State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/4/2025, by Rep. Bob Morgan


New Act
5 ILCS 100/5-45.65 new

    Creates the Artificial Intelligence Systems Use in Health Insurance Act. Provides that the Department of Insurance's regulatory oversight of insurers includes oversight of an insurer's use of AI systems to make or support adverse determinations that affect consumers. Provides that any insurer authorized to operate in the State is subject to review by the Department in an investigation or market conduct action regarding the development, implementation, and use of AI systems or predictive models and the outcomes from the use of those AI systems or predictive models. Provides that an insurer authorized to do business in Illinois shall not issue an adverse consumer outcome with regard to the denial, reduction, or termination of insurance plans or benefits that result solely from the use or application of any AI system or predictive model. Provides that any decision-making process for the denial, reduction, or termination of insurance plans or benefits that results from the use of AI systems or predictive models shall be meaningfully reviewed, in accordance with review procedures determined by Department rules, by an individual with authority to override the AI systems and determinations. Authorizes the Department to adopt emergency rules to implement the Act and to adopt rules concerning standards for full and fair disclosure of an insurer's use of AI systems. Makes a conforming change in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.

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1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Artificial Intelligence Systems Use in Health Insurance Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
7    "Adverse consumer outcome" means a decision by an insurer
8that is subject to insurance regulatory standards enforced by
9the Department that adversely impacts the consumer in a manner
10that violates those standards or any claim denial as
11determined by the use of an AI System.
12    "AI system" means a machine-based system that can, with
13varying levels of autonomy, for a given set of objectives,
14generate outputs such as predictions, recommendations, content
15(such as text, images, videos, or sounds), or other outputs
16influencing decisions made in real or virtual environments.
17    "AI systems program" means a written program for the
18responsible use of AI systems that makes or supports decisions
19related to regulated insurance practices to be developed,
20implemented, and maintained by all insurers authorized to do
21business in the State.
22    "Algorithm" means a clearly specified mathematical process
23for computation and a set of rules that, if followed, will give



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1a prescribed result.
2    "Artificial intelligence" or "AI" means a branch of
3computer science that uses data processing systems that
4perform functions normally associated with human intelligence,
5such as reasoning, learning, and self-improvement, or the
6capability of a device to perform functions that are normally
7associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning,
8learning, and self-improvement. "Artificial intelligence" or
9"AI" includes machine learning.
10    "Department" means the Department of Insurance.
11    "Machine learning" means a field within artificial
12intelligence that focuses on the ability of computers to learn
13from provided data without being explicitly programmed.
14    "Predictive model" means the processing of historic data
15using algorithms or machine learning to identify patterns and
16predict outcomes that can be used to make decisions or support
18    "Third party" means an organization other than the insurer
19that provides services, data, or other resources related to
21    Section 10. Regulatory oversight of the use of AI systems.
22    (a) The Department's regulatory oversight of insurers
23includes oversight of an insurer's use of AI systems to make or
24support adverse determinations that affect consumers. Any
25insurer authorized to operate in the State is subject to



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1review by the Department in an investigation or market conduct
2action regarding the development, implementation, and use of
3AI systems or predictive models and the outcomes from the use
4of those AI systems or predictive models. The Department may
5also request other information or documentation relevant to an
6investigation or market conduct action, and an insurer must
7comply with that request. The Department's inquiries may
8include, but are not limited to, questions regarding any
9specific model, AI system, or application of a model or AI
10system. The Department may also make requests for information
11and documentation relating to AI systems governance, risk
12management, and use protocols; information and documentation
13relating to the insurer's preacquisition and preutilization
14diligence, monitoring, and auditing of data or AI systems
15developed by a third party; and information and documentation
16relating to implementation and compliance with the insurer's
17AI systems program.
18    (b) An insurer authorized to do business in this State
19shall not issue an adverse consumer outcome with regard to the
20denial, reduction, or termination of insurance plans or
21benefits that result solely from the use or application of any
22AI system or predictive model. Any decision-making process
23concerning the denial, reduction, or termination of insurance
24plans or benefits that results from the use of AI systems or
25predictive models shall be meaningfully reviewed, in
26accordance with review procedures established by Department



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1rules, by an individual with authority to override the AI
2systems and their determinations.
3    Section 15. Disclosure of AI System utilization. The
4Department of Insurance may adopt rules that include standards
5for the full and fair disclosure of an insurer's use of AI
6systems that set forth the manner, content, and required
8    Section 20. Compliance with Act. All insurers authorized
9to do business in Illinois shall comply with this Act
10regarding any decisions impacting consumers that are made or
11supported by advanced analytical and computational
12technologies, including AI systems and machine learning, and
13must comply with all applicable insurance laws and
14regulations, including laws addressing unfair trade practices
15and unfair discrimination. All decisions made and actions
16taken by authorized insurers using AI systems must comply with
17applicable federal and State laws, regulations, and rules.
18    Section 25. Rulemaking. The Department may adopt rules,
19including emergency rules, to implement and administer this
21    Section 90. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is
22amended by adding Section 5-45.65 as follows:



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1    (5 ILCS 100/5-45.65 new)
2    Sec. 5-45.65. Emergency rulemaking; Artificial
3Intelligence Systems Use in Health Insurance Act. To provide
4for the expeditious and timely implementation of the
5Artificial Intelligence Systems Use in Health Insurance Act,
6emergency rules implementing the Artificial Intelligence
7Systems Use in Health Insurance Act may be adopted in
8accordance with Section 5-45 by the Department of Insurance.
9The adoption of emergency rules authorized by Section 5-45 and
10this Section is deemed to be necessary for the public
11interest, safety, and welfare.
12    This Section is repealed one year after the effective date
13of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.