Public Act 103-0928
SB2907 EnrolledLRB103 37233 SPS 67352 b

    AN ACT concerning State government.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Job
Training and Workforce Development Transparency Act.
    Section 5. Findings; legislative intent.
    (a) The General Assembly finds that the State of Illinois
and the federal government allocate millions of dollars
annually to various job training and workforce development
programs to enhance the skills and employability of residents
of the State.
    (b) The General Assembly further finds that the effective
utilization of public funds requires a transparent and
accountable system to track the outcomes and impacts of State
and federally funded job training programs.
    (c) It has come to the attention of the General Assembly
that there are currently programs receiving substantial State
funding that lack a systematic and comprehensive tracking
mechanism for assessing their success and impact on the
targeted populations.
    (d) The lack of standardized reporting on the allocation
and effectiveness of these funds raises concerns regarding the
State's ability to measure the return on investment, ensure
equity in program access, and make informed decisions on
resource allocation for future initiatives.
    (e) The intent of this Act is to require the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in collaboration with
affected State agencies, to compile a detailed report within
18 months after the effective date of this Act, providing a
comprehensive overview of all State-funded job training and
workforce development programs in Illinois.
    (f) It is the intent of the General Assembly to ensure that
Illinois residents receive maximum benefit from State and
federally funded programs and that the State is able to make
informed policy decisions based on a thorough understanding of
the impact of these initiatives.
    (g) It is the further intent of the General Assembly that
the reporting requirements established by this Act serve as a
mechanism to identify successful programs, areas for
improvement, and potential areas of duplication or overlap in
order to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of State
and federally funded job training and workforce development
    Section 10. Reporting requirements.
    (a) Within 18 months after the effective date of this Act,
the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in
coordination with relevant State agencies, shall compile a
report concerning all State and federally funded job training
and workforce development programs in this State. If
practicable, the report shall also include trade
apprenticeship programs, healthcare-related training programs
offered by healthcare providers, manufacturing training, and
job training and workforce development programs funded solely
by units of local government.
    (b) The report shall identify each State and federally
funded job training and workforce development program in this
State and, if practicable, trade apprenticeship programs,
healthcare-related training programs offered by healthcare
providers, manufacturing training, and job training and
workforce development programs funded solely by units of local
government. The report shall also provide, at a minimum, the
following information about each program:
        (1) the name of the State agency that appropriated the
    funding for the program;
        (2) the source of the funding for the program; and
        (3) the name and location of the organizations that
    received funding under the program in the calendar year
    preceding the report date.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, the
report outlined in Section 10 may not include
employer-sponsored training programs.
    Section 15. Coordination with State agencies. Relevant
State agencies shall collaborate with the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity to ensure the timely and
accurate collection of information required for the report
described in Section 10.
    Section 20. Publication and accessibility. The Department
of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall submit the report
described in Section 10 to the General Assembly and the
Governor and make the report accessible to the public on the
Department's website no later than 18 months after the
effective date of this Act.
    Section 25. Department contracts. The Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity may contract with the
statewide Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS) to carry
out the provisions of this Act.
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.