Sen. Laura Fine

Filed: 2/18/2022





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3911 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Department of Healthcare and Family
5Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
6amended by adding Section 2205-40 as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 2205/2205-40 new)
8    Sec. 2205-40. Department transparency. To ensure
9transparency and a clear line of communication between the
10Department of Healthcare and Family Services and mental health
11and substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery
12providers and agencies, the Department shall, to the full
13extent permitted by law, take all necessary action to ensure
14that any proposed modifications, additions, deletions, or
15amendments to the Illinois Public Aid Code related to mental
16health and substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and



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1recovery, or related rules including, but not limited to, 59
2Ill. Adm. Code 132, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 2060, 77 Ill. Adm. Code
32090, and 89 Ill. Adm. Code 140, are communicated in a
4meaningful manner, by way of substantive meetings,
5communications, and discussion with the statewide trade
6associations representing substance use disorder and mental
7health prevention, treatment, and recovery providers and
8agencies (the "interested parties").
9    The Department shall provide information to and gather
10input from the interested parties on all such proposed actions
11impacting substance use disorder or mental health treatment,
12recovery, or prevention, including, but not limited to,
13policies, rules, and laws relating to rate setting,
14certification requirements, utilization review standards,
15billing and reimbursement requirements, and other obligations.
16The Department shall engage in good faith dialogue with the
17interested parties to address issues and problems with laws
18and rules applicable to mental health and substance use
19disorders and not disregard such issues and concerns except
20after establishing a clearly articulated rationale to be
21shared with the interested parties.
22    The Department shall, to the full extent permitted under
23federal and State law, provide the interested parties with
24full and fair notice, information, and opportunity to comment
25prior to final action upon any amendment to the mental health
26and substance use disorder provisions of the Illinois Public



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1Aid Code or related rules. All actions shall be in accordance
2with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. This Section
3shall not be construed to modify or grant preferences to the
4interested parties over any other party or the public with
5respect to the Department's administrative or legislative
6activities. For proposed amendments to the Illinois Public Aid
7Code only, the Department shall meet with the interested
8parties after the relevant mental health and substance use
9disorder bills filed with the General Assembly have been voted
10upon by either the Senate or the House of Representatives and
11are in the process of crossing over being taken up by the House
12of Representatives or Senate as the case may be.
13    In addition to the foregoing, the Department of Healthcare
14and Family Services shall provide written or electronic notice
15to the interested parties to the full extent permitted under
16federal law for any State Plan amendment or waiver related to
17substance use disorders or mental health submitted to the
18federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.".