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Section 409.230 Physical Facilities
a) Programs, other than the YTHP, in the facility may house persons up to 21 years old. No person 21 years of age and older, other than YTHP staff, shall be permitted in the sleeping and housing areas of the YTHP.
b) The YTHP may operate in a child care facility licensed in accordance with the Child Care Act of 1969 or in a facility not licensed by the Department that meets all the requirements of this Part. In addition, the agency or organization operating the YTHP shall assure that the following provisions are in compliance:
1) Buildings, or parts of buildings, acquired or converted for use as a transitional living facility shall be safe, clean, well-ventilated, properly lighted and heated.
2) If well water is used, a copy of the inspection report and compliance with local or State health department regulations shall be on file.
3) Fire prevention and health standards complying with State laws and municipal codes shall be maintained.
4) The YTHP shall have written emergency plans in the event of fire or natural disaster. The plans shall be posted in an area accessible to residents and shall be reviewed with residents upon their first admission.
5) Dangerous household supplies and dangerous tools shall be kept in safe, locked places. Unlawful controlled substances, firearms, ammunition, and other weapons shall not be permitted in a transitional living facility.
6) There shall be provisions for separating a resident who is suspected of having a contagious disease from other residents pending medical determination.
7) The transitional living facility shall have an operating telephone on the premises.
8) Each resident shall be provided with a separate bed. Each bed shall have a mattress and comfortable bedding. The bedding shall be changed for each new resident assigned to a bed. Linens shall be changed at least weekly.
9) When a program admits the minor children of residents, appropriate bedding must be provided for the age of the children accepted.
10) Residents shall not share a sleeping area or sleeping room with residents of the opposite sex except for minor children of residents.
11) Sleeping areas shall be furnished according to the special needs of the residents. There shall be a minimum of 35 square feet of floor space per resident, excluding the closet and wardrobe area and an additional 35 square feet for each child of a resident.
12) Basements and attics may be used for sleeping for homeless youth who are mobile, physically and mentally capable of self-preservation, and able to understand and follow directions with minimal assistance in an emergency.
A) To be used for sleeping, basements and attics shall have two exits with one exit leading directly to the outside with means to safely reach the ground level. The second exit may be an easily accessible outside window that provides an unobstructed opening, operable from the inside without the use of tools, and large enough to accommodate an adult. The sleeping area shall be separated from the furnace and utility areas.
B) No basement or attic shall be used for sleeping without the written approval of fire, health, and safety officials.
13) The sleeping areas shall be exposed to an operable outside window or shall have some alternate permanent means of ventilation.
14) There shall be a bathroom unit including shower, lavatory and toilet for every 8 homeless youth. Bathroom use shall be separate for males and females.
15) Laundry facilities for the residents shall be provided in one of two ways:
A) Laundry facilities on-site at the transitional living facility; or
B) By providing funds to pay for outside laundry facilities.
16) Shower use shall be separate for males and females.
17) The water supply of the facility shall comply with the requirements of the local and State health departments. If the YTHP houses the resident's children under age 10 or who are developmentally disabled, the maximum hot water temperature from all showers and bathtubs shall be no more than 115º Fahrenheit.
18) Kitchen and dining facilities shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition in accordance with the requirements of the Food Service Sanitation Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 750) and those of the local public health authorities.
19) Space and equipment shall be provided for indoor and outdoor recreation. Recreational resources in nearby communities may be used to fulfill this requirement.
20) There shall be office facilities and equipment for the conduct of the YTHP's professional services and business affairs. The office facilities do not need to be at the same location as the transitional living facility but they must be located within reasonable daytime access to the residents.
21) There shall be space designated in the facility for private interviews or conferences with residents. |