, state that I am the court appointed
legal guardian of an
(check one)
adopted or
surrendered person under the age of 21.
(check one)
adopted or
surrendered person over the age of 21 who
requires my continuing guardianship.
(Please note that you
must submit a certified court order of the guardianship.)
Adopted or surrendered
person's birth name (if known)
Adopted or surrendered
person's adoptive name (if applicable)
Adopted or surrendered person's
current name (if different than above)
Date of birth
Hour of birth
City and state of birth
Hospital of birth
Name of
birth mother
(maiden if known)
Name of
birth father
(if known)
Name of
adoptive mother
Name of
adoptive father
Provide name(s) at
birth and ages of siblings(s) having a common birth parent with this adopted
or surrendered person. If more than one sibling or common birth parent,
please give information requested below on reverse side of this form.
(date of birth or
approximate age)
City and state of birth
Name(s) of common
birth parent(s)
(Please note that your registration expires
when the adopted person attains the age of 21, unless guardianship extends
beyond this time. A competent adult adopted person must file his or her own
(signature of legal
(printed or typed name
of legal guardian)
Illinois Department of
Public Health, Division of Vital Records, 605 W. Jefferson St., Springfield,
IL 62702-5097
VR 161.5 (rev. 05/2000)
Printed by Authority
of the State of Illinois P.O. # 30M 02/00