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Section 300.2050 Meal Planning
Each resident shall be served food to meet the resident's needs and to meet physician's orders. The facility shall use this Section to plan menus and purchase food in accordance with the following Recommended Dietary Allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.
a) Milk and Milk Products Group: 16 ounces or more of Grade A whole or low fat pasteurized milk where milk is used for fluid consumption. Calcium equivalents for eight ounces of milk:
1) 1½ ounces natural cheese,
2) Two ounces processed cheese,
3) One cup yogurt, or one cup frozen yogurt,
4) One cup cottage cheese, or
5) 1½ cups ice cream or ice milk.
b) Meat Group: A total of 6 ounces (by weight) of good quality protein to provide 38 to 42 grams of protein daily. To ensure variety, food items repeated within the same day shall not be counted as meeting a required serving. The following are examples of one serving.
1) Three ounces (excluding bone, fat and breading) of any cooked meat such as whole or ground beef, veal, pork or lamb; poultry; organ meats such as liver, heart, kidney; prepared luncheon meats.
2) Three ounces (excluding skin and breading) of cooked fish or shell fish or ½ cup canned fish.
3) Three ounces of natural or processed cheese or ¾ cup cottage cheese.
4) Three eggs (minimum weight 21 ounces per dozen, considered a medium egg).
Note: If one egg is served at a meal, a protein food of good quality may be reduced from six to five ounces for the remaining meals. If two eggs are served at a meal, a minimum of two ounces of good quality protein shall be served at each of the remaining meals.
5) 1½ cups cooked dried peas or beans, six tablespoons of peanut butter, or one cup nuts, not more than twice a week and provided that eggs, milk or lean meat is served at the same meal.
6) Three ounces of soy protein containing not less than 21 grams of protein or in combination with other sources of quality protein to equal 21 grams of protein, provided that it is acceptable to the resident population.
7) Combinations of all above examples are acceptable, provided that the minimum standard of six ounces of a good quality protein food is served daily and provided that the combinations do not conflict with eye appeal or palatability.
8) The content of meat alternative products shall be listed on the menu.
c) Vegetable and Fruit Group: Five or more servings of fruits or vegetables.
1) A serving consists of:
A) ½ cup chopped raw, cooked, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables;
B) ¾ cup fruit or vegetable juice; or
C) One cup raw leafy vegetable.
2) The five or more servings shall consist of:
A) Sources of vitamin C
i) One serving of a good source of vitamin C (containing at least 60 mg of vitamin C); or
ii) Two servings of a fair source of vitamin C. This may be more than one food item and shall contain a total of at least 65 mg of vitamin C.
B) One serving of a good source of vitamin A at least three times a week supplying at least 1000 micrograms retinol equivalent (RE) of vitamin A.
C) Other fruits and vegetables, including potatoes, that may be served in ⅓ cup or larger portions.
3) To ensure variety, food items repeated within the same day shall not be counted as meeting a required serving.
d) Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group: Six or more servings of whole grain, enriched or restored products. One serving equals:
1) One slice of bread,
2) ½ cup of cooked cereal, rice, pasta, noodles, or grain product,
3) ¾ cup of dry, ready-to-eat cereal,
4) ½ hamburger or hotdog bun, bagel or English muffin,
5) One 4-inch diameter pancake,
6) One tortilla,
7) Three to four plain crackers (small),
8) ½ croissant (large), doughnut or danish (medium),
9) 1/16 cake,
10) Two cookies, or
11) 1/12 pie (2-crust, 8").
e) Butter or Margarine: To be used as a spread and in cooking.
f) Other foods shall be served to round out meals, satisfy individual appetites, improve flavor, and meet the individual's nutritional and caloric needs.
g) Meals for the day shall be planned to provide a variety of foods, variety in texture and good color balance. The following meal patterns shall be used.
1) Three meals a day plan:
A) Breakfast: Fruit or juice, cereal, meat (optional, but three to four times per week preferable), bread, butter or margarine, milk, and choice of additional beverage.
B) Main Meal (may be served noon or evening): Soup or juice (optional), entree (quality protein), potato or potato substitute, vegetable or salad, dessert (preferably fruit unless fruit is served as a salad or will be served at another meal), bread, butter or margarine, and choice of beverage.
C) Lunch or Supper: Soup or juice (optional), entree (quality protein), potato or potato substitute (optional if served at main meal), vegetable or salad, dessert, bread, butter or margarine, milk, and choice of additional beverage.
2) Other meal patterns may be used if facilities are able to meet residents' needs using such plans.
(Source: Amended at 23 Ill. Reg. 8106, effective July 15, 1999) |