State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced , by Rep. Martin McLaughlin


605 ILCS 10/19  from Ch. 121, par. 100-19

    Amends the Toll Highway Act. Allows an active-status member of the Illinois National Guard to use a toll highway without paying the toll if the active-status member has applied for and received from the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority an Official Permit Card. Requires the Authority to adopt rules for the issuance of a permit that allows an active-status member of the Illinois National Guard to use any toll highway without paying the established toll.

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1    AN ACT concerning transportation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Toll Highway Act is amended by changing
5Section 19 as follows:
6    (605 ILCS 10/19)  (from Ch. 121, par. 100-19)
7    Sec. 19. Toll rates. The Authority shall fix and revise
8from time to time, tolls or charges or rates for the privilege
9of using each of the toll highways constructed pursuant to
10this Act. Such tolls shall be so fixed and adjusted at rates
11calculated to provide the lowest reasonable toll rates that
12will provide funds sufficient with other revenues of the
13Authority to pay, (a) the cost of the construction of a toll
14highway authorized by joint resolution of the General Assembly
15pursuant to Section 14.1 and the reconstruction, major repairs
16or improvements of toll highways, (b) the cost of maintaining,
17repairing, regulating and operating the toll highways
18including only the necessary expenses of the Authority, and
19(c) the principal of all bonds, interest thereon and all
20sinking fund requirements and other requirements provided by
21resolutions authorizing the issuance of the bonds as they
22shall become due. In fixing the toll rates pursuant to this
23Section 19 and Section 10(c) of this Act, the Authority shall



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1take into account the effect of the provisions of this Section
219 permitting the use of the toll highway system without
3payment of the covenants of the Authority contained in the
4resolutions and trust indentures authorizing the issuance of
5bonds of the Authority. No such provision permitting the use
6of the toll highway system without payment of tolls after the
7date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly shall
8be applied in a manner that impairs the rights of bondholders
9pursuant to any resolution or trust indentures authorizing the
10issuance of bonds of the Authority. The use and disposition of
11any sinking or reserve fund shall be subject to such
12regulation as may be provided in the resolution or trust
13indenture authorizing the issuance of the bonds. Subject to
14the provisions of any resolution or trust indenture
15authorizing the issuance of bonds any moneys in any such
16sinking fund in excess of an amount equal to one year's
17interest on the bonds then outstanding secured by such sinking
18fund may be applied to the purchase or redemption of bonds. All
19such bonds so redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be
20cancelled and shall not again be issued. No person shall be
21permitted to use any toll highway without paying the toll
22established under this Section except when on official Toll
23Highway Authority business which includes police and other
24emergency vehicles. However, any law enforcement agency
25vehicle, fire department vehicle, public or private ambulance
26service vehicle engaged in the performance of an emergency



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1service or duty that necessitates the use of the toll highway
2system, or other emergency vehicle that is plainly marked
3shall not be required to pay a toll to use a toll highway. A
4law enforcement, fire protection, or emergency services
5officer driving a law enforcement, fire protection, emergency
6services agency vehicle, or public or private ambulance
7service vehicle engaging in the performance of emergency
8services or duties that is not plainly marked must present an
9Official Permit Card which the law enforcement, fire
10protection, or emergency services officer receives from his or
11her law enforcement, fire protection, emergency services
12agency, or public or private ambulance service in order to use
13a toll highway without paying the toll. A law enforcement,
14fire protection, emergency services agency, or public or
15private ambulance service engaging in the performance of
16emergency services or duties must apply to the Authority to
17receive a permit, and the Authority shall adopt rules for the
18issuance of a permit, that allows public or private ambulance
19service vehicles engaged in the performance of emergency
20services or duties that necessitate the use of the toll
21highway system and all law enforcement, fire protection, or
22emergency services agency vehicles of the law enforcement,
23fire protection, or emergency services agency to use any toll
24highway without paying the toll established under this
25Section. An active-status member of the Illinois National
26Guard may use a toll highway without paying the toll if the



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1active-status member has applied for and received from the
2Authority an Official Permit Card. The Authority shall adopt
3rules for the issuance of a permit that allows an
4active-status member of the Illinois National Guard to use any
5toll highway without paying the toll established under this
6Section. The Authority shall maintain in its office a list of
7all persons that are authorized to use any toll highway
8without charge when on official business of the Authority and
9such list shall be open to the public for inspection. In
10recognition of the unique role of public transportation in
11providing effective transportation in the Authority's service
12region, and to give effect to the exemption set forth in
13subsection (b) of Section 2.06 of the Regional Transportation
14Authority Act, the following vehicles may use any toll highway
15without paying the toll: (1) a vehicle owned or operated by the
16Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority
17that is being used to transport passengers for hire; and (2)
18any revenue vehicle that is owned or operated by a Mass Transit
19District created under Section 3 of the Local Mass Transit
20District Act and running regular scheduled service.
21    Among other matters, this amendatory Act of 1990 is
22intended to clarify and confirm the prior intent of the
23General Assembly to allow toll revenues from the toll highway
24system to be used to pay a portion of the cost of the
25construction of the North-South Toll Highway authorized by
26Senate Joint Resolution 122 of the 83rd General Assembly in



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2(Source: P.A. 100-739, eff. 1-1-19.)