State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 10/11/2024, by Sen. Paul Faraci


415 ILCS 5/59
415 ILCS 5/59.5

    Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Provides that no person shall conduct a carbon sequestration activity within a sequestration facility that overlies, underlies, or passes through a sole-source aquifer. Defines "sole-source aquifer". Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning safety.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Environmental Protection Act is amended by
5changing Sections 59 and 59.5 as follows:
6    (415 ILCS 5/59)
7    Sec. 59. Definitions. As used in this Title:
8    "Carbon dioxide capture project" mean a project or
9facility that:
10        (1) uses equipment to capture a significant quantity
11    of carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air or uses a
12    process to separate carbon dioxide from industrial or
13    energy-related sources, other than oil or gas production
14    from a well; and
15        (2) produces a concentrated fluid of carbon dioxide.
16    "Carbon dioxide stream" means carbon dioxide, any
17incidental associated substances derived from the source
18materials and process of producing or capturing carbon
19dioxide, and any substance added to the stream to enable or
20improve the injection process or the detection of a leak or
22    "Carbon sequestration activity" means the injection of one
23or more carbon dioxide streams into underground geologic



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1formations under at least one Class VI well permit for
2long-term sequestration.
3    "Criteria pollutants" means the 6 pollutants for which the
4United States Environmental Protection Agency has set National
5Ambient Air Quality Standards under Section 109 of the Clean
6Air Act, together with recognized precursors to those
8    "Project labor agreement" means a prehire collective
9bargaining agreement that covers all terms and conditions of
10employment on a specific construction project and must include
11the following:
12        (1) provisions establishing the minimum hourly wage
13    for each class of labor organization employee;
14        (2) provisions establishing the benefits and other
15    compensation for each class of labor organization
16    employee;
17        (3) provisions establishing that no strike or disputes
18    will be engaged in by the labor organization employees;
19        (4) provisions establishing that no lockout or
20    disputes will be engaged in by the general contractor
21    building the project; and
22        (5) provisions for minorities and women, as defined
23    under the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and
24    Persons with Disabilities Act, setting forth goals for
25    apprenticeship hours to be performed by minorities and
26    women and setting forth goals for total hours to be



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1    performed by underrepresented minorities and women.
2"Project labor agreement" includes other terms and conditions
3a labor organization or general contractor building the
4project deems necessary.
5    "Sequestration facility" means the carbon dioxide
6sequestration reservoir, underground equipment, including, but
7not limited to, well penetrations, and surface facilities and
8equipment used or proposed to be used in a carbon
9sequestration activity. "Sequestration facility" includes each
10injection well and equipment used to connect surface
11activities to the carbon dioxide sequestration reservoir and
12underground equipment. "Sequestration facility" does not
13include pipelines used to transport carbon dioxide to a
14sequestration facility.
15    "Sole-source aquifer" means an aquifer designated as a
16sole-source or principal aquifer by the United States
17Environmental Protection Agency under the federal Safe
18Drinking Water Act, together with the aquifer's upstream
19areas, which, for purposes of this definition, consist of the
20project review area of the aquifer, as identified by the
21United States Environmental Protection Agency.
22(Source: P.A. 103-651, eff. 7-18-24.)
23    (415 ILCS 5/59.5)
24    Sec. 59.5. Prohibitions.
25    (a) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration



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1activity without a permit issued by the Agency under Section
259.6. This prohibition does not apply to any carbon
3sequestration activity in existence and permitted by the
4United States Environmental Protection Agency on or before the
5effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
6Assembly or to any Class VI well for which (1) a Class VI well
7permit has been filed with the United States Environmental
8Protection Agency and a completeness determination had been
9received prior to January 1, 2023, and (2) the sequestration
10activity will occur on a contiguous property with common
11ownership where the carbon dioxide is generated, captured, and
13    (b) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration
14activity in violation of this Act.
15    (c) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration
16activity in violation of any applicable rules adopted by the
17Pollution Control Board.
18    (d) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration
19activity in violation of a permit issued by the Agency under
20this Act.
21    (e) No person shall fail to submit reports required by
22this Act or required by a permit issued by the Agency under
23this Act.
24    (f) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration
25activity without obtaining an order for integration of pore
26space from the Department of Natural Resources, if applicable.



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1    (g) No person shall conduct a carbon sequestration
2activity within a sequestration facility that overlies,
3underlies, or passes through a sole-source aquifer.
4(Source: P.A. 103-651, eff. 7-18-24.)
5    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
6becoming law.