Section 350.310 Recording Criteria
for Cases Involving Medical Removal under IDOL-Adopted OSHA Standards
a) Basic
If an employee is medically
removed under the medical surveillance requirements of an OSHA standard, record
the case on the OSHA Form 300.
b) Implementation
1) Enter each medical removal
case on the OSHA Form 300 as either a case involving days away from work or a
case involving restricted work activity, depending on how the employer decides
to comply with the medical removal requirement. If the medical removal is the
result of a chemical exposure, enter the case on the OSHA Form 300 by checking
the poisoning column.
2) Some OSHA standards, such as
the standards covering bloodborne pathogens and noise, do not have medical
removal provisions. Many OSHA standards that cover specific chemical substances
have medical removal provisions. These standards include, but are not limited
to, lead, cadmium, methylene chloride, formaldehyde and benzene.
3) When
the employer voluntarily removes the employee from exposure before the medical removal
criteria in an OSHA standard are met, the case does not need to be recorded on
the OSHA Form 300.
Amended at 46 Ill. Reg. 3518, effective February 15, 2022)