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Section 1501.501 Definition of Terms
"Annual Financial Statement" means an annual financial report and an annual program report that are required to be published by a district. An annual financial report includes a statement of revenues and expenditures, along with other basic financial data. An annual program report includes a narrative description of programs offered, goals of the district, and student and staff data.
"Attendance at Midterm" means a student is "in attendance at midterm" in a course if the student is currently enrolled in and actively pursuing completion of the course.
"Auditor" means a person who enrolls in a class without intent to obtain academic credit and whose status as an auditor is declared by the student, approved by college officials, and identified on college records before the end-of-registration date of the college for that particular term.
"Deferred Maintenance Grants" means State grants allocated proportionally to a community college district based on the latest on-campus nonresidential gross square feet of facilities as reported to ICCB. These grants are to be used for capital improvements such as rehabilitation and repair; architect/engineer services; supplies, fixed equipment and materials; and all other expenses required to complete the work.
"Healthcare Pathway" means credentials, certificates, and degree programs that allow students to enter into or advance their careers in the healthcare industry.
"Lincoln's Challenge Scholarship Grants" means scholarships provided to a community college for graduates of the Lincoln's Challenge Program is administered by the Illinois Department of Military Affairs.
"Midterm Class List Certification" means the college's process for certifying to ICCB students in attendance at the midterm as part of the proof that a student's credit hours are eligible for State funding. The district shall file with ICCB a document outlining the process (including but not limited to specific steps and/or procedures, steps for obtaining an electronic midterm certification signature, etc.) it follows as part of that certification and the district shall file an amended process any time changes are made, but not less than once every five years.
"Midterm Certification Signature" means midterm class lists obtained and maintained by the college that are manually signed and dated by faculty or electronic signature of the faculty.
If the college chooses to accept an electronic signature of faculty, then the college must include in the midterm class list certification process a written summary explaining what steps are in place that ensure:
Appropriate administrative and operational controls are in place to ensure faculty only have access to midterm class lists they teach;
Appropriate controls are in place to only allow an electronic signature at the midpoint of the class during a specified period (that is, one or two weeks before and one or two weeks after the midpoint of the class);
A faculty member's identity is authenticated and attributed to the midterm certification signature;
The integrity of the electronically signed midterm class list of a course section has been secured and verified; and
The college has the capability of generating signed printed midterm class lists that support the ICCB credit hour claim submission.
A final grade sheet electronic signatures process, if adopted, should be implemented in the same manner as the electronic midterm certification signature.
"Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce Program (PATH) Grants" means State grants allocated to community college districts to create, support, and expand opportunities of individuals enrolled at a public community college in a healthcare pathway. [110 ILCS 802/2-12.2]
"Residency − Applicability Proof" means the college's processes, in accordance with Section 2-16.02 of the Act, for verifying to ICCB the residency status of its students as part of the proof that its credit hours are eligible to receive ICCB grants. The process shall include the methods for verifying residency as defined in the general provisions, special State provisions, and district provisions of this Section. A district shall file descriptions of any revisions to its process with ICCB before their implementation.
"Residency − General Provisions". The following provisions apply both to State and district residency definitions:
To be classified as a resident of the State of Illinois or of the community college district, a student shall have occupied a dwelling within the State or district for at least 30 days immediately before the date established by the district for classes to begin.
The district shall maintain documentation verifying State or district residency of students.
Students occupying a dwelling in the State or district who fail to meet the 30-day residency requirement may not become residents simply by attending classes at a community college for 30 days or more.
Students who move from outside the State or district and who obtain residence in the State or district for reasons other than attending the community college shall be exempt from the 30-day requirement if they demonstrate through documentation a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency.
Students who are currently under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or have been recently emancipated from the Department and had a placement change into a new community college district shall be exempt from the 30-day requirement if they demonstrate proof of current in-district residency. Documentation of current residency may be submitted to the district from the student, a caseworker or other personnel of the Department, or the student's attorney or guardian ad litem.
"District Provisions". Students shall not be classified as residents of the district where attending even though they may have met the general 30-day residency provision if they are:
federal job corps workers stationed in the district;
inmates of State or federal correctional/rehabilitation institutions located in the district;
full-time students attending a postsecondary educational institution in the district who have not demonstrated through documentation a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency; or
students attending under a chargeback or contractual agreement with another community college.
"Special State Provisions". Students shall be classified as residents of the State without meeting the general 30-day residency provision if they are:
federal job corps workers stationed in Illinois;
members of the armed services stationed in Illinois;
inmates of State correctional/rehabilitation institutions located in Illinois; or
employed full time in Illinois.
"Senior Citizen" means a person 65 years or older whose annual household income is less than the threshold amount provided in Section 4 of the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act [320 ILCS 25].
"Special Initiatives Grants" means funds for conducting special initiatives activities. Special initiatives activities are based upon criteria specified in a Grant Agreement between the college or vendor and ICCB.
(Source: Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 11426, effective July 11, 2023) |