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Section 1501.310 Acceptance of Private Business Vocational School Credits by Community Colleges in Select Disciplines
a) Approval of Private Business and Vocational School Programs of Study. An application for approval of each proposed program of study eligible for credit transfer and acceptance shall be submitted to the ICCB on forms provided by the ICCB on or before July 1. The criteria for approval of PBVS programs of study eligible for community college credit acceptance are:
1) Program Goals and Objectives
A) The proposed PBVS program of study meets the goals for career and technical education or workforce preparation within the district and region.
B) The objectives of the PBVS program of study are consistent with what the title of the program of study implies.
2) Academic Control
A) The PBVS has the capacity to develop, deliver and support the PBVS program of study.
B) The PBVS has established clear provisions for ensuring a high level of academic performance of faculty and students.
3) Curriculum
A) The content of the curriculum ensures that the objectives of the PBVS program of study will be achieved.
B) The PBVS has developed quality curricula that align with federal, State and local requirements, is responsive to the local workforce needs, and will prepare graduates with the appropriate level of skill to meet their educational goals.
C) The PBVS program curricula and community college coursework and curricula are aligned to ensure a smooth transition for students.
4) Faculty Qualifications. The academic preparation and experience of faculty and staff shall be consistent with Section 1501.303(f).
5) Program Needs
A) A student's completion of the PBVS program of study satisfies employment requirements in the occupational field.
B) Labor market data for each PBVS program of study shows that the program is feasible and demonstrates evidence of labor market need.
6) Assessment and Evaluation
A) Assessment plans demonstrate clear and appropriate program and student learning goals and have identified appropriate outcomes.
B) The PBVS utilizes continuous quality improvement to ensure the curricula remains rigorous and relevant; uses Assessment of Student Learning information and data to improve curricula; and includes educational, business and community partners in the improvement process.
7) Accreditation. The PBVS has successfully completed a full term of national accreditation without probation, without being denied accreditation, and without withdrawing an application.
b) Application. Applications for approval of each PBVS program of study as eligible for credit transfer and acceptance shall have attached to them the following:
1) Evidence verifying that the PBVS is in good standing during the period of its national accreditation from an accreditor approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
2) A Permit of Approval Certificate from the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
3) A catalog description for each PBVS program of study as it appeared in the PBVS's catalog.
4) A curriculum chart for each PBVS program of study indicating the general education, career and technical education, work-based learning and elective requirements and options to complete the program.
5) Individual course syllabi for each course that is part of the PBVS program of study.
c) Credit Transfers. Credit transfers from the PBVS may be made only during the institution's verified accreditation period. A PBVS under review due to probation, that is denied accreditation, or withdraws an application for national accreditation shall not be approved by ICCB.
d) Faculty Advisory Committee. The State Board may establish a faculty advisory committee, from the appropriate program disciplines, to assist ICCB staff with curriculum review of the PBVS programs of study.
e) Additional Information Site Visit. In the case of a proposed PBVS program of study for which staff determines it is necessary to verify or supplement the information supplied in the application, the staff may request additional written documentation and/or arrange for a site visit.
f) Renewal. A PBVS shall submit a renewal application every 5 years following the approval by the State Board. A PBVS shall also submit a renewal application if curriculum changes are made to the approved PBVS programs of study.
g) Appeal Process
1) All decisions of the State Board that result in non-approval of a PBVS or PBVS program of study shall be provided in writing in the form of a letter delivered by certified mail and shall specify the reason for the non-approval.
2) All decisions of the State Board that result in non-approval may be appealed within 30 days after the written notification by submitting a written request for reconsideration of the decision to the ICCB Chair.
3) The ICCB Chair shall review the request and place it on the agenda no later than 60 days after the conclusion of the 30-day appeal process.
4) The appellant may make both oral and written presentations to ICCB at the time the decision is reconsidered.
h) Acceptance of Credits
1) A community college district shall accept up to 30 credit hours from a PBVS that has been approved by the Board if a student has completed a PBVS program of study that is listed in Section 10 of the Career and Workforce Transition Act [110 ILCS 151] at that institution.
2) The community college may accept the credits as direct equivalent credits or prior learning credits, as determined by the college and consistent with the accrediting standards and requirements of the Board, the Higher Learning Commission, other State and national accreditors, and State licensing bodies, as appropriate.
(Source: Added at 42 Ill. Reg. 2819, effective January 24, 2018) |