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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of David
4"Dave" Dowling of Belleville, who passed away on June 24,
52024; and
6    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling, the son of Albert and Hazel (Grage)
7Dowling, was born in Mitchell, South Dakota on June 25, 1948;
9    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling served as a labor union activist for
10United Steelworkers of America (USWA) for over 50 years,
11during which he advocated for workers' rights and working
12families while striving for fairness, justice, and equality in
13the workplace; he began his employment at Granite City Steel
14on November 18, 1973, becoming shop steward in 1978 before
15progressing to serving as a grievance committeeman; through
16USWA Local Union 67, he was elected as recording secretary; he
17was then elected as president in 1982, a position he held until
181997; he proceeded to accept a staff position with USW
19International in 1999, being named director of USWA
20Sub-District 2 shortly thereafter; and
21    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling served as director of USWA
22Sub-District 2 for over 20 years; during his tenure, he served



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1as a leader, a mentor, and an advocate; he championed
2education to benefit local union leaders and members in a
3number of ways, including training seminars and guest speaker
4events; he was also instrumental in the creation of the
5Sub-District 2 Golf Tournament, an event that raises funds
6towards providing a scholarship to a graduating child of a
7member from the sub district; until his retirement in February
82021, he never wavered in serving union members and their
9families with dedication and distinction, carrying his passion
10to every arbitration case and contract negotiation; and
11    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling enjoyed researching labor history in
12Southern Illinois and genealogy; he also enjoyed gardening,
13horseback riding, general wildlife, photography, biking, and
14listening to folk music; and
15    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling was a true giant among union
16activists and an exemplary scholar of labor history; he will
17be remembered as a wonderful and loving husband, a dedicated
18father, and an overall family man; and
19    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling was preceded in death by his
20parents; and
21    WHEREAS, Dave Dowling is survived by his wife of 40 years,
22Genie Dowling; his daughters, Sarah Dowling and Kaitlyn (Jacob



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1Douglas) Dowling; his brother, Michael (Barbara) Dowling; his
2sisters-in-law, Debra Williamson and Tina Williamson; and his
3nieces, Leah (Blake) Davis and Megan Dowling; therefore, be it
6we mourn the passing of David "Dave" Dowling and extend our
7sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
8and loved him; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to the family of Dave Dowling as an expression of our
11deepest sympathy.