Section 330.2410  Furnishings


a)         Bed Requirements


1)         Each resident shall be provided with a bed that is at least 36 inches wide, has a headboard, is of sturdy construction, and is in good repair.  Cots, rollaway, double, or folding beds shall not be used.


2)         Double beds may be used for married couples, if they desire this arrangement, if approved in writing by the Department.


3)         Each bed shall be provided with a clean, firm, comfortable mattress and box springs of appropriate size for the bed.


4)         Each bed shall be provided with a minimum of one clean, comfortable pillow.


b)         Each bedroom shall have window shades, or equivalent, that are in good repair.


c)         A satisfactory reading lamp, or equivalent, shall be provided for each bed.


d)         Each bedroom shall be provided with a mirror, unless there is a mirror in an adjoining bathroom.  Each lavatory shall be provided with a mirror.


e)         Each living room provided for residents' use shall have an adequate number of reading lamps, tables, and chairs or settees.  These furnishings shall be well constructed and of satisfactory design for the residents.


f)         Dining room furnishings shall be provided for each resident that are well constructed, comfortable, in good repair, and of satisfactory design for the residents.  The facility shall provide a sufficient number of tables of a type that can accommodate residents who require the use of a wheelchair.


g)         Office spaces and other areas shall be satisfactorily furnished with desks, chairs, lamps, cabinets, benches, work tables, and other furnishings essential to the proper use of the area.


h)         For each bed the facility shall provide:


1)         A minimum of two adequately sized dresser drawers.


2)         A comfortable chair.


3)         An individual towel rack.


4)         A satisfactory reading light over, or at the side of, the bed.


5)         Adequate closet, locker, or wardrobe space for hanging clothing within the room.


6)         A satisfactory bedside cabinet.


i)          A facility shall permit a resident to bring their own furnishings so long as those furnishings do not impede access into or out of the resident's room.


j)          A facility shall make reasonable efforts to have activated at all times the closed captioning feature on a television in a common area provided for use by the general public or in a resident's room, or enable the closed captioning feature when requested to do so by a member of the general public or a resident, if the television includes a closed captioning feature.  As used in this subsection (i), "closed captioning" means a text display of spoken words presented on a television that allows a deaf or hard of hearing viewer to follow the dialogue and the action of a program simultaneously.


1)         It is not a violation of this subsection if the closed captioning feature is deactivated by a member of the facility's staff after the feature is enabled in a common area or in a resident's room unless the deactivation of the closed captioning feature is knowing or intentional.  It is not a violation of this subsection if the closed captioning feature is deactivated by a member of the general public, a resident, or a member of the facility's staff at the request of a resident of the facility.  Facilities shall ensure that staff are trained on the requirements of this subsection (i) and that staff, prior to deactivating a television's closed captioning feature, confirm with others within the television viewing area of the intention to deactivate the closed captioning feature.  If residents are not in agreement on deactivating the closed captioning feature, then the closed captioning feature shall not be deactivated.


2)         If a facility does not have a television in a common area that includes a closed captioning feature, then the facility shall ensure that all televisions subsequently obtained for common areas include a closed captioning feature.  This subsection does not affect any other provision of law relating to disability discrimination or providing reasonable accommodations or diminish the rights of a person with a disability under any other law.  Nothing in this subsection shall apply to televisions that are privately owned by a resident or third party and not owned by the facility.  (Section 3-801.2 of the Act)


3)         A facility shall post information regarding the availability of closed captioning on televisions in the facility and shall provide residents with information on how to activate the closed caption feature.


(Source:  Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 7397, effective May 3, 2024)