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Section 739.100 Definitions
Terms that are defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110, 721.101, and 731.112 have the same meanings when used in this Part.
"Aboveground tank" means a tank used to store or process used oil that is not an underground storage tank, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 280.12. BOARD NOTE: This definition is different from the definition for "aboveground tank" given in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110. Although the meanings are similar, the main distinction is that the definition for this Part limits the tanks to those used to store or process used oil, whereas the 720.110 definition contemplates tanks that contain hazardous wastes. This definition of aboveground tank is limited to this Part only.
"Classification", as used in this Part, means a short description of the waste generating activity and designation as either hazardous waste with the appropriate hazardous waste code, nonhazardous used oil, nonhazardous used oil mixture, or nonhazardous other special waste.
"Container" means any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled.
"Do-it-yourselfer used oil collection center" means any site or facility that accepts or aggregates and stores used oil collected only from household do-it-yourselfers.
"Existing tank" means a tank that is used for the storage or processing of used oil and that is in operation; or for which installation had commenced on or prior to October 4, 1996. Installation will be considered to have commenced if the owner or operator had obtained all federal, state, and local approvals or permits necessary to begin installation of the tank and if either of the following had occurred:
A continuous on-site installation program had begun, or
The owner or operator had entered into contractual obligations that cannot be canceled or modified without substantial loss for installation of the tank to be completed within a reasonable time. BOARD NOTE: This definition is similar to the definition for "Existing tank system" in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110. Although the meanings are similar, the definition given above for "existing tank" in this Part limits the tanks to those used to store or process used oil, whereas the 720.110 definition contemplates tanks systems that contain hazardous wastes. This definition of existing tank is limited to this Part only.
"Household 'do-it-yourselfer' used oil" means oil that is derived from households, such as used oil generated by individuals who generate used oil through the maintenance of their personal vehicles. BOARD NOTE: Household "do-it-yourselfer" used oil is not subject to the State's special waste hauling permit requirements under Part 809.
"Household 'do-it-yourselfer' used oil generator" means an individual who generates household "do-it-yourselfer" used oil.
"New tank" means a tank that will be used to store or process used oil and for which installation had commenced after October 4, 1996. BOARD NOTE: This definition is similar to the definition given for "New tank system" given in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110. Although the meanings are similar, the definition given above for "new tank" in this Part limits the tanks to those used to store or process used oil, whereas the 720.110 definition contemplates new tanks systems that contain hazardous wastes. This definition of new tank is limited to this Part only.
"Petroleum refining facility" means an establishment primarily engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, and lubricants, through fractionation, straight distillation of crude oil, redistillation of unfinished petroleum derivatives, cracking, or other processes (i.e., facilities classified as SIC 2911).
"Processing" means chemical or physical operations designed to produce from used oil, or to make used oil more amenable for production of, fuel oils, lubricants, or other used oil-derived product. Processing includes, but is not limited to the following: blending used oil with virgin petroleum products, blending used oils to meet the fuel specification, filtration, simple distillation, chemical or physical separation, and re-refining.
"Re-refining distillation bottoms" means the heavy fraction produced by vacuum distillation of filtered and dehydrated used oil. The composition of still bottoms varies with column operation and feedstock.
"Tank" means any stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of used oil that is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support.
"Used oil" means any oil that has been refined from crude oil or any synthetic oil that has been used and as a result of such use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.
"Used oil aggregation point" means any site or facility that accepts, aggregates, or stores used oil collected only from other used oil generation sites owned or operated by the owner or operator of the aggregation point, from which used oil is transported to the aggregation point in shipments of no more than 55 gallons (208 ℓ). Used oil aggregation points may also accept used oil from household do-it-yourselfers.
"Used oil burner" means a facility where used oil not meeting the specification requirements in Section 739.111 is burned for energy recovery in devices identified in Section 739.161(a).
"Used oil collection center" means any site or facility that is registered by the Agency to manage used oil and accepts or aggregates and stores used oil collected from used oil generators regulated under Subpart C that bring used oil to the collection center in shipments of no more than 55 gallons (208 ℓ) under the provisions of Section 739.124. Used oil collection centers may also accept used oil from household do-it-yourselfers.
"Used oil fuel marketer" means any person that conducts either of the following activities:
Directs a shipment of off-specification used oil from their facility to a used oil burner; or
First claims that used oil that is to be burned for energy recovery meets the used oil fuel specifications set forth in Section 739.111.
"Used oil generator" means any person, by site, whose act or process produces used oil or whose act first causes used oil to become subject to regulation.
"Used oil processor" means a facility that processes used oil.
"Used oil transfer facility" means any transportation-related facility including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas, and other areas where shipments of used oil are held for more than 24 hours and not longer than 35 days during the normal course of transportation or prior to an activity performed pursuant to Section 739.120(b)(2). Transfer facilities that store used oil for more than 35 days are subject to regulation under Subpart F.
"Used oil transporter" means any person that transports used oil, any person that collects used oil from more than one generator and that transports the collected oil, and owners and operators of used oil transfer facilities. Used oil transporters may consolidate or aggregate loads of used oil for purposes of transportation but, with the following exception, may not process used oil. Transporters may conduct incidental processing operations that occur in the normal course of used oil transportation (e.g., settling and water separation), but that are not designed to produce (or make more amenable for production of) used oil derived products or used oil fuel.
(Source: Amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 667, effective November 19, 2018) |