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Section 602.505 Other Aquatic Pesticide Permit Application Contents
All applications for Aquatic Pesticide Permits must contain, at a minimum:
a) The reasons for controlling the aquatic plant or animal nuisance.
b) Applicant Information
1) The applicant must be the official custodian of or have control over the waters to which the aquatic pesticide is applied.
2) The application must contain the name, address, telephone number, and signature of the applicant. If the applicant's signature cannot be obtained, the application must be accompanied by a signed statement that the applicant has requested or approved the use of the aquatic pesticide for the times and locations identified in the application.
c) Applicator Information
1) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicator.
2) The applicator's Illinois Department of Agriculture license number.
3) A list of the limitations imposed by the applicator's license that restrict the types of pesticides that may be used by the applicator.
d) General Information
1) A description of the aquatic pesticide by trade name, chemical name or name of active ingredients, and names of decomposition products.
2) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Registration Number for the pesticide.
3) A description of the steps to be followed in preparing and applying the pesticide, including proportions, mixing, and precautions in preparation. A copy or facsimile of the label containing this information may be used to satisfy this requirement.
e) Time and Location of Treatment
1) A depiction of the area or areas to be treated on a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map reproduction or an accurately drawn map of larger scale. The depiction must include the locations and provide the name of the owners of all water intakes for a distance of 20 miles downstream of each area to be treated.
2) Ponds under 10 acres to be treated, but that are not used as a water source for public or food processing water supplies, must be described using a map of the pond, its tributaries, and the surrounding area.
A) Pond locations must be given and described using the quarter section, section number, township, range, county, and township name.
B) The name of all public and food processing water supplies for a distance of 20 miles downstream of the pond to be treated must be provided.
3) The date and time required for each treatment.
f) An inventory of the species, size, and population of animals or plants to be controlled.
g) Contacts with Downstream Water Users
1) Written documentation showing that all water supplies described in Section 602.500 have been notified of the proposed treatment and provided details of possible adverse effects.
2) The names of water supply operators who will be notified 24 hours before the aquatic pesticide application.
h) Application and Precautions
1) A description of the method to be used to apply the pesticide.
2) A description of the method to be used to protect humans and animals during the time toxic pesticide concentrations exist in the water.
3) A description of the method to be used to remove dead plants or animals if these accumulations result in water quality deterioration.
4) A description of the method to be used to retain water in the impoundment while toxic pesticide concentrations exist.
5) A description of the method to be used for detoxification of the water in the event of water supply contamination.
6) A description of the actions to be taken to ensure that tributary streams will not reintroduce the aquatic life being controlled following the application of the pesticide. If these actions cannot be taken, the anticipated frequency of retreatment must be stated.
7) A copy of the contingency plan to be followed by water plant operators for emergency water plant shut down or emergency operation.
i) Water Characteristics and Chemistry
1) The expected life of the pesticide's active ingredient and its decomposition products, considering characteristics of the water such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature.
2) A list of the limiting chemical constituents of the water to be treated that can hinder the effectiveness of the pesticide.
3) A list of the short-term and chronic effects of the pesticide on people and animals.
4) A description of the weather and stream flow conditions under which the pesticide must be applied.
5) A list of the references used to obtain information required by subsections (i)(1) through (4).
j) Pesticide Dosage and Concentration
1) A description of the pesticide dosage.
2) A description of the concentration of the pesticide in the water immediately after application.
3) A copy of the computations used to determine the concentration.
k) Stream and Impoundment Data
1) Streams
A) The stream flow expected during pesticide application.
B) When stream flows are not available, data on high, average, and low stream flow conditions.
C) The specific quantity of discharge in cubic feet per second and the average stream velocity in feet per second.
2) Impoundments
A) The surface area, average depth, maximum depth, and volume of the impoundment.
B) The flow expected into and out of the impoundment during the time the pesticide will be active, including the flows attributed to contributing streams, flow over the spillway, and water withdrawn by individual users.
C) Information pertinent to the segment in question when only part of the impoundment will be treated.
D) A depiction of the water flow patterns to the water supply intake on a map of the impoundment.
E) An estimate of the minimum time required for the aquatic pesticide to reach the water supply intake.
3) A list of the reference sources or the name and qualifications of the person supplying stream flow and impoundment data.
l) Additional Information and Reports
l) Additional information
must be provided to the Agency upon request to assure the safety of a community
water supply as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.210. A copy of the applicant's
authorization to discharge under an NPDES permit must be submitted if the
aquatic pesticide is applied to a water of the United States.
2) A report letter must be filed with the Agency within 30 days after each application of the aquatic pesticide. The report must include:
A) the names and addresses of the applicant and applicator;
B) the aquatic pesticide application permit number;
C) the date of aquatic pesticide application;
D) the name and amount of aquatic pesticide applied; and
E) a description of any mishap that endangered a community water supply and a chronology of the steps taken to correct the problem.
(Source: Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 7449, effective May 16, 2023) |