Spoon River State Forest (1)
Stephen A. Forbes State Park (1)
Tapley Woods State Natural Area (1)
Ten Mile Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area (statewide coyote, striped skunk and groundhog hunting allowed; .22 caliber or smaller rimfire firearms permitted 24 hours a day; designated Waterfowl Rest Areas closed during open season for Canada goose) (1)
Trail of Tears State Forest
Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area
Walnut Point State Park (raccoon hunting only) (1)
Washington County State Conservation Area
Weinberg-King State Park (raccoon and bobcat only) (1)
Weinberg-King State Park Scripps Unit (use of dogs for hunting coyote is not allowed) (1)
Weinberg-King State Park − Spunky Bottoms Unit (1)
Wildcat Hollow State Forest (1)
William Powers State Recreation Area (archery only, coyote only, open to deer hunters with unfilled permits during archery deer season only)
Winston Tunnel State Natural Area (1)
Wise Ridge State Natural Area
Witkowsky State Wildlife Area (coyote only; season shall coincide with archery and firearm deer season at this site; archery only during the archery deer season at this site) (1)
Wolf Creek State Park (season opens day after second firearm deer season; closes December 20; hunting sunset to sunrise only; raccoon only) (1)
Woodford County State Fish and Wildlife Area (raccoon, opossum only; season opens after duck season) (1)
h) Statewide regulations apply except that hunters must obtain a permit from the site; where hunter quotas exist, permits are allocated as described in subsection (b); permits must be in possession while hunting; the permit must be returned by February 15. Failure to return the permit is a violation of this Part. (exceptions are in parentheses):
Moraine View State Park (coyote open concurrently with site archery deer hunting, archery only; fox, coyote, opossum, raccoon and skunk opens the second Monday in December, closes February 15; hours sunset to sunrise) (1)
Pere Marquette State Park
Ramsey Lake State Park (shotgun or archery only) (1)
(Source: Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 15529, effective October 17, 2024) |