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Section 220.110 Definitions
The definitions in this Section apply only to the provisions of this Part. Unless otherwise defined herein and unless a different meaning of a term is clear from its context, the definitions of terms used in this Part shall have the meanings specified by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.102, 211, and 810.103.
"Active collection system" means a gas collection system that uses gas mover equipment.
"Active landfill" means a landfill in which solid waste is being placed or a landfill that is planning to accept waste in the future.
"Commercial waste" means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding household and industrial wastes.
"Controlled landfill" means any landfill at which collection and control systems are required under this Part as a result of the NMOC emission rate. The landfill is considered controlled at the time an application for a construction permit for a collection and control system is submitted to the Agency in compliance with Sections 220.220 and 220.230 of this Part.
"Design capacity" means the maximum amount of solid waste a landfill can accept, as indicated in terms of volume or mass, as specified in the permit(s) issued pursuant to Section 21(d) of the Act for the source plus any in-place waste not accounted for in the permit(s); if no design capacity is specified in a permit, then the design capacity shall be calculated using good engineering practices; or if the landfill is closed pursuant to the applicable regulations in 35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subtitle G, the actual capacity specified in the closure plan. If the owner or operator chooses to convert the design capacity from volume to mass or from mass to volume to demonstrate its design capacity is less than 2.5 million Mg or 2.5 million m3, the calculation must include a site-specific density, which must be recalculated annually.
"Disposal facility" means all contiguous land and structures, and improvements on the land used for the disposal of solid waste. Portions of the disposal facility may be separated by access roads.
"Emission rate cutoff" means the threshold annual emission rate to which a landfill compares its estimated emission rate to determine if control under this Part is required.
"Enclosed combustor" means an enclosed firebox. Examples include, but are not limited to, an enclosed flare, a boiler, and an internal combustion engine.
"Flare" means an open combustor without enclosure or shroud.
"Gas mover equipment" means the equipment (i.e., fan, blower, compressor) used to transport landfill gas through the header system.
"Household waste" means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including, but not limited to, single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas). (Section 3.89 of the Act)
"Inactive landfill" means a landfill in which solid waste is no longer being placed, and that is no longer permitted to accept waste under Section 21 of the Act or has a federally enforceable permit condition prohibiting the acceptance of additional waste. If an inactive landfill is subsequently permitted to accept additional waste and additional solid waste is placed in the landfill, the landfill is no longer inactive.
"Industrial waste" means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of RCRA, 40 CFR 264 and 265. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/by-products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. This term does not include mining waste or oil and gas waste.
"Interior well" means any well or similar collection component located inside the perimeter of the landfill. A perimeter well located outside the landfilled waste is not an interior well.
"Landfill" means an area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for permanent disposal, and that is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, or an underground injection well. For the purposes of this Part, landfills include waste piles.
"Lateral expansion" means a horizontal expansion of the waste boundaries of an existing MSW landfill. A lateral expansion is not a modification for the purposes of filing an amended design capacity report pursuant to Section 220.210(a) of this Part, unless it results in an increase in the design capacity of the landfill.
"Modification" means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either horizontal or vertical expansion.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW)" means household waste.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill" means an entire disposal facility or landfill in a contiguous geographical space where household waste is placed in or on land. An MSW landfill may also receive other types of RCRA Subtitle D wastes such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste, and industrial solid waste. Portions of an MSW landfill may be separated by access roads. An MSW landfill may be publicly or privately owned or operated.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill emissions" means gas generated by decomposition of organic waste deposited in an MSW landfill or derived from the evolution of organic compounds in the waste.
"Nondegradable waste" means any waste that does not decompose through chemical breakdown or microbiological activity. Examples include, but are not limited to, concrete, municipal waste combustor ash, and metals.
"Nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC)" means nonmethane organic compounds, as measured according to the provisions of Section 220.260 of this Part.
"Passive collection system" means a gas collection system that uses solely positive pressure within the landfill to move the gas rather than using gas mover equipment.
"Putrescible waste" means a solid waste that contains organic matter capable of being decomposed by microorganisms so as to cause a malodor, gases, or other offensive conditions, or which is capable of providing food for birds and vectors. Putrescible wastes may form a contaminated leachate from microbiological degradation, chemical processes, and physical processes. Putrescible waste includes, but is not limited to, garbage, offal, dead animals, general household waste, and commercial waste. All solid wastes that do not meet the definitions of inert or chemical wastes shall be considered putrescible wastes.
"Sludge" means any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant.
"Solid waste" means a waste that is defined as an inert waste, as a putrescible waste, as a chemical waste or as a special waste, and which is also not defined as a hazardous waste pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.
"Sufficient density" means any number, spacing, and combination of collection system components, including vertical wells, horizontal collectors, and surface collectors, necessary to maintain emission and migration control as determined by measures of performance set forth in this Part.
"Sufficient extraction rate" means a rate sufficient to maintain a negative pressure at all wellheads in the collection system without causing air infiltration, including any wellheads connected to the system as a result of expansion or excess surface emissions, for the life of the blower. |