Section 656.60 Determination
of the Qualifying Infrastructure Plant Surcharge Percentage
a) The QIP surcharge percentage shall be expressed as a
percentage carried to two decimal places. The QIP surcharge percentage shall be
applied to the total amount billed to each customer located in the same rate
zone based on the utility's otherwise applicable rates and charges. The QIP
surcharge percentage shall not be applied to the exclusions listed in Section
b) In calculating the QIP surcharge percentage, the utility may
choose either annual prospective operation or quarterly historical operation
based on QIP investment data for a prior three-month period. Annual prospective
operation may be selected only if the utility's immediately preceding rate case
for the rate zone utilized a future test year as defined in 83 Ill. Adm. Code 287
and the utility submits the information required by Section 656.70(d)(7).
1) Annual Prospective Operation
choosing annual prospective operation shall determine the QIP surcharge
percentage for the operation year using the following formula:
((NetQIP + AdjNetQIP) x PTR) + (Net Dep + AdjNetDep) +
(R x 1.33) + ((O + INT) x Om)
x 100%
QIP surcharge percentage.
The average forecasted cost of
the investment in QIP for the rate zone for the operation year less
forecasted accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred income taxes
(ADIT) in QIP for the rate zone for the operation year. The average
forecasted cost of QIP, net of depreciation and any ADIT liabilities (net of
deferred tax assets) resulting from the QIP, shall be computed by using an
average of 13 end-of-month balances of QIP, less accumulated depreciation and
ADIT for the period from December 31 of the year preceding the operation year
through December 31 of the operation year.
The actual amount of netQIP as
of the end of the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case
for the rate zone less the amount of NetQIP the Commission approved to be
added to the utility's rate base as of the end of the QIP forecast period.
Pre-tax return as described in
Section 656.50(a)(1).
Net Dep
Net depreciation expenses
related to the average investment in QIP for the rate zone for the operation
year. Depreciation expenses shall be calculated by multiplying the average
forecasted cost of the investment in QIP by plant account, net of
retirements, by the approved depreciation rates for the respective accounts
in which the specific items included in the average QIP investment are
recorded. The average forecasted cost of the investment in QIP by plant
account, net of retirements, shall be computed by using an average of 13
end-of-the-month balances of QIP by plant account and retirements for the
period from December 31 of the year preceding the operation year through
December 31 of the operation year.
The actual amount of NetDep
applicable to the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case
for the rate zone less the amount of NetDep that the Commission approved for
the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case for the rate
reconciliation component (R component) calculated for the reconciliation year
under the reconciliation feature as described in Section 656.80(d). The
reconciliation component shall be collected over nine months from April
through December.
The Commission-ordered
adjustment component (O component).
The calculated interest
attributable to the O component. This interest shall be calculated as
described in Section 656.80(i).
The Commission-ordered O
component multiplier. Om is a timing factor applied to the O component and
the INT to allow for the collection of the O component and the INT over the
remainder of the operation year. For example, if the O component and the INT
were included in the QIP surcharge percentage on January 1, the Om would be
1.00. Similarly, if the O component and the INT were included in the QIP
surcharge percentage on April 1, the Om would be 1.33.
The projected total water or
sewer QIP base rate revenues, as applicable, for the rate zone for the period
from January 1 through December 31. The projected revenue shall not include
the exclusions listed in Section 656.30(a).
Following the final order in each
rate case, and before the Effective Month that will initiate the inclusion of
AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep, the utility shall file a public document in the rate
case that provides the calculation of AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep, including each
component used to determine AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep.
2) Quarterly Historical Operation
Utilities choosing quarterly historical operation shall determine the QIP
surcharge percentage for the quarter using the following formula:
((NetQIP + AdjNetQIP) x PTR x .25) + (NetDep +
AdjNetDep) + (R x .33) + ((O + INT) x Om)
x 100%
QIP surcharge percentage.
Original cost of QIP less
accumulated depreciation and any accumulated deferred income tax (ADIT)
liabilities net of deferred tax assets resulting from the QIP for the rate
zone. NetQIP shall be the level of investment in QIP existing at the end of
the calendar month in which an investment sheet is filed, net of depreciation
and any ADIT liabilities (net of deferred tax assets) resulting from the QIP.
The actual amount of NetQIP as
of the end of the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case
for the rate zone less the amount of NetQIP the Commission approved to be
added to the utility's rate base as of the end of the QIP forecast period.
Pre-tax return as described in
Section 656.50(a)(1).
Net quarterly depreciation
expense applicable to NetQIP less the quarterly depreciation applicable to
the plant being retired.
The actual amount of NetDep
applicable to the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case
for the rate zone less the amount of NetDep that the Commission approved for
the QIP forecast period used in the utility's last rate case for the rate
reconciliation component calculated for the reconciliation year under the
reconciliation feature as described in Section 656.80(d). The reconciliation
component shall be collected over nine months from April through December. No
reconciliation component amount shall be included for the January through
March quarter.
Commission-ordered adjustment
The calculated interest
attributable to the O component. This interest shall be calculated as
described in Section 656.80(i).
The Commission-ordered O
component multiplier. Om is a timing factor applied to the O component and
the INT to allow for the collection of the O component and the INT over the
remainder of the operation year. For example, if the O component and the INT
were included in the QIP surcharge percentage on January 1, the Om would be 0.25.
Similarly, if the O component and the INT were included in the QIP surcharge
percentage on April 1, the Om would be .33.
Projected quarterly water or
sewer QIP base rate revenues, as applicable, for the rate zone during the calendar
quarter when the QIP surcharge percentage shall be in effect. The projected quarterly
revenue shall not include the exclusions listed in Section 656.30(a).
Following the final order in each
rate case, and before the Effective Month that will initiate the inclusion of
AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep, the utility shall file a public document in the rate
case that provides the calculation of AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep, including each
component used to determine AdjNetQIP and AdjNetDep.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 9467, effective July 1, 2016)